f " Thuniay, 'ABfwt SO, 1959 P 10 THE CAPITAi; JOURXC SaJeivOrefoii I f. DIRECTOR Mrs. Clara V. Thompson, who baa been named director of dormitories and counsellor at the Oregon College of Education at Monmouth. Traffic Deaths Heavier on Highways Than City Streets Tour times as many traffic deaths occur on the open high ways as on congested city streets, according to the state's traffic safety division. Figures released by the di vision Wednesday show that 80 per cent of the 460 victims of fatal accidents last year died in mishaps that took place out side the limits of any incor porated city or town. More than 75 per cent of such mishaps were traceable to a driver error, a factor also noted most frequently In city utilities. Excessive speed is listed as the most common driver mis take in rural death crashes, ! with driving on the wrong side of the road next. Even normal highway cruis ing speeds vastly increase the chances of a fatality if an ac cident should occur, the safe- Wilson Seeks to Get Back on Police Force Arch L. Wilson, who was re leased from the Salem police lorce a year ago for medical disability has filed petition with the city Civil Service commission to reconsider his case. Wilson was Injured by a ve hicle while making an arrest In 1890. Ha was under medical care for five weeks after which he returned to the force and served until June SI, 19S2, when he was released follow ing a physical examination. Consideration of his case will be given at the next meeting f the commission. Silverton Wafer Problem Eased Silverton Due to the water users of Silverton complying with the request of Robert Bor land, city manager, to irrigate only every other day, the reser-1 voir is gaining height with the water surface past the danger point should there be a fire. However, since the weather la remaining dry and very warm, the plan for using wa ter is to remain on even days of the month for even house numbers, every other day, and for odd house numbers on odd days of the month. The volunteer firemen re sponded to an early evening call Tuesday to the Ferguson home at the end of North First at., where they were able to keep In control a grass fire without damage resulting. WHAT DO YOD KKOW? Ho andi span Scat anal ytm apart si 0 An ham a guaraam a lifcuma ktcam for yoenek and fatuity at as 0t $Onbf IS days at aammrr camp 440bowifaaddKioaalltiaara actions aaiy yaar. m BeaaMt tot yoe la gat T $k can bt SW M or w (Mask tot Ihaitnof yowUfe! YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOtM GET Ml THE FACTS. ' laHI I Stmt mm My mmm U . S. Art mumm bw tatjnyMaj mmm a. I U. S. Army Reserve Armory 175 Airport Road Salem, Oregon ty division pointed out. Be tween 20 and SO miles an hour, about one accident in every 316 is fatal In Oregon, the rec ords show. But between SO and 80 miles an hour one in every SI accidents result in death. City streets, however, pro duced more than twice as many accidents as rural road ways. Last year there were 50,468 urban accidents report ed, compared to 21,023 in rural areas. Henderson flew Red Cross Man Dallas Mrs. F. M. Hender son of Dallas will assume the duties of executive secretary of the Polk county Bed Cross chapter on Sept 1, according to Woodrow Jones, chapter chairman. Mrs. Henderson came to Dal las in April when her husband was transferred here as district warden for the State Forestry service from the Central Ore gon district at Prineville. While in Prineville, Mrs. Henderson was acting administrator and caseworker for the Public Wel fare commission for Crook and Jefferson counties. Several years ago she was a caseworker for the Benton County commis sion at Corvallis. The chapter office will con tinue in the city hall at Dallas. Hours will be from 0 to 12 and from 1 to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, unless it is ne gary to be out on home ser vice calls or meetings in con nection with the visits of the bloodmobile unit. Where pos sible it is suggested that tele phone appointments be made by calling the office number 34S8. Mrs. Henderson will ac cept telephone calls of an emer gency nature at her home after 7:30 p.m. The number is Dallas 2614. She Is a licensed radio telephone operator which could be a valuable service in the event, of disaster or civil de fense emergencies. Mrs. Henderson takes the place of Mrs. Lillian F. BUyeu who resigned last March after five years as executive secreta ry and who will become chap ter treasurer as o: beptemoer i, succeeding Mrs. A. B. Starbuck, who has resigned that oince. Another appointment a n - nounced by Mr. Jones is that of Henry B. Coleman of Dallas as chairman of the blood pro gram. He replaces J. N. Vrness, who was chairman for nearly two years and accomplished a HUNGARY FREES BRITON JAILED AS SPY mmmmmwmWmmwmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmm&mmmmmmmTmme- y- ojSAHMwi great deal in recruitment of blood donors and operation of the unit visits. The unit will be in Dallas on Sept. 6, at the Christian church between the hours of S to 7 p.m. Blood is still needed, the quota for this srea is 10,000 pints per month, which includes blood for the military, especially service men in hospitals; provision for gam ma globulin for polio serum snd supplies to the 80 hospitals in this regional blood center. Telephone 34S8 or 3782 for your appointment. JAPAN TO GET JETS Tokyo, () The Nippon Times Thursday quoted a "reliable Japanese government source as saying the United States has offered "90 to 70 jet planes for training pur poses as part of the proposed mutual security aid to Japan." At 60 miles an hour a driver sees 14 per cent less than at 49 miles an hour. Robert Voegeler sits at desk In home at Bedford Hills, N.Y., and points to photo of himself and Edgar Sanders after hearing of Sanders' pardon in Hungary. Photo was made when Voegeler and the British businessman were tried as spies and imprisoned by the Communists. (UP Telephoto) - Salem Man Low BPA Contract With a bid of $13,180, Mike B. Porter of Saiem appears to have secured the contract for clearing the right of way for the Crabtree-Albany section of the Detroit-Albany 230 kv transmission line, according to the Bonneville Power admin istration The project will extent 16.7 miles from tower 180 on' the Lyons-Lebanon line, at a point about three miles east of Crab tree, to the Albany substation southwest of Albany. The right of way is to be 129 feet wide and approximately SO per cent of it requires clearing. The contract winner will be per mitted to sell merchantable timber. Second low bid was that of Everett. Wash, $13,940. GAS THEFT CHARGED Albany A 19-year-old Al bany and Sweet Home youth was in Linn county Jail today facing a petty larceny charge after state police charged he was caught in the act of steal ing gasoline from the BsG Sand and . Gravel company plant about four miles north of Albany. Awaiting disposition of his case Is David Clarence Roscoe, 19, who came to Al bany from Sweet Home recently. m GREAT AUGUST 15-n. PLASTIC H05E AND HOHlf BOTH FED 3.50 SPKIKKLER5 Two Models, reg. 4.50 and 4.35 , EITHER FER 2.99 PASSAGE DOOR LOCKS . ... THREE FER 2.50 MOWER AND BASKET M . BOTH FER 16.75 18-FT. SOIL SOAKER and TULIP SPRINKLER woru.4.2. BOTH FER 3.29 DINNER PLATES Odds and Ends SIX FER .54 SAUCERS Odds and Ends SIX FER .18 RIBBED TUMBLERS SIX FER .19 BALLERINA ROSE DINNER SET 'Zn . . 20 PCS. FER 4.98 FUSE PLUGS Approved Quality . . . SIX FER .29 PLASTIC INSECT SCREEN A SQUARE FOOT FER .03 Te,0P0r.y SPRINKLER AND 25-FT. PLASTIC HOSE v.Iu..44 . BOTH FER 10.00 SCHOOL LUNCH CASE Wltn .Pt 8tubby BottI. BOTH FER 1.99 COLORED POTTERY SOUP OR SALAD BOWLS . ... EITHER FER .29 i,;. FLAT WALL PAINT SJSffi BOTH FER 3.69 8-IN. ELECTRIC FAN .G.sET.i.Hv.iu..... BOTH FER 12.70 BAMBOO LAWN RAKES HeV.iu. , TWO FER .79 IRONING BOARD PAD AND COVER "T - BOTH FER 1.49 APPLE PATTERN DINNERWARE SET ift-BI 16 PCS. FER 3.98 TUBES OF B.B. SHOT SEVEN FER .29 HANDY CARPENTER'S SQUARE AND PENCIL BOTH FER .37 BIG STINKY FLY TRAP aiUJW BOTH FER 4.39 PT. BOTTLE BUG BLITZ r;?Mi 8p"7 ... ... BOTH FER .79 TWO STORES 236 N. COMMERCIAL ST. no 141 ALICE AVE. YOU CAM Effl AH0BD ' HOT TO EAT AT 1170 CENTER STREET Look at These Prices! DELUXE Hamburger DELUXE Cheeseburger Fried Chicken V Fish and Fries St 6RILLED CHEESE Sandwich 2' Chiliburger :'W BARBECUED Beef Dinner San 50 Fried Shrimp 7' Chicken Soup W French Fries W BIG 20-OUNCE MilkShake FtESK Chicken Pie 55 2& ALSO CAR SERVICE S '' J ... - ' v