:1 IWcdiiMday, August 19, 195S THK CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sa)et, Oreftm Pan fioneer Mock the Year, It Ballston Annual Picnic Ballston The annual re-' ioa of the Balliton pioryeers held In the little church yrt Sunday, August 16. Km. J. J. Sechriit was mls ss si ceremonies. Ai rot luck dinner was read under the giant oak teal at 1 p.m. with approx ately 190 participating. Prlzer were awarded to mry Helgerson for having largeit family present, to r. and Mrt. Victor Shumway r coming the longest dis oce and to Mr. and Mrt. wrge Gardner for being the Mt recent people moving to tlltton. Those who died during the at year were Ben Evani of taridin, Mr. Winnie Savery cbs Offered .'Lebanon Lebanon The need for ten pickers is Increasing since lew of the early fields are aching their peaks. By the id 'of this week nearly all owers will be picking, se eding to the Lebanon em oysient service. Demand for labor In the seed id , grain harvest also is incasing. The Lebanon employment rvice reports a considerable imber of job openings in the pods and mills resulting from settlement of the labor dis ite In the Lebanon and Sweet omc areas. I - -V. lospital Gear for icK at Lebanon Lebanon Six hospital beds id two wheel chairs are now mailable in Lebanon without st to the users, reports Bod onkln, president of the Unit t Fund board of directors. Donkin said the beds and lain were purchased from inds turned over to the VT by ie Community Chest. 1 The articles are loaned out ill two week basis, but if the I ted exists at the end of that ! me, it has been the custom allow the users to keep the ticie as long as neeaea. The equipment is stored at ie VFW hall, and persons Be ring either bed or chair lould contact either Mrs. Ha ll Howe or Earl Saxton. Clear Lake t Clear Lake Arriving Au just ?4 for ten days' visit in he Clear Lake and Labish dis tricts will be Rev. Vernon iornes and family of Latah, fash. They will make their eadquarters at the T. C. Mason omi while visiting in the two (immunities. They moved from era last year after Rev. Zornes ad been minister of the two lurches for seven years. He ltd will be attending the Re tonal Ministerial Conference 1 Jennings Lodge. On Aug. 30 t will deliver the sermon at lear Lake in the morning and Labish at the evening serv e. ,Mr. and Mrs. T, C. Mason Sd children spent a few days' icatlon at Wallowa Lake. Rev. and Mrs. Lyman Key 's and daughters will be hon d at a reception Thursday renlng, given jointly by mem irs of the Clear Lake and La sh Evangelcal Unted Breth a churches. It will be held at c Labish church and the lurs are from 8 to 10. Rev. eyers is the new miniiier of ith churches aw5 comes here om Lebanon. Greeting and introducing tests will be Mm T. C. Mason, rs. j Arthur Sorensen, Mrs. a o m I Massee, Mrs. Delbert air, Willard ivker. Merle led,- Mrs. Edna Kurth, and rs. Evelyn Pearsnll. Mrs. Ar ur Evans, Miss iarline Gal lugh, Mrs. Faye Boise, and rs. ; Bernadeen Boise have n- asked to pour. On the mmittee making general ar ngements are Mrs. Dale ryd, Mrs. Lester Rose. Mrs. o b e r t Massey, Mrs. George acy, and Mrs. Ethel Stinson. Robert Massey will make the llcome speech for Clear Lake d Ed Boise for Labish. Mrs. car Bain and Miss Gaynelle Itheny will sing during the entng. IMF.n TO WATER JOB Portland (UJ9 . Don Lane, anaser af the East Side tom- mlal rlnh In Portland and r m e r secretary-manager of t Jackson County Chamber Commerce in Medford, has n nnmri executive secretary the new Oregon Water He arses Committee. of Dallas and Mrt. Mary Pay- tee oi MCMinnvlUe. Present were four members of the Chandler family who had been absent from Ballston for 62 years. Those attending from a dis tance were Mr. and Mr. Charley Van Horn, Mr. and Mrs. w. Rollins, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Helgerson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Helgerson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenworthy. Mrs. Mary Kenworthy, Mr. and Mrs. L. Neweu, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chandler, Mr. and Mrt. Ralph Wineland and daughter. H. Baldwin, Mrs. Jennie Hul- let and Lawrence Newbill of Portland, Mrs. Mary Harris, Mrs. Gomer Edwards and daughter Mela, Mr. and Mrs. L. Conner, Mr. and Mrt. H. Conner and children. R. Olm sted and ton of Salem. Mrs. Lillian Rises and son of Silverton, R. A. Campbell Lafayette, Mr. and Mrt. Carl Selfert and two sons of Hills boro, Mr. and Mrt. Melvln Brooks and children of Tilla mook, Pleas 'Fisher, Grand Ronde, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cock ron, Falls City, Mr. and Mrt. Victor Shumway, Antloch, wasn. Mr. and Mrt. George Woods, Mrt. Lizzie Bissel, George wry, airs. Leota Conner, and airs, ciara Sloan, Dallas; Mrs. Rhoda Smtih, Bellevue: Mr. and Mrt. Matt Caldwell, Mc Minnville; Charley Berry, Al bany; Mr. and Mrt. Elmer Blanchsrd, Mr. and Mrt. Lynn Birkt, Mrs. Lyle Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Campbell, Sheridan; Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shgonaroskl and three sons, Smithfield; Mrs. Laura Eweet, Eugene; Ralph Chandler, Medford, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Campbell, Perrydale. - Tualatin to Be in Flood Control Survey Washington WV-Washington ' Oregon and the territory Alaska are Included in a flood control survey program an-i nounced Tuesday by Armv en. I gineers. The engineers said $880,000 appropriated by Congress this' year has been earmarked for the surveys in 25 states nH Alaska. The surveys will in-1 iiuuc; Washington Okanogan Riv er, Lower Columbia River. Oregon Tualatin River, Lower Columbia River (Ore and Wash.), middle Snake Riv er. Alaska Alaska rivers and harbors. Mother Kills Daughter, 6 Oklahoma City -Officers' said a 2t-year-old mother shot her 6-year-old daughter to death, then critically wounded a 1-year-old eon and herself yesterday. Mrs. Margie Reva Lawson, who lives in a fashionable home In suburban Midwest City, was not expected to tur vive. The daughter, Linda, wat slain while painting with water colors in a children's book. She itlll had the brush in her hand when her father. East man Lawson, 34, returned home from work. - A .23-caliber automatic lay near Mrs. Lawson s hand. The husband and authorities said they could find no motive for the shootings. Mrs. John H11L neighbor. described the couple as "the happiest two people 1 know, They never bad an argument. It Just doesn't add up." New Zealand whites. The Eager Six 4-H dub, whose members are from both Swegle and. Auburn, also are planning for the county fair. Their leader, Mrt. Harold Bras sier It arranging for a sheep by! Maxine Brassier; A Jersey calf for Jeanie Stone and Tommy Fiske and Jack Stone will have! Hereford. The animals are all registered stock. A new street being opened in East Salem It an extension of Hawthorne St north of D. There are already several new hornet built It It In the Hoover school district Liquor Driver Fined $160 at Lebanon Sweet Home Eldon Her shel Bogart, 42, of Lebanon, Ore... was fined $160 after pleading guilty to the charge of driving while under Influ ence of intoxicants, in Judge Ed Russell's Municipal court Monday, Aug. 17. Bogart was released after the fine was paid. East Salem Dr. Will J. Thompson OPTOMETRIST Examination In Afternoon or Eve. by Appointment i For Appoinhmnt Phone 4 4057 East Salem Auburn live stock 4-H clubs are making plans for entering first the Marlon County fair and then state fair for those who win this award there. The Auburn Rabbit club with Mrs. George Starr as leader have eight members who plan to have en tries in showmanship and try for the Juiging team. They are Patti Miller, Marlbel Starr, Gregory Stelner, David Stein er, Larry Heath, Cornelius Fes kens, Mary Feskens, Marie Steiner. They are all entering. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinils. Trusses, Abdom tnal Support. ElaU Bnlery Expert fltlen print fitting ASK TOCB DOCTOR' Capifal Drug Slore 405 Stall Afreet -Ceroer et Ubertr 84H Green Staiw Enroll in August and Save $15.00 lIEAlllNltoIIDACC PHONE 4-4962 AND GET STARTED TODAY Tap, Ballet, Toe, Acrobatic, Baton Twirling, Fox Trot, Waltz, Swing, Rumba, Samba, Tango, Mambo Regular Court Price, 25 hours, $35.00 SPECIAL AUGUST PRICE, eOA AA 25 HOURS ZUeUU Even if you don't intend to start lestont until September You May Enroll Now and SAVE! Start Now and Be Prepared for Our Fall TV Shows Watch for Opening of Our New, Spacious Ferry Street Studios Jon-Mar Dance Studio . 677 So. Commercial Studios Open, 1 0 A.M. to 1 0 P.M. n U . . .uiTE BUCK v CAR & TRUCK CENTALS 394 North Church i Phen 3-9600 TA The Mi 'P' 11 Sizes 4 to 10 AAAA to C U 135 No. Liberty 1(1 N. Liberty 8t, Salem, Oregea STORE HOURS: :It A. M. to 1:11 P.M. Friday Night Till P.M. 7TtV op reniiey CALLING ALL KIDS! ! MOVIE PARTY FREE - FREE - FREE ILSINORE THEATER I saewiaga Friday, September 4th. It aeoa 4 jb. Ftaturiag Bey Began and Trigger la "South et Calient." Alee I cartoeat (a 1-hour show). Get tlekets at Fenaey'i bow! (Only SMt tillable.) . LOOK FELLAS' sill CHOOSE YOUR BACK-TO-SCHOOL SUNTAUS NOV! GENUINE GALEY & LORD KLONDIKES Extra heavy 9-oa. . Detianed far all Outdoors. Sarjferiitd and Vat-dyed' Hoary Duty Zipper Fly Tan In Sues 28-42 EXTRA HEAVY 2-PLY ARMY TWILL Strong 2-Ply Army Twill Sanforiiad and Vat-dyad Plenty af Roomy Packets . j ', Heavy Duty Zipper Fly Silver Gray, Tan, in Shiat 29-46 RUGGED BUILT , COMBED COTTON a DuroHleSVi-oi.Twill Sanforiied and Vat-dyed Graduated Siiet for Perfect Fit Heavy Duty Zipper Fly , Tan in tiias 29-48 . , Main Floor SOFT, SUPPLE JACKETS OF GENUINE SUEDE Luxury at a low Penney price! Buttery toft tueda leather jac kets with snug knitted cuffs, collar, waistband, full rayon Satin linings! Main Floor GENUINE HORSEHIDE JACKETS er! kI Soft, supple Jackets of genu. Ina horsehide, quilt lined resist any kind of weather! Penney's hos them In rich brown and deep cordovan! Two-way pockets. Sizes 36-46. - Main Floor 'LOOK FELLAS! PENNEY'S HAS White Poplin Jackets These sturdy Jackets or built to take plenty of rough use . . . and they ara washoble. Thot means a saving on cleoning bills! Treated to resist showers . . . hova snug shirred elastic at sides, side zipper pockets, and pleated bocks . . , choose from Whita or Novy. Main Floor 9 98 ALSO NAVY 9Q 75 (0)