Pr g THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. 8a!ea. Oregon Wednesday, Anfuat 19, 1953 Saum Rites Set For Thursday I Silverton Funeral serv ices will be held at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Auf. 10, in Me morial Chapel, Ekman Funeral Home, for Carl Jay Saum, manager of the Willamette Valley Farmer! Co-op In Sil verton, who died Monday. 1 Burial will I In Suntet Hilli cemetery. Portland. Mr. Saum wai born in' 1111- nois, Sept. 20. 1800, and had lived in SUverton for three yean since tskjii over .nan- aiement of the Co-op office. Mr. Saum was veteran of World War I. Surrtvinf are hit wife, Hose: three children, Virgil K. Saum. Monroe. Wain.; Lucille FTCitaa. Seattle. Wain, and Lois Homer. Milwaukie, Ore.; five grandchildren; a brother in Tulsa, Okla.; sister at Pickerall. Neb.; and nit mother. Mrs. Mary Saum, Bea trice, Neb. Henry Barnard of Hartford who became Connecticut's first commissioner of education PASSES V ,f .... - .A-' I-": Z f Carl Jay Saum, manager of the Willamette Valley Farmers Co-op at SUverton, who died suddenly of a heart attack Monday. more than a century ago also was tht first U.S. Commission er of Education. ..wtth CfiINtfrtI y -. thaaLaMUa J ' yT Gives you your most luxurious shampoo I Nubri-Tonle Cram Shampoe Is se ssiMh Under, gtatler, lovelier te hair bnua ef Its Cholesterol, keart of kaelt. Xx tend re Nutri-lbale re states preves that the part ef that sweats hair at the Cholesterol.. .eette nearly ' M Kims at much Tonight... try this tumor ous aew Crome Shampoo. Yeur hair will lore tt-eo will yeu. WKMtmOflaUT MSMKTIII lASGt KONOMT Ml Ml IS M 11.00. 1UM tl Oil its WtMfWtf WlsjaH W sWsf New Gimmick For Saberjels Columbus, O. ai The Co lumbus Citizen said today it had learned from an Air Force publication the "gimmick" that enabled American jet fighters in Korea to increase their score of MIG-lS's during the final days of the Korean fighting. A new wing design with an extended leading edge replac ing the conventional slat en abled the F-8S to outspeed and out-maneuver the Russian-built plane, the Scripps Howard newspaper reported. , The newspaper said that it obtained its information from the publication Flying Safety published by the deputy inspec tor general, U. S. Air Force, Norton Air Base, San Bernar dino, Calif. New President for U.of September Portland ) A new presl dent of the University of Ore gon may be appointed at a special meeting of the State Board of Higher Education the first week in- September. Dr. R. E. Klcinsorge, presi dent of the board, aaid Tues day that might leave the uni versity with an acting presi dent for at least part of the fall term. The new president will suc ceed Dr. Harry K. Newburn who has resigned to become di rector of the Ford Foundation adlo and television center. SWEET HOME BEAUTIES S Atiw it V. X.t Selected as Miss Sweet Home during the bathing beauty contest last week-end was Miss Florence Slonlger, center. Second was Miss Nancy Cobat, left, and Miss Donna Blair, right, third. France takes Emergency Measures With Strikers Sales Tax for Schools Use Portland () An Oregon Education Association confer ence was told Tuesday that Oregon will need a sales tax to help finance its school costs. Clarence Hlnes, superinten dent of Eugene schools, said the state would need 10 million dollars for new school build ings and 10 million for operat ing costs during the next five years. He said that 35 per cent of present school costs are met by state income tax receipts and 03 per cent by property taxes. "The most logical" source of additional revenue, he said, "is i a sales Ux of the kind which is -used in our neighboring states." He said that 23.3 per cent of the state's population la leu than IS years old the highest percentage In the nation, xne total school population of .the state now is 290,000, he said. He predicted that would rise to 303,000 by 1038. , CHURCHILL BOMB London m Prime Minister Churchill returned to hit coun try home Wednesday after visit to London. He looked pal and walked slowly as he left his official residence to take car for Chartwell, hi country estate. Churchill came here Tuesday to attend his first cabinet meeting sine his doctors ordered him to rest nearly two months ago. WITH CHOtCSTUOl ..THE HfAtT Of IANOUN IS Rescued From Burning Freighter Boston UJ9 One woman passenger and the 24 man crew of the burning Danish freighter Else Basse were rescued today off the Newfoundland coast by passing British vessel, the Coast Guard reported. Coast Guard officials said the rescue was made by the U. S. Cornerbrook, owned by the Newfoundland Shipping Com pany. The Cornerbrook, a 3,000-ton pulp and paper carrier, radioed that the Else Basse was still burning after the rescue had been accomplished. V Izalco. a volcano near the coast ef El Salvador erupts so regularly that sailors call it the lighthouse of the racuic." TRx 'WRDOMSHtflM" For Lasting Hair Beauty HALEY'S BEAUTY CENTER SHOPPING CENTER IIP N. Liberty SU Salem. Oregoa JS ... ' Sal BIGGEST MONEY-SAVING DRESS EVENT TH IS YEAR! BUDGET DRESS SHOP-DOWNSTAIRS STORE LOOK! ONLY Broken Sizes in o Juniors o Misses o Half Sizes You hove never seen such wonderful buys s you will find In this group of summer Rayon lembergs, cotton sheers, and cot ton chombroys. Evory dress in this group clearance priced budget buy. le hero eorly if you wont to love! Nona left when these ore gene. DOWNSTAIRS STORE Paris IMS Premier Joseph Lanlel's cabinet approved emergency measures to prevent threats to public order by France's 2,000,000 strikers to day and upheld his decision not to negotiate with them until they go back to work. The action was taken at a full dreu cabinet meeting with President Vincent Auriol pre siding, despite a demand by a powerful group in the cabinet that Laniel retreat from a "too tough" stand. The ministers who made the demand are members of the Popular Republican party in Laniel'a coalition cabinet. It was this party that by with drawing its support, toppled France's two preceding pre miers, Rene Mayer and Anloine Flnay. Emergency measures being taken by the government, in the belief that Communist la bor union leaders may order their men into the streets to riot, Include, the massing of tanks, paratroopers, infantry and anti-riot police in the Paris area. Socialist party leaders Joined the Republicans in appealing to Laniel to make one more at tempt to settle the nationwide strikes before taking tough measures. - The Socialists, largest party in Parliament , but not repre sented in the government, warned that any repressive ac tion by the government might sweep the desperate workers into control ox the Communists. Troops, volunteers and re quisitioned workers maintained some essential operations in strikebound railroads, mines, municipal transport, gas, elec tricity, mail, telephone and telegraph services. THE SMART SHOP roK VANITY FAIR LINGERIE IIS N. Liberty Jelly f wMpttakvt WIsiMrt Jt IS State) orcI Cavity Pair ALL Mef CedH CANI Saar A normal Holsteln calf de velops from a birth weight of about SI pounds to 1,073 pounds in two years. m4 COUNT ON C HUNK I cane sugar (33 (t FIATURE. FOR. FEATURE YOU CANT IEAT THIS IAR6AINI MuntN utm auMAKisa COMB WITH KIT O Hume ASM rvu an round boh PARTI AMD SKVKS NATION All Y an HMwAts ano aivma limatw, urMwtnjrwWcfea Pftff mtchlm cmi Sfo re tad at ttti km, km prietl For to ptrforaaac for an CMM WMHIJ kit MM ttat SMtlS IM NlU All AMI . ft M roarwi to wrw ida7 oa dw PHI Md hr t TOM KM is. FOR A WH,M0t$nTr0 WnNOfJT OHIMTKHI PNfff OR COM M Salem's Largest Sewing Machine Store MYRON'S REPAIRS -RENTALS 153 S. Liberty . USED MACHINES Phono 3-5773 Carol Curtis Pattern Pattern No. 403 Aut. 19 BlawMrd Ptnalm Set. Pinafore and sunbonnet tissue pattern (or alsas 1, 2, 4 and 4 years, trans fer of the fat little bluebird which Is to be embroidered all In this pattern I There are three blue bird motifs, each bluebird rress urine i Inches. Embroider birds In shades of light blue: breast It rokitn yellow; spring polsrs art In shades of pale pink. A "charm er" when made In white orriuiole for dreas-up wear; an adorable every-day-wear act when made in pastel cottons r Bend 35e for the' BLUEBIRD Pinafore flet (Pattern No. 483) star 1, 1, 4 and t yr. complete sewing and ftntuhlijr directions. YOUR NAME. ADDRESS, PAT TERN NUMBER and StZK to CAROL CURTIS, Capita journal. til Mission Street, San Fran cisco I. Calif. . Levity . . . LADY ALICE DRESSES AT THE UTM FBENKH SHO IIS N. Hlfh 8t. J& ? ,,. S.- pick a 1 ' tor the town or country look pick a marvelous potent plaid or n understated check, pick tingle tone bonny is the autumn but pick 49'er, the world's fab ulous swsgger jacket Doll it up for tows (with Pendleton mix match skirts) . . . dress it down when the going's casual . . . and glory in the heavenly virgia woolens, spun-dyed.and-wovea by perfectionists.,. superlatively rich, unmistakably Pendletoav end ie ton 49 cr always virgin wool HERE'S THE PENDLETON SKIRT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR The Famous Pendleton Golfer designed by Helen Delrwieler ... cut with Just the right omcunt of freedom ond Styled with oxtro largo pockets. Lorgo selection of colors 1 6.93 JACKETS SKIRTS 41 AC from Ils7? from 14.95 135 No. Liberty