Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 19, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, August 19, 1953
In Lebanon
A wedding of interest to
man? friends In Salem takes
place In Lebanon next Sun
day, August 23, when Miss
Elizabeth Ann Wtddeli,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Douglas Waddell of Leb
anon, will be married to Mer
rill Hayden Newman, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold New
man of Portland.
The ceremony will be sol
emnized at 4 o clock in the
afternoon at the First Presby
terian church in Lebanon, the
Rev. H. J. Schmidt officiating.
Miss Mary Waddell is to be
maid of honor for her sister.
Bridesmaids will include Mrs.
David E. Crockatt of Port
land, Miss Elizabeth Stelle of
Eugene, Mrs. Robert R. Wells
of San Luis Obispo,'. Calif.,
Miss Jeanne Hollman of Sa
lem, Mrs. Richard W. Scand
ling of Salem. Karen Graham
of Lebanon is to be . flower
girl. Samuel 7. Gill of Port
land is to be best man. Ush
ers wii: be Norman Martinson
of Milwaukie, William Mahar
of Portland, Peter Melhuish of
Hillsboro, George Porter of
Portland, Norman Morgan of
Lebanon, Lester Clark of
Portland. , I
The reception following is
to be in the gardens at the
Waddell home.
Hopewell A quiet ceremony
at the First Christian church
in McMincville, on August 11
at 7:30 p. m., united in mar
riage Miss Viola Faye Warren,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jess
O. Warren of Forest Grove, and
Kooert Li. polvl, son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Poivi, Sr., of
Hopewell. Present were Mr.
and Mrs. George Polvi, Sr., and
Mr. and Mrs. Aner Buckzynski
of Amity. The Rev. Elery H.
Parrish, pastor of the church.
officiated at the double ring
The bride wore a pale blue
nylon dress with pressed vel
vet panels, white accessories
and a corsage of white gladio
luses. Mrs. Aner Buckzynski
was matron of honor, wearing
a light blue dress with eyelet
embroidery bodice, white ac
cessories and corsage of yellow
gladioluses. Aner Buckzynski
served as best man.
Mr. and Mrs. Aner Buckzyn
ski entertained the bridal party
at dinner at their home preced
ing the ceremony.
After a trip to Victoria, the
young couple were guests of
the bridegroom's parents Sun
day. Mr. Warren is employed
in Oregon City for the sum
mer, and will enroll for his
sophomore year at Oregon
State college in September. The
couple will be at home in Cor-rallis.
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Married Here Friday Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wesley
Anderson (Pearl Oleta Combs), above, were married Au
gust 14 at the First Baptist church. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Combs of Tablequah, Okla.,
and Mr. Anderson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley An-'
derson of Salem. (McEwan studio picture.)
"PRINCIPLES of parliamen
tary procedures" was the topic
of the educational meeting of
the Credit Woman's Breakfast
club Tuesday morning. Mrs.'
Gavin Hill conducted the edu
cational meeting and Mrs. For
rest Eckles conducted the busi
ness meeting. The next meet
ing will be September 1 at the
Credit Bureau.
tntertains uuo
Gates Members of the
Gates Birthday club were en-1
tertained Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Gerald
Heath. Luncheon was served by
the hostess at 1 o'clock. Euchre
was in play for the remainder
of the afternoon. Mrs. Arnold
Syverson received first prize;
Mrs. Mary Champ, of Salem,
second; Mrs. Elmer Stewart,
consolation, and Mrs. James
Overlock of Seattle was pre
sented the guest prize. Others
attending were Mrs. Martha
Bowes, Mrs. Walter Brisbin,
Mrs. Edmund Davis, Mrs. Clar
ence Johnson, Mrs. Floyd Bas
sett of Lyons, Mrs. A. T. Barn
hardt, Mrs. Gwen Schaer, Mrs.
Oscar Osterhout and Mrs. Rob
ert Levon.
Aurora Planned for Satur
day evening, August 29, is the
wedding of Miss Doris Mae
Rose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Rose of Canby, and Rich
ard L. Lauer of McKenzie
Bridge. The ceremony will be
in the First Methodist church
at Canby at 8 o'clock, the Rev.
John J. Stone, pastor of the
First Christian church, officiating.
Silver Anniversary .
East Salem A silver wed
ding anniversary observed this
month was that of Mr. and
Mrs. Arlo McLain of Auburn
community. On Sunday Au
gust 9 they entertained at an
open house for their friends
between 2 to 5 o'clock at their
home on Monroe Avenue.
Assisting Mrs. McLain in
serving guests were Mrs. Jack
Scorgie of Brooks and Mrs.
Howard, Macomber of Salem.
Out-of-town guests were Mr.
McLain'a aunt, Mrs. Myrtle
Meek and. his cousin, Mrs.
Ruby McHargue, both of
Seattle, Wash- his brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
George McLain, and his neice
and her husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Dick Sprick, aU of Corvallis.
Guests who were Salem neigh
bors and friends were Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence J. Shrake; Mrs.
Loran Richey, Mrs. Emma J.
Vangreen, Mr. and Mrs.
George Starr, Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Shrake, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Suran; Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Peirce, Mrs. Rose Brun-
kal, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Bran
del, Mrs. Ervin C. Sunderlin,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Gill
ming, Mrs. Henry Hanson,
Mrs. Rita Meyers, Miss Marl
bel Starr, Miss Doretha Pierce,
Wayne and Earl Macomber.
The McLalns were married
at Lewiston, Idaho, and have
two sons, Arlo, Jr., and Don-
aid. She was Cornelia Mae
Hinkle before her
Mts King Wed
At Service Here
At the Roberta studio
August 1, Mrs. Darlene King,
daughter of Mrs. Rosalie Wal
lace and Ernst Smith, was wed
to Charles Diller, son of Mr.
and Mrs. X. C. Diller of Au
rora. v
Th Rev. Ralph H. I. Wol-
The bride waa given away bjn
her father. She wore an ivory
knit ault with pale blue ac
cessories and carried a whit
Bible topped with a whit or
chid. Miss Lee Meyers was maid
of honor and wore a navy blue
suit with white accessories and
a pink rosebud corsage.
Ushers were Kieth Beiser
and Wayne Conner.
'The reception was also in the
studio. Mrs. Margie Smith and
Mrs. John Belton poured and
serving cake waa Mrs. Howard
Lowrie. Geri Radcllff was In
charge of the guest book.
For traveling, Mrs. Diller
wore a white shortie coat ever
her suit, and an orchid eor
sage. After a trip along the coast,
the couple will be at home In
Klamath Falls. -.
Home Ceremony ,
Event of Aug. 10
The marriage of Miss Clay
ella Simpson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. E. Barker, to Rus
sell McKinney was solemnized
on August 10 at the Barker
horfle. The bride was given in
marriage by her grandfather,
E. H. Conklin. Mrs. Lucille
Smith, aunt of the bride, waa
matron of honor and H. E.
Barker was best man. Anna
Mae Wright was ring bearer.
Mrs. Gene Bronson, sister of the
bride, sang, Mrs. Ray Barker
playing the organ.
At the reception following.
Mrs. E. H. Conklin, grand
mother of the bride, presided
at the table. Music during re
ception was given by Loene
Bronson, Lona 'Barker and
Anna Mae Wright
Following a trip to the coast
the couple will be at home in
Family Gathering
Mt. Angel - Mr. and Mrs.
Albert T. Wilde were hosts at
a family gathering Saturday
with an outdoor dinner aerved
at noon. Those, present includ
ed Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilde
and son, Lynn Wilde, of Avanel,
Cam., Jodie Hovley of Braw
ley, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Boylan of Stockton, Calif., Sis
ter Mary Madeline, O. S. B.,
Sister Mary Jeanne, O. S. B.,
and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilde and family. .
They have lived en Monroe
marriage, avenue for several years.
Knees Guaranteed for
Life of Garment
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TMM li yew eld WATCH
AiMiKh it $22.50 AHswtd
443 State, Salem
Open Frldar Night tiU
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Ik Mitue far mar I -
W4 far lUMw li III, linrHlfr,
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NMna. CM Wia SMSWa mt
omasa a nsisi soer '
'"IIIIII.M. Ttt Smb.
Jar m Tp
Ban IB antra b? CBBllal. rrrd linn.
on far ua and SckMtir Dnia avatM,
ft kan tm ansslit,
11 "The Sweetest... " ' ; , . .;v!.. , i::;;hi
Sweaterd 1 '
. -t". mm af f IS ' .sfT M I
. ...tver-om ... r ,lh I
rif J J I '
tj 'Cr Lam ... Wondamere ... I r I
a !!fi!!if J Wondo lem ... Many ore U r&f "t-r
(M 'W IMKiMhoadisilliMld... If I yLy'ZX WV
X- I il 1 1 Ma" w"d ... with I I A7 JA Li2?s!V
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f: i X - ' - - 7 gora for style . . . . L, I ' . S I
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UIJ ' if ness and long wear ;., h "air
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Like plenty of toft drinks in your refrigerator all the time? You get enough
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. . . Join the "SPALDING CLUB"
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flite" crepe sole for comfort and dur
ability . . . Black . 1 V Town Brown
. . i Charcoal Grey ! ! . and Navy
Orient by Lorette ...
gorgeous eutumn w o I
. . . Feather toft cordis,
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novelty weavet ... Dro
pleata I . . kick pleatt . . .
box pleatt . . . Straight
linet . . . and) flora stylet
art included . . . New co!
ort and textures m a k
them '. , . "out
1 ?ifiwB(l
1 wj 4 1495
fel i ( M ' 'Let's Go to ' ' ' f
U , J.- t
234 North Liberty
(681 Main St. in Lebanon)