Wednesday, Auenst 19, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOBB&AU silem.'OrerM Page 8 tal Women Edited by MARIAN LOWBT FISCHER Miss Rawlinson and Mr. Bocci Are Engaged Romantic news of intereit to many friendi is announce ment by Mr. nd Mrs. Richard A. Rawlinson of the engage ment of their cider daughter, Miit Susan Louise Rawlinson, to Frank Bocci, ton of Mr. and Mm. C. Bocci of Portland. The betrothal was revealed Informally to friends of the young couple this week. No date is set for the wed ding. . Miss Rawlinson attended the Tiniv.riltr of Ore son where she is a member 01 K-appa Ainhi Theta aororitv. and is a member of Salem Spinsters club, one is now empioyea in the office at the telephone company. Mr. Bocci i a graduate 01 University o Oregon where he is affiliated vita Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. He will be in bis second year in law school at Willamette univer sity this year. Some Notations.. By M. L. F. An enjoyable gathering of Tuesday evening was the re ception for which Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bala entertained to honor their son and daughter-in-law, Lt and Mrs. Paul Alien Bale, Jr. . . . The young couple were married recently in California . . . The vivacious brunette bride is the former Lorraine Dionne of Berlin, N. H. she is a cousin of the Dl Ann nulntuDlet familv . -. . The young Hales are here only for a few days, then will re turn to San Diego where he Is tntinned ... A large group of friends of the Hale family called 10 greet the young couple . . . The party was in the Golden Pheas ant . . . Assisting the hosts In greeting the guests was their daughter. Miss Doris Hale . . . The coffee table was set with a pink satin cloth with a large bouquet of pink and white gladioluses for the centerpiece . . . Mist blue tulle was draped across the front of the table and was caught up at the corners with nosegays . . . The cake table was let with a white satin cloth . . . At the coffee table were Mrs. . Curtis A. Bale, grandmother of Lt. Hale: and Mrs. B. Law rence Lister of Portland, for merly of Salem . . . Serving the cake were Mrs. Norman Lind and Mrs. Dean Allport, Bister of Lt Hale . . . Mrs. Ted Jenny and Mrs. B. M. Donald son served the ices . . . Mrs. Adam Lefor passed the guest hnnk nthara assisting at the affair were Mrs. George Meier, Mr. and Mrs. George wopp, Mr. and Mrs. "Ronald Nopp, Curtis A. Hale, Dean Allport, Judy Lind, Nancy Jenny and Nancy Donaldson . . Among the guests during our ii? Mr. and Mrs. David H. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Guy N. Hlckok, Mr. and Mrs. John BushneU, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Dolf, the Rev. and Mrs. George H. Swift, Dr. and Mrs. tt f Morris. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Payne and daughter, Nancy Sue, Mr, ana Mrs. x. uavnM Tnmlinum. Mr. and Mr. William J. Braun. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jochlmsen, Mark O. Hatfield, Dean and Mrs. Knrri Ppw. Mr. and Mrs. vriwin P. Armstrong and daughter. Miss Joyce Arm f m, and Mra. Carl Arm atrong', Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. TMilln. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Clark, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Wyn i - iurr ml Mn. Glenn Bur AUUl .in - - - iohi E. Burr Miller and j...nv.4r Ulu Nancv Miller, and the James B. Millers, and Graham Sharkeys . . . Silver Tea Set Sunday Afternoon A sUver tea for the benefit of the Men's club of Knight M.mArtil fnnffrffational church is to be an event of next Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David H. Cam- irYin All members of the church and their friends are Invited. Hours for the event ara be tween S and 7 o clock. ' HARTS to a srouD of friendi for an informal party on Fri day evenina will be Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brown. . . . . Simpson Exhibit On Until Sept. 3 Being shown now at the Clifford Gleason galleries is an exhibit of paintings and draw ings by Margaret Simpson. The show is open between 10 a. m. and 5 p. m., Monday to Friday, until September 3. A reception is planned on WMov vnlntf nf this week in honor of the artist, between 8 and 10 o'clock at tne gauery. nnSTS for an informal buf fet supper at their home on Thursday evening will be Mr. and Mrs. Elton Thompson. . SUZANNE JOCHIMSEN. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her man .Tnrhlmen la 13 veara old today. In celebration of the birthday a group of her friends ha. hMn invited lor dinner. the group later to attend the baseball game. Couple Now at Home Here Hp In arelenmed in Salem following their wedding In Chicago on August S ara Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron Mc Lean who are at home in the Lee apartments. Th. hrida ia the former Pa tricia Lawson, daughter of Mr. miA Mra Jack fl. laWtOn Of Chicago. Mr. McLean, who is an attorney In the state nign way department here, is the son of Mrs. Beth Bailey Mc Lean of Chicago. The wedding was at o:3u o'clock the afternoon of August a in St. Paul's EDiscoDai churcn in Chicago, the Rev. Robert Reister officiating, it was an all ice-oink wed ding. The bride wore an ice ninir nvlon tulle dress, trim med with Alencon lace coiiar and designed with train. The ina veil ai arranged from a band of the Alencon lace. For her flowers the bride carried the ice pink Finch roses and stephanotis. The six attendants lor ins bride all wore white organdy nlnk frocks, ballerina l.nfffh and each carried a bou quet of ice-pink carnations ana ivy. Miss Nan Lawson was m.M nt hnnor for her sister. Bridesmaids were Miss Betsy Hollingbery of Glencoe, 111., Miss Jane Lyons of Rockford, nt M. J. Martin. Miss Gloria TenHoor and Miss Carol Ann Johnson, all 01 inicago. James Ratcliffe, assistant j.,n nt the University of Chi cago law school, was best man. The reception following was at the South Shore ( Country club. The bride attended Univer sity of Arizona and Is a mem ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Mr. McLean is a graduate of University of Chi cago and its law school. - v Engagement Told The be trothal of Miss Donna Walth er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Walther of Dayton, to Elver Hoard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hoard of Dayton, was announced re cently. The wedding is plan .ned for next spring. (Ken-rtell-EIHs studio picture.) Today's Menu TTera a nw and dellefmia way to serve hamburger for luncn. FAMILY LUNCH Hamburger Brown-and-Servt Sandwiches Summer Vegetable Salad Sliced Peaches - Cookies Beverase HAMBURGER BROWN-AND- SERVE SANDWICHES Tncrredienta? 4 lartfa ree tangular brown-and-serve club rolls (about 4 inches long and 1U ln,hM wide) U nnnnd (1 cup firmly packed) lean ground beef, Vt cup grated cneaaar cheese, 2 teaspoons Worcester ah ire aauee. teSMDOon Bait. Method: Cut each roll In half horizontally. Mix beef. cheese, Worcestershire aauce and aalt. Spread mixture on roll halves, covering cut sur faces completely. Bake in a greased shallow pan in a hot (400F) oven 12 minutes. Serve at once as open sandwiches. Makea 4 servings. nTHMis LATMON. son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Laymon, observed his fifth birthday on Saturday. His mother enter tained a group that aiternoon at their ranch on Macleay road. Retina- the little boy were his brothers, Dick and Kelly Laymon; John and David Him, and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Home; Laurl and Keith Orton and their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Or ... nnh and Carolyn Proctor. Later in the afternoon, Mr. ana Mrs. V. R. Veno and cnjiaren, n.rkara and RuaselL ana Den nis grandmother, Mrs. W. R. Tjmnnn nr urvmDia. rrau., ar rived to spend the week-end at the Laymon home. MILES 8CBLESINGER, . ' Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Schleslnger, ia observing his eighth birthday anniversary on Thursday. A "space patrol party is being given for him in ha ftarmnn bv his motner. guests to include cnanea ana Tlmmy HeVtiel. Michael Bhinn. Millard Harris. George Steelhammer, uecxy uoim, Ttarrv Schlesinttr. Sally Jocn imun Jnhn Saffron. Virginia Judd, Linda and Kathy Nunn, Sharon and Donna Cameron, cuoramentn. Sandra Tela", and Lynn Schleslnger, sister of the honor guest. Clan to Observe 100th Anniversary An event for next Sunday, August 23, will be the reunion noting the 100th anniversary nt he arrival of the S. W. R. Jones family in the Willamette valley. The event is to be at the "Nook," east of Highway 09E between Brooks and Ger- vai nn nart of the original family donation claim. Mem Kara nt the family are ex pected from all parts of Ore gon as well as some from Cali fornia and other sections. The dinner will be at 1 D.m. Mrs. Herbert Pendleton of Dead wocd is president of. the clan, Mrs. Rena Bany of Canby, sec retary. Club Installs rrfU. T ahieh MpflHnWS GsmTdCll J. 11C avis.? club met at the Walter Brutka home, Tuesday afternoon, for the purpose of installing new officers. Mrs. Alvin VanCleave will v. .ha nan, nrealdent. with Mrs. Joe Henny as vice president, and Mrs. Roy Fetzei as secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Ralph Gil bert was appointed as bird chairman and Mrs. Waldo Lowry as rememDrance cnair man. Wanda Edlund from the Scotts Mills Garden cluD aem- . making corsages. uuauB.LM ' ' ...j,,r Visitors were: Mrs. nuiam Efan. Mrs. Cleo Hicks, Mrs. Minnie Dunigan and Miss Ju Jul. Ylaxa tlr a The next meeting win August 27 at the West Salem P- .... anrrniT. Sunflower club DI um - - --,;. TVitiradav at 11:30 a. m. at Bush's Pasture park for a sack luncheon. a a rni nw are dub plans a picnic at Crestwood Acres on Friday. There wiu oe uv-"j lunch, each attending to take aarviPA. Transoortatlon will be furnished. Members are to meet at the YWUAiiu "' nil XM CNIMMITA AIIM MMM PARK FREE ON OUR LOT WHILE YOU SHOP OUR STORE n DONT Throw Tour Watch Away We Fix Them When Others Can't THE JEWEL BOX rnnisTTAlf Service guild and Woman's Society of World Service of the Engiewooa x- ..i:,i united Brethren VOI'BV..."- m .u....h mat Wednesday for a CUUAu " - . . no-bost dinner at the nome 01 Mrs. WUllam Pero. juts. MiUer showed pictures of her trip to New York. 6r Yes you'll find outstanding values on sale in EVERY department at Hamilton's! It's a wonderful opportunity you'll not want to miss. Many items are one only. Doors open 9 a.m. each day open Fridays 'til 9 o'clock. UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS $29.50 Armless Boudoir Chairs . . $5.95 12.25 Early American Boudoir Chairs . 9.95 34.50 Floral L. R. Chair . . . 17.95 59.50 Blue Damask Chair & Ottoman 19.50 54.50 Mahogany Sheraton L. R. Chair 27.50 64.50 2 Red. 2 Green Sheralon Chairs 34.50 69.50 Green Sheraton Chairs . . 39.50 150 OTHER CHAIRS AT GREAT SAVINGS TABLES IN EVERY STYLE REDUCED Walnut Cigarette Table ......$ 3.95 to $ 1.95 Small Mapla Cortee laoia .... 14,3V " o.3 ia.i. r.t(. T.ku 1 0 0( to Q-Qi Sabla Lamp Table 34.50 to 16.95 Sable Cottee Table 30.3U I S.9U Matched Blond Corner Tabla . 34.50 to 19.95 Step Table ... . 29.50 14.73 End Tabla .... 24.50 to 12.25 0- tt -r L I 0. m a?A . - 1 1 t.m WOTTCS .IODIC .. att.SV " I AmA9 Mhg. Corner Tobies, Lamp Table, End Tablet and Wott io Diet formerly rrom ?i.av to to.w $7.25 to $49.95 - " r -m FINE QUALITY LIVING ROOM SUITES Solas and Sectionals 1 4-pe. Maroonl Beige Sectional with matching a , r a aakavk enair, an a-pes., ang. xtr.sw, now 9 1 at.3U 1 . A..a B Kai.a Cnfj X. C kair Original $149.50 Now $79.50 1 Rose 2-pc. Mohair Sectional R & L Lave - Seat. Orig. S395 New $197.50 1 Kis-aBtMIV JkiMHWA Cftffl a HIWIIWIl BTIWHTW Original S275.00 Now $183.00 I ureen 1 weea aora Original $275.00 Now $583 1Grev Dnmatk Sofa Original $199.50 Mew $99.73 4 9-a JulMknip CrtiAnal mi a-j.e "IVIIK" a a- Original $224.50 mow $112.23 1 !aw Tfln.itrv Oumr Anna Sofa Original $245.00 mow SIB4.9U -, M I .a. .1 . 10 Excellent waybmw neaucea urrany If Now tffJ Sf iW K TADIC IAMnC $4,000 Slock IADLL LArirj A Jam-pack crowd turned out lor the "bacn o scnooi .-chinn hnur olven at the Mar ion hotel, Tuesday, Johnson's displaying the styles lor early fall, with emphasis on school 1.,, . . Manv mother and daughter duos were noted In the group attending, taking nf what college and high school misses will wear this season . . . Tiom now on 4v..i,sVi 4 ha aeaion the style .1 .. Innrhaona will be num. - ' given ence monthly at the Ho tel .. . visitors of Mr. and Mrs Charles E. Wagner for the past Mr. and Mrs. J. J. n'rnnn. nt Seattle. Wash. The Warners and their guests annt the week at Deaa'a oceanside resort at Yachata. . . VISITORS here Tuesday were H. M. O'Reilly and daugh ... ui.a 3 a n a O'Reilly of Portland to visit two other daughters, Mrs. Sydney iso mer and Miss Katharine O'Reilly. mm I aUH BtaVial aU. BaMtaB II 1 - - - I B M ' -- aaaaaaa I B I B m uo n 11 1 Mm I . aaasaa-" 1 Hi I B. St I II f 1M a ' a. 1 1 tLM-S i lit 1 111 ;a osx -tll' , II At ''VlrWB -iaCr J I WW 1 III - 1 m V .mt liS--- 1 - a I I B. 1 - as. NfeS II l , 1.11 i ZM. ... - J I I 1 III aC'J ff .abaH F-' ' Tawwrf fT I I It : II d l&AJM vM II i ttr3 iftr mi0 Of IN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 P.M. jj Rer. 20 Vanity Lamps ..: $ 4.95 6 Vanity Lamps '. 9.93 6 Table Lamps 2 Early American Lamps 11. va 8 Living Room Table Lamps .... .14.95 A Llvina Room Table Lamot 29.95 A Livina Room Table Lamps .... .39.95 10 Fleer Lamps , .22.95 1 Floor Lama J.V3 of Lamps Now 2.45 4.95 4.95 5.85 7.45 14.95 19.95 14.95 19.95 OVER 200 OTHER LAMPS ALL GREATLY REDUCED DINING ROOM CHAIRS WIDE SELECTION OF DINING ROOM CHAIRS Values to Z1. 95 Now Only $4.95 . $9.95 DINING ROOM FURNITURE a-Pe, 8-Pc. 7-Pe. S-Pc 7-Pe. 8-Pe. S-Pc. 8-Pe. 8-Pc. 1-Pc. -Pe. 7-Pe. t-Pc Modern Set. San Mahogany Mod. Drp. Lf. Set, Sand Man. Mod. Drop Lf. Set, Lt. Oak . . , Modern Walnut Set , Modern Walnnt Set Provincial Set , Provincial Set Provincial Drop Leaf Set ... Drop Leaf Cherry Set Drop Leaf Cherry Set Rock Maple Set Duncan Phyla Mahogany Set Duncan Phyfe Mahogany Set Reg 1298.50 Z38.5S . 238.58 , 189.58 . 129.50 . 454.58 . 564.58 . 469.59 . 724.59 . S27.58 . 575.08 231.58 568.88 Now $22.SO 1S9.B0 1M.SO 139.S0 9.S0 333.00 .424.90 349.90 47S.00 239.90 399.00 169.90 399.90 CARPETS and RUGS Rr. 1 -Piece Beige Kingdom. 12' x 6'11" $180.00 1 -Piece Rose Beige Art Point, 7'x8'3" 84.50 1 -Piece Beige Encore, U 0 ... 1 -Gray Tone-on-Tone, M'xS'S" 77.95 1 -Piece Rose Art Point, 12' x 17' . . 335.00 1-Pc. Rose Beiae Tweed, 12'xl8'9" 412.50 EXTRA SPECIAL . . . ALL WOOL pn. n wrwrwrtw mm x? .nVT V V . ALL IMPORTED COTTON HOOKED RUGS AT CLOSE- -tsmrws.i w nnn rfifii7-rar. vsVTaT'O ft? IT R NOW ONLY . , JA..4if Now ' $84.50 39.50 79.50 39.50 199.50 259.50 $9.95 a 1 BEDROOM FURNITURE ll-Pe. DM. Dresser Set, Mod. Oak. . IS-re. nioa. vanity set, t orina no. . S-Pe. Colonial Cherry Vanity Set 5- rc Ivoc a jnapie rjoi, urvsscr on 4- Pc Dbl. Drsr. Set Prov. Cherry . . I-Pe. 18th Cm. MUi. Dbl. Drs. Set .. 6- Pe. Colonial Cherry Vanity Set . 5- Pc. Mahoc Double Dresser Set . 15-Fe.Col. Maple Set, Drs. or vanity Reit. $259.59 . 454.50 . 398.50 . 303.58 . 329.58 . 650.00 . 359.50 . 359.50 393.50 Now $199.90 349.90 299.90 199.90 249.90 499.00 279.90 279.90 279.001 ALL LAWN FURNITURE STOCK GREATLY REDUCED Extra Special $27.50 All Metal Glider I While They Last . . . Only $14.95 WHEEL GOODS Wagons, Velocipedes, Corrioges . All at Clese-Out Prices CDEC For a Limited " iKCE Time Only! Antannaa and Sarviea Policy with nurehaia of SjnV Ad miral or Dument Console or combination TV Sett. I Our Free Radio & TV Combination Contest Will Continue All This Month I m it in it ,r i irflf l -i j i i- . t: T r - -i : , i&)txM 230 CHEMEttETA SALEAI, OREGON