JWt Wednesday, August 19, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Satan, Orezoa Page I local Paragraphs Degree of Honor Mcnlo Friday at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 21 the members and their families will meet at West Salem picnic rounds lor a pot-luck supper and social evening. Located on Bosemont street 3 blocks west Of Dallas highway. All to bring their utensils. Coffee cream and ice cream furnished, aid Mrs. Evelyn Zellner, chairman.- ' Broadcast Scheduled The colorful Shrine All-Star foot ball game pitting the 1954 prep tars of Portland high schools against the top high school performers from all other schools in Oregon, will be broadcast over KSLM starting at 8:18 next Saturday night. Proceeds from the game go to the Shriners hospital for crip pled chUdrerUinPortland. . , Dallas Man Wounded Cpl. Basil B. Goodrich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Basil W. Ooodrich, 906 Ellis street, Dallas, is one Of the Marines listed 21 wound. ed in action on a casualty list reieasea Wednesday ty the De partment of Defense. Plan Skating Party The co-Hec club of the Y. M. and Y. W. plans a roller skating party at Lebanon Friday, Aug. 21. The group will meet at the Y. W. at 6:30 p.m. Transporta tion will be furnished. Building Permits E. R. Rod- warn, to alter two story dwelling, 310 Bellevue street, $150. C. A. Durhaw, to repair a one story dwelling, 610 South 18th street, $100. William Gravetter, to alter a one story dwelling, 2005 Nebraska street, $300. Leon C. Cooney, to alter a one story dwelling, 300 South 14th street, $1860. Western Paper Converting company, to alter a one story boiler room, 905 Front street, $1000. Request Rejected The re quest of Rue and Hester Dra ger that they be refunded a portion of property taxes paid in recent years cannot be com plied with, according to a letter received by the county court from District Attorney Kenneth Brown. . Drager's request for a lower valuation of his property was considered favorably by the equalization board a few weeks ago. However, this val uatlon is not retroactive, It it explained. Oil Slick (Oontinued from Page 1) The New Mexico family, was returning from an Alaska visit. They had stopped at Annette to refuel on a flight from Jun eau, 300 miles to the north west, to Bellingham, Wash., 700 miles southwest of Annette. Presence of young Hibben aboard the two-engined land plane- was confirmed Tuesday night by Dr. and Mrs. Prank Hibben, the parents, at wran sell. They had gone to Wran- gell on a hunting trip, leaving the boy to fly south with the Halls. . 75 Americans (Continued from Pane 1) Friedersdorff charged how ever, that communist members of the joint Red Cross teams operating in South Korea have tried to exceed their author ity. He asked the communists to instruct their teams to stay within the bounds of their duties. One of the returning pris oners today said the commu nists moved men whom they considered troublemakers from one prison camp to another. "I was called an instigator," Sgt. Arden A. Rowley, 23, Mesa, Ariz., said. "They mov ed me around to tour different camps since I was captured in 1950." MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS TJwraday, Auctist 20. 1953 Organized Naval Reserve Sur face Division at Naval and Ma rine Corps reserve training cen ter Campany D, 182nd infantry regiment, Oregon National Guard, at Salem armory. D battery, 722nd AAA. AW bat talion. Oregon National Guard at OUinset huts on Lee street. Friday, AuruH tl Seabee Reserve at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve Training center. On leave Mathew J. Burgermelster, yeo man seaman, USN, who has been aboard the destroyer USS Hlgbee, Is spending a 30-day leave here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Burgermeister of M50 Dallas Road. Buigennelster, who was graduated from Salem high school in l5t. enlisted In the Navy In June. 1953, and July a arrived back In the States after nine months In the Far East. He report back to Long. Beach. Caiif., Spnkrnhcr it for his assignment. BORN SALIM MMOlt HOimL MOHRiaOM To Mr and Mra, Ctrl L. Vortlioo. H I- Bromua am., a ttrl, AUVtNOST01-Ti Mr. and Mrl LKlnutoo. US a. callut St, Knunaia. uun oiat nosnrat THOMPSON 1 Mr. and Urn. Allra PORTm-Te nd Mr.. WSINBKBO-To Mr ! ' ' tnifiL Mil Jrtwlwi C- ial. IS, rUaa to New Y era John Korenian has left for New-York and other eastern cities by Uni ted Air Lines on ab usiness trip. He also plans to visit at Child's City at Mooseheart, 111. CronemilUr to Speak Lynn F. Cronemlller, assistant state forester, wlll.be In Portland Friday to address the City club. Cronemlller will speak on 'The Tillamook Burn, Yesterday, To day and Tomorrow," and will point out the influence that the Tillamook Burn catastrophe had on Oregon. Picnie Wednesday Mem bers of the instructor-inspector staffs for the Marine Reserves and Naval Reserves here and their families will picnic at the Dallas city park Wednes day afternoon and evening. Doaa Appointed Appoint ment of C. M- Doan as a pe cial assistant to the State In dustrial Accident Commission was announced Wednesday by Paul E. Gurskc, commission chairman. Doan has been em ployed In the claims division of the Accident Commission for the past six years. Mental Health Fitm Men Ul Health Film Forum will meet Thursday night at 8 o'clock at the chapel of the Salem Memorial hospital. The film to be shown the group is "The Toymaker." t ' . Plan to Restrict UN Conference United Nations, N.Y. U.R The United States sought Latin American support today to clinch a decisive United Nations vote in favor of its plan for a restricted Far East ern Political conference. The U.S. plan was virtually assured of adoption, and the Russian proposals certain of defeat, If the 20 Latin Ameri can countries would support the stand taken by U.S. dele gate Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. The Russian proposals were advanced yestrday during the first full day of debate on set ting up the conference. They advocated that the Soviet Union and India be cut in on the Korean peace conference. Lodge promptly rejected the proposal as "a sleazy maneu ver." 'The Soviet proposal were in direct competition to a ser ies of resolutions offered by the U.N. alies in Korea. Economy to Rule Housing Projects Washington, MV-The gov. ernment is under orders not to take on more new tenants than it must and in general to be an economical landlord, The Rudget Bureau yester day made public new policies on future construction of gov ernment housing for military personnel and other employes. Government construction is to be used only where the job requires it or adequate pri vately owned quarters are not available. Housing built must be eco nomical in first cost and main tenance. Apartment types are to be preferred to detached homes. El Salvador is nicknamed "daughter of lire" because of her 14 active volcanoes. Opening of Dynamite Cafe, 262 Lancaster Drive. Featur ing chicken and steaks. Open 7:00 A.M. . 10:00 P.M. Break fast, dinner, lunch served. Opening day Thursday. Free coffee and donuts servea all day. 19B Goodwill pickups Tuesdays; West Salem and south of Cen ter; Fridays, north of Center. 4-2248. 197 Ringlet permanent wave, 2.50 up. Phone 3-4844, 250 S. Cottage. 107 Road oiling. For estimate, call Russ Pratt, Capital City Transfer Co. 22436. 107 Paint with glamorizing Treasure Tones. See our out standing wallpaper selection. Chuck Clarke Co., 255 N. Lib erty. 197 ' Sale of furniture, clothing and rummage, Thursday and Friday, 3855 State street. 197 Rummage sale over Green baums. August 21-22. Opening 8:00 a. m. Good rummage. 199 Save sight Safe unbreakable lenses made to prescription of your optometrist are featured on Easy Credit at Semler Op tical Offices, Waters Adolph Bldg. State & Cora l. Ph. 33311. 197 Castle Permanent Wavers. 305 Livesley Bldg., ph. 3-3863. Permanents $5 and up. Ruth Ford, Manager. 198'' Free estimate on draper work. Neatly finished. 2-187S or 3-5260. . 197 Rout oillne call Twrt! Oil Co, 3-4181, collect 3 Arrested for I Reckless Driving City police arrested three drivers on reckless driving charges Tuesday one for try ing to outrun an officer, an other driving too fast and carelessly with a huge truck and semi-trailer and the third for driving in reverse in a busy area. John D. Lang, 16SS Ne braska avenue, was arrested by police on the reckless driv ing charge after he tried to escape a pursuing officer who saw him run a stop sign. He was stopped when he ran into the dead end of Jefferson street off McCoy street. Lang was unable to stop in time and ran off the end of the pave ment about 25 yards and onto the railroad right-of-way, the arresting officer reported. Lang paid a $75 tine in mu nicipal court Wednesday morning on the charge and an additional fine of $2.50 for having no operator's license. Milo Arthur Ensminger, Yamhill, was cited to court for driving his large sawdust truck through town in a reck' less manner. He explained he was in a hurry. Ronald Ivan Culver, S378 Roberts avenue, was arrested after he stopped in the 400 block of South 14th street and then backed his car to tht in tersection and around the cor ner for, a half block on Mill street shortly before 8 p.m, He spotted parking spot and was trying to get to it, he told the arresting officer. He paid a $25 tine in municipal court Wednesday morning. Professor's Wile Sues for $150,000 San Diego ( The wife of a University of Oregon music professor, freed of a charge of passing forged checks here. filed a $150,000 false arrest claim Tuesday. The woman, Mrs. Mary Allen Allton, was accused of passing a number of checks here dur ing a vacation in July, 1052, Just before'her trial, however, the charge was dismissed on motion of the district attor ney, who said that a hand writing expert employed by Mrs. Allton convinced him of her innocence, Mrs. Allton had said all along it was a case of mistaken identity. Her claim will go before the City Council. COURT NEWS Circuit Court CUlford Oauihartr Oledden: Notlci of supremo court filed. m Clarence T. appeal (o Ititi DeLene Ouffey w Pred Boyd CMiffir Divorce complaint, OfceTglng eruel and Inhuman treatment. Aike property settlement confirmation and restoration ol former name of Venus. Married in cuuer, ja imp. Roberta, Ann Jo ho on vi Woodrew at Johnson : Divorce complaint, tilt Ing crutl tnd Inhuman treatment. Aaka tua tody of three minor children, HM monthly support for thorn and 1100 monthly Alimony for Plain tiff, Married In Portland July ft, 1041. Stat ti John w. Wolf 1 : ordtr ct ail vertoa Juatlce court hokUru daftndant to aniwer to ivand Jury on ft aharta of obtainint money by falaa pretenia. JU lanied on liooo ball. Stato ta Jamta Towery: Order of 811- rerton Justice court holding defendant to aniirer to grand Jury on toner charge. Beleaaed on $1000 property bond- It L liar ti Walter Rohde: Com plaint eeeklni Judgment of 030,00ft gea era! ana.fsi.aO special damages. norma J. Greenfield to Mary Trom- bley. Peter King. Jacauellne Marie Trombley and Robert Roy Karg: Com- plain 1 aeeaine to oat aside transfers 01 defendant Mary Trombiey's properties void aa against plaintiff' Judgment creditor; ordering defendant Mary Trombley to apply hn said properties in satisfaction of plaintiff's Judgment; enjoining defendants from disposing of in anywise interfering vim ur of defendant Mary Trombley'g aatd proper ty during 1H nation. David C. Baum s Bart T. Mowbrr as secretary of atate and Robert T. Thom as attorney general and Richard Deich, Olta Freeman and Walter H. Oodd aa lnterrsnor defendants; Answer to amended and supplemental complaint by defendants Deieh and freeman In hkh defendants ask for decree dis missing plaintiffs complaint, and, with out walTing their right thereto, in the alternative, tor a aaeree aeciaring that any aub-section of Article IV, Aeetlon f. tne state constitution, which the court ihall find presents a judlclable controversy, and as to which the court finds it has Jurisdiction, la a valid, etv eratlvo and effective prevision of the state constitution. Claude Rerlngtoti mailman vi ciar. enco T. Gladden as warden of state pri son: Demurrer to amended and supple mental traverse of the return to writ of habeas corpus based- on the ground that the eourt baa no Jurisdiction and for the reason traverse doaa sot eta to sufficient facia. Mate v Vancouver Plywood Co.. aft ai: Plaintiffs motions to strike and make more definite and certain portions ef del end ante' answer and defense. Joieph A. Hoofer vt 1. T. aUeudt. at al: Notice r appeal to the supreme court by defendant Lee Aneelee-Acettle Motor Ex prase, inc. Probatt Court Msrearet Ann Bush lue rdl instil: Or der for sale of personal property. Lena Harding estate: Pinal account D be heard Bepu 21. Clara A. Heltsel estate: Pinal order. William Peter Pauls estate: Order pointing Dale Pleraon administrator. Approximate value of aetata 140. Bdward tt, Muller estate: Order as- pointing Louisa Patrtca and Mareeerlte Alien administratrixes. Approximate value of estate 04000. Morrtogo) Lictntttt Bdward Bernard WlahmaaL tt. ft n Hevy. ltd Otntor Bt,. and Joanna Mar. done, 10, at home, UJO Rutse at, to- Charlei Wesley thinner, ad rUtM. fitter, 1474 Court t., and Bvalym Cueer, etcaotrftpber, no Planer Road, Phone Strikes Cripple Service in Midwest r Tha AMMlatte tnu) Union-management dispute IN. Craig of helping the Indt- in the telephone industry dom- inated the labor scene Wed nesday. Major development included these: Kansas City A picket line was formed at the main office of the Southwestern Bell Tel ephone company in Kansas City, Mo. The pickets appear ed before representatvles of the company and the CIO Communications Workers of America were scheduled to meet with federal concilia tors in St, Louis in an effort to avert a strike by 53,000 workers in six states. Indianapolis Officials of the CWA accused Gov. George Kimmell Rules (Continued from Pag !) named dental school of the University of Oregon, and the acquisition of property for that purpose." Judge Kimmell wrote: "The pleadings in this case and the evidence, in the final analysis, present for determination and declaration the following issue: Is the dental school, by virtue of the statute, a . unit of the higher educational system unto itself under the direct super vision and management of the administrative office of the university acting as an inter mediary of the defendant board. Legislative Intent "It may be said that the law is the legislative intent on a particular subject expressed In the language of a statute. The court is bound to apply the law as so expressed. If the language be, ambiguous, thus making the meaning uncertain, the court must resort to rules of construction to ascertain the law, otherwise the law is ex posed by the ordinary -meaning of the language of the statute. "Clearly and concisely the subject statute imposed the duty and burden of operation and management of the dental school of the University of Ore gon upon the Board of Higher Education. Such board is granted the same general powers in the op eration and management of the dental school as are otherwise granted to it in the manage ment of the University of Ore gon." Ike Confers (Continued from Pace I) Vice President Richard M. Nixon, chairman of the anti bias government contract com mittee, said the president told the freshly commissioned members that he expected "something concrete" from them rather than a "great show" from a publicity stand point. The committee is, em powered to root out hiring dis crimination in Industries working on government con tracts. , "Since the government spend annually on govern ment contract one-fourth' of all the money spent on pro duction in the United States, we can deal with 25 per, cent of the problem because we control the purse strings," Nixon said. "The president gave us hi full, personal and moral support." 300 Iranians (Oontinued from Pa Re 1) cabinet colleagues still are missing. "Tanks tnd 20 trucks were in the mist of the marching columns. "The centrsl cable office fell shortly aftter noon. By 4 p.m., local time the Zahedi force were in control of the foreign ministry and various other ministries. Resistance came from inside the central police statlori but collapsed at 4 p.m. "The Shah's men then took radio Tehran. Zahedi began speaking from a stuffy little room under the roof of the station and told the Persian of his new program." That was as much as moni tors heard from Schwlnd. Cowdento Head Farm Economies Corvallls W Dr. Thomas K. Cowden of Michigan State Col lege, East Lansing, assumed presidency of the Americsn Farm Economic Association Wednesday. President-elect for 1954-S5 Is Joe Ackermsn, associate di rector of the Farm Foundation, Chicago. Also elected Wednesday, but for the coming year, were O. ; Burton Wood, Oregon State. College, Corvallis, and Earl Heady, Iowa State College, Ames, vice presidents, and Earl Butz, Purdue University, La fayette, Ind., secretary-treasurer. ana Bell Telephone company in a "strike-ousting cam paign. The CWA ha conduct ed a Strike against the com pany's 82 exchanges for al most a month. Indiana Bell filed a suit accusing 24 CWA local and 58 union officer of violating the National Labor Relations Act. The suit ac cused the union of "threat, intimidation and coercion against nonunion employes" and destruction of company property. Gov. Craig sent state police troopers to Clinton Monday after week-end dis orders. . . Portland, Ore. Joseph A. Blerne, CWA president, said he will ask the support of oth er labor organizations in the Indiana telephone strike. Oak Ridge, Tenn. Official of the Carbide and Carbon Chemical company and the AFL Atomic Trades and Labor Council could not agree on- a compromise wag increase for 3,500 production workers at two atomic research plant. The increase had been recom mended by President ' Elsen hower's atomic labor panel. Open f very Friday Night Until 9P.M. Ten nst can't erease them! Petti' top-performance "American Traveller" ult ipend hour crammed In jonr , suitcase, lift out ready-to-go with nary a winkle In sight! Wonderful addition to your at-home, away-from-home wardrobe! All In a handsome Cohama fabrio with Crushmaster finish. Rich shade of lavender, green, blue or red. Sixes 7 to IS. Each, just 05 featured in August, Mademoiselle B. Brief Jacket with contrasting trim on collar and cuffs. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Selection I ff -1 Lie Lucas Rites Set for Friday: Lue Allen Lucas, who for the past 23 years had owned and operated Lue' Barber shop at I 139 South Liberty street, died Tuesday morning at the Port land Veterans hospital, where he had been a patient since last January. Lucas was born in Arcadia, Kans., 40 years ago and came to Oregon and to Newberg from Dodge City, Kans., in 1928. He barbered in Newberg and then came to Salem in July, . 1930 to open his shop here. He was a member of Capital Post No. 9, American Legion and the Modern Wood men Lodge. Survivor include hi wife, Mrs. Lorna Lucas of Salem; a daughter, Mrs. Vivian Hard man, Portland; a sister, Pearl Deealer of Fort Scott, Kan. two brother, Earl Lucas of Qirard, Kan., and Leo Lucas of Detroit, Michigan) and a granddaughter, Deanna Kay Hardman of Portland. Funeral service will be held at the Virgil T. Golden com pany chapel Friday afternoon at I o'clock with Rev. John De- Boer officiating. Interment will be, in Belcrest Memorial park. The family ha asked that in lieu of flowers contributions be SUITS THAT GO EVERYWHERE iV U C. Notched cutaway Jacket with tabbed waist clever cuffs, button accent. IX cutaway V Casualties (Continued from Pag 1) captured. The latter figure is based on the number of prison ers the Reds hive agreed to ex change. The Army estimated total enemy battle casualties for the Korean War at 1,540,000 in cluding 120,000 military pris oners. The prisoner figure ex cluded a large number of ci vilian internees who were re moved from the prisoner list after long and exhaustive screening. The Chinese Communists were estimated to have had 900,000 killed and wounded and the North Korean killed and wounded total Was placed at 520,000. New Site (Continued from Page 1) Entress at a previous meet ing of the commislon had agreed that the Chllds proper ty was the best of the various proposals, but voted against its acceptance because he felt there would be criticism of the transaction. Howeyer, Ramage pointed out that all legal angle of the proposal had been submitted to the at made to the American .Cancer Society. You are invited to SAVE at Schlesinger's Sweet 16th Birthday Party I YEAR 'ROUND "AMERICAN TRAVELLER" WRINKLE-FREE! w5 A. Curved cutaway Jacket with contracting piping, double line of ' buttons with self-loop closing. . 409 Court torney general, who said h could find no fault with them. Thi reply prompted Entree to respond: "I have to deep with my conscience and not the attorney general." - Chairman Rex Hartley aa clared he had no apologlet to) offer concerning the proceed ings "we (the commission) sought the best possible loca tion from the standpoint of convenience to the public, availability of parking and the most attactlve rental cist" In cidentally the state welfare commission drawl the Jease . and pay the rent It was pointed out that we commission had spent some six week in investigating ail site offered and had nostDoned de cision a week in order that all concerned might place their , proposal before the board. CARD OF THANKS Our recent loss leave ua with grateful heart toward neighbor and friend. Their comforting expressions of sym pathy and thoughtfulnes will always be remembered. Mr. C M. Hanson, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith, Salem; Mrs. Clarice Mahoney, Salem. G. M. Hanson, Montana;. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bart'.ett and fam ily, Newport, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keller, Montana: Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Hanson, Mon tana; Mr. ana Mr. C. R. Thompson and family, Salem. IBS D. Box Jacket with giant pearl button, flapped . hip pocket! Shop in Air Conditioned Comfort -.Agar