ri'..ji.Si iV -'. - : ai.-.-j c -,-- Wednesday, Angggt 19, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregoa DENNIS the MENACE Pi. II ' By Ketcham AUTOMOIILES FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN UPSTAIRS apartment. Private entrance and bath. Washing facilities, garage. 731 Bo. 13th. ipit7 BE BEADY for winter. Flat, quiet, close in. Steam heated furnished apartment. Adults. Ph. 355SJ or 33341. Sundberg Apts., $5$ No. Winter. Jp300 MODERN furnished 1 bedroom duplex. Builtlns, garage. Inquire 2311 Brer man Jpaoo SALEM'S r IN EST large 2 bedroom, flre , place, onfurnuhad. Select area, 11117. JP300 LEE APTS. Salem' Moat DUtlmuUhed Address. One bachelor unit bow available, $M; another bachelor unit available Sept. lit. All larre and roomy quartera with lota of closet pace. MS M. Winter. Ipl97 CLEAN, COMFORTABLE 1 room front apartment. Right down town. Lady preferred. 64ft Fvrrr. JplOO LOST & FOUND IHI FABTI WHO took the witch from tht Mobile Service Station, Capitol and Market: If returned do Questions asked, urge reward, met. kiln1 ton MONTHS OLD golden brown leraale cocker sup. 3851s. kill" MISSING Siamese klttena from 3171 N. Front It. Small reward. HW MISCELLANEOUS BEX-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVS MOVE YOURSELF 8AVI Mi CAR HINT ALB STAKES TANS TEXACO STATION tit COURT ST. PHONI l-Illl PAQB STEVENSON end AX MEPPORD SALE! SAND 0 RAVEL COUP ANY Contract Work aoad Clearing - Dltehlat Sewn ft ad Basement Equipment Rental Ditch lu bi the Foot Phono Dan l-ltot artaa. 1-4417 or -ltll Salem. Orel on SALE OB TRADE for lata model pickup, 1 pair reglatered Chinchilla,, with or without roung. box hi, capital jour nal. mH7 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR S-HK. SERVICE IN MOST OASES DR. HARRY SEXLER. DENTIST Adolph Bid!.. Stat Commercial SU. PH. 1-1311 m" LET US DO your fish amoking and fish canning. 1-7000. mno1 BUILDING MATERIALS WINDOWS Largest atoek in Salem. New weath ritrlpped window, completely tiiem- bled 114.30 up. Large modern sashes ana crystal picture winnows, as up. Pick your choice af bargain prices. PLUMBING New toilets with seat 123.50 30"il$" wash basins, complete 17.50 Bath tubs with fittings BOM Double laundry trays, complete . 20.75 Shower cabinets, complete .... 43.00 .Double kitchen sinks, electric water beaters, pipe cheap 4" solid Orangeberg pipe ........SSc M0 gal. steel septic tanks 167.50 OTHER BARGAINS Metal garage doors with hdwe $4 New 4x1 plasterboard $1.40 4x1 waterproof waiiboard 11.76 Interior and exterior plywood ..cheap Nails, carload supply $4.7$ Overhead gamse door hdwe $13.96 Loose insulation, per bat .$1.00 Roll blanket Insulation bargain ' "Jap Birch" plywood 26c " Map Birch" plywood $ie . Mahogany plrwood 42c No. 1 Cedar shinties $0.3$ No. S Cedar shinties $.00 No. 3 Cedar shinrles 4. 3-teb roofing $84$ up Panel doors, hardwood doors, all types glass doors lowest prices New fir door jamb 12 so Painted cedar shakes $10.75 Dn pain ted cedar shake $00 New ubctc siding I M Exterior white paint $2.$ Shake molding, per foot 10c C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-5051 one mile N. of reiser ma Remodel, Repair, Now Save your cash for a rainy day He down payment $- months to pay Epping Lumber Co. 1740 SUverton rid Ph ISiaJ OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY me' LUMBER rOR BALE Good ehiplap., 13$ Per M strsiiM No 1 loft. n4. I and better. $6$ J-in lumber $1$ per M and ap Phone 1-2042 malftft TlTked LtTMRFR and dwri for sale. Sa lem General Hospital (old nurses' home malto FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED ELECTRIC walnut cabinet sewing machine, round bobbin, sews forward and reverse, with buttonhole atuch. only nw. ouar an teed. Singer Sewing Center, lift N Commercial. nif7a Reduced 15 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD 1 OAK KITCHEH TABU CHAIRS - SLIGHTLY USED STARTINO PRICE AUG. 14 . IN AUG. 20th $3S Keith Brown Lumber Yard PROMT at COURT ST. PH. Mill "We Olve S H Orera Stamp," USED ELECTRIC combination treadle sewing machine. ,'wi (orward aod reveme. A-l con dition, full prir, 1:4.1s Mnier Sew ing center, lie w. enrn i. biw BcrRKfERATORfl that work ioid. Oolr lllrj. Term, of court. Dro t CHANDUtE If ART. 171 B. Llbertr St Moat 4417L Bill- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Sewine Machine Buvers t ;. w oiuacr ciccirte caomei sewing maoiiinea as low as $13 down, liberal trade on your present machine. Por a free colored catalog, write or call. Singer Sewing Center. 130 N. Com'l., oMta, ore, asaia. n201' LUDWIO used piano, guaranteed eon- aiuon, manoeany case, sale price iow. arasy urme. STONE PIANO CO. laao state St. Phone 3-5231. niBft1 TOP SOIL River gilt and fill Uri Prompt d- Hvery. rnone l-Hit OSP1TAL BED for aala or rent B U pw fTirpKure co Phone 3fcl$$ POUR-POBTER bedroom suite, 3 pieces. Deo, orwer, wsrcroM. wainu. iinish Box aprlnss, good condition. Very preiiy, must nave $ioo. Phone 4-63B5. nl$7 I' x 4' WINDOW, complete with Ven etian Bund, iiso Cbemawa Road. 1T NEW 31 -INCH General Electric console tv. waiis S4M. best offer takes. $41 bcidw Bi. -i4$. Set woa la con- "it ni7 0X1$ RATOK cord $ ply new tire 285 BO. 2010. nlfT BEAUTIFUL RADIO chonoiraDh com 0IOB.IOD. rn. dviwit nisi BEAUTIFUL 3 piece mahogany Duncan rnrie cining set, 1 leal, $n. 737 neomont. nl$7' SMALL PIATO Excellent condltkm. bar gain tor casn. me e. cottage, niw PLAT PEN like new. ChikTe 4 foot Dung Ded with drawer and good mat tress. 043 Sunset Ave or Ph. 30753 nlM WINDOW WITH frames and casing. Bar- gam, lgtft Chemeketa. al?T HAMMON CORD ORGAN slightly used witn custom sound cabinet, 1750. Ph JM81. nl ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER 4 months old. Can't tell it from new. Come In and steal this one for only $49-95. Term of course. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 370 S. Liberty St, Phone 44371 nlflf WHY WALK? WHEN YOU CAN GET A , GOOD USED CAR FOR SO LITTLE! '41 Char. S-door. Clean and run. good ....... leva 41 Ford V-l Clb. Cpc. Black. Sharp! (M 41 Pcd V-l 4-door. Mew paint and wwhauled motor IM '41 Che.. Hot Rod. Gate motor IT. H.d lb. treatment IM '41 Plrm. 4-rtoor it 41 Plrm. l-door 141 '4 rord V-l it II Pord V-l Cpe II '31 Chef. Cpe. Rue, good ...... t II Pontine 4 -door It 41 Desoto Clb. Cpe 150 1141 Pord U-lon Pknp. New paint. IM Model A Ford. Good motor, tad bodj " M ' KANNIER'S USED CARS H. J. iHlnryl Neufeld. tier. IN Hood St. Phone l-IMI and 4-JMJ IIT PLYWOOD CAR top carrier with water. proof tarp. 115.00. Phone l-IISI. nlll GREEN WOOL rut 7x1 III. Ph. J4837. nllT MeCVLLOCE! CHAIN SAWS. (01 Edie- watar. West Salem. Salem Lotf lni Sup Mr. Ph. 4-1141. n SEVERE MOVIE CAMERA, protector. acreen and 10 movtee. HM. Phone 4-3I3I. nlll STROLLER Can't tell It from new. Only 110.91. Term, of courae. USED MERCHANDISE MART. 370 8. Llbfrlr St.. phone 40371. ni,7' PLTJMBINO material. New W alrenlaed pipe and flttlnis. 4" Aj ' oil plot and flttlnla. IM N. Winter I-7M7. - nl7- BRAND NEW Hamilton Beach mlier. roura for only 128.01. Save 110. Term, of court,. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 171 S. Llbertr St, phono 4U71 nll7 MAHOGANY Wurlltier Splnnet piano, like new. Will lacrlflee. 1-7127. nl"- COMPLETE BEDROOM SET with book- caie neadboara, omr 17,. uetu MERCHANDISE MART. 370 8. Liberty St.. phone 41371. Term, of courir. nl7 HEARINO AID SALE Reconditioned and luaranteed Bel- tone Heartni Aid. at price, you can afford. Helton Hearlna Center. 331 Ore- ion Bide. Phone Salem 3-4411. naov WASHING MACHINES In lood worklnt order, only I40S. USED MERCHAN DISE MART. 370 S. Liberty St. Phone 41371. nl7 SALE or ri RNUl HR. clolhlne. lum- mace. Thurnlay and Friday, llll State atreet. nlll CORONAPO Radio-Phono combination, Jmt out of the repair ahop. Work! like new. only 141.15. USED MER CHANDISE MART. 370 8. Liberty St. Phone 48371. Term, of coivm. nl!7 BOYS M-INCH bicycle. 113. Ph. 3-7191 after I p. m. nlM BL'VK BEDS COMPLETE, oprln.a, m.t trrAMJl. I32.M. Trrmi of courte. USED MERCHANDISE MART. 371 S. Lib erty St. Phone 44371. nl- GARAGES On rour loL, to your apedflcatlona. II month, to par. Pre, otlmatei. BORKMAN LBR. At HDWE CO. 34M State St. Ph. 1-3701 nlll- LARGE ASSORTMENT of cheit of draw er!. V3ED MERCHANDISE MART. 370 8. Liberty SI. Phone 46371. Terrrul of enunif. r.199- .... nfelSCELLANEOUS WOOniT W4NTE pianos Phone 3-1110 RANflES. WoodrTa Logs Wanted Top price on today,' market for lorn r ahort aecond trowth fir lot,. For prlcaa. phona lull daya, 41714 oren lnn. Weat Salem Lumber Co, 1110 Wallace Rd . Salrm. nel07 WANTED l-iool atud mill Ion or mulllplr, of 1-foot plu, trim. I to II" diameter. Phona Turner 1 lis. nal,7 AUTOMOBILES $$CASH$$ FOR YOUR CAR OPEN EVENINGS MONDAY THROUOH FRIDAY ALL MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Western Motors 1311 Broedwar Phone lull 1141 Bl'trK. Oond condition. Phone f-NTt. H17 H. Its. ! USfDCi!IJS lOUARE AUTOMOIILES AUTOMOBILES PICKUPS! PICKUPS! NEVER BEFORE! WE MEAN IT AND YOU'LL SEE1 Becsuss never before hsvs there been 20 choice pick ups on sny one Sslem lot, for you to buy. And buy them you csn, st fsntsiticslly low prices! Don't miss this ssle when pickup prices sre so low. Excellent for lishinf, huntlnf, fsrminf, delivery, and many other uses. . . SEE THESE RIGHT NOW! y2 TONS We have,' just as examples: 1940 Chevrolet, 1940 Dodge, 1941 Chevrolet, 194S Chevrolet, 1946 Ford V-8, 1947 Fords V-8, 1947 Chevrolet, 1948 Chevrolet, 1949 Dodge. WE ALSO HAVE 3,-TON AND 1-T0N PICKUPS YES, THERE ARE 20 AT THE RIGHT PRICES: BUT YOU'LL HAVE, TO HURRY) STAR MOTOR Company DOING BUSINESS'IN SALEM FOR OVER 40 YEARS Corner Commercial and Union Phone 3-6303 SICTJ DESTDUV3 $J PORD CUSTOM V$ .SEDAN Fordomatkc, radio, hea tar, washers, turn signals, ona own er. 14,431 miles. Tcrt apeclal.$l$M 'ftl BUICK oSUPER RIVIERA Droaflow, new white tires, ra dio, heater, KZI glass, one own er, service record since new, a premium car. Apache Red 4 Black 1359$ '$3 BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE Drnaflow, US Royal Master nar row white wills, automatic win dows, KZI glass, radio, heater, washers, etc. We have complete aervkse record. Apache Red. black top and black leather1... $309$ fl FOR DOR DE LUXE 4 TUDOR Extra clean condition with only 1$,44 miles 13$$ 49 PORD CUSTOM I SEDAN Spotless Interior and perfect appearance, radio, heater, seat covers $ 39$ '47 BUICK ROADM ASTER SEDAN Two-tone grcrn with white- walls,, radio, heater, good... $ 49$ Mxi gel a better Used Car ftwn a Buiek Peater OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Commercial at Center Phono S-I439 .ili um PORD COUPE with ineed equip ment and cuetorataed. 130 So. 35th. 1M' LATE IMS O. M. C. 1-ton panel. 37,000 actual mUea. 1 owner. HMO. win trade for car or H ton truck. Ph. 44711. Yeaier Studio, 1321 So. Commercial. dirt WILL TAKE cash or Uihter car for euultr In clean 1147 Olde aodan. 4-1414 Nash Economy Lot Bean Pickers SPECIALS II PLY. SDN 17 NASH LAPP. CPE '17 CHRYSLER AIRFLOW SDN.. II FORD TUDOR SDN '41 PORD TUDOR SDN 41 PONT. TUDOR SDN 43 PACKARD SDN '41 NASH "100" SDN '47 NASH "100" SDN 41 CHEV. ArfRO SDN 47 PONT. SDN '47 NASH "100" '41 NASH 100" '10 CHEV. Vl-TON PICKUP NASH ECONOMY I 41 H I II 171 111 371 311 4M Mi 91 MS 7,1 lew LOT 343 Union Ph. 3-3040 .lu lls! CHEV. Oood condition. Boa at 4MI Monroe Aye. Evenlnn. .Ill- 1M1 FORD S ton pickup. 1371. See at HH Broadway. ,im NOTICE! We're Moving About August 30 BACK TO OUR OLD STAND AT 267 N. CHURCH. SEE US NOW AT SAM'S MOTOR CO. Liberty Si Chemeketa Pti. net. Across from Fint Natl. Bsnk 1'MADMAN" CHEFFINGS AND "WILMAN" SINES ABSOLUTELY DO NOT SELL TAXIS, POLICE OR FLEET CARS SEE FOR YOURSELF! OUAUTY AND LOW PRICE GO TOGETHER DRIVE 2 MILES SAVE HUNDRED? OF DOLLARS? r 1930 Olds. Tudor 88. Sharp. R&H .......... .$1395 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook Fordor. R&H ...... 1243 - 1951 Willys Station Wagon. R&H 1195 1949 Pontiac 8 Fordor. R&H, Hydramatic 1095 , 1949 Olds. 88 Fordor. R&H, Hydramatic .. 1093 1951 Ford Tudor Sedan 995 1950 Chev. Club Coupe 995 1949 Ford Tudor Sdn. 8. R&H 795 ' 1949 Mercury 4-door. R&H 995 1948 Chev. Aero. Extra sharp. R&H 695 1947 Olds. 66 Club Cpe. .. : 845 1947 Chev. Aero. R&H 595 1947 Chrysler 8 SUn. R&H 595 1947 Dodge Fordor Sdn. R&H 595 1946 Pontiac Sdn. R&H 595 1947 Chev. Sdn. R&H 495 1946 Packard 4-door. R&H j..' 495 1946 Nash Club Cpe . 395 t KLUNKS Vi DOWN - NO FINANCE CHARGES 1941 Nash Fordor Sdn : 165 1941 Ford 4-door. Good 165 1941 Oldi. Tudor 93 1941 Buick 95 A FEW BARGAIN PICKUPS WE DON'T COPY PRICES WE MAKE 'EM ; . THE LONGEST TRADER IN TOWN "BUZZ" CHEFFINGS Motor Company OPEN 'TIL 8 P.M. ' llll 8. Commerrlal Phono 1-1131 (Acre., and South of the American Lellon) - .117 SALEM MARKETS fee I awlelasM W Capital Jeewsal foasjora, m seises dauyj SetaS Peed IMeaai . Bakatt Felttta - $SM lew-la. a). $4 S4-$.4$ lUtt-lfe, m). Em H-tk-S 45-4 14 Dairy read U t4-I Tt fsa-la. kul 14 s$-$.at u$ wi n pasture no, $j at UDTf wJt.f. PwaMry gferta Prises Cotorad fnem. 34c; aid roosters, lac. colored fowl; 20c; lea horn Sowl, JTe; roaaUra, $oc Eggot Bartmg Prtias Baca, AA. 44c: Ura A. 44-41C. medium AA, $4c; aediusi A, $4-43e: small. 34c, Wasieaavle Prleaa Baa wMaaaia grtiaaa generally $-7e bis bar thaa the prtaea aaove. irxs grade s generally ejueaael c. maoium sac. Satterfatw Bumi nrloai Pramtitm. f$v 11c No t. 4749c; No 9, 44c Bwitetwwne.aaaM grada 4 iMrstwcml. tte lk.i retau 14a. Potato, Oat gUporl Oregon Stat Collate Potato ahln- mants sdurlng the past week tocreaaed. but prlcaa remained moetlr uchancad. US Crop Reporting Service. nradlcU larger oaloa crop for 19U. The nation a potato markets were firm to allchtlr auonier this past wk al- tnougn total shipmenta ware heavier than durlna the previous week. Total shipmenta during the week ending Aug ust 14 amounted to sou 3.aoa care as compared to 3.400 cars the previous week. Shipments from the Northwest totaled 1.474 cars. Oregon shipped 433 cars, Idaho 431 tad Waahlntton T31 cars. Total shipments from the Northwest to data are running about 44 percent behind ah lpm tuts of a year earlier. Potato prices at moat of the Madtna markets In the nation thla vast week held mostly unchanged. At the start of the week prices advanced over the pre vious weeks quotations, out throughout the remainder of the week so chaoses were reported. At Chicago. Idaho -Or eg an. Round Reds, US No. 1-4 . sold through cariot track salsa at 43.14 to 43.34 a 104 pound sack. The Long Whites Vousht $9 to $3.3$ on Monday. Aucust 17. with most sales bringing $3.1$ a hundred. At Portland. Boardman. Loin Whites. advanced from the $1.40 to $3.34 range of a week aso to $3 10 U $3.3$ 100- pound aack. The nation's 1$$$ late summer onion crop Is estimated to be 13 percent larger than last year's crop of 34.4 million M-pouna eacas. The greatest increase In prospective production la In the two eastern states of Massachusetts and Mew York. Oregon's production, asttmated at 1.6 million 40-pound sacks la 1 percent smaller than last year. A 14 percent In crease In Eaatern Oregon Is more than offset by a 34 percent decrease In west ern Oregon. Onion prlcaa during the wast week at Portland remained unchanged from prices of a week ago. Medium alee, yel low onions from Washington, whole saled from $1.44 to $1.7$ a $o-pound sack. The large alsee brouaht 41.34 to $1.44 a &0-pound aack. Colorado White Olobes. wholesaled from $3 44 to $3.1$. FINANCIAL HIGH PAYMENTS? Wl CAM CUT. ' Let's Give Them the AXE! Use our consolidation plan. . AUTO LOANS , HOUSEHOLD PURN1TT3R1 LIVESTOCK STATE FINANCE CO. 14. So. HUh St. ' M-SH rlol 8-311 ATJTO LOAMS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. in south Churaw Farklnf n-Fleatr Fh 1-3411 Ue. no. u-lal. S-IM LlO 8-133 an U-231 and roy a smsioNt ntSVIIANCS AND LOAMS Hear 'Ton Trade,' 13:01 Datrr ESLH 11N Ea, OKHSIUL F1MAMC8 CO. LOANS IM no Commercial St. - Tea. Mitt AUTOMOBILES I POST ADTt SALES mknabt- OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 1444 BUICK Super Convertible. Radio, beater, Dynaflow, excellent mechanical condition. Sell or trade. 3-1473. q303 GOOD 1444 Chevrolet aedan. Oood 1447 Chrysler 1 passenger. Bargain. Phone 3344, owner. qll- $54 EQUITY In 1447 studrbaker Com mander. Very good condition. 441,44. al7 1444 PONTIAC 3-door. Radio, heater. $13$ or best offer. 40$ So. 3$th. Phone 3-J0I1. ql9l 1441 PORD, 3 wheel trailer. Will take trade. Phone 4-4123. aia MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS RARLET Davidson motorcycles. Model ? go and ea. sea at John s Oarate. Shaw, Oregon. qalfll AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAV1NO SADlATOaV TBODBLEI Taller Motor Co. eaperta wtll solve root srob lem, and (ere row manor Ftrao oett. metea. apMdr aarvloa. Cwntar si Lib. ertr e TRUCKS EQUITY IN 1MI Che,, l-rard dumn truck. Take ear. pickup, lot or trailer houee In trade. 1311 Center St. dill' lini 1-TON Chev. truck, 3 apeed aiel. II foot combination train Block bed. 1311 N. 31th St., CorvaUK. Fhone 1-1711. odlll 104, U-TON Ford pickup with canonr. Eieellent ehape. 1311 Centn St. .din FINANCIAL FBIVATE MONEY to loan real .. uu. Phono 3-1714 rill INVESTORS W, have rood flral mortiaial for rour Impaction. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 101 South Hlah. Fhon, 1-1301 rill SEE OS FOR PARK. CITY OR ACREAOE LOANS- BEST OF TERMS Wl BOY Re, I oatato morttata, Ms tract. State Finance Co. 117 So. Blah St. Pta. 1-4111 HENRY By Carl Anderson Civ. a E! ; fZi; : STOCKS Mr Tho Aatofflatad J Admiral Cwrpocatioa AUlod ChemKAl AlUe Chaimera... Aaurlcas Alrliaoa Amortcas Pow.r Lien Americas Tel. m Tel. Americas Tobacoa Anaconda Coppu , ,., Atchuoo luilroad Bethlehem Steal Bocuw Alrplalna Co. Bora Warner Burrowa Addtnl Machls..., CalUornts Facklns Canadian PacUus ..... .... Caterpillar Tractor Celaneaa Corporation Chrraler Corporauos .. .... Ctuoa Sorrloo .......... .... ConaoUdated Eoaon ... Cooaolidaud Vultoo Crown Zellerbaah .... Curtlaa Wrtcht Doualaa Aircraft .... Du Foot oa Nemoora .. .... Eatman KodaJt .... Inuiaa Radio .... 0Mral KlMtrl .- Oueral Fooda .... Oeneral Motora Ocorela Fac. Flrwood .. .... Ooodreat Tlr. Homoauko Mlnina Co Internauonal ttarveatcr International Paper .... Johna aPanvule Kalaer Aluminum KennKott Copper Llbbr McNeU Lockhort Aircraft Loewo, lnMrpor' ... Lou Beu Montiomorr Ward 1 Naah f&elvinator Mew York Central M.rthers Pacllu Padfla American Flalt . ' Paclllo Oaa ElectrM . Fad 110 Tel. a TeL Packard Motor Car .... " Pennr. J. C .... Pcnnirlvanla R. R. .... Fepu Cola Co. ' Philc Radio k Radio Corporation ' Raronler Incrp Raronler Incorp. Ff , Republic Steel Rernolda Metal Richfield Oil Safewar atorea. Inc. ... Scott Paper Co Sears, Roebuck Co. Soconr Vacuum' Oil Southern Padlie ....... ... Standard OH Calif. fctandard Oil M. J. Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining swift a Co. Transamerlca Corp. . .... Twentieth Centurr Foa .... Union Oil Companr .... Onion Paclfla United AliUnaa Dulled Aircraft United Corporation .... United Statu Plrwood . Uniuo Statel 8tal .. ... Warner Plcturea Waturn Union Tel Waatlnihouae Air Braka .... Weatlnthouaa ElectrM WoMwortk st Uw "!I."!ims 74 4 v 11 ft MV. M 14. S4 I4 tw. 14 aa n 44 17 3Vk 101 Vt ....... 41H 11 It. I4 MV. llVj 41 . MV, ...... 3IH , 41'. HH 11 US n. ....... ut ;;;;!" 1IH tit t u 1114 t WH 30H 1341 14H ....... KM, lllb 41 I1H 17 1H .. II 34 41 MV, ...... 11 MM, 1 MV, 31 W 17 41 V, 1044 ...... 31 17 uu 44 ...... 41 41 Court Ai!xJf:7 Safety Pcllis The Reiser school board la seeking assists nca from - the count court in a program of ' providing safety for puoila against the hazards of motor ized traffic A letter f ram. Donald M. Sutherland, chair nan of the board, to too ctmrt. asks that paths be provulad along North River road . and Chemawa road for the use children. A few. weeks ago the court agreed to investigate the fessi bilitjr of broadening the weat shoulder of tho North River lal and then placing fine cruihed rock at the outer edge. This. would constitute. a fairly practical path, it was stated. The school board points out that Chemawa road is carrying a large volume of vehicular traffic and footpaths are i ed there, too. The Keizer district la templatlng the extension of Do light street past the new school site to a Junction with Cam ming road. The board a t k a county cooperation In this en terprise. r About 40 to 60 per cent of the cost of producing milk if expended in feed for the cow. datoaaw Oral - Chloaao tfihAa eralna avast awrm lacked aupnort on tho board of. trad Wedneadar and aa s raaull aloM faB suit, ahnrplr. wnaat aank mora than 4 cent, as Urnee, partlr tseeauao of morn wtatUtlM omphaalalnt tho lart anpplMa ml vats grain in various ewctlona or tho wen-U. All aornaan and rro ayoBtraala anrak Into new aoajonal low grownd with rrl down mor, than I otnu. Oats lawk s eont or mor. Con h.ld ws nntto wall. parUcularlr th. Septambar oo-otrawl. In dia bouaht aomo com ud tbars sue wa, conalderabl ahort oovrrnr. wnaat eloaed 4V.-I lower, snnn. l.im-ll.n, com anchangad to 1 law- sept. 1.47-. Mia 1-1 awwor. Sept. 14. rro Is I lavar. Sot. l.wvi-l.oa. aorbwana I to 1 lawar. Banc. I.OVi-. and lard nnehsn rl pa 3 onu a, hundred pownda ussaw. awsa. 14.40-14 . rorUanS EaaUtaa MsrtH Portland WJO CaUfornla latportod eabbaaa waa bringing np to I.M s crate on tho BaaUlda Farmare marke! todari producer, blamad damp spring for tho lit ht aarlr Orecott crop; top local corn offered at 3-1.10 for five doaan oarai tomato prleea were ateadr; wholeaal,ra offering .Oregon Brownamaad peaa at 3 (-l. 7 with rood latino, si snout 1.11 a oral , . MARKET QUOTATIONS rllT HAVE A PRIVATE PARTY n.edlna lW0 for a ahort time, wm par 1 lnterut and give adoouate eaeurltr. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor. 1141 M. Capitol. Ph. Hill. rlr. HOUSE TRAILERS 14411 34 FT. pan American. Reasonable. 10B4 State. In the rear. Brown, taian- TRANSPORTATION TBANSPOBTATION wanted to Im An gele, Calif. Call 1-4171. ,!, DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHIM1I All make, used machine, aold. rented, repaired. Roes, 444 Court. Ph. 1-1771. BULLDOZINO BuUdotlna. roade, clearing teeth. Vlrell Uusker. llll Fatrvtaw, phona 1-lltl. alltv W, do onrthlne In the Una of build ing. Free osttmatea. Phona l-MRI. ol IV DRESRMAKINO Altei atlons. hamstltchlnc, h u 1 1 o a a, buckle, covered, buttonbolea. Mr,, H. M. Allender. 1-IIU. nlll EXCAVATING Ben Otlen At Son, excavating and grading. Land clearing. Ph. 1-1010. 0311 Ft'RNAL'E CI.EANIVO EIH'a Furnace Cleaning. All work full guaranteed. Phone 1-1341. em HOURE MOVINO ljovellng, foundation work. Full ex- perlence. Free estimates. Bondad and Ibaurad Fh. 1-1043. I-7S11. oaoa 0 OLD 'M l-door. Radio, heeler, new i covers dual nh.uet. d.u pnnt Ignition, wm takg trade. Phona 4M31 .117. INSULATION g Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum ei-reens. Pree estimate. T. Pullman. Phone 3-SMV 0314 MATTREHflES Capitol Redding, renovates. Pull line new mattrassea Ph. 3-4044 o OPTICS PL'BNITURB 4 UP PL ITS Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, safes, duplicators, a up piles, d'nk lamps, type writer stands. ROen, 454 Court, o ROAD GRADING Road grading, leveline. dlt-rhlnt. 113 cat grader. Roy Hancock. Ph. 30410. Roofing and siding by experts for a right price. Phone 3-0044. e31T EEPTIC TANKS Hame"a septte'tanks ' cleaned, line Mr vie. uuaranteea wora. mom 1-7404. 0301 Utile's SVptle Service. Tanki cleaned. VrrDttT aleans sewers, drains. Phone 3-4444 314 Sewer, eeptle tanks, drains cleaned. Ro toSooter Sewat Service. Phone 3-4127 4 BRARPENINO A REPAIR Lawn mowers, aawa, eta. lltb D Ph. 1-4414. Pree pickup. o" TTPE WRITERS Smith, Corona, R- mine too. RoraL Do- derwood vorUblea AU makes ased naehlnao Repairs real Roc- 444 Court 1-4773. o" WINDOW CLE A NINO Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor vastus, hoaaeeleanlng, Pbooo l-JJM tor cowk r PORTLAND PBODOOB UsTff BnttarfatTeattvt. auaian to taa mediate change: Premlmm aaallty. maz mum J$ of ona per east acidity de livered m Portland aa-Tie i.i mat tuu Ity. 44-40, aecond suallty, 4$-44c Valley routaa and eeunvry bouic a oaaw toaa. Battr--wnoieaat .eA sssi aunoa wholesale, cradaa aa, ft score. 44e: A grade. 4$ score. 44c : B. 44 acora. 4$ci C, 44 score, 40a. stbeva aricaa gtrloUy nominak Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers, Oregon si as lea, 43!i4$'Vbai Oregon $ lb. loaf. rfStt-AO-Ac Eggs to Wholesalers candled ores eontainins no loss, caaaa included f-o.h Portland A grade large, 47-U1-ic, A grade medium. 4$V-44Vici B grade large. ai-rfc-oa-v-ic. rartiand Dairy WerWea Buttetwprico to retanerat Grade AA print, llo a cartes. TJei a print-, tie: carton, net B prtnta, awe. Esse la pradaeera Candled $... Portland; Ungraded targe, 44e d4 grade AA large, 47e dns.l A large. 4o dos.i AA medium, 43o doi.: A grade medium, 40a dos.i A rraoa smalls nomi nal. 43-43c. Egga to etallert-orada A A. large. 74c; A large, 4B-10Ci AA medium, 44ci A medium 47-44c; A -small. 44c Cartons 1 cents addition aL Cheese race u tttallcre, PcrUand, Oregon sins lea, 44 -44 c l 4 lb. loavaa. $l-$3ttr. triplets, ma laas than aln glea. premium hrands alngles, M-Vaai lb. for single wheals 40-Vea. Processed Am erican cheese, t-lb. loavaa to reUU. 43m 46c lb. Penllry uva Cniekeae (No. l auaiity. I.e.. Pla&u): Prvcra. SV lbs., lie; 3-4 lag.. sic: roasters, a 'A ins., and over. Jie: heavy hens, all weights, 30-llc; light hens, all welghta, 14-lKj old roosters. la-tae. Dresses Chlek-eaa No. t drees ed to retailers. Pryera. broilera. 44-4$e roasters, all wu. 4-4-4-lci light hens. 33-33c: heavy hens. 3$-34ei cut-up era. all wu, l43c lb.; whole drawn, $7- lie is. Babblta - Average to sroweret ua whites, 4-$ lbs 30-33C1 1-4 lbs., ll-32c Ib.i colored Delta. 4e A. undari old does, 14-13c, few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers. 47-3401 4U$ UP 11-440. Ceaatry Killed Meats Veal Top quality, tl-tfc ! rough noaviea. -aac. H-aga Leas siociera, as-itc; sows. ugnt. si-sac. Lamba Best. $7-340 bm ytarUogs, $0-3 sc lb Meltasv But, U-lto Jb.l cull-utlUty. 10c. Beef Utility oows, 34 3tc ib.i canaor- cuturs, 33-33ei sheila down to 17e. rrash Dreeeed Meala Wholesalsrs to rata Herat Dollars tot gwt.: Beef Steers, choke, 440-144 lbs., 41 $43.44: tood. $37.00-43. 00: commercial iat.44-11.00; utility, I2S 00-31.00; eom- mercial eowa, $33.00-37.00; utility. $33 34.00; can ner-cutters, 134.04-421.04 Beef cote Choice steers mod quar ters. 4t3-$4: rounds. $44-$4; full loins, trimmed. $44-74; triangles, 437-33; fore auartera. 110-39 1 chucks, 434-4C; ribs. 448-43, veal aad caivea oooo-aaoK-a, lift- i$0; commercial. 434-14. Lanbe Choice-prime, $41-44; good, $30-44: spring lam be, choice-prime, 47.44. Matien iooa enoiea, m-u m. ae-aa. Perh Cats Lolna, No 1. 4-13 .be $a-70. utility 4-t shAulders. 14 Iba., $3-4$: spare rths. 14-44 .$: fresh hams. 10-14 lb., sas-ts, porg carcases, lao-no ins., ise-41, meked name Skinned. $-4 lbs fined lard to drums. II 4-II. 44; slab bas on. 144-73. Portland MieceOaBeewa On lane 80 lb. sack Calif. Had Glebe. mad.. 3.74-3.44; White globe. $.3$-344: yellows med. and large, 1. $4-1.74; few 3 35; Wash, rellowa, med.. 1.44-1 4?; large l.Tt-i.sa. Petaieee T-vcal Triumphs, luga, 144 1.7S; Eoardman long whites. No. 1A. 13$ 3)0: No. 3 $0-lb. sack. 40-44c: Oregon Russetta No. 1, 3 44-4; It lb. meeh. 44- -&3C local Russets. No. 1 A- 3.74-3 3$; calif, long whites. No. 1A, 3.48-3 00; fair. 340-1.7$. Name branda to 1.34. wash. Ruaseta S N-l.TIt Wash, ions w hi tea, Mo, 1 3 04-3 34. ay u. S. No. rrets alfalfa, de livered car Iota fa.b. Peru aad and Se attle. 34-30. Waal oreaaa basis. Willamette vai ley med lam, 40-$3e Ib.i Easurn Oragos floe and half-blood. 44-IX; Wlllametu Valley Lamb wooL 43ai 13-mowtb wool U -Ms Mebair S$-tro Ik. on. I3-m(mt grow th, f o b. country chipping polnta idea Prodaoera paying price f ob. Portland calf skins, 14-1 1 c lb., accord ing to condition; green kips. It-17c lb.; green cow hidaa, 4-14a lb , according to weight and tualltyi bull titdaa, 4-$e lb.r glue hldca, $4 par cent below prices for above el suae. Filbert Wholesale aalllnff atica, Ho. 1 medium BarMlaoaa, a$-)4o 4 abau el 44-31C lb. lb i Ughl baivea. lS-Sto fx W a teste Whaiessie aetllns prleea, flrsl qualltp largo Praaytwettea, s-$0e ib-i aheJed, Usb sutbar baJvaa, 14-74s ObJeago Uvaeieek Chicago oPV Butcher boa wars sp- ttvo and ateady to 34 cents higher Wed Deaday, with most of the adTonao am those weighing mora than its ivotinda. The top waa $34.40 ft hundred pounds. Choke and prime atetrj asd iMifera were fairly active and ateady to 34 oc&ta lower. Lower cradaa ware weak to 4S oenU off. Cowa aad bulla were oaaady to 34 eenu lower, veaiera warp weasL A few loads ol prime steer gsaiMpJ 37. 3 e mi azi.ao. The trade on lamba waa net aatafeUak ad early. Sheep were active and fully ateady, with elauehter a waa at 44S to $4 38. . salable receipt were estimates oA ,404 hoes. 11,000 cattle, 444 aalvaa and a,avu sneep. WAIST vat, i r.rtla.d Qrala Port aad lAV-Whamt (bldt U arrlm market, basis Mo. 1 bulk. dellrtraS coast: soft White l.Mi soft Whlta (u- ciuning nexf j.xo; white oiub in. Hard rtad Wtntor: Ordlnarr a.Ml U Mr cent 1.311 11 par aest 3-M; is far sent 130. Hard Whlta Baart: Ordlnarr t.Ml t. per cent 1.101 11 por erul iM; IS per cent 3 30. WedneMfar! car racalpta: Wheal ST barler lit flour S; corn It nlll feed I. Pertl.nl Uveal M-k Portland UJ Hog tmoaa naals war. steadr on th, Portland llraatock marke, todar. Cattl Ml: msrkM wnrracti aau M- tlva, ateadr to Me hlgbert nthara alowl law aalM suadr; utllltr - wnnaMrttlal auara ll.W-ll: rood-choice fad glean lacking; euller-utllltr hellers 14-11! to-ner-cutter oowa moetlr I.M-1,1 ntlllW' cow, lo.N-ll.aO; utllltr bulla 13-14. caivea o: market verr slow: aentlmr- ed earlr bid, around 1.00 lower toil moat heavy calve, without bid.! ehotse lie hi v,al,ra held around lot anoal below 1,. Hoaa IM: nerktt suadr: cholc IM. H, lb. butehe-m 17.3l-37.Mt few etMaae i lete ar.Toi auioice loa-M, is. am ra il or abov,. 8h,ep loo. holdover 100: market alow. ateadr: good-choice aprtng lemha 1S.M- 17.M raw iota moetlr cnotee lit ntuitr grade ll-Ilt good -cholc, fedora la-ISi good-choice rearllnga ll.lft.14.ie; few llghlwelibte 11: ewe, ttrong, sood-belwl 4.1, uu-utiuir 3-1 te. Chicago Onlena Cblcaao ib SuppI u llnhL demean alow, market dull. Track ealca (M-lne.: V. a. 1 walaas atated: Idaho Spaalab l-1aeh aad luawr, M per cent O. 8. 1, l.M. Street aalea (M lhs.l: Idahw and Ore- son Spanlab 3-lnclt end larger L.!oulwt California Yellow Olobes 1 to A. Inch, moetlr around t-lnch I.U-I.Mt BMdlTmi yauow Olobes, now York. l.M, Midweet .71-1.31: Colorado and Texas While O4obr, I to l-lnch ,1a, 1-taob aad larger I lo-l.. aAclt.)03lh- ftsm One Tsrel. Ton nan iwar hsvs one of th, best bssto iklrts youv. ever sewn . . . and, what's more, from Juat one yard of M-in. fabric. Note the simpls tailoring, the smart center pleat; rour choice, with or without tabs. No. 2180 is cut In waist slaea B. 34, 26, 38, SO. In any of Its siass this skirt takes one yard of M-tn. 8end 30c for PATTERN Willi Name, Address, Btyle Number aad Sir. Address PATTJSRN BO REATJ, Capital Jurnal, au Mis sion street, Ssa rnrjcisoe a, Calif. ii 5 t ,t' ?5