r Mi Y ,'vv4 . ,- .. '. ' l i n 1. Pact 20 FOR SALE HOUSES SIT OV.NEB Ceadalarla l-bedroom, douoia iirui, lane atultr. iis.ooo. 4-si. "14 BrAl'TltXX-BOME vim 4cra on Bob Hill, onlr 1 block from McKtaler echool. t bdrme.. den. IVa bath, dintni rn, li. llv. rm. with racoptlos hell, luli !lolhd baaement wiu ptni room. 1 extra bdrma. beth, ,11 lur Bace. 1 flreplacaa. Thla bona built to but. Tile roof, copper plumbing plpaa. metal ceecmenta, Sbowa br appoint ment. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor aw a. Coauaaiclal Fa. 1170S Ira. Mil! all7- ftr OWNER Van attractive 1-aed-oom houie, chlckes hoiua. laraia, a-acre tract, Phona erenlni, 4-1171. ail tBEAP TAXES Ineuleud. alactrtc beat, a-rc-old 1-barm. houie at attached gereie. nice fenced rerd. clow to eebool, atoraa bua. Terme. 14140 Pnone 4-4111 evcnlnle. alM Sb&aa Attractive 1-bdrm. home on I Lincoln at. bear Leall, Jr. Alia. Lie. 11. m. with new carpel. fireplace. double garage, onlr I rra. aid. verr neat. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor ,14 a. Commercial Ph. 11710 Ira. 40113 a if 7 BY OWNER 4-bedroom bouea. 1 lira. place. batha. double garage, p er room. new. 3-4441. f 300' BT OWNEB 3-bedroom borne, a do-n aannent. Phone 1-4111. all7 FOB SALE br builder. Hew I bedroom home. Ik cu. ft. dee, freaaa. Bargain. Included on, week onlr. cWe at 2720 Laming Ave. Phone 30107. 0300 ATTRACTIVE Mdraom arueo It) Weet Aalem. law down. 444 month. 1715 starllahl Dr. 3X34. eloo' a MODERN BOL'OES or aama lot. One 4-v.ar.old ,-room. en, l-rear-oio roonuu oaraaea attached. 141, Broad war. Make an offer. al BT OWNEB 3-rear-old 3-bedroom dhake. 0700 dowa. Hardwood floora. aavad ealllnaa. a'l pleetered. HI paint. Automatic ell furnace heat 1 block ta bua. Drive br 4731 Tburmaa. Call 4-3311 for ar-polntment. all WILL AELL 'nr tqultr In new l-bed room home. 11500. poaalbla low down perment. MOO Towneend War. a 144 a.7H. BUIZEB, modern I bedroom betua, Hewlr painted la and out. 1 acre. Phone 4-1701. aloo WHY P.ENT7 When roo can bur thle coir 1 bedroom borne In McKlnler Achjei dlatrlet for onlr 1600 down. ' pvj price tt.WO. Drive br 730 Waldo Avenue then phone 3-4310. A. A3. ftoothlln. Broker. Ill W. Lincoln. alts SMALL MODERN I bedroom houta Ir. wait aalem. Win conelder Inner home with acreace. Aaklni price 34.400. Borne terme. B. Ieberwood Realtor, tat, Wal lace Rd. Ph. 4S34J. AT. VINCENT IBB., flreplaea, forced air Dole ,11 furnace, din. area. Chooee rour own colore. Bur direct from builder. 1107 Donna, E-e. Ph. 41433. a!07 BT-OWNER, equltr 9 bedroom bouia euburban. Wall built. Lou at bullt-tne. Inaulatad. 11.110. contract a uierai! Ph. 3J203. al7' BEI Tllla I BKT3R0OU HOUR AT 131 NORTH 26TH BT. Nice L. Km, fireplace, D. rra.. era anient kitchen, dbi. plumbuu. (laa ter badrm.. baa walk-la elotet jand beautiful tllad bath, oaraia and at traetlva carport. 33400 down will hen dla. Plraaa do not dlaturb tenants. Call JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 411 N. Hllh it. Ph. 43431 Bra. 37M1 - 16311 11471 - 41343 alH BT OWNER. 1 bedroom home, fireplace, hardwood floora, Uvlni room, drain room, full baaemrnt aawduat beat, bua line. 33,500. Phone 1-3331. am BT OWNER aplendld l-room modern houu, aeraae. Clot, to bua, church. achooL awre. UK Mural ava. 30334. alto BT OWNER Uodern 1 bedroom homo with den. Picture wlndowa. Verr lood location aouth. I10.4S0. Ph. 34043 BT OWNER 3 badrooma, 1 batha, oil h.L on aera of around. Properlr tn- ereaalni In value. Ideal for barer wbo llkea aerdrnlng or lanaacapma. awina wood Helahta. Phono 1-3330. aiw WALLACE ROAD Terr due la. 1 bit B R. with tola f cloeet apaca. Larva llr. rra. at din. rm., ha beau, w-w carpet, eoaren lent kit. at nook, lnilda utllltr. lie. Untitled double oaraia, lie. well landacapad ran! with aprlnklar ara tem. Thla aearir aew apollaae home haa kaea nduced to luat 114,33. ONE ACRE ad aew one-bdrm. houie with toed wall, aa ekrlln, Bd. Thla attractive Rttle home u a real bur at ruet $3400. LESLIE DIST. Thla do lura 1-B.R. homo haa all tie aitraa that rou are looklna tor. Wonderful partr rm. with fireplace, 1 full batha. w-w carpet, dlehwaaher. arbace cUapoaal and manr ather ai traa. Cor. lot Juat I bL to Leille Khaol. 314.100. SPACIOtlS LIVINO 1 I t, each 14H4. attractive aa alMl dan. marbla flrenlaca. bit llr. rm. At dla. rm.. kit. At Boot, double pane alftu double earaae. If 44 at. ft. of new Aa luia tonetructloa tor 31uat 313.7M. BURT PICHA ava w wuth at. Off.: 1-407 ttvea.: Bob Conklla S-ltit a llr SEE THIS ONE teftutlful lftnUctp4 7r3 Hh UU trttu, crttk, pitl ni (ittp.Mt. tlp-ve-lou lirtnc room ud dinlat rocua, U-tvU ptt. Urn. compart kitthra with nook. 1 hSTOoiBt. OodlM f jtorMt rac. CloM to KhMl ftnd vim. rricod lor tck tftl. Ttrma. RUSTIC t idwUmi Bpf-ttrtNttu. Urt IWlftf tmm with rtrptc. ruitle k.veiifn f knotty pUi. ntkiiMt neos. warti sIpbbb r iiaru. imc la xh room. TtUm BD1 txtra Uno lot- PorcMl air hat. CIom to achaol. FH A. ttnaa or uatM. GLEAS0N, REALTOR 1040 ruber Bd. Phone 41171 ait7 mmm ma A BOMB TOO WILL BB PROUD TO nwN Owner eranaferrad. a. muat aeu. lrea eorner lot with eurrb new af tn. mte. 1 bdrma. with tola at claaet apaea, laria LR, aaparata ainini room. .rt rornn with fireplace, charcoal arin aa flna palla. EVERYTHINO TO WAKE A REAL HOME. A Verr email dflwa varment with liberal terma aa balance. If rou are loaaini inr a noma. he aura ta eea thla ane. vrRA NT! IVOCKMAtf, REALTOR MIT PalrtTOundl Rd. Ph. 4-4343 alM' ixa rrr-rn ACRE and 1-B.R. HOME ItlKI Tarraa or beet caeb offer. See at 1330 PARKWAY DRIVE. Take Olen Creek Bead weet lo cm r-iita ia tion. north lo, rarda. Cltr water. Cltr phone. 130-foot front. Look for Urn. STULLER, Rltr. Ph. 15147 ar 41711. A117- are ar aaa Brle Drive. kAodera hArtriMim haui. Cloaa to ,rada arhool. Plentr around for flowera. aerdea. Uwn .imi BlevarounA. Lota of tree. altT I ttnirlliD ADTKBTIIINO Pet Ward. lle.ee lie Pel Ward 4, Pee Ward, i tlmea ...lat Pre Ward, I axnlb Na R.laada Mlalmaai It Wacda BIAnrsa la lral Newa Calama Oalr Pet Ward . . . . . . t, Mtalmam M Warda. . Ta riart Ar) In Same Oar Paper, Phant t-t4M Btlori It bjb. REAL ESTATE m THREE-BEDROOM, BLOCK TO SCHOOL htodera tbraa-badroam home, all forced air heat. M t lw let. Vacate Vt block to achooL priced at alr 13.330, with Il.toO daaa. Call chat far appalatmeat to aaa. SUBURBAN SPECIAL Tht flaa horn ! It ytart aid. hu aa otodrooau dra. aaa aa wita Vltaty iact (or n other. Mica Uvtnc room, diaiaa room, .an kiubaa with plaoty at 111 and built-tna, loaUla utility, lario f a rate, tseae tionady aiot yard with apriakUnf iritin la froat, Ntca aardaa aaaot with ovtrtiaad aprlnkiioi ayatora. Lot 1 30. food wall farniakUf . Blnty watr. Tot apoiatmtal la , aall Salt Raykura. SUBURBAN SUMLIME Aa archltact'a tlrtam for two bodraoma, full dmiDf room atvd a kitcbra I that you'd think ho rtad your mind. Thla homo la aurrouodod by , BficAbora of bema ownart and ho ma lovtra. Why aoi buy ttva riibt to call your houa your a a. rrleod at only wttk lot aUa af 1 x 111. 4ood Unna. Call Chat for appotatmook GRADE "A" DAIRY M acrao with thrMbodroirm bona, larya machia ahad, li'itaaehioa Vara, loaflni ahad with 1300 aa. tftt, 3 alloa full of araaa onallaca. It aeraa parmanaot paatura. 14 acrca whrat and barlay, 1 acrca hay, food wall with 1300 ft. of 4" mala Una, 140 ft. t" lateral, 10-horaa olactrka motor, II bead milk cowi. Now iroauiai U00 par month. All machinery, cowa, bay. feed, ta with aalt. Thta is oat af t&a boat dairy farma U vallay, locatod cloaa la. Por appointment to M. pltaaa call Oalt Ray kura. There Is enouc h bay and feed to laat moat of thla year. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH THIS ONE Two blf bedrooma, Btet laria dtn, bir Mtlni room, ntet ftraplaca, alea kitchen and cliiiiu room, attached larue, bi utility and etoraaa room. tlujko an eitra lane lot. Soittb fira minutoa from 4owa town. -Law taiaa. Ail for M.TM. en low 4owo payment. Call Jim. HERE IS A REAL TRADE FOR YOU Meat twa-bedroom home, 4 year old. Cloaa la wltb food paved afreet. All Juat decorated. Clean aa a pin. Owner la aniloua ta fat into a thrte bedroom and will maki you a real food trade. II will pay rev ta check thla ana. Call Jim. THREE BER00MS Owner aaya tell. Tour opportunity to buy a ntarly new thraebfdroom home. oVery a tea location, paved a treat and eidewalke and a ikip and jump to achooL Tea, and very food tenna may bo arranaed. Thla may bo the opportunity knocklna at rour door. The price 1 rUbt, at tf.tco. CaU Tlbbetu. ,. ONE AND ONE-HALF ACRES Thla la a very nke let, lit 1 17, driveway aravd, lot fenced with 13" woven wire and thra barbed wire, toed cedar poita. ThU la a food buiidina aite. acrca la alta ftecue and clover. Permanent power on lot 110 and 33A. Owner muat leave town beeauee af 111 health, ae thla before burlne a bulla Ln lot. CaU Tlbbetta. RAWLINS REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) 3944 w. Capital Offlc, 3-4444 er 4-1731 Bvenlaf Pbeaea TlbbeHa 1-7413 Chat 3-0331 Jim 3-3471 Da, Barbara 1-1141 ,11 GRABENHORST SPECIALS OOALJTT THROUGHOUT In thla lovely Nob H1U '3-bdrm. homo. Beautiful oak floora, tiled bath with ahowor. tiled roof, copper future and downapoute, metal framed wlndowa, nice llv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm.. kltehen, utility room, arranfed for auto, waeher dryer, lota of built-lna and atorace apace. Auto, forced air oil heat. A real buy at 912.7W. Immedleta poaaeaalon. CALL J. jT. LAW TALUX PLUS POR THI MONKT Ploeat dlatrlet for echoola bua. ttbopplnf aloae. I bdrma., hdwd. fire.. 3 flreplacaa. full baamt., play room, dble. f-iraaa. Paved J treat, auto, oil beat. Lota at lnteraat In thla borne at 117,100, CALL ROY S. PKRRXS IMOLrwoOD DISTRICT Brick trim, l-yr.-old heme, three food ftied bdrma., fireplace, separate din. rm., room to eat la kitchen, tnalde utility room, fenced lot. Owner cone make aa offer. CALL H. K. ZaAYMON HOM1, OARDEN, CHICK INS Here la one of the beat dereleped tacre tracta we have aeen. 3-bdrm. home In beautifully landacaped eat ttnf. Treea, flowera, family fruit, fardan. In fact, a vary thine dealrable for auburban Uvlnti You keep it np and It will keep yau. CALL l. M. LAW. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 B. Ubertr St. , ' Ph. 3-3471 Bvaalaca at Buadara call . B. Lew 3-4113 H. K. Larmoa 1-3133 Ror 8. Parrla 1 3413 ,11 BEN -COLBATH REAL ESTATE OFFICE IN THE SENATOR HOTEL A POOR MAN'S BUY ' KICK. KRW One-bedroom (araie houae on corner lot 7iMt4. VUta Ave. location. ONLY 33190. NICR BUT POR THI BtOHT OUT. an USA. OOLISBZX, BVX. PH. 13373 LOW PRICE BIG FEATURES LOCATRD OH IDAHO ST. RKentlr-buIlt 1-bedraora borne wltb Ilvlnl room, laria kitchen, manr bullt-lna, bath, utllltr rra., laraia and tool bouaa. Small fence, larden and lawn la. OHLT J40. TBRUB 11404 down, ad T. T. ANDIRAON, XVB. PK. 41714 CATTERLIN AVE. TRADE BIVRN-TBAR-OLD XXCILLENT 1-badraoai boma, llvlni rm. wltb fireplace, dlnlna rm., bdwd. flra baimt. A 041 furnace, lot 63x137. Lovelr locitlon In Rnilewood Out. ONLY 313,000. WIU. TRADR POR XICB t-BRDROOIJ HOMB. BEE CARL ARNOT - Br,. Ph. 41701 KEIZER BARGAIN BUY ' LEAVING TOWN AND 1IUST CELL THIS Beautiful l-bedroom noma wltb bdwd. fin., llvlnc rm. with Dutch fireplace, dlnla, rm., wonderful kitchen, utllltr rm.. attached tarwe. Landeeapad lot KH1I7 LOCATED OK BARCOURT BT. PRICED TO BELL QUICK. Be, Mrs. ttleabac. Bra. Pb. 7&173. - 1250 PARKWAY DRIVE BEE THIS SECLUDED three-bedroom heme, I bathrooma, wonderful dtnln, rm.. Uvlni im. with wall-to-waU carpetlnc, part baimt. afetai faaeed rard with manr ahadr oak trace. BEYOND THE BLUE HORIZON THIS MOW PLACE 174 THE TALCET HAS EVERTTHINO TO 1IAKB YOU HA PPT. Sea thla nearlr new three-bedroom borne wltb wonderful 13i31 Uvlni rm.. dlnlnr rm.. honer of a kitchen Hill, eeparat. Book 4Ue la kitchen and bathe, wall-to-wall carpetlnc plue aelect aak floora, 1 flreplacaa, covered patio, lane drr baamt. with partr room, atl fur Baca, breetewar to double cKraie. alanr beautiful flowera, ahruba, velvet lawn. 4i acraa of varden aoll (rou abould eea the tall corn). Poor barn and machine abed. Located Beat. Price 133.300. Sea Baa Oolbala, Eva. Ph. 11333 FISHERMAN'S CAMP ON LUCKIAtlUTB RIVER 3-aadroem modern home wltb etore bulld Inr. bandllni irocertea, ko aream. pop and tlehlng euppllea. I eablna and nice plcme area. 33 acrea of land. HOUSE, STORE Aj CARINA PLUS PirRNIAHlNOS. TOTAL PRICE POR ALL. 113.000. Vk dawn. See T. T. ANDERSON. EVE. PH. 43714 ALBO CAN BE HADONE ACRE WITH NEW two-bedroom home, adlolnln, PISHERttAN'S CAMP with almoat new furnleblnaa. ONLY 1340, or without furniture. 13400. THIS IS WONDERPUL SECUTDEO PLACE POR ANYONE. SEE T. T. ANDERSON. EVE. PH. 43114 COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS 15 COURT ST. DIAL 44494 OR 245S2 ARPfllT - 4171, OrtUtBn . T4373 ANDIIWON - 43714 ( FOR SALE HOUSES NEW l-bedroom hoaiea, near arhool. block la lu, call 1-W31 after l". aloa FOR SALE LOTS CITT LOT aa paved elraet. Pboaa 1-4131 aall7a FOR SALE FARMS ae a. farm 414.000. 1 mini I I. of Salem. Bldee. era wnrlhl. . 133 acrea la eooa red dirk an THE ATURBl.lt arruLxaut, jtitr. Pb. 14447 ar 44713 biaT FOR SALE ACREAGE 4 ACUt-lV ml. Me. Auaiivilte, h St. klodera f urn. houae, I ruui. and rth. Ooorl well. Tvrma. Phrn A-imtTlUe 11 H J. tltTtm hhiei REAL ESTATE LOOK!! Thta lbedrooia home Uto laree arvd t amalll en ana fleer may be eiartlr whatv you're tooklnf for. Laria kltcnen wlh ealtna araa. Qaraae. 01. Vta eenta aa4 Higuiatvd aliirlct. Aaklni STATE VETERANS If y have not, yea can bar thu mailer l-bedroorn home an Uiin lot PaTed atrtei. Bua paal door, doe to aeJtooi. oaraae. Price anfurniehed. t,faai runtuned. is 100 2 BEDROOMS FOR S Owaar will aell Ma home, leveled aauta. for M.leo, ar trade on tareer plaea la St. Vtarent'a dtatrlet. Bit aeraae. ciaae va bua. Thla noma am all but vry ntce. VERY GOOD GROCERY Tea ewa It ta reureelf call tu about tbU atari that treaaei ". a year aod aaa be aouiht tot it aoa. Inreatary extra. Bomi tervia poaibla on ftlturee. RAMSEY, REALTOR 1014 North cemmerrla! Offlc, 4-0111 ra. Al Bender t-704. REAL ESTATE iu. ml auilt-iaa. REAL ESTATE ROY TODD REAL ESTATE ONE BLOCK TO SCHOOL Larie. comfortable and eltan. thla two-bdrm. home an paved et. with aidtwaia and aewar. Cloae ta atore ana bub. eeeou. 20 on Your Investment 6 trite nation, trocery atore. I rental caaina, ana nice idrm. borne. Bert-ire atetion aena Chevron iie II no and did 04.000 aallona in lHl with 0 eenta maratn. Grocery atore and eablna are rentrd. Located on Mi Kt a junction with wtU-uetd bleb. way. J1 acrea of land, plenty of to for other improvement!. Owner will take aome trade, lis. toe. OLDER BUT SOLID leflte af food living In me yet, have twa bedrooma, A larie llvlni rtxMTi. .arte kitchen. My atreet u paved, 1 have aome fruit and aula an mr lane lol. You art tettlns four money a worth at anly liaoa. ROY TODD REALTOR 1311 siau St. Office Pt Errntnae call: Blmmoa, 11131; 37113: Todd, 11711. 11311 Buch. .in- Cutest Little Home 1 moral aatf bath. Jill rltbl for aaa ar two. Bua ar aaor. aia w atara Onlr 4 rra. old. rrloe ai.3H. CLOSE IN il lata. .14. r .Idea. Oood wan. Widow iera aall lor 31 aoa. Oood "'sslem't First Drive-In 411 PORTLAND BOA1) PB. I-71M SMITH REAL ESTATE THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Otero REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB NEED LIATINOS: Bomea. Parma. Acreaiee, Buelaaaaa, Motor Caurta, Taveraa. What bavo r.uf A WONDERFUL BUY On PalnnaiiBt HILL Only 4 yra. aid. t aeaitroaaaa. Owner haa left atete as4 aai a aell 11 M by wo ft. let. eulated. Pvd. Bt. Oaraae. In very food eandtiton. Pull price anly llaM. Terma arraoaed. POSSIBLE 3-BDRM. Brand aew. Inilde cltr. OU beat. 1 bike, ta bua. Inaulatad. 13 br 171 let. Have the pleaaura af beta, the ftrat aaner af a boma at the pried af need bauae. Juat think. It a oalr 11710. Terma. STOP LOOKING Bare la ana that'i a real buy. Own mr farud la aeU. Only t yra. eld A alee property to anew. eVa. utility room. Large eorner let. Pull artce anly IK00. U500 DOWN Or will accept car for amity, t kairipaaAHi tain, uitlltv. Car nart va. alio da. S blU. to Knalewood $ehool i alk. U ana. Pull price mn. S1000 DOWN an thla very attractlra ahlay ni ham. Haa a alee fireplace. Oil beat. Ait. varaie. J blkl. to ua, jtora and irruuL Lot 71 br T and me imeei af aoll for aarden and berriea. Juat tblnk. the full price la only taiM. ULTRA MODERN Bo per de lull Motel-Hotel combina tion. Thla la the eleaneet and moat luiurloua property of It kind we have arer had en our booke. Oorieoua wall-to-wall carpet. Bteel furniture. The flaaat llnena money can buy. Tiled bath In each unit. Larya pvd. parkini area for cara. 1TB. 000 full price. Very liberal term. P)r M daya aperatlon erar 13400 araaa. INCOME $700 PER M0, an thla remodeled M-unit mot-i. com aletelr furnUhed. Over an acre of 1st fid which meana lota of room for atpanalon. Bt. fronteity on front and raar. very eaay m eperaw. anui price U 1,000. Terma. GROCERY wtih Uvlns quarUra. Packaied beer Jleenae. Purchaaa price of aoo lad. ahelvinr. fltturea. froaen food cab laat. Inventory at wboieaale. Monthly rant only SM. 10 PLUS ACRES with n modern 4-bedroora houae. Bep. utility room. Barn, chicken houae. aome furniture, tiooo down vUl handle. Pull price fMao. 6i2 ACRES Vary cloaa in eaat Ideal location far aehool. Pvd. rd. Beat of aoll. Very sood well and taraie. Pine bids, alta for boma. .PuU price WM. 40 ACRES Near Salem. It A. under cultiva tion. Modem T-room houae with full baeement la aieellent condition. Chleken houie. 1-car laraia. PuU price 317,000. $800 DOWN an that 30 A. tract near Salem. Modern older type 4-bedroom houae. 30 br 30 barn. Chicken houie. Tool ahop. Oood well. Pull price 33130. Por Homee and Buelneia Opportunl tl.l. call for MR. KIOOINS I Eve. 4-34141 or DAN IS AAK I Ere. 4-1313) or RAY OR1MMETT (Eva. 1-1171) or MR. CRAWFORD lEva I4-I70). Por Parma onlr. call for MR. LEAV ENS (Eva. 1-4719). If bo anawer. call 4-1341. ALSO LICENSED IN WASH. A IDAHO MORTOAOB LOANS 11 Year Maturltr Al Isaak &,Co., Realtor Office Phooea: 4-1311 ar 1-7110 Bra. Phonaa: 1-4733. 4-3414. 4-1031 4-3331 or 1-7171 1031 Portland Road If Bo anawer. phona 4-1141 ell7 JUST THINK 1 wrw raneh-atrla 3-bdrm. home with fullr plaatared If. 3-car earaae, Mtlll lol (lawn a) In) built ta P H A. aped fleatlom, located Juat off Lancaater drive la the Swnlo aca. dlit. All of thla for anlr 111,710. REAL SPECIAL ITB a brand new low one-atory homo eonaUtlni of I REAL LA ROE bedrooma. a full baaement with fire place. 110 ETU oU fur alt, LO. 1-car aar., 100x200 lot, over 1600 aq. ft. of rinor MOAem in thta fine home for only 11,040. Juat auburban, north. (No phona Info, at aeUer'a reauett.) ENGLEW00D CLOSE to all echoola. one-atorr 1 bdrm. at den. nice At clean. In axel, aondltlpn. medlum-elae lot with ahade treea. Prlc, haa Juat baas reduced to S1SH. CHARM PLUS EXCELLENT VIEW, located laat uburban, aouth. Charmlni. roomr. S 11. bdrm. homa with wall-to-wall ..roetln. rn the Ilvlnl At dlnln, nna. All hdw. fire., aeparate nook, covered patio with Ilreplace. real la. new lol with ehade treea. cltr nr. A hard- aurfaced afreet. 113,400. PHONE 1-H31 LUKINBEAL Realtor Bva. ED. 1-1704, 411 N. Hllh LYLE POR.EE l llll C1I7- $100 DOWN Snail homa taalde cltr llmlta and cloaa lo bua line. It neeoa reaecoraiina and aleanlnaup. but the price la onlr 31144 with email avonlhlr parmente. NEW 3-BEDR00M Only M00 down. AH hardwood floora. IneloMd utility. Wardrobe cloaeta. Forced air oil heat. Lane corner lot, aloae to achonia and bua line. Low monthly pevmenU. ENGLEW00D laottiy l-bedroom home with lane dtnlm room. Beautiful fireplace in epacioua Uvlni room. Lane eatlni apaca in a lovely kttchrn. forced air all heat. Only 4 yra. aid and in ex eellent condition. Only t7o00 needed to handle deal with na loan expeneea ar reo tape. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 101 South Btch Street Phen, 1-,301 Phone evenlnea and Sunder: 4-1171. 4-iiaa. 4-4111, 1.3344 ciae. "HIIGHWAY FRONTAGE" Oa a,, cloaa la. North am.n v . tod walL Let 14 a 111. Onlr HHO BWY. frenteee la mr. Nlc, acre, two-awlrooai home, trait ai sal Ireee. Na I lone lor buinan. ateal far 17, a oood Utai. au.iaeae a:ar. aa M Bar. and thra. nomee, nr, aaratM, beautiful alltlle bethe and eucn.na In tw, i.5l,-.'V "ore bldea. 10, ilrara! " Ooi Sslemt Tint Drive-in 34H PORTLAND ROAD PB. I-7M1 SMITH REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Ul par maatb bura tbla 1-rear-old 1-adrm. home wltb hardwood Ilaori. larie uvlni room ana mi aatini epaca and tou af built Price 44100. Lovely Corner Home Eitra alee 1-bdrm. borne aa pev.d llreet wlta lane Uvlni rooaa with auculallu flreaiace. Tbla boma haa a wonderful Aacoratlna lob. 11 la la eulaud and wealheratrlppad. Attached ,araie wltb loada of aloraae room overhead, a nice tile bath wltb laria wlndowa throuahoul. Onlr l1. reara aid and 4 blocu U achooL Total price Haw. But af terma. 3 Bdrms. 2vi Acres tint a. ft. af floor apace, forced air beat. tMrpe kitchen. Laria Uvlni room with fireplace, dioini room, ex tra laree bedrooma. Lovely hardwood floor. Venetian bllnda. Mawly paiated. A aood beiinnini for a fine family eprchard. Aehool bua aoai by door. Total price tlft.MM. Terma, L E. KLUMPP, Realtor Mat PertlarHt Rd., Ph. 1-7411 Eve. 1-1314 or 1-1341 till' RIVER BOTTOM LAND 41 Acrea. 1 acrea peachaa, aeraa fUaerta, b acrea pie cherrlea. Owner far reara haa cleared ie or e?o,ow. an orcharda alona, Caa ralie mint, al falfa, beana, eu. SECLUSION AND QUIET 3-bedreom bouee, 11 Tint room, break- feat nook, hardwood floora. baaement, all furnace, cltr bua 1 block. Near park. Double taraia. Lawn ana ihrub- berr. verr nica our at aia.ow. ABRAMS, BOURLAND St SKINNER 411 Maaonle Bulldlni Real Eitata Ineurenca aloruaae Loana 1-1117 Bvaa.: 1-7314 ar 1-470, eios NELSON OUR WEDNESDAY TRADES TRADE 1 VTDROOUA ott ATTIC Thla neat boma haa aa additional attte room aultabla for aleepinf room. New kitchen bullt-lna, fplace. Owner naada laner home, preferj north or eaat. Priced to aell. 16600. CaU Mr. Wootten. TRADE ONI BDRM. POR TWO BDRMS. ' Excellent 1-bdrm. home with fplace., cloae to down town, for 1-bdrm. faome-. Prtfer aouth aide of city. Price S03M. Call AL watt., s-Taos. TRADE HOME ON CREDC POR S BORUB. Room for the ehlldren ta Play, for the dot to run, trout la tha creek. You will find all theee In thla attrac tlre 3-bdrm. home, lot 04 IIS, with bearlni fruit treia. Only N&00. Trade for S bdrms. TRADE COURT fSTRBXT 1NCOU1 Valuable location, eaay Income, Uv- Inr ouartera la rental. In excellent con- dltlon. will taie moaem nome in trad. Price 136,000. CaU Mr. Schmidt. NELSON & NELSON SMeiaUilnaT Realtor 101 If. Btsh at. Ph. l-llflt c!97 An Opportunity tarter houae i SI ft. Concrete floor. Runnlnr water. Lane treea Tear of lot. Houaa vary livable. Lot 1 3M. in Kcuer diatrics. iwt awa Price 13700. VERY ATTRACTIVE two-atory, four-bedroom home. Full baaement. Lane living room with fire place. Cloae to bua achooL New carpeta k drapea Included1. Lot 7 i 110.' Well landacaped. Property la In excellent condition. ThU la a buy for 13.000. Terma. BEAUTIFUL new, modern, full five-room raaldenee with double urate. Located on Waat flalem He I thta. Hot water heat. View lot. On oiled atreet. Thla la en ex ceptlonal opportunity. Ray Sanford Finance t Mo. Huh at. Ph. 4-4474 ar a-isai veninu, e-aew " Elbow Grease &. Paint m.m1 tn clean un thla lood rear- eld atrueturally aound three-bedroom boma, located south near new hllh aahdMil. Immediate poaneaalon, low down payment. Aakinc 14050. Property La P.U.A. approved. (Opportunity knock for lomeone.i $6500 $50 Per Mo. for this new roomy two-bedroom home, located north on larie productive lot. ijan rinwn MTmiBt. balance 460 per month. Don't see how a renter could mlaa on thla one, thoae rent receipts are hard to caah. No phone or drive by Information; flrat come, flrat served as thla one. TRADE-MINDED w hav, a dandr 4-bedroom homa with double laraia. beautiful llvlni room and dlnlni room fireplace, a kitchen that U a womana dream, which awner wanta to trade for a amaller home. Now, Mr. Pamllr Man, her, U a propertr anrona would be proud to own. and It'a rood for the famllr. What nave ro ta trader Money - Money - Money PH.A. .', loan. . - rentlonal - 10-rear loana, farm loan! 4H to 1. eaar terma. oood lletimi wasted oa bomea, acreaiea and farma. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 114, . Capitol Ph. "JjJ,. WANTED REAL ESTATE MOTICEi U rour propertr la lor ,ala. ml ar eichenie. uat 34 with aa We hav, aU klnde al caah burera BTATE PIMANCB CO. BEALTOBS 133 S BUB St a' WB ABE IB need af lood houaea ta aall. ...r Aalem. If m WUk M Ull roar propertr for eele. ae, OBABENHORST BROS. REALTOBS u. a. Libertr Ph 1-3471 i LIKTINOI WANTEO an homee, acreaiea and farma. Pre. aporalaal. Bental aerv ... , . m .ta to Yaara Con- rentlonal. 11 Yeara at 1 Perm Loana IS to 1 air wrma. nrn.M r.. lha out al cltr owner. Joe L. Bourn.. Realtor. 114, B. Capitol. Ph. 11)11 eve. 37317. ?' Journal Want Ads Pay JOE PAL00KA vuium ECS TW trt. I NO... POT AM- H74 w la-... rteti'afff' aaa iviai..wMf rc i i sms atth vrrT.S I ..V. I h, ,. . rr P0T...6UE55 REAL ESTATE PON'T PASS A GOOD BUY Better look at theae homea and ate for reuraelf that theae homee cant, be beat. Tou get a full dollara' worth. FOR INSTANCE M R. home II down S up. but well arraaaedi, about I or 1 yr. old. lent eorner let, fame. But here la the pay offonly I MM and HaO ar IIOOO down. Terme we caa work out. Juat call o-laal and let ua look the be ate aver. 3- B R. HOME (Alt an I floori, in top condition. Cloae to arhool sw bua, eld wall paved atreeU fireplace, dlnlna room, all floor furnace. ItaOO, terma open, ar would exchange far a emailer home. 4- B R. HOME (1 up. t down). 4 yra. aid. Double plumbiai. uuechtd taraie, fireplace, tnte. Beet af terma or, eara the awner, "Trade for a entailer boma. Mo need now for thle borne. NOTE Have you a apodal need ar problems If ae. call ua; wa will be Lad to to an extra mile with you any time t live a hand. CLYDE PR ALL, Realtor PR. 41411. ABC POR M. W. WIUJAMB 154 BO. HIOH CUT EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE BT OWNER, aell or trade home at Lin coln Beacb far noma In Balem. Call aaiaa. . '' EQUITY to trade In furnlahed up and dOWn dUPieX W1IQ IUJI BSHU'aMI, "aa. trade for car ar trailer houae. Phone waPaeaw 9 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EQ'JIPMENY AND LEASE al Silver Palla Lome. Call 1-1717. odllT MOD. fYOBE BLDG. la choice builneu location oa Palreroanda Rd. 1300 m. ft. ol fir. enara on htihwar plue 3 B. R. houae with bami. for owner'a llr. atri. Thta cholca builneie pronertr la a real bur at onlr 131.300. Contract BOB CONKLIN with BURT P1UMA, Ke altera. 171 H. Hllh St. 3-4M7 or 1-3133. CO I" eweeeeeeeewiiiiieeere' BUSINESS & INCOME FALL CITY II apartmeota. furnlahed. Laree trocar r atore bulldlni and all equipped. U loekera. Store buudiat leaaed at 1144 mootn. AU aparttntnU when ful ly occupied orinf in io montn. mu la an unuiuallr food deal and owner will take trade and caah. Will, trade moat anywhere and If yon have the caah It will make you a real deal. Dont' paaa thla up aa It U a aood in reatment. Preetnt awner leaving 01 account of health. J. E. aCLJ:RC, REALTOR lead K. Capital Ph. 313U el7 INCOME PROPERTIES OUT OP STATE owner offere Mrrtlo Creek. Oreion. Ineoma propartr. reaa- anablr priced. Por oompleta detalla. telephone aire. O. P. Pattcraoa (Salem 4-11341 before Prldar nlaht. efllt FURNITURE FOR SALE rUBNITUBE S-rm. houae, lood. priced to cell, lieo a. cnuren. WANTED FURNITURE llllUlia-iaS'li'tlll'l.'l AUCTIONS SUDTELL'S AUCTION Thuri., Aur- 30 1919 Bllverton Rd. Phone 1-409 10 a.m. Miae. furniture, yeietables 1 p.m. Livestock, chlckena Ji rabbits, baby cavlvea 4a veal, weaner and feed er plia, halfera, bulls, a teen, milk beef cowa, aheap, loata. Cornel Kx perlenced aaleamen to aeU your llve- atock. LAN! SUDTELL AUCTION BALSA YD. dd!97' Furniture Auction tonite at o'clock at LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD, lo cated 1 mile east of Salem on Silverton road. Ph. 36098. ddl7 LIVESTOCK WANTED IOCBEB BEEP White face Hereford. 34c Locker oork 43c. Nothln, down. moi to par Cuitom kllllnl. Trailer loaned fraa 8.1am Meat Co. 1331 S nth Ph 1-4M1 aa RABBITS DOES AND Buckb, California atraln Oood clean etock. 4io ciaiter Rd. PETS BOLLYWOOD AOt'Alll'M 1ISI MrCor. ana block eeet or N. Capitol, i, dukri north ol Madlaoa. Ph. 3-M17. ec2M PARAKEET Bib lt and breedera. Healthy blrda. 1100 Llvlni aton. Phone 1-1043. ec3M CHAMPION BRED BOXER pupplea. ev ery pup potential champion- Moore Tropical rtah. Parakeeta, Ttirtlea. aup pi If. S mllea from Lancaster on McCleay road. 4-1771. Cloaed Wednes day. ec220 PEKINESE puppy. Call 46 LancaMfr Drive alter p m eci,- FUEL PLANEB ENDS Oreen er dry Oat af towa dellverlai. Sawduat; blowera and P.O. WEST SALEM FUEL CO. Ull Edeewaler . Ph. 14011 FOR SALE POULTRY WE ARE hatch in New Hampshire Ooi-i- tn Broad and Arbor Aerea White Rock, every week. Special prirea to year around fryer irowera. Poa'i Hateherr SMO IMa; Bt, Phone l-Mt. f 11 WEEK OLD Rhode Red DUllete. Har- nr aVhal. Hubbard. Inoulre PrlendB Berv.ee. H07 WANTED SALESMAN wanted einarlenced aaed ear aaleamen. Write Box 144 Capltol Journal. gel,7 da da' ' I I W... 1 1 I tMMi-x-r ' rj i "js i...: . e'eurv ,tG vi i rt m vwitra i "LrTI Y-r fxwi. i 1 Y sl Vv'yJC9 r- JU I' )TJUWM!k ritODUCE TEIXOW HEATED cantalouna from Yak ima vauer. aw. ir. Oreea Appl, Martat, 1 m IE. ffllT tloT VARIETY at peachea la aeaeoa. k,ut.. mi Wallace Bd. L. E. Wendt. lllll- I rower. ItEBAMA GARDENS opena Prldar. Aui. 14. faaturina bome-arowa earrota, ,u beana, aew red epuda, broccol. bwte. Ala. plclllni culen free dill wltb ordere. W axL W. alehaau .a old hlwar mr fllEUNO CI Ell fraih dallr from our laraa Held rua ae pound. Oraanlcallr rowa aotaloea. red or white. Peachea now oa market. Phllllna Broe. Perm Market. 4140 Portland Rd, Salem. Phone 14411. NEW WHITE BOSE poutoaa. lV.c par lb. 371 Chemawa Bd. v. atfle weal ol Kelacr achool. CBAB APPlia. Ooldea JublUa peachaa. Slappr peacnaa aovn. iwimd -- - I. Sol 41. Up Olena Creek Rd. Phone HELP WANTED BEAN PICBEBS DeSart atari plcklnc. Am. 10. truck al 1 00. and Alt will Be readr for 1T KITCHEN HELP Speedwar. No phona calla. 1170 Cen lerSt. se..! iva wnaiH to work an our bop- plcklal machine. Starllni Auiuat 17. Dar and nlaht work. Locate 1 mllea north of Salem on the River road, call Salem 4-1133 or 1-1333. lllaalon Bottom Harveiter. BEAN PICKEBS wanted. Phona Pred Helna. Rt. 1. Bok 171. 11315. ,1M EbrrlCKlNQ MACHINE and field crew h.in ai.. ..DerlencMl head drrer man and drrhouio crew. Pour trucki with w.t. .tmi nn. -wh.fl tractor driver. About 11 darl work. W. W. Graham A Son Yard, north of Salem, near Clear Lake. Call weokdari 1 u 1 p.m.. 4-1311. KB' KITCHEN HELP ,5an ahop, S400 Port land Rd.. No phona call. BEAN PICKERS Retlater now for plcklnf. In new yard of trellised beana. Btartlni about Am. 30. Watch thla apaca for exact atartlni date. Oood camp, wood, liihta and eablna or tent bouaca. Dally bua aervke from Balem. Bua route to be published aoon In thla paper. Write D. P. McCarthy Bon. Rt. 3. Boa 133, Balem, Oreion, or drive out 0 mtlee on South River road or 1 mllea cut of Independence, xnia it one oi m . Rt ta vavrdi and eamn. D. P. Uc- Carthv Bon. Rt. J. Box 133, Balem, Oreion. Phona aldepcndence 16". 107 WANTED BEAN PKkara. 1 mllea N.I. of K titer on Lake Lablah. Watch for alma. Oood plcklni. No child rf n un Amr is. Raloh Hoctlni. Ph. 11544. 1 18 WANTED Bean plckera. I mllea north An River rd. FIR OROVB PARM. Rt. 1, Box S5I. Phone 4-4043. llH1 ukam PlCKEKtl needed. Steady plcklni. Tr importation furnlahed. Call platoon leader, 41350 eveninnt. w 3 r-rerrrwrr-r-r-rf "m HELP WANTED MALE kcw CAE SALE SHAN Permanent peti tion. Beat deal In valley. Reference required. Write Eox 197, Capital Jour nal, ww WANTED Oen. farm hand. Tractor awifhBn.Mi. reDairini. oa. room May conelder drive out by dar. Can avenlnia. Pete Killer, Brooke, near Parkeravllle jehooi. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Lady for houaework and child cara. Live in. permanent, rnone blOl WOMAN In vicinity of flout h 13th and Palrvlew to do Hint nouaewora ana care of 1 -year-em uri. a noure pn dar. Phono J-4034. ibJOO STENOGRAPHER Young woman above averaie aouitr ana iiinnwi, lovu nPBr.nBlltr. eollexe education or ex. perience. Permanent position. Top aal ary for rliht person. Pea paid by em ployer. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY, 494 Btate Bt. Phona 4-3351. Ibl97' wOMAM. General fcouAework. Uve In m . Liberty. eo""- EXPERIENCED a alta lrl wanted. Apply Hartman Broa. 199 Btata. i loier DEPENDABLE mlddle-aied lady for child care. My home. 4-123 gnwr EXPERIENCED housekeeper and child ara. Live in. Keierencea rrquirea. M0 a month. Write bos 109 Capital Journal. i OUREKEEPEt' for lather and i chll- ilrn. No c eanini or launary. rn 44471 Mr. Barnee. tM03 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES YOUR JOB? SAVE TIME CHECK OUR LISTINO Tilt YOUR PICK IP Q0AUP1ED P Recept. diet. opr. Dr.', ofc. ...3200 p oen. ofc. apt. flare 1300 p Dictaphone opr. 10-40 ....... 3200 p Typlat credit ,xp 1200 P payroll clerk 1300 P Bkkpr. part time P Bookkeeper P Aoctl. clerk .... P Seer, recept. da. p stroo. t da P Steno. part time P Ateno. Oen. ofc. ...31.31 hr 1310 3225 I30 3223 ...31.10 hr. 15-41 1300 P Counter clerk eteno. 30-31 1230 1230 M Bookkeeper MAelei trainee 1 rra. col. out. .inoo THE BEST WAY TO THE BEST JOBS Offlr. closed Saturdara in Aueuit COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCY 414 Nt.le At. (Orecon Bid! 4-3731 PORTLAND OFC., 430 S.W. MORRISON efl7' WANTED POSITIONS PAINTING Interior, exterior. MrClaln and Oolden. Phona J-J333 er J-3SS. h317 INFANT OR CHILD care la mr home. Ph. 11S01. hJOl- East Salem Kindcrgardcn Start September 33nd. Reilstcr bow. One block aouth of Ebner'e Park and Market. Call 3-7171 or 3-10117. hllf BOtTr. SALES WORK wanted. Perm.. reliable, ateadr. married, ace 14. two children, emplored. beet of reference,. Salem vldnltr preferred. Phone Al hui III. L. R. Miller. hl3 "lic"enskdday nursery Phone 3-1031. Eapeclallr tor Intanta and 1 rrara. M01- YOU NEED rour kitchen, bathroom, cell- Ion and walla waabodr Alao rour win. dowir call 4-iii. mo' WANTED Garden work br tha dar. Phona 1-7200 avenlnie. hl!7 ROTOTII.LINO Middle Orova Nuraerr. 4110 Sllrerton Rd. Phone 4-4132. . h RELIABLE BARY SITTER Will 10 dare or ntchta. Phona 3-1P34. h200 PAINTING, PAPER hanelni. dar or contract- Small Job, welcome. Phone 1-70H1. h307' REMODEL NOW! Free heme pianmna atrviee. Let ni five you a free ei time to an your home remodellni or repair. Also in ataiiation of roofirur, eve trout ha, aid tni er other bulldlni materlala. Montgomery Ward Phona 1-1191 15$ Ho. Liberty .Wednesday, Annul 19, 1953 WANTED POSITIONS UGBT CBAWLEB doilnl. dirt level. lai. iradini. pnona a-aaao. nioi parEB hanoino. palnuai. proa i- umeMa Don Luoera. pa. aaazi. 03 OT 1' N MOWEB1. aCISSOBS. dipper naada. etc.. eharpened. oeneral lie tor Repair, 111 Owfa. Paaao 1-1051 hum LAMDKAPING. tractor and Hilar work. Aarrlce Center. Phona 4-1173. B" PAINTING Exterior and In ter Lor. and wall work. Phona a-nia, e-rni. inr YARD WORK ardealnl. hll7 Ph. Slall. BUTTONHOLES (Praltl 10a. 1 dap aar. alee. Phona 41401 nioi EDUCATION MEN It WOMEN x 18 to 49 Our trained Councilor will bo la Baleta aoon. Ha waau to talk about rour abllltr ta train for amplorment la MOBILE ELECTRONICS: RAILROAD COMMUNICATIONS. TRUCKS. BUS, TAXI PIRE DPT. ETC.. T.Y. AND RADIO INDUSTRIES. U row hare the abllltr rou will be advlaed about Place ment. Par. Uoeplteltaatlon. Pre. Paura. amplorment, etc Wrlta United Ballwara Inetltute,. Box lit, a-a CapU tal Journal. hhllY FOR RENT orrlCK SPACE Ingulra at IN S Blah Phont 1-4114. I- LABGE warehoua, epaca for real a. leaaa Cement floora. anas buudlnf Down town Inquire b. t. Btltr Pur, niture Co. Phona 1-lltl. r ros LEASE 110 ta IN feat troolaie oa Ediewater St. Weel salaat Ira J. PUU ph 31403 t WANTED TO RENT S-BEOBOOM HOURE-Dining room and Uvlm room. Prefer baaement. Ha children. About 170. Al Richardson, Pood Manaier. at ate Penitentiary. Ph. 44474. )al FAMILY OP 1 wlahca to root l-bfrdrooat well furnlahed houie br sept. 1, bo Iween ni and HI month. . 14741. Jan, BEDROOM 1-1117. unfurnlahed houaa. Call )all7 FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE BOOM cloaa atata Ikioi bulldlnia. 13, N. winter. NICE PIBS1' PLOOB aleepln, roam. Hot and cold water. 441 No. Hllh. 11301 1 BEDBOOM nlcelr turnlahed Individual unit la court. Haa Ilreplace. Walkln, dlitaaca to capltol bulldliita. Adult, onlr. Bo peta. tu monthlr. Pa. nui. Iklll NEWLY BEDECOBATED lllht houie- keeplnf room. Ladr. in Ifo. IThureh. II201' NICE BOOM In aulot home, kitchen prtrUeiea. waahhur machine. Cloaa to Oeneral Boipltal. Tranaportatlon. Ph. 10117. Jklll NEAR CAPITOL bulldlni, attractive downatatre room. 1,321, 71, Marlon. Ikllie ATTBACTIVE room, prlvata horn,. O.n- tlcman. 911 N. summer St., Phona 1-1341. Iklll CLEAN LIGHT houiekeeplfti room. 711 Church. Jkioi. FOR RENT HOUSES MAPS New cltr man, knowing ar-peae hllh war available at rour farorlta book atore. Look for Releon Mapa.- Jm304 LARGE 3-bedroom houaa, cloaa to dowap town mopping area, cau i-tua. Imllte, CLEAN, OLDEB 1 bedroom home, aaw- ' duit heat, is, per month, ttawnna Realty, IMP N. Capitol. 4-1711. lm 1-BEDBOOM unlnrnlahad houaa. aub urban, north, oa HE. Phona 4-4071. Jmll7 1-BEDBOOM BOUSE. CIOM 1-0711 alter 1:11 p.m. ta. Phona Jmlca 4-EOOM BOCSB 141. Call 17104. 1311 Jmll7 Cherrr Are. ALMOST NEW unfurnUhed on, bedroom. hardwood floora, electric heat, cloaa In. 14313. imlOl" 11 CATTERLIN 3-bedroom. aU heat, Jroiei 113. 44434. 30771 ,rentnia. 1-BEDROOM unfuralehod, wall-to-wall carpetlni, electric heat. Oil. 4-1714. Imloio ATTRACTIVE auburban plaatared duplrr. attached laraia. Partlr furnlahed. Nlea Uwn and ahade troa. 147.M. Ph. 41M1. )mll7 HOUSE FOB LEASE 9 BR. homo la En- lewood dlat. Ideal for couple or aoupia with one child. Immediate poea. PRANK LOCKMAN, Rltr. 3011 Pair, roundi. Ph. 4-U13. jmltl 1 BEDROOM BOUSE, NEAR SCHOOL, BUS. CHURCH. STORES. WEST BA LEM. PH. 41111. Jmllt POR BENT, one bedroom homa furnlah ed, attached t trait. Ph. 13141. Imiw BUSINESS RENTALS STORE OB OFFICE SPACE In BOW bulld Ini. 144 So. 13th. 1-1131, 1QI17 BUILDING IN Hollywood, approximately 10 ea. feet. 150 a ' month. CaU Raw Una Realty. 1-4M4, or 4-1111. joe GROUND PLOOB office or itore apaca for rent. Call at Pitta blarkol lo FOR R ENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED NICE apartment, Capltol Shopping Center. Reaaonabte. 400 No. , 13th. JP301" CLOSE IN, attractive, furnlehed, t roome, near atat, home. 1-1013. IP301 CLOSE IN, amaU furnlahed duplex, 130. Parklniapace. 706 Marlon. iPlOO BFAUTIFt'L I BOOMS and bath, partly furninhed. Automatic waaher. Pb. Slftlt B0 Falnroundi Re. J pi PI ATTRACTIVE 1 rooina. All utllltlea. Cloae in. Reaaonable. 074 H, Church. Inquire In rear 070. tp9T MCELT rtENISHFD larie. clean apart . mrnt. Utllltlea furnUhed. Reaaonable. 366 Ao. lath. )p201 CLEAN, SMALL, MODERN, I -room fur nlahed apartment, 1 or . adulta. No peu. Bhaldon Apart men ta, Iteo N. Liberty. Jp201 VERT NICE unfurnUhed l-bedroom apartment. 133 N. 14th. Rama, re frigerator, waahlni machine and water , furnUhed. Phone 3BM6. lp30I l-ROOM I'PSTAIRS apartment. Rente, refrtterator, laundry. Utllltlea paid. 033.00. Ph. 3lt. 3311 Haiel Ave. )P301 VERT clean, nicely furnUhed, l-rooa ept aU utllltlea furnlahed. I5. Weet Salem. PurnUhed l-bedroom houae. Wft Salem. I. 1311 Ediewater, 1-5100 evea. l-tOt. Jpl S ROOM apartment. Prlvata bath. Adulta. 70t N. Liberty. Ph. W47. i p 1 M CLOKE IN, to quiet people, S room fur nuhed apartment on aecond floor. Sleeping room, lit floor, separata en trance. 090 No. Cottaie. Jpllt NICILT FURNISHED apartment; In be it1or Apu 150 Na. Bummer Jp ri'RNlKHED aoartmanL Clean. 441 Un ion St. 130.00 per month. Call 3-3434. JP197 SEVERAL furnUhed apartmenta. food location. Inquire at U SUff Purnlture. Phona i-Oita. jp CLEAN t Room apartment. Real on able. 770 No. Front. Ph..J7717. Jpl07- By Ham Fisher fc. r Bra, ilm Baaaaar 4-14H ltT V Y" - . 1'" , '' ' -wJ