Par 2 THI CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon Wednesday, August, In The Valley Edited 1 MIU FORBES Hopewell Gates Catei The Gate tchooli will open for the fall term Mon day, Sept. 14. Don Miley to sup erintendent and other mem be of the high achool teaching staff are Mrs. Leta Bibblee, Dale Reynolds and Darrell Crossler, who is new this year. In the grades, Mrs. Gwen Schaer is principal. Other teachers are Mrs. Margie An derson and Mr. A. T. Bern hardt. Mr. and Mrs. James Over lock and two children, from . Seattle, spent the past weelc at the home of Mrs. Overlock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Davis. They left Sunday for a week s vacation at the beach, after which Mrs. Overlook and children will spend a week with her parents while her husband is In Hanover, Ind . Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Heath had as their guest for several days last week, their son Har old Heath from Leavenworth. Wash. From South Bend, Wash visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rynearson, were Mrs. Maude Richardson, her daughter Miss Lucille and her - mother, Mrs. Brown. Mrs, Richardson Is Mrs. Rynearion's aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kelle's son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mills and son Bill, of New pert, spent last week-end at the Kelle home. Sunday guests at the William Fennlck home were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cochran and two boys of Jefferson, "fie Ul UII1H (AIDING SIMMY ft, GATES OrEN 1:tf SHOW AT 7:41 Start Tonight (Wog.) SCARED STirr Deaa Martin Jerry Lewis Plas "TAXI" Dan Dalley Centane Smith'' 'Im lit In Person! Next Monday At7:tand:Sir.M. Prices: mm! SPIKE JONES "MUSICAL INSANITIIS OF 1934" Featuring the CITY SLICKERS Mill Orders Taken! Checks payable to Capitol Theatre. Specify First or Second Show Seats en Sale at Capitol Bos Office! Mr. and Mrs. Edward Biddle and three children, of Fort' land, were week-end guests at the home of Mayor and Mrs, W. R. Hutcheson. Dr. and Mrs. Van R. Bllyeu of Laguna Beach, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Allen of Eu gene and Mrs. Alma Hazen of Albany are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Struckmeler. Mrs. Bllyeu and Mrs. Hazen are Struckmeier's sisters. Mrs. Laura Joaquin, who has been visiting her son, Jo Joaquin, for two weeks, left Sunday for Roseburg, where she will spend several days at the home of a daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Layton Gosnell and son Larry, before returning to he home in San Jose. Calif. Joaquin and daughter Dalene took his moth er to her daughter's home, re turning to Gates Sunday even ing. Mrs. Velma Carey accom panied her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carey and son John, of Stayton, to Stark's lake for a week-end of camp ing and fishing. Mrs. Minnie Everton of Yak, una. Wash., who has been vls iting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Burrel Cole, the past two months, left Sunday for her home. Her grandson. Thurlo Cole, accom panied her as far as Portland. Mrs. George Cllse was sur prised when a group of her friends gathered at her home on the evening of her birthday anniversary to help her cele brate the event, each guest bringing a handkerchief or cup and saucer. Pinochle was In play during the evening, and refreshments served to the honored guest, Mrs. Cllse and Mesdames Wlllia mseweu, Earl Vanderhoff, Gregg Osborne, Jessa Haywood, Alva Johnson, Harvey Parks, Ted Grounke and William Vashel. Mrs. Minnie Everton was oempllmented Tuesday after noon before her departure Sun day for her home In Yakima, Wash., by a luncheon given by Mrs. Don Miley at her home. Places were laid at the table for Mrs. Everton, her daugh ter. Mrs.. Burrel Cole, Mrs. Stewart Rush, Mrs. Mary Eg- gleston, Mrs. Glen . Henness and the hostess and daughter Nadlne. Mrs. Clarence Rush was hostess at luncheon at her home Friday afternoon honor ing Mrs. Everton. Other guests were Mrs. Glen Henness and Mrs. Burrel Cole. An "Au Revolr" party and handkerchief shower was giv en in honor of Mrs. Laura Joaquin, now of San Jose, Cel., at the home of Mrs. Albert Mlllsap Friday afternoon, Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson. Mr. Harry Reiser and Mrs. Harold Wilson assisting -hostesses. Those pres ent were all former uates neighbors of Mrs. Joaquin. Re freshments were served by the hostesses to Mrs. Joaquin, Mrs. Walter Brlsbln, Mrs. Philip Hess, Mrs. W. 8. Hudson, Mrs, Jack Brown, Mrs. Floyd Fleet wood. Mrs. Oscar Osterhout, Mrs. Elmer Stewart, Mrs. Ken neth Martlg. Mrs. Jesse Hay wood and Mrs. Elmer Klutke. Sending cards and gifts were Mrs. Don Miley, Mrs. mm Richards, Mrs. Margie Ander- cson, Mrs. W. F. Struckmeler, Mrs. Dan Morrison, Mrs. Floyd Volkel, Mrs. Bob Bonitx. Mrs. Glen Henness and Mrs. Burrel Cole. Mrs. Lois Broslg is annaunc lng the marriage of her daugh ter, Miss Birdie Larson, to Rob ert J. Wilson of Klamath, Cai. The couple were married Sun day. August 9. at Reno, Nev, The bride Is a graduate of the Gates high school and has been employed In Klsmath. She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Walter Brlsbln. Hopewell Mrs. Ross Rogers, Mrs. J. S. Gilkey and Mrs. N. O. Pearse attended the officers training meeting at the 4-H building in McMinnville Thurs- A new roof has been tnstauea on the north side of Wheatland school, and other preparations are being made for the opening of school in September. Miss Faloma Kirkwood of Seattle, cousin of Mrs. Joe Bea ty, is visiting relatives and friends in the Hopewell dis trict this week. She spent Sun day with her aunt, Mr. ana Mrs. Tom Rogers of McMinnville. Lonnie and Vickie Ledford of Salem were guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coberly for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Jaenlcke of Portland were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Gelsler, and all enjoyed a trip to Detroit Dam in the afternoon. Mrs. N. O. Pearse and Rob ert called on Mrs. William Pearse In Salem Sunday after noon, ana on itev. ana nrs. Bruce Chamberlain of Aurora. Mrs. Chamberlain is a recent bride from Ontario, Calif., and her family has been friends of the Pearses lor many years. Mrs. Marvel Brown has been 111 with soison oi! for a week, but returned to her work car ing for Mrs. - Belle Simkins Tuesdsy. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cran nell and Colleen and Dickie returned borne Thursday from a visit with Mr. CranneU's mother In Beatrice. Neb. They went through Yellowstone Park, Rushmore Memorial and all state capitals enroute. Mr. and Mrs. S. c. waller enjoyed a reunion with friends of their former home in Webo, Mont., at Bush Park in Salem Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. jonn l.. wiamer fHelen Olua) of Woodburn spent the week-end with her parent. Mr. ana Mrs. jonn Olua. Wayne OJus, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Olua. arrived in ja- nan Aug. 4. and left immedi ately for 'Korea. He enjoyed his first train ride going from Yokohama to a base In south ern Japan, where he embarked for Korea. Set. Donald-Maine of Hyde Park. Md.. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Magness, was a guest of his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Fuqua, the past week. . Thursday evening a ainner in hi honor was served by Mrs. Fuqua to Miss Virginia Mag ness, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Masneas and Mil Katharine Magnet of Newberg, Mrs. Law rence Imlah, sr., ox oaiem, rar. and Mrs. Ross Rogers and Ray Thompson. Sgt. Magness left Friday enroute to Korea. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Legg spent Sunday with their daugh ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. JL E. Smith in CorvaUis. Mr. and Mrs. Don Schacht and fam ily of Cottage Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Legg and Cyn thia of Lincoln district were also guests at their sister's home. Roberta Edwards of Toledo is spending two weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loop. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bell and son were Sunday afternoon visitors. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Currie and Jimmy and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Currie and children of Gales Creek spent Sunday at Detroit Dam. Rev. Carl Perthall of Hamer, Idaho, arrived in Hopewell this week-end for a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Oscsr Lai ferty, and Mrs. Pershsll and their four sons will return with him to Idaho later this week. They have spent the summer with the Laffertya. Wayne Hickerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hickerson, is visiting his parents for a few weeks before the opening of Oregon State college in Septem ber. He attended summer ses sion this year. Miss Marlene Harris of Port land spent the week-end with her brother and wife, Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Harris, paitor of the HoDewell E.U.B. church. Carol Kotka of Woodburn Is visitins her erandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Janzen, during the harvest season. ; Jefferson Lincoln Lincoln Judy Meissner, 12-year-old daughter - of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Meissner of Lin coln, has had a series of mis hap recently which will pre vent active recreation. She received a second de gree burn on her right arm while ironing last week. The iron started to fall from the board and she was burned when catching it. On Monday of this week she broke her arm when playing on a homemade slide at the home of the W. D. Kyles, which she didn't know ' had . been waxed. As a result, her arm is in a cast. Enjoying a picnic at Silver Falls Sunday were Lincoln folk, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Chand ler and Matthew and Leslie, Lois M. Haldeman and Mrs. Lois Crawford. The occasion was the birth day anniversary of L. R. Chandler. Mrs. Eva Purvlne has re turned from a week's visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Steph ens of Coos Bay. Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Johnston are the parents of a baby girl born Aug. 6. She has been named Deborah Donna. Mrs. Johnston will be remembered as Alayne Hall. John Alexander spent the past week in Portland visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Holm of Woodburn at tended church in Jefferson Sunday morning and spent the afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kihs and Miss Helen Klhs. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hutching of Portland were guests of Mr. and Mrs.' Marvin Hutchlngs Wednesdsy. Mr. and Mrs. Psul McKee, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Denson, of Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoyt of Silverton and Mr. ana Mrs. Chester Miller of Albany visited Miss Lou Miller at the Mennonite Home near Albany, Sunday evening. Miss Miller is enjoying good health, and Mrs. Mann, who also was a resident of Jefferson is feeling better and is able to be up and around. An afternoon was spent Wed nesday at the home of Mrs. Scott Hswk, the occasion be ing the annual fish fry spon sored by the Past Noble Grand club with husbands as guests. A picnic was plsnned for Sept 13, for Odd Fellows, Rebekahs and families, to be held at ;the coast Those present were Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Goin, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Curl, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith, .Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cochran, Bliss Fiddler, Mrs. Maud Epley, Mrs. Carrie Swansy, Mrs. Don Porter, Mrs. J. A. Wise, Mrs. T. O. Kester, Mrs. Lee Wells, Mrs. J. C. Hart ley, Mrs. Charles Smith and Kay. Mrs. Hawk and grand sons, Jimmy Hawk and Jimmy Hampton. Mrs. J. C. Bentley and daugh ter. Gloria, spent the week end visiting J. C. Bentley who is employed on road construction work at Fort Kiamatn ana Crater Lake. Miss Ann Wright of Oak land. Calif., is spending her va cation at the heme of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright On Thursday the group en Joyed a trip around the Mt, Hood lop. Aurora Aurora Thomas Allen Rush ton, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rushton of Portland, and grandson of the Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Leikauf, was baptised during Sunday morning serv ices at Christ Lutheran church, Aurora. Sponsors were the Misses La Vonne and Mary Anne Leikauf. The Mission Society of Christ Lutheran church, Aurora, met Thursday afternoon, Aug. 13, in the church parlors. At Barlow Calvary Mennon- lt. ..fctirrVi SnflHav Atlfflllt 1ft. Rev. A. E. Krelder of Gosnen, Ind., president of the Mennon ite Mission board, addressed the 11 a. m. services. The Aurora Junior Rodeo was a financial success ana drew hundreds of persons for the afternoon's performances at the city park. A number of Aurora visitors at the Rodeo Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schrenk of Tualatin, Mr.. and Mrs. Arch Schiedel, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Armstrong and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hurst and fam ily. Mrs. Jennie Zlegler, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wurster and Pedee Pedee Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cooke of Lafayette were call ing on friends in the neighbor hood recently. The Cooks for merly lived in the Fir Grove community. ; Mrs. Lura Truear spent sev eral dsys the past week in Sa lem with her, brother. George McCormack, while Mrs. Mc Cormack was In the hospital. She is improving . and is at home now. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert May and daughter Sharon, of Ar rington, Kan, were' recent guests at the Dewey Cummins home. , Mrs. Beulah' Backler of Los Angeles. Calif., visited several daya the past week with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Alva Bliss. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mentzer and her father, Mr. Crippen, have returned home from a fkihing trip in British Colum bia. Mrs. C. R. McCormack, Cur tis and Robin; Mrs. S. C. Sing- ler and Steve; Mrs. Robert Spinney, Bobbie and Kirk, vis ited their cousin, Mrs. Paul Ronco and Bradley, the past week. Pedee Farmer Union juniors were well represented at Camp Adams. Those making the trip were Harry and Dwight Cum mins, Amy and Thomas Pom eroy, Richard and Larry Hag gard, Heather Swingle, James Mentzer, Sylvester Trupka, and Bessie Kline. Mrs. Dewey daughter, Emily, of Sheldon, Alaska; Sammle Miller of Mo lalla, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thomp son, Canby; Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Miller, Canby; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Junken and family, Port land, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Oswald .and family, Oswego. Cummins and Mrs. R. L. Pom. eroy took the group to camp, Mrs. K. Swingle and Don Mentzer brought them home. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baney of Salem were dinner guests Sun. day at the home of her brother, Paul Ronco, and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Smith have been on the sick list the past week. Most of the cockroaches that are pests in America have in. migrated from other countries. ACORNS FROM THE WITH DEL MILNE "Salem people do not realise what they have here In, Salem, becaut It everyone knew what a wonder ful dinner you people put on for (1.25, this place would be full to overflowing. Wish we had thii down In L. A." Well, I think th lady is right. W actually fig ured it out and it Is cheaper to eat dinner at th Marlon than It Is to set at horn. Besides that, fellows, you get hot dinner rolli every night (homemade). Yet, make all of cur own pies, eaket, breads, etc. Very popular are our individual berry pies. Just Hz Mother used to try to make I hope you will not think I'm going nuts over this I1JS dinner, but I am so enthused about It X Just bubble over, especially when any. on mtntlons it Ilk this lady from L. A. r.m,in.tilii,.iimtii.iiim -TTT , GATES OPEN 7:61 SHOW AT 7:41 STARTS TQNITEI All Technicolor Show! Ray Mllland Arlene Dahl Wendell Corey in "JAMAICA RUN' else Vaughn Monroe Joan Leslie In "TOUGHEST MAN IN ARIZONA" You've never seen a sharper, brighter picture in a drive-In . . . than the one en eur giant screen! i-Ainur ctiyniv At Regnlar Friees ... 1 Jose Ferrer in 2 "MOULIN ROUGE" . 5 py ENDS TODAY Regular Prices rint ISe for viewer ON OUR NEW, WIDE SILVER SCREEN! TV OUHs f Crest Seipasjl Novel Ortdi At Yeal JrTi . l Top Ce-Featnrt "THE VICIOUS YEARS" Start Tomorrow TITANIC" Clifton Webb Barbara Stanwyck Action Ce-Featnre "WHITE LIGHTNING' and Stewart Granger Technicolor I "SALOME" I Rita Baywerth I . EDMOND O'BRIEN "WW (OUNIIT STARTS TODAY. toe Till : Cory GRANT-KERR Wake TW MKT MJSOM WHO JTf OMR, tm tern Nil II nil a i sw at ww i tDebetwk fill I llrHlHIUK m m wm im at am eiaa . m PIDGEONI 'il'M'mM taM ICSaTI nisi' iwrai KSTBI STARTS TODAY! ! Your fiWYafr Now ha rrSb &ooo( HILARIOUS Clifton Webb- Or .. TK woy you fevtte lough S"i f dnimfceif jr J J) 0Kftie AISO fw ' j THE MAN'S SHOP sets the pace for smart Salem men WE HAVE JUST UNPACKED OVER A HUNDRED OF THE NEWEST FALL SUITS IN A GREAT CHOICE OF EX CLUSIVE PATTERN WORSTEDS, SOLID TONES AND STYLE-IMPORTANT TWEEDS TO GIVE YOU THE SOLID SATISFACTION OF BEING BOTH STYLE-SMART AND PRICE-RIGHT! OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 We present this grand array of New Fall Fabrics and Shades in . . . REGULARS SHORTS LONGS PRICED FROM i $55.00 to $95.00 Sport Coats . . . IN TWEEDS AND SHETLAND!. $29.95 to $50.00 TME MAN'S SHOB