Paz 18 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon Wednesday, August 19, 1953 BURNED FINGERS By KATHLEEN NORMS STEVE BOFER Everyone at Mollle'i end every one. hastily summoned cu a. . Mollle'i broke Into a roar of ap proval a Jennifer and Jim came in, and immediately everyone bad the news, and plane iwept the entire company oil 1U feet. This was mursflay; Jim mum be or dered away at any ume; day were precious. Why not a quiet weooingn on eunaayr Jennifer could only keep tight hold of Jlm'i hand and look from lace to lace. "My veil," tald Mottle; "and well get a plain latin dreu at the Emporium tomorrow. They have them from alxteen dollars up." "Well have It at Mom's, de elded Mottle. "We can net a hun dred Into those two rooms.' "You sold your car, Jimf IU turn mine over to you." Richard O'Connor, who had been Jim's chum all through school said, -now mucn leave nave you got? "Haven t got my orders yet. but itn pretty sure ol ten days any. way." "That gives you all next week to take Mrs. Upplncott off on a honeymoon." "Mrs. Llppincott? . , , Oh," Jen- nuer oreainra. "Jennifer, you've got to start I list," Mollte was saying In an ur gent undertone. "And for pity's sake don't lose It the way Kate did and I did I You've got to write aown . . . -All doubts and fears had van. lshed now from Jennifer's heart Jim's quiet taking for granted that she was to marry him in a few days time was more forceful than the enthusiasm and plans. uie promises ana guts 01 ine out ers. She announced the next day at Vogelsang's that she was leav ing and why, and was touched by the offerings that Immediately rained In upon her. She and Jim had dinner one memorable night at a quiet little French place on the edge of Chi- Mown with French folk who paid seventy-five cents apiece for (he good hot food and the light red wine. They Miked of their future and thellr love. Even an xlous Jennifer could not regard Jim's war service as sharing the real dangers or the men wsiose health he was to guard; It might mean a long separation. It might mean a year, out ne wouia come home again. "Even with the war, this Is Heaven." Jim said. "D"you know where we're going Sunday?" "It's going to be the funniest sensation," she murmured, her eyes upon him, "to drive quietly off with you Into space and to have nobody care and to belong there, we two together." 'It seems too much happiness." He put out a long-fingered, strong hand and covered hers. "Day after tomorrow, Jenny,' he said. J she enaea uie leucitous hour with a sigh. "You work as usual tomorrow morning. Jenny "Yes. until one." "I won't be able to meet you at one." "I know. You have to go to uaiiana. i n go sirsigm nome you come when you can." "About four. I should think." "About four. I'd be all packed up, and we're to go to Mottle's for a very simple early dinner. ana men you take me nome. bun day," Jennifer said. In the ear beside him now, "I'm going to church with Mary, then home for breakfast, and to the Evanses Mrs. Flood and Mary with me and at eleven o'clock I'll come downttalra on the lookout for you." "Jennifer," said Jim. drlvlnjr "I have a horrible secret to unfold to you." "Dnf-f-fold It," she said, feeling her throat thicken and her color change. "I've sever told you that 1 have a little nest egg seven thousand dollars, to be exact." "You I" The blood was back In her heart and face again. '"Jim, you stole It!" "No, I didn't. I never told you, because I wanted to surprise you. someday when mv Intern work was over and we were house -hunt-' Ing, by looking at some particu larly attractive place and saying, Let's buy ttl'" "Jim, where did you get all that money?" "From my father. He died when I was eleven. I wanted to be a doctor. He had wanted to be a doctor, couldn't afford It, for he married young and my mother was an invalid for years. She died before he did and afterward they found this insurance twenty-five thousand, for my education. An old Dr. Vush was custodian- he doled It out to me, always remind' lne me that I'd need money In medical school for books and courses. This Is what's left. . had no idea until a few weeks ago how much It was: he sent for mt he lives In Philadelphia and handed over the residue with an amount of bookkeeping and affidavits and statements that would give you a headache. So then I planned my surprise for you, but now I oon't want to wait. You might find lust the place you want ... By the way. i ve no one eue in me world so I've made everything ovei to you in case. Jim ended. "There'll be no ln case.' And IU not find a house," Jennifer told him. "1 11 wait for you. Jim. she went on, with a slight change , of tone, laying a hand on his, "suppose I had a horrible secret too, something I hated to tell you but yet thought you ought to know. Would you want to know It or not know It? He had stopped the car outside the Flood co luge now; he put Bis arm aooui ner. "I've only to look at you. Jen nlfer, to know that you've not got any very nornoie secrets. There something of the kid about you still; theway your hair Is brushed off your temples In that babyish fluff, and the look In your eyes. Ana yet youTe mv laeai oi every' thing that is strong and sweet and good In all womanhood, and you'll always be that. I love you, my darling, get that through your lit tle bead. I think you're the finest woman I've ever known, grown up out of that dismal flat and that poor worried, crowded Uttle girl hood of yours Into nothing but gooaness ana gentleness. I aon't know what I ever did to be lucky enough to get you or what my children ever did to nave a moth er like you. But If trying to make you happy, trying to show you now grateful I am, Is any proof of the way I feel, why, that's what i n going to De aoing ail my uier "You're so terribly good to me, Jim," she whispered, her face wet witn tears. . A busy nre-Euter Saturday at Vogelsang's was enough, almost, to anve irom a girls nesd mat this was ner wedding eve. This time tomorrow, something in her heart kept saying, you will oe juqs wire, inu ume tomor row ... "Dvou know who I am?" harsh, deep old voice asked her suaaemy. jennuel turned, ana smiled her ready smile. yes, or course, now do you do, Mrs Gtddlngs? You're Nanoy neweu's granomotner." Yea. that's who I am." conced ed the magnificent old woman. As a matter of fact." she added. "she's Try niece's child. I'm her I great-aunt." "Is somebody waiting on you? Does Miss Holllster know you're here?" she askea. I You Ye the one I want to talk to. said Nancy's creat-aunt. how is Nancy?- Jennifer asxeai power. "What I want to know i you're the girl Nancy took to I lunch a while back, arent you?" "Yes." Jennifer admitted. "Jennifer Richie." Obevlm a oat or uie old woman's hand, Jenni fer sat down beside her. Well. I want a young girl to I come uve wiui me as part com panion and part company for TI0 UCVT W-ISTJ0M1 Feel happy after neils Wrijley s Spearmint Cum. Pleasant thewing aids digestion. Freshens mouth - sweeten, breath. jfcsytirl!Wr. Nancy." said the old autocrat. have nurse fine woman, but there's no voune life In the house. Ill oav you what thev oav you nere, ana it u oe ail gain, lor you wont so much as wash a pocket nanaxercnier. Before the war we traveled Honolulu and London and Antibes. When this mess Is over we'll travel again; you'll go everywnere. as it is n going on i to New York in r few months take you as a matter of course. You'd be an extremely foolish girl to do anything else. Pack up your things and come over to us. To day's Saturday; come tonight. "But you see," Jennifer ex plained, "I'm marrying a doctor who's a captain in the Medical Corns, tomorrow at eleven. So couldn't ... but you're so kind . . . ana i know I a love it real ly .. ." "Tomorrow I" exclaimed old Mrs. Glddlngs. affronted. "Otherwise I'd honestly love to try It," Jennifer said smilingly. "It would be such fun I And If you man t use me, sne went on in genuously, "you 'could always stop It. for I'm leaving here anyway and going Into some other work wntie Jim wniie captain upoin. cott Is awav." "I shouldn't stop It. Why shouldn't I like you?" the old lady asaea gruiny. "But look here," pursued Mrs. Olddlngs, "If you re going to take I another Job, why not take mine?" "You see it would be I'll be a married woman and It would seem if Jim came home sudden ly I'd have to join him for as long as I could . . ." ' M -1 1 J .1 J & uvu i arv i., hid wic vtu lady flatly. "I want you." you re ternoiy nice to want me," Jennifer answered, laughing outright, "and I know you always get what you want. So 111 tell you what I'll do. IU talk It over with Captain Llppincott, and come over and tell you what he mums snout it; nowu that do? For of course I could save every Mnt T mmAm fVt.n omilrin. T9" she ended, her eyes wide and shining. Yes. T dare say you could." Mrs. Olddlngs mumbled absently. "Look, promise me youll come?" the older woman demanded sud denly. 'Of course 111 come." Jennifer said aloud. Here It Is," her companion be gan again after a moment's scowl ing thought. "I want you to feel you might want something for setting up housekeeping en? That man of yours, my dear.' she sdded in a suddenly softened tone, "he mightn't come back, eh? We have to think of that. My onlv son. twenty-two years old. didnt come back from the last war. They got mm on the tenth or Novem ber, one day before the Armltlce I was on my knees thanking; Ood It was all over when the news came. We have to face tnose things . . . yea. Well, now, what day will you come?" "I truly will come." Jennifer promised. She laid a pitying hand on tne oia iat nana. "Someday when vou feel lone ly, when you sav to yourself. Tve nownere to go,' win you pop nightgown Into a bag and come over ana spend a rew days with us? You U be lonely." said old Mrs Olddlngs. getting ponderously to her feet, "but youll do mt a great tavor. ' I oo promise- jennirrr an swered, surprised, touched, and pitying. Mrs. Olddlngs clutchtd at ner nsncn at mis. (To Be Continued) HUCKLEBERRIES RIPE Portland Huckleberricsi will be ready for picking next weekend In the Mount Hood National Fore it. Supervisor Lloyd Olson said Tuesday. He predicted a good harvest. KOAC the "Joytheche,tng A04MI rrfL l syESS I was a bt Bf so votat- lost. eh Papa j vEAta tve CQMeeoT ano. if we pcnt that M y- " , 6Qufp at first. bop weu we canT mave the planet foa mjutu ysrosv. sow eone, somev5E I ANO TUATS THE MAYBE MV VEASS MADE ME THAT' NOT WWN WE jvrggfST TOfffS' BUT S WHO KNOWS WHO TurS BOV J stobv, MAjoa He'll a uttle jealous of , own the tools to this is the hhst time Yj.wiu. see it r :3 ALONE, SCAR60 ANO V CHILDHOOD AND ITS I2 COWfCT THE -r - I'VE CHUCKED OVf UNIX ' O-S TOO TO SHIFT EE0OMS r- sSON f J TVe w M Y O rVsl tTTi , 1 I Ss jj roGO I m VyfgUsXitSHIM )flgN6A5rrg fwOULOfjT W LY TIME US GOEsT OUQQf 6110. StMERS TC n UP A 5TOCM .L JifHUUHtJ 06 NICE JfXAXD LEAVF r TylSAPTHaT! (in " , rlvj SV'TITa -,-Sl OM THEIR BUND V f&A nDDNIN AklVft ' 1 . 1 I A MUM was V" "V III TO EST HERE-TWre f W-H0W II U LK-RMHTTTrie BUT HOW 1 I I I bnu-uvnirVHii I A l I I Mr UP MFTHFT) JUST I DID IT II H WBBBU6C ' WflttfTI COULD THEV mmM LmJ .Iw-J I ncMuso? M U rcbm utrm a I happen? II I I cum -mFep-turr a I rlame I I ML ABNEB ' , I I . tlArrt I I f-' ROM-MM HCTRUMPCrrr AN-IT-..'-i,tNtMALUM KfSyiODIN ii C M Arlis LmT I wusrr-erHESEssnie. th 'answer thoo oo . PiVfOH-sV-THEVCAIfll II . .: fflSfVmll HL AX ME HOW Atf f-Jk I TO HIM BUT AH GOTTA. jVO' Yn.v. J II JTr M' I Briwlftv wV VJI he crrstx me.'."J --r K XS-W 1., wMVAJ IrO)l HnpAi.nNn rassinv i 1 I " TS, 1 f. sS?s Lft iiT -JmJ tmo -bushes' sueceM coMfAJVE.' 7,1V yW yti Vi. JZAjCjJje I MTJTT A JEFF - I - OOWS NEED MILKING, PI03 1 UPy T AIN'T THROUGH FAQ 4J IVCT'OC ?JJ",'l H NEED FEEDINS FIELD NEEDS! -.J. Cfl lL rnUrcoVM J?S fW(' W eiTT.LeM,YFlBSTyoo work) plowing, wood jYtr (Vr-?? MC01E-RnED, I i REX MORGAN. M. D. ' m ftjj 0. tAWUS.'' IT'S A HEAP INJUV, T PLEASE. MiSS GALE.'0.X BJT I MU5T ifsTnl hjll-J Wtv3 6 I I LI T 1 I ;1 I " J "w J K 0L : 5 I TMfc NEUHO- I MIMJ I MUST n 1 1 - r Tl' III m l.i I -1 r! J: hi I r STiu. LNC0M500US .' J suusEON. is with him Zl Uvivkr r mTTi i : i .u i: i ' .f -.j-. jvim i eiIjI iii.ii tv bt a. i sv. i r ' i?tx mm I iMMF H la OIL U&m I I . .p- i i av i nr-ti h: r w v iwtfAjic: ii on -miTKixzx m i mini. ' I 1 t-. -W-J- ' , J I " II C III! sr . 7 .1 m V H Hl'A K SH I ' I - -.' &ti I IIII atjSamK . DONALD DUCK AoDeL.'iT-r,t", j.iu h o . in r-.fUv...ra n r St'A-.rAN . v II II ' 1 . Li I ' mwr tm UzMssm mmk&m I tvl A O V tVADTn T1 I 600D! SOMETHING TELLS I (vV. SOMETHING TELLS ME, If I MEET -V2l T ) I ME, WHEN VOU TALK WITHHIW, - 1 H-T THAT HI6H-N05ED BUTLER FlRSTfLL rA MV.lyOLILOOK.SOA MAY WftHfT HELD BOMBS 'VERYTHINO WILL BE SMOOTHEaM JXJ PROBABLY MAKE A FAST THREE-POINT A IS ToPy.!:;1Hl I MRS.W0RTH! I'M 00IN6 OVER r7v "i rtCXV-w BUT HERE GOES I C THAT SATCHEL! y TO-.UH- - ASK BARNEY ABOUT U W g THE OlD VARSIT y t -V- N- MATERIAL THE THEATRICAL ''JtLtV W s, i Ifll ,TRV! JT I P AOENT NEEDS.-.! A, ':7 ,H L,A ' K$ 1! E RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY f. M. KGWHCOlN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO; smkm we cm iisssAQ law Mao 'memo lua Las 1 . . I c Ufa ot It Naa Baia. anari Majat lV " P.. TM Bi Partf B.7 to SBH Be Bm. Lw 1ll WU, HlllUa Baa. Ka Wart Im M.W 115 Stella Dailaa Ollrw Bar " . AV J U w. Br... OriM aaf W..1 - L.. U a h. Maiar j. JJ wau M Urn Mint K.I WH laiarS Um, "t:Se riala Bll Mlm Tar to a aaarS Bm Katot J : 15 rarrril OaSlrar FrHS MaaM a.arB Mm Laan t-g L J..M OaSIm Saaaiar Haal BaaaiS BMai Mula 1:44 Paa't Wlfa Carl Maiatr aaaM.a Bait saaaeai Baaart MtUSr "fid W.leaaw Wta. af OBSt K..w Naaa iala Jlai Da4 Nana " i-i Tramar Balk Sikua TU gBlllaa Maria Bkaw Mal J:M Dr. f-aal BalaB'f sun rar Um Olrk Nnra JUb Dmr Kaaia 3 J45 p. Carrawar Taa.raUr rar U Olrh Faala Staaa B MatoSr 4 M UIt BuaUf airkaaai Tau Ii Ora. rait. Uwlt KIBa Kanar Maria Tai 2:15 Star Tl. Maria Tlaat Saalrral H.ailamr Math Mart Waa Maria Bai Blrakaai C... Carl Hum, Maria Mart Maria Taa J':4S UIU af Oar Klrkkaai Tiaw SBaFaa Maria Mart S:00 Bill llm . B. Marraa M.rrto Cirri, Saan af Trallla Tua TIbm 5:15 Neva "twa vm. riaklar Bar B Jaaiaan Oanlsiar 5:30 L MaOaB WarlS Taiai C. Ba.lHr WaaBarlaJ Saaaar Chrk Maria 5;45 K. ealaraak rraak Oaaa Bak OatraS Cllr Isaaaat Clak Sia 1T:Bfi a.1.1 wllk Aararlaaa Waatkaraaaa Ow Baalar Alpaar Clak ICakBIt Uckt S-15 Maria W.v BaaM SalUa N. W. Nawi Saaaar Crak iri Sltaaa :3tt ISSIa Casta. (Ierla 04 Saraaaaa Saw Clak Nan S:45 ESela Caatai riaykaaaa Llrtaalaf Saat Barl Saaaar Crak IS Kn 7 90 Balak Mari Mlllla star at Saa CUaa Kli Mail. Baaarr 7-15 ESwaraa Meet MUlla Star af BpacClwa Kti , Maria Btara Bku 7:30 yirat Nlikte. L. Tkaataa Htrltaa Masla Slsa Off BaaaaUaB 7:45 ruu NUklai rally Baall Barlusa Maria BakBriaaB 8:00 Maa'i r.ailr Jakaa. UN Snnabli Crlaia rla Daaaat Daa. 8:15 WarIB N.wa Mtrecr UN SauaiUr C'rlB. rilan Baaiaall 1:30 Bar Baaara O. Mikar Mlka Hif.Mla , BaHaaB 1:45 aw Baaara Qa Saat M.U.r Maria BaaakaB S:00 Patkar BanaaM Braaiway OleB Hardy BaMbarj 9:15 Kaawa Bcvaa rait. Uwri Baaaaall 9:30 uaaiataalM Oa Stack Mall CaH wkal Caaka BawkaU 9:45 fa, rai Oa Staaa rar Maria Ma.w Baaaaall 10:00 aaaartat l-BUr rtaal rbul KrMaa BaklaS atrr IUmmII ' 10:15 Saarta rias, Taa A Warl.Daaar Tlau Nawaraal N'itat Htwm 10:30 Bak a Bay BacarS Skat Daaa, Tlan N.wi Mlk 1045 Bak a Bay Bacari Shaa Daatt Tlan PaaBllaa Nlrkl (ai 11:00 law. Nat'L GaarB Daac. Tlai DaaBlkia NUkt' aH. 11:15 Lwa MaCall Maria Daaa, TtaH Maria Nlikl sH. 11:30 City C.aa.ll Maria Daaa. Tlaw Maria Nl.kl I.Z! 11:45 City Caaaall Maria Daaa. tin. Matla 11,11 JJ iiiOO'Stoa Ofl Ulraat Tlai. Ma. Malay Uln Off " FU M.y.i KOIN IS 1.1, .la IS p.m. KEX tt.f, S to f.m7 FRIDAY 6 A.M. T0 1 1 :4S A.M. 6:00 Daw Wart ?rj Oraw rarra Hr. N.w. . iBraakfaal WmU, 6:15 Dan Weal KOIN Blaak Parra Br Tlra.kaaaar Naak Maul. 6:30 Data Waat KOIN Blaak rarra Br N.wa Braakfaat ,,,... 6j45 rarai Tlaia KOIN Black Parra Marek Tlai. Mtmk H, 7 ;00 Calry EaitarlKOIN Klack Nawa HcaUaaway Bf.akfut KOCA wtZ 7:15 Jakaay WU14Naa M. Smaaky Braakfaat Nt KOCO a 12 7:30 Naw. tlawa Oarral Braakfaat Braakfaat koto i !-I l K. M...I.. B. Bakkltt BakB.... N... N.rt gJ 2 6:00 OM Saaia N.wa 1 Braakfaat Cell Br-wa Jha Daaiy torn iu 6:15 014 Saara Vrwa Clak raailly aitai ,S SaaJ, ioci 5S5 6:30 Maria Baa Hrlaa Traat Br..kfaal BI.H Haar J olm4, koca iZ2 6:45 Maria Baa O.I .., Clak Blala H..r ,Z SI.IJ Jj " 9:00 N.wa R..1 Llfa N.wa Dr. Swari Bak Paaaa art 2:15 . "klaa TaBay'a Star Cararaaalary Matlaaa Batartl 9:30 M..I. Baa Dr. M.laa. Daakla af P..Ur Call Bark raaaa Bay-a "" OalSa Utkt NaUlas Bar. Craatoi ktotlaaa B.rla ln:-1? "I"?" ' C' " Ol.aa H.rBy Matlaaa S:Jn -. "" T"' T..t Matlaaa Buarts " 10:30 Strlka Bl.k Narak Draki My Traa Cara CaU Matlaaa Bar. 105 Strlka ak Brlaklar Da: Itary Maria Mallaa! ilntt, !! " OraaS Sl.a, Whliaartai Laalra rair Matlaaa alii " 11:30 PkraM Pay. Ha... N.wa Qa..a f., M.u.Z ..t ll:45lN.t..rk P.. P.,1, K... Kara., p.', "'.'.... PM Man KOIN IS 1.1, to 11 p.a. KEX .. S to a ' DIAL LISTING KOAC. Si Tkarasay P.M.I S:M, CkUB raa'a Tkcatari S:SS. Bar.. B.aarti S:SS, Nawa, 1:1s, Era alas Para. I at. BBC Taaatar; a. Ma.l.i t.U, MMII.IIaai lS:Sa, alia Off. KOAC PrIS.y a.H.i l;M, Nawa, Waatkan 11:1, Oman alii lt:M. Nasi aa Waatkari I at, Praaak Maalai l:aa, off I half, t:N, Far Waaiaa. Iran's Shah and Queen En Route to London Baghdad, Iraq (If) The Shah of Iran and Empress So raya left Baghdad today by British Overseas Airways plane for Europe. The airliner is en route to London, with a stop scheduled in Rome. It was not known whether the Iranian royal couple would NEW TYPHOON 8IOHTED Manila W The Philippine! weather bureau said Wednes day a new typhoon Is churning through the Pacific 240 miles east of the Northern tip of the Philippines. The storm has winds of 90 miles an hour at its center. stop in Rome or would go on to Britain. ROOM ft BOARD AND I THOUGHT I HAD A SI IBP ' WAV TO RID THE HAUNTED HOUSE OF ITS GHOST--A SPOOK TRAP MADE OF STEEL IN THE SHAPE OF A BOX' -WELL,SIR ONE MIDNIGHT I TRAPPED THE GHOST anl LOCKED IT IN SECURELY BUT uuueiNLy IHt SlfcbL BOX UNSOLVED INTO A PILE Uf CjRfctN POWDER HE JUDGE is Thinking FAST 10 OFFSET' THAT ONE By Ahem W HM -;ISEE1VEG0T ) A I2-P0INT PROFIT IN ONE OF MV" STOCKS I'LL CALL MY BROKER. M TOMORROW 10 SELL , V 3000 SHARES' . . FROM WHERE WE SIT IT LOOKS LIKE I I THE TV CHIMPANZEE V MAKES A IWONKEy J I OF THE S ACROSS 1. Bestt 7. Flsshy 13. Rip 14. Act of holding 15. Ourselves 16. Different 18. Exists 19. Total 11. Reuim M. Hovel 13. English school 15. Edse 16. Msthemstical ratio 17. Chime 19. On whs lures lata vU 11. Friendly brown 1 11. Perceiv 14. Tskes otleni 36. Packs down 41. Goddt't of mischief 43. Steal 45. Part played 46. Equality 47. Cold dish 49. Vigor 50. Bon 51. Beginning 53. Near 14. Cause to remember M. Card gam 58. Inclinations 69. Meal DOWN 1. Entertained t Having a long no t Player In a gam of tag piipn5iHiE-iDnAiGi l A V aIIpO L El BEND N t MAT 0 t EL A N N Ej TlRlElAlTky rHAlf ITCj r infJMTnsM gie. ISILIEPA L A R 0 LyElRHfAJST R ABLPL AilpKltl E N BTTV ELPElg5 r f f ' vlAjS tWh I RIE.ID PA IE " E.T E R NiT Y UPON AkOOtSOt pIeirItUmIeInIdUETnid Solution af Vesterdsy 'unit 4. Mir 6. Dry 6. Fist T. Bart 6. Nuisance 9. Unity 10. Symbol for ruthenium ' y ' 1 YA7 I I' I" I" I" ;; M. 1- -Ilfl" " W " -m" . f to li T, it '!?7T r," " r M n ft it "TT T ".Tr" ....17 It f" fj" " - 7i 7 tl. Three in on 11 Pertaining to the day last past IT. Send forth 10 Lawless crowd 12. Strike J4. Baseball teams 26. Rarpooa 2a Metal 30. Encountered 11 Runs aground 34. Rumor 35. Rubber 16. Title of a knight 37. Flat fish 19. Clesning Implement 40. Folds of cloth 41. Composing for seven 44. More Ignoble 47. Dispatch 46. Gaming cubes II. Machine to seeding cotton SI Undermlrr H.Mvfel' 67. Esvp:.a deity t' av j 1 rh. 1 I nil l Ul MA 1 1 mm wx. mmm w bmmmuti