ragt is Wednesday, Aufust 1, 19SS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orefoa FAN FARE ly Wak Drtset. gj Clem Labine Double Whammy Hits the Giants Major Leagues 0 CBy The AMoeteted Frees) RITIUML LUUUI W 1 IVt OB BrooMra n it mi MUweakee n it .tot m St. Louie 41 t .Ml lite Philadelphia 14 II Ml 11 Hiw Tore; IT M AM im cuctantt u M .441 rm Chlcaeo 44 11 .313 M PHUburah M M JOS 4 Tmitrt Beenltei Brook lrn 4, Mew Tort I (1) bultnci). Philadelphia 1, Plttsburln 0. Ullw.uiie I, Cincinnati J. St. Louis It Ciuuil 1. W L Pet. OB lit Tort Tl 31 .tn chieaa-e n it .tic lit Cleveland M II JIT 14 Boston .. 44 14 J4I 11 Weealnetoa II 44 .444 31 Philadelphia 44 T4 .40T JIM Damn 41 n jil nt a, bill 41 T J4I MM T"4Tl IMIIU wmmm 14. new Tut s. 1mm a. niwutu l Deuwa X ctum 3. cute -. ct. um l-L By CJUUU LrSDQnST New York Clem La- bina'a etooble) wbuusr today ww hint the hottest re bel ptte&ar to baseball and a worthy successor to Joe Black, BrookJn'a bullpen rtar of 1951. Labine ha a simple formula. All be does is cross his fin gers, knock wood on his dress ing room stool, and go out and pitch hitless ball against the opposition. The righthander from Woon eockert, R. L pitched five hit leu innings as the Dodgers went through a 13-inning mar athon and beat the Giants, 4-3 last night Tied Record That brought Brooklyn's winning streak to 11 games, their longest since 1947 and the longest 'in the National League this year. It kept them 8Vs games in front of the Mil waukee Braves who topped Cincinnati 8-2. Milwaukee's six-hit victory by Johnny Antonelll was nota ble mainly because Ed Math ews hit his 38th homer, equal ling the highest total ever hit by a Braves' player. The 38 by Wally Berger of the 1830 club. In the American League, the Senators cut the Yankees' lead to 7V4 games by putting over seven runs in the ninth inning to win, 10-8, as Mickey Ver non hit a three-run triple and Jim Busby got triple to score two more. Other Games The White Sox took a pair from the Browns, 3-2 and 2-1, to close In on the pace-setting Yankees. Virgil Trucks pitched seven-hit ball and struck out 12 to win his 10th game in the Portland Bevos Hammer Seattle 21 Hits, 13 Runs Accessories for Any And AH Occasions SHRYOCK'S MEN'S WBAB . Cert tel skeletal Caster Seattle ajJD The Portland Beavers hammered 21 hits to submerge the Seattle Rainiers 13-3 in the opener of their eight-game Pacific Coast league baseball series last night. Eight of the Beavers' hits, compiled off four Seattle hurl- era, were for extra bases. The Rainiers managed one threat ening Inning, the sixth, when they put together five singles and chased Royce Lint, Port land starter. Lint, however, got credit for the victory his 18th sgaicst 9 reverses. Portland broke through for two runs off Bill Evans in the fourth. Don Eggert led off with a triple to center and tallied on Eddie Basinski's double. Bs sinskl moved up on an infield out and scored on a fly ball by Lint Seattle got one. back in its half of the fourth on a single by Leo Thomas and a double by Clarence Maddern. I In the Portland fifth, dou bles by Hank Arft and Bob Marquis and a single by Herm Reich drove across two runs and chased Evans In favor of Art Del Duca. . A two-run homer by Fletch- PCL Standings PACIFIC COAST UAOt'l W L Pet. OB HoUrweod 44 M .477 Seattle SI 47 .Mi 114 Let Ansolae TT 71 JIT 144 Portland ....74 T3 .40 llti 8U Prenelece T3 74 . .4M 10 lu Dittp st 44 .4u n httUHU ....... 44 S3 .431 3S Oakland SI ST .411 13 Teeeder's Basalts: - La, Anr.les 4. Saa Prencieee I. S4B DlSSO IS. SACTtDMPl S. HoUrweod t-S. Oakland 3-4. PSTtlAAS U, BMU14 i. er Robbe was the big blow for Portland as the Beavers tal lied five runs in the sixth. The . visitors' last outburst came in the eighth when they scored four runs on three sin gles and two walks off Tom Lovrich, fourth Seattle hurler. The Rainiers jostled Lint out of the box with a four run rally In the sixth. Persians (II) .Minor League Scores (Br Th4 AesOClatCd PT4I4 1NTKBNATIONAL LIAOUS Toronto 4-11. Srreeoee 4-4. Baltimore S-S, llonti4l S-S. Rociiaster 13, Buffalo I. SprUvfleld I. Ottawa 3 AMEBIC AN ASSOCIATION Cbirl4itoo 4, Columbui 3. Toledo I. Indianapolis 3. St. Paul 1. UlnnttpoIU I. Kaneaa Cltr 4. Louisville 4. . TIXAS LIAOUS Tulsa I, Ban Antonio 4. Beaumont 3. Port Worth 9. Oklahoma Cltr 4. Houston 4. Dallae At Bhreveoort, postponed. WBST1BN LKAOUB Denver 1, Wichita 3. Lincoln S, Sioux Cltr S. Des MolnH I, Oman 3. Colorado ApTlnii at Pueblo, postponed. P10NEEB LSAOtlE Oreit Pella 1, salt Lake Cltr L BlUlnia 10. Oaden S. Pocatello IS, Mai IB V alter S. Bolaa 11, Idaho Palll a - Aostuui Artt.lb Robee.lf Mrcula.ef Releb.rf Esi.rt 3e BinUkl.3 Oladd.4 Llnt.p Ward. 1 S I s a oa S ITobin.of S IS S Orbakl.1 S S IThome.1 4 S 4Kddrn.r 5 1 4Jdnch.ll S S IWlleon.3 I S SOrtela.o S Oldabr.l S Svans.p S DIDca.p Sehckl.p e-rTcdl (I) Seattle B H O A LTrlon.p s S 1 SIS Total! 41 31 IT II Totals If 13 IT 13 a atnalad (or Axicheekl in lib. Portland BIU Beattlo .. Hit! ... Pitcher: Kvana ... Lint Ward ... Dal Duca Bueheckl Lovrlcn . TP , 4V, . SH . 3V. , 1 . S 400 3 44611 013 3U 13111 oM 1M one i 300 301 10113 H IK BB SO Winner Lint. Loser Brani, B Aua- tin, Arft 3, Robbe, Marqula , Retch, Bimt I. Baalnakl, Olaoo, Ward. Tho mas 3, Maddern, Jndnich. Wllaon. B Oarbowikl, Thomas, Bueheckl. LOB Portland 111 Seattle f. 3B Baelnskl. Maddern, Arft 3. Marquis. Austin 3. IB taiert. HR Robbe. RBI Baalnakl Lint. Maddern. MaraoU. Reich. Arft. Robbe S, Oladd 1. Auattn. Maddern. Wll aon, Pernandea 3. DP Bciert-Bailnikl- Arft l; Baelnskl-Austln-Arft. HBP Ooklsberrr br Lint. PB Oladd. T 3:11. O Bentl, Stlva, Bomera. A 3,074, opener as Bob Boyd hit a two run homer and had four hits. Ex-Cleveland hurler Steve Gromek of Detroit pitched a six-hitter to edge the skidding Indians, 3-2, in a duel with Make Garcia. The Red Sox moved to within a game of Cleveland by defeating the Athletics, 2-1, on seven-hit pitching by Mickey McDermott Steve Rldzik got high class relief help from Robin Roberts as the Phils topped the Pirates 1-0 with a four-hit collabora tion. Ridzik had to leave with a three-hitter when he twisted his ankle in the seventh. Gerry Staley won his 15th game, 5-1 for the Cardinals over the Cubs with a six-hitter as rookie Harry Elliott drove In two runs with a double to put St. Louis in front for good. ADD to PORTLAND BOX Hollrwood MM 300 S 7 s 3 Oakland no two 43 4 4 Munetr. welmeker (3), Htttla (7) sad Braian: Bamewmr and N4al. Hollrwood 010 000 0O03 s Oakland too 000 0O0 0 I 1 Walsh and llalone; Oettel and HeaL Sacramento 010 Ml 404 S S 4 San Dlwo 440 KWV II II 4 B44ee. Xlmbsll (l). v. Smith () and Rlteher. Montalvo (1)1 Pannta and Bummers. Baa Francisco 413 143 loo S 11 1 Loa Aaselaa ...... 411 310 10' 4 11 4 ainileton, Clouih 14), Lien II), Mun erlef (7). Shaador (I) and Toraar: Me- LMh. radial (1), Ostrowikl (I) and Peden. . LEGALS aUXLEVC AT ITS BEST. Bat tsau tn tW 04 Jngtl s Bmelulu ysoVt ran ii 10 tfaySj.f 0 sWs, IS mmiml TXNAL sVOTICE Nolle U ivin ttaftt the iw4ertltBl hM tiitd la tht circuit Court of liu Ion Counlr. OrMoo, frobsU Depctri mtMit, lu llntl Mssount m Hecutor ot th uUU ot H. C. HHIKLDfl. deeeaavd, tnd irM Court Hat flted Prldtr, Autuit as. 196J. ki : a.m.. In tht circuit Court Room to til Count Court Houm ot Mra, Orccoo. for htfttint eol4 tlnol account anl alt oblottlona thereto. Dited July . MM. THE CNTTXO 4TTATE8 NATIONAL BANK OP PORTLAND (OR BOON), Tx- ocutor of tbo XUU of U. C. dhttKU, Deiiiiu. jVIOODT k LAM KIN, AttornrM. ' solom. Oroton. JulrM Auf.t.ll.lt.N. Mhbky st its NOTICE OP SATE OP pEBflONAI. TBOPRRTY KETTR BROWN 1U1LDINO HUPPLT, t oosveraiM. Flilntlff, at PACtnO LUMBER 1ALIS, Deidant. NOTICE lfl HEREBY OTVXN that tht ptrtonal propertv htrtlnafUr dticrlbod ill b iom in tht manfttr orovMsitl by lav for tht tola of ptrtvonal rroprty upon the forocloaura of a lln dtpendinc upon ooMeuton tn tht abova totltltd matttr at isaa Tait atrttt, Saitin, Utr ton County, OTtton, on Auiutt 37th, ioj, it an. Thla notlet U fetlnt tlfen tn accord. anco with Stcuon tr-tos O CX-A., and ina ptraonai pruptrty to M aoid U dt oerlbtd ai follow: 14,000 ffot, cnort or feat, of common ana otiitr ur inimi. Tht Urmt of tuch wit art cnh. Dated this nth day of Autuat, lHt. . DENVER YOU NO. Shtrlff of kfarlon Count tavsrnsi Piontw Truit Building Balem. Ortcon Aui. II. If. at, 10M Bouthoh Whistey fatty m r $J10 Bill Veeck Still Seeking Ball Site Los Angeles ( Bill Veeck was homc-nuntlng Wednesday for a city and park in which his American League Brown ies, presently of St Louis, can play more profitably next sea son. Veeck's presence in Los An geles has stirred up consider able interest and some civic activity. He plans to visit San Francisco next, but said Tues day night be doesn't know Just when. He was there two weeks ago talking with offi cials. "I'm ust looking at various cities which have evidenced Interest in major league base ball but you can't play major league baseball without a major leigue park." And at present Los Angeles doesn't have a park coming up to necessary specifications available. Veeck's search for greener pastures has the coo ditional approval of the Amer ican League owners who last spring turned down his bid to move to Baltimore. He con firmed reports the club presi dents told him he could trans fer the Browns if and when be can prove he is financially able to make the change, But a committee of four owners made It plain that it would not approve either Los Angeles or San Francisco in dividually. Owners feel hav ing only one club on the Pa cific coast would be a hardship travelwise. ' Veeck apparently Is follow ing the committee's instruc tions to go out andget facts and then report back. Kan sas City, Baltimore, Toronto, Minneapolis and St. Paul and perhaps Texas cities are inter ested in Veeck's transfer plans. Coast League President Clarence Rowland termed the rumor "all talk" but admitted the PCL would suffer irrepar able damage if Los Angeles or san franclsco should be taken away. "We are protected." he said. "under themajor-minor league agreement that says no terri tory in which a minor league franchise is being operated can be intruded upon until such minor legaue or clubs shall be paid such compensa tion as shall be mutually agreed upon as Just and reasonable." And who would pick up that tab? Sport Shorts Maurice Kuykendall. former assistant starter at Monmouth Park, starts the thoroughbreds at Mexico City's Hipodromo de las Americas track. Billy Cox of the Dodgers hit 363 for the Harrisburc club in 1941. It was the only time in his career he batted above .300. The San Francisco 49ers will make their only New York ap pearance this yesr when they meet the football Giants in the Polo Grounds on Sept 17. WEDNESDAY , ' . ' Baseball Weetam International Leaane: Victoria at Celt err. Trt-Cttr at Salem Tan- oosrar at Edmonton, Spokane at Lawlston, and Yakima at Wenatchaa. SoitDau Industrial Leaaue: TMCA re. firemen St Phillip's (7:00) and Ben's Markat Tl. Ktllfr electric at Pnllllo'4 (S:04). Broadcasts KOCO Mew Tort o tents is. Brooklyn Dodiera at 13:04 and Salem Senators T4. Trl-Cltr Braves at 1:11. Television KPTV Sporla aiwa with BIU Stout at 1:31 and Pabit bouts at 1:41 between Jlmmr Blade and Tommr Harrison (tea rounds). THURSDAY ' Baseball Wee tern International Leaaue: Vancouver at Oaltarr. Victoria at Bdmontna. Trl-Cltr at Salem, Spokane at Lewliton, and Y talma at Wenatehea. Softball Pint Christian n. Plrst National at PhlUln's (T:4t) and Commercial Boat re. Mayflower Milk at Phillip's (1:00). t Television KOCO New fork Otanta Ts. Brooklm Dodien at 11:44 and Salsm Senators Trl-Cltr at 1:14. Broadcasts KPTV Sports aewi at S:3I: Huntlna and Plshlne tiewe at 1:14: vrraaUinw fpam Hollrwood at 14 p.m. t FRIDAY Baseball Western InlematlMal Eaacae: Vleterla at UnMtfle Vummp a. ..i. Yakima al Wenatchaa, Sal4m at Trl-Cltr, and LewUton at Spokane. Softball Industrial Leans: ' Bert's Market re. Plremea at Phtllln'a if :00l and Walea. mott'a re. Postal Clerks at Phllllp'a 11:00). Broadcasts KOCO at. Louis Browns Tl. Cleveland Indiana at 13:44. and Salem Senator, ve. Trl-Cltr Bravaa at 4:41. - Telecasts KPTV Sports B4WI at Stll: Qllletta aoorts Newareal at l:M: Wreatllne kv Reldelberl at 11:04. LEGALS So smooth 2wiy it leaves you j, Mb ay' snr MMat v "VODKA NOTICE OT BOND SALX ealtd bkU will be rtctlvtd br tht undersitotd until tht hour of f:to o'clock p a. on Bepttmlm 1. lDU. and Immediately thereafter opened by the Common council of the City of saltm, OTtflon, la tht Council Chamber of the City Hall, for the alt ot City of Salem Improvement Bond. In the amount of Twenty-eight Thousand, Twenty-oeven Dollan and Flftyseven Cente (!.- 027.17). laauod punuant to the lew. of the fttatt of Oreo on and Ordinance No. t5 of the City ol Balun, and described at follow.; City of Baltm Improvement Bantla. Iwue 10&3-B. belni bonda Uauod our- juent to th Bancroft Bonding Act. In iiicnomlnationa of 11,000.00 each, except bond number one which eh all bo for the turn or 137. 1.7, aaid oondi to bo dated Bfpumber 1, 19&3. and to mature In annual inetallmento aa lollowe: September 1, lt4 W. 02 7. 17 September U 1H M.000 September 1, M 13.000 00 September I, 1957 1 , 000 .00 September 1, 19M $3,000.00 September 1, lOftl. ,..,. $3, 000. 00 Septembar 1, IBM il.ooooo September 1, 1H1 u.ooo 00 Septembar 1, ltMta 13.00000 September 1, 1U 12.000 00 provided, howover, that ae to auch bondi maturing on and alter three years from the data of Luuo, tht city of Salem ehall have the option to redeem the tame, in numeric el order, upon 11 payment of the fact value thereof wli accrued Intereet on any lntereat paying data at or after threes, yean from the date Bated bondi are laaued. ftoth prin cipal and lntereat eh all be payable at the office of the ally treaiurer of the city of Salem. Back bidder ehouM name the rata er rates of Interest at which the bidder willing to accept tht bonds. The bonda will bear tht rata or rataa Interost, not exceeding three and one- half per coat per annum, deettnated In trial tatwl eVaeW State, bill aVtertm ttll Seal mAlA ror not lest than par value and ac- eruoa utereea, Karh btd, ewtpt bide oubmltted by f the state of Oregon, or any sinking fund oi tht city of Salem, mutt bo ac cempwhted by a certified check for two per cent of Use par veiao of the aorida. made payable to the city aa a guarantee of good faith. Bids submitted by mall should bo addTtased to the undersigned at the city nail in sa em. orecon. Tht bonda will ba delivered complete without undue delay at the tiptneo of the etty of Salem at either Salem, Ore- con, or ror u ana, oreeon, as the euceoiw- nil OKMer may designate. Bach bidder Is requested to Include tn bis bid a statement of the total interest eost and effective Interest rata of the tasuo based upon tht aegregete Interest cost that the city will nay a poo the bwuo provided his bid fat the issue la accepted and nana of tht bonds of the Issue art called for payment prior to iinai mammy aaie. The right is referred by tho Coon men Council to aceept any bid or to reject an orae in tna interost of tho eitv. The prior legal approved opinion of ssessrs. winiree. Heculloch. Shuler Sav-e will bo furnished tht successful aiaoer. . City Refitarr SeJent. Oreseti Aug. II. N. 1PU. - iwiifwaei rn. ioc, Hanford.C MrrtA I " 7?7" mi r.lqors Strangling Miner League Dascbll Challenger Clips Champ ,', t looks like challenger Billy Peacock, left, ef Los Anreles is lUUnf Champion Henry "Fappy" Oanlt of - Spartanburg, 8.C., off the canvas as ne connects witn a tefi to the midsection in 12th and final round el North American bantamweight title fifbt at Brooklyn, N.Y. Peacock, a tO-year-old former amateur took the title by a split decision. AP Wirephotoi SPORTS SLATE By FEANat BABTHOLOME W Gleotitxook, Nev: aiBThe major lesfues are artranflinf tfaa minors to the detriment of American baseball, Ty Cobb said today. "Each team in every minor leaaue oufht to have a 75- mile area surrounding its home town and protected from major league scouting," the man whose name heads the list of baseball's knmortals in the game's national shrine at Cooperstown. N.Y., told the United Press. "What chance hss a minor league for developing new players when its own terri tory is covered with net work of major league scout Ung?" Cobb demanded. Til bet you that the Yank ees and the Ginats between them have at least S00 official and unofficial scouts, check Ing every high school and col lege basbeball star. Scouting Network . "If an outstanding young ster turns up out here in the west, for Instance, what chance do you think the nearest Pa cific Coast Lesgue team has to sign him against a direct of fer from the majors" "Remember, in estimating the size of the major league scouting network, that the Yankees and the Giants are only two -of the 16. major league set-ups. "The major scout the whole of the U.S., , including the home territory of the minors, plus Mexico, Cuba and Cen tral America as well. What's left for the minors? It's no wonder the best of them are coming to be made up of old ball players." Cobb, relaxed in an easy chair in his lodge on the Ne vada shore ot 6,200-foot high Lake Tahoe, said that when he himself broke into baseball 99 per cent of the players in the big leagues had worked up through the minors. "But how about a young De troit outfielder' named Tyrus Raymond Cobb?" he was asked. "Oh, well, I just happened to get the breaks," said Cobb. who had only one full season of experience in the minors. "Detroit wasn't doing too well and had an aging centerfielder who was doing worse. They had nothing to lose, so they gave me a chance. With every thing in my favor, I managed to stick it out" The records show that in the course of "sticking It out," the famed Georgia Peach mantled to set 31 Major Lea gue record' in 24 years of playing. - Sports Mirror iBr The Associated Ptsm) . OOLP Or an 4 tuatoa, Vlcn.-t-Prank atralaei Oardea Cltr. if. . woa medal kaaera aa ae abet a ali-under-par 44 tar a lm.i of 144 la the W44tara Aaataur akuT Ana Arbor, eaten. Paul CTowaover IT-rear-ald Irani Chelaaeoia, fired osersver par Tl te win tna anallfrt.? Uw International with la Jeroea t ornament. Oolirmbua, Onto Uora Srvaa ef Pea tlec, inch, and Prank leelara ef WhTu Plana. If. T.. tied tor medalist hone,, la the POA National Caddie .x.-Vrl' ship tonrnemsat with 1414. TSNNIS Brookllne. lfaaa. Vie Belaae - Trabert romped tbrouih their apenlne maica in us national Doiitlaa ehaai. plonshlpa at Loncwood. letnaeapolla. allnn. Linn rtotkwoad ot Provo. Utah. dele. lad Can St, Paul. 14. 4.1, 4-3 and Baled uta - " w, HI. eauieu PUfe- lle Peru . tonrnamant. TBAPSBOOTINO Vandalla. Ohio lie PMh.M Phtuipahunr. Kana., won her aeeond .ll Uonal championship aa aha Brake tea .. 304 Urine la the women's North Amerl. dw i. . vaaaipionanip. pred D Waldock Jr Banduskr. onie .hA. ' to wla the men's North American tier tarset ahamplonahlp. FOOTBALL MEETING Salem high school bovs in. terested in playing football should attend a meeting in the high school gymnasium tonight at seven. The St Louis Cardinals cava recent pay raises to Rip Repul ski, Ray Jablonski, Harvey Baddix and lerrell Anderson. Tho real thing Youre safer because of life-saving differences ! IMYililWT 4 A MEASURED UFE-SAVING D1FFERENCEI krakes on oU-alkk track at tfaa aama te tart. Csr iwt Sty. But ear at right (oo regular ure.) .lid- An mfm lengths father-oat of coo troll llrl-SAVIN BOYAUIX Mm than S.000 StlpplS L ? fu - I Effete - c gy M IN SIDEWALL CONSTRUCTION saa CURB PROTECTION, tka U.S. Royal M eater Is also entirely original and unique. The lira waili rfaeanaarrwa are shielded from aeufing dasasge. The trian, eleaa wbiMwalli mnarn spotleH, tree fron smear and abrasion, AND WHEN TIRE COSTS ARE ADDED UP, tber. be aotninl to compare with this gnat tire'4 year-after-Teay' ccotwwny. It rightfully remains America's top favorite la quality, earaoiUjg beeauss It Owaarraa to ouraall. DAT AFTER DAY, TEAR AFTER YEAR, tteWu. S. Royal Muter boldi its undisputed position aa top tire of in time. WHY IS THIS? WHAT CAUSED IT? Th .' pk. The U. S. Royal Master is America's super-tire, of rsoognised extra mileage, with positive lifc-eering diffcrenoes thraughnrt III construction, and in all of its performaace. IN SKID PROTECTION AND STOPPING POWER, u. U.S. Royal Master has its own unique treed treatment, continuously ' tenewehle, holding peak Safety ID the last anile) of its loag list. ' The protection thotk always with you! Tit Onfy ROYALTEX TREAD and TRACTION VitOnfy EVERLASTING WHITE WALLS kid Protection and .topping pow beyond . prerio. rhaodards! -pr, thei, triss buty fr cleaning .nc and expend! TU Onb RENEWABLE SAFETY TREAD Jit Oaf, CURB GUARD PROTECTIVE RIB -offering y op to nW mT wi.bowt rdi.gl -pvwv.ring riaWwall Ant, ebruioo dam.,.! rtniv rnn 1 tltrivCa vr,,. T"'1' of UNTTBD STATBJS KUBBBK COMPANY awrf orirrirnin "'Affl, yotir V. S. Ktyml Dhr ts tturint tptial PRICE REDUCTION SALE n" ""-your local car coaler will Install U. S. Royal Masters on your new cart FISHERMEN! OPnt NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS Spaelal atlaae en rede aal reels Pal Hwe of rtekMe weeds I BATS Stoma." Gee. Cedwell Serv. St.. tSth and SUte St U NITED STATES R U D B E R C O M P aITvI Recapping Complete Tire Service WALTER H. ZOSEL Phont 2-3645 ' Ckemekefa and High Sfs. Opposite City Hall WHEEL BALANCING FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT. ii V X ' ' ' .. . ........ ....... , t v -'- ........ , '