Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 19, 1953, Page 15, Image 15

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    " M
1.;.-,..T-.,.,,r..1,.v.;ii::rwr'4.! ;..-..
! Kflklwks Sets A ll Time
r v3 ;
Don Paul,
Dod Paul,
Washington State .college
lUr, will play leading role
for Chicago Cards when
, the meet Lot Angeles Rams
at Multnomah Stadinm Sep
tember T. . Rams won last
year's thriller, U to 14.
Parker Field, Yakima, Wash.
(Special) Lewiston, Idaho,
banged out 16 hits off three
Salem pitchers here Tuesday
night to hand Salem's Amer
ican Legion team its worst
beating in several seasons
The loss eliminated Salem,
defending champions, from the
region 11 Junior Legion tourn
ament. Salem lost to Yakima
Monday night, 6-3.
Salem's over-all season rec
ord will go into the books as
24 wins and two losses, prob-
When You Can Buy the
Finest Quality
You Could Wish for at
My Entire Stock1
of Year-Around
100 Wool Worsted
All Finest Quality
Sport Coats
All Finest Quality
$050 $R750
II v io
At y3 off
Open Friday Night
fill 9 O'Clock
Upstairs Clothes Shop
1442 State St.
Above Morris Optical Co.
Look for the Flashing
"Save $1" Sign Above
the Entrance
Salem, Oregon,
Stojack Defeats
O Riley in Title
Fight at Armory
Frank Stojack managed to
retain hit Junior heavy mat
title by taking two out ot three
falls from Jack O'Riley after
O'RUey took the first on a stejf
over toe hold with a face twist.
Actually the second fall was
O'Riley 'i undoing. In this fall
he failed to break an illegal
hold after being so ordered by
referee Tony Ross and received
a disqualification. In the third
fall Stojack outlasted O'Riley
and finally won the fall and
match with his airplane spin.
, In the semi-finals Eric Pedtr
son and Johnny Henning fought
to a fall-apiece draw. Henning
took the first fall with an in
side toe-hold and lay-back, and
Federson grabbed the second
with a full nelson. Pederson
Team Out of Tourney
ably the best won and loss
record ever racked up by an
Oregon team.
Lewiston simply had too
much power at the plate for
Salem. t
Ed Warrenburg, Gary Pater
son and Paul Beck all tried
their hand at silencing the
Lewiston bats, but with little
avail. Paterson was hardest
hit. Lewiston got 'seven hits
and eight runs off him in the
fifth inning.
Salem didn't do badly at the
plate, either. The Capital Post
ers got 10 hits off Lewiston
pitcher Sam Canner. Curt
Jantze and Fred Bolton had
two singles apiece. -Larry
Springer tripled and Twink
Pederson and Howard Speer
( Salem got a two-run Jump
on Lewiston in the first in
ning, on Pederson's double, a
walk to Mike Campbel. A sin
gle by Jantze, another single
by Tom Pickens, and a double
Casey Stengel
Manager of the Year
New York t The man
ner in which the New York
Yankees are waltzing to their
fifth straight American League
pennant today points up the
fact that Manager Casey Sten
gel is not only the manager of
the year but the manager of
any year and a completely
amazing man as well.
Ask any manager in base
ball how Old Case has or does
dt It and they'll tell you grim
ly: "I don't know, but I wish I
Stars to Clothes -
Then, on reflection, they'll
give you you a number of
vague guesses. The rsnge any
where from 'the bitter state
ment that the rest of the league
is downright lousy, the bene
fits of necromancy and the old
saw that Yankee flannels make
supersta'rs out of bush leaguert.-
There was a time, back a
few years when the Yanks
were loaded with guys named
Ruth, Gehrig, Combs et al, that
, YOU are the one to make the
decision we force no sales.
Look around our used ear lot
-decide on the car you want
and we'll assist with easy
195 Nash Ambassador. Se
dan Hydro-trans, bed,
foam cushions, original fin
ish UK new. Radio, heater.
a. m
Wednesday, August 19, 1953 Page 15 . '
Postal Clerks
Grab Victory
Gene Lebold was the spark
of the Post Office clerks as
they defeated the First Chris
tian team 13-2 in a softbaU
game at Phillips field last
Lebold pitched a three-hitter
and batted a triple, double
and single. .
Scheduled tonight in the
final week of '' Softball play
pita YMCA against Fire De
partment at V p.m. at Phillips
field. At . 8. Berg's Market
tangles with Kelzer Electric.
Poetofttee ClerU Ill U 11 11
nm coriatian im io lit
Lebold end Oallaaher; Brews and
was wrestling in place of Jack
Kiier, who Is injured. .
In the preliminaries ' the
Masked Marvel downed Greg
Jarque with a cannon ball
slam, and Mr. Sakata beat out
Frank Fagetty in the opener.
steal in which Jantze stole
home. A double play by Lewis
ton stopped a potential big; in
ning. Lewiston came back with
three runs on four hits in the
bottom of the fourth, and add
ed two more runs on three hits
in the second. Salem closed
the gap to 5-2 in the third In-,
ning when Jantze singled
Campbell home. But Lewiston
sfwed up the game with two
runs in the fourth and eight in
the fifth. a
Jerry Waldrop, 'who has
played spectacular ball in the
li 4il In all IhrM fin.
- "
lem s Tournament games, mane
at least a half dozen perfect
pegs from left field to home
plate. Had it not' been for
Waldrop's pegs to the plate,
Lewiston's advantage would
have been considerable more
than it was.
Lewiston and Yakima play
Wednesday night. Yakima, un
beaten In tournament play,
Not Only
slavering rivals derided Yan
kee Manager Joe McCarthy as
a "push button pilot." There
was a basis in fact because
all Mane Joe had to do was
write out the lineup, fold his
arms and complacently count
the runs.
Lost Many Standouts
But let's face it, the Yanks
todsy don't have any Ruths,
Gehrigs or Combs. They don't
even have a reasonable fac
simile thereof and the big man
of the team is a five-foot, six
Rizzuto who once would have
beenr and actually was told
to go home and grow up. May
be he didn't, but "the Yanks
are happy he came back, any
how. - i
Stengel could have been
stopped when he lost such stars
as Joe DiMaggio,. Tommy Hen
rich, Gerry Coleman, Charley
Keller, Bobby Brown, Joe Page,
Tom Morgan and Johnny Lin
dell, who went away to come
back in a different capacity.
But he wasn't.
He might have made mis
takes when he peddled off such
as Jackie Jensen, George Stirn
weiss, Tommy Byrne, Bob Por
terfield and others. Yet al
ways he came. up with some
one to take their places.
Own Players Critical
' Some of his own players
have been known to criticize
his methods from time to time
and take a depreciative view
nf his managerial abilities.
This may be due to the fact
that none of them, or very few,
anyhow, ever know from day
to day whether they are play,
s Old Case, whether' he uses
astrology, black magic or the
-Hiemd-- dames Wm
Three Oregonians
Qualify at JC Golf
Meet at Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, Mich fix
Three Oregonians were quali
fied for today's opening round
In the International Jayeee
Golf tournament here but two
others tailed to make the
Paul Crownover, IT, Chat
tanooga, Tenn., led qualifiers
witTi a 71 and a two-day total
of 148.
Oregonians qualifying were
Bob PraU, Salem, 80-82162;
Gary Hval, Portland, 82-80
162, and Roger Slelicky, Port
land, 87-79165. Dick Twiss
of The Dalles with 171 and
Tom Weeg of Milwaukie with
168 failed to make the grade.
can win the region 11 cham
pionship and a trip to the sec
tional playoffs at Hastings,
Neb., by defeating Lewiston
once. Lewiston needs two
wins over Yakima to win the
Region Title.
Sale. (1)
(II) LWlltM
Pedrron.l 4
CmpblUl 4
Jantae.e I
Waldrp.lf 4
4 llVforo,! 111
4 ORuare.r 4
f 1 Dalore.ef
I 1 UKil.1 4
1 IChahm.l 4
5 soiaoo.e 4
S I Caner.p I
7 I Tarola.r I
OWIUwe.l I
S 1
Pekaa.1-1. 4
apeor.rf .
ToUll II IS 14 11 TOUl! II II SI 11
; Salem Mi ooo no t II
Lowljton 130 111 00 II (I
Loelna pitener warrenoen.
Fttchir: ' IP AB H R R SO'BB
Warrenbart 4 11 I 7 1 4 I
Patcraoa .. S S 1 I S 1 1
Back IVa IS 1 I I S 4
Cannar .... s II 1 1 4
PP Jantta. LOB Salem I. Lavliton
11. Brrora Jantaa. Plokatii. Plaaley.
8trlnatr, warretiDura, Ruark, a. Mora,
Wlllowa. IBH spnnaar. JP.H Paaaraon,
Sixer. D. More. UMaen, ChUholn. RBI
Jantaa. Plekena, apaer. D. More, Man
aen 1. Chlaholm 1. Canner. Tarola 1.
Sac. Ruark. BB Ptckena, Jantaa. DP
Caanar to Olaon lo wuiowa. Att. Ml.
Miami Fighter
Dies in Ring
Miami Beach, U.R) A young
hero of the Korean war who
became a "butter and egg'
preliminary fighter to provide
a better home for his wife and
children was fatally injured
last night in a bout with an
other novice.
The victim, Robert L. Lee,
24, was making his fifth start
as a professional in a sched
uled four rounder with Ken
neth Yates, 19, Hialeah, Fla.
The bout lasted only a minute
and 11 seconds.
Ringsiders said Yates, who
had fought professionally only
twice, landed ,a light right
hand under Lee s heart.
The Madison, Wis., young-
iter who was a staff sergeant
at nearby Opalocka Marine
Air Station, reeled into the
ropes after the blow. Yates
failed to follow up the punch
and stood idle a, his oppo
nents eyes became giassy,
Finally Lee, who fought un
der the name of Bobby Leon'
ard, fell outside the ring.
Lee's seconds rushed to him
to prevent his head from strik
ing the floor. He was placed
on a stretcher and taken to
his dressing room where Or.
S. Joseph Pearlman, Miami
pronounced him dead.
hat pin, has a different lineup
just about every day. And the
proof is there in the standings
over a five-year period that
what ever his system, it can't
be beaten. It hasn't been, any
The Famous
1405 N. Church Open Eves. Till 9:00
Senators Shut Out
Tri-City Braves 11-0
Jo Nicholas, Salem Senator
submarine right-hinder, set aa
all-time Senator pitching rec
ord last night at Water'a park
by winning his zlst game of
the season as he shut-out the
Tri-City Braves by aa 11 to .
Although ' Nicholas spoked
awfully shaky in the first
couple innings, the sidearmer
managed to keep any Brave
from crossing the plate, al
though he issued five walks
and gave up six hits.
Salem's big innings came in
the third and fourth, in which
10 of the Senator's 11 runs
were scored. In the third Mas
terson led off with a hit past
short, Nicholas forced Master
son at second, Sabltini bunt
ed and the Tri- City pitcher,
Bob Snyder, overthrew first
advancing both runners.
Then Tanselli flied out to
center, Nicholas taging up at
third and scored after the
catrh. Marshall then walked,
Sabitinl and Marshall ad
vanced to third and second on
a wild pitch, Perez waa walk-
ed intentionally, and then
Deyo clubbed a double which
hopped over the centerflelder's
head, scoring three runs. Deyo
was thrown out at third, try
ing to stretch his double, for
the third out
In the fourth, Ballard start
ed off the inning with a hit
to center, Essegian hit to right
field, Nicholas attempted to
sacrifice but forced Ballard at
third. A double steal and a
walk to Masterson brought in
Ken Michelson to relieve Sny
der lor Trl-Ctty.
Marshall then hit to second.
trying to force Tanselli, but
the shortstop dropped the ball.
Perez then singled, Deyo hit
to short, who touched second
for the force but threw wild
to first, scoring Marshall. Bal
lard then hit to center, but
Essegian tiled out ending the
Tri-City hurler Bob Snyder,
Salem Team Not
Only WIL Club
With Gate Trouble
Spokane () Wanted: fans
for each of the nine remain
ing home games on the Spo
kane Western International
Baseball League schedule.
Indiana' owner Sam Hotch
kiss issued an appeal to this
effect Tuesday and aaid If the
fans do not respond Spokane
may be without a professional
baseball team next season.
Hotchkisa said the 38,000
paid admissions he is hoping
to get would bring total at
tendance for 19S3 to 104,000,
about the same as last year.
The club doesn't expect to
break even, even with that
attendance, Hotchkiss aa Id,
adding: "At least that kind of
support would indicate to me
that the people of Spokane are
Interested in keeping baseball '
, Spokane is the traditional
WIL attendance leader. In
1947, 287,185 fans pained
through the turnstiles, to set a
national Class B attendance
Tllee for Tort, Oreaan Awenrt
(Caaaollrd kr t. S. Ceaet and aeedellc
arver, rertiano, erraaanl
Hleh Wetara
Auinit . Time Helcht
II 1:11 a n. II
Law Watera
Tlmo Haunt
I 04 a.m.
11:41 p.m.
1 04 a.m.
,-ee m
7:10 p m
4 1
1 11 p
m. II
10 11 a.m.
1:11 IB,
11:17 am.
10:11 p.m.
11 1 am.
II M la.
11 74 p at.
IT SI p.m.
II SO e m.
1:14 B.
1:11 a m.
1:10 PB.
1 10 a m.
I to a.m.
I II p.m.
4 a m.
I S p.m.
4 I
1:17 am. -0 4
1 11 p.m. I I
4:41 a m. -0.7
4:17 p.m. I I
1:14 a m. .01
1:11 p.m. 10
1:01 am
1:01 p.m,
7:10 a m
7-41 p.m.
7:11 a.m.
I 1 p.m.
I 17
I II p m. -4 1
1 11 a.m.
11:11 p.m.
10:04 a.m.
11:11 la d!l
WIL Standings
(Br Th Auocleled Ptoii
Spokaaa ..
Sales ....
Lewlalon ..
II 14
...... 11 x
...... II 14
Yakima ...
, II 11 JN
Calaary ...
, u rt
Weaettnea 11 M 4M
Victoria 11 II .191
Tri-cur ............. a n in
Taeaiay'a BoenHet
Levuton a. Spokane 4.
alaai 11, Trl-CIU S.
Wenatchee a, Yakima 1.
Victoria 1, Calaarr I
. Vancouver S, Scunonton a.
WeSaaeier'e SeheSakl
Victoria at Caliarr.
Vancouver nt Mmontoa,
Spokane at Lewlatoa.
Trl-Cltr at Salam.
Taklma at Wvnalonae.
holder of the leagues all
time games won record ot 27
was out to get Nicholas this
game1 and protect his record.
However, all he managed to
do was collect the loss.
Tonight Dave Da hi is sched
uled to pitch against Tri-City
in the second game of the
three game series. The entire
proceeds of the game will go
to the Senators,
trl-CUf ,4)
(111 Salem
1 Sbtlnl.l
S 4 4
Tnwlll.a S 1 I
L Trail. Jb
1 s
s s s
S S 1
1 Baler 1 S
ssan.rf s
1 1 s
llaalran.a S
1 manias
Tola!! 11 T 14 11 Tola la II 14 17 S
x Binned ror Mlenaelion in Sth.
Trl-Clly 000 O04 400 S T 4
Salem 404 400 lo 11 14 1
Pitcner: IP AB 1.1 n noil
ftnrder .... 1W II T I I S 4
Mlehaeleoa II 1 I I t 4
Nktiolaa . . . S 11 t I I I I
WP Border. LOB Trl-Cltr 11.' aaram
. a MrMr. Carroll l. Charounaa. Bal
lard. 1EH Dero. RBI Tanaaiu i. Dero
tfaataroon. Haranall. pore. Saba-
MM. SB Maatnton, NKnolan. OP Bal
lard io Tanaalll: R. Tran lo U Tren to
Buocola. T 1:11. u Walls and Colusa.
Alt. 1,111,
Spokane doe ooi l)4 s 1
wiaioa aoo ui lois s
sprlna. Romero (71. and aheetl; Buna.
Haranau (7 ond Cameron.
Vancouver OOI 111 1001 11 1
dmonton 000 401 Ml S II 1
alrera. Ounaraon (II and Durotto
TUnarat, w loner (4), Mcaler III and
' .
Victoria ooi 1017 in 1
Calaarr IM loo 1004 11 1
DrllUnt and Martini OrreU and Brick,
or, Ullard III.
Taklma 004 0M Mil 1 I
Wenatchee 010 111 00 s 11 I
Dai sarin, Xdmunda (II and Alblnl;
Bowman and Bartolomel.
Genuine Shell Cordovans
sily. at
387 Court
yfy yf ah
jf jT 'if Widths
MJ Buy Winthrops
01 and You Buy
Bf CaBtS IOWTTZ. JB-, Caaital
Yakima, Wash. Three novelties on the fence t Parker
field a genuine mattress, a pane of glass, and an horoest
to-goodness toilet bowl. The items are attached to tha
signs of firms which sell the i-espective merchandise In
any Western International league game, a player hiton
the mattress gets $5; breaking the pane, of glass is also
worth $5; and hitting a ball into the toilet bowl bring
$25. Players in the Northwest American Legion junior
baseball tournament, now in progress here, are ineligibl
for the awards because of the players amateur standing.
Incidentally, nobody has ever made a "basket" through
the toilet bowL A similar bowl on the fence at tha Tri
City park at Kennewick offers $100 for a ball hit through
it Nobody has ever collected the award there, either.
..., - , ' '
Nineteen Salem people made their television debut .;
during the American Legion junior baseball tourna-.'
ment here. The new TV performers are the 15 ';
berg of the Salem team, coach Vince Genna, batboya
Denny Gregg and Mike Genna, and the team btuineaa
manager. Television station KIMA-TV of Yakima is . .,
televising all tournament games, Genna also appeared ;
on a TV interview Saturday night. The two batboya :
are especially thrilled at being on television. Every
time they notice the lens trained on them, they wave ;..
to the camera. v : . '
(..,... ; . ".',;..". !
Babe HolHngberry, long-time Washington State foot
ball coach, now resides in Yakima. He operates a hop
business here. Hollineberry sDoke at a meeting of tha
Yakima Quarterback club (similar to the Salem Breakfast
club) here Monday morning. Hollingberry, together with
Chuck Taylor of Stafford and Jess Hill of Southern Cali
fornia had just returhsd from the Detroit Lions-Collega
All Star Football game at. Chicago. The trio of West coast
coaches were there to assist
annual Shrine all-star game
ary.-. . ' . .". . . , , ' - ,- '" - --;
.' .'.-' '
Thoae 15 stolen bases Salem racked up la the Butt
game Sunday night wasn't the whole story of Salem's
fleetness on the base paths. Actually, Salem players
"stole" another dozen bases or so by takinr an ex- ',
tra base on a hit, an infield play, a bunt, fly ball, etc ',
' The reason the Butte team had so many errors ;
(eight) was because the Salem players forced them 1
into throwing the ball. Salem boys were thrown out
at home two or three times, and more than once were .
caught trying to stretch a single. Into a double, but ;
, in the end the run-em-ragged type of ball paid off. s
The Butte players had never seen anything like it-'
before, and weren't prepared to cope with It. One
of the television technicians operating a camera at ,
the game said later, "I, must nave practically worn :
out the pivoting device on my camera trying to keep '.
up with those Salf jn kids on the bases." '
Salem Senators
To Play Drain
The Salem Senators will
meet the Drain Black Sox of
the Southwestern . Oregon
Shop Friday 'til 9
- 'tCiio
Jaarnat I pacta (Sale
in the arrangements for the
in San Francisco next Janu
League In ah inhibition base
ball gam In Eugene Monday.; :
The University of Virginia,
at Charlottesville, was found
ed by Thomas Jefferson.
Phone 3-8155
i, i