Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 19, 1953, Page 14, Image 14

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    Pag 12
Wednesday. 'August 19, 19SS
Capital jh. Journal
Cats, Traps, Gas Suggested
For Control of Gophers, Moles
A number of readers hive
asked for Information on rid
ding a home garden of moles.
The home gardener is often
, plagued by gophers, moles
and mice.
The most effective means of
ridding a place of gophers or
moles, in my experience, is by
trapping. When a main run
is located, the trap is placed
a scissors Jaw or diamond Jaw
trap being effective. The
. apeer trap has its advantage
that one can see when the
trap has been sprung.
Moles are our most common
rodent pest and, while the idea
is not particularly new, I have
found the fur-coated type of
trap most effective! Cats, if
properly encouraged, do a
good job in keeping down
those colonies. Moles seldom
use the same feeding runs
twice but they will if their
favorite food lies in that di
rection. Contrary to tales
told by many gardeners, moles
do not eat plant roots, bulbs
or root vegetables. However,
frequently mice will, use mole
runs in their quest for food
and will gnaw on bulbs. By
far the biggest damage from
moles is from undermining
plants and exposing roots to
the air. Poisoned bait can be
dropped in the runs and is
offten effective, but precau
tions must be taken where pets
or small children are around.
Asphyxiate Them
One of the most effective
means of getting rid of goph
ers or moles is to attach a
nose to tne exhaust of a car,
pushing the end of the hose
well back into the run. A lit-
Much comment has been
I caused in recent years when
ever the beautiful tree on the
tie kerosene mixed in the gas- fu" Pt grounds,
ollne will cause the exhaust
plan, valuable plants that are
susceptible to mole damage. I
have, personally, done this
with choice camellias and
azaleas, thereby saving many
plants. When planting simply
line the hole with the screen
and then fill as usual.
Should Use Cloves
it used to be a common
practice to plant castor beans
or mole plants (Euphorria) in
various flower beds under the
mistaken belief that moles
would avoid those plants. Ac
tually they will work right
alongside of them as they nave
no deterrent effect!
Rarely do we find rabbits as
a pest in this area. But where
young orchard trees are set
out frequently rabbits will
gnaw on the tender bark. This
can be avoided by coating the
lower part of the tree with
axle grease. Rabbits are, nor
mally, clean animals and do
not like grease on their faces.
Whatever method you follow
in dealing with rodents it
a good idea to wear rubber
gloves when handling traps or
poisoned baits as rodents have
a keen sense of smell and will
avoid anything that has been
touched by human hands,
Silk Tree One
fumes to be a blue smoke, so
that leaks in the run can be
noticed and covered. When
ever using carbon monoxide
gas or any of the prepared
gas bombs, be sure children
and pets are away lest they
also inhale the fumes. Run-
utes will rid you of the moles
in that area. Where infesta
tion of moles is very bad and
vacant lots or fields are near
fay, it is often advisable to sink
a la-inch mesh galvanized
wire screen completely around
the area to be protected.
Where this is impractical it is
also suggested that wire bas
kets of such tt-lnch mesh
screen be made in which to
east of the driveway
(across from the Elks Temple)
comes in bloom with its feath
ery, pale pink blossoms car
ried above the leaves. In fact,
a few years ego the comment
was such as to arouse the ire
of some who declared It had
been improperly identified.
APIfearfeaftsre. I ' " T , " '
Here is a flexible plan
for what the architect calls
a "magic all-purpose house".
A- folding partition or slid
ing well can make the den
serve as a fourth bedroom,
or allow it to merge with the
living room in a sweep of
almost 40 feet. Broad pic
ture window at the front and
in the dining room at the
rear afford a through view.
This Is Flan 3247 by Wm.
G. Chirgotis, 868 Stuyves
ant Ave., Union, KJ. The
house covers 1,800 square
feet a convenient figure for
rough local estimates.
LfswF T 'J
- f' . I'.'!V J
. -,X SI "" g I'" " "
. '
" V
1 I Vi. A. 11
nlng a car motor for 30 mln-r p,-"S EV?"
ciaujr jiccu uuff uiub till
tree is known botanically as
Housewives Delight
on. soaps
2" Jjjjjj I
Alblzzia Julibrlssln or com
monly called the Silk Tree. It
belong to the Pea family but is
closely related to the Acacias,
with which it is often confused.
This tree has often been
wrongly Identified as a Min-
osa which it closely resembles,
but which is a separate specie.
Alblzzia is grown only in
the warmer regions, so we can
point with pride to this splen
did specimen that has survived
winters colder than the specie
Is usually accustomed to.
Young trees are available from
our local nurseries and should
be given consideration in our
home garden.
Eventually Alblzzia may
reach 30 or 40 feet in height
with its attractive spreading
top forming en ideal shady
spot in the garden as well as
affording colorful bloom when
few other trees are in bloom.
This tree is very popular in
the South with its distinct nu
tnerous pinnate leaves, spread'
ing habit end many soft, fluffy,
pinkish flowers. It thrives in
almost all soils In full sun or
part shade and is drought re
17101 Front Phoiw 4 2279
Coming Events
I watched my neighbor this
sprint as the raked up ksven,
weeds and garden rubbish sod
spread them In layers, Tben
the cam out with a bar '
something, and sprinkled sotns
t this stuff over the rnbbl.h.
Later I uw her patting In tl
clippings from the lawn and
repeat this process.
Cariosity got me. I went m
to see what she was doing,
The bag of stuff was a product
called compost MAKES and
she was making what she
called ornnio homos, or com
post, which next spring she
would add to her rsrden sou.
Now oar soli is rather sandy
and this humus mads with
the COMPOST MAKES, which
she pointed out to mo would
make the homos very rich tn
minerals, would be Just the
thing to loosen up any type of
sou. i wondered wneuier I
esold start s pile now, and she
assured me that by adding
ing the pile real wet I'd hare
some good compost to add to
my garden next spring.
She showed me the label and
Pi In ted oat now Miller's COM
OST MAKER eoaM be urd
orer the mulch In the garden,
Well, I'm ears going to get
some of that Miller's COM
POST maker down at . . .
Farm Store
393S Silrtrton M.
Fhon 4-424 j
Aut. 17. Y4mhm County ttvlr. lie
Aut. X Frodactloa tt.U4 ItVMUkk
ftocuoa, Orwoa out oUMty Con-Ulu.
Aug?, Jo-ll Hut Orowm aotlttr f
Orttoa 4um wtihlnrtoD unuil tour, fll-
btrt ur, Aut. so; walnut Ut, Aut. SI.
Aut. M-J Mm, County fti-, Albtnr.
Aut. Mrto County od City
of Stint rail avbov, tt fklrtrotmdB,
Aur. KM Cltvckwat Ccnuty fair.
Aut. ll-W PolM County lair. Kick
rtall. tap. ft-U Orwoa flttt. fear, atlta.
49pt. II Orttoa Turkty XmpraTtatat
annual mtttint. Wlthycomb aaU, Cor-
fttpt. SlTos Opportunity Jtrtty ),
ttat lairtrouiMi, saitm.
fltpt. U-U Itorth Mario County
fair, woodsura.
County Fair
August 26-27-28
A good way to get
good meat for
your locker
Phona 4-4624
3935 Silvsrton Rd.
Wafer Garden
Of the many different types
of specialized gardens, there Is
none so interesting cr different
as the water garden. The plants
used In such a garden are en
tirely different than those used
in other settings, enabling the
individual to create one strike-
ingly different and original. In
the long run these gardens
need but little attention dur
ing the growing season.
The first plant anyone as
sociates with a water garden
is the water lily. Some remark
able varieties have been devel
oped in recent years, not only
in size of flower but also in
development of new colors. If
you have enough pool space
plant both the day and night
blooming tropical lilies. In the
night bloomers you can have
whites, pinks and the usual
reds. Both classes Include va
rieties, 10 to 12 inches across
a sight that lends exotic beauty
to any garden. The hardy lilies
do not develop flowers as large
as the tropicals but include all
colors except the blues. The
advantage of the hardy ones Is
tnat tney can be left In the pool
the year around to develop into
extra large plants. The tropi
cals must be wintered over in
tubs of moist soil stored In a
cool basement They are tend
er, of course, to freezing wea
ther. LUy'Basle Plant
Using the water lily as the
basic planting in the water gar
den, companion plants can add
interest to the setting. There
are many different kinds of
bog plants for above water
effects and include such favor
ites as Taro. Papyrus, Pickerel
Kuan, Arrow Head and Water
Cannas. These are all shallow
water plants which must be
planted in boxes 2 to 4 Inches
below the surface of the water.
Keep the pool crystal clear so
that goldfish and underwater
plants can easily be seen. Oxy
genating plants help this pro
cess and are planted on the
bottom of the pool. .
Water plants are easy to
grow. Under natural conditions
the roots are in rich soil In
shallow water of a mash or
pool to full sunshine. Small
artificial pools should be at
Garden NotebooM
Questions Answered
Ctasppsrsl UlT Is a asUr, of Oncon
sad CsllXornlsr
The common skunk csbbsts (Lrilohl
tumt found la mirihy ipou slons th.
oos as. dm nybrmuod so tbst then
Is s Tsrlttr bow without the olfenjlv.
Sluss win not eras bsrrlert of hr-
arsHa or sisseo iun or wood sibss?
Thst ssrtor snsket will .llmlnst.
snsu or slus Infutstloni?
Tnst lulls, esn b. dus or mend ma
loon ss to. lollss. dies?
Any form of finely .round tobspen
wuw ui a pisnt rood vsius in sddl
tlon to Its InjocUcldsl Tslua?
Tn. csrrot or psnnls family lneludai
oeiarr and csrswsyr
Wstar SDroutl on traai ahmild ha rat
oil snnusuyr
Soms plant. Ilk. fntslns weather at
soin. ttms durlns thalr dormant period?
wnaj. oil soap was commonly uasd sa
rodent repcllsnt when sainted on
youns trees
A retalnlns wan or atona fanpa ran
b sttrsctlyeiy planted ss a separate
weekly snrsylns with notaulnm
nsts will kill srsbsrssaf
zae .access of a lawn is sun than
Uw Initial
least a foot deep, allowing six
inches of water over the tops
of the plants. The ideal soil
mixture Is 3 parts good top
soil, and one part well rotted
cow manure. After the boxes
or pools are planted cover tver
with an Inch of sand on top of
the soil mixture. This reduces
washing of the planting mix
ture and consequent dirtying of
the water. Water ear dens
should be planted In June.
Don't plant water lilies in cold
water or in awiftly running
Pleasing Effect
One can make many pleas
ing effects with a water gar
den. The pool may be in any
shape, round, oval, rectangular
or uneven. Pools may be made
of concrete or very effectively
Duiit oi rocx which is also used
to form rock garden border
ing the water garden. One can
even use a large tub sunk in
the ground or one of the new
plastic pools. There is no end
of possibilities if one wants to
create a water garden. The
variations are limitless. Just
let your ingenuity run riot and
you will have a world of fun
with you "water garden."
79 per cent dependent
Snapdragon, thst are badly affected
by ruit should b. removed snd burned
as s aanltary meaeure
Increase Irritation and cultlvstlea of
chrysanthemum bade now.
That you ehould start dlabuddlns
chrysanthemum, as bud dusters appear
You can mak. root cuttlnss of Ori
ent,! Popples now?
That violets should be lilted and di
vided .very two years?
Root vegetables can be sown nov for
early Sprtns harvestlnf?
I ;
The difficulty of reaching
into the extra depth of corners
under kitchen counters often
reduces the efficiency of kit
chen planning. One way to
make use of the corner space
under counters is to install dou
ble hinged doors that afford
easy access to shelves.
Questoina Answered HM PG
Q. Chrysanthemums ft s v
large leathery foliage but no
buds yet What care is need
ed? B. T.
A. Continue watering.
lateral shoots appear pinch
those off. Fertilize with good
general liquid fertilizer. When
buds form, distud, letving but
one bud to the cluster for larg
er flowers. This disbudding
is for large varieties, of course,
as the small or cluster types
do not respond. The varieties
you refer to may be late
Q. Why dp my carnations
split? M. E. S.
A. Growing too rapidly
often causes splitting. To cor
rect, reduce amount of ferti
lizer or frequency of applica
tion or reduce amount of ni
trogen in your fertilizer for
Q. I want to keep my roses
blooming. How can I do this?
L. S.
A. In picking, cut to an out
side eye (bud). Keep old
blooms picked off. Water,
fertilize and spray regularly
and you should be able to have
roses until Christmas!
Q. My gladiolus have not
done so well this year.. Have
applied chemical fertilizers,
A. You may be overfeeding
them with nitrogen. Use an
all-around , fertilizer for best
results. Watch for thrips.
Q. By using sawdust for I
mulch do you not gain a fer
tilizer as well? B. K.
A. Eventually, yes. How
ever, sawdust takes nitrogen
from the soil in breaking
down, hence, you lose some
fertility instead of gaining.
You can supplement this loss
try adding -ammonium sul
phate. - True, sawdust, is at
excellent mulch. If you have
access to sawdust that has lain
out for two years rtuch of the
rotting has already taken
place and it is more valuable
both as a mulch and fertilizer.
Q. Had lovely violets this
year. How can I keep them
doing so well? Mrs. R. K.
A. Pivide them now and
plant in rich soil.
Q. Havt noticed caterpillars
on some of our trees lately.
Are these harmful? If so,
what should be done? R. G.
A. Yes, these are harmful.
Spray with DDT, lindane or
nicotine sulfate.
Q. Hava one young peach
tree that has curl badly. How
can I get rid of this? E. K.
A. It is top late to do much
this season. Pick off Infested
leaves and burn. Use a copper
fungacide during dormant sea
son. No spray this late will
help. Keep area around tree
clean to prevent over-win ter-
Free Heat for '53
See Radiant
1540 Fairgrounds Rd.
Phont 4-6263
I hkim been appointed creator of tlu
Mttt of Oiii M. RobUn. dtcMd. by
Uu Circuit Court of the Ut ot Otv-
lon for Marion County, and bav qual
Ifled. All aKTsVona hereby art notified to
priBtni their claim to zoo at 40 1 no-
necr Trust Buiiainr. Baiem. urea on.
within Mix months of tho 4at of XI rat
publication of thla notlct. Datatf aad
fink published July 03, ins.
Ghariea d. modus
X. O. stadter, Jr.
Attorney for Executor.
July 32. 39. A off. , 11, 11, 1M1
ing of the fungi that can kill
the tree.
4. Mice seem to infest my
carnation bed, is there a repel-
lant that I can use? Mrs.
O. B.
A. Yes, sprinkle chimney
soot around the bed. Mice
will not cross this as they do
not like to get their feet dirty!
. Q. I have a small suburban
orchard of new trees. Appar
ently rabbits are gnawing on
these and causing damage. I
do not wish to trap them. Can
I keep them away somehow?
B. B.'
A. Yes, put a coating ot axle
grease on the trees at the
height to which they are at
tracted. Any rodeut will shun
that material.
Q, I am bothered by moles
in my new lawn. What Is the
best method of eradication?
B. B.
A. Personally, I have had
most success by trapping.
Many local home owners re
port success with poisoned
bait or by gassing with the ex
haust fumes of a car. One
must be careful, though, if
there are children or pets
around. We have discussed
this problem in detail else
where on this page.
j. Can any annuals be
planted now for fall bloom?
Mrs. B. K.
A. Yes, plant balsam, cos
mos, marigold, morning glory,
nicotinia. petunia and zinnia.
. now can I restore my old
lawn without digging it up
and starting all over again?
D. G. n
A. The trick here is to seed
broom and roll ah the spring
and late summer, about Au
gust, year after year. Ferti
lize each spring and seed
spring and fall. Use 2-4-D to
kill ou; broad-leaved weeds.
Heavy grass growth will kill
out weeds. Sprinkle after
each fertilizing or seeding.
J. How much 2-4-D weed
killer is needed to control
weeds in a lawn? B. B.
A. Spray the entire lawn
area evenly. One gallon of
diluted spray should be suffi
cient to cover 200 square feet
of lawn unless there Is an un
usually heavy infestation of
weeds. Spot applications for
weedy areas are recommended
especially if lawn grasses in
clude Bent Grass or White
Clover which may be damaged
too, somewhat
Q. When should 2-4-D be
applied? B. B.
A. Apply when soil is moist
and weeds are in an active
state of growth. Do not sprin
kle for six hours following
Q. What can bo used ss a
soil disinfectant for a garden
plot? G. L.
. .A. The newest chemical dis
infectant available through
your dealer goes by the ini
tials DD and is a petroleum
by-product Benzine Hydro
chloride.,. Apply according to
manufacturer's directions. Th
old standby is formaldehyde,
using 40 per cent type In solu
tion at 1-50 applied at rata
of one quart per square foot
of ground. Cover with burlap
or paper for 24 hours to per
mit good kill ot nematodes,
wireworms and larvae. With
these disinfectants you can
plant in the soil 24 hours aft
er sterilizing. For seed pans.
flats or pots, soil may be baked
or you can apply a common
household disinfectant (with
chlorine content) at 3 table
spoons per gallon of water.
Seeds may be planted 'shortly
after treatment
We Give 2Wt" Green Stamps
162 N. Commercial
Phone 2-6687
217 S. High Ph. 45751
Lawns, Sprinkler
Fences, Walks, Etc.
Phone 4-3573
tv wait) id try mtys
1 v- wijar i
Otgsek sdorcrop fmjyffiS. I
wotlss sp lawns jS$ZJ I
aslo Nat ors's f-S
eiwa plane foods. jjT) J
Day Heating Co.
22S Divlson, Seism
Ph. 34822
O P I u
10 TO
Btvok tTktt Em! Whm jam opm jont svecotMK tc
FisTK Nsnjonai Bank of Portland ya can adjust jour
baoTalrfng to mat jottr buswew snd rvxeationai hour.
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