Pa 12 Capital A Journal HOME PAGE Cats, Traps, Gas Suggested For Control of Gophers, Moles THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregofi Wadntsday, August 19, 19SS Br HARK M. TAYLOR A cumber of readers have sked for Information on rid ding a home garden of mole. The home gardener is often plagued by gophers, moles and mica. The most effective means of ridding place of gophers or moles, in my experience, is by trapping. When a main run is located, the trap is placed plant valuable plants that are susceptible to mole damage. have, personally, done this with choice camellias and azaleas, thereby saving many plants. Yt nea planting simply line the hole with the and then fill as usual. SheaM r Ctem it bsm to ae a common practice to plant castor beans a scissors jaw or diamond jiw ,v ita-vm T-r.ts (Euphorria) In trap biting effective. The jtwwa fkw hods wider the pear irap Has its advantage -saasakm Jvlirf that moles that one can see when the urania avoid those tJlanta. Ac trap has been sprung. (eaaty the? U wrk right Moles are our most eomxen I ajnnpsue t there at they have rodent pest and. white the idea ! x uwrt 3ecC is not particularly new. I have j JUpr we find rabbits a found the fur-coated type c! , jw w area. Sot here trap most effectiTe! Cats, if jtuaif orchard tree are aet properly encouraged, do a ;a wu(ntly rabbits iH good Job m keeping down ijHvta the louder hark. This those colonies. Moles seldom caa awuded by oattng the we the same feeding tvBsijpW part of the tree with twice but they will if their !), Raohits .re, oor- favorite food lies in that cU- sruClr, clrxaa animals and do rectum. Contrary to tales W U m th-tr f- told by many gardeners, moles ' XThw-iw method von follow do not eat plant roots, bclbsjja oaaioig vKh rodents It is or root vegetaoiea, However, ; f.xd jots to war rubber frequently mice win use mole j rrcs wiea handliiig traps or runs in tucir quasi zor xooa cvind tujtt an mrimt. )un AS mm tittmm I ' m r 1 1 1 1 1 1 h el ri - 3 5 I i f J eta en-.irV J ff f . w m m H I Her is a flexible plaa tor what the architect calls a "magic all-purpose house". A folding partition or slid ing well can make the den serve as a fourth bedroom, or allow it to merge with the living room in a sweep of almost 40 feet Broad pic ture window at the front and in the dining room at the war afford a through view. This ts Plan 3247 by Win. C. Chirgoti. S68 Stuyves ant Ave, Union, NJ. The house covers 1,800 square feet a convenient figure for rough local estimates. Plan 327 and will gnaw on bulbs. By a keea aanse of smell and win far the biggest damage from avoid anything Oat has been jnoies is irom imaermizuBg toothed by human hands. plants and, exposing roots to the air. Poisoned bait can be dropped in the runs and is offten effective, but precau tions must be taken where pets or small children are around. Asphyxiate Them One of the most effective means of getting rid of goph ers or moles is to attach a hose to the exhaust of a car, pushing the end of the hose well back Into the run. A lit tle kerosene mixed in the gas oline will cause the exhaust fumes to be a blue smoke, so that leaks in the run can be noticed and covered. When ever using carbon monoxide gas or any of the prepared gas bombs, be sure children and pet are away lest they also inhale the fumes. Run ning a car motor for 30 min utes will rid you of the moles in that area. Where infesta tion of moles is very bad and vacant lots or fields are near by, it is often advisable to sink -tnch mesh galvanized wire screen completely around the area to be protected. Where this is impractical it is also suggested that wire bas kets of such H-inch mesh screen be made in which to CAPITAL Housewives Delight 181 N. High St. r. 1 .ipiiimJ 1T1ULY FINE FINISH RESISTS ACID. on. soaps Silk Tree One 0f8eaufyrCo!or By MARK M. TAYI OR Much comment has been caused in recent years when ever the beautiful tree on the southeast post office grounds, lust east of the driveway (across from the Elks Temple) comes in bloom with its feath ery, pale pink blossoms car ried above the leaves. In fact, few years ego tha comment was such as to arouse tha ire of some who declared It had been improperly Identified. . It appears to be pretty gen erally agreed now that this tree is known botanically as Albizzia Julibrlssin or com monly called tha Silk Tree. It belong to the Pea family but is closely related to the Acacias, with which it is often confused, This tree has often been wrongly identified as a Min- osa which it closely resembles. but which is a separate specie. Albizzia is grown only in the warmer regions, so we can point with pride to this splen did specimen that has survived winters colder than tha specie 'is usually accustomed to. I Young trees are available from our local nurseries and should I be given consideration in our home garden. Evv.'.iually Albizzia may reach 30 or 40 feet in height with its attractive spreading top forming en ideal shady spot in the garden as well as affording colorful bloom when few other trees are in bloom. This tree is very popular in the South with its distinct nu merous pinnate leaves, spread ing habit and many soft, fluffy, pinkish flowers. It thrives in almost all soils In full sun or part shade and is drought resistant. OtlSO Norris Walker Painl Co. 1710 n Front rksM 4-2279 ORGANIC HUMUS I mtrhed mr nrlihbor this spring h raksd op leaves, weeds and raiden rabbtah and spread thtm In layers. Then ah came oat with bag ef omethlnr. and sprinkled soms f this stuff ever the rabblah. Later I saw her patting in u cuppings from the lawn end repeal mis prams. Cariosity ot me. I went em to see what she was dour. The bag of (toff was a product called COMPOST MAKER and ha was making wnat ano called organic nanus, or com port, which next spring (he would add to ber garden soil. Now our soil Is rather sandy and thta hnmu made with the COMPOST MAKER, which she pointed out to mo would nuke tho humus very rich In minerals, would bo Just the thing to loomn vp any typo of oil. I wondered whether I eould start a pile now, and ihs amored me that by adding COMPOST MAKER and keep In tho pile real wet I'd have frame food compost to add to my rardeo next spring. She showed me the label and Kin ted out how Mlller'a COM HT MAKER could bo ued over the mulch In the garden, too. Well, I'm sure rolnc to get mm of that Miller's COM POST maker down at . . . Valley Farm Store 3935 Silverton M. fhon 4-4624 Coming Events Aui. 17-Jl Yamhill county Stir, Uc- m ion viiit. A us. 90 Frodaetloo iU4 lrVMtoek .action. Or mob ettst ioUm, Co mill. Ail. 10-51 Nut Orowtrt BoeUty f Orsxon .do wunintton ad null toar. ru btrl oft y. Aut. lot weUnut Ur. Aw. 1L Ar, 14-1 X-tno County ftlr. Albany. Aut. -a Mirtim County and CKy of salem Fall anow, itat falrtrovnaa. aaitm. Aur. Clackamaa County latr. Canby. Auk. 11-10 Folk County fair. Nek nail. Stpt t-11 Oracoa tut fair, ftalam. epk. 11 Or ti on Turk? ImproreiaaM annual mtctlna, WHhycomba ball, Cor- valiu. 6pt-11 To- Opportunity Jtraty aala, itata falrtrouada, Calam, Sept. 14-11 Horth Ifartoa County fair, woodbum. Remember County Fair August 26-27-28 A good way to get good meat for your locker VALLEY FARM STORE Phone 4-4624 393S Silverton Rd. Water Garden Interesting Bf MABK TAYLOR Of the many different types of specialized gardens, there is none so interesting or different as the water garden. The plants used in such a garden are en tirely different than those us in other settings, enablin individual to create ingly different the long run th need but little ing the The first sociates is the wat able var oped in in size develof you t plant U1UUU . night white reds, rietiei a sight to any do not i as the colors ex advantage that they the year aroui extra large cals must be tubs of moist soil cool basement They er, of course, to ther. Lily Basic Plant Using the water lily as the basic planting in the water gar den, companion plants can add interest to the setting. There are many different kinds of bog plants for above water effects and include such favor ites as Taro. Papyrus, Pickerel Rush, Arrow Head and Water Carinas. These are all shallow water plants which must be planted In boxes 2 to 4 Inches below the surface of the water. Keep the pool crystal clear so that goldfish and underwater plants can easily be seen. Oxy genating plants help this pro cess and are planted on the bottom of the pool. . Water plants are easy to grow. Under natural conditions the roots are in rich soil In shallow water of a mash or pool to full sunshine. Small artificial pools should be at Garden Notebook By MARK M. TAYLOR Questions Answered BT MABK M. TAYLOR DID YOU KNOW? Chappanl lily la a satire of One an ana California? Th tommon akunk cabbam fLniahi- tumi fount in nanny arxtU alona tha cwaat baa bta h- tnat ther IS per cant dependent oa tha Initial preparation? Bnapdraconi that ara badly afftctod by nut ahonld b reraoTed and barnad as m aanltary neaaurtr Zncreato Irrlaation and cultivation of chrysanthemum beda now. That you ahould start dlabnddlni Fhrysanthemuma aa bad, clutara appear an make"at cuttings of Ori- nowT - i ahould be lifted.. and dt t years? can be sown now tor tinsr -a ftj n -V r 1! W II ar 7 d S 1 t m raihtnir V Mi of fftmwi 'jnters often V X One way to enrner srjaoe -ers is io install aou- a. doors that afford r Uccess to shelves. IIP i ii ii LtfeAD One can iiiaKe many pleas ing effects with a water gar den. Tha pool may be in any shape, round, oval, rectangular or uneven. Pools may be made of concrete or very effectively built of rock which is also used to form a rock garden border ing tha water garden. One can even use large tub sunk in the ground or one of the new plastic pools. There is no end of possibilities if one wants to create a water garden. The variations are limitless. Just let your Ingenuity run riot and you will have a world of fun with you "water garden." Free Heat for '53 See Radiant GLASSHEAT 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. Phon. 4-6263 1 tuT. been appointed executor of tbt nun ot out u. Bosun, imim r uu circuit court or uw sum oi on ion for Marlon Countr. and liaro eual- uted. All periona hereby ara notified to preient their claims to no at 401 Pio neer Trust Bulldlnff. Salem, Oretoa, within alx nontlu of tha date of flrat publication of thla notice. Dated and first published Julr S3, 1961. Charles S. Xoblla I. O. stadter, Jr. Attorney for Kxecutor. Julr 21. 39, A us. S, 1, IS, 1SU Linoleum NATIONAL BRANDS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. High Ph. 45751 Lawns, Sprinkler SYSTEMS Fences. Walks, Etc. SERVICE CENTER Phone 4-3573 Questolna Answered HM PG Q. Chrysanthemums have large leathery foliage but no buds yet. What care Is need' td? B. T. A. Continue watering. If lateral shoots appear pinch those off. Fertilize with good general liquid fertilizer. When buds form, distud, leiving but one bud to the cluster for larg er flowers. This disbudding is for large varieties, of course, as the small or cluster types do not respond. The varieties you refer to may be late bloomers. Q. Why dp my carnations split? M. I. S. - A. Growing too rapidly often causes splitting. To cor rect, reduce amount of ferti lizer or frequency of applica tion or reduce amount of ni trogen in your fertilizer for mula. Q. I want to keep my roses blooming. How can I do this? L. S. A. In picking, cut to an out side eye (bud). Keep old blooms picked off. Water, fertilize and spray regularly and you should be able to have roses until Christmas! Q. My gladiolus have not done so well this year.. Have applied chemical fertilizers, too. A. You may be overfeeding them with nitrogen. Use an all-around , fertilizer for best results. Watch for thrips. Q. By using sawdust for a mulch do you not gain a fer tilizer as well? B. K. ' A. Eventually, yes. How ever, sawdust takes nitrogen from the soil in breaking down, hence, you lose some fertility instead of gaining. You can supplement this loss oy adding -ammonium sul phate. - True, sawdust is an excellent mulch. If you have access to sawdust that has lain out for two years much of the rotting has already taken place and it is more valuable both as a mulch and fertilizer. Q. Had lovely violets this year. How can I keep them doing so well? Mrs. R. K. A. Divide them now and plant in rich soil. Q. Havt noticed caterpillars on some of our trees lately. Are thtse harmful? If so, what should be done? R. G. A. Yes, these are harmful. Spray with DDT, lindane or nicotine sulfate. Q. Have one young peach tree that has curl badly. How can I get rid of this? E. K. A. It is top late to do much this season. Pick off infested leaves and burn. Use a copper fungacide during dormant sea son. No spray this late will help. Keep area around tree clean to prevent over-winter- 7l5ooi73rAwLyh Bunt Mr. iMmjy omamk J JHtUHlf-Sl UOKXCf ing of the fungi that can kill the tree. Q. Mice seem to infest my carnation bed, is there a repel lant that I can use? Mia. O. B. A. Yes, sprinkle chimney soot around the bed. Mice will not cross this as they do not like to get their feet dirty! O. I have a small suburban orchard of new trees. Appar ently rabbits are gnawing on these and causing damage. do not wish to trap them. Can I keep them away somehow? B. B. A. Yes, put a coating of axle grease on the trees at the height to which they are at tracted. Any rodent will shun that material. - O. I am bothered by moles in my new lawn. What is the best method of eradication? B. B. A. Personally, I have had most success by trapping. Many local home owners re port success with poisoned bait or by gassing with the ex haust fumes of a car. One must be careful, though, if there are children or pets around. We have discussed this problem in detail else where on this page. Q. Can any annuals be planted now for fall bloom? Mrs. B. K. A. Yes, plant balsam, cos mos, marigold, morning glory, nicotinia, petunia and zinnia. Q. How can I restore my old lawn without digging it up and starting all over again? D. G. -. . A. The trick here is to seed broom and roll fa the spring and late summer, about Au gust, year after year. Ferti lize each spring and seed spring and fall. Use 2-4-D to kill ou: broad-leaved weeds. Heavy grass growth will kill out weeds. Sprinkle after each fertilizing or seeding. Q. How much 2-4-D weed killer is needed to control weeds In a lawn? B. B. A. Spray the entire lawn j area evenly. One gallon of diluted spray should be suffi cient to cover 200 square feet of lawn unless there is an un usually heavy infestation of weeds. Spot applications for weedy areas are recommended especially If lawn grasses in clude Bent Grass or White Clover which may be damaged too, somewhat. Q. When should 2-4-D be applied? B. B. A, Apply when soil is moist and weeds are in an active state of growth. Do not sprin kle for six hours following application. 0. What can be used as a soil disinfectant for a garden plot? G. L. . .A. The newest chemical dis infectant available through your dealer goes by the ini tials DD and is a petroleum - by-product Benzine Hydro chloride., Apply according to manufacturer's directions. Tha old standby is formaldehyde. using 40 per cent type in solu tion at 1-50 applied at rata of one quart per square foot of ground. Cover with burlap or paper for 24 hours to per mit good kill ot nematodes. wirminraii mrA uritk these disinfectants 1 you can plant in the soil 24 hours aft er sterilizing. For teed pans. flats or pots, soil may be baked or you can apply a common household disinfectant (with chlorine content) at 3 table spoons per gallon of water. Seeds may be planted 'shortly alter treatment. SaFanjara ssnrar PAINTS Boy Dutch Shake Paint $4.85 gallon We Give Wf Green Stamps HUTCHEON PAINT STORE 162 N. Commercial Phone 3-6687 Organic Mooxrop btalas np bins ing Nat art's ewe plant ftuxrii 1 yf Day Heating Co. 225 Divlson, Salem .O Ph. 34822 TAKE YOUR TIME BANK O P I H 10 TO Bstok With Btuwt Whoa jam opw joar Kooaat Fine National Btuik of Portland you can adjust youf hawlrrng to frit your buttocM and recreatiooal hours, loin the thousands who take their rime and Bank With sS at Hist National 10 to 3 Monday thru frinirdty "I si 1 I StOlk A SALEM BRANCH "UTS WILD OUOON TOGCTfifl"