Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 19, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    Pag. 10
Wrinwday. Angwt 1. I'M
Local Army Officers at Vancouver Barracks
I WMm mm
; ''w-r.sras .... x' '
;i't.1;-:V '
Lt.;-; fVlT: l
Ship Breaks Out in
Flames, No Lives Lost
Boston W) The 260-foot
Danish vessel Else Basse broke
out in flames IS miles off Cape
Anguille, Nfld., last night but
Its crew of 24 and one woman
passenger abandoned ship safe
ly and were picked up five
hours later by rescue craft
The Coast Guard at Boston
aid the survivors were taken
board the British steamer Cor
ner Brook, which was in the
general vicinity, and taken to
Corner Brook, Nfld.
" Taipeh, Formosa (JPi Chi'
nese Nationalist air force
planet are dropping food to
4,100 residents of three vil
lages cut off by flood waters
in West-Central Formosa since
Monday, when the Ta-An river
burst through dykes. ,
Reserve officers from the Salem branch of the ORC
command and general staff school are among reservists
from the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Utah
taking a summer training course at the Command and
General Staff College at Vancouver Barrack for two
weeks. Pictured here at Vancouver are men from the
Salem school. Front row, left to right, are Lt. George P.
Harbor, Route 1, Albany, engineer and machinist, Har
bor Engineer Work; Lt. Col. Mark H. Astrup, 1990
South Liberty, landscape engineer, Oregon state highway
department; Lt Col. John L. Geren, S40 Hoyt superintend
ent, Salem water department; Lt. Col. Homer G. ' Lyon,
Jr., 4220 Gardner Rd., state forestry department; Sfc.
Robert M. Hammond, staff personnel, 6180 Skyline road,
teacher, Parrish junior high; CoL William C. Ryan, Route
2, Turner, director of Oregon state Institutions. Back
row, left to right, Lt Col William A. Boers, 2710 Bluff
ave., field examiner, state public employes retirement
system; Lt Col. Floyd B. Willert, Dayton, postmaster;
Col. George R. Mursell, psychologist Falrview Home;
Lt CoL Phil R. Brownell, 920 Hanson ave, Brownell
Electric Co.; Ma). George W. Bagnall, 159S Madison street,
ales engineer, Salem Iron Works; Lt. CoL Roy C. Edger
ton, 1067 Edgewater, engineer, state highway department;
Col. William H. Hammond, 1880 Saginaw, vice president.
Union Security Co.; and MaJ. Dale N. Bever, 245 W.
Browning ave, Oregon state forestry department (U.S.
Army photo) .
- La. ..J 5
b ..Va a,W If I Sid, a
D ........ f .... :. .. t,
r , ,vvr iww .mi Mai . a a
essential to good health at
carti or rne eyes ana reern,
Good posture cannot be;
maintained when feet era 2
5 weak, strained or misused. Jj
Albany Transmitter
Has Wild Trip West
Albany Claiming he had
five breakdowns and one 84-
mile-an-hour trip down U.S.
highway east of Cascadia when
his brakes failed to hold, Mar
shall Apperson, Dallas, Tex.,
arrived in Albany yesterdav
with radio station KWIL's new
100-watt transmitter which
should have been here more
than two weeks ago.
Pains, distress of "those days" stopped
. or amazingly ralieytd
in 3 out of 4 cases
in doctors' ttstsl
Here's wonderful newt for
women and girls who each
month sutler the tortures of
"bad days" of functionally
caused menstrual cramps and
pain headaches, backaches,
and those "no-good," dragged
out feelings.
It's newt about a medicine
famout for relieving such suf
fering! Here la the exciting newt.
Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable
Compound gave complete or
striking relief of such distress
In an average of S out of 4 of
the cases In doctors' tests I
Teal Lydla Pinkham has been
proved to be tctentiflcally modem
In action
This newt will not surprise the
thousands of women and girls who
take Lydla Plnkhamt regularly
and know the relief It can bring.
And tt should encourage vox (if
- you 're not Uklng Lydla Plnkham'a)
to see lt your experience decant
natch theirs. aee U yoe. too,
don't avoid the nervousness and
tension, weakness, Irritability
Hew I Tata PMrlMMi'e werks
ft kas e Vatmtnff" ana aosthing
affact cm tha mnu... crwttttna
tha contraction, (aaa tha chart)
that ao often eauaa manatmal
patn. cramp, ether-dtitraaa.
The transmitter wat shipped
by Graybar Electric from Dal
las July 23 by Hunter Van
Lines-Allied Transport truck.
It should have arrived about
July 31.
The woeful Apperson said
he had the following mishaps:
He dropped hit gat tank near
Wichita, Kan., drove- over it
and touched off a stream of fire
down the highway; the truck's
transmission burned out, the
air compressor failed; the
ignition wiring hid to be
changed In Boise. Alto hit
brakes gave way outside Cas
cadia on highway 20. -
Heavy Fine Given for
Log Truck Overload
Eugene U, Justice of the
Peace John Wells said today
ha levied a $2716 fin against
a log truck driver charged
with having a 54,300-pound
Wells said he levied the fine
at Cottage Grove against
Jamea Kotz, Cottage Grove,
driver of the truck. He sus
pended $1716 of It
Wells said it was the largest
overload fine that ever came
to hit attention.
and pain so often associated with
"those days" I
Remember Plnkham's. too tf
you're suOerlnc the "not flashes
and other functionally-caused dis
tress of "change of lite."
Oct Lydla Plnkham'a Compound
or new, improved Tablets with
added Iron (trial sis only ttij.
Start taking Plnkham's today I
Delivered In Salem
Make your dollars buy all the power, good looks and
dependability of a Pontiac Special t-Cyl. Two-Door
Sedan. State and local taiee. If any, license, optional
equipment and acceeeorlee are eitra. Pricaa subject to
chanje without notice. Price may vary In surrounding
communities due to transportation differentials.
Zoning Commission Rejects
Extension of Trade Street
The Salem planning and
zoning commission turned
down the proposed extension
of Trade street from Winter to
12th street In recommenda
tions to the city council adopt
ed at a meeting Tuesday eve
ning. -
Reasons for rejection of the
plan given by the planners
were: au improvements would
have to be paid by the city
at a cost of approximately
$45,000; tome property would
have to be acuired by con
demnation and paid for by the
city and objections of Willam
ette University.
The commission postponed
until Its September 1 meeting
a proposal by the Salem school
A. Burleigh Cash
Heads United Drive
Lebanon Named Monday
as chairman of Lebanon's
second United Fund drive was
A. Burleigh Cash, former prin
cipal of the Lebanon union high
school. Opening date has been
set for Oct 18.
The appointment of Cash
was announced by Ken Mayer,
chairman of the UP campaign
planning committee.
The goal will be set when
all requests have been received
from tha benefitting agencies.
Septic Tank Frauds
In Southern Oregon
Albany Overcharges on sep
tic tank cleaning are being at
tributed to a transient oper
ation, apparently headed for
the Willamette valley, by two
southern Oregon members of
that Oreffon chimhar Tvanit.
tlvet, Albany Chamber of Com
merce Manager D. J. Donahue
revealed today.
The southern Oregon cham
bers said transient nnaratAra
cleaned tanks in Rogue River
ani urants Pass and charged
$18 and $192 respectively for
the jobs. Charge made by local
concerns is $20.
Albany Plans to construct
corrals and scsles were msde
at the meeting of the Stock
man's Marketinf aaanelatinn
held Monday night at the Har-
risourg city nail. Similar ac
comodations will be available
soon In Benton and Lane
Production Credit's
953 Loans Smaller
A decline In number of loans
made and in amounts was
shown by the Production
Credit Association of Salem in
its midyear report
rive hundred twenty-six
loans were outstanding in the
first half of this year compar
ed with 881 in this period of
1891 and 961 In the first half
of 1052. Loans receivable at
the end of the period were
$2,174,000 for 1953, $2,411,000
for 1951 and $2,463,000 for
Loans made were 365 this
year 417 in 1951 and 377 In
1952. Amounts loaned were
$2,028,000 in 1053, $2,577,000
in 1951 and $2,518,000 in 1952.
Number of stockholders In
creased from 1017 in 1951 to
1066 now and reserves accu
mulated from earnings from
$200152 in mid-1951 to $295,
640 In mid-1953.
Brussels, Belgium OP) The
International Confederation of
Free Trade Unions has accused
the Spanish government of
Generalissimo Franco of vi
olating trade union rights in
district for vacation of Gaines
street between North Winter
and Cottage streets, as well as
an alley running through
Block 58 in the North Salem
City Attorney Chris Kow-
itz wat asked to check on sev
eral legal points and report
back to the commission at the
September meeting.
The school district plant to
construct a larger school to re
place Grant school and needs
the property included In the
proposed vacation for play
ground purposes.
The commission recom
mended approval of an appli
cation by Roy M. Lockenour
for construction of a 40x60
foot fireproof building at 144
South 13th street without pro
viding parking space. The
building it to be occupied by
a barber thop, jewelry repair
shop and a thoe repair ttore.
Appicationt of Harriet Nest
to construct a garage at 567 N.
Summer and Mrs. Delia Hay
den to erect several garages
behind the Glendora apart
ment! at 585 N. Summer
both in the Capitol zone
were referred to City Manager
J. L. Franzen, who wat asked
to confer with the state plan
ning commission and the board
of control.
Robert L. Jones, former as
sistant publisher of the Capi
tal Journal In a letter to the
commission requested that
property at 14th and Center
street remain in the Class I
residential zone.
Charles W. Snyder, 2337 W.
Nob Hill street urged no
change be made In rezonlng
of the district from Hoyt street
to McGilchrist street John
H. Hann and 10 others urged
lhat the area on the east half
blocks facing W. Nob Hill
street from Fawk to Judson
street remain residential.
A recommendaiton of City
Engineer Harold Davis to re
name Clark street in West Sa
lem to Wallace road wat re
ferred to the street naming
committee. Clark street le an
extension of Wallace road.
At Vancouver
Vancouver Barracks. Wash.
Twelve Salem area Army Re
servists are in the group of
almost 200 Army Reserve offi
cers and one Marine colonel
now attending the annual two
weeks Command and General
Staff college summer training
course here.
771 V
Kelly Owens Pontiac Co.
Wmki al rflaeraW.,
Your Siegler Gas Heater Dealer
Cleaner - Quieter - More Efficient
Economical Operation
263 N. Com'l St. Ph. 33445
The approximately 200 men
from the states of Oregon,
Washington, Idaho and Utah,
started their classes here Aug
ust 10 and have been receiving
eight hours bf classroom in
struction each week day. In
structional material is prepar
ed by the Army's Command
and General Staff College at
Fort Leavenworth, Kan.
Separate classes are held lor
first, second and third year
students and the course of in
struction is developed to pre
pare qualified officers for duty
as commanders ana general
staff officers of divisions and
high commands.
The commandant of the Fort
land U.S. Army Reserve
School. Col. Walter A. Schultz,
and his regular staff are in
charge of the two weeks train
ing program.
Relative Aid
Relative responsibility in
connection with welfare assist
ance has been increasing to a
considerable extent since the
1953 legislature tightened the
regulations, reports Kenneth
Peterson, administrator for the
Marion County Welfara com
Peterson informed the com
mission Tuesday that out of !,
200 responses received by his
office concerning responsibil
ity in providing help for close
relatives, approximately 10 per
cent have agreed that they
should help. Others inquired
concerning the manner in which
they were obligated.
The commission it consider
ing a plan of Saturday closing
of its offices to coincide with
other state departments. If this
is done, tome tort of stand-by
service would be made avail
able to take care of emergencies.
Bishop F. J. MeConnell
Bishop McConnell
Dies on Birthday
Portsmouth, Ohio UP) Fu
neral services will be held Fri
day In nearby Lucatville for
the Rev. Dr. Francis J. McCon
nell, former Methodist bishop
and advocate of freedom in re
ligion and thought
He died yesterday on his
82nd birthday at hit LucasvlUe
The Rev. Dr. McConnell was
once president of the Federal
Council of Churches of Christ
later known as the National
Council of Church of Christ in
the United States.
Colonel Dies
After Leap
i Tokyo " The Air Fore
said today CoL German P. Cul
ver of Arlington. Va., died af
ter bailinc out of hit Thunder.
Jet fighter plane olf tha coast
of Japan Monaay.
Culver, 41, commanded tha
39th Air Division, which in
cludes all units in tha northern
area of the Japan air defense
He was picked up by a res
cue amphibian plane within an
hour of bailing out. He waa
pronounced dead when he ar
rived at the Air Force hospi
tal on Hokkaido
Zcmo Great Fcr
Itchy S!dnRc:h
Zemo, t doctor's formula, promptly
relieves itching of enriace ftkitt maea,
eoema, prickly heat, athlete's iaot
Zemo atopa scratching and ao aids
faiter healing and dealing. Boy Extrn
Strtnflh Zemo or anbhora eaaaa, .
Albany Doris Hogan Der
rick, 38, after being jailed here
Saturday night on a disorderly
conduct charge. Is now held in
lieu of $500 bail on a charge of
malicious destruction of jail
property. Mrs. Derrick pro
ceeded to rearrange her bed
ding, furniture and flood the
jail cell during her confine
ment I
London tf) Sir Archibald
Rowlands, permanent secretary
of the British Ministry of Sun-
p?y until hit retirement at the
beginning of the year, died at
his home at Henley-on-Thames
Tuesday night He waa 60.
How To Stop That
tilted feeij::&'
... and Feci St ranger Fasti
If rao'i -- tella aaa tkaa
Uulr. aad w..t to tml itrotpr li i
Men bar th rami cans or 7ttr fr" ll-a
o b. bloo that's lew la Irea. tuwtkaa
iToa-coor blood . . . Bcbolla tirad kleaS arltS
faat-aetlat. kith votaaer GarHol aa4 watt
normal muiar ana atraaata rataral
la jaat ana Sar GaritoMroB plaa a Blsft
Botnur aombinatloa of blooa-fcalMiac laa.
tor. are la roar hloodttraaa. aarrriaa
trraatb aad antrer to mrj part jnu
bodr. Joat S tableapooaa arra yoa Iwka tka
Iraa tal a Baud tt calna' Brar. t Uaua
Uw Iraa hi a aaaad al avlaadt, Carttal
mm aoatalaa tha affKtlaa anti-aaaaale
Vltamia Bit. to aaa Garitol to kaild tlx
rad, atrnas blood which atopa that -trad
Mini (ait I Gat GTitol, lion Id ar takbtt.
at rour dmaatora. Taa faal atraasav taM
la T dare ar roar a-anar hack I
Pad la iraB afaiaiaaar aaaaall
Capitol Shopping (enter
1161 Union, Salem, Oregon
till! Mil ITMUfS alarm
fVUf aiirtw (M)
M0 North Ubarry St., Solam, Ore.
Ph. 24113 I
X Itavati U It
sira- run sztzr
OaM IS a-l ( Ma-da. fridaa.
Uml taa. .,. wmm, m rVMar.
Chltaartk aai,taa ... I oar 4d am
SwM NOSTMSaft aaaavr awva
''ia aataaii ami.dU.Orav
ut us oatva your scout heath now-
1425 Edgewater St.
" West Salem, Oregon
Enjoy c hotmM of htwfcHo titrto fwri-F-TKKi
KMt-Nt cfdy pfpts tc n&bn H bete! or flbd
-. Ill
I J" MILL"-' M? yim&gSLW'&ii I i
Only flaglar't axelutlva statantad
set row, mass saause aa wain siimcsMiaAiia.tu.
k aJ -
K&i M MM If ,