Pag 8 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orcgoa Tuesday. Ancnat 18, MM ADD FINISHING TOUCHES k H:V,' : -h " w-- ' "'.. ' V ' Two Boys Arrested in Linn County Thefts Lebanon Two local step brothers, agei 16 and 17, were arrested in Coqullle Friday, ana pieaaea guilty to 20 sepa rate counts of robbery and bur glary, ranging from Washington through Oregon, California and Neveda. Lebanon police said the pair admitted the recent break and enter cases her at Jack's mar ket on Tangent St., and the Richfield service station at the Junction of Main and Park SU. I Members of the North Santiam Valley Grange at Lyons are putting finishing touches on new cabinet work in their remodeled kitchen to have it ready for their fall fair Saturday, September 26. In photo are Mrs. Elmer Taylor, Mrs. Wilson Stevens and Wilson R. Stevens. Tho real thing & One of the youths has a local police racord, officers said, while the other step-brother has not been in trouble in Leb anon until now. A complaint has been filed against them in Albany court Their appearance on local charges is now up to the Linn county district attorney. Other cities are expected to place hold orders on the two, Power and Phone Service Restored La Grande Power and tele phone service in this area was back to normal after being knocked out by last week-end s lightning storm. The Enterprise-La Grande telephone circuit was broken by a falling tree. A 22,000-voIt transmission line at Hot Lake substation also was downed. SHAKESPEARE POPULAR Ashland () A new record high in attendance for a single performance ef the Oregon Shakespearean Festival was established last week-er.d when 002 persons saw the "Merchant of Venice." 500 Farm Economists Meeting in Corvallis Corvallis U.B Some 800 agricultural economists from throughout the United States were on the Oregon State col lege campus today for the first day of the meeting of the American Farm Economic as sociation. Economists represented 36 states along with Alaska, Can ada, Iran and Australia. Undersecretary of Agricul ture True D. Morse will ad dress the delegates tomorrow on the subject, "Agricultural Problems as Seen from Washington." Some Delays on Oregon Roads Motorists will continue to encounter slight delays on many Oregon highways be cause of construction activities, the State Highway Department reported Tuesday. The depart ment's weekly road report out lines travel conditions as fol lows: Corvalhs-Newport Highway Construction on Newport Toledo section; possible minor delay. ' South Santiam Construc tion on Noble Slough-Foster section; minor delay. Columbia River Construe tlon on Cascade Locks-Mosier section and on Arlington-Hepp- ner Junction section with pos sible minor delay. The Dalles-California Con struction under way on ai eight-mile section near Chilo quin; also on the Lapine-Forest Boundary section with minor delays. Pacific' Highway Minor de lay at Winchester Bridge, south ol Sutherlin, where construe' tion under way. Coast Highways Construc tion under way three miles north of Gardiner, from Reeds- port for seven miles south, from Lakeside Junction to Hauser and on Port Orford- Gold Beach section with poisl ble minor delays. Willamette Highway Con- struction under way five miles west of Oakridce; minor de lays and short sections of rough road. Rome-Princeton Highway Construction under way on Princeton-Folly Farm section with possible minor delay. - Service Creek-Mitchel high way 27-ton load limit over John Day River bridge. Hermiston Highway 20- ton limit over Umatilla River bridge four miles south of Her miston. SHOW OF STRENGTH IN TEHRAN an, mi Hi iliiya u . i i iiipiinjean , " i . -i . W. W Z! 'iJf or w v sty: I t 1 ,7.t, , , f3 Iranian army troops and tanks stand by In front of Central Police Headquarters in Tehran, capital of Iran, following unsuccessful attempt by followers of Shah Mo hammed Reza Pahlevi to oust aged Premier Mohammed Mossadegh. (AP Wirephoto.) PREMIER DISMISSED London ) The Supreme Soviet Republic has formally approved the dismissal of Mir Djafar Gagirov, who was pre mier of the republic, the Baku radio announced Tuesday. Bai girovs dismissal as Republic premier and member of the rul ing Communist Party presi dium of the U.S.S.R. is involved with the purge of former In terior Minister Lavrenty P. Beria. EX-QUEEN SEEKS ALIMONY Cairo, Egypt Iff) Ex-Queen Narriman is suing ex-King Fa- rouk for alimony, her lawyer's office said Tuesday. The amount sought was not stated. The claim is being made through a Moslem court and the custodian of Farouk's as sets In Egypt, the lawyer's of fice said. U.N. Pilgrim Talks To Odd Fellows Here Margery Prichard, 17, of Lyons, who recently returned from a tour of the United Na tions headquarters in New York as a delegate of the Odd Fellows of Marion and Polk counties, showed slides of her trip and told guests of her im pressions of the U. N., at the Odd Fellows' temple in Salem Monday night Miss Prichard won the essay contest held several months ago by the Oddfellow's and won as a prize a trip to the United Nations. The purpose of the trip, ac cording to IOOF officials, was to create In the delegates an interest in government, nation al as well as international. They feel that the teen-agers will be more competent to vote The United States has 85 movie seats for every 1,000 people compared with 138 in Australia and 83 in England. rannjeejpMjijnie in p m ! uin in imnaaaBnai ft JlQiii " ,4iS! THE RAINBOWS THAT COME IN CANS Remember the lost Hmejyou took a can of paint paint frcsh'during shipping and storage, until you and stirred it up with a little imagination and some brush work? We'll bet it gave you a different alant on life, whether it brightened a part of your house or gave a child'a toy a colorful look. To help make your life brighter and easier today's painta coma in every tint and hue of the . rainbow. Beet of all, the modern miracle painta come to yon ready to use. America's paint industry and the American Can Company virtually grew up together. The paint companies worked out formulas for ready-mixed painta that do just about any special Job you nave in mind. Meanwhile, Canco devel oped practical leak-proof containers, with their now familiar "double-clinch " covers, to keep are ready to use it. ' New plants and whole new industries were able to get started when Canco developed the right container for ready-mixed paints. This meant new and better jobs, and a higher level of prosperity for us all. Yea, by making better cans not only for paints but for just about everything you can think of Canco has been able to help all Americans eat better, live better and work better. We can be procd of such teamwork between our people and our business enterprises. That's what makes America such a satisfying country to live and work in. And it promises a future "bright as paint" for us alL AMERICAN CAN COMPANY O CONTAIN! KS . . . fo Mp ptopls iir setter wisely when they become of age if they have such a back ground. George Rhofen on Board of Governors Portland Un Four new members of the board of gov ernors of the Oregon State Bar will take office at the bar's con vention at Gearheart Sept 18 19. They are George A. Shoten, Salem, first congressional dis trict; Martin P. Gallagher, Ontario, second district; Paul R. Harris, Portland, third dis trict; and Edward A. Butler, Eugene, fourth district They were elected by a mall vote to succeed four men whose terms are expiring. El Salvador is the most densely populated nation on the American mainland. Justice Brand to LeaveforBoston Associate Justice James T. Brand of the Oregon Supreme Court will leave Tuesday night for Boston, Mass., where he will address a gathering of chief justices in support of a plan to modify and shorten hab eas corpus proceedings in both state and federal courts. The Oregon jurist is also to report to the International law section of the American Bar Association, also in sesion in Boston. Chief Justice Earl C.Xatour- ette and Associate Justice George Rossman left yt the Boston meetings last week. McNARY TO PRODUCE Walla Walla 0U3 The first electrical energy from McNary dam will flow over Bonneville Power Administration lines Dec. 1, Col. F. S. Tandy, Walla Walla district Army engineer, said today. Studcn. Sues Classmates A judgment of $7500 is sought in a complaint filed in Marion county circuit court by Eileen Lang, Salera high school tudent through her guardlaa ad litem, Pauline W. Lang, against four fellow students Wallace Carson, Jr., Joa Lar gent, Eugene McDonald and Herbert Stepper. The complaint states that the plaintiff was injured while walking through one of the high school corridors May 8, 19S2. The four young men, it is claimed, were engaged in "common, mutual and joint ac tivity of pushing, shoving and jostling each other and one another." The plaintiff, it is alleged. was struck on the head as the result of the jostling and was ill for a period of six weeks. British City Refuses To Play Hope on Sun. Leicester, England (UJs Lei cester's city fathers have de cided to ban a scheduled per formanoe by American come dian Bob Hope Sunday, Sept 13, rather than lock horns with Britain's powerful Lord's Day Observance Society, it was re ported today. As a result, Hope will open his English tour Sept ' at the London Palladium. , r Britain has 11 telephones, five cars and 22 radios for each 100 people compared with S radios, 1 telephone and 110 car for each 100 Russians. WatejUp ToMore1Corafcri Without Nafxinf Backache Nantes badtulw,lef muIoid heftdachM and dlsilacaa Bar ba do to alow, jjowa of kldmr Inaction. Dottoaa am? sai 7SM WW important w goo baalth. When aomo OTarrdar aondHioa, awt aa atraaa and atraln, aanaaa thW taanortan function to alow down, naar folka aoSar nae Sine backache fed nilaaraMa. Minor kfaS dar Irritatlona doa to eold or wronf diat bms enQMamsnpniabtaorfnaiontsauaaHfaa Don't Deflect your Mdnara if tkaaa aoadl Uona bother yon. Try Doaa'a PUa a mild dt tiretie. It'aamazinc how many time, Daan Kirn happy relief from these diaeomforta help the 15 nilea of kldnev toh, -- ah onsn oat wunv Aea tor new. mrsa, aue and aara money. Gat Doaa'a fil iSBm, rim la bu) ia reach ihe phone before ffsfcfis rirging Rrrringgg thm goes the phone. And before you can get to it from another part of the house, k stops ringing. But with a handy extension telephone, you can take calls anywhere in the house! This convenience costs just a few pennies a day. And extensions are now available everywhere because they require no outside cables, wires, or central office facilities. For complete details about a new extension telephone m your home . . . call your Pacific Telephone business office. inanernerg&cy... your party-hne neighbor may cut in on your telephone conversation and ask you to release the line. ' tie u sureiy appreciate it u you e, allow him to use the phone. And j you may need the same courtesy in an emergency of your own. i-rV'ir.i;.- Jkm & prevent wrong numhers Memory has a way of turning nurnberi around. So you 11 save yourself time-and embarrassment of disturbing the wrong person-if you look up the number you want in the directory or row personal number list . . , before calling. Pacific Telephone