Tuesday, August 18.' 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sataa. Orccoa . Put T S ' DAR Event, i Champoeg, j Saturday J An event of fUte-wide In- j terest for the coming Saturday Is the Country Fair planned i by Orezon Socteiv th. w. ? tional Society, Daughteri of ine American Revolution, at Champoeg park. The affair will be btt.n - . BM1 1 M I ... ., " 1 BUUU 4. 1 i.j i . , . ... " v gu Mic yuunv Interested. The new curator's house and tea room at the DAR Pi oneer Mothen cabin will h dedicated at 2:0 o'clock. Mra. Allan McLean, state regent, is to preside at the dedicatory services and C. H. Armstrong, superinten dent, Oregon State Parks is speak er. The building and finance committee with Mrs. John Y. Richardson of Portland as chairman Includes Mrs. C. B. Wilson, Newbcrg, Mrs. W. E. Hanson and Mrs. Delbert Mil ne, Salem, Mrs. John Powers, Coos Bay. Much of the material for the cabin has been supplied by wholesalers throughout Ore gon, who have donated ce ment, lumber, glass, steel elec tric stoves, icebox and many other necessary materials. There will be a continuous program throughout the after noon. Don and his Indians will present dances and songs. The Children of American Revolution in costume will dance the Maypole. Harmoni ca and accordion players will perform and "The Young Oregonians" will supply a program. All Chapters Aid All the chapters in the state re arranging booths for sale of jams, jellies, pickles, cakes, pies, hot dishes, bulbs and plants, antiques, kitchen ap rons, linens, fancy work, candy,' cold drings, hot dogs and hamburgers. At S o'clock n auction is scheduled which will include boxes of fruit, vegetables and white ele phants. Mrs. Herman Grossman and Mrs. Edgar Burns are co chairmen of the tea and a rep resentative of every gover nor's family in Oregon, wives of state officials and Daugh ters of the American Revol ution officials have been in- vitea to pour. Wedding Sept. 5 Silverton Local friends have received invitations to the wedding of Miss .Janice Ann Johnson and Bruce Mayo Reynolds on Saturday eve ning, September 5, at 8 o'clock in Trinity Lutheran church. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Os wald Johnson of Silverton. Miss Johnson is a nursing student in Portland Emanuel hospital, completing work there this year. A reception for more than 250 guests will be in the church social rooms immedi ately following the ceremony. V Lyons Marjorie Prichard of Lyons, above, was hon ored at a reception. Monday evening at the Odd Fellows Temple here upon her re turn from a four weeks pil grimage to the United Na tions as the 1953 Youth Rep resentative of the Odd Fel lows and Rebekahs of Mar ion and Palk counties. The 1952 representatives for this district were Louise Owens of Salem and David Neitling of Stayton. f. A:V 0 I t i CORRE - - v . : .r- , - . i 'V; -.v -,,'! 1 .ft, ..t . . .J:-.. 1t Silverton The engagement of Miss Mary Elizabeth MacNeiU, above, daughter of Mrs. William MacNeili, Silverton, to William Vincent Currie, Portland, son of Mr. and. Mrs. John O'Neill Currie of Bend, has been an nounced by the bride-elect'a- mother. An early autumn wedding is planned. AURORA Mm Carol Giesy of Portland, bride-elect of Wil liam Theodore Roubal of Sil verton, was honored at a show er at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Charles Mitchell in Portland. Attending from Aurora were Mrs. Fred Dentel. Mrs. William Dentel, aunts of the bride-elect. and Mrs. Lester Wampole, and Mrs. James Langdon, Jr., cou sins of Miss Giesy. ' Two Are Honored Silverton Mrs. E. G. gy ron entertained at dinner and a social evening In compli ment to her husband and daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Ol- sen (Macyle Syron) on the occasion of their birthday an niversaries of August 13, Thursday, at the family home, Decorations in deep red and white roses in a low ar rangement centered the table, and were used in room bou queta. The birthday cake was served following the -main dinner from the buffet. The guests were immediate members of the families of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Syron, Including Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Olsen and Lonny, Danny and Kenda, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Syron and Glenn and Steven, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Syron and Cheryl, all of Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Syron re ceived" the guests informally. . Couple Honored Mr. and Mrs. Enoch J. Welty were honored with an old fash' ioned charivari Friday evening. Those present were Mrs. Earl Strode, Mr. and Mrs. Jul Faar, Mr. and Mrs. Halvor omhalt, Mrs. John Wenger, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wenger, Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt, Lester San Dusky, Miss Marion Geisy, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Muller, Oscar Wenger, all from Salem; Sherman Hofstetter and Du wayne, Pratum; Clayton Wen ger. on leave from U.S. navy; Alma, Robert, Edward, William and Eldon Wenger from Su- verton. , The honored couple served refreshments at a late hour. Those assisting were Mrs. John Schmidt and Mrs. Jul Faar. Program Wednesday Silverton Ernest R. Ek man. Lions club program chairman, is announcing a mu sical treat for the Silverton public, with no admission. . Dr. J. Menzies Van Zandt will appear in concert at 7:30 o'clock, August 19, at the banuet rooms of the Double J cafe. Guests are privileged to come for the 8:4S o'clock din ner and remain for the con cert, or will be welcome to come for the program, only. Dr. Van Zandt is promin ent in the symphony field In the United States, Canada and Europe, having appeared in concert with Geraldine Farrar, Rosa Ronselll, Lily Pons, Grace Moore, Richard Crooks, John Charles Thom as and the late Caruso. $40 MILLION FLOOD LOSS Tokyo W Damage has been estimated at about $40, 300,000 in a flood that killed ininred tcorei of JaDan- ese last week in a suburb of Kyoto, the city disaster re lief headquarters said Tues day. CTION Penney's do have While Buck Saddles In buck leather. They hiva long weiring Red molded rub ber soles. Art tops lor bock to school. 4 9. AA to C 5.90 J. C. PENNEY CO. Delegates Leave For SAE Convention , Three representatives from the local chapter of Sigma Al pha Epsilon, Oregon Gamma of Willamette university, left Tuesday morning to attend the 97th anniversary convention of the 19th annual leadership school of Sigma Alpha Epsilon in Evannton, 111: Joining Loyal Howard, al ternate delegate, and Tom Steeves both of Salem, was Bob Howe, official delegate of Oregon Gamma. The convention will be at the Edgewater Beach hotel in Chicago, and the leadership school will be housed on the campus of Northwestern uni versity in Evanston. The trio will be gone ap proximately three weeks, ar riving back in Salem Septem ber 7 after a cross-country tour on their return trip., Just in time for fall rush and ori entation week for freshmen on the Willamette university campus. ' Simple la 8ewt A "llttie money" dress with a wealth of good taste . . . so easy in the maklni . . so beautiful to see Make It now In j your favorite cottons: later, aew i the three-quarter sleeved veislon In winter-warm fabrics. No. 2853 is cut in sizes II. 14. is. is, zo. 3a, 38. 40. size le: 6 yds. of 35-ln. fabric. 8end 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and Size. Address PATTERN BU REAU, Capital Journal. 652 Mis sion street, 8an Francisco S, Calif. mm NOW! loans vpi $1500 Tk P to 24 MMtfcs tt rttMy Brit o Tea saloct boat payment data. Lunch how aarriro. Cooridorato aaMlio in yota- boat intoraata. rind out why, -If a tmm wio.li m Avto, fanttwro or Sotary I I Ground Floor, Ortfon Bide US S. HIGH ST SALEM Phenol 2-2444 . Marrion A. Newberry, YES MANager Uom enr 4100 anoa a? Oanoaol fiMixa Co. of Moriaa Coaaiy niw'ar It Ifttfwtlriol tooa Coaoal Act of Orool. Uom awei It miawH at as iwlia iww Ita Uwm Mm. HI?, a 11J Truck Rodeo At Sweet Home Sweet Home rWlnnera In the truck rodeo, which was held for the second year dur ing the Frontier Days celebra tion, are Bob Whitfield, who took first place money of f 100, vita 438 points. Second place winner was Cliff Groves with 382 points winning ISO. Third place winner for the f 23 award was Bill Jackson. All are Sweet Horn men. The total number of points poar.ible was 933. with 50 points alloted for both back ing and stopping and that re maining 433 applied to the obstacles. The obstacles In cluded a serpentine, right and left offsets, a backing barri cade, straight aligning and diminishing clearance. The entrants had their choice of two new trucks which were unloaded but the trailer was near the end with a 28-foot reach. Silverton Silverton Miss Anna Marga ret Powell, 10-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Powell of Independence, is making satisfactory convales cence from head injuries sus tained in a fall from a tree limb to pavement two weeks ago, having been permitted to go to her home from Salem Memor ial hospital following several days special treatment and ob servation, where she is to re main for one more week, qui etly. ' With a special bed arranged in the family car, the little girl was a Sunday caller at the Sil verton home of her grandpar ents, the T. M. Powells and Jerry. John Powell, a six-year-old brother of Anna Margaret, ac companied his folks home Sun day, after visiting in Silverton five days. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Amstutz are caring for three of their grandchildren in their Phelps street home, Waldo Ralph, Charles Lee and Peggy Jean Amstutz, while their mother, Mrs. Waldo Amstutz is in Min nesota, called there by the seri ous illness of her mother, Mrs. S. van Derscec. Hollywood Chef Tells Of Murder 11 Yrs. Ago Hollywood u.R Two New York officials were en route here today to question a chef who confessed he killed a man 11 years ago and burned the body in a vacant lot in Brook lyn. The chef, Albert Romano, 42, volunteered the confession to Hollywood police but later said he "might have dreamed" the story of the killing. Cancer Killed 2092 Oregonians in 1952 Portland W The State Board of Health reported Mon day that 2,092 persons 1150 males and 842 females died of cancer in Oregon last year. Nearly one fourth of the deaths, 501, were among per sons 75 or older.. There were 55 deaths among children un der 15. Cancer of the stomach claim ed 233, of the respiratory sys tem 200, of the breast 192. of the Intestines 183, of the male genital organs 154 and leuke mia, 121. "BILLY THE KID" JEANS Knees Guaranteed for Life of Garment MARGWEN'S Boy Dufch Shake Me. ITS " - 4.85 follon We Give ZrK Green Stamps HUTCHEON FAINT STORE 162 N. Commercial Phone 3-6637 UP TO $1500 "YES promptly to 4 out el 5 fjfnployod nm, womon marriod or unci. l-riait toon . . . Dbone to bo ata-or AW L PAIN PRESIDENT it,. ,1 ' V Paul Henry Haley, 8, dying of cancer, tells his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haley, about the visit to their Denver, Colo., home by President Eisenhower. The President sur prised the family after he read in the newspaper about Paul's wish to see the President. (AP Wlrephoto.) Rice Diet too Much For 'Progressives' Freedom Village (X) Most Americans wha, decided to stay behind with their Communist captors will be. coming out soon, in the opinion' of one prisoner liberated today. "I don't believe any Ameri can will stay up there and eat that rice," said P f c . Clayton Taylor of Campobello, S.C. Washington () Chairman Stephen A. Mitchell announc ed last night he has called a meeting of the Democratic Na- DON'T Throw Your Watch Away We Fix Them When Others Can't THE JEWEL BOX 441 SUM L Suta for The SWW-' r f. MOXOGRAMMED WITH ANY NAME OR . INITlAlA.. AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! 0 Tu . Afoaof rami Oy . Mtiutrgram nvtiUblt in year thairt o cvlor. . i at VX V 1 l a ' Ua -:$ 1 VISITS BOY tional Committee to be held In Chicago, September 15. first time Tho rool thing Yours alone these velvtty-oh, eeslr warm eordnroy Oomphiea because four name or monogram Is embroidered ea them In the color of yonr chotce. at estra charge. Not only deliibtfal le look at, bat delicious le wear . . . with tbtlr gay, posj-otrewa linings. le oui ... lo fiv lor (Aal talk a Black, Af, Navy, Taffr mxi Cnm. full mi lull alase. Narrow t-10i Medium !. Wawai yoav OOmpbJe two de Urercd, uninap the detachable tabs and send them, in ready-to-msil envelope, for monogrammlng in tho strle yoa check. The tabs will then bo returned to you. $aving SALEfV JileOi of Hl8(,j8raKt (This piiM Kof BeXntlllAi!t5) Open 8 A.M. to 10 P.fi Prices Effcctivo Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday VANILLA l(E (REAM c 5H0RTEKIXG SPRY TREND LIGHT AND DARK MEAT TUNA A PET CANNED MILK Cantaloupe SEEDLESS GRAPES Radishes ' AND Gr. Onions CIDER VINEGAR For Pickling Bring Your Container Pure Ground Beef ,. U. S. Inspected YAL PACK Ham Hocks ib j THAT WONDERFUL LUNCH MUTI CHOPPED HAM LOAFef By tho Pound 60 U, S. Inspected CHUCK ROASTS Qnloi West Sn!:m Al ft. Feel eflhsBrii;) KswStscU Ksw Fixtures! Kew MaRagSsnsnn -2 Tall cans Com $5.93 each Pound 3bUfl. Gallon Top Quality Commereiol Grade 25' 3: n 15 25 II' 27 IS1 Main Floor