' ; eVU: vu-ri I - Umv, AaffMt IS. IMS Par I TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea. Oram 1 ' I Capital Edited kjr MARIAN Salem Man To Be Wed In Portland Announced far Saturday, Spt?mbr J, ti the date for the vedduif of Miss LaNelle Dar row of Portland and Donald Zenger of Salem. The ceremony will be sol emnized at 10 o'clock that morninf in St. Bote Catholic Church in Portland, The bride-to-be is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Douglas Darrow of Portland and Mr. Zenger Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Zenger of Salem. He has one more year In Portland university and the couple will be in Portland for the coming year. Miss Darrow attended Marylhurst college. Family Picnic An annual picnic for the W. D. Phillips clan was Sunday at West Salem park. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillips, Roy, Rollin and Doris, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rierson, Mr. and Mrs. Emmit Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Phillips, Donald, Roberta, Frederick, William and Judith, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Phillips, Merlene, David and Lynell, Mr. and Mis. Wilson D. PhiUips, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Priem, Mrs. A. C. Stewart, Wanda, Jerry, Marcla and Ellen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickson, Billy, Ronda and Gregory, PFC and Mrs. Don Ritchie of Spokane, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips, Jo Anne of Independence, Barbara and Janet Martsols of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. George La throp, Wayne, Ronald and Har old of Hawthorne, Calif. For Mrs. Kemp Honoring Mrs. Ray Kemp a party and shower were given Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Gayle Ryan. Attending were Mrs. , Kemp, Miss Reda Vice, Mrs. Charles Charlton, Mrs. Richard Peters, Mrs. Lee Weisser, Mrs. Jay E. Duncan, Mrs. Bill Ward, Mrs. Blllie Peterson, Mrs. Dena Smith, Mrs. Clyde Cook, Mrs. Dewane Grogan, Mrs. Ted Rose, Mrs. Jean Pruitt, Mrs. Sylvia Gard ner and the hostess. Today's Menu If you like batter-fried chick en rich and crispy, this is your recipe! Company Supper Tomato Juice Cocktail Rich Batter-Fried Chicken Salad Bowl Corn Bread Watermelon Beverage Rich Batter-Fried Chicken Ingredients: I frying chicken (about 3 pounds ready-to-cook weight), 1 cup sifted flqur, 1V4 teaspoons baking: nowder. Vi teaspoon salt, 1 egg (separated), -a cup num. a laDiespoons nut icr or margarine (melted), ex tra salt, deep fat for frying. Method: Have butcher rut chicken so there are two pieces of breast a wings. 2 less. 2 sec ond Joints and 2 pieces of back. Clean; drain. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Brat egg yolk until thick and pale yellow colored; beat in milk and melted butter; add dry ingredients and beat aentlv until combined. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry; fold Into yolk mixture. Have deep fat at 37S degrees F. in electric fryer or kettle. Taking up one piece of chicken at a time, sprinkle lightly with salt and dip into batter; allow to drip slightly to remove excess bat ter: place in hot deep fat. Fry until golden brown and done through 12 to IS minutes. Drain on absorbent paper; serve at once. Makes 4 servings. m rftv'' For That HKlfc Sophisticated WiikLook ataaajjjf, Towne Shop Copitol Shopping Ctnttr Women LOWBT FftfCBM ' Hostess at Coffee Invitations have been receiv ed for coffee for which Mrs. E. E. Batterman will be hostess at her Morningside home on South Twelfth street next Tues day, August 25. Guests are in vited to call between 10 a. m. and 1 p. m, 2 Give Shower Mis. Wayne Flowers and Mrs. ai ning wexe noueuci at mei, taiivf aauim recently lur i shower honoring Mrs. Ivan Pol ston. Games were in play dur ing the evening with prizes gO' ing to Mrs. Neater Tokstad, Jr., Mrs. J. H. Gettman, and Mrs. Louis Applington, and Mrs. Kenneth Gibson. A late dessert supper was served. Present were Mrs. Ivan Polston, Mrs. A. O. Poston, Mrs. C. A. Dean, Mrs. G. A. Harris, Jr., Mrs. Louis Applington, Mrs. Ken neth Gibson, Mrs. Joe Wood, Mrs. Nester Tokstad, Jr., Mrs. J. H. Gettman and hostesses, Mrs. Al King, and Mrs. Wayne Flowers. . A door prize was awarded to Mrs. Louis Appling, ton. TBI BOX PETZEL home near Brooks was the scene of a surprise party Sunday evening honoring Mr. Petzelr birthday. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brutka and Judy; Mr. and Mrs. Avon Mayfield, Joe Petzel. Miss Elsie Petzel, Mr. and Mra. Emery Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Hank Beiers, and families, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy petzel. Woodbnra Mr. and Mrs. Alfred John Moon were mar ried August 8 at the Park Rose Congregational church in Portland. The bride la the former Darlene U. Hiatt of Portland and Mr. Moon la the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ' G. Moon of Woodburn. VISITORS expected the lat ter part of the week are Mr. and Mrs. Willard White and daughters, Susan, Barbara and Terry Ann, Philadelphia, Pa., who will be visiting at the home of Mr. White s brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Potts. The visitors are now with relatives in Port land. SMorcrit' 2711 8a. Commercial Ph.4-4111 IT'S Gossard rm io YOU! I ly IIIIK Rogsrs, jfiduilt CorMttere, r-JsSH 1 Spinsters Plan Sale In October Spinsters club members In meeting Monday evening out lined plans for the fall rum mage sale to be October S and i in the building next to Fitts market on Commercial. Mrs. Delwyn Kleen is gen eral chairman. Mrs. Allan R. Mann, Jr. and Miss Janet Kirk are co-chairmen for marking. Miss Marjorie Becke is chair man for sending out cards. Miss Sue Rawlinson is chairman for transportation. Mrs. jonn r. Aiauiuing jieias selling for Friday, Miss Mary Louise Lee for Saturday selling. Mrs. Howard Mader is chair man for the contact commit tee. Mrs. John Shlanchik and Mrs. Rooald Jones. Jr. are chairmen for pick-up. . Articles may be left at the Jones Realty office for the north end of town, and at the home of Mrs. William R. Bhlnn for the south end. The meeting Monday was at the home of Miss Ann Carson. The next meeting will be in three weeks. LEAVING at the mid-week for their home in Los Angeles will be Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Brown following a vliit in Ore gon with hiv brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Brown. The two couples made several trips around Oregon and north while the visitors were here, having gone to the high Cascades for fishing, to the beach and last week to Washington and British Colum bia. "J M i i-Ht. I I 13 m i 'J; 4 t,''" " W''wF'wjt.aail.jl... f mmimmmmmmrwm ONLY-$69 lik lb About the Big Jurprlie 455 COURT r i fi. h Recently Wed Mr. and Mrs. X. David Knutson (Mary Charlotte Holmquist) were married August at the Faith Lutheran church at Keizer. The bride is the daugh ter of the Rev and Mrs. George L. Holmquist and Mr. Knutson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emll Knutson of Gruver, Texas. (Kennell-Ellis studio picture) Salem Girls at JD Supreme Session Job's Daughters supreme ses sion met in Portland August 12 to 16, with Mrs. Elwyn Hall, supreme guardian, presiding. Salem girls participated in the Sunbonnet Sue drill, and put on degrees at two different meetings. Girls from Salem es corted were Miss Nancy Owens, honored queen of Bethel No. 43; Miss Charlen Woods, past honored queen, Bethel No. 43; Miss Barbara Cone, honored queen, Bethel No. 35; and Miss Barbara Anderson, honored queen'. Bethel UD. Princesses escorted were Miss Anne Ber- ger, Bethel No. 43, and Miss Susie Youngquist, Bethel No. 35. Miss Barbara Anderson, Miss Mauryne Nichols, and Miss Michelle Edwards sang at the daughters luncheon Thursday. Other girls attending lrom Salem were Misses Nancy Sni der, Karen Thomas, Marlys De Groote, Roberta Hamlin and Jean Jones from Bethel 43, Ann Lowery, Nancy Weeks, Jackie LaDue, Marcla Humphrey, Sharon French and Betty Aston from Bethel 35. Mrs. Arthur Woods, past guardian of Beth el 43, and Mrs. Norman Fletch er, Mrs. Elvin Thomas and Mrs. George Edwards accompanied the girls. - i Benefit Coffee A benefit coffee party spon sored by the Woman's Society of Christisn Service of the Leslie Methodist church will be Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. S. Ankney, 4312 Ha ger atreet. Calling hours will be from 10 to 12.30. On the committee with Mrs. Ankney are Mrs. Lewis McRae and Mrs. V. E. Bur- 95 OPEN FRIDAY TIL 9 son. Mrs. T. O. Adams 'and Mrs. G. H. Templeton, circle presidents, and Mrs. Roy Grettie, Co-ordinator for the Wesleyan Service Guilds, will preside at the refreshment table. ARRIVING last week-end from Los Angeles for a fort night visit was Mrs. William Forgey, the former Helen Wit zel, who is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lester Stephenson, and also at the home of longtime friends, the Omar Coff els. GUESTS at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Reid, are Mrs. J. A. Dutro and children, Cynthia and Johnny of Oakland, Calif., and Mrs. Ar. ven R. Scott of Alamo, Calif. GUESTS at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Moses over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ramberg, their son, Gale, and Mrs. Ram berg's sister, Miss Anna Marie Fisher of Des Moines, Iowa. ST. joaiBH" ABDIBIM TODAYS j " CHILOB't VMQU 2 Midget 251 State St. Downtown , Summer Suggestions Weiners-Skinless Mince Ham ' Dixit Bacon lb. Bologna Liver Sausage Beef Roasts Cottage Rolls Yankee Ribs Pork Roasts 39c Pork Steak 49c Pork Loins 62c Center Chops 75c Smoked Picnics 40c Loin Backs 59c Bacon m i 69c Veal Steak 49c Loin Cutlets 55c Veal Round 79c Corned Beef 45c Calves Liver 65c Beef Liver 35c T-Bohes t : t49c-59c Our Center St. Market li Open until 7 P.M. Friday Evenings until 9 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAYS Betrothal of Duo Is Told Bethel Mr. and Mrs. Har low Klbbey have announced the engagement ' of their daughter. Miss Gloria Fsyt Sanders, to William W. Maeier, Silvertoo, son of Mrs. Amelia Matter of Silverton. The wedding is planned for the New Year's season. The news was told recently at a dinner at the Kibbey home. Guests bidden to the din ner included the betrothed couple and Mr. and Mrs. George Enderline, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Enderline, Virginia, Joy and John, all of Fonda, Iowa; Harlow Jr. and Richard Kibbey, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Kibbey. Altrusa Club Altrusa club members en joyed a day's outing at the beach home of Dr. and Mra. Carl Benson, Sunday, II at tending. The group it not meeting for regular sessions during the va cation weeks, the next regular event for the club to be a din ner meeting on September 21 at Golden Pheasant VISITORS at t h e home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Jones over Monday were Mr. and Mrs. William M. Moorea and son, Gordon, of Ukiah, Calif. Mrs. Mooret Is a niece of Mr. Jones. Arriving this week-end at the Jonet home will be his three sisters, Mrs. Anderson Cannon and Mrs. John Withy combe, both of Carmel, Calif., and Mrs. Claire Gray of Los Angeles. SOCIAL 'group for Salem chapter, Order of Eastern Star, is not meeting on Wednesday noon of this week. MEMBERS of Salem Sorop- tlmist club are to attend a pic nic planned by Corvallis club on Wednesday evening at 6:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Irene Hector on the Corvallis Albany road. Members of Eu gene club also are invited. m w m WEEK-END guests of Misses Joan and Suzanne Barnes were Mist Patricia Cotter of Seattle, Wash., William Potts, Seattle, Wash., and Robert Morrison of Vancouver, Wash. Furs Exclusively For 35 Years LACHELLES 1146 Ferry St Markets 2 1128 Canter At Shopping Center lb. lb. V0U CAM WOT AFFORD NOT TO EAT AT . smm v 1170 CINTER STRUT Look at Those Prices! SALEM'S BIGGEST iKD BUI- Hamburgers H' Fried Shrimp Fries Slow Fried Chicken '1 Fries Slaw Biscuit lutter Fish and Fries St Dip Slow Biscuit lutter Chicken Pie 55' Chicken Soup W Deluxe Hamburgers 25' Deluxe Cheeseburgers $' French Fries W BMBECUED Beef Sandwich 35' BIG 20-OUKCI MILK SHAKE or MALT CRIUiD CHEESE Sandwich Seme yeurtettf a4 Cade llscuit lirtter 2w 2' 1 V