Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 18, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tuesday, August 18, 1953
Local Paragraph
Salem Toastmasters Lloyd
Hammtl, Al Isaak, Everett
Wilcox, D. W. Burroughi and
Robert Collins will be the
peakera during Tuesday eve
ning'! session of the Salem
Toastmasters club.
Studied Health Edith Haul,
man, Viola Eisenbach and Ruth
Ingram of the Marion County
Health department have re
turned from two weeks at the
University of Washington in
Seattle, where they attended a
course entitled ' "The Role of
the Staff Nurse In Mental Hy
giene," under the tutelage of
Ruth Gilbert, Professor of
Mental Hygiene of Columbia
university In New York.
Returns From Cruise Carol
Frances Hewitt, 145 Wander
Way, has returned from a
Caribbean cruise, having tour
ed aboard the SS Alcoa Cava
lier. The 18-day trip included
visits to La Guaira, Puerto Ca
bello, Guanta, Port of Sapin,
Trinidad, Kingston, Jamaicam
the Dominican Republic, and
the British West Indies.
Fian Sale The B'nai B'rith,
Willamette valley women's
lodge, and the Temple Beth
Sholom Sisterhood are Jointly
sponsoring a rummage sale on
Wednesday, Thursday and Fri
day, August 26, 27 and 28, at
216 North Commercial. Hours
will be between 9 a.m. and S
p.m. each of the days. Mrs.
Sandy Cowan is general chair
man of the sale, assisted by
women of the two groups.
Proceeds will go to services
carried on by B'nai B'rith and
to Temple Beth Sholom Sun
day school supported by the
(Continued from Page 1)
The policy, he said, will "en
courage" other public and pri
vate interests to construct new
facilities because the govern
ment "isn't big enough to pro
duce" sufficient power for the
nation's needs. He said it will
provide more power for the
Asked if cheaper power will
result, Tudor said the cost of
buildinf facilities has increas
ed, but that the department
"will do everything to keep
the cost of power just as low
as possible."
Highlights of the policy
Generating facilities The
Generating facilities The
Interior Department "does not
assume that it has the exclu
sive right or responsibility"
for dam construction for pow
er generation, transmission
and sale anywhere. In gen
eral, it will not oppose con
struction of facilities which
public. or private local inter
ests "are willing and able to
Preference Granted
Transmission facilities The
department will build and op
erate transmission lines "eco
nomically feasible and neces
sary" for proper operation of
government generating plants.
Preference Public agencies
and cooperatives will have
preference and priority rights
to government generated and
transmitted power. The de
partment will operate govern
ment facilities "for the bene
fit of the general public, and
particularly of domestic and
rural customers."
. Rates of sale Electric pow
er and energy will be sold "at
the lowest possible rates to
consumers consistent with
sound business principles."
Resale rates No resale rate
controls ordinarily will be Im
posed by the department in
contracts with public agencies
or cooperatives. In other con
tracts, resale will be prohibit
ed unless the purchaser is a
public utility chiefly serving
domestic and rural customers.
Dlion Home en Leavr
FN Robert Gene Dixon ol the
TJSS Taussig, is spending a por
tion of a 20-Uy leave with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Dix
on, 496 Ford street. Dixon re
turned to the Btates last July 20
followlngn a nine months toi.r of
the Far East. He is a graduate
of Salem senior high school with
the class ol 1961 and enlisted In
June. 1963. Dixon win report to
the Ban Diego naval bae Sep
tember 4 for schooling In machin
ery repair.
Back U States
Long Beach, Calif. Keith Wol-eo'-t,
ship's serviceman third class,
TON, Salem. Ore., and John M.
Bchuets. boatswain's mate first
class. USN. Route 1. Woodburn.
returned here August 13 from the
Far East aboard the light cruiser
U83 Manchester. Wolcott Is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Wol
Ctt of 3045 Kanpann, Salem.
RONDEAU T Mr. an4 M'a. Carltim PC . Boa 71. a tor. Airf. IT.
JAMES To Mr. and Mri. Jftmw
Jiiu. B Ml. MIS cur. a tin Am. 11-
BALES To Mr. anS Mrl. Paul I
Sain. Rt. J, Boa !-. " ''
PROPECK-T. Mr. b4 Mr. Ralph
Propwk, all Mrnlo Dr. a nor, AM.
TRELEAVIN-To Mr. and Mra. Jowph
TTlatt, S04S Otmdw, Di a f.
Atlt. 11.
ROEERTH-To Mr. and Mra. WlUlami
SioU.rU. firl. Auf. 1
CASTER Ta Mr. ud Mra Edrl
Carta ai Statu MOa, a aor. Ami.
Telenhona Oamia,
nation The Federal Civil Ser
vice commission announces an
examination for th position of
telephone operator, (2750 to
S2950 a year, in various fed
eral government agencies in
the states of Oregon, Idaho,
Montana and Washington. Fur
ther information may be ob
tained from the secretary
Doara oi u. s. Civil Service ex
aminera. nr frnm i n-
ond class post offices.
To Meet Thursday Creative
Art crouo is meetlnt- at th
Lawrence Merriara home, 1477
Strong road, at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday. Members are asked
to take materials for sketch
ing. Got a Cork? Earl Andresen
told police Monday that some
one Stole hia 14-fnnt Mivhnat
from behind 672 Mill street but
he doesn't think they'll get
much US out nf It rtffht awav
It has no oars or oarlocks and
besides there's a hole in the
bottom that needs repairing.
Skirt Misalna- Tha fnrfr
skirt from his car was taken
while it was parked near the
intersection of Trade and High
streets Sunday, Dennis Carter,
760 Idlewood drive, renorted to
city police.
Drive to Continue In a Sa
lem Senators board of direc
tors meeting held at the Paulus
brothers packing company
Tuesday morning it was de
cided that a minimum of $9,
000 more stock must be sold
if the club's position Is to be
come solvent. The drive will
continue tin; rest of the season,
Bruce Williams, member of
the board, advises.
Death Claims
Carl Jay Sauni
Silverton Carl Jay Saum,
57, manager of the Silverton
Willamette Valley Farmers'
Co-op, died suddenly Monday
night of a heart attack.
He was stricken at his home
207 North James street, and
died a few hours later in Sil
verton hospital.
Mr. Saum was born Septem
ber 29, 1896, in Illinois, and
had lived in Silverton three
Mr. Saum was a veteran of
World War I and had managed
the co-op for three years.
Surviving are his wife, Rose;
three children, Virgil K. Saum,
Monroe, Wash.; Lucille Frei
tas, Seattle, Wash., and Lois
Horner, Milwaukie, Ore.; five
grandchildren; a brother in
Tulsa, Okla.; a sister at Pick'
erall, Neb.; and his mother,
Mrs. Mary Saum, Beatrice,
Funeral services will be at
1:30 p.m. Thursday, August 10,
in Memorial chapel, Ekman
Funeral Home, with the Rev.
Douglas Harrell officiating.
Masonic graveside services
will be conducted at Sunset
Hills cemetery, Portland.
Mild Case of Polio
On Way to Recovery
A rather mild case of polio
myelitis has been brought to
the attention of the Marlon
County Department of Health
The victim is a 15 months old
baby which developed a cold
with fever July 15. About two
weeks later the mother noticed
that her youngster had some
difficulty with the movement
of its arms and legs. The baby
was hospitalized July 28 and
released August 2 and Jt is an
ticipated that no further diffi
culty will be encountered.
Thought Skunk in Apt.
Tame, But It Wasn't
Salt Lake City WV-Policeman
Dick Hoagland, return
ing from a police call, spotted
a skunk In an apartment hall
way. Thinking it pet, Hoag
land snared the animal. But
the skunk wrenched loose and
ran into an apartment, where
Hoagland cornered it a second
That's when he lesrned the
skunk was wild.
Hoagland said Monday he
has a uniform for sale, cheap.
Rumor has it there's also
an apartment for rent, also
East Salem Rev. and Mrs.
Leonard Camp are inviting
friends of the Garden Road
Community Christian Church
to an informal openhouse at
their home 4475 Sunnyview
Ave., Wednesday, Aug. IB at
7 p.m.
Garbage Dumps Started
Two garbage dumps have re
cently been started on the
Brown's Island road, according
to a somplaint filed with the
countv court.
fasti Permanent Waveri.
305 Livesley Bldg., ph. 3-3683.
Permanent $3 ana up. Kum
Ford, Manager. lflfi
Vrs Mtimita en draper
work. Neatly finished. 1-1879
or 3-5260.
Rmi ruling? call TwMdle
Oil Co a-4151 eoUacU
On Tuesday
The new week will be
marked by a number of coffee
Invitations went Into the
mail today for one of the cof
fees, the party to be next Tues
day, August 25, with Mrs. El
mer O. Berg, Mrs. Russel E.
Pratt and Mrs. Ralph Wirth as
hostesses at th Berg home on
North Summer. A large group
of friends of the three has
been invited to call between
10 a.m. and 12:30 pjn.
Visit Here ' '
Guests arriving this week at
the home of Mrs. George E.
Waters are Mrs. Louemma Ro
bison and her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James
Reeves of Huston, Texas. .
Portland 0U9 The Portland
Central Labor Council, holding
its first meeting last night since
the rupture between the Ameri
can Federation of Labor and
the International Carpenters
union, took no action to oust
local carpenter affiliates.
Building Permits O. W.
Klang, to wreck a one story ga
rage, 152 South 13th street,
$50. Frank Meyer, to reroof a
one story dwelling, 1750 North
Church street, $175. J. E. Le
Clerc, to repair a one story
greenhouse, 1696 North Capitol
street, B00. Glen A. Briggs, to
alter one story motel, 3215
Portland road. $1500. Dick
Houtz, to alter a one story
dwelling, 825 Wilbur street,
Homecoming Plenle Set for
Sunday, August 2, is the an
nual North Santiam Home
coming picnic with the picnic
lunch to be served at the San
tiam school house at 1 p.m
Both former and present, res
idents of North Santiam are
invited to attend. President of
the homecoming group is Berle
Porter of Salem and the see
retary is Louis Scofield of
North Santiam.
Asks Speed Zone A resi
dent of Sunnyview road has
petitioned the county court
seeking to have speed zone
signs erected between Ever
green avenue and Fisher road.
The matter was referred to the
engineer for investigation.
Seeks Road Vacation J. Jel
derks of 3625 D street has ask
ed the county court concerning
the possibility of vacating a
county road in his neighbor
Circuit Court
KUeen Lam br har tuardlan ad litem.
Pauline W. Lane, Wallace carton
Jr., Herbert Stappar, sToaene McDonald,
and Jon Zsartaot: Complaint Mtkint
Judameot f 7Wa aaainst defendants
for aUanad Usria aoatainad whilst a
student t Oaten, blta chool Mar a.
iat V storm oixl John Kiahtnour:
Motion to aaah baaed on around de
fendant waa not fives arvUnlnarr .Mar
ias- aa anan ax assault with la taut to
tat s Bdmood Kiaar: WaivM ko-
estivation by tra&d Jury aa chart with
aaaault with dancerou weapon.
Mabal aVrltehfUld Robert x. aVrit-
chfield: Deer at dlvorc to plaintiff.
Tbmoi A. Small n Charlaa W. smnuiL
Jr.: Uaera of dlroroo to plaintiff ra-itorlna-
format a una of MaehllA.
f. Hot fluthaa. admlnlitiator af
atata of Charlaa Rota Huaha vs Call
California Packing Co.: Complaint ek-
Ini JiMfmtJit of SIOO.OM aaaiDit de
fendant In connection with death of
plaintiff in attain retort ept. 4, ltM.
Lortna R, Denbo John Robert Dcn-
bo: Order raaulrlnc defendant to eontn
but M monthly toward rapport at
minor enlJd during utlcatloa.
Mash Kalrlnator Sales Ooro. va Wil
liam X. r bolts: Plaintiffs reply to de
fendant a answer denying au allet atlotu.
cnriatin isouia Parker n Karl Jack
Parker: Motion by plain tiff to strike !
ojitngigM maioeK2 agiion wm aiicr BOO
modify decre.
Rachaal DeRoeJ s Mil DaRoala: Or-
eSer apoirtnHng Ooutlas L. Bay guar
dian ad Utm fat defendant.
State n Richard H. Hall: Daftodant 1
aak dismissal of Indictment because
action waa not aommenced within time
limited by law and because defendant
has not had speedy trial aa pravtded
under tb constitution.
Probotw Court
Charles M. Pry estate: Order for sal
of real property.
Helea Msraaret Tharalsrm t.ardlaa.
ship: Order aprorlng final account.
Walter McLaren aetata: Order acm-
finning gal of real and personal pro
perty. awtiv - nv cwmm: Ji raiue OI
port to stata treasurer.
Municipal Court
I art Leanard Wandlmg. Portland,
reckless driving, posted 0 bail.
Buddy O. Kara. 11H Dearborn STtmii
reckits driving, cited t court.
Morriogo Uconaot
Presley Wiley Meaehaa. 11, farmer,
Monro. Ark., and Mary Joyce Ortmaa,
Is. stata ampler. Asmsrllle.
Kenneth D. Kottk. M, P. O. B. Co .
1171 North rd St, and Ins Jean
Ball. U, at hom. Is jtorth nth .
tot. f . f. law. RJa Dr a. am mji
Upstair. Ml Nerla LiWtr
Offla. SatvSa? Mr N am
u I au to t rat caanltalMa.
alaoS mnn aas anna tott, ara
"aa at aharaa rraattoaS atae. U11
wnw tat autaatm ana aa aan.
Butteville May
Lose Entity
The community of Butteville,
located on the Willamette river
In the northern part of the
county will officially disappear
as a corporate entity if an ap
plication filed with the Marion
county court Tuesday is carried
to completion.
Beryl and Ethel Breithaupt,
owners of land immediately ad
jacent to the townsite, through
their attorney, have made ap
licatlon for the vacation of
First, Second and Third streets
as well as for four unnamed
streets. A number of alleys are
also involved in the request.
The plat of the community
waa recorded May 30, 1860, and
a revised plat was filed Dec.
2, 1870. Butteville was incor
porated by act of the 1901 leg
islature. According to the petition,
the community has long ceased
as a corporate town, no offi
cials having been elected for
many years.
Due to a slight defect in the
petition, it will be sent back for
correction before ouiciai action
is Uken.
Disease Report Fourteen
Instances of communicable and
reportable disease were regis
tered with the Marion. County
Department of Health during
the week ending August is.
Sixty-five of the county's avail
able physicians reported. The
list included 3 each of hepatitis,
measles, mumps and whooping
eough, and one each of polio
myelitis and virus pneumonia.
Posts Pulled Some of a row
of new posts being put in along
remp-resitro Insulated lining
gives you weather insulation in
. in all seasons, without weight
or bulk
gives your garment a longer
wearing season
drapes os style dictates, because
its supple and resilient
Is dry cleanable
(Oootlnued from Pate i)
Rothschild, employed by the
printing office since 1930, had
been cleared of communist
charges by a printing office
loyalty -board in 1949. He
had denied at 1948 hearings
before the board that he was
a member of the comnMinist
party or had associated with
persons affiliated with commu
nist organizations.
Visit Salem
Salem's Coco Cola plant,
this week is being visited by
a number of men from divi
sion area and home offices of
the firm. . '
The men are here to check
on a new procedure being used
in the Salem plant, which is
a test plant for the procedure.
In the group, which will be
here about a week are: Joe
Crawford, from the bottle
sales department of the firm's
Atlanta. Ga., office; Ed Pratt,
who heads the fiscal depart
ment and treasurer of the Pa
cific Coca Cola Bottling com
pany, Los Angeles; Culver
Carraway, fiscal representa
tive from the company's San
Francisco office, and from
Portland, division office Frank
Spears, division manager, and
George Taylor, marketing rep
resentative. '
the Mission street side of Bush's
Pasture park were pulled out
by vandals Sunday night, city
police reported Monday.
C ui ...
. V , w?
Death of Youth
One of the larger damage
suits to be brought in Marion
county In recent years was
filed In circuit court Tuesday
by J. Ross Hughes, as adminis
trator of the estate of Charles
Rose Hughes against Califor
nia Packing corporation.
The plaintiff is seeking a
$200,000 judgment against the
defendant corporation in con
nection with the death of
Charles Ross the night of Sep
tember 4, 1952. The Utter
was found dead in a steam re
tort in which the corporation
was processing vegetables.
The suit has been institut
ed under the Employes' Lia
bility act for the benefit of
Verda McKlnney, mother of
the boy who was 16 years of
sge at the time of his death.
Young Ross was employed
as a cook's helper prior to his
death. Part of his duties was
that of pushing carts or dol
lies loaded with cans contain
ing vegetables, into the retort
In some manner the door to
the retort was closed while
Ross was inside.' Live steam
was turned on and when the
retort was subsequently open
ed his body -was found.
The complaint charges -the
defendant corporation negli
gent in a number of respects.
It bases the amount of dam
ages sought on the life expec
tancy of the deceased as well
as that of his mother.
Most roaches found in Amer
ica lay eggs In a leathery cap
sule which breaks at hatching
The Coat ;
The Hat .
The Shoulder
Bag : .
Total Value
special offer from a nationally famous coat manu
, facturer whose name can't be mentioned. The sup
ply is limited on this beautiful, meticulously tail
ored, highly styled 3-piece outfit. Come end shop
SIZES 8 through 18
Unandcr Says
(Continued from rase 1) '
It developed that previously
two automobiles operated
without the seals on permission
granted more than a year ago
by the board. However when
Wardtn Clarence Gladden took
charge oi the prison he declar
ed that all penitentiary cars
could carry the state seal with
out an; handicap to the work
of the prison staff.
Warden Reqaest Deferred
The members of the board
took under advisement a re
quest by Warden Gladden for
employment of additional
guards. Gladden, following a
survey recently conducted, re
quested an additional 35
guards. The department of fi
nance trimmed this request to
25, which if provided, would
bring the total guard force to
Governor Paul T. Patterson
said that he wanted to discuss
the guard question with Glad
den before passing on the re
quest Action on the request
will probably be taken prior
to Friday when the request
must go to the state emergency
board for its consideration.
A Boise, Idaho firm, the In
termountain Plumbing com
pany, was awarded a. contract
to install automatic sprinkling
systems in the Hillcrest school
for Girls, and the schools for
the deaf and blind, on a total
bid of $16,303.80. This bid was
approximately $2,000 lower
than the next low bid. There
were six other bidders for the
work. The legislature appro
priated $25,000 for the retalia
tion of the sprinklers and all
bids were below this amount
A permit was granted to the
1.1 1 . M I
K thrf
pieces I I
m QalctTt.Qton
A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Selection
PC t
army engineers to conduct a
soil survey on 14 acres of land,
located 18 miles east of The
Dalles, This land will eventu
ally be covered by back waters
from the dam. The land is held
in trust by the state for the
Chlldrens Farm home at Cor
vallla and the Eastern Oregon
Tuberculosis hospital.
Roy Mills, secretary of the
board, Informed board mem
bers that numerous efforts to
sell the property had failed. It
is expected that the army en
gineers will purchase the pro
perty, but wish to make the
surveys prior to the time of
purchase. Mills said the land
is unsuitable for farming, cov
ered with stones and untillable.
Didst Pay After be gassed
a car with a dollar's worth of
fuel Monday afternoon, the
driver drove out' of the station
without paying when he turned
his back, an attendant at the
Truax Oil company service)
station. Front and Columbia
streets, reported to city police.
Ilk itsd
.1. .