Tusodiy, Anguat II. 1ISS THB CAPITAL JOURNAL, lilt m, Oraton rrti r - QUEENS, OLD AND NEW n ' -v ) ' ,- ! ' ' i 2 . . - -'; v.. .- -sc ' ; 'i-T -.V' ' id 1 Qucon of Pioneers in Siveot Hcmo Festival Sweet Horn "Ortodma ' Thomson, 94, WM crowned Queen of Pioneer it the Pio neer picnle held In the Sweet Home City park Saturday noon with the Queen el Fron tier Day. Geraldean Guthrie, placinf the crown upon the re gal old lady, " Mm. Thompson's throne wai an antique rocker ai eld a iu occupant which wa pre sented to Mrs. Thompson by "Klondike Kate" (Mr. W, L. Van Duren). At the picninc dinner where more than 100 were present. B, Ross Evans, pastor of the Sweet Home Church of Christ, Sweet Home Grandma Thompson, 94, left, was crowned -Queen of Pioneer at the Pioneer picnic held at Sweet Home Saturday as part of the frontier Day celebration. The crown was placed by Geraldean Guthrie, Frontier Days Queen, center, and Klondike Kate (Mr. W. L. Van Duren), right, presented Grandma Thompson with hei throne a 100-year-old rocking chair. (Hub photo.) 'Flying Paul Revere1 to Visit Salem on National Tour Waihlngton (Special) A "Flying Paul Revere" will leave here in a small plane August 17 and fly to all the 48 state capitals to report to the governor and citizen on the progress in this year's celebra tion of the 50th annlvewary of powered flight The flight will include an Mrn icht ston at Salem. Ore, September 3, where he will be guest of the Salem Junior rhamber of Commerce in an observance of the anniversary The trip will be climaxed three week later with a non tnn flieht from San Franeltco to New York in an attempt to break the woria alliance rec ord for light plane. Max Conrad. 50 year old tw nt 10 children and hold r n icveral world air record, wlU be the fint pilot to vUit il 48 eanital by air (inca anno and Charles Lindbergh did it over a period of everal months in 1929. He will be ac companied on the flight by Joe Lubin, field repreiemauve oi General Jame H. Doollttle'a National Committee to oberve the 50th Anniversary of Pow ered Flight. Tho flight will ba sponsored by the National Anniversary Committee, with the coopera tion of the Air Transport As aociation, Civil Air Patrol, Ci vil Aeronautics Administration, U.S. Junior Chamber of Com merce and the Aircraft Indu trles AModation. The 14,500-mile flight to the 48 capital will be made In the same plane in which Conrad twlra manned the Atlantic, flew non-itop from Lo Angeles to New York. It i a Piper Pacer weighing leu than a thousand pounds, with a wing pan of 28 feet, a 125-horse-Tiower Lycoming engine, and gaioline cipacity of 1(5 gal' Ion. He will deliver four me cage in each capital: one from General Doolittle to the gov ernor, for delivery to the chair. man of the itate 50th anniver sary celebration committee; from Ma). Gen. Lucas V. Beau, national commander of the Ci vil Air Patrol, to the comman der of the state' CAP wing; from Civil Aeronautic Admin is trator Frederick B. Lee to the tat director of aviation; ana from Deln J. Domich, national president of the Junior Cham- oar of Commerce, to each state Jaycee president. Mexican Mob Attacks Protestant Missionary Toluca, Mexico (fl Official reported today that an angry mob attacked a Protestant mu sionary in nearby San Francis co Tepexuxuca and fired on a Protestant church in which he took refuge for four hour. The missionary was identi fied a Felipe Vazquez Aguirre. Police finally drove off hi assailants. Bifocal glasses were Invented by Benjamin Franklin. Naguib Garbed in White Visits Mecca Cairo, Egypt V-President Mohammed Naguib put on the traditional white robes of a Moslem pilgrim today. Then be took a modern airplane for the holy city of Mecca and lnu portant political conference in Saudi Arabia. After competing the pilgrim age to Mecca, holiest of the Moslem shrine, the Egyptian soldier-chief of state wilt meet Saudi Arabia' King Ibn Saud at Taif, near Mecca, on Saturday, wm the speaker of the after noon, Ira Pickens of Foster, who is the oldest resident born In the 8wet Horn valley, was present. Other elderly resi dent were called upon to give short talk during the after noon, i Chairman of the picnic was John T. Russell, who gave an appropriate poem of reminis cence, "Bill and Joe.'' Other committee helper were Susie Paddock and Dee Kolfe. Out of town guests were Mrs. Ethel Barnes, Rainier, Ore.;. Mrs. Tike Sorsetb and sons of Burns. Fred Davis, Portland; Delia Davis, Dayton; T. F. Chance. Albany; Mrs. R, C. Robinson and Ella Splawn, both of Lebanon. Lebanon Appoints School Principal Lebanon Richard Loon Cantwell ha been appointed principal ' of Green Acre school, one of Lebanon' ele mentary schools. . Cantwell, with (even year experience, lucceed William Baldwin who resigned to teach at an American air base in France. For the pait two year, Cantwell wa principal at Sag inaw. He hold a B.A. degree Exam for School Principal Soon State Civil Service Director James Clinton said Friday that the Hillcrest School for Girls, at Salem, has a vacancy for school principal. This position Involves the heading up of the institution' educational program. Appli- cants should have two years of teaching experience or one year of experience as the principal of a school. The starting pay 1 $364 month. The Hlllcreat School also ha a vacancy for a teacher who ha had experience or training in th tfh i M n TnlUK commercial courses, and social studies. Tho starting salary is $284 a month, but may be high. er depending upon qualifica tions. Other vacancies with the stats government Include an opening for a wood technolo gist at the Forest Products La boratory in Corvallis. Appli cants should be college gradu ate with specialization in for esry, engineering or mathema tics, or have an equivalent amount of experience and training. The starting pay 1 $31$ a month. from George Pepperdine col lege, ha done graduated work at Oregon Colege of Education, and Is now completing work for his masters degree at the University of Oregon. H Is married and has three children. Grave Sirvict Here For Dorothy Goodman Graveside itrvlce were bald at the City View cemetery Tuesday afternoon at I o'clock for Mr. Dorothy DeRoa Good man, former Salem resident who died in Portland Friday, Funeral services were in Port land at the Colonial Mortuary Tuesday morning. . Surviving Mrs. Goodman are her husband, Ross Goodman; her mother, Mr. Martha De Ross; and a brother, William DeRoss, all of Portland, . Woods Strike Stoppage Ends Lebanon Ending a three- weeks old wood and sawmill strike, Snow Peak logging crews went back to work Mon day morning. Santiam lumber company's two mills at Leb anon and Sweat Home and their logging division are slat ed to begin work Tuesday. Willamette National Lumber company will resume opera tion at Foster Wednesday, with maintenance craws back on the lob Monday. IWA-CIO union demands were not met by the strike bound firms under the new eontrscta, which are drawn for on, year and expire next April 1. - Men of Jesenwang. Austria, ride their farm hones to tho church altar for the annual "Blessing of the Animal" cere mony. Oddfellows h Picnic Sundx Willamette Zneamament. IOOF, will be host to Odd Fel' lows and all branches of th order at picnle at Bush Pas ture Sunday, August S3, at 1:30 p.m. it was announces as meeting Monday ntgnv. Tallowlna the Iodic session Monday Miss Margorie Prlch ard of Lyons entertained with a talk on bar trip to wo umw Nations session in New York last month. She Illustrate her talk with slides. - Next Monday evening will be social night The refresh ment committee wlU include Mrs. Mable Joy, Mrs. Roy Pusa. Mrs. Clyde Moor. Mr. Matt Hall. Mrs. Chios Branch and Mrs, Maybelle Prlchrad. Thomas Says U. S. ct AII-Timelow,Eurc?3 New York (I Socialist Norman Thomas believes that United States prestige in Eu rope is "at an all tune low" because of ''McCarthyism" and reduced foreign spending. Thomas, who returned yes terday from at weeks Euro pean tour, said ha hopes to tee President Elsenhower to ask him two question: "Who Is running the show, tho prest dent or the McCarthys or Me Leod?" And "I State Depart ment policy so narrow that you much agree with Scott McLeod'a Interpretation of it?" New Manager (or Silverton Store Silverton Mrs. William "Tec" Rue, has accepted the local managership of the retail tore of the Green Thumb, the Silverton branch of the Salem headauarter. For eight years, Mr. and Mr. Rue were proprietor of the Rue Gardens and floral shoo located near Silverton on the east hill road and for the immediate past eight year have operated a larger farm ing acreage on the Abiqua. Mr. Rue took over her new assignment over the past week end. The use of cascara a a drug goes back to pre-Columbian American Indians. -ft , A DIRECT FROM 135 No. Liberty Salem, Oregon The finest collection of furs ever presented, make their debut at PRICE'S tomorrow and for the balance of the week, during PRICE'S spe cial showing of 1954 fur fashions. Flown di ' rectly from New York City by United Air Lines ... none could be newer. A SPECIAL SHOWING OF THE WORLD'S FINEST FURS r X I ; f Wl 7 1 fl a HI XJ 1 HWTf',:' 1 Cap, Stole, Coat and Scarves fashioned In luxuriou Natural Wild Mink, Silver Blue Mink, Ranch Mink, Natural Mink, Ston Marten, Bourn Marten, Muikrar, Squirrel and others. Choose your fur now . . . pick it up whan you art ready to wear if. lfs"ii-, V