PlEC 2 In The Edited by MIKE FOKBES Woodburn Woodburn Mrs. Ada Shel don and Mn. Ida Morrow who have been visiting at the Fred Rogeri home in Woodburn for several weeks have returned to their borne in Nebraska City, Neb. The two women are sisters of Mrs. Rogers. . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coman Teddy and Mary, returned , Sunday night after a short va cation from Thursday to Sun' day at Victoria, B.C. Frank P. Doerfler, superin tendent of the Woodburn achools, and Thomas Leup of the MacLaren school for ooys, were initiated into Phi Delta Kappa, national professional fraternity, recently at the Uni versity of Oregon, Eugene. Mr. and Mrs C. H. Ahrens returned this week-end from a vacation in Seattle, Wash, Guests at the Frank Wright home during the past week were Mrs. Lester Erickson and three children of Oak Harbor, Wash. Mrs. Erickson is daughter of the Wrights. Her husband Is in Japan with the navy and is expected home about Oct. 1. Capt. and Mrs. Earl J. Jen nings and children, Michael, David, George and Barbara left Friday after a visit of sev eral weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Jennings and Mrs. R. L. Thompson They recently returned from Germany. They will visit visit with relatives in Alto dena and Norwalk, Calif., be fore Capt. Jennings reports to Camp Luis Obispo on Aug. 22. Mr. and Mrs Alfred Moon and son, Richard, left this week-end for a fishing trip in the John Day country. They . expect to be absent about a week. Donald Donald Leon E. Pendle ton, 29, of Donald, suffered head lacerations early Sunday morning when his ear went out of control on the Pacific highway about 1 H miles north of the Gervals junction. The car went Into the ditch and then came back onto the high way again. He was taken to the Salem Memorial hospital. His com panion, Charles Fowler, 26, of Lowell, was not hurt. The car had to be towed away. Harmon Yeary underwent major surgery at the Veter kis hospital in Portland, last Friday, and his wife reports that he la getting along as well as can be expected, and she intends to bring him home the last of the week. Mrs. Yeary is superintendent of nurses for Marion county, with offices In Salem. Louis Labbe, a resident of Donald for many years and now living in Salem, was a visitor in the Donald vicinity last week. Included In his visit were Mrs. D. E. Green and Mrs. Francis Matholt. Mrs. Frank Brouhard of Vancouver, Wash., formerly of Donald, spent some time ' here last week. Of the wearers of glasses In the United States, 88.4 per cent are females and 43.6 per cent males. Now Showing at Rrsvlar Priest Plus 15c for Viewers FIRST RUN IN 8ALEM1 On Oar New Wid Silnr Screen! TwaniitJi Gnat SetaetM NffrsiOftcft AlYsel noun CUIMN-VBOMU MOT I TOP I'O-FKAlt'KK "THE VICIOUS VEAR8" Comlnr lifsrtln Lewis In "SCARED STIFF" (They Mint Hare Been --THE MAZE") SQUARE ! mw -!ct: wjw w wwywsyy y roawy.'f 'ftlH1 "f1 " f E : . w,. sw- Sij hSsH f iv-C-: n SJW W jS f 1 J. 1 V- : X viv yt : .-) ! 3M V Containers Fllll With Your FAVORITE ICE (REAM Madsen Ice Cream SINCE 1S38 1J So. High Phone ttilf NEAR ELSINORE THEATRE . Valley Sublimity , Sublimity The annual re union of the descendant! of Michael and Margaret Toepfer was held Sunday at the picnic grounds of the Joe Toepfer place. Elected president was Gus Toepfer; vcie-presldent, Jim Bail, and Mrs. Gus Toepfer will act as secretary. It was decided to have the reunion on the second Sunday In August next year. Pot-luck dinner was served to 112 relatives and guests. Games were enjoyed anu an added feature was swimming and boating. Members of the family at tending were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Toepfer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Basl and family Mr and Mrs. Adam Toepfer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Basl and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Baal and family and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Basl, all of Stayton, Rt. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Toepfer and family of Sublimity; Mr. and Mrs. John Zolkske and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Adams and Steven of Mehama. Mr. and Mrs Gus Toepfer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Toepfer and Norman of Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hittner and family of Silver-ton. Mr. and Mrs. John Toepfer and David of Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fielrt of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Toepfer and Chris tine of Lebanon; Mrs. George Child and Shelley of Mill City. Sgt. George Child is with the air force In Japan. Also In the service are Sgt, B. D. (Donald) Toepfer In New Mexico. Lawrence Basl and Willis Toepfer are with the navy in Korea. Unable to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burns and Kenny, of Sublimity; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Toepfer and Ro berta Lea, of Salem; and the families of Barney Toepfer, Adolph Toepfer, Vincent For rette and Ed Carson, all of California. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kremer received word of the sudden death of a long-time friend of theirs, Mrs. Eng Sorenson, who died at her home in Can ton, S.D., Aug. 2. The Kremers were former neighbors of the Sorenson with whom they visited less than, a month ago. The late Mrs. Sorenson was an Oregon visitor here In 1848. Mr. and Mrs. John Mackle and family are here from their home In Crescent City, Calif. Mrs. Math Schmid Is now home from her stay In the hos pital and her condition Is much lmprovea. A large number of the alumni of the St. Boniface HI association motored to Newport last Sunday for their annual picnic. Mr. and Mrs. William Lulay left Friday for Amarillo, Tex., to attend the golden wedding of Mrs. Lulay's aunt and uncle. From there the Lulays win io to Nebraska where they will spend some time visiting. relatives and friends. Sgt. Dennis Duchateau ar rived home Tuesday evening on a 30-day furlough. Ducha teau, who left the states in July 1952, spent much of his time In Korea. West Stayton West Stayton Stationed at the Marine Corps air sUtlon, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, is leath- (erneck Cpl. Donlvan N. Coch- Iran, 29, son of Mrs. Jean Bur nett of West Stayton. The ma rine is serving with headquar- 1 ters squadron as a truck driver. jCpl. Cochran entered the Ma- jrine Corps in October, 1942. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kale of West Stay ton were his brother and wife, 'Rev. and Mrs. Roy A. Kale, from Springfield, 111. Many ! scenic trips were enjoyed dur ing their visit, climaxed by picnic at Silver Creek Falls, : Sunday. Overnight guests of Mr. and ;Mrs. Truman Mcuieuan werei Mr. and Mrs. Don Rorey and. young daughter of Tillamook. The group motored to suttle Lake for a picnic dinner. Mr. McClellan and Mr. Rorey are fraternity brothers. OR ROUND Silverton Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Milt Baum have been elected as adult counsellors of the Meth odist Youth group, their super vision to begin Sunday, Aug ust 30. With Sharon Beals, presi dent, as official hostess for the senior-high aged Methodist Youth Fellowship members. and Sibyl Barr directing de votions during the vesper service, the group held Its regular meeting at Silver Falls State park the first of the week. v The lay members of thi church are making prepara tions for the appearance in sermon during the worship hour, Sunday, Aug. 23, of their bishop, the Rt. Rev. Dr. A. Raymond Grant of Portland. At this time the Rev. Douglas Harrell will be at Suttle Lake attending the Methodist min isters' retreat there. In a "service of recognition" on Aug. 16, at the Methodist church, the appointed succes sor to Ben Sprick from the chairmanship of the church board of the past 11 years, will be accepted In the cere monial of recognition. Two women, locally well known, are to enter hospitals, Monday, for surgery, both re quiring blood transfusions of unusual type. Mrs. Marie Rlveness is at Salem Memorial hospital. ' Mrs. Gloria Bock-Brewer, now of Portland, daughter oi Mrs. Ethel Bock, Silverton, will be under treatment at Portland Providence hospital Monday in preparation for surgery, Tuesday morning. Her mother, Mrs. Bock, is caring for Mrs. Brewer's home during her Hospitalisation Broadacres Broadacres Maurice Kauff- man. son of Mrs. Ben Kauffman of Broadacres, who was strick en with polio last fall, and has been in Providence hospital since then, has been moved to the Love Rest Home on Flan ders St., Portland. He has been out of the iron lung for two weeks and Is now in a rocking bed. Several months ago one of the Kiwanls clubs of Portland gave Maurice a television set. for his room, which he enjoys very much and shared with, other patients in the hospital who 'were able to visit his room. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Kauffman of Broadacres attended a fam ily reunion at the home of Bill Kauffman in Hubbard Sunday. The celebration was in honor of Edward K. Kauffman, who lives in Heston,' Kans., but Is visiting here this summer. This reunion ss for all the descend ants of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. (Mattie) Kauffman. Unionvale Unionvale Pfc Edward Clevenger, son of Edward Clevenger of Unionvale, Is scheduled to arrive in San Francisco, CalM., from Korea one day earlier than was first reported, according to his father who receivea wora Fri day evening. Edward Clevenger and his brother, Leonard Clevenger, also of Unionvale, will leave by automobile one day earlier than had been planned to meet the returned liberated Korean war prisoner. Dairy cattle normally are bred before reaching full growth. In Person! Next Monday At7:tland:3 P.M. Prices: f 1.80-$2.40-3.ll SPIKE JONES "MUSICAL INSANITIES Of 134" Featuring the CITY SLICKERS Mall Order Taken! Checks payable to Capitol Theatre. Specify First or Second Shew Seats on Sale al Capitol Box Office! THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon Clans Elect '53 Officers at Reunions in Silverton Park Silverton Officers elected at the 49th annual reunion of the Taylor clan, Sunday, Aug. 16, at Silverton city park in cluded: President, P. Dixon Van Atudell; vice president, Gordon T. VanCleave; and secretary-treasurer,. Lorraine Tay lor Van AusdelL to serve for the coming year. With Mrs. Ivan Brown at the portable organ, the large group sang hymns and old-time popu lar songs. Special numbers were a vocal solo by Cathy Iron and trumpet solos by Jer ry Munton. Of Samuel and Augusta Taylor and George and Rachel Taylor, who came from Ontario, Can ada, In 1880 and 1882, settling in the Salem and adjacent areas. Present from Salem were Edith E. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ivan Brown, La Verne Hard- wlcke, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hig-U6, at the city park in Silver Ins. Julia and Joan. Mr. andrton. Mrs. G. S. Higigns, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dixon Van Ausdell; from Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Fuhrman and Chuck, Mr. and Mn, Charles T. Par ker; from Canby, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bonney; from Amity, Mrs. Martha V. Brown; from Engle wood, Colo., Mrs. Gene Irons, Kathy and Michael; from Mo lalla. Mrs. Homer Munson and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Austin C. Taylor; and from Silverton, V. A. Van Cleave and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Van Cleave and Maurine. Mrs. Fred Muller (Elizabeth Wenger) of Spring Valley, near Salem, and her cousin, Mrs. John Rand (Elva Dick) of Port land, were responsible for the first annual picnic observance of the coming to Evergreen dis trict of their pioneer grandpar ents in 1888, Mr. and Mrs. Nlck- olis Dick (Elizabeth Kaderly), from Wisconsin. Descendants of the four chil dren of the Dicks made up the clan membership. The reunion of 68 relatives who were present at the first meeting Sunday in Silverton city park made up the group. The four children of the Nickolis Dicks were Mrs. John Brunner (Julia Dick), Mrs. Robert Wenger (Pauline Dick), John Dick and Oscar Dick. Mrs. Muller is the daughter of Mrs. Robert Wenger, and Mrs. Rand is the daughter of Oscar Dick. Present from Portland were Mrs. Laura Todd Hunter and Jeanne, Beverly Hill, Mrs. Ver non Nicholson and Marilyn and Danny, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Binkley, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Weston and Danny, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Samples and Mike, Mr. and Mrs. John Rand, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Brokke, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brunner. Coming from Salem were ruoMS a-aoM Rita Hsyworth and ( Stewart Granger I Technicolor J "SALOME" II "COW COUMTtr ' Mlttl Gaynor William Landless Jane Ottn la Technicolor "DOWN AMONG THE SHELTERING PALMS" alM Rod Cameroa in "SAN ANTONE" 5 STARTS WEDNESDAY! All Color Program K "JAMAICA RUN" and g "TOUGHEST MAN 5 IN ARIZONA" S You've never seen a 8 $ sharper, brighter picture in a drive-in . , . than the K jj one on our giant screen! S maul iiut UIIM MltNS, NMHWAV tfj GATES OPEN 7:M SHOW AT 7:4! EXDS TONITE (Ta.) la Technicolor PONT SOLDIER" Tyrone Power PLCS "President's Lady" Sotaa Hayward CharlUa HesUa tarta Wednesday SCARED STirr" "TAXI- -n i"os 4-ai j 8 GATES OPEN 7:06 t S SHOW AT DU8K ENDS TONITE! (Tue.) aV iii jjom Mr. and Mrs. Grover Welty and Stanley and Kathy, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Welty, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Saylor, Wallace, Rempel, Ellsworth and Bobby, R. A. Seiler, Clayton Wenger, USN, Clarice Carolyn Rempel, USN, Gerald Rempel, Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Omhalt, Louise and &r i i. w ... si .. n. car Wenger, From Silverton were Robert, William, Eldon, Ed and Alma Wenger, Jake Dick, Johnny Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mc Kineny, Glenda, Elma and El- Mrs. Din. Dick; from Woods. Mrs. Lew Verrier; and from Vancouver, Wash., Claus ' and Hazel Buhman, Johr G. Brun ner, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny R. Brunner and Carolyn and Clar ence Brunner. The Catholic Order of Fores ters from ML Angel observed its annual picnic Sunday, Aug. : Around 290 people enjoyed a day of swimming, horseshoe pitching, ball playing ana lunching. ' The members of the recently organized family court of Sil verton were invited as guests. The state spiritual director Father Alcuin, and his brother, M. Heibel of Portland, attended for a brief period during the afternoon. - Refreshments for the adults as well as for the children were furnished by the Mt. Angel court. The Foresters asked ex pression of their appreciation to the city of Silverton for the day's pleasure of the park, to be included In the report given the press. The program was supervised by Bill Blem, chief ranger of the men Foresters, and chief ranger Angela Ebner of the lady foresters. i - f -1 M II 1 I i 3 l-i-JU-lL START TOMORROW! mm 2ND BIG HIT ; WNStopH VJ n immi, flu DwertFn! m j -i J JAMES MASON ROBERT Tomorrow! s 'I- Y I 't CC f ( " 1 cv t 1 II W h DARCEL : u 1 1 KNowLEsr y ,rr7JJI Serving refreshments to the children were Mrs. M nammer Albert Dutton was elected noble grand; Ted Kayler, vice grand, and Frank Yannessa, secretory of Molalla lodge No. 184, IOOF, at the annual pic nic held in Silverton park, Sunday, Aug. 16, with 3 adults and 13 children enjoying the picnic dinner and a day of sports. Nine of the 12 subordinate (ranges of Marion county Pomona were represented at the annual picnic, Sunday, Aug. 16, at Silverton city park, when more than 75 grangers attend ed. Horseshoe pitching, cards and visiting featured the day's en tertainment, with the weather ideal for an outdoor affair. Officially responsible for the success of the picnic were Mrs. Ruth Johnson of Macleay, Bob Barnes of Waldo Hills. M. A. Dunn of North Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Specht and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers, all of Sil verton grange. Marion county Pomona of ficers as special honor guests were Pomona master Ida Ben son, overseer Clarence Johnson, lecturer Daisy Bump, secretary Minnie HarUey, chaplain Edith Wilson. Executive committee members attending included Gordon Gilbert, George Sand ner and Edith Beugll, as mem ber of the home economics committee; Rose Mae Chllk as Pomona, and as Flora, Sybil Barnes. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Cam- mack and daughter were among the smaller family groups spending a quiet day at Silver ton city park Sunday. Hills, Minn:, folk are plan ning their annual picnic at Sil verton city park Sunday, Aug. 23. Should rain occur, the group will meet at the Evans Valley school. .All former or present Minnesota residents are welcome. The secretary is Mrs. 50c TILL 5:00 Cory GRANT-KERR PIDGEON ST. lOHH WEWTOH RICHARD BlHtTMt , Last Day! Reck Hudson In "THE SEA DEVUS" Ala and In Color "BELOW THE SAHARA" BE PREPARED - CLIFTON WEBB- The way you 'ove ' 'au9' bf him besU EDMUND. GWENN FRANCES DEE Also- t I s i aas T 1 " tj. Mn Melvin Bren i i. nMiirienk and Mrs. Kus- ioi v(w,.t !ell Rav. vice president. Mrs. Hannah Haugen of Min neapolis, Minn., was honor guest at a family garnering Silverton city park, Sunday. (Aug. 16,' for an afternoon ox visiting and a Basnet dinner. Others present were: From b.i. Mr nrf Mrs. Walter Johnson;' from Sublimity, Mr. and Mrs- Robert f isner anu Mi.. Kihv Fisher: from To ledo, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Haugen, Jeanine, Martha and Tommy Haugen; from Salem, mr. ana Mn inhn Burton. Donna and Sue Burton; and from Silver- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Adoipn nau een. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M Gottenberg and Miss Jeanell Gottenberg, and Mr. ana Mrs. Carl Haugen. The Pallo, a three-lap horse I race around the square of Siena, Italy, has been run al most every year since the 14th I century. I Starting Wed., Aug. 19 The Don Brassfield Quartette NICK'S INN A quartette of fine musicians, featuring Eddie Weed on piano. If you enjoy the fin est of dance music, you will enjoy your eve ning at NICK'S INN 3725 Portland Road CHEV. FORD PLYM Owners O 7 Days Only Here is your chance to get out of the "low price field" on a trade-in deal that keeps your total investment down where you can afford it. For seven days only, we will give you an extra SPewl trade-in discount on the re markable new 1953 Mercurv. Come in and hear our offer! With Mercury's unusually high re-sale value, this is a rare opportunity to save moneyl WARNER MOTOR CO. 430 N. Commercial Salem Tuesday, August 18, 195 Fairview Fairview Mr. and alri. Richard Crannell, Richard, it and Colleen of Fairview district returned home Thursday ev. ning after a three weeks auto, mobile trip that took them to n.otrir. Neb., to visit hi .i father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Orr butkm. They visited the Rushmore nomnrial in the Blark um. land the Yellowstone National park in Wyoming on we return trip. The University ot Virginia, at Charlottesville, was found, ed by Thomas Jefferson. Finest in CHINESE ind AMERICAN DINNERS CHINA CITY 3553 8. Commercial Phone 2651 Phone 2-2552