Tuesday, August 18, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salca, Orcgoa Pa IT DENNIS the MENACE NOTONa ie mm with her.shb's snmo! BUILDING MATERIALS LUMBER FOR SALE Good ehtplap. 135 per M etralght Mil. I. 155. No. I and better. 445. 1-ln lumber, 14 per M and up. Phone , 1-3043. melM KEITH BROWN Closeouts DOORS Regular Bale 1-0 1 l-l z It, - 10-Ute French . l- 1 l-l il - 14-Ute French ! l-xS-llH . 10-Ute .lis a ii.n . 14.31 M.I4 French 14.41 1-sxl-lzlH U-Ute French 14 SI 1-0 1 t-l I IS l-panet ., 1.51 3-1 z e-l US - l-pnel . I. B0 11.41 10.41 in 114 to I. 11 II. 11 1-1 I l-l x li 1-panel in l.oi 3-lxl-lxlH l-panel l-l K-lilH l-llw a.ih Doori l-l x -l 1 1H - l-llte flash Doorl l-o z l-l 1 1H - l-llte . 8esh Doori SCREEN DOORS Hi II M 11.11 17.71 il.!, ISO 1-0 1 l-l zm . l-pane) . 117 l-lxl-4ll4 . Comblaa- tlon aoreen ft Storm Door. 1-0 z - z 141 - Combina tion Screen Storm Door LUMBER : 11.71 11.17 M ea. DOOM lil.rair Rouab Cir stake, ' Izl - RL 140. 4 Common Shlolap M.00M Carrier Load Lola ...It.OOM ZO.O0M Chlco Portihle Air Cooler. 44 10 General Electric 1495 11.11 - General Electric 14.15 1111 All sale, on ducountable rerchandleo final - Mo relundj or czchaueee. Keith Brown Lumber Yard Front lb Court street Fhone 4-9111 WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS ma SPECIAL 1x44' at lino Per carrier load, ep prozlmately 1.40O feet. Izl I' at IVee each. BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Phono lilt Turner malll FOR SALE MISCELUNEOUS USED ELECTRIC wtlnut abint wJng mac hint, round bobbin, nwi forward and rererae, with buttonhole attach, quit I7t.. auar anteed. fllnr Baffin Center, 110 If. Commercial. n!47' Reduced $5 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD 1 OAK KITCHTK TABLS ft CHAIRS 8LIOHTLT USED STARTING. PRICE AUG. 14 - Hi AUG. 19th $40 Keith Brown Lumber Yard FRONT COURT ST. PH. 31111 "We Giro S St H areen Stamp," FOR SALE Used trombone, good condl tlon. Phone 3-3131, 1-9330. nisi BOY'S to INCH bicycle. Good condition. Phono 1-4551. nine' BAST CRIB with Inneriprlna mattress. 114: upholstered huh chair converu to play table, no: cnua roczer. sa m. 4099 Earl Are. 1-3115. nl94" USED ELECTRIC com bin it ion .ream sewing much in, irti forward and revert. A-l eon- dition. full price 134.95. Mnur Hew ing Center, 130 N. Oom. nl04' BfeCUlXOCB CHA1K SAW. 108 Idit- water Weat Si em. BilM Logging up- ol. Ph. 4-1541 CARAOB not1 r, 10x30. to bt moved. cheap, aim runer hc. rn. j-sjju. nl98 Sewiner Machine Buyers! Ntw Rinrer electric cabinet aewlng machine low ta iomn- ral trad on your preaent marhtne. For a fret colored cataiot. wme or can. Sinter eVw.ng Center, 130 N. Com'... Belem. Ore. 33513. niM PIANO FOE 8ALI, 195 caah. Ph. 42?40. moo LCD WIG uicd Piano, guaranteed con dition, m ho any art. -.ale price tlM. Eay terma. 5TONE PIANO CO. 13X0 State St. Phone 3-S2M. nlM' TOP SOIL Rim tilt and fill dirt Prompt llrerr Phone 11141 J OftPlTAle RED for or rent B Stiff Furnltnre Co Phone I-aiM ' POCB-PORTEB bedroom mtte. 1 piecei. hswf airtixMr. wardrnbe. Wilnut flnlih. In aorinti, tood condition, verr at salt tniut have 1100 Phone 4-")B ' nlf ' s 4' ftlVDOW, coipplif ith Ven etian Blind. 1IJO cnimiwi now. nl7 HEW II -INCH General Electric conaole tv Mtaiu bt (iffer takea. 141 a..'k.. A-iiii aiot watt in eon test. nui BEACTTFtX RADIO phonograph com bination. Ph. 10711. till7 WINDOW with frames and eailnf. B"r taln. 1441 Chemex'te. n!97' GREEN WOOL rue 7x9 ill. Ph. 3M!7 197 Itvtll MOVIE CAMIRA. projfetor er.n and 14 zeorlee, I1M- Phone 4-IS34 nl' FLfMRINO material. New Si isl.eniied pipe and fltimes. 41 soil pi pa nd tllllnts. 994 N. Wlnier 3-7437. . "' MAHOGANY Wurlltier Splnnet plena, lite new. Will sacrifice. 1-7177. nil.' Reconditioned and luarenteed Bel lone Heerlne AWs at prlcee row can afford. Beiton Hearlne Center. 134 Ore. ion Bide. Fhone So-lem 1-4441. n301 SALE OF FrSNTTrHE. elothlne. rum maee. Thursday and FrldaT. 3451 Slate ttrfet. nl4 WonreMISCELLANEOUS WnntiSY wants Piano, Fti. 1-1114 na ELKTRIC BARGES. WoOdr4. " l-lll. aa By Keicham Wonted MISCELLANEOUS Logs Wanted Top price on today market (or long or abort aecond growth fir lota. For price, phone 39591 day. 41744 eyen lniB. West Salem Lumber Co- 1140 Wallace Rd.. Salem. naioi WANTED l-ioot atud mill lois or multiples ef 1-foot plus trim. 4 to 14" diameter. Phone Turner 1135. nam" SORTING EQUIPMENT DECS HUNTERS I hare two tot str ati rlflss equipped with Lyman Alas kan scope,, will aell one. Write Box 514 aalem or call 1-7171 durlni office hours. nelll AUTOMOBILES SIGTJ DGSTDUV3 61 FORD CUSTOM VI SXDAM Fordomat. radio. ha t T, vaahera. turn BltnaU. one own er, 14.411 mile. yrr apiclal.llftM 11 BUTCK fefUPKR RTVTXRA Dynailow, new white tirei, ra dio, neater, IZ1 ilaaa, on own er, aervie record alnct new, ft ertmlum ear. Anacha Rod w Black Itl II BOICK SUFIH CONVIRTIBlJi Ornaflow, US Roral Muter nar roa whiuwalla, automat le win dow, EZ1 tlaae, radio, heater, wearier, etc. We have couplet a r vice record. Apache Red, black top and black leather... MOW SI FORDOR DE LITX TUDOR tr clean condition with only 16,904 mile 41 FORD CUOTOM 4 SEDAN Spot lew Interior and perfect nna rani. ra1liv heater, aeat cover 18 47 BUICK RO ADM ASTER SEDAN TA.ioni areen with white- wall,, radio, heater,, iood.... I MO Vtu gel a better Used Car frDmaBuiekPealer OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY tTommerclal at Center Phone l-s:l qlll LET'S GET TOGETHER! ON A GOOD USED CAR '49 Mercury 4-door. Ra dio, hester. overdrive, needs a little work. . .$895 48 Mercury Club Cpe- Rs dlo, hester, Columbia overdrive 795 '49 Ford "6" 4-door. Ra dio, heater, good rub ber 48 Ford 4-door. Radio, heater, spotlight .... 695 TRAPS TTRMS OPE74 EVENINOS . ARROW USED CARS 794 N HIOH FH. 41441 0IM- $$CASH$$ FOR YOUR CAR OPEN EVENINGS MONDAY THROl'OH FRIDAY ALL MART AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Western Motors llll Broadwar Phone 3-941! j J-0B74. 143T H. 4tB. 4Jl-4 AUTOMOBILES PICKUPS! NEVER BEFORE! WE MEAN IT AND YOU'LL SEE! Beciuie never before have there been 30 choice pick upt on any one Salem lot, for you to buy. And buy' them you can, at fantaitically low prices! Don't mlu thia sal when pickup pricei are so low. Excellent for flihinf, huntinf, farming, delivery, and many other uiei. v SEE THESE RIGHT NOW! ' . 12 TONS We have, juit as examples: ' 1940 Chevrolet, 1040 Dodge, 1841 Chevrolet, 1S4S Chevrolet, 1946 Ford V-8, 1947 Ford V-B, 1948 Chevrolet, 1949 Dodge. WE ALSO HAVE -TON AND 1-TON ; PICKUPS YES. THERE ARE 20 AT THE RIGHT PRICES: BUT YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY1 STAR aV COMPANY DOING BUSINESS IN SALFM FOR OVER 40 YEARS Corner Commercial and Union Phone 3-6303 AUTOMOBILES RON'S v Mid-Summer Bargains 51 MERCURY .$1695 Sedan with radio, heater, overdrive, fender skirts, white sidewall tires, very clean. 50 FORD.... $1095 V-8 cuitom club coupe, ra dio, heater, white sidewall tires. A sharpie! $49 FORD ....,.$795 Custom V-8 tudor sedsn, ra dio, hester, overdrive. A real buy now! RON'S Used Care 1113 Broadway Phono 3-1801 a lit POST am sub OPEN EVES'. 'TIL 9 UM BUICK Super Convertible. Radio. heater, Drnaflow. ozcellent mechanical condition. Sell or trade. 3-7471. 303 1BS9 PLTMOVTH. clean, reconditioned motor, boater, iood rubber. 1134. 1040 N. 19th. Phono 1-1417. 4194 FOB SALB OB TRADE '41 Bulck eon. vertlblo, new tlral and baterz. Fhone 14179. 4 IV 3 ciaztar no. alter a:io p.m 4191 NOTICE! We're Moving About August 30 BACK TO OUR OLD STAND AT 267 N. CHURCH. SEE US NOW AT SAM'S MOTOR CO. Libert, At Chemeketa Ph. S741T Across from First Natl. Bank of GOOD 1944 Chevrolet aedan. Oood 1947 Chrysler 7 paasencer. Bargain. Fhone 33S43, owner. qui' A4 EQUITY la 1947 studebaker Com mander. Verr good condition. 44.M4. ql97 1944 PONTIAC 1-door. Radio, heater. 4134 or best offer. 404 So. 15th. Phone 1-3011. ql44 1941 FORD. I wheel trailer. Will take trade. Phono 4-1133. qui' '44OI.DS'l4' 4-door. Radio, heater, net seat covers, dual exhaust, dual point linltloo. will take trade. Fhon 43631 OI97' 19M) CHRYSLER 4-door Sedan, ezrellent condition, low mileage. 41395. Phone 3-4114. IM To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 HENRY 4r ai r AUTOMOBILES PICKUPS! MOTOR SALEM MARKETS Caesplled from reperta af Bala dealer lav the raldanee of Capital Jearaai readri. tRevtatd dally.) aeUU reed Prteeai Rabbit Pellet U.U (M-IB. Mf). S4.S0-4.4S 1100-lb. bail Eat Naefe 4 01-5 M. Dairy feed M 4tl TT (40-lb. baffl, 4 35-5.04 HO vi.il pajtur BUT. M R HOO wt.l Ponltrr Barlaa Prlie Colored Intra. 30c. old too ten, Hot eelorcd fowl, lie: lei horn lowl, iicj roaater. 10c. Kreai Buiinr Prteee Bfia, A A, IMt larn A, 60-47et medium AA, I4ei medium A, M-62c; aiall. 30o. wnoieeaM rrieaw'-wei WDOieaaie pnawa tenerally a-te kithtr than the prtae above. Lane trade A faneraUr uo4d at 11c i medium 4le. Biterfai--BuriD4T pnott Premium. it 11c Nn i. 67-49C1 NO I, ISO Battet Wholeeale trade A parahmenL lit lb. I reUIL lee Partlaa laattldt Market Portland OJJD nrat Willamette Taller tomato ioVd at 1.00 for an 14-lb. flat on the laetaide Farmer' market today, but volume ei pec ted to bo light for av eral weekn wholeaaler offered 11 -lb. flat of beat Yakima tomatoea at inoatlr wiuameue vaney oeeu were hj. cent a doien bunchea for beat quality good spinach limited and sold to whole' aalera at 1.65-1.75 an orange box. FINANCIAL PRIVATE MONEY to loan ob real es. tate. Phone 3-0794. rllO' HIGH PAYMENTS? WE CAN CUT Let's Cive Them the AXE! Use our consolidation plan. AUTO LOANS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ! I V KSTOCK STATE FINANCE CO. 117 So, High St, -in af-131 r30l" INVESTORS Wg haeo good first mortgage, for your tnoveeti&n. REIMANfl REAL ESTATE " LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South High. Phono 3-1303 rill KB US FOR FARM. CITY OR ACRBAQS U3AHS BEST OF TERMS WI BUY Heal estate mortgatag as 4ntr44t4 State Finance Co. W S. High St. Ph. Mill AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. 141 South Churak . Parking a-Plent? Ph. 1-3457 U4. NO. U-lla B-194 Uo, S-133 and af-314 and ROT R SIMUrWS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear 'Top Trades" H ot Dalle KSLU 1390 Kg, OBNERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 114 So Commerelai St. Tel l-llll AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BATINO RADIATOR TROUBLE? Vallef Uotor Co. expert, will eolvo rour prop. lems and aavo red eaonep Free estl mates, apeod service. cenUe .1 Lib erty. TRUCKS EQt'ITT IN lftftt Che?, l-yard dump truck. Take car, pickup, lot or trailer houu in trade. 1309 Center Bt. ejdlOT lfllTOM-Chev. truck. 1 apeed axeT 14 toot combination grain stock bed. 1310 M 29th St., CorraUta. Phone S-sior fldins- TmbT-ton Pord plrkoprlth canopy! Excellent hape. 1369 Center Bt. Q1197 BOATS 10 B P. MEBCt'RT motor and boat. Xx cellent shape. Will aeil separately. Phone 1175 PiiTa Bf. 401I8 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS S HAR1.EV Davldjon motorcycles. Model 74 40 and 45. See at John a Oaraee. Bnaw, Oregon. oal91 By Carl Anderson PlITI I I REMIND MB TO SMAVE I a-a WWEN j WAk& up . J M A R K E T QUOTATIONS fOITUNV iwtarxB ust . Battafr TmmUts. tnejoe ie trn. eaedut cAante: Premraa auallty, max mum J af eat er aaail acidity e Uvexed la PortlackC en-Tit Ural tmal aa-tae, stoc. auaitty. a-4t. VeJiev route and esMntry aelata I awata kee. aiUfA waoeiMait c.t.A, baia eubea ta whaleaalt, grade A A, n aajprt, 44ei A trade, it acere, 44c i fx' M aoitra. tJti C. 09 ecrt. 40a. Abort prtaaa ttrltUy tomiaaL Cktm feilif atrta tw Pttniamd wholetalcra. Oretat. ialaa, tt,-Sijj Oreeoa lb. loot, ttMHt. an it wtaieaalefa Caakdltrl esaaa eon tain toj ,a (tat, caaet hielueVad stavt, Portland A trade laree, 47-44He. A grade medlaa, mHi B tradt larga, i1. uc. Portland Dairy BirM Battiwaria u niaDatw Oraie AA print. 111 a trtM. ni A lria.ta, tlti teuton, mi B winla, tte. tea it prattaera Caaiad & a. ft. Portland: Ungraded targe. 44 twa.: grade AA larga, rrt oa.j A larte, 44 ?c doa.t AA medium, u dot.: A cradt medium, 40 dot-i A rr'soa Mall noa nal. 43 43c. gga ta Betaffrt ejtaOa AA. iarca. 74c. A large, O-lOci AA medium. 4K. A medium 7-09c; A email 44c Carton 1 cent additional. Cheeet Price t ntaileya. pajrtlaad. Oregon ainelea, 4H49e: I 1ft, toava, H-3JVX-; triplet, le 1 than un tie. Premium brand tingle. 44 Wei lb. for single wheel 40 Wo. Proceaaed Am erican cbeeat. I -lb. loava to retail. 43 4c lb. Paanry lit CHrekta )N. 1 tnallty. f ob. plantait Pryere, 3W lb., lie; 1-4 1H aict rouura, 4Va lb., and ovr. lie; heavy ben, all weight. iW-Jle; light hn. all welthUr 14-iKj 1 rtoattra. 1-2C Oriprnwd traiateaa No l drid to ret iter. Prrer. broiler. 44-44 roaatera. all wu., 44-45e; 11 hi Ban. 3-51e; heavy hen. IS-34c; cut-up ry era, all wuH 41-43 lb.; whole drawn, 41 54c lb. Babblu Average to arowert: Llvt while. 4-i lbs.. 20-JSC; iV-4 lb.. 14-32c colored pelt. 4e lb under; old doe. 10-13c. tow higher. Preen draaaed fryers to re tiller:. 57-59c; tut up 4145c. Country Killed Meat Veal Top tuailty. 41 -lie Ib.t rough beavlea, 33 -tie. Hag uaa Biocter. ii-ite; aowi. lleht. 33-Stc Lanbe Best, 17-1 Ic lb.i ytarUngg. 30-36C lb Matten Btat. 1114 a.i tuU-?Ulltr. I-IOC Bef Utility cow. 14-Ic lb.: cannar- eutter, 33-Uci hU down to lie. Prtib Draastd kteata Whoiaaalart It retallr4 Dollar Btt rt.r UeeMteera. etiolc. 400-104 lb.. 41- 43.50; good, I3l.00-4l.00; aommetolal iai.oo-ST.oo: aunty, iii.oo-li.ooi om msrclal oowt, 413.00-l7.00t utility, 31 34. 00: can ner-c utter, lM-lt ft eal cnoioe aieer cin-a jnar tare, tfil-M: round. Hl-Mi full lolna. trimmed, t'Jl-71; trlantle, 411-131 fore qutrtur. 430-14 ehucta, 41 1-40 1 rib. 44-51. Veal Cairaa oooa-onoK. Ill- 40. M: edmmeroial, 114-34. Lamb Choioa-prime, ui-tti tood. 419-44; aprlnt lamb, hoicprlma, 47.10. aiB-uooa enewe, le-u w. . Porn Cat--LoiQ, No. 1. (Vlt .b., 470i utility 4-4 shoulder, II lb., Ml-45; apart rib, n4.5g.50t frih hams, 10-14 lb., ; pork caroaata, 110-110 lb., 139-41. mebed Hama Bklnned. 444-99 lb.. fined lard la drum. IM-lfl.M; alaft ku on, 144-73. Portland Mlacenaneeaa Onion 50 lb sack Calif. Red Qlbb. med., 3T8-3.00; whit globe, 1.35-3.50: yellow med. and large, 1.50-1.75; few 2.35; Wash, yellow, med., 1.45l.n; large 1.35-1.40. Peta!e-Tocal Triumph, lug. 1.50- 1.15; Boardman long whttas. No. LA. 3.35 2.50; No. 3 60-lb. sack, tO-BBc; Oregon RuaaetU No. 1. 1,45-4; 10 lb. mean. eO 2c; local RusaeU, No. 1A. 3.141.35: Calif, long white, No. IA, 3.05-3.00: fair, 2.M-3.75. Name nrana to a .26. wwn, Ruuett 1 50-3.75; Waih. loni white. No. 1 2.00-1.20. Bay 0. 8. No. 1 treen alfalfa, dt llvered car lot f.o.b. Portland and Be- attle, 39-30. Weel Or bail. WUlamttU fal- tar medlunv K-lla tb.t Baattrn OrtioB tint and half-blood, 4-l3o; Wlllametu Valley lamb wool 43i 13 month wool. 45-SOe Mohair 41-17 lb, on ll-mentB trow- tb. f.o.b. eountrr ablpplng point. Hide producer paying aria f.a.a- Portland calf akin. 19-11 lb., accord ing to condition: green klpa, l-17o lb,: green cow hide, 1-10 lb., according to weight and tjualltyi bull hidea, 4-1 lb.r glue btdea. M per tent fttlow prUa for above el. Ftlberta-Wholtsalt Hlllftff ptitA Bt. l medium Barcelona M-144 Ib.f ahall- ed. 40-51t lb. lb : light nalvtt. 79-11 ft. Walnata wboiai. aalltnt nrlee. flraft Quality targt Prantuette, 25-loe Ibet aheUed, Uibt arabar balv. 10-74 Cnlcaga Or lea Chicago AjnBupplItB light, demand good, market ataadr. Track alea (50 b.): U. 8. 1 unless stated: California Spanish 1-inch end larger 1 W-1.65; Waehington Bpanlah l Inch and larger 1 4J; trucklot a lea de livered Jobbing etreet bant Taia White Olobr 3-inch and larger 2 00. (Street aalea 150 lb.): California and Idaho Bpanlah 1-inch and larger 1 45- 1.90; Yellow Otobe medium. New Tork 1 35-1.50; Jstldweatero l.tt-1 35; Texea end Colorado Whit Olobe 1-lnch and lareer 2 OO-J 2S. 3 to 1-Inch 1 1S-3 35, DIRECTORY ADD IN O MACHINE! All make ud maehlnat sold, rented, repaired. Roea. 44 court- Ph. 1-4773. BILLD07.1NO Bulldozing, roads, clearing teeth. Virgil Huafcey, 1010 Palrview, phone 1-3 1 41 . 01 at' Bl Tldino . We do anything In the Una of build ing, rret eatimate. Phone l-Ofltw. 0317' DRKHHMAKINO Alte.-ationi. henutltchint, button, buckle covered, buttonholt. Mrs. H. M. Mlender. 3-9911. O2I0 FXrAVATINO Ben Otjen A Aon, xcavtlnt and trading. Land c.eariaf. Ph. J-aoao. 0314' PX' KNACK CLKANIVO Bill' furnace Cleaning. All full tuaranteed. Phone 1-1145 HOL'HK MOVINO Leveling, foundation work. Pull ex perience. Pree eatimate. Bonded and Ins. tired Ph. 1-1043, 1-7444. oSflft INAI'f.ATION Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum screens. Free eetlmateai T. Pullman Phone 1-594V 0314 MATTRESSES Capitol Boddtnt renovates sew mattreasee Ph. j.M.4 Full Una OFFICE FIRNITIRE SUPPLIES Desk ehelra. fllea. filing auppllea. aafea. duplteatirs. egpp:iee, d.k lempo, lipe. writer aUnda. Ron, 454 Court. ROAD ORAnlNO Road grading levellni. dl'bln. 111 eal trader. Ret Heototg. Ph. 10411. oll. Roofing and siding or expert, for I ruhl prire. p.one l-ooei. o3l7 SEPTIC" TANRS Hsmel'e aerelre. 1-7404. aeptla tanks cleaned, line Guaranteed work. - phone o30Ba Mlkee SepHe Serelee. Tank, cleaned. D'rooter glean, aewerg. drain.. Fhona t-UV. 0114- Bewer. septle tanks, drafaa cleaned. Roto-Roeur Sewer Ser.Ua Phone 1-1131 RARPENINO . RP.PAIR mu'f'Vc" ' m" " '.".I TRwamas smittL'cWosia.-R.mu.on. Rovi rj. derwood portables All makee onoenlnea Repairs ft reel Been. Tourl 1-4771 window ci r A SIM o :.,.w'Zliu,::,Srui.V?; mi court. a STOCKS (Br Tbt AuoclaUd lTaa A dm Ira1 Corporattoa Alaed Chemical 1111 Chaimera ,,,, Ameriaaa Alrhat .. 13tk !!l44 .. s .. II .. 91 .. U. .. 44 .. 444k .. lli .. 1494 .. 11 .. 41 Amertaaa Power At Llgb , Ameneaa TL TeL . . Amertcaa Taftacc ifcnaeeoiTda Copper Atohlaoa Ballroad BthllM.i Bteel Beeima; Airplatnt Co. Bart Warner Burrow Add la MachiBt,,,,, California Packloi , Caaadiaa Saclfa Oaurpuiar Tractor Celane CwrporaUoa ,, Chrysler Carport.! Citiet Bertie Ce4MUdaVd Boiooa ,,,,, t4MUdt4i Vulttt Crowa stellerbaeA CurttM Wright Doaiaa Aircraft Du Pont 4U HeaMttlt Eastman Kodak .. 14W .. 444 .. 4le .. 4,1. .. I74 .. 14 .. Ilk .. 44, ..1044. .. 41 S .. ll4 .. 74 ,. 4 .. 444 :: i .. ii4 .. 1441 Emaroon Badit Oaatral BleeUl .... Oeneral Pood .....i Oeneral Hora Oeortla Paa, Plywtod ooodyear Tire Homtataka mining Co. - Iouraatitnal Harvesur latematioBal Paper John kBaavtllt KaUer Aluminum Keanecott Copper .. SIM, .. 41 .. I3S Ubbr HBU Lockheed Aircraft .. 444 .. 134 .. ist; .. 144, .. 44 .. 1H Loewe Incorporated Long BeU Montgomery Ward Nasb Kelvinator New Tork Central Northern Pacifie Paclfia American Plait Pad fie Oaa At Kiectrte Pacific Tel. A) TeL ., Packard Meter Cay . Penney, J. C Pennsylvania It B. ...... .1.....4 Pepsi Cel Co ,. . Philoo Radio Radio Corporation Rayonler Incorp. Raronier Incorp. Pfd. Rrpublle Bteel Reynolds Metal Rtchfield Oil ... Sate way Store. Inc. Scott Paper CO. Sear Roebuok Co. Socony Vacuum OU ....., tSouthern Pacific Standard OU Calif, Mandard Oil N. l ,, Studebaker Corp. .,.. Sunshine Mining Swift Co. . , Transamerica Corp Twentieth Century Poi .......... .. V. .. 44 344 ..IIS .. TOS .. . .. IIS .. lot. .. 31 .. 15H .. Sl. .. 44V, .. 44S .. .. 17H .. 43S .. 91ti .. 35t .. 43S .. S3. .. 7314 .. 114, .. 1 .. 11 .. 11V .. 1114 .. UK ..101 .. im .. ii .. 414 Union Oil Company Union Paeiflo United Airline United Alroraft United Corporation . United Butt Plywood .. SIS .. 17(4 United stavo Bteel Warner Picto." .. 14 .. 44V4 Western Union Tel Wwtlnthou Air Brake WuUnghttiM tt: ,...1 Woolworili .. 4IVk .. 44 Sleek Marke4 New York urWThe Block wiarkai was narrowly mlxiO Tueedar after . modeet atempt to raur Tan ut. A point either war cor, red prlea change, with the great malorltr 4i 14- uee moving In the email fractions. Volume cama to an eettmated ewi.m shares, rlthtltt the neighborhood ef Mondar'a 410.000 aharu. That level f trading 14 eourderablr helow average go far this year. Chief,. Ueeelaek Chleai. UP) Live butcher hog, and aowa were active and 34 to SO oenta a hundred pounde higher Tueedar, with most of th, advance on butehara weigh ing under 104 pound,. Tha top wa, 439.90. Balugnur atear,, rearunaa ana neuer. were unevenly ateady 10 34 eenu higher. Cows were 15 t. 40 cents lower. Bulla and vealera ware about ateady. A few loads of prime ateera brought 134.71 to 137.00. Trade In the aheep market waa active and fully steady. A load of prime native slaughter lamps brought . top of 124.00. Salable receipt, were eetlmated at 4.000 hou, 9,000 gattl., 400 galvea and 1,000 ghee. fjnloa. Oral. Chicago unA mixed trend ruieo in grama on the board .1 trad. Tueedar with aorbeani sb.wiss ana moat trtngth. Wheat wa, held aei or neoimg pres sure, although raooveriag from ..rir lrMaea toward th. cleoe. Sentamber orn ... eulte strong OA llmlud receipts of cash grain and a sows neman. ui no pot market. Lard wa. s feature of th. day's activi ty, morlng shea4 aharply in .olive deal- lnn. wheal gloeed 44-1W lower, wewr, in- 114V.. corn ta-lVa hlghn, Sept. 1 47H, oils 44 10 1 cent Urwer, Sept. 141.-74, rye unchanied to t lower. Sept. 1.1IH. aorbeena Vk-lH hlghar. ett. 1.44-3 44V,. and lard 30 10 it crate . aunoroa pwuirae higher, Sept. 13.94-17. FMllend Or.ki Portland UPr-CMra, sralm, 14-dar ahlmpent. bulk, coast delivery: Oats Ro. 2 la-lb. wnite en uo. uet. no. a ee-,.. white iPorlland delivery) 40.04. Wheat tbldl to arrive manes, oasia No. 1 bulk, delivered coael: Soft White 319: Soft White (excluding Rezl 1.30; While Club 1.30. Herd Red winter: ordinary z.au: iu per cent 1.10; 1 per cent 1.30; 11 per cent 130. Hard White Bean: vjrainarr e.w; iw per cent 1.34: 11 per cent 110; II Per cent 1 30. Tuesday', car reeelpte: Wheat 111: barley 1, flour I: corn 4: eau 1; mill feed 1. . v..il,nl l.i.Ml.rli Portland em Prlcee en hole remained ateadr on th. Portland iivoiuce mereet today. r.tn. im httidflver 400: market alow tmw in., .bout aUady with Memday's 50C-1.90 higher elooe; graaa ateera and heifer. In narow demano. most oioa ww er; ehort fed steere 34; cutter-utllllr i..,. lo.llfto: eanner-euttcr cowa a 30: utility 10.50-13: bulls alow; top led tr. Uond.v 34.50. Celvee 100, holdover ae, mar... ow. r. .ond-ehole. lleht yealera eleady at 11-30: lower aradea and heavy calves dressy: few bid. and aalea 1-1 or more lower lor S are lew .sow wvu-w lh ,.l,u 14. Hoes 300: market active, ateady; choice 140-314 lb. butehara 17.34-11.40: few 10U 17.74; chotc. 144-351 lb. 14; choke 344 lo. eowe S3; heavy aowa down to II i undr. fih .00. holdover 1100: market elow: few aalea ateady hut meet bide o. feeder lamb, another 40e .If: oood-choice spring lemhe 11-1744: few lots mostly ehole, 14. 4004 light feedare 14-14.40 good .laughter .. 4. Mary McPherren Dies ot Albany Albany Mrs. Msry Jane McPherren. who observed her 101st birthday last November, died Sunday night at a local nursing home after having liv ed to witness the development of the mid-west, where she was born and reared, and after hav ing seen Linn county undergo Its most rapid growth. Mrs. McPherren had lived In Linn county since 1902, com ing west with he husband the late H. Oliver McPherren. On her 100th birthday Mrs. Mc Pherron was the central figure in one ot the largest family re unions aver held In Oregon, with more than 200 relatives participating. I Funeral arrangements are in 'charge of the Fisher Funeral home with Rev. George Huber officiating, the date to be an- nounced later. Burial will take place in mvernae cemetery. Of the wearers ot glasses in the United states, 58.4 per cent re females and 43 per cent j males. A. A. Gueffroy Dies in Hospital Adolph A. Oueffroy, Salem resident sine 1005 and propri etor of Commercial Book Store her for 23 years prior to his selling tha store In 1044, died Monday night at a local hospi tal. Oueffroy had been hospital ized for almost four weeks and seriously ill for that period. Born in,' Went worth, S.D., September 12, 1886, Oueffroy with hit parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ouetfroy and younger sister, Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorf of Salem and brother, Charles H. Oueffroy, who now lives in Portland where he It president ot the Portland Oaa and Coke company, cam to. Salem to make his horn in December, 1005. Gueffroy graduated from Sa lem high school and from the Capital Business college after which he waa employed 'in the old First National Bank on Commercial street, when, it was owned by Joe Alberts. He bought the book store in 1910. During tha war Gueffroy served on the ration board and at tha time ot tha war's end was in charge of the price con trol and rationing office here, a position that he held for a few months. Last year Gueffroy was au ditor for the Salem Baseball club and this year served the club in another capacity, be cause ot his health. For a number of years Gueffroy was employed at the legislature, being in charge of the committee rooms in the house. An additional duty at tha 1053 session wu that of mail clerk. Gueffroy attended th Con gregational church and was member ot tha Elka lodge, Ma sonlo Lodge No.- BO, a Shrlner and a member of the Salem Ro tary club. Survivors Include. his wits, the former Anna McCracken to whom h was married in Salem in 1912; two daughters, Mra. Sidnev Llamblaa of Salem and Miss Claudin Gueffroy of Santa Barbara, Calif.; two sis ter., Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorf ot Salem and Mrs. Augusta Krug of Berkeley, Calif.; and three brothers, Charles H. Gueffroy in Portland. George uuenroy ot Madison, S.D., and Edward Gueffroy of Charles City, Iowa. Two brothers ot Gueffroy, who made their homes in Sa lem, preceded him in death in recent years. They were Dr. H. A. Gueffroy, who died in 1950 and Rev. W. A. uuenroy, whose death was in 1951. Funeral services will be held at the Virgil T. Golden com- nsnv chanel Wednesday, Aug. ust 19. at 2 p.m. with Rev. Brooks H. Moore officiating. Concluding services will be at Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum, Mid Willamette Obituaries Mrs. W. A. Spalding Albany word haa been re ceived her of th death of Mrs. W. A. Spalding at Vaihon, Wash., Thursday morning. Fu neral service wer to b held from the Presbyterian church at Vashon at 2:30 p.m., today. Mr. Spalding was the widow of Dr. W. A. Spalding, pastor of the Albany United Presby' terlan church from 1923 to 1930. Mrs. Edna A. Scott Monmouth Miss Edna A. Scott, native of Polk county, died at a Salem hospital, Aug. 15. after being in ill health lor several months. Born In Polk county, near Independence, she had made her home in Polk county and Portland all of her life, apend ing the wintera in Portland where she wss a teacher in the Washington high school, and the summers In Monmouth. Miss Scott had been a teacher in Washington high school for about 30 year retiring because of ill health In March of 1953. SnrviVins are her mother. Mrs Ida Scott formerly of Monmouth and now of Glen dale, Or.; and a sister, Mrs. Mildred Sether of Glendale. Funeral services will be held in Salem at the W. T. Rigdon phi d1 Thursday. Aug. 20, at 1:30 p.m. and interment will be In the Independence ceme tery. David Williams Lebanon Services were held Monday at the Monmouth Christian church for David Llewellyn Williams. 81, fath er of Mrs. Grace McCracken of Lebanon, who died Aug. 14 at the community hospital. Bom in Springfield, Ohio, Jan. 10, 1872. Mr. Williams came to Oregon In 1914. He was a retired hsrness nuker. Elizabeth Shelburne Vnlonvale Mrs. Elizabeth Shelburne, 86, former resident of Unionvale. died in a Mc- MinvUle hospital Sunday night, Funeral services will be at I p.m., Wednesdsy, Aug. 19, at Macey s Funeral Horn m Mc- MinnvllI. Mrs. LaVada Tucker Funeral services will be 3 p.m., Wednesdsy, Aug. 19, the University church, Seattle, for Mrs. LaVada Tucker who Arrangs Pob Victim's Rites Funeral services will be held at St Joseph's Catholic church Thursday morning at :S o'clock (or Hyacinth Germs. Bandy, six years of age, who died August 10 from polio. In terment will be In Be k: net Memorial park. One ot th little girl's un cles, who is in th servicej. Staff. Sgt Clement Wiemala, arrived by plan from Korvta last week and will be Iter for her funeral. Th other unci. Pfc. Janea Wiemala. who la with th Third Marin divi sion, has been refused leav. Her father, Staff Sgt Wil liam Bandy, U.S. Air Fore. McChord Air Force base, has been her sine shortly after th Utile girl became ill. Aa aunt, Mis Margaret Bandy, who flew east from Tenneasapt, baa had to return to her horn before th funeral. Other survivor iailuded her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clement C. Wiemala, Sa lem, who raised th little girl; another grandmother, Mrs. Emily Bandy of CrossvlU, Tenn., and another unci John Wiemala. Mrs. Guy M. Crothcrs Taken by Death Here HI sine last November, Mrs. Guy M. (Bertha) Crothar dicd at her horn at 624 North Capitol street, Monday ev- ning. Born December 11, 1678, at Perham, Mich., Mrs. Crothers waa th daughter of A. D. L. and Emily Johnson Nawman. In 1000 at Duluth, Minn., an waa married to Guy Crothers, who survive her. From Minnesota th Croth ers moved to B pox sine ana from thr cam to Oregon, residing in Mill City for sev eral year prior to coming to Salem to make their home. Mrs. Crother formerly be longed to th Eastern Star chapter at Stay ton. Surviving beside th hus band ar a aon, R. M. Croth- ct of Portland; and two nieces, Jeanette Satterle of Sand Point, Idaho, and Arlen King in southern California. Announcements of funeral services will be mad later by th Howell-Edwards chapel. ' Although El Salvador is th smallest country in the West ern Hemisphere it is the world's third largest producer of cot fee Brazil and Colombia be- ing first and second. DEATHS Vlaeeal Naerain Vlneent NarratO. lata reeMeml of Z3I4 D at.. 1. a local nuralns hoea. Aug. IS at tha aia of n. Survivad bp iwo daugh ters. Mrs. Agnes WoctooKwskl n4 Mrs, Mary Chapman, both at Salami brother, Frank RavratUt granddaughter. Mra. Mary SehwelDfurth. and great- ' granddaughter, Janet Louie Sehwaln furth. both of Salem. Oraveslde aervioea - Sunder. Aug. II. t I p.m. .1 Patrrlaw Cemetery. Onus, under aUraotioa ea" HoweU-Bdwarda C AIM. C. Jebmem ' , AIM. o. Johneo. ta tail ltr ait, at tb, ae, of 44. Survived by sister, Mrs, . B. cronk, Monmouth. Announoa ment of cervices later by Bowell-Edwardg ce L raetnla Orlae B..lr Hyacinth ortna Bandy, as in la ally Aug. 10. In her seventh year. Lte nd. dent of 511 N. winter St. survived by rather, Bet. William n. Bandy, Mcchar Field. Wean., grandparenta, Mr. and Mra. Clement C. wiemala. Salami vnclaa. Sit. Clement O. Wiemala, Jr., in aXoraa, John A. Wlemela, Aalem and Pvt. Jaaes Wletntla, UBMC. Recitation at RaaarF ' will be Wednesday, Aug. II, at S w.ra. Requiem maee Thuraday at S:IS a.m. im jooepn o cainone tmurcn. inter ment at aelereol Memorial Fark. Sana a. Seelt Edna A. Scott. In this city Aug. IS. Lata rasldenl of mi s.W. 13th St., Portland, survived by mother, Mra. Ma acott, Olendala. Oregon; atetor. Mra. Mildred aether, Olendale, Calif, aervleea Thursday, Aug. 30 at 1:30 p.m. la W. T. Rigdon Chapel with concluding 441 f IMS at Independence Cemetery. Bertha N. Crolhero Bertha rl. Crothera. at th. realdaaes 434 14. Capitol St. Aug. 11 at tha ae. of 14. Survived by husband, out m. Crothers. Salem; one aon, R. M. Cra- . there, Portland. Announcement of perr ies later by Howeli-Edwerda Ca. Willises BrwM. Crs ev William Brnest Cramer, ta Portland Aug. II .1 the .1. of 44. Survived bp mother. Mra. Len. Cramer, aalem: bra. ther. Paul A. Cramer, Newborn; alatera. Mra. Ruth atoller, Dayton, MT,. Oreo. E. Dodd. Portland. Service. Wednesday, . Aua. II. at 1 pro. In w. T. Rigdoa Chapel with concluding per vices at atee crast Memorial Park Ethel Cany Ethel Corey, at tha family mlewaed. 1044 Warner Ave , Aua. 11 at tha aea of 41 yeara. Survived by husband, Bert Corey, Salem; daughter, Mra. Betty Thomag. Pltehfork. Wro.; aona, Joaepa. and Robert Corey, neiera, curt la n. . Corey, U S. Ifavy; niters. Mrs. oartl. Oreen. Mra. Mildred Bridge, ho4b of Sa lem. Mr. Evelyn Dunn, Mrs. Anas Sharp, Mra. Clara Keech, aJl of Valen tine. Robr i brothers. Lyl. Kaplaa. Wr. more. Hear . Earl Keplaa, Port Worth. Texaa, Claud. Kaplan, Valentino. Kebr.l loo five grandchildren. anrKnuicnwna of oervKea wiu ba mad. later ay ma How.ll-Zd.ard. Co. Adelpb A. G.effrer Adolph A. Ouelfroy .1 a local naeplte! Monday. August 11. Ut. resident .1 90S D at. Survived by wife, Mra. Enna M. Oueffroy, Salem; daughters. Mis. Clan, din. Oueffroy. Santa Barbara, Calif., Mra. Sidney L. Plemblee. Salem: etattra. Mra. Fred Oehledorf, Salem, Mra. Augus ta King. Berkeler. CaJlf.i BT oth. ra, Charlea H. Oueffroy. Portland. Ore. OMrgo P. Oaottror, Madlaoa, a. D Bd. war. a. oueirror. cnariae city. love. Servleea will be held at tha Vlrall T. Ooldaa Chapel Wednesday. Auauet IS at 1 p.ra. with private Interment at Mt. Orel Abbey. The Rev. Brooke H. Moors .Ilbuauaa. died Monday. Sh la a former . resident of Salem. Surviving sr her husband, M. W. Tucker, Seattle; two sons, Keith and Tommy, Scat tie; five brothers, Lester, Reed and Wade Carter. Salem Dovla atCarter, England and Oel Car-, at ter, Chehalis, Wash.: and two sister, rails Landeau, Chica go, and Via Stalling, 8tem.