Pag It fOK SALE HOUSES BY owner candaieria i-psdroom, double aoraee, laraa utllltr, Iil-IM. -sl. 1314 SUBURBAN HOUSE I badraomi, seod sine Uelnf hm, fireplace, kltchoa, utllltr room, bird wood floors, forced air (urate. Hoi own well with puma. TBI! kuoee la attached to the taraee. Juat 1 blocka so auper market and, bus. Prlca re ducod to lltoo.M with terma. A Desirable Bargain Thla hoiut u will lotto and II It fast aerorel Hxti t bout trade and klab eehoela. North. Bui. This lino noma naa ft basemen! and furnace Two bodreome, llrlng room, kitchen, Breakfaal Book. Hlco tot with t... oma repairs Beaded. Price la MMO.N ana 1070)0, AJ1UMB, BOURLAND IKINNKH 411 Maeonle Bulldint JUiI atata-Xnsureaee-Mortiaao toana J-M17 1-4701 or i-UH ai3 BEAUTIFUL BOMB with aara on Rob Hill, obit 1 block from McKlnler otnooi. a Bdrma., don. 1. bath, dining rm.. la. llr..rm. with reception kail, full finished baaoment with partr room 3 eitra bdrnia. a) bath, oil fur Bace, I flrtplaeta. Thu homo bnlll 10 loot. Tile root, eepper plumbtna plpoe, metal easeraeBte. aiiowa br appelnl menL Geo. A. Walters, Realtor tot a. Cemracrcls, ph. 117 BVa. 44111 a 147' $500 DOWN No l-oedroom homo la tood dis trict. Hardwood floors, oil haal. larao kitchen wltb dlnlna area, woll-ar-ranaod mint room with picture win dow, owaar win aotulder car or Iota at dowB parment. Pull prlea anlr 17,140. Verr reaeeaeble aaoaihlr par- C. V. KENT & CO. &KALTORS 444 at. Church Phono e-aaee less, and Bandar, ML KCNT 1-171 alH' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Orron TuawUy, August 18, 1953 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS COUNTRY HOME, id Mri. to C1TT CEWTIR-ll aaraa with madera J-bdrm. bouae. He. rra. with flreploeo. din. rm., bltcnoa at Boob, I Bdrre. down, lull bath, 1 bdrma. up with rouahod-la full bath. kauaa, la., barn. Ideal cloaa-la aaroaao. CALL J. I. LAW T"?,.TTf BualBeee Zona. Lot llt.ll aarnar lot. ?iJS' f.Ui?'? ""'' House with I arta. Price lull reduced BOmT'j" " CALL O. B. ORABEN- buhnem opportunities HOE repair HOP-ln ana at a.l.m'e batltit dUtrlcti. Art alack and equipment loaa. Tarma. 0o,"T m.T-Z.VM"n-"""" JteTIOHBORHOOD OROCZRY-A good location. Rlahwar frontage. Groceries, meal and twa gaa pumpa. All neeeeearr aaalpment, 1-rr. leaU available. Laat roer'a act approa. irvoo. price sim. uood terms. CALL H. X. LATMOH-PO PURTHtR DITAIL1 ivSJAL.,?fHi.0?!,.L0CA'no,,-""',,, l" "n Bnglewaad. I Sf r H.i1'"' 1M" " "". Ur, rm. with fireplace. J ?-. 1, and Book, loeeir Pullm.n bath. oimir rm. Auto! t oauVuw0' V BAOT BIOT. OVIRLOOKINO RIVER a VALUT-One of the beat bura li;.h:-..D'Si '" " H-blrc. k "he? aVti! diihwuher, M.d. fire., auto, oil heal, lie. a mala floor. ."H- p"- Tou "Mo' ak for anrlhlng mara Brand new. Be the flnl to aee. I II. too. CALL ROT a. PERMS gt7?.n.T'f,,,.f"T i0,y,",',,"K:l, " "!' &.'"' "" f""1""1 arranaeineftl, bath with dele. with,K"rf"L "" 1 h " aupboardi, equipped oaffaaW GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 . tlbarlf m. a j.7 . trenlnga a Sundan eall b:. Laraon Mm j, t. Law a-iiil Ror rerrla i-taii a REAL ESTATE turn imi REAL ESTATE m DOWN or hit twiattr la I-m. kw bom 2 rif cl4 ticflltnk toh4U tion, mJl monthlr prmati 434 liiaw bi. ro. wt. aim1 fioiaLTWooo tiutriei hm vim i iivuik roam, aioini raotBt IIMaMaV larc bedroiM. lirtplM. buinmi lou with ppU, Nub and Mar tri blooh bui n4 $tor; Mtal for oracon tmploTod In th aortb part of n cur. o,uw, onir s ptr month fur down payment or trill n.dtr tor or puuainf ion, mono mtm. olH It OWMtl Vrr attractir 3-bedroom houao, chicken hooM, gar art, f-acrt tract, fhont tftBlngo 4-1171. ilftf AST BALBH HeUhU hoiut. larto lot. tow aown paTotfOk rnont i-iut tv. Dion or eunaar. tltt' CHEAP TAXES Imulated, olMtrlo boat. 9-TT.-414 l-bdrm. houao At attuhad rM, me jfaeoo parl. ciom to Mtiooi, itorot a buj. Torm. 80M. i-nroi l-HH OTtBinta. 0200' VMSwAUraoUTO (bdrm. homo on ft. Lineola at, star Loollo r. biih. lea, rra. wi.n now oarpat, flraplaeo, . aouoio farua, o.r I m. M. rrr f GeoiX Walters. Realtor 1 awe aj. voBUBeraiM n. mm Ira. ) . al7 T OWNEB t-bodroom home, I fire place, t katha, double garage, p:ir- room, Tlew. -444B. a200 kr OWNEB t-bodroem koma, low dowa parment. Phone 3-48M. al(7' tetU bp build r. Maw htraam noma, i aa. I. irooto. Baala Included oot wtok n)r. too ot 1730 Lanalor Art. Phona aoiOT. a MO ATTRACTIVE I bedroom botuo In Wait flalem. IftOf down, M month. I7 wanunt or. inai. uoo i MODERN HOUSES on tamo lot, Ona 4-raar-old -room. oaa i-yu--old 4 room. Oaraiea attached. 3410 Broad war. Malta on offor. 020 ! BY OWNEB S-roar-old l-bodroon. onaxe. rw aown. Harawoofl floora, coved ceillnta, oil pluttrad. now palnl. Automatic ell furnao haat. 1 ttltvik to buo. Drlvo br 4759 Thurman. Call 4ian for appoint mtnt, mm WIIX SEtX vr wultr in new 3bod- room homo. $1800. Poailbla low down payment. 3240 Towntind W. am H.7M, KEIZER, nodorn 3 badroom nouao. Ntwip paintod la nn nut, itt aero. Photia 4-1700. a3M WHY BEMTf When you can' bur thli aoar 3 bedroom horn ttln MoKlnlor ohool dlilrlct for onir IM down, full prleo tb,M0. Drlvo br 710 Waldo ATtnoo thon phono 1-4310. A. 1 ftMthlln, Brokor, 19$ W. Lincoln. mltf MALL MODEM I aodrooa bOOM to . Wat Salem. Win eonaidar Inrtor homo with acTtue, Aoklnt prleo 04.100. Bomo tonrn B. laharwood Boaltor. 1110 Wol laeo Rd. Ph. 46lfll. 0197 T. VZIfCKNT tB.X., tlraplto. forced alp Dtleo oil furnaot din. area. Ohooao pour own elare. Bur direct from builder. 1107 Poena. Bto. Ph. 41403. a 101 It OWNEB, oonltp 3 bedroom homo ouburban. Well built. Lou of bullt-lne. IniuHLM. oitiao. contract In unit Ph. 32200. atir FOR SALE LOTS CITY LOT on pared atreot. base 1-uil. aal7 fO SALE ACREAGE i acuta 1 mi. mo. Aumerlllo. hwr lr. alodern furn. hou.o. l rm. and balh. 0od wall. Term. Fhon. AumlTlll. a. t). J. M.rrltt. bl7 THREE-BEDROOM, BLOCK TO SCHOOL i block to oehool, prioed at oalr wltb ll.aoo down, call chat ror appolBtrntnt i aae. m SUBURBAN SPECIAL .1?.? ! i1! "I """ " d"Km dowa, on up wiilr wientr apace for another. Nice Urine room, dlnlna room, large kltehes with Hin t of tile and bullt-lni, In. Id. utllltr, large garage, aieep. tlonall niea rard with eprlnkllng eratem In front. Hie aarden .paaa witn orerhead aprlnkllng aratem. Lot 7 a no, aood wall furnlablaa pleatr water, rat to ate. call Dale ftarbura. SUBURBAN SUMLIME hif tl?"f 1? irV '" . nlg room and a kll.hea that roud think he read rour mind. ThU home la aurroundod br ?. 1 V ' " '"ere. Whp not bur the rlaht to GRADE "A" DAIRY v. f "!. W1"L "iree-badroom home, large machine ahed, la-atanchlon nam, loafing ehed with 1100 ao. feet. 1 alloa lull of aru enalUga 11 w.f.l!!.M;',.'v.,,, " ". i aca bar. good IL fJkiJJ "? ml'n ""' ,w.'- " 10-hor.e elaetna Tn.r "hi I ,H,a"k jroarlng'IMO par month. All maehlaerr, nUoP K'otilTiiiS T'lhJ."'- Thl U ' '" tan. Therau ,n7u.t Tha, 'vZIhTSu iVS'JV.Vr.' YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH THIS ONE I,r" " "Tln reom- "I" fireplace, nice aitonen and dicing room, attached garage, big utllltr and etoraae HERE IS A REAL TRADE FOR YOU thi call "JibE "XKl " "mk THREE BEROOMS I"?,"" f11-.?' '"Htr a bur a nearlr ntw threa-badroom iMtoSiJ.1"11? PVI"1 "" "nd "" nd a .kip and bo tJ.'lA'i'1:.?",: nd,"nr a mar be arranged. Thle mar SuT.Su! nMl"1 " The prlca la right, at woo. ONE AND ONE-HALF ACRES Tbla I. a Terr nice lot, 111 a .IT, drlrewar grerel. lot fenced with WK'k? S'" lB "' ',cu nl tl""- Parmanent powe? 21. SIi. L.."dv3S?' 0w,,,r mu,t 'own becauia of 111 health, aa thli before buying a building jet call Tlbbetta. aim. RAWLINS REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT BEALTOR) OM . Capitol omc, ,.,, 4.J711 L .... Evening honei , Tlbbotl 1-7111 ehet 1-433 Jim -l87 Pale Rarbura J-1011 el WZ SPECIALIZE IN TRADES Wl NEJO LMTHOai Soma, Paraia. u.iaww, meier vouru, Tareraa. wbat bare vauf A WONDERFUL BUY Oft Felraaoufti mil. Onlr 4 rra. aid. I bedroom.. Owner hae left etete nd aara aall It. a br 10 ft. let. la aulalod. Prd. It. Oaraee. In rerr good oeadlllea. Pull prlea oalr IMK. Term. ftrraBaed. . POSSIBLE 3-BDRM. Brand ftew. laalda ellr. Oil heal, t klba. ta bua, laeulaled. 41 br 171 let. Mara the pleaaura ol being the tint wbot at a home l the prkM of a a.d heuee. Jul IhJna, 11 a onlr M7M. Terma, STOP LOOKING ere U one that' o real bur. Ovn t forced u eeli, Onlr 0 rrs. old. I A met propattp to jbow. Bp. utllltr room. Larao or per lot. Pull priec OVir 9W9W. $500DOWN Or will aoe.rl ear far oeullr. t tMdroom Blue utllltr. Car port. Vea blloda. t blki. ta Bnalawood eehoel. 1 bll. I bua. Fall prlea 11711. $1000 DOWN oa tbla tott a Mr m tiro ihlnr new homo. Hae a nice fimlaeo. OH beat. Jktt. laraao. 3 bike, to bua. otoro and ocnaoi. hot it by 217 and th iint of aoll for aarden and borrfee. Juat think, tho full price la onlr tM. "HIIGHWAY FRONTAGE" Oa PI. cloa. la. north. mU fcome. food well. Lot 71 a in, onir e4,eoo OU e.wv aowa. - wr. franlasa in eltr. Hie H acre, two-bedroom horn., fruit and But treea. No. I lone for builnaaa. A ateai ler 17, K. oood Urma. Bualnaaa Blda. oa Bwr. and thro, noma, five eeregea, beautiful all-llle bain, and klt.hona la taa at th. home. Carpet and drapaa .tar. Lot aa a aoa. room for mor. bloe. loo ft. weu. A aood bur at 1)4. to. Good lerma. Salcm'i First Drlv-In alt rORTLANO ROAD PH. 1-711 SMITH REAL ESTATE ULTRA MODERN Super da luio UateHiotel combina tion. ThU la tho rleanoat and moit luiurloua proportr of Ita kind wo have over had on our book. OorKcoua tvall-lo-wall oarptto. Bteel furnlturo. The flneat linen money can bur. Tiled tath ID taeh unit. Lane prd. parklnc area for cara. im.OOO full prlea. Very liberal terma. Plrat 30 dan operation aver aitw troaa. INCOME $700 PER MO. on thla remodeled IJ-unlt motel. Com pletely furnished. Over an bero of land which mean lota of room for expansion. Bt. frontaie on front and rear. Very oaer to operate. Pull prlca J ft. 000. Terma. GROCERY wtlh Ilvinr quarter. Packaeed bear lleenee. Purehaia prleo of oo lncl. aheivlnr, flit urea, frooan food cab inet. Inventory at Wholeiale. Monthly rant onjy ao. 10 PLUS ACRES with a modern 4-bedroom houat, Sep. utllltr room. Barn, chicken hpuie, eome furniture, fiooo dowa will bandit. Pull prleo 0A0. 6Vo ACRES' V.rr eloae In eaat. Ideal location for ecnool. pvd. rd. Beat of aoll. Vear good well and garage. Fine bldg. aita lor Borne, rull price IS7M. AUCTIONS HELP WANTED BEAN PICKERS PaMlitor now for nlcklna. im pard of trelllaed baana. Btartlnf about Aug. 00. Watch thla opaoo for osact Urtloc dato. Ooad oaanp, wood, llahu on caoiw ww tana jMMaoa. Dally bua aarvico iroai saiem. Bua routo to published aooa la this paper. Wriu u. r. Mcuartnr Son. Kt. 3. Box 03S. omm, ortfon, or drlvo ant alloa a nauta Hivar rooa or l aaiiaa out ai inaepenaoneo , Tnia u ona or tho val late batter rarde aad tarn p. D. P. bfo- vartnr aaa. hi. j, mom 03), Oialeta, Oreioa. Phono nldeptndenso 1P3, ajlOT WANTED BEAN Plokcra. i mllaa M l. of Kelr on uko Lablsh. Watch for oions. uoofl pieiiar. mo cnildren der IS. Jtalph Uaialnt, Ph. ooou. tiOT HELP WANTED MALI SUDTELL'S AUCTION FURNITURE, WCD., AUG. ItTH 7 P it!., IB 11 AILVEIITOM RO. PHONE 20091 0 Complete 0 Rooms of furniture to be sold to hiiheit bidder. lost Coldspot Refrle., Hotpoint tlee. Range. 1 pc. Duncan Phyfa Din. Rm. act. Maple dresser, i Maple dreaiera, Twin beda complete, I piatrorm rock- are, S chest o-drawera, Youth bod complete, Ploor ft table lampi, Xnd Tablea, coll aprtntJ, 0 oood inner- eurlno cotton mattrauoa. washftTra. Band saw (34 In. throat), ceveral ruts v oarpetini, new davanoa ehalre, Hkleabada, I pe. sectional, davanoa s cnaira ami many" nut. articles. come, a food sale to Puv or sell. LAN! BUDTEUB AUCTION BAXU YD dlOl' FLHMTl'SB 6-rm. houM, good, and Priced to sell. 3140 S. Church. dl07 WANTED FURNITURE 40 ACRES Near Aalem. 13 A. under cultiva tion. Modern T-room bouaa with full baaoment In oiccllent condition. CThleken house. S-car gawo, Pull price 117,000. $800 DOWN an thla 30 A. traot near Salem. Modern older typo 4-bedroom houao. 30 br 30 nam. chicken house. Tool ohop. Oood wen. run price iobso. For Homes and Business Opportuni ties, eall for MR. KIOOINA (Eve. 4-6404) or DAN IflAAK IbTve. 4-31,33. or RAY GRIMMETT (Eve. 3-7479) or MR. CRAWFORD (Eve 1 4-6020). Pot Parma onlr. eall for MR. LEAV ENS (Eve. 3-47361. If no answer, call 4-3240. I ALSO LICENSED IN WASH. fc IDAHO MORTOAOE LOANS SO Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office PhoneJi: 4-1311 or 1-7030 Eve. Phoneo: 3-4735. 4-S404, 4-0030 4-3333 Or 3-7S70 ' 1030 Portland Road If no answer, phono 4-3340 el97' aU 3-BEDR00M HOME $9250 Tou r bees waiting tor thl. one ... 11 rear, old, 11 i 11 llrlai room, lltohea with nook, I bed rooma down, I tip, Idaal loeatloa la la.i inaiewood. Thla ana . won't laat long. LM Ohatart Itiadr caiao PARK-LIKE SETTING And a new ah thu, piua a modem l-bMlrooaa horn, inaa aa. ft tor snip 111.000. War sot take a look lodarl ' IT'S NEW 4oTIll."i?BId,!;iSrS'"J ,,w '1 tauchee needed w?ui f.V. wLOVIVT, " ""aa lot. pared atreeL WIU take IWA or ol loan, Fried at 117,100. IF YOU WANT BEAUTY PLUS CONVENIENCE .r.i. "u Jm'u lmm, " Villa... Large U.lng room with dlalng room, bath .w:t REAL ESTATE ROY TODD REAL ESTATE ONE BLOCK TO SCHOOL larto, aomfortablo and clean, thla two-ndrm. home on pavod at. with aw walk and aewer. Cloao ta itoro ana nus. 0000. 20 on Your Investment Service otation. ororerr atora. rental oabtna, and nloa 1-bdrm. homo. atatlon sella Chevron taio- li ne and did 04.000 tallona In 1003 with 0 cents martin. Orocerr itoro and vmoin are reniea. idocated on OOE at a Junction with a well-used hith war. 34 acrea of land, plentr of room for other improvements. Owner wtil is Home iraae. fiv.aoo. OLDER BUT SOLID tU of tood Itvlni In me pet. Save two bodrooma, a larao llrint rmm, laraa aitcnen. Mr street Is paved. X have omo fruit and nuta an rnr larto lot. You are a mini pour Boner a worm at onir 14400. ROY TODD REALTOR till Slate t. Offlre h. Illll rrninaa eau: Klmpion, II1J4; RiKh. .Trie: xoqd. I17JI. elll1 Cutest Little Home I room and bath. Juat rlaht for ane ar iwa. Baa Br door. One blork U olora. Onlr 4 rra. old. Prleo 41 4. CLOSE IN 1 lota, alder kldga. Oood w.ll wmov aara aoll for Hot, cood arrma. Salfm'i Flnt Drive-In Hit PORTLAND HOAD PH. I.ToOT SMITH REAL ESTATE . I 1SKIHKD ADVPETlllNO Word, I nam lae Pel Herd Oi Tn W.rd, I Uaiae la. Per Te,a. 1 ateatk ao. He Eefende Mlalaiaa. la Worda rnr i. U..I Newa Oolaaaa Oalr, Per Word ta Mlalaiaaa II Worda. T Plar Ad in 8ame Dar . Pttprr, Phona 1-I4M atcfert II am rl.r, 1. a Una ho. tnV.,. o FAIRMOUNT HILL l hi".i,'.V'J7" ' "MM " wB-.paeieoa- IMm rooi r T "mpl"' tmit' ' "trance halU I.,.. . d """ ""m- ""4l There I. a full ft U te.i!J?S,"i,,"h ,"". ""'I'"- The new la to th, we. and II It) wonderful. The prlca la right, at Ul.aoo. Terma! OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 4tT Court at. ktvo,: Louis Lor em moo Ralph kladdr 33410 1 Ted Mtrrrtinn 9A040 Fhono 34111 34110 Henry Torre nd 13033 REAL ESTATE TRADE 1 ft. Kropf trailer horn,, birch In nor, eirctrle r.lrlirrator, wetet nr.i.r aa. .tore, in top condition want I b.drom home, eluoarbaa pre. rrreo. vaan tor tna Balance ap to .l,DW, 2 Bedrooms, Northeast tlvlnt room, rombinatton kltchrn. dlnlni. Ovrr 1.000 so. ft. floor apace with attached it rase, on lot. Bua 1 blk. Prlca 7.JM. About 11000 down. LOTS IN BEND Each 00110 In the Ftnt park Ad anion. 4 lots for Oood terms. ON AN ACRE 4 rooms with -bath, aood cirtW area, farm)? orehard. Drilled well, lota t aood water. PHA appraUal and iu- ina price, st.wu. rnA terms. ZWASCHKA 1700 Grant at. Realtor. Fhone 8-4flU u eloe:- REAL ESTATE NELSON Fairmount District 4 BDRM. - BA6EMKNT 4-bdrm, homo with basement on lot M s 150. Modernized older type home. wood furnace, O blsx. to achool. V, blk. ta bua, beautiful rard & view, price OTioo. call ura. wootten. 2 Bdrms. - $8950 Would you Ilka a nearly new house on a larto well-shaded, lot near Xeiser achool? The bdrma. are 11 1 13. llvini rm. 10 1 10, dlnlna rm. 10 x 13, and a lano roomr kitchen. Call AI. Watts, Owner Says Sell t BDRUB. 1 ACREA Suburban homo with 1 bdrnu. Ut floor, fplace., famllr orchard. Pas ture, barn, ahop bide. On surfaced rad, cioso to eltr lim ltd. Owner left eltr. Price Mono. Newly Built - for Family Ara too aooiini xor oonroomsr This ta Itl I bdrma. finished, 3 bdrms. un finished 1000 aa. ft. on Ut floor O-B autom. forced air furnace, fenced in rant, lot 10 x no. price US too. DOWN TOWN 30-UN1T APARTMENT Owners' health forces Mould a Mm Wonderful oarnina record ntttlni over 0700 per month. Proportr in aood aon dttlon. Excellent terma mar be ar ranged for ouallfled buyer. Owner will accept home, contracts or morttatejt down parment. Prlca 070.000. Call Mr. acbmldt. NELSON & NELSON cIPECIAUZINO REALTOR mi m. Huh at. Ph. J-IIM C19 KI'II'm-jJI):!'!..!!! da' ''"'liiiiH'li'3 FjJair??Ji'ff. CAN YOU SELL? Tou probablr do not know, nor do we unices we aamoie aoma or our and moner to find out. Duo to tho pro motion of atome of our men. I will conduet Interviews and select the men who will enter our training pro gram, whkh provides them a guar antee while being trained. 01 nee our train lor programs ara eitenilve, onlr men wr.e enow promise win 00 given consideration. Naatneaa In appearance, ownership w a car, aoiiitr to travel live dars a week ond a high achoiil education are baate rawulrementg. Ro part-time men neon appir. an X 8VKLA StNATOR north 10:00 A.M. ta voo pm. , WBSNEADAT, AUOUBT II galfltj- NKvf CAB lALtHMAN Permanent posl non. nus oeai in vauer. Reierencaa reoulred. Writ Box 107, Capital Iour- nai. gaSOO1 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED LadF for houaework and child care, ura in. Permanent. Phone 3-oost. moo WANTED Olrl for stock control clerk and general offloa work. 10 to 10. Ba lem Auto Parte, lf4 N. Liber tr. gbloo WOMAN In vicinity of South 12th and Pair view ta da lltht housework and ara of o-raar-old alrl. 0 hour per aar. rnono x-ffj. vbzoo1 STENOOeUPHEOWToung woman Sbore average aomtr a no aiertoaag, aood personality, ooiietto education or ex perience. Permanent position. Top sal ary for right person. Pea paid by em ployer. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY, 404 StatO Bt, Phone 4-3351. gbl07 WOMAN1. Oeneral housework. Live 0t N. Liberty. In. gbi07 COR SALE MISCELLANEOUS to Sals MISCELLANEOUS GLENN WOODRY'S FURNITURE MARKET .EXPANSION SALE . . a05 N. SUMMER 6T. w.'re bulldlnt a laraa addltloa. We're crowded. We're piled. We're duetr. We're oreratocked. We're offerlna barealne Uka rou Borer Beard af. Com. in and look them ar.r. t New, different, atahJr atrlad darofta and awlaid roakor aetl, taata la beautiful melauie tweed oorera. Ree. price Ilia, now onlr lilt, arer aa . aeta to chooae from. Rea. IIM.oO bow llll.PB eitra ewlaa roekera, laraa aeloetloB af oorera, top, mohair, veloura, all la double eprlna aenetrua tlon, prleo Ur.PI. Occlonal chair., wal. fin., mohalra, rarona, all hard wood .prlna eoau, roa. IM.fa, now onlr llt.16. Alaa manp good uood ' dareaporta, enalre, darenoe, aectlooale, $14 and up. Deaka, hardwood drop lid. wal. bleach, Bap. flnlah uauallr aella III , bur them new 111.14.- 71 atria to rhooae from tll.le and up, Kn.ehola atrlaa alao aood Bead deaka, new. Bedroom furniture baraaina. 1-pe. ffroup fet. aelllnff arer olol, ftow (II 10 pleeea, till. Several bow aata. Ut. and Mr., ar raaltr, aeveral uaed arte cheat of drawere, 11.50 and up. Mew lino, rule lalt, IS PS. Mew wool ruaa 111 to Ml so. Uaed ruaa 44 and Bp. almmana new roll. awar bode 111. OB. aummon. .hole, loun.e Bv.r mniii mt ,hu ,ri ... Contour ehalre. Ill ll. tawn awlna, canopr lop. 111 PI. Uetal ahalra Till?' OM"' throme din. lie aeta, a-pe. Many atrlaa and colore. O'V-VO. . Here ta tho aharoeat bur la II. atora, Wew tnnereprlnl mattrea. and) Boa aprtna combination, twin alae. 120.14. Hollrwood upholatered head Joardi and le, complete, lll.M. o carrr complete Slmmoru Una. Rew Rlaaalar wal. ar bleach tablea, cocktail, atop earner, 131.451 ales ? i'"e, " ,5 L,r" locl1 "aed table., rirepleaa draw .creep, braae ar blaak, rei. IK II, bow Ill ll uaed El. ranaaa, rofrlaeretoT.. I!ZS.,'V?!!!ii.'u r,"'' .". w"w ' '' "-. I!?"' J?5. Blrror. '"ha, trpewriter, a'dini machine!, babr acalea, crJbe, floor lampa, table lamnr. ..?t-Cl,.i'.", "If' ' -'. aer.rod tial'ler, dlnlna a. la. I!., i? 1 M" "",n"' wattreaaea, aak for II, wa mill, have It. All mdae. new or uaed on aala Prlca. Remmeber the addr.aa, 1404 N. Summer t., for Better Baraaina. BIM .eew....,ee,eee,,, EDUCATION HHS. FRANKLIN WARD, teacher of iain. oprciai erapnasis an keyboard umrmmr. 3 one-nan hour lessons 1 one-hour lesson per week. 1003 woo Mill at. Phone 3-071. hhlOO1 MEN & WOMEN 18 to 49 Our trained Councilor will be in Aaim oon. Be wants to talk about ronr mamiT io train ror employment MOBILE ELECTRONICS: RAILROAD WMMUW1UATION8, TRUCKS, BUB, TAXI, rlRK DPT., ETC., T.V. AND RADIO INDUSTRIES. If you have the BQimr you will be advised about PI are, ment. Par. Hoaoltal nation, rtn Passes, employment, etc. Write United nairvsrs insutute,, box 100. co Capi tai JournaJ. hsioT WANTED TO RENT BEDROOM ROUIE Dlnlna room and llvlna room. Prefer bai.ment. na cnuareo. Aeout no. Al Richardson. rood Manaior, State Penltantlarr. Ph. FAMILY or a wlahei to rent 1-bedroom weu lurnieneo nouaa BP Sept. 1. twees Itl i and 444 month. 1,7,3 "HI EXPERIENCED aalaa alrl wasted. Applr Martman Broa. loo atate. abl7 DEPENDABLE mlddle-aaed ladr for child care. Mr home. 4-1131. abl97 unfurnlahed house. Call BEDROOM FOR RENT ROOMS WANTED SALESMAN RABBITS DOES AND Bucks, California strain Oood clean stock. 4410 Claxtor Rd. eb307 PETS SAYt These are nice. Blamese klttena witn deep Blue or... Phone lH34. eclM' HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 111! McCor. one block east af X. Capitol. IVj blocka norm oi asaouon. Ph. 36817. eclM' PARAKEET Babies and breeders. Healthr bird.. 1140 Llrlnxaton. Phone a-ie.a. ecioo' CHAMPION BRED BOXER puppies, ar. rr pup potential cnampion. aaoore -tTopicai nsn. par.keeu. Turtle., aup. Pile. I mil., from Lencaater or McClear road. 4-1771. Cloud Wednas- or. actio1 PEKINESE puppr. Call 4141 Lancaster w...,.,,ea,w,,w FUEL WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE, If tour aroperts ta foi sale. rent or otchange, tut It with ua We have all kinds of cash buyers 0TTATE FINANCE CO, REALTOM 113 m Rlib 0t oa WE ARE ta need of good noustw to selh in or near aaiem. u ran wuh to list pour property for sale, ee ORAB sTN HORJfT BROS.. REALTOR ia n L-ineriv pn f-am EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ir OWNER, sell or trade' home at Lin coln Beach for home ta aalem. Call 1M. tblOl WILL ACCEPT UP to 115.000 for aalem modem homo In tood condition. East. On atravberrr Parta worth IIS ftofl Write Rnt 1 Tapttal .lournal rhlM- An Opportunity larier noun aj x 30 ft. Concrete nutiuun wiur, laargo trees I rear of lot. House very livable. Lot - " nisinci. itoo dowa. VERY ATTRACTIVE wo-acorr, lour-bedroom home. Pun beiemtnt Ursa llrlna room with tlre- wim 10 .ua achooL New carpeta A drapaa Included. Lot 17 a 111. Well landacaped. Propetlr la In I?.".'!?" "n"i. ThU la 4 bup (ar 411,400. Terma. BEAUTIFUL n.w, modern, lull fire-room residence nih double aara... Located on Weat alem H.lshu. Hot water heat. View im. un ouad atreet. Thla la aft as. ..ftnuiKi opportUSItr, Rex Sanford Finance in No. Hi.h at. pb. .,, 4.IM, BUSINESS & INCOME PALU CITY la apartmenta, I furnlahad. Larto i. . ""'"'n' ana all eoulpped as lorkere. Atore bulldlne la, aed at III! month. All apartmenta whoa ful Ir occupied brmc la iim month. Thla la an unuauallr aood deal and owner win take trade and cash, will trade moat anrwhere and If rou hare the cosh It will moke poo. a, real deal. Donl' paaa thla up aa It la a oood la reatmrnt. Present owner laarlaa aft account at health. J. E. LeCLERC, REALTOR 1411 N. capital pa. mil CUT Chickens!' ! Chickens !! inir aoa nown outs 4 aero place with extra large chicken house, room for several thousand. Oh I Yes. a 3 bedroom home for tou. It needs a little work, but what da rou aipect for only ouoo. Near St. Vincent OTOM will hup a tood 4-bedroom homo. It Isn't new but It has plentr of aood living spare and It In oi eellent condition. La ree corner lot with aasortfd fruit treee. Paved at. One block ta bua. New 3-Bedroom ! Pingwood HeithU. An excellent, ae eluded neighborhood to free so thla property. Oood lew from lane pietura window In living room. La ree dlnlna room. Lerte. well arfaneed kitchen with apace for chroma set. Largo utility room witn ample room lor deopireesa. id, sot. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE Phone 1-1301 4-1471 .-IIM Ml 4MuU Hleh tUreel Phone IreBlnaa and alundap 4-1111 Mill 1-4071 eiia PLANE B ENDft oreen or drp Out ol tows deiirerlea. aawduat; blaware and P.O. WEST eULXU PUaTL CO. 1131 Sdsswater Ph. 14011 ... Paae'opoope'e.aoaaae.papa.. FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED experienced uaed oot salesman, write Box 1B0 Capitol Journal, gglfl? EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE JOBS Bee ua for oualltr Jobs. Benefit by our knowlodga of employers and bp our axpenenca sn ma community. Chock our Uittngi Mon. mt Wed. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 404 State t. (Oregon Bldg.) 4-3351 gflOO WANTED POSITIONS PAINTING Interior, exterior. alcClalB and Ooldon. Phona S-1312 or 3-llfll. n.117 DIPANT Oat CHILD cara la mr home. Ph. aisoa. hioi East Salem Kindergarten atari aeptembcr 32nd. Reclster bow. One block aoutb of JEbner's Park aad Wark.t. Call 1-7174 or 3-1057. hill- BOUTK SALES WORK wanted. Perm., reliaaie, ateadr, married, aae 14, two cmraron. ompioroa, oest oi reiereBces. eraiem rielBitr preferred. Phono Al. banr 111. L. R. Killer. ' hill ATTRACTIVE ROOM cloaa bulldlnn. Ill N. Winter, state 11101' niur. riKST FLOOR sleeplna room. Hot .nq cojq water. VI 1 NO. Hlah. JklOl1 i amaooa Blcelr furnlahed Individual unit In court. Haa fireplace. Welkins dlatance to capltol bulldlnca. Adulta mr. no peta. feo monthlr. Ph. lliao. llllt NEWLY REnKCORATID llaht houte keeplna room. Ladr. IIS No. Church IklOl NICE ROOM In aula! home, kitchen prlrlletee, wuhlnc machine. Close to wnerai nospiiai. Transportation. Ph nkar CAPITOL bulldlni, attracttre oownsiairs room. 3S3S1, 7s Marlon . Iklll' ATTRACTIVE room, prlrata home. Gen tleman. Ill N. aummer at., Phone "It Iklll FOR RENT HOUSES MAPS New eltr maps shnwlnr bp-pass hlah war arallabla at rour farorlta book atore. Look tor Relcon Maps. JmlM LARGE 3-bedroom house, cloao to down aown anoppina area, call 1-4114. JmllT' LICENSED DAY NURSERY Phone 3-1023. Espeelallr for Infanta anq a rears. naoi' WE ARE hatchlnl New Hampehlre Oold- en nroeo ano Aroor Acrea White Rock, ever we,, special prlcea to rear 'uuoa iryer arowers. ror. Hatcbetr, .oju nr. rnone l-tpse. f1 NEW BAMPSH1BE pulleta. 5 months bier, Oerrala. 7th and O at Primrose .j.J'I I1B4 PRODUCE YELLOW MEATED eantaloupe from Yak imn vauer. A so Ireah ere.n .mi Oreen Apple Market, 1 miles north on PEACHES Polks, those deiictoua tree -ripened Improves Crawford i and Oolden Jub lleira arc now ready at Jess Mathla orchard and fruit atand. I miles north or na.em on nx nithway. ffi MOST VARIETY of neachti in worm iree uravonsteln. IV, mile from nriflia on waiiaca HC. L. K. Wendt, ffJlf HKHAMA OARDENfl opens Friday. Aug. j. ifBiurms some-grown carrots, wax beans, new rad aputls, broccoli. berts. Also pickllnc cukes; free dill vim oraers. va mi. w. Mehama on old niway. ffiV7, rirttUNes Clr'KF.8 frenh dally from our iarm iwa run ae pound. Organically grown potatoes, red or white. Peachea now on market. Phllllpa Broa. Farm Manet. a39o ror u ana ltd.. Saiera. Phone J4413. jf NPW WHITK KORK potatoes, H4C per lb. mia tmmtvi HQ. v mile west Of ivMwrsrnooi. f f 197 HELP WANTED bean riCHERS DeAart and Alt will start pickinw, Aug. M. Be ready for irucg at a: to. t9T KITCHEN REL1- Apstdwar. Jllp Cen ter t. fio phono calls. g HEN AND WOMEN to work on our bop picking machine. Starting August 17. Day and nteht work. Located 1 miles north of eaten, on tho River road. Call Aalem 4-133 Of 4-U3J. Mlttlon Bottom Harvexler. a Journal Want Ads Pay INCOME PROPERTIES OI'T Of RTATI owner otfera Myrtle .rtTKe iTracon, income propartp, rae onabir priced. For eonpleto detain, telephone Mrg. O. F. PeitersoR tflalem - before Friday nlaht. cliog To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 4 TNIT apartment houaa. Rent ar sell 1171 N. 4th. cdlH IQV1PMENT AND LIARS at AllTtr Falla LCKtre. can J-niT. edli7 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOl-RER REEr-fVhlto face Jareford. lie. Locker pork lie. fseihinc down. 4 moa. ta pap Custom kllllna. Trail .r loaBad free. Aeleaa at eat co Ull a Mis. Pa. I -Mac, aar BP N Pit KERB wanted. Phona Illll. Pred Hrlna. RL I. Boa 171. a III' XOD NEED rour kitchen, bathroom, cell, inss and walls washed? Also rour win. oowsr can 4-4114. h204' WANTED Oarden work Phone 3-7341 erenlnas. the der. hl!7 ROToriLLlNO Middle Orora Nura.rr ...o aurerion Ha. Phono 4-IB13. CARPENTER and repair work wanted. rn. 1145a. hl94' RELIABLE BABY SITTER Will fo dare or mania, rnone a-epea. hloO' CHILD CARE la mr home, tnalawood dlatrut, br hour, dap or week, call hill CHILD CARE Znalewood district. 1010 n. i,.n. airs, nertie jonnson. 3-4143. . niaa1 raiNTiNO, paper hanalna, dar or contract, amall lobs welcome. Phone a-iom. MOT EXPERIENCED Irplat-bookkeeper. work irom mr nome reasonable. Phona 13311. MM REMODEL NOW! Free home planning service. Let m give you a free estimate on your noma or repairs. Also In a tall at) on of roofing, avetrouahs. aid' ma or oiner materials. Montgomery Ward Phona I-I19I M Mo. Liberty - - hatOl' uoht crawler doting, dirt level ing. grading. Phono 2-3320. h207' PAPER BANGING, painting. Frea es timates. Don Lucero. ph. 1522. h201 bA N MOWERS, SCIKSORS. CllPDST heada, etc.. sharpened. Oeneral Mo tor nepair, isi oertb. rnone I-1KI, LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiHer work aervice center. Phone 4-SS73. h1 raiNTUVQ Exterior and Interior, and wan wora. rnono o-zglg, I-if 33 A. hJOO1 CRILO CARE In my home by hour. Day or vns. tail avaov. ao. capltol dU- frici. hl9f yard work wanted Ph. IIS 48. gardening hl7 FOR RENT OFFICE RFACRInoulra at IM Blgh OPPICRINO MAC HI Ml and field crew help. Alto oiperloneod head dryer man and dryhouia crew. Four trucks with drivers and one-wheel tractor with driver. About II days work. W. w. Orahem A son Yard, north of Salem, near clear Lake. Call weekday t to 1 pm.. 4-1211. g3ooa ITCHE RRLPitan ahop, 2 tod Port land Rd.. No phono calls. rOR RFNT OR LRAKR Hall suitable for vnurcn, .oai or wnat nave you. im medlata poaitesslon. Rent only TI pgr roonm. ai isaai, neaitor, Ph. 4-1311. LARGE warebouao apnea for rent at leaaa. Cement floora. brtok building Down tawn, Inaulro R gtlff Put nlturo Co. Phone 1-tlWS. j FOB LBASWltO I 200 feet frontage oa Bdgewater Kt, West EaJttm. Ira J. FU to, ph. 1102. f. CLEAN, OLDER I bedroom home, saw oust heat. 160 par month. Rawlins wcauy. 3000 ti. capital. 4-1781. Jm' IaAhue I-room bouse with utility room, ell circulator. Convenient ahop. ping. Ph. I-49B2. jmlttfl I'BEDROOM unfurnished house, eub urban, north, on 9E. Phono 4-4076. Jml7' t-REDBOOM HOl'HI. Close In. Phone win auer :is p,m. Jm200 a-ROOM HOUSE 4t. Call S79M. 33 Cherry Ave. Jml7 ALMOST NEW unfurnished one bedroom. narawooa iioors, electric neat, eloae 1. 313. Jmaoi S BEDROOM house. Elec. heat, double garage. Water furnished. 7J. call 24336. JmlB6 M CATTERLIN 2-bedroom. M5. 44424, 20772 evening. Oil heat, JmlfiB- 1-bedroom unfurnished, wall-to-wall UBrptjuni, gJecinc ileal, 45. 4-2744. jmaoi FOR RENT APARTMENTS VEST CLEAN, ptcelr furnlahed1. S-room ant.. aU utllltiea furnlahed. lit. West aalem, Purntahed 1-bedroom bouse, Weat Salem. III. 1111 Xdaewcter, 3-1101 .ree, 11:11. Jplll DOWNTOWN let floor, I room, bath, prlrata enlranoa. 191 Center at. Jplll I ROOM apartment. Prlrata bats. Adult.. 701 N. Llbarlr. Ph. 11817. Jpln CLORE IN, to ouiet people, 3 room fur nlahod apartment oa aeeond floor, aieeplna room, l.t floor, aoperate en. trance. 816 No. Cottage. Jplll CLEAN I ROOM fursUhad apartmant, Prlrata bath and ealraBee. 1H5 N. Winter; Jpin COURT APARTMENT. Cloaa in on R, Commerclel. 3 rooma and garata. Pb. mil ar 34414. Jplll MODERN DNrURNIEllED 44aom, 1 Bed. room apartment, ilea aw. utn. jplll NICELY FURNISHED apartBMBta: Am. oaasanor Apts no no. Rummer Jp rURNIBHED apartmant. Clean. 441 TJn. ion st, 130. m per month, call 3-1434. Jplll IEVKRAL furnished apartmenta, cood location. Inaulra B. L atllf Parnlture. Phona 1-lllt ipa CLEAN DPSTAIRA apartment. Prlrata entranaa and bath. Waahln. facilities, aarace. 731 Ba. 13th. Jplt7o BE READY for winter. Pine, aulas, close- in. Bieam nea,ea lurnisnea apartment. AdulU. Ph. 1TSII or 31311. ausdberc Apts.. BS5 No. Winter. Jploo MODERN furnished 3 bedroom duplex. Bullllna, laraae, Inoulre 3311 Br.r man Bt. Jpiol ' SALEM'S FINEST laraa 1 bedroom, fire. piece, uoturnionoo. area. 31117. Jpiol CLEAN I ROOM apartment. Reaaonable. srio no. rront. pn. 17717. JP147 ', LOST A FOUND THE PARTY WHO look tho weteh from tna atomic serrlca atatlon, Capltol and Market: If returned no ejueatlona aaked. Laraa reward. 31141. km LOST Brown leather billfold al Olln- aer, norma Jtdwarda, 30M Market. Ph. 34041. kieae MISCELLANEOUS BES-HIVI TRUCKS U-DRITR MOVE YODRJ1RLP AYE Vj CAR RENTALS frTAKIS . TANJJ TEXACO STATION 111 COURT T. phonh a.taai PAOI STXVXNSON and AL UaTPPORD SALDJ SAND As ORAVEL COMPAHT Contract work Road ClaarlBl DltehtM Sewar aad luemaBl Eoutpment Rental Cltchlnt bp the Poes Phone Dan 3-I4M Iru. 1-4417 ar 3-74U Salem, Oraffoa by ALE OR TRADE for lata modal pickup . nir reci.terea c-nincnilias, with or without rouni. Box 111, Capital Jour. Bl- mla? DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CARE DR. HARRY HPUT.wn naruia. Adolph Blda., Stale ae Commaralal ata. SALEM PH. 3-3111 LRT us DO rour luh amaklns and fish cannlnr. 8-70OB. mlm rrrrr.arri.aeajjj. ATTRACTIVE auburhan plastered duplex. ..rnru rarnr rurnlaned. Nice lawn and .hade tree, irt.lo. Ph. Illll. lmlB7 BUSINESS RENTALS STORE OR orpiCE SPACE In new build- ina, I., pp. 13tn. 3-0313. J01I7 BUILDING MATERIALS BrILDING IN Hollywood, approximately mi aa. ifeu sso a montn. call Raw una Realty, 8-4CtH, or 4-1701. jo GROUND FLOOR office or atoro apace wirni. tan at ritu Market Jo FOR RENT APARTMENTS rrK.NiKHKD NICE apartrhent. Caoltal oowpinm vww. jfeaaonaote. 400 No. 13th. CUMIE rooms. jpaor IN, attractive, furnlnhed, j near state bouse. 2-6MI. . jpaoi' VERT NICE I room, private bath, elec tric range. reMae rator, carpeted floora, soma furniture, Adulta. 3-0713. JP201 CLOSE IN, smau furnished duplex, 30. rra.ina pace. 100 Marion. JplSS" BEAUTirut 1 ROOMS and bath, partly uiuiaiii-a. nuraniBllC WOSnor. PO. 38S11 ddw rairgrounoa Rd. tr WINDOWS' Laraest slock la Salem. New w.etti. er. tripped window,, completelr aesem bled. 114.31 up. Una modera eaihea and crratal picture wlndowe, 14 up. Pick rour choice at baraalft prlcea. PLUMBINO New tolleta with aeat H M 30"xll" wash basins, compiela ,. 17.40 Bath tuba with flttlnia ........ It to Double iaundrr trars. complete . 30 7, ceoineie. complete ... Double kitchen elnks, electric water heaters, pipe 4" solid Oranaebsri pipe ,,,, 100 aal. steel septic tanks OTHER RlRmiH. Metal aaraae doora with hdwe IIS New 4l plaaterboard .r, 4x1 waterproof wallboard 11 74 Interior and ezterinr dLwmu. Jt..'.- battum auppir ,,,, Overhead door hdwe, Loose Insulation, per bat . Roll blanket Insulation .. . V' "Jap Birch'' plrwood " "Jap Birch" plrwood ., 4" Mahoaanr plrwood .... No. 1 Cedar ehlnalea No. 3 Cedar ahlnrlea No. 3 Cedar ohtnaleo e-iea rooilna . 41.04 .cbsap ....lac .117.90 .11.71 ... .11! ... 11.00 . .baraaln .... 34o ... tie .... . .430 I" 71 I 00 4 00 ATTRACTIVE I rooma. All utilities. Close In. Reasonsble. 174 N. Church. inquire in rear 470. JPII7" NICELY ruRNISHEf) larse. clean apart- m.nt. uinuies lurnlshea. Reaaonable 145 rto. lth. lolfll CLEAN, SMALL, MODERN, l-room fur. niMirq apartment, 1 or 1 adulta. No peta. Sheldon Apartmenta, 1341 N. Llbertr. ,.,. VERT NICE unfurnished 1-bedroom apartment. 133 N. lsth. rten... ... frlaerator, washlna machine and water furnlahed. Phone 31544. ipioi i-ROOM UPSTAIR apartment. Ranas. rvrrtroraior. leundrr. Ctllltle. b.ia 413 10. Ph. 3I4. 1311 Hasel A... JP10I all trpea alaaa doora New fir door Jamba .... Painted cedar ah.r.. Unpenned cedar ahakea Nrw aa&eatoa eldlnc P.xtartor white paint "'; ahaka moldlnc. per fool ,.,,, C G. LONG & SONS Pb. 4-MS1 One mile N. of relaer ma lowaat prlcea 43 40 11471 ....... 1100 30 13 II .100 JOE PALOOKA Kemodel, Repair, Now Rare rour cash far a r.inr dap, n parmenl, - month, to pap. Epping Lumber Co. l,L,"r,,,, 1 44111 OPEN ALL DAY ATtJflDAT aja By Ham Fisher ro AHRPf H THAT IJifcj rf J . I L'u1t 1 a WwHT TH'-I O 007 ST ME 70 U Mm VtROW JOE HADN'T MAC MS iXmm V 7 Wl CI6AR wrf C 6S5 VEK STILt STUCH P MAWP artjr 4 P