I a' v in. A Solemn) Legiomi Syffffeirs Seftlbaci! Salem Faces Lewiston n Do-or-Die Game Play in State Tourney eoming state Softball, tournament at Mill City. The two in the front are Danny Valdes on the left and 1 Hoffert on the right, and In the back Brownie Valdes on the left and Gordy McMorris on the right. Kelly Lumber a Mill City team, Is the host team to Softball nines from all over the state. The meet starts Saturday and ends next Wednesday. WIL Quiet Lull Before Storm 1BT United Preta) Things were quiet in the Western International league last night but it was only the I. ,11 Umtnrm 4rt mAnnnnt ihl breaks out again in full fury. ' WIL Standings (By Tnt Aaawlatea rreeei W L Pet. O B. NATIONAL LIAODI Spokane 14 ts 141 , . w I w, O S aalem SO 30 .HO 14 Brooklyn 71 17 .171 Vaneoueer 10 31 .IM 4 Milwaukee 71 47 .Ml l4 Yakima 30 33 "1 Loula I SI .144 IB', Lewtaton 3 74 -MO t'a Philadelphia 43 B3 .MS 1SS Edmonton 34 JI .111 7 New York 7 7 .M IllVt Ciliary 3: 31 4.U '4 Cincinnati I as .440 344 Wenatehee 30 II .401 13 Chlcaio 44 70 .XI J1V Victoria 30 13 JM li PltteDurth II II .104 44 Tri-city o 11 .in 114 meaaey'e Beealte: Manday'a Beealtat caltary 11, Victoria T Only f ml acheduled. Tueetey'a Schedule: Vienna at Caleary. Vancouvar at Edmonton. Spokana at Lewlaton. Trl-Clir at Salem. Taklma at Wenatehee. I Calgary tallied five runs in the bottom of the seventh inn ing last night to down Victoria 11-7 in the only game played. Charley Mead helped out with a homer in the big frame for the Stamps. Spokane, current leader, opens a back-yard series with Lewiston tonight at Lewiston while second-place Salem tan gles with Trl-Crty in the Ore gon capital. In other fames, Taneouver plays at Edmonton; Victoria Is at Calgary and Yakima meets Wenatehee, SPORTS TUESDAY Baseball ' ' ' . W aitars tnaaraatlonal Laatua: Victoria at CalcaT. Vaoemtrar at admen ton Trl-Cltr a aalra. Taklma at Wanatchaa, and epokana at Lavlaton. Softball ' lodualrial Laafuf: Cnmrnrrrla! rVat va. Kay Waolaa at Phtlltp'i (7 at) anal rtrtt Chrlatlan va. Poital clrrka at Phllllp'a 11:00). Broadcasts roco Salaai aanatora fa. Trl-Cltj Braraa at 1:11, - ' WEDNESDAY Baseball . wtara Intarnatlonal Lauua: Victoria at caltarr, Yrl'CHt at Ralom Van ouTar at Bdmonten, Spokana at Lavliton. and Taklma a: Wenatohaa. Softball Induitrlal Lcatat: T1ICA ti Plrrman at Phllllp-a (7:00) and Bara'a Market va Krlirr Bectrlo at Phllllp a (I OOi. Broadcasts KOTO mw Tork Olanta va. Brooklrn Podaara at 13. n and Salam aonatora a. TrlItT Braraa at I It. Television ' KPTVeporli na !h B'll ftxit at a ti tad Pabit aoau at I OS batvaan almmr Slada and Tommy Harrlaon )ts roundtt. - THTRSDAY Baseball Waatarn IntaTrtitlonal Leicua- Vancoorrr at Caltarr. Victoria at BdasntM Trlltr at Balam. Spokana at Lcwuion. and Taklma at Wanatchaa. Softball Pint Chruttan rt Pint National at Phimp a 7.doi and Commarcial aa.t , Warfloar atiik at Pmiup a il n Television Itorox.w Tork Oianu l. Brooklrn Dodtari at 11 01 and ftalam aanatora fa. TTl.cttr at I IS. Brnadrait KPTV Aporu vwt at S PI: Ronttna and PUbina Bava at I !: vraauina frM tlolliwond at It If ' "" FAN FARE lattwj Wl,I ITiOor.TLVt ) I 0'n These four Kelly Lumber players will play in the Major Leagues 9 (By Th Auoclatad Prua) AMIUCAN LEAGUE W L Pet. O.B. New Tor II IT .Ml Chicaie 70 41 .603 t Cltvelud 4 M .Ml 14 Boston M M .141 If ' Wublniton M M .. PhlUdtlpbl 4a .410 Detroit 43 73 Ml M St. IsOUU , 41 71 JT Hnndar'! ftmtta: New York 10-t, pbUftdtlptalft H. only i - t Brooklyn a, Plttubunb t (11 inn.). FTHiMeipnit i-o, New Tork I-I. Only camci. Football Meeting Set Wednesday Salem high school football coach Lee Gustafson has is sued a call for all boys Inter ested in playing football this year to attend a meeting in the high school gymnasium Wed nesday night at 7. He stressed the importance for many sophomores to turn out since there will be two high schools In the fall of 1954. Salem high will have a large group of returning let- termen but their is still a fine chance to make either the var sity or Junior varsity - SLATE State Softball Tourney Neors The. annual state Softball tournament will be held at Mill City starting this Saturday and ending the following Wednes day. Top Softball teams from all over the state will take part in the meet which is one of the top Softball, events during the year. Salem will be represented by the Salem Merchants who won the Salem City league, the district title, and finally the right to enter the state tourney. The Merchants, on of the top nines in the, state, have Bob Knight and Jim Rawlins to do the hurling. Another entry in the tourna ment is the strong Kelly Lum ber team of Mill CJty which racked up a long string of wins this year. Hi-Running Bevos Square off Against Sagging Rainiers IBr Tha Anoelattd Prtu The fast-improving Portland Beavers and the skidding Se attle Rainiers lock horns again this week as the Pacific Coast League turns into the final four weeks of the 1953 cam paign. Clay Hopper and the Beavers Invade Seattle Tuesday night to open tha series. They'll go p against a team trying deeper- ately to put on tha brakes after a disastrous three weeks that hu all but wiped out hopes of copping the pennant. Seattle led the league through most of the early season. After a series of setbacks, including last week's series' loss to last place Oakland, th Rainiers will go against th Beavers trailing the Hollywood Stars by ten full games. Brightening Portland s hopes of overtaking third-place Los Angeles is word that the Beav ers hard-hitting outfielder Dino Restelli, who has been out for several weeks with a heart lining Infection, may get bick in the lineup in the near future. Portland did a nose dive when Restelli went out but seemingly has found itself again and may be expected to give the Rainiers considerable trouble this week. In othrr series openers Tues day night, Hollywood plays Oakland, San Francisco tangles with Los Angeles, and Sacra mento opens at San Diego. No games were played Mon day night. OFFICIALS MEET There will be a football of ficials' meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. In the Willamette un versily gymnasium. All foot ball officials are urged to at tend. y Walt Dirien Br CHRIS KOWITZ, JR. tourney when it lost to Lewis Parker Field, Yakima, With. ton, '-1 Monday afternoon. (Special) Salem' American r Salem lacked tome of its us Legion junior baieball team i " P Monday night. Th left IS men on bate and com- lielding wai below par; only mlttexJ ix error In dropping a two ' Yakima's runa were 6-3 game to Yakima In the earned. Offensively, the Sa Northwest Junior Legion tou-lem players were not alert as nament here Monday night. ithey have been in earlier l It was the first loss in 25 games this season for Salem. I Bright spots in the Salem de The six errors are more than ' were in the outfield, Salem committed in any pre-! where Jerry Waldrop, Mike vious game. - Since 'the tournament Is a double elimination affair. Sa lem still remains in contention for the Northwest champion ship. The Captal Posters play Lewiston, Idaho, Tuesday night Loser of that game will be eliminated, while the winner gets a shot at Yakima Wednes day. Butte, Mont., became the first team to drop out of the Salem Swimmers Walk Off With Honors at Meet 'Salem swimmers walked off with top honors in the Willam ette valley swim meet, held Saturday at the Leslie pool. Sale mscored 34S points and Albany was second with 47 Vs. Jack Schrader of Salem led the scoring in the boys' 18 and undo.- group with 18 points and was a member of two winning relay teams. Roberta Eyre of Salem led the girls in that div ision with 18 points. In the 16 and under age group, Dave Kromer and Shir lee Wilcox, both of Salem, were the top swimmers. Jim Noel and Dale Ramsey, both of Corval lis, and Carol Stolk of Salem, were among the top swimmers in the 14 and under group, while Clay Newell and Sharon Truax, both of Salem, led the swimmers in the 12 and under class. James Coleman of Woodburn and Linda Sullivan of Salem were the leaders in the ten and under group. The results were: 1. Olrla' 110-rard Hadlar Hilar: 1 aalana B ITruaa. Wlleoa, rjotnarl, tlma 1 It I. racord: 3-aaltm A latolk. Kelt, Wllsonli S aalam O (Brown, O'Srlan. Haaan). s. Bora' UO-rard Hadlar FUlar: ut saltm Y-A tsehradar. Hardla. Kretnar). tlma 1.10.3. raeord. tad Aloanri Ird aalam B taara. I. do-raid Praaatrla. Olrla 1 and nndar: ut unda atulllran ISaJam! 10.1. racord: Ind afarr Hortrad Ulhanrti aro cnarrl smltn rsilvartoat. 4. 40-rard Praaatrla, Bora 10 and under: lat Jantea Coleman twoodburn) 35.0. racord: 3nd Donnr Walker (6a lamll Ird Bobbr Jenklna fAlbanrt. I. 40-rard P-aestrla. Olrla 13 and undar: ut r.naton Truax taalaml 31.3: dnd Jor Broam (Balcm); Ird Jean Haaan iftaiem). t. 40-rard Praaitrla Bon 13 and undar: lat Clar Newell laaleml 13.7: and Mlka Armatrone (Albanr T): Ird Denny Olaaaow te-alam TI. ' 7. 10-rard Preeatrle. Olrla 14 and on der: Ut Carol stolk Salem) 93 4: 3nd Sua Wllaon laalena Ti; Ird Dorla Bela UMiem Tt. t. S0.rard Pteettrle. Bora 14 and nn- aer: let Dale Henury tCorvalltat 80.1. record: Ind Clar Newell isalem T)i Ird urry ooodntan iflalem Y. t. M-yard Preeatrle. Olrla II and under: lat shlrlee Wlleoi tfialem TI flO.I: Ind Kathrya Thompaon (Wood burn). 10. ao-yard Preeatrle. Bora II and unctr: lat Dave Kromer taalem 41.1, record: 3nd Jim Hardy isalem I): ira Don atarney (Woodburnl. 11. ao-rard Preeatrle. Bora It and under: lat Jack Behrader (Balaa) 41.1: ami jerrr nana twoodournl. 17. tt-rard Preeatrle. Olrla It and under: let Sidney Kromer laalem Tt 40 llat. II. 40-rard Baekatroke. Olrla II and under: lat Sharon Trual (Salem T) S7J: tad Jean Kara (Salem T)i Ird ot aarown (saiam T). 14. 40-rard Baekttraka, Bon U aw wadar: let day Hawaii isalaea Tt aa a tad Rodney Bert (Sal em Tn Ird Jerry uaaet) isalem Tt. II. 130-yard Individual Medley, Olrla la and under: lat Shirley Wllrox, 1.33 3. It. 120-rerd Individual Medley, Olrla la and under: lat Roberta Tyre. 1.40.4, 3nd-44ld Kromer, 1 .40.. II. 130-yard Individual Medley. Bora It and under: lit Dave Kromer. 1.33. record: Ind Jim Hardla. 1.4). II. 130-rard Individual Medlar, Bora II and undar: lat Jack schrader. 1.34 I 10. ao-rard Baokatroke. Olrla 14 and under: lat Carol atolk ISalem T) tt I: tad Sua Wllaon (salam Ti; Ird al!r Joaeph taalem TI. 10. K)-rard Berkatroke, Bora 14 and under: lit Jim Noel (Albanr) tl.l; and Oelvln Clark iLaallat; Ird Larry Ooodntan isalem Tt. 31. M.rard JBaekatrnke. Olrla N and under, lit Kathrrn Thompaon (Wood burn) I 11 1. 11. M-yard Baekatroke. Olrla II and under: lat Roberta r Srra ISalem Tt I. Mt. II. M-rard Baekatroke, Bora II and under: lat Dave Kromer (Salem Tt II. I: Ind Jerrr Plnterloa (Albanyt 13 4. 34. ao-yard Baekatroke, Bora II and under: No eonteatanta. 34 . 40-yard Breaetatroka, Olrla II and under: lat Aharon Trual (Salami lat: and Jean Hates (Salami; Ird Joy Brown laalemt. 31. 40-yard Itrreatetroke. Peyt 11 and tinder: lat Dennv Olaaaow 'Aelemi lot: and Bob Morrlaon trorvllliat; Ird Bennr Battea (Porvallun. 17 3(M-rard Preeetyle. OlrU II and under- No eontettonta 31 300-rard Preeatrle. Orrla II and under' Atdner Kromer (Salem t 114.4 31 300-rard Preeatrle Bora 10 and under: lat Jerrr Ptnterloe (Albanr) 1 47 4: Ind Dale flamaer (rorvalllll. 10. lon-rard Preeatrle. Bora II and undef No eonteatenti 31. M-rard Breaautroke. Otrla II and under- UtDorla Heln iSalemt IU1. and Elliebeth O'Brien 'Saleml Ird Sue Wllaon (Salem I. 13. tO'verd Ereaatilroke. Bova 14 and under: lat Jim Noel tAlbanvt l 17. ft. and Curt Burr (Albanyt: 3rd Dalvtn Clark iLeellei. II. 10-rarrt Breaititrote. nine 10 and tnder: Shtrlea WUeai isalem Tt int. H-vard Breaautroke, Olrla 11 and tndr: Roberta Evra (Salam T) 1.04.7. M. io.ro,rd Breaitatroka. Bora II and under: Jim Hardla (Salem Tt 1.071. to-rard Breaiutroka. Bova it and under: Jerk Schrader (Salam Ti II I. lto-vard rreeetvle. riila: let' Salem A (Kromer, Trual. Btitlk, Wlleoa) I 1 17 It: Ind Solent B (Frown, Haten, Wlleoa, Hetnl. 3rd Salem C ILaDue. Boblneon. Brra, eVhrankl. ! It. Ito-rard preeatrle. Bore: lit Ha- lent A uvhrader. Onndman. Hardic. Promer) I It I; Ind Salem B: ltd Salem C. ITS GREEN'S SPORTING SHOP 1211 So. Commercial FOB. CVINRUDI games. Campbell and Jerry Gregg all come up with some spectacular catches, and at second base, where Twink Pederson played in his usual peppery, flawle.s manner: Yakima pitcher Dave Dexter limited Salem to four hits, but issued nine walks. It was those pesky LOB's (left on base) that hurt Salem. Three times Sa lem had the bases loaded when the inning ended. Dexter bore down effectively In the clutch. Gary Espe pitched the first six nnings tor Salem, and was charged with the loss. Yak ima got to him for eight hits, at least one In every inning. Espe also had trouble with con trol in the early innings. He walked three batters In the sec ond inning as Yakima scored three runs. Yakima got two more in the fourth on three hits, and added its final tally in the fifth when Ed Pleasant tripled and scored on a long fly. ) Gary Peterson ' pitched the final two innings for Salem, giving up only a scratch single. All three Salem runs were a result of Yakima errors. Campbell scored directly on an error In the first tinning, and Pederson and Jerry Gregg came home on Waldrop's single in the sixth, after an error had put them in scoring position. . Salem (I) 1 It) Taklma O A Pederan.l CmpblUt Jantae.e Wakltp.lt Plektu.lb Phtaley.aa ftrirtntr.l Oreet.rt Kape.P appear Piteran.aj k-Boltos 1 1 Sllrra.al t Davla.aa I Lowe, II I Zander.! t Howtt.e 1 Munda.l 1 Plaant,r I Zarpll.l t Dexter, p t 1 0 C'Luby Total! N 4 li 4 Tot.1i I IT 13 Una out tor Bap In 7th. b Orourtdtxt out for Jiekena In lib. fruuckoul for alorlnitr In ttb. SaUfm 100 M3 000 4 Y-kimft OX) 110 00 I WlBDln pltft-Doztw, IdtttaS plt- ahtr Kim. PIKmt: AB 1 1 DOM Paunoa ... S 7 I tViur I 4 I T 10 HBP Pit It br Dtftrr: Pedtrioa br Dexter. WP Dexter hOB -Um II, Ytklma t. I Pfderion. Jtntu, W-rdrop, Plssler. flnr Inter J. D.vtf, ZindtT J. 3BH Plfsu.nt. JBH Howiit, z.natr. RBI WoMrop 1 Dftvia. Zoepul. tOcxtar. at E.PC, Jantaa. BB Campttrll. DP Zaepful lo Davla to Manila. Uoaplrt La Blaionlfra and Carlan. Atl. Minor League Scores i"By The Asitoetatod Praw) INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE RocJiatter II, Buffalo 7. Balt.mor I, Montraal 4. Bpriniflald 3. OtUwa t. Only aamaa acheduled. AMF.KICAN AHHOCfATtON CharlflBton 0. Kanaai City 3. tV. Paul 4, Indlanapnlli 4 (CalltMl afttr t Innioia to allow tcama to catch train i. Only game tchadulHf. TEXAS LEAGI'I Tulaa 10. Ban Antonio 7. Dallaa 3, Bhr eve port 0. Oklahoma City 7, Houaten I. Zoaumont 4, Port Worth 1. WESTERN LEAGUE Pueblo 1-14. Wichita. 4-1. Omaha 4, Lincoln 3. Denver 4, Colorado flprtnea I. Only iami arheduled. PIONEEB LEA Or E Vaal PalU I, -tt Laka Cltr 1. IfgHM VaJlT I. Poeatallo I. Oadm I. BUlloai 1. Idaho Palk II. Bolna t TIDE TABLE Tldea far Taft. Oreaan Auawat. ltM (Complied by fl. S. Ceaat and Oaodalla Sareey, Portland, Oreaan) Low watera Time Hettbt II at a m. t t 11 14 a m. I t i n a m. I I 11:41 p.m. 13 I M a m. 01 3 01 p.m. 1.1 I'll a.m. -0 4 1:11 p.m. It 4 43 a m. -1 4:11 la, II I II a.m. -tt 1 11 P.m. 10 I 04 a m. -10 I 01 p.m. 1.4 1:30 a.m. t 4 1:41 IB. 04 i n a.m. 1.1 I It p m. 1 1 I II a m. 01 t 31 p.m. -C.l It a.m. I I 10 SI p.m. -0 1 10 04 a.m. 11 11:41 p.m. -t 1 SPORTS (Br Tka AaorlttM Pffit flENKRAL CWrato. IH Ifotra Dam an 4 Ml'ftl fan Vat m rPTimn1vl and Art ion a At at at iitm vaa p)ai4 oa two ?tr' probattoo b Una Nat.-nal Cnt in lata At rut tic AMoeiation twUcy-nak-ibi council. BrootTlifta. Maaa-Tri Atjifraltan tlti lim of 1 Hftaatl aivl Kn KtM- I arortMl an caav tlcrorr in thlr ftpmlnt maun af tha Xational DoubUi ehampioiianlpa. Mtnnratwtli. Minn. Linn KnekmnnA. Wfir1,r)f tharnBiofi frmn Pphia tloh U(tt4 Dlr Polt-r f Oftrntb Wirh.. Hlah Watera Auauat Time Height II l it am. II I 04 p m. II 11 I It a m. 1 1 1:11 p.m. II N I Mam. 4 1 1 11 la. II II 10 II a.m. 4 I 1 i i. I I tt 11:17 a m. 41 I 10:11 IB. It It U:3 a m. 14 11 :M la, 11 14 13:31 . II II St p.m. 1.1 M 11 M a m, II 1:11 la. II PI 1 41 am. II I II la. It M 1 II a m. 1 1 . , 1 0 i.m. T.t M 1:40 a m. 1 1 I II it. II II 4 41 a nt. 4 1 4 JO I B I I Make Your Own Appraisal! : On an All-New '53 DODGE 1! Yes. YOU fell US how much : your old .car is worth! Make tha kind f dol YOU want, " a wall do our bait to mt YOUR figur. " STAN BAKER MOTORS ! Chmkta and High SALEM Phana 2 2468 LOCAL UNITED PRESS Durocher's Signing Causes Mixed Feelings By GAYLE TALBOT New York It Is difficult to recall when the re-signing of any baseball manager ever be fore stirred up such a ruckus aa his shaken this city and its outlying precinct since Presi dent Horace Stoneham of the Giants conkered Leo Durocher and made him agree to another two-year contract. Many were stricken where they sat. Others just as stoutly defended both Stoneham and his manager and argued far in to the night, that Durocher was blameless for the plight of his team. When it came down to either expressing an opinion or get ting out, we were forced to side with the latter forces. Duroch- ls, well, Durocher, and he has managed over the years to pile up an amazing number of enemies, many of whom never saw him in the fleah. W have known him a long time and happen not to be one of them. We know his faults, but be lieve he is as good a baseball manager as there is in the game, not excentinc Casev 'Stengel and Charlie Dresaen. It is true that Leo made a grave mistake in the spring, Tri-City Series . Financial Must ! For Salem Team The' board of directors of the Salem Senator are hope ful that the forthcoming Tri Clues' aerie here beginning tonight may prove the biggest financial boost of 1SSS for the local professionals. The Tri-City Braves under Edo Vanni have agreed that Salem will retain all home gate receipts for the aeries her in the capital city and that the Washington club will likewise retain all their home gste receipt over the week end. - Althbugh the Salem club lead the entire Western Inter national League in attendance during July, club officials this year were beset with the worst spring weather since 1901. In addition, the Senator opera tions in 19S3 have been forc ed to pay back approximately $11,000 of losses acquired dur ing the 19S2 season. Club officials are hopeful that the Tri-City series will at tract over 18,000 fans. Joe Nichols, record-breaking Sa lem Senator hurler, will be af ter the Senator record, 21 wins. Following the Tri-City ser ies, only two horn engage ments remain against Edmon ton August 25, 28 and 27, and th season wind-up against th Vancouver Caplllanos, August 28, 29 and 80. Promoter Gets Fight Approved Longview, Wash. () Tex Salkcld, Portland promoter, has received the permission of the Longview Athletic club to of fer Seattle' Harry Kid Mat thews 89,000 to meet tha win ner of the Bill Boatsman-Joe Kahut fight her Thursday night. . , The club said it had lined up Freddie Steele, ex middle weight champ, to referee the proposed bout and had obtained competent officials. Boatsman, Longview, and Kahut, Wood burn, Ore., are scheduled to go 10 rounds In the main event of a fight card. IN BRIEF -o. fl-o in tha national Parki Tournament. OOLT tfti WBTUf, irwl. Art Wall .fr.. r PosM-fifl Manor. Pa , won hu fint pro tournament, ahootini l-un1rpar 10 aaatnat 1. Carp Mlddlaeoff tn tha Port 1 Waraa playoff. Orantt ftaoMa, Mirh HUlmai ftohhina it., or Memnhia, Tnn.. ahoi a 4-rjniJfrw par M to tah a firstroan1 lat in tha Waiters Amateur champlonablp. tAcrwo r1 Mar. Caltf Lat Witi m U) rord a half lntth vktor? over iron bark in tha feauratt L Mtw Puraa at Dal Mar. fiYfi ASSOCIATED PRESS Salem, Oregon. Tuesday, August 18, 1953 when he believed he had a pen nant winner, but that 1 not necessarily a rap at his manag erial ability. The quality of a baseball club, which is mad up of a carload of young men of varying temperaments, is a very elusive thing to calculate, and Durocher will sot be the last manager to be misled. -. All it take Is for one or two itar in whom a pilot ha great faith to fall down on him, or for a small spark of dissentlon to ignite a defeatist complex. Our . one feeling has been that the question of Durocher's continued tenure at the Polo Ground never would have ris en if a young Negro pamed Wil lie Mays had been playing cen ter field for the Giants the past two season instead of being in the service. No one ha sug gested that Leo was not a great manager and a model charac ter after Willie Joined hi team during tha 1931 season. It waa no secret In Phoenix last spring that Leo and other Giant officials thought Willie was going to be sprung. ' The pitchers' eyes glinted at the thought of having Willi out there back of them again, and much of Durocher lint en thusiasm undoubtedly stemmed from hi dream of a lineup which. would include the fleet Alabama boy. Tiling never were quite the same after the bad new came. Leo continued to drive himself harder than any other manag er In the game and to shout it up, but the problem of realign' ing his force began at once and have continued up to now. The club' lineup ha been the most unsettled in either league a It (tumbled around for th first half of the race and then suddenly went into a complete collapse. Our only ' complaint with Stoneham concern his' timing. He might have given Durocher his big vote of confidence ear lier, when it was really obvious that he didn t have the horses, instead of waiting until the house fell in. Braves, White Sox Plan to Meet in Post Season Game Chlcsgo U.B The Chicago White Sox and Milwaukee Brave have (greed to play a post season gam for baseball's runner up title, under spon sorship of th Chicago Daily Newspaper, the newspaper an nounced today. The gam would be played at Comiskey Park the night of Sept 28, th day after the sea son and, th New old. Re ceipt would be spin between the player and th Daily New veteran' fund. TWIN BILL SPLIT Portland Keily Lumber of Mill City and Timber Struc ture of Portland split a twin bill her Sunday afternoon. Mill City won one game 4-1 but lost tha other 8-2. - -THIS Special Combination Offer YOU OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A SPORT COAT AND TWO PAIRS OF SLACKS FOR A PRICt YOU " WOULD IXPECT TO PAY FOR A SPORT COAT ALONE! One 100 Wool v maim SPORT COAT X N" Lorg jelaction All SiiM Two Pairs 100 Wool SLACKS All Typa. All Site Larg Slctien Reg. 60.95 Value I udgst tarm wtleem on apprarsd cradit! Opn All Day Sara rd ay Kay Woolen Hill Stcrc 260 S. 12th St. "Tht Straat Hit Train Run On" NEWS AND FEATURES Par 11 Fraak Stojack Title Fight v Set Tonight " Frank Stojack, holder, of the Coast Junior Heavyweight title, and Jack O'Reilly clash tonight in the main event at the Salem armory. ' The first match start at 8:30. . O'Reilly waa the victor of a long elimination at th local armory : and will give tha champion a rough time. Both are top wrestler. Stojack fct a Taeoma councilman when he im't wrestling. In th preliminaries tonight Jack Riser ind John Henninf will clash, the Masked Marvel takes on Greg Jacque in th special event, and Greg Jacque i pitted against Mr. Sakata to Ve opener. : The all scarlet' silks of John A. Morris, president of tha Thoroughbred Racing Associa tion!, are -the eldmt color la America. 1 r LOOK AT at . .tat ail i r . i - ..v. " f , . , 1. " t; Av.i ' .i ' J. f J - . . . St aajTSj. ttk,Ap I AW Complefs .V 7