'It ' I Monday, 'Anrust 17. 195S 'THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Baton, Orefoa Part PW's Parents' Overjoyed Weit Linn The family of CpL Charles O. Brooks, Jr, bad, been expecting the good newt, but they were overjoyed Sunday night when notified be had been relased by the communliti In Korea. Brooki, now 22, entered the. army in June, 1931. He was captured 11 monthi later while fighting with the 23rd regiment of the Second divi sion. The family has received sev eral letters from him. The most recent, dated May 29, arrived last month. Mennonifes Open 33rd Conference Portland VP) Some 2,000 persons were here Monday for the opening business meeting of the 33 rd triennial general conference of the Mennonite church. The conference, attended by delegates from 30 states and six Canadian provinces, if be- I ing neia at nearby Jennings Lodge. An additional 2,000 persons are expected before the conference ends August 23. 'Brooklyn Navy Yard Explosion Kills Two f New York WV-An explo sion beside the wall of a home ", . at the Brooklyn Navy Yard last night killed two men and Injured nine others. ': ' ; The blast victims included iivilian Navy Yard firemen ' and the duty officer who had .been summoned to check a : ' short circuit in the frame and snoitar house. While looking ' around they were caught by 1 the explosion. Dead were two firemen, ' Francis Conklin, 80, and ' Frank Llcotta, SS. ACTRESS TO WED PARISIAN WRITER I rr m I ' - . . : . . -' J t W , J 1 4 f - -1 Movie Actress Olivia de Havilland and Pierre Galante, Paris magazine writer, announced in Hollywood that they plan to wed after Miss di Havilland's divorce from Marcus Goodrich becomes final Aug. 27. Miss de Havilland, 37, . said she plans to spend most of her time In Europe after the marriage. Galante, 42, has never been married before. (AP Wirephoto) Ark. Ice Box Deaths Now Seen as Murder West Memphis, Ark. VP) A deputy sheriff says a man re cently twice threatened the lives of five children found dead in an old ice box. Deputy Gladstone Williams said, "We plan to do a lot more checking on this point. He declined to identify the man. 1 Earlier yesterday the father, 34-year-old J. A. Hallman, told newsmen he was sure the children were' "murdered" be cause there were too many "funny things" involved. His wife agreed. Per Capita Income of U. S. at All-Time High Washington U.R) Per capita income of Americans rose to an all time high of $1,639 last year the commerce depart-1 ment reported today. It arrived at that figure by adding up all income payments to individuals wages, salar ies interest, dividends, pen sions and the net income of farms and other unincorpor ated business and dividing that total of $253,000,000,000 by the tptal U.S. population. Jap-US Mayors . Meet in Seattle Seattle WV-The second an nual Japan-American Pacific Coast Mayors' Conference Is scheduled to start her Wed nesday, with the chief execu tives of 10 Japanese cities and mayors from Oregon, Washing ton and California In atten dance. The conference was first held in Tokyo two years ago. Heading the Japanese delega tion of 27 is Selicluro, mayor of Tokyo. Seiichiro's group will visit Vancouver, B.C., Ta. coma. Longvlew, Portland, Eu gene after the conference enas Patterson Opens Three-Flags Highway John Say CV-The last link of highway 895, known as the Three Flags highway, was1 opened Jiere Sunday. The secondary route con nects ' Canada, the United States and Mexico. The first stretch was built in 1917 from Pilot Rock to Pendleton. The last stretch, opened Sunday when Gov. Paul Patterson cut a tape at the Grant-Harney county -line, was an eight mile section south of John Day. FRENCH GENERAL DIES Paris VP) The death of Gen. Andre George Corap, 79, was announced Monday. He was in command of French troops when the German army made their big Western Front break through in 1940. WET WALK FOR THEM V r i- 1 i , ' . "a "u . .. .'. - ' i s uitl.lnU.ir i Bundled up against the rain, this couple braves high winds and spray on xhe boardwalk In Ocean City, Md, as the Eastern Shore town was lashed by hurricane "Barbara." The hurricane, second of the season, claimed at least seven lives and caused damage estimated at over a million dollars. (UP Telephoto) Commies Report War Over, Cut Military Tokyo UJ0 Communist North Korea today proclaimed the end of a state of war in Korea and called off military mobilization. Wool to Bring More, Agn. Dept. Reports Washington UJ5 The agri culture deoartment uid tndiT American wool growers prob ably will receive slightly high er prices this season. A report on the wool situa tion prepared by the Bureau of Agriculture Economics, said Drices tnll marketing seunn have averaged "slightly above". me government support price of 63.1 cents a pound. Ex-N.W. Bank Robber Dies of Cal. Wounds Los Anielei (UJ9 TUntr mk. ber Lewis HemmerL as. HH early today of gunshot wounds suxierea lasi week when he attempted to hold up the Cali fornia bank in downtown Los Angeles. Hemmert who aemd a prison sentence at McNeil Is land lor a series of bank rob beries in Oregon and Wash ington, was wounded in aa ex- ' change of gunfire with a bank guard. . c:iPtizt fa . - . Wipi - Korris W!ktrPiisI Co. 17101 Fred mm 4-2271 '0Z To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Pyongyang xadlo said the North Korean . Peoples Su preme Council rescinded, ef fective today, the declaration of war made. June 27, 1930, and the general mobilization order of July 1, 19S0. All Phases of Hair Cere ' FACIALS and MANICURES Modern Beauty (olless v ; , Come in and sea us about . ' Our Scholarship Plan 476 No. Church St. Ph. 38141 SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Tiiums, AMn tnal SosporU, Elutle Hastery. Expert litters print flttiag ASK TOCB DOCTOV Capiial Drug Store 405 8UU Street Comer at Liberty BAH Green SUmr IS AM BALL'S Feature... 14 1288 State St. Phone 3-6489 luy Locker Beef Now! We recommend the purchase of Fina Eastern Oregon Hereford leaf at this time because Hie price is definitely right ond the quality is good. The U. S. Deportment of Agriculture recommends your storing foods for tho freezer for the soma reason. We accept and pass on to you the recommondation of the U. S. Department of Agriculture because it it sound judgment to purchase your meats and other foodstuffs at sea sonally low price and store them for use at a later data when the market might normally be higher. YV offer you this opportunity to buy meats not only at a seasonally low price, but with a largo wholesale discount besides. .Whether you wish a quarter or a half of Beef or any number of retail cuts, we know wo can save you money. Our ' price, quality considered, is the best in the State of Oregon. The weight is guaranteed to bo honest and you will find our service to be courteous and helpful. Any of our retail cuts double wrapped for your locker Free! Plan to buy a weeks Jupply. Shop Randall's Market and save! Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef Roast Arm Cuts Blade Cuts Rumps Baby Beef LIVER 1 39 Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef Steak T-Bone Rib Steaks Fresh Beef Tongues New Low Prices on Locker Beef Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beet. .Don't fail to take advantage of these prices. .Convenient credit may be arranged. . Nothing downa full year to pay. Hind Quarter Half of Whole Front Quarter 2c, ROUND STEAKS . ....... a.W BONELESS NEW YORK CUT L,59' SIRLOIN TIP ROAST OR STEAK . . u. S3' BEEF TENDER LOIN M FRESH BEEF HEARTS a.2W COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE ...... a. 29' REM GROUND BEEF REM GROUND ROUND it 29' 49' SHORT RIBS J7' BEEF CUBES A' Prices Good thru Wednesday!' 25c Richard Hudnut Cream Brilliant ine Keeps hair In (U IKt place, non-greasy. v J lor L J t Toiletry ' Your Toothbrush Alont . . . Con GrtaHy Reduce Dental Decay II Ui Dr. West Toofh Brush The only brush with Exton brand bristling. Dr. West's miracle tuft bristles clean be tween the teeth to check bad breath end tooth decay. I 59' 50c Extra Long Whisk Broom 10" brisfle, ring 7r T 4Cr lop, well sewn. Jt L (or f Jt Toiletry . ' 10c Large Size Square (nil Dish Cloths Colorful collon, r Limit hemmed edges. t ea. Five Toiletry Soft, Absorbent, Comfortable! Facial Pats 80'i 35 40'i 19 A toft es velvet to the touch . . . almost cloth-like durability. move makeup end nail polish. Use ei e cleansing pad. 14c ALL PURE CANNED MILK n m, Limit aim 12-oz. Tin Six Toiletry 9c Waldorf Toilet Tissue 4 roiis 23c limit 4 'V Toiletry So Fragrant, Mild and Long lasting Gift Boxed Regular 2t Tussy Glngtr Splet Toilet Soap 39c A mild, fragrant soap that lathers easily and Instantly. Leaves a faint, olaasina a i n e r- spice fragrance on the akin. Attractively gift boxed. 10c Hold-Fail Bobbie Pins 5c Card of 30 Toiletry 2.49 Certified Brewers Yeast 1000 A MQ Tablets 1-4? Toiletry Eat Anything! Talk Freely! Have complete Freedom from False Teeth Fear! Brimm's Plasti Liner 2 .25 and .25 Brimm's Plasti Liner refits end tightens false teeth' givei instant comfort I Hardened for lasting fit. Ends mess end bothei of temporary applications. $2.98 18 Pc. Modern Tone LUNCHEON SET 4 Cups, 4 Saucers, 4 Cereal Dishes $199 4 Plates, Cream and Sugar U Variety FtBdMEvnr Brum 't mtrsrr larisi aaw 148 N. Liberty. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities ft f