Mend?, Auwt 17. llll to ralrTAI. mWVkl Raleaa. flrtmn Pag 8 . . . Miss DeJong Wed In Garden Service Ballston At garden Mt ting at the home of Mr. and Mn. Jack De Jong, their daughter, Miss Caroline De . Jong was married to Lowell W. Lindt of CorvaUii, at 2 p.m. on Augutt 8. The double ring ceremony was read by the Rev. Jamei Osborne of McMinnville, In the pretence of 100 gueiU. Mr. J. J. Sechrist of Ballston played the wedding music, and Mrs. Robert Board of Sheridan ang. ' The bride wore ballerina length dress' In blue and a white Illusion hat She carried bouquet of white orchids and lace fern. Mr. De Jong gave his daughter In marriage Misa Joan Fields of Hood River was the brlde'a only at tendant She wore a pink bouf fant dress, ballerina length, with matching hat and carried bouquet of pink rosea ana white lace. Beat man was Duane Patter son of Corvallit. Ushers were Richard and James De Jong, brothers of the bride. Mrs. De Jong chose for her daughter's wedding, an after noon dresa of black and white paneled print with white ac cessories and a white orchid corsage. The bridegroom's aunt, Mrs. Everson of Corval lis, wore a blue and white print dress with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. A reception on the lawn fol lowed the ceremony, with Mrs. Richard De Jong presiding at the coffee urn and Mrs. James De Jong at the punch bowl. An aunt of the bride, Mrs. Van Santea of Salem, served the wedding cake. Mrs. Wallace Slmerly at Beaverton, cousin of the bride, passed the guest book and Miss Luella Zumwalt and Mitt Darlenne Massy, cous ins of the bride, had charge of the gift table. For traveling, the bride wore a navy and white ensemble with white bat and wnue or chid corsage. After a abort wedding trip, the couple wljl be at home in Corvallit. Shower Given Mill City The home of Mrt. Alonio Daly was the setting for a pre-nuptial shower, for Miu Arlone Kuhlman, bride-elect of Cpl. Marvin Bibler of the U. S. Marines. The wedding will be an event of Augutt 23 at the Mill City Presbyterian church. Tha Mluea Lee Kelly. Alona fly uaiy ana iAiiuica uu.v were co-bostesses for the show er. Guests were Mrt. Charles Kelly, Mrs. Jamea Poole, Sr., Mn. Leo Poole, Mrt. James Grant, Mrs. Clyde Richardt, Mrs. Gordon Kay, Mrs. Sonny Nelson, Mrt. Lee Kuhlman, Mrt. Rosa Daly, Mrs. Jamei Melnert, Mrt. Raymond Thomp son, Mist Donna Cooke, Misa Marlene Tickle, Miss Joanne Hoffman, Mist Donna Nelson, Mitt Patricia Brown, all of Mill City, and Mist Ann Hill and Mitt Garnett Beech from Cottage Grove. At Golf Day Woodburn Nineteen wom en were out for pla, and lunch eon at the Woodburn golf course Thursday. Guettt were Mrt. Keith Olson and Mrt. A. B. Willeford. Hosteases at the luncheon hour were Mrt. Mar ion Henning and Mrs. Clyde Cutsforth. Play for the day wat the best putt on hole No. 9, and was won by Mrt. Howard Palmer. The proposed trip to Mt.( Hood was discussed and the date postponed to August 27. Arrangements will be com pleted next week and those intending to go are asked to purchase their tickets at the regular meeting next Thursday, Aug. 20. The hostess committee for next week will be Mrt. Carl Magnuson and Mrs. Henry Miller. Wedding Dated silvrrtnn Local friends are ,,rltin Invitations to the forthcoming marriage of Mist Carol Jean Giesy, oaugnter oi Mr. and Mrt. U. S. Giesy, Portland, to William Theodore Roubal, ton of Mrt. r. J. fiou bal. Silverton, and the late Mr. Roubal. The wedding it to be at Rose City Park Methodist church, Portland, Sunday afternoon, September 6, at 3:30 o'clock. A reception is to follow the ceremony in the church so clal rooms. Both Mia Giesy and Mr. Roubal are (tudtnt at Oregon State college. Club Stages Picnic Silverton More than SO guetta attended the annual pic nic of the Abiqua Ladies Soc ial club at the forks of the river grounds, with the families present as special guetta. Vis itors present were Mrs. Galo Milligan, Woodburn; Bill Duda of Mt Angel; Jake Stalger and Mrt. George Adamt. A noon basket dinner and an all-day program of sports were enjoyed. The club members have post poned the September meeting until the first regular meeting of the fall. Tuesday, October 13. The all-day meeting will be at the Monty Dunigan home, a no-host noon luncheon to be served. SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. William Graham have returned from a visit to Trout Lake, where they visited with the family of their son,' Leonard, on the occasion of the birth day annlversariei of William Graham and Leonard Graham and the 49th wedding anniver sary of the senior Grahams. The Grahams remained at Trout Lake for several day. Nitey Nite SLEEPERS Soft - Fleecy - filiefast MARGWEN'S Capitol Shopping Center J Discover ite M wfy "rfie Salad-Wse soy: The tomatoes bow coming to Saswsy are especially toe. Perky and flavorful for pretty salads. Tests-teasing and aaoey for cooked dishes. On reason if ... we buy tomatoes just a dose to vine-rip perfection as we can without risking too much softening during shipment (for -ssj vine-ripened tomatoes art juicier, have VI lf f fuller navar). Wa buv in moat-wanted II sues. Our display are arranged safeguard natural form and ftrmne Take home tomatoes from Safeway. a a a a VIK'E-RTENED Cantaloupes ib. LEGALS JITMVfONS rtvM no. imw in THY CmCTJIT COURT OF TBI TATB OF ORBOON FOR THK COUNTY OF MARION JTTAT1 Oi ORSOON. W (sotf UVtmtb Iti stM Highway Commit Jon. com pose of Ben R. Cbttvdltr, Cbvroa If. lYamoLdj. auad II. K. latelvtr. Z). B. MURPHY ud JSNNtl Y. MUR PHY, htubttsd tad wilt; DU0T Mt 2NTYRB. ft widow. MTt, W. D. HOOVXR fcnd JOHN IOI HOOVaTR, wifa and h mount it mrrrlMl; JAMES 6TKPHXN8 Mad JAMS DO! YTBPHSN8, huaband ftnd wife. If narrlad; JOMPHINt HABERMAN and JOHN DOB HABBRMAN. Wlfa and buabind. II varrlod: MARGAR ET UOERBTR and JOHN DOB HOIRKTH, wlfa and nuiaband. U narrlad; ANOJtLINB HUNTLBY and JOHN DOB BDNTLBT. wlfa and bu band. If aarrltd; BITTY KBITH LBY and JOHN DOB KBTTHLBY. wtft and huaband, if marrlad; BILL RYAN and JANB BOB RYAN, noa band and wlft. If marrlad NBDRA CULVER and JOHN DOB CULVER, wlfa and haaband, If marrlad; GLADYS STEPHENS and JOHN DOB STEPHENS, wlta and huaband, If marrlad; NORLYN STEPHENS aad JANB DOB STEPHENS, huaband and wlfa. If marrlad; LUC7LLB WELL" and JOHN DOB WBLLb, wlfa and huaband. 11 marrlad; MAX1NB STEPHENS and JOHN DOB STEPH ENS, wlfa and huaband. If marrlad: DOROTHY HOY and JOHN DOB HOY, wlfa and hoaband. if marrlad: MRS. BERT STEPHENS and JOHN DOE STEPHENS, wlfa and huaband. If married: 'THE UNKNOWN HEIRS" of Buiena Baaa. Dectaatd; ALTON BASEY and JANE DOB RASEY, huaband and wlfa, If mar ried; MRS. LULU KINO, ft Widow; ALLEN PRUITT and JANB DOB PRUITT. huaband and wife, tf mar ried: LOIS COCHRAN and JOHN DOB COCHRAN, huaband and wlfa. If married; GLADYS rJCUSCHER and JOHN DOB KEUSCMER, hua ' band and wife. If married; IARLB PRUITT and JANB DOB PRUITT, huaband and wife, It marrlad: PEARL PRUITT REED SPARKS and JOHN DOB SPARKS, wife and hua band, If marrlad. TRUSTEES OP THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OP HAYEfWILLB; "THE UNKNOWN HEIRS" of Alteon McKean. Da ceaaed; "THE UNKNOWN HEIRS" at Himr Stephen-. Daceaaed; and -ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONA OR Parties UNKNOWN cUtmlM anr riant, title, aetata. Hen or lnttreat in tha real aetata deacrtbed la tha amended oomplalnt barela", Datettdanta. TO: THB UNKNOWN HEIRS of Buiena Beeer. Deccaaed; THB UNKNOWN HEIRS of Altaon MrKreo, Daceaaadf . THE UNKNOWN HE1H& at HarVT sVephena, Deeeaaed: and ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UN PJtowN claiming anr rliht, title, aatata. Urn or Interval In tha Teal tale described la the amended aom plaint herein Dtieodaati: SUMMONS IN THE NAME OP THB STATE OP OREGON; You are hereby required ta appear and anawer the complaint filed acainat ron In the above-entitled court and cauae on or before tha eiptratlon of lour weeki from the date of the flrat vubllratlon of thla lummont, to-wlt: on ar before th Ith day of September, laftl. It you fall to eo appear and anawer. alaintltf, for want thereof, will apply to the above-entitled court for the relief mayed tor In Ita complaint, to-a II: that an ajueismrat aa made ay a jury era- , paneled In thla action to determine U compeniatkon to be paid by reason of the appropriation of tha real property herein aouaht to be condemned and ap propriated, and tha upon payment Into Court of tha compensation a eased by t: Jury, a Judamrnt and decree be liven, vettlnr In the State of Oreton, by and throuih iti State Hlthway Com mission, fee almple title to tha real property described, to-wlt: A parcel of land Irihi In the North cut quarter iNEi of Section IS. Townnhlp 1 South. Ranaa I Wait, W. M . Marlon County, Orrion, and ba nt a portion of the tollowlni de cribed property: That tract at land which waa conveyed by that certain deed to D. B. Murphy and Jennie V. Murphy, recorded in Book lal, Paie 4I. of Marlon County Record at Deeds, the eatd parcel betm all of aetd property etcept a tract deecrlbed aa foilowa: Reiinnim at the moat Southerly ear ner of laid property and tub thenca North M Weat la fact, mora or leea. In a Una which la parallel ta and 4A feel Easterly of tha relocated can ter line of the Partita Hiihwar Xut: thence Northeaaterly (North S3' 11- 90" hlihway bearlnit SI feet aloni aald par ell tl ttne; thenca South M" Beat parallel to tha Soutbwoaurly line of aald property. Ill feat, more r leu. to tha Eaaterly line of aald property; thence South 34 Weat (deed berin 110 feat to tha point of be-ainnlna. Tha arrl nf land to which thla de acription appllea contalna I I acre, of which a a acraa Ilea within toe aiiauni riaht of way, title to which hereby la aiieced ta ba in the public, and 1 3 acre Ha ou tilde at tha extatlnt rlfiit af war. Thla aummom la published by order Of tha Honorable Ri Kimmell, Judie f the above-entitled court, wada and entered on tha Ith day of Aucuet, ivaa. direct int publlcaUon of thla aummona onf- each week for four eomacuiivc we'Ri in the Capital Journal, a newa paper puMUhed and of aeneral circula tion in Xtartnn County. Orecoa. Date of flrat publication; lttb af Auauit, isal. Date of laat paalkatioe; lUt at Aa tuat. hm ROBERT Y. THORNTON Attorney Oantral at tha Statt ftf Oreeon By ERNEST W LUNDEEN. Aaantant Attorney General and Aiwiitant Attorny for tha State Hiahway Commlsaion. Attorney j for Plaintiff P. O. Addreaa: Salaat. Oths W. M. It, K II. 1HI Salem's Leading Dept. Store for Over 32 Years mm mm li f t-d from & u P dawn 'vmir slin nnd s eeo wardrobe... J Vl) Vllf tjw fj- , - dorm-adorables enui for school belles or career gals three from a loveljr collectio) of lingerie delights! Come see for yourself bow the besnqr, the Cgure-flsneriog stylet and the dainty detailing pui ARTEMIS lingerie in the luxury class an every way BUT price! Here, beauty makes a point of being practical in a gown that's laundry-loving and never to be ironed. .You'll adore, too, the dainty and durable rose-embroidered nylon sheer that frames the heart-shaped neckline and reappears to slenderize the waist that ties to a perfect fit. Pink or blue in sizes 32 to 40. 5.95 A sweetly demure gown that turns chilly nights into "sweet-dream" weather. Petol-soft challis caressed with a tracery of Vol lace on the collar, the yoke, and the cuff ruffle of the shirred-to-fit long grace ful sleeves. Pink, blue or sunlight in sizes 32 to 40. 6.95 Delicate, frost-white snowflake embroidery traces a precious pattern on nylon sheer around the neckline and at the misty ruffled hemline of this beautiful and practical all nylon slip. White in sizes 32 to 40. hi m CASHMERE BOUQUET TOILET SOAP 3 Bars 23C CASHMERE BOUQUET TOILET SOAP 3 BC 35c REYNOLDS , FOIL WRAP 25-ft. Roll 59c luminum Foil with Dispense KAISER FOIL 25-ft. Roll 49c ST Ba,red Beans -m Brown Bread ,((, "m Margarine Durkee's Carton Gillette Blades 1Mb. $V39 Flat A WHILE THEY LAST LOOK SHARP . . . FEEL SHARP ... BE SHARP. HUE 'MUf , HUE- THK THR H. f s Hi sl 10 ttg. sf 20 Pks, f 4 , Hg. si II 25c 49c 98c 10c 25c LIQUID Purex Blench tor Safe Bleaching -Gallon Bottle 30' Household Cleaner AJAX CLEANSER 14-oz. cans 25c DETERGENT FAB 19-oz. Pkg. 30c DETERGENT FAB 47-oz. Pkg. 73c DETERGENT. VEL 15-oz. Pkg. 30c MCP Pectin Powdered 3 14-oz. 2 Pk9s- 25 Orange Base Real Gold Real Gold 6-oz. can Blended Base 6-oz. can MCP Lemon Juice 734-oz. can Lemonade Base Real Gold 6-oz. can Pooch Dog Food Per can 5.95 Shop Our Air-Cooled 2nd Floor Perk Horsemear K Fovorits with Pets Per can Cat Food Puss 'n' Boots 16-oz. eons k 75' Beef Rib Steaks U. S. Choice Beef, carefully trimmed, properly aged for full tenderness and flavor. SHORT RIBS A Reol Toste-Treat COOKED SALAMI Sliced Just Right for Sandwiches -75 Fresh Ground Beef n 39c Sliced Calves Liver n 69c Spare Ribs i s 5-lk. Sim U. 65c Sliced Bacon m a. 79c Canned Hams . ma.s5.79 14 KonMt Flit Spray H4L CM 35c 24-01. cm 51C Surfacs Spraying Quart Jf For Floor Cleanser Chili Con Carne Dinty Moore Beef Stew Swanson's Chicken Spread 5 t.,25c Biltmore Tuna Fish finer K. H ui 35c Bruc Quart Size Strawberry Preserves Ik lm tita 49c M&M Candy ST Z 25c Playfair Dog Food can 9c Prices In This Ad Art Effective Hiru Wednesday, Aug. 19 '