Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 17, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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Monday, 'August 17, 1953
Miss Kuns
Bride at
Woodburn At the Wood
burn Church of God, Friday
evening, Miu Marcelynn May
Kuni of Woodburn wai wed
to KODert Dale Salisbury of
Salem. The bride U the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kuni
of Woodburn and Mr. Salisbury
If the son of Mrs. Robert Stout
enberg of Salem and Ralph Sal
isbury of Cove Orchard, Ore.
The Rev. Edward H. Bald
win, pastor of the church, of
ficiated at the service in the
presence of 300 guests. The
church was decorated with or
chid and white gladioluses and
white candles.
Soloists were Mrs. Delmer
Kuns, sister-in-law of the
bride, and Larry Fraiser. Mrs.
Robert Adams of Portland ac
companied the singers and
played the wedding music.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a dress
of lace, tulle and taffeta, de
signed and made by herself,
with chapel length train. The
veil was of fingertip length.
The bride carried a cascade
bouquet of white orchids and
tephanotis. .
Miss Karene Kuns, sister of
the bride, was honor attend
ant, wearing a pastel green taf
feta frock and carrying a cas
cade bouquet of orchid glad
ioluses. Bridesmaids were Miss
Arelene Schervem of Wood
burn and Miss Mary Lou Hayes
of Canby, attired in orchid taf
feta with headpieces of taffeta
and braided net. They carried
bouquets of orchid gladioluses.
Jack Richards of Salem
served as best man for Mr.
Salisbury and ushers were Paul
Sundin of Salem and Richard
Fuhr of Portland.
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Kuns chose a rose crepe
dress with white accessories
with which she wore a white
carnation corsage. The bride
groom's mother wore blue with
white accessories and a cor
sage of white carnations.
The reception was at the
country home of the bride's
parents. The serving table was
centered with the wedding
cake with decorations of
maiden hair fern and white
gladioluses. Mrs. George Mc
Kinney of LaHabra, Calif., cut
the cake and Mrs. Eldon Hart
et Woodburn poured. Assisting
were Miss Myrna. Lippert of
Salem, Miss Eileen Rogers of
'Woodburn and Miss Mary Sal
isbury of Salem. Miss Virginia
Carpenter of Madras passed the
guest book: Miss Barbara Liv
ingston of Woodburn and Mrs.
Glen Stornes of Albany were
at the cift table. Mrs. Lloyd
Waymire and Mrs. Clarence
Wamnole were In charge of
The couDle left for a wed
ding trip to the mountains with
the bride wearing a light blue
linen suit with white accessor
ies and a corsage of white or
chids. They will be at home in
Portland after septemDer l.
Wedding August 9
Miss Joan Lou Hopkins,
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Zulsdorf of Woodburn,
and Melvin James Monnier, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Monnier
of Hubbard, were married in
the Woodburn Church of God,
Sunday. August 9.
The Rev. Arthur Goble, pas
tor of the Woodburn Four
square Community church, per
formed the double ring cere,
monv at 2:30 o'clock.
A color scheme of pink and
white was used throughout the
wedding and in the floral deco
rations in the churcn. jacic
Lenhardt, a cousin of the bride,
played the wedding music and
accompanied the soloist, Her
bert Hawley, Jr., another cous
in, who sang.
The bride, given in marriage
by her grandfather, wore a ny
lon marquisette over taffeta
dress fashioned with a train.
Her fingertip veil of marquis
ette and lace fell from a crown
trimmed" in seed pearls. She
carried a bouquet of pink rose
buds and pale pink bouvardia,
centered with a. white orchid
and tied with blue satin ribbon
Miss Dolores Gusa of Port
land was maid of honor for her
cousin. She wore a pink em
broidered organdy ballerina
length dress and picture hat
Her bouquet was of pink glad
ioluses and blue delphiniums.
Miss Claudia Hayes and Miss
Carmen Roler, both of Wood
burn, were bridesmaids. Their
dresses were blue and made like
the maid of honor's dress.
Flower girls were Barbara
and Judy Hawley. Stevie Slo
ver and Gary Hawley were
ring bearers, and lighting the
tapers were Misses Sonia Avin
and Carolyn Lenhardt Bonnie
Gusa and Arlie Lenhardt rolled
lent II, 153 Follows Pablle School Tear
l to 11:4 A.M. Dally
Limited tot 15 children S years at age
For Reservations and Information Call 2-1711
Garden Wedding Is
Event Friday Eve
The rustic gardens of the
Emmet T. Rodgers home on
Wallace road provided the set
ting for the wedding of Mrs.
Hellen B. Davis, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bunnell
of Cimarron, Kansas, and
Samuel Ennis Keeton, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Keeton of
Springfield, Ore.
The Rev. Dudley Strain of
ficiated at the double ring cer
emony on Friday, August 14, at
7:00 o'clock in the evening.
The bride was presented In
marriage by her father. At
tending as matron of honor was
Mrs. Emmet Rogers. Ainsley A.
Whitman stood with the bride
groom as best man.
Following the ceremony, a
buffet supper was served In
the Rogers home.
Guests attendini the wed
ding were Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Hubbard, aister and brother-in-law
of the bridegroom: Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Bunnell, Mr.
and Mrs. Emmet Rogers and
Ainsley A. Whitman.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Keeton
plan to make their home in
Salem. Mr. Keeton is a mem
ber of the library staff of Wil
lamette university ' and Mrs.
Keeton is staff member of
radio station KSLM.
The South Salem WCTU
met at the home of Mrs. L.
Conner on South. . Church
street, Friday, for a 1 o'clock
luncheon. The business meet
ing followed with devotions
by Mrs. Harold Allen. The
president, Mrs. Mason Bishop,
gave some highlights of the
World's WCTU convention.
New officers elected for the
coming year are Mrs. Harold
Allen, president; vice-president,
Mrs. A. W. Metiger;
promotion secretary, Mrs. V.
E. Burson; recording secretary.
Mrs. Everett McRae, and
treasurer, Mrs. E. Trick.
NOW Group Meets
saver Bell circle, Neigh
bors of Woodcraft, met Friday
evening for initiation of Mrs.
F. D. Weston, Mrs. Art Zehner,
Miss Pat McKinnon. Refresh'
ments were served later in the
Twenty- members from Sil
ver Bell circle went to pep
meeting at Dallas, Thursday
evening. Guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Al Roone, Oakland, Calif,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark, of
Dunsmuir, Calif. The next pep
meeting will be October 11 at
Newberg... --. i
Past guardians will meet
next Friday at the home of
Mrs. Velma Teeson, 1870 North
Cottage, for a no-host dinner
at 6 o'clock.
SILVERTON Guests recent
ly at the home of Mrs. W. H.
Woodard of Coolidge street,
were Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Glueckert of the firm of Wash
ington Lumber and Coal com
pany, East Chicago, Indiana.
The late Mr. Woodard was
west coast salesman for the
midwestern company of which
Mr. Glueckert is manager.
SILVERTON Being enter
tained at the B. F. Landers
home are Mrs. Landers' aunt,
Mrs. . Emma Barrett and her
daughter, Mrs. Robert Bur
roughs of Eugene, and another
aunt. Mrs. Nida Green from
the carpet for the bridal party.
Best man was Glen Monnier,
cousin of the bridegroom. Ush
ers were Jake Triplett and
Charles Courier.
A reception at the In-manuel
Lutheran parish hall followed
the ceremony. Mrs. William
Gusa of Portland served the
cake. Mrs. Roy Lenhardt
poured the punch and Mrs. Her
bert Hawlev poured the cof
fee. Assisting were Mrs. Floyd
Lenhardt, Sr., Mrs. Floyd Len
hardt Jr., Mrs. W. M. Burke,
Mrs. Harry Shultz, Mrs. Cecil
Lenhardt, Mrs. Delbert Hop
kins. William Gusa, Cecil Len-
hardt. and Bill Baldwin. Mrs.
Harold Lenhardt passed the
euestbook. Mrs. Herbert Haw
ley, Jr., Mrs. Harold Hawley
and Mrs. Eldon Slover were in
charie of the gifts.
For traveling the bride wore
a pink dress with white acces
sories snd an orchid corsage.
The couple went to several
scenic spots in Oregon and are
now at home in wooaourn.
For Women VV and nnder
US North High
Wedding at
Mt. Angel ,
Mt. Angel Announcement
is made of the engagement and
approaching marriage et Miu
Helen Berg, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Berg of
Grants Pau to Bernard Vande
eoevering. son of Mrs. John P.
Vandeeoevering and the late
Mr. Vandeeoevering of Mt. An
gel. The ceremony will be solem
nized at a nuptial high mass
in St. Mary's Catholic church
in Mt Angel, Saturday, August
22, at 10 o'clock in the morn
ing. The Rev. Cyril Lebold,
O S.B, will officiate.
An afternoon reception will
be arranged in. the dining room
oi bt. Mary's school.
Miss Berg is a house guest
at the country home of her
cousin, Mrs. Cornelius Vande
eoevering, Woodburn, R.F.D.
- to . '; -
.; jgfV ; ; -v k v
SoUm , Largest Assortment of
Dalfy: 9:00 A.M.
Plan New Year
Woodburn A planning
meeting of the officers and
committee chairmen of the
Woodburn Garden club was at
the library Thursday afternoon
to work out the program for
the year.
Officers are Mrs. Charles Co
nyne. president; Mrs. Edwin
Johnson, vice president; Mrs.
James Livesay, secretary, and
Mrs. A. G. Cowan, treasurer.
Mrs. Conyne announced the
following committee chairmen
for the yean Mrs. W. J. Wilson,
conservation; Mrs. Frank Cov
ey, publicity; Mrs. H. F. But
terfield, courtesy; Mrs. John
Ramage, exhibits; Mrs. Lela
HugiU, attendance; Mrs. Fred
Frentz, scrapbook; Mrs. James
Livesay, membership; Frank
Covey, auctioneer;
Mrs. John Ramage was ap
pointed chairman of thr booth
for the North Marion County
fair at Woodburn, September
24, 25 and 28.
Regular meetings of the club
will be resumed September 8
y. : y;si-. ": ;ff . " - : , -y f
Reg. $209.50 Armless Style Hide-f-BeJ( apartment $ QQ50
house site, tap and tweed cover I 0
Reg. $239.50 Armlets Hide-o-led, full ilia, $ AAS0
red tweed covar I WW
Reg. $239.50 Lawson Sryle Hide-a-Bed, brown $) 1 QS0
floral covering. Full siic Jmw
Reg. $249.50 Modern Style Hide-a-Bed, red $00050
metallic. V slie . JmJLw
Is at
to 5:30 P.M.
!Miss Hiatt
Wed Aug. 8
wooanurn The wedding of
Miss Darlene U. Hiatt, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan
Hiatt of Portland, and Alfred
John (Jack) Moon, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred G. Moon of
Woodburn, was an event of Au
gust 8 at the Park Rose Con
gregational church in Portland.
The Rev. D. M. Nieol offici
ated at the double ring cere
mony at 8 p.m. in the presence
of more than 200 guests.
Soiolst was Mrs. William
Hendrick of Manhattan, Ore.
The church was decorated with
white gladioluses and fern with
tall eandelabrums arranged on
the rostrum.
Mr. Hiatt gave his daugh
ter in marriage. She wore a
white satin wedding dress made
with train. The yoke was
trimmed with bugle beads and
rhinestones, and there were
long pointed sleeves. The
finger-tip veil was held in
ftoirewidle Clecrainice ff
- St JXl
- l
'iff lij-ffM;
We Give and Redeem Fenny-Sorer Stamp
Friday Evening 'til 9 P.M.
place by a mother of pearl
tiara, worn by many members
of the bride's family. The bride
carried her bethel Bible with
tiny white flowers and a white
orchid, and a shower of rib
bons. Matron of honor was Mrs.
Fred Boyce, who wore yellow
taffeta and carried a nosegay
of orchid gladioluses and Talis
man roses.
Bridesmaids were Miss Elis
abeth Moon, aister of the bride
groom, and Miss Dianne Friti
ell, both wearing orchid taf
feta with matching headbands,
and carrying nosegays of yel
low gladioluses and Talisman
roses. Flower girls were Vickie
and Linda Grant, cousins of
the bride; attired in orchid taf
feta. Sing bearer waa Stephen
Johnson, cousin of the bride.
Richard Moon served as best
man for his brother and ushers
were Arthur Moon, a cousin,
and Clarence Schroeder.
A reception followed the
ceremony , and was In the
church parlors with Mrs. El'
41' 1"A'.f . i, -J i..r' -
Save not ess than $20 . . . up to $60
Direct Factory Carload Shipment!
Discontinued Covers! One-of-a-Kind!
First Quality Tweeds, Mohair Friezes, Tapestries!
Regular and Apartment House Sizes!
Choice of Lawson, Modern Law son, Modern,
Modern Club Styles!
Reg. $279.50 Lawson Style Hide-a-Bed. Full site,
rose mohair frieie cover
Reg. $289.50 Modern Style Hide-a-Bed, regular
iie, green mohair frieie covar
Reg. $249.50 Modern T-Cushion Hide-a-Bed,
green tweed covering. Apartment housa slie.
Reg. $287.50 Lawson Style Hide-a-Bed T-Cuthion,
full siia, groan tweed covar
Reg. $279.50 T-Cushion Club Hide-a-Bed,
mohair covers, groan
mar Hiatt, sunt of the bride, in
charge. Decorations were ar
ranged by Mrs. Lloyd Buris.
The couple left Immediate
ly for a wedding trip to Cali
fornia. For traveling, Mrs.
Moon wore a checkered suit. of
pink and gray with pink acces
Mrs. Moon is a graduate of
Parkrose high school, Portland,
and haa been employed by the
Meier and Frank company. Mr.
Moon, a graduate of Wood-bu.-n
high school and Capital
Business college, served 38
months In the navy during
world War II. He has been em
ployed as clerk in the medical
department of the Veterans ad
ministration in Portland. They
will make their home in Port
land for the present
, e . a ,
ILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
S. A. Gay had as their house
guests the families of their two
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Arlo
Taylor and son. Pat of Port
land, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Hall and two daughters, Eileen
ana itoc-in.
g ED S
H. L. Stiff Fum. Co.
Easy . . . Easy
. Terms
STLVEXTON Guests of tea
Tony Zastoupils for the week
have been Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Jeffrey and Vlckl and Jane,
from Renton, Wash.
Also visiting the Zastoupils
have been Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
("Jiggs") Burnett, Barbara Ana
and Gerald. '
Mr. Burnett was a member
of the school faculty of Silver
ton High, later going to the"
Woodburn schools. He has re
cently transferred from the
physical education work at
West Linn to Beavarton.
- 450 Court Street