Monday, 'AofiBt 17, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balm, Ortgoa Ttgm -FRONTIER DAYS PARADE WINNER " . 1 1 1 i , ii i ; . .'. rM' - - A":' ' v,.' ' - - ' - j - i -. . .... i '. .- ....,. J ii. Parcdo Climaxes 1953 Frontier Days Fete Sweet Home Thii float, entered in the Commercial division, won the sweepstakes prize in the Frontier Days parade Saturday at Sweet Home. Following the theme. Cascade Playground, the float features Pat Stokes as skier atop a mountain slope. About 28 per cent of the people of Wales speak both Welsh and English, and 2 per cent speak Welsh only. Sweet Home Sweepstakes award winner for the annual Frontier Days celebration pa rade Saturday was a float sponsored by Weeks Chevrolet depicting a skier atop a ski slope. Pat Stokes, attired in white, graced the float which was in keeping with the thtme of tht parade. Cascade Playground. Winners were: Commercial, Weeks Chevrolet, first; Santl am Supply, second; Santiam Feed and Seed, third. Churches Methodist, first; Church of Jesus Christ of lat ter Day Saints, second. Fraternal and clubs: First, Royal Neighbors of America; second, Rainbow Assembly; third. Sweet Home Library Board. Bands. First, Sunnyside Mountain Band; second. Walk er's Accordion Band. Log Truck Division: Lester Shingle Co. Comic: "Dog Patch Simpo ny." Marching teams: First, Sweet Home City Park Twirlers; sec ond, Marine Corps League of Albany; third, Cub Pack 98. : Mounted division: Mrs. J. K. Olmstead, first; second, Mrs. W. R. . Robnett, Crawfordsville; third, W. C. Graves. A special award ribbon was bestowed upon "Klondike Kate" and her family who were driving an antique car. Judges for the parade were Vern Reeves of Lebanon; Ted Snyder of Albany; E. R. Stor ey of Lebanon; Ben Fisher and Chester Page of Brownsville. Sweepstakes winner In the children's parade Friday was the Park Baton Twirlers led by Pattie Malone. Their instruc tor was Mrs. Pat Llnning. They were also first place winners in their division. The marching divisions the Cub Scout Pack 98 carrying the colors and flogs won first Second place winners were the Wagon Train group from the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat ter Day Saints, and coon hunt ers, jimmie Musgraves and Steve Morgan also won a sec ond placer lbben in this divi sion. Costumed division had clown, Sallie and Clifford Dan iels with the first place rib bon and two bunnies, and Former Jones winning second place. The bunnies were Tom my Reed ana Mac Mclntyre was Gregory Reed. Two won third place in this division. Sheri Calvert and thes mall Rebek boy were cow boy and cowgirl and a wedding group with Lonnie Disinger and the Williams girl Greg Moss took first place in the bicycle division, second place winner was Madelon Mausen, and third place win ner was Diane Peterson. ' Tricycle division: first. Lore and Ann Fiasco; second, Den nis Miles Smith; third. Dale Rictor. Fancy Dress Indian group by the Mosquedo children and Steve Onuted won a second prize ribbon and Ellen and Jackie Brandt won first prize ribbon with their donkey in the animal division. The parade, which is spon sored by Post 3437, Veterans of Foreign Wars, was under the chairmanship of Clarence Gamble. Judges for the children's pa rade were Mrs. Dorothy Smith, Don Bonham, and Ha Felix. . Perlpatus, a worm-like ani mal which is one of the old est types of creature on earth, is found in scattered locations In Asia, Africa, Australia and Central and South America. DO YOU KKOiY! The physically handicapped need your help. Goodwill In-I pastries needs yew discarded kslothlng, furniture and house hold articles to keep the han Hkapped employed. Telephone 4-2248 Pickups Tuesdays and Fridays Woodbum Woincn Honored In East Wood burn Mrs. Frank Pur ely of Woodburn, who la mak ing an extended visit In Minne sota, was honored recently at a picnic dinner, given by her sis ter, Mrs. Josephine Knaph, at Detroit Lake, Minn. Those present in addition to the honored guest were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burda and son, Floyd, of Harris, Minn.; Bar ney Burda of Ulen, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Mauritz Olson, daugh ters Jeanette Marilyn and Cath erine Ann of Detroit Lake, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Merlin E. Burda of Morehead, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Newman Jacobaon and ion, Loren, Twin Valley, nn.; Mr. and Mrs. Baroia Mastin, Ogema, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knopf and son, Zarl H., of HitterdaL Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Selmer Dalve of Detroit, Lake, Minn. Mrs. Pnrdy la leaving for St Paul and Minneapolis, then on v to Omaha, Neb., and Boise, Ida ho, visiting other relatives oa her way home. She left Wood burn June 12. Jonfct PRINTING DiAL3-C353 ' Willy's PridS!::? MasealeBMg. State High LOCKGL1 Bm Fancy Eastern Crt;:a C::l FRONT QUARTER w Pound HALF OR WHOLE Found - HIND QUARTER 29 Pound ASK AIOUT OUR SPECIAL 60 LIS. FOR $26 SALEM MEAT CO. 1325 5.25 Sr. PkoM 3-4858 WE GIVE AND REDEEM ZC GREEN STAMPS REPEAT OF A SULLOUT! REQUESTED BY THE MANY WHO MISSED THIS EVENT ROBERTS REPEATS THIS SENSATIONAL OFFER! , court street store mm. MI 1W SME TEN YEAR GUARANTEE BOB Stiver " J-,&i : 3f Final Sale-Lawn Swings-Limited Quantity Deluxe Model Standard Model Special Model Rf. $5.5 R,,. $49.95 $5995 $3995 295 Green, rust, blue enly deluxe Hue only Innenprinj pod. Jutt one rust color. features. Jurt 3. Just 2. Shop rly! 3-DAY SPECIAL! f.lon, Tucs. and Wed. Only! SECOND FLOOR COURT STREET Roberts is fortunate to be obit to repeat the same of fer that met with such success! A tested mattress " that has proven its worth over tht years ot its regular price . . . now offered at just half price for three days only. Check the money-saving price! You'll agree it is a buy! Come in ... try it! Phone or write . . . but hurry! Roberts Mattresses, Second Floor 10-YEAR CONSTRUCTION . GUARANTEE 252 NACHMAN POSTURIZED COILS PERFECT BODY BALANCE UNIT PATENTED "NACHMAN STABLE EDGE" TO REINFORCE EDGES LAYERS AND LAYERS OF FELTED COTTON FOR WEAR SISAL INSULATION FOR EXTRA FIRMNESS HANDLES FOR EASY TURNING VENTS TO KEEP IT FRESH AND AIRED 6 HEAVY WOVEN DAMASK TICKING CHOOSE EITHER TWIN OR FULL SIZE No Down Payment on our approved credit as little as $5 a month