Part 20 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon Monday, August 17, 19S3 DISOWNED ft 2 950 Strikers Return to Work Seattle () The Lumber men'! Indiutrial Relations Committee announced Sunday ome D50 itrikinf members of the CIO International Wood workers Union in Oregon have aigned contracts which will re turn them to work without a wage increase. The committee laid firmi in volved are the Shepherd and Hone Lumber Mill at West port, Ore., the Santiare Lumber Co., and the "WUlamette Na tional Lumber Co. Nearly 13,000 employee in about 130 Pacific Northwest companies have signed without a wage increase, the committee reported, and 8,900 employes in six companies signed tor a f ive-cent-an-hour wage increase. Still on strike are about 1,000 men at each of two Washington firms, Simpson Logging Co., at Shelton, and the St. Paul Co. at Tacoma, the committee said. SOAP FOE KOREA Manila WV-The Philippines government is sending 60,000 cakes of laundry soap to Ko rea for use of the U.N. com mend in assisting civilians. PenneyS 'A i1t- tV 'I'M FALL CASHMERE ARE HERE! Theodore Zanowicz, 21, bows dejectedly as he leaves Federal Court in Cleveland, O., where he learned he can never regain the citi zenship he forfeited - by fleeing this country to Mex ico to evade the draft He wi'l . be deported after serving two yean in pris on. (UP Telephoto) Contracts Inked For Fair Events Contracts have been signed for two of this year's Oregon state fair major entertainment events the rodeo and the nightly stage revue, it is an nounced by Leo G. Spitzbart, air manager. Dates for the fair in Salem are Saturday, September 3 through Satur day, September 12. In charge of staging the world's championship rodeo ' in the fairgrounds stadium will be one of the country's foremost rodeo organzistions, Chrlstensen Brothers, Inc., of Eugene and Roseburg, Spltz birt said. The group has earn ed a reputation for staging top-flight rodeos and provid ing rodeo stock of all types for rodeos throughout the west, including Texas. The rodeo will be held at 8 p.m., all eight days of the fair and at 2:30 p.m. Sunday and Monday. The stage revue, presented en the rolling stage in front of the grandstand at 8 p.m., every evening of the fair, will be staged by Helena Hughes, one of the leading producers for the 20th Century-Fox or ganization of New York and Hollywood. Theme of the re rue will be Welcome Hawaii, in keeping with this year's fair theme, according to Miss Hughes. Flori Slongier, 17, Miss Sweet Home Sweet Home Miss Flori Slongier, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Slongier, was chosen Miss Sweet Home by a panel of judges in the bathing beauty contest which was held during the annual "Chips and Splinters" show Friday night. Second place winner was Donna Blair, and third pleace winner was Nancy Cobat Miss Sweet Home was crowned by one of the Judges and presented with a white bathing suit. SOUTH SALEM C OF C Salem Height The regular meeting of the South Salem Suburban Chamber of Com merce will be Wednesday, Au gust 19, at 8 p.m. at the Salem Heights Community hall. The topic of discussion will be Joryville Park. . Free Book on Arthritis And Rheumatism HOW TO AVOID CRimiNS DEFORMITIES An amazing newly enlarged 44-page book entitled "Rheu matism" will be sent free to anyone who will write for it. It reveals why drugs and medicines give only temporary relief and fail to remove the causes of the trouble; explains a specialized non-surgical non medical treatment which has proven successful for the past IS years. You incur no obligation in sending for this instructive book It may be the means of saving you years of untold mis cry. Write today to The Ball Clinic, Dept. 2(111, Excelsior Springs, Missouri. f TIRE STORE ' Trio id High Sfraal Nmm 31191 I 14.1 -HIV I IV?. VI-" I I 1 11. r . m i n - - L 11 HM0WMK X II S STOSM TijEIflTtR warTBstetl 25 Off List BUY 4 FOR THE PRICE OF 3 LIST PRICES: 6.00-16 1 TTRE. .'. 16.93 4 TIRES 67.80 SALE PRICED TIRES: LIST PRICES: 6.70-15 1 TTRE 1&93 4 TIRES. ....... .73.80 SALE PRICFf-4 TIRES: 50.85 56.85 A REAL EXTRA -OUALITr FIRST LINK TIRE EXTRA-STRONG CARCASS EXTRA LONG MUAGE-MUUMOW TRIAD FOR EXTRA "STOP-ABnjfT", EXTRA SATSTT WARDS DELDXX TIRES DELUXE TUBES 6.40-15 18.25 73.00 5475 2.35 .50-15 20.45 81.80 6U5 2.55 670-15 18.95 75.80 56.85 2.55 7.10-15 21.25 85.00 6375 2.65 7.60-15 23.25 W.00 6975 2.85 8.00-15 25.35 101.40 76.05 3.55 6.00-16 16.95 67.80 50.85 2.30 6.50-16 21.45 85.80 64.35 2.60 fk fohrat To. fofanrf IntWrwiM Srx. RfVERSIDC DELUXE WHfTEWALLS ALSO ON SALE, HURRY LIMITED TIME ONLY Hi No. Liberty St, Salem, Oregea BUY ON PE Fresh selections! Easy Budgeting! No Mid-winter bills! BACK-TO-SCHOOL ' iii.iiii. j C F 11 o o ff 1 L lift' " J 1A - M L I! .V CASH 1 .H il i , V i it J t I ! oil Wi ' lff 1 t , nil M51 v. :: ft FINE GAUGE, FULL- FASHIONED IMPORTED CASHMERE WOOL .. . IN BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF: WHITE, PINK, LT. BLUE, MAIZE, DK. GREEN, NATURAL, CHERRY, NAVY OR BLACK.;. AND ONLY SLIPOVER SIZES 38-42 21 CARDIGAN . . . FASHION FLOOR (SECOND) Slits 3842 liillllllMMIMMIMW,r,iTif.ll'lk-,',g V mmmm j I I SI II Hi" LAY-AWAY m M EASY hwy th BEST! cneosE now... hmmdj LAY-AWAY! A r i SCHOOT, AHEAD! JUST RECEIVED! NEW FALL SHIPMENTS ORLON& WOOL SCCDE5TS HAND-WASHABLE, PERMANENTLY PLEATED! PLEATS STAY IN FOR LIFE- EVEN AFTER WASHING! MUCH LIGHTER, MORE COMFORT ABLE THAN WOOL! WIDE CHOICE OF NEWEST FALL PLAIDS 8. SOLID COLORS (0)'9Q (0) SIZES 22-30 FASHION FLOOR (SECOND) LOOK GIRLS! GENUINE CORDE SIACKIE BAGS Exceptional value for Back-to-School and at such an unbelievably low price. You'll want one of each color to go with your new school outfit. Brown, black or admiral blue. MAIN FLOOR 298 Plus Tes. YES! PENNEY'S HAS THEM! WHITE BUCK SADDLES Spooking white saddles ot Penney's! In buck leather, UQ they have long-wearing red molded rubber sole, ore tops for back-to-school. 4-9. AA to C. DOWNSTAIRS STORE STORE HOURS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. FRIDAY NITE 'TILL 9 P.M.