Monday, Aojnut 17, 1953 Page 2 THE CAPITAL JOlTtNAL. Rale. OrtfM , In. The Edited bj HIKE FORBES Dayton Dayton The Fint Baptlat church in Diyton give a re ception Tuesday evening, Aug. 11, at the church in honor of the new pastor, Rev. and Mrs. James H. Soden. There was a large group of pastors and friends of the church. Alfred M. Jensen was mas ter of ceremonies. He intro duced the honored couple and various members of the con gregation spoke, as did Rev. A. Abrahamson of the Assembly of God church, Rev. Harry Ryan of the EUB church, and Rev. George Williams of the Christian church. Fatty Grover sang a solo and Phyllis Hearst played a num ber on the violin. The program was concluded by a prayer of dedication and a word of response by Rev. Soden. - Refreshments were served by the ladles of the church, with Mrs. Marlam Krake as chair man. The Sodens come to Dayton from Newport, where he was pastor for two years. They have two daughters, Marilyn and Carol. i Rev. H. C. Ryan, pastor of the Dayton Pioneer church, was returned to Dayton by the re cent conference of the EUB church at Jennings Lodge for hi sixth year as pastor. Mrs. Lucy McGowan and son Scott returned home Tues day from a week's vacation trip to WatsonvUle, Calif., to Scott's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McGowan. Mrs. Julius Groth and Mrs. Eunice Schwlson have recently taken a vacation which took them to Lake Tahoe, Calif., and Reno, Nex.. The ladles are nurses at the McMinnvllle hos pital. . Dan Umphenor of Beatrice, Nebr., Is visiting a few days with friends, the Overgard family. Mr. and Mrs. Manley Bor gan and family took a trip to eastern Oregon over the week end. They went at far as Mitch ell and saw a lot of country and had a fine trip. Mr. and Mrs. William Feas ley and daughters, Joanle and SheUy, of Palo. Alto, Calif., are here visiting with her par ents, Mr. and . Mrs. Harold Frlnk, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs, William Varan and son Leonard, from Turn bull, Nebr., and their ton, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Varan and How Showing ON OUR NEW WIDE Regular Prices Pint V LhA fc. RICHARD .CARlSPri i 'VERONICA HURST Plus this Top First-run Feature "THE VICIOUS YEARS" Starring the Popular Teen-Age Actor, Tommy Cook r Valley son of Salem, visited Mrs. Ha Paris recently. Mr. and Mrs. Lanada McFee and ton Dexter spent a week end in Washington, where they visited relatives in Puyallup, Sunnyside and Seattle. Her son, Dennis Glandon, came home with them for a few weeks stay before going to his home in Burbank, Calif. Union Hill Union HU1 Members of the Union Hill grange Community Betterment club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Verny Scott on Tuesday evening for the August meeting. Henry Hansen, chairman, presided during the business meeting. Mrs. W. M. Tate It the tecre tary. Mrt. Robert Muller was a visitor. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Krenz, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Tate, Mr. and Mrt. Julius Krenz, Mr. and Mrt. Henry Peters, Richard Krenz, Keith Scott, Mr. and Mrt. A. N. Doerfler and the host and hostess, Mf. and Mrt. Verny Scott The Union Hill grange Home Economics committee meeting was held at the home of Mrs. J. C. Krenz on Wednesday eve ning. Mrs. W. F. Krenz, chair man, presided during the busi ness meeting. Committees for the grange community fair ap- pointed during the evening were: Country Store: Mrs. James Gilham, Mrs. Henry Hansen, Mrs. Arthur Mulkey. Finance: Mrs. Henry Peters, Mrt. Marion Miller and Mrs. Robert Hum phreys. Textile: Mrt. Henry Petert, Mrt. Robert Darrah. Canning: Mrs. Julius Krenz and ' Mrs. W. J. Lensman. Baked food and candy: Mrs. W. M. Tate and Mrs. Robert Lierman. Flowers: Mrs. Don ald Jaquet and Mrs. Robert Humphreys. Hobbles and an tiques: Mrt. Geneva Hubbard and Mrt. Marlon Miller. - The grange fair it scheduled to be held the second Saturday in October. Present during the evening were: Mrt. Arthur Mulkey, Mrs. Robert Humphreys, Mrt. A. N. Doerfler, Mrt. Henry Peters, Mrt. W. J. Lensman, Mrs. Myra Fischer, Mrs. ' Byron McEl- haney, Mrs. W. M. Tate, Mrt. M. M. Gilmour, Mrt. Marion Miller, Mrt. Geneva Hubbard, Mrs. Verny Scott, Mrs. W. F. Krenz, Mrs. John Doerfler and the hostess, Mrt. Krenz. Mrt. M. M. Gilmour was co-hostess. First Run in SalemI SILVER SCREEN 15c for S-D Viewers - , a FAMILIES CHOOSE 5. P. 1 IWPOtTlAHO or 1 i um UN Xalli" Jr Lyons Lyons wemncrl of the Home Economics dub of the Bantiam '-alley Orange, held their meeting at the bom of Mrs. Olin Splva near Turner Tuesday with utt all-day meet ing and potluck dinner at th noon hour. - In the afternoon the bus iness meeting was held with Leora Stevens, chairman, In charge. The main business was making plant for the annual harveat festival and bazaar, which la to be held at the hall Saturday afternoon and even ing, Sept. 26. . The theme chosen for the festival it "The Horn of Plenty". It was also voted to buy a hamburger grill and the following committees were annotated: Dinner. MelvanU OanVlin. Leora Stevens, Neta Horner, Garnett Battett, Alice Huber, Blanche Syveson, Alta Bodek er, Bessie Buckler, Ida Free, and Sylvia Goddell; lunch and hamburgers, - Ealine Russell, Eva Bresiler, Rote Cofman, Mabel Bass, Evelyn Trahan, Edith Rogers: bazaar table. Lu cille Rogers, Anna B. Julian, Viola Zander and Xi telle Spiva. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olmse- tad and sons Donald, Walter and Jlmmle.went to Portland Sunday to attend a reunion of the Tidewater Logging com pany, held at the Sellwood park. Mr. and Mrt. Percy Hlatt and ber mother, Mrt. Cora Jenner, went to Silver Creek Tills Suncay, where they Joined a group of relatives and friends from Portland. The occasion honored her uncle, Harry Reeves, of Portland, on his birthday anniversary. Gail Elmer of Albany it spending this week at the home of hit grandparents, Mr. and Mrt. Percy Hlatt. Mr. and Mrt. Charles Cruton have as their guests, Mr. and Mrt. Howard Bennett from Butte, Mont The Bennetts ex pect to stay until the first of September. Mrt. Ivan Smith, Ivalyn and Dennit and her mother, Mrt. E. S. Barker, were in Forest Grove Thursday where they visited Mr. Smith's mother, Mrt. Leila Smith, who hat been confined to the hospital there for some time suffering with a heart condition. They were very happy to learn that the it much improved. Mr. and Mrt. Nick Gustaf son and son Jerry went to Port land Sunday, where they were guests at the home of his broth er, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gustat ion. His sister, Mrs. r.enneth Fower from Etabasca, Canada, whom he had not met for 20 years, returned home with them lor a short visit. Elmer Hlatt, Mrs. Alex Bo- deker, Mrt. Clyde Bressler and Mr. and Mrt. Percy Hiatt and grandson, Gall Elmer, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Winter of Mehama, were in Redmond Tuesday to attend funeral serv ices for Mrt. Charles Matty of Mr. and Mrt. Van Prichard are vialting relative! and friends at Clattkanie this week. Prichard U janitor at the Marl Linn school. Week-end guettt at the home of Mr. and Mrt. Willard Hart nell were her titter and hut band, Mr. and Mrt. Hadley Rid dle from Richland, Wash. Mrs. Woodle, mother of the two ladies, who has spent some time at the Hartnell home, returned home with them. Visiting at the home of Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Knox is her sister, Mrt. Vetton Hen' derson and children from Cor coran, Calif. Miu Louise pietrok it en joying a week't vacation. Miss Pietrok It employed at the Stayton telephone office. Mr. and Mrt. Paul Penning ton,' Paula, Shyril and Marlene, returned home the first of the Ragsdales Hold Family Reunion Mill City The Ernest Rags- dale borne in MiU City was the scene of a family reunion last week. Feature of the day was the malting of tape recordings to tend to relatives unable to be present Mr. and Mrs. Gillis Ragsdale of McNeal, Ariz., brought tape recordings of members of their family tinging and playing musical instruments, which were played for the entertain ment of the relatives. They are former Oregon residents, leaving the state about 17 years ago. Others present at the gath ering were: Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter Arthur, Mr. and Mrt. Ray Arthur and daughter Marlene, Mrt. Lucille Kllnge, Mr. and Mrt. John Kennedy, all of In tent; Velma and Ardith Conk lin of Corvallii: Kenneth Burn- wood of Philomath; Mrt. Pearl Bihl of Rio Linda, Calif.; Mr. and Mrt. Floyd Query and chil dren, Judy, Jackie and Rlckie, of Salem; Mr. and Mrt. Jess Ragsdale and daughter, Devo te, and Mr. and Mrt. Elbert Ragsdale and sons, Arnie and Dickie, of Rlckrcall; Mi. and Mrs. Jack Shepherd of Port land; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Wede kind of Canby; Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Dillard; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ragsdale of Tutcon, Ariz.; Mr. and Mrt. C. W. Arthur, Mr. and Mn. Joe Ragsdale, Carol and Joe, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Lenthel Ragsdale, Susan and Kathy, Mr.' and Mrs. Ernest Ragsdale, Sr., all of Mill City. Bethel Park Bethel Park Among those attending a week-end family gathering at the R. Nelson home were Mr. and Mrs. L. Godson, Lead Hill, Ark.; Mr. and Mrt. Clem Dodson, Sand spring, Okla., and Mr. and Mrt. Don Nelson and daughter Jen nifer o( Athena, Ore. Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Don Nel son and family and Mr. and Mrt. Clem Dodton drove to Willamina, Ore., . where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Nelson. . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles In gles of Albany, Ore., were re cent dinner guests In the Roy Sullivan home. Leo Gllman, Gold Hill, Or., it visiting In the home of his sister, Mrs. Roy Sullivan. week from a vacation at the coast. They drove down the coast and while In Newport they visited her mother, Mrs. Sid Gruggett. - Rev. and Mrs. Harold Sher iff and children, Johnle and Hall, from Philipsburg, Penn., arrived in Lyons Tuesday af ternoon.. Rev. Sheriff recently graduated from the Southern Methodist university in Texas. Rev. Walter Dodge of Salem has been in charge until the new minister arrived. Mr. and Mrt. Thornton and Mr. and Mrt. Hagerman, from Kelso, Wash., were - recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrt, Frank Durland. Mrs. Dur land it the daughter of the Hagermam and a sister of Mrs. Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Palmer went to Seaside on the coast where they attended funeral services for his father. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, who moved to Lyons a year ago from Sweet Home and have re. cently been living in the Jor dan district near the lod school house, left Friday for Mis souri, where they will make their home while he is attend ing Bible school. . & S. RY. Yes, the whole family wants to go ' viaS.P.&S. Ry. ; , Your vacation starts the minute you hear "all aboard." Dad, mother, sister and even junior will enjoy the scenic water level route and delicious dining car meals. Deep-cushioned reclining coach seats, or comfortable Pullman accom modations, make your vacation or business trip a pleasure from the start. Co Ortjgew Hectrfr Rcrilwy Ce. to4y J. D. Surlet, Oregon Electric Freight Depot eaaraJ fle Amrktm lew twWelhn SPOKANE, PORTLAND and SEATTLE RAILWAY SYSTEM Ship mJ rrwvtfVfc) Nwthwtft wit railway' Falls City Falls City The Cook fam ily of the Oakdal community had at Sunday guests, Mr. Cook's parents. Mr. and Mrt. John Cook, and brother Floyd, o Forest Grove. A. Q. Rots is improving In health after a prolonged ill ness of nearly four months. Mr. Ross it looking forward to a week-end visit with his sister, Mrs. L. M. Circle of Florence, Ore. She is coming here also to attend the old timers' picnic. , The Falls City Garden club will hold a business meeting Wednesday afternoon, Aug. IB, at 2 .o'clock in Riverside park. Mr. and Mn. Eddie Melvin and Mist Sutan Hale of Ash by Neb., visited th Ed York and Claude Meyer familiet over the week-end. They all had homeiteaded In Nebraska and were -neighbors. Word has just been received of the death in Portland of H. S. Zimmerman, who was our city marshal for several yean. Mr. and Mn. Jack Dickin son and children and Mn. Stel la Paquette visited Wyrlck Bancroft at the state T. B. hos pital Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Utter man visited at the home of his parents recently. Mr. and Mn. Joe Norrit of Valsety and Betty Jo Allen of Harrington, Kan., accompanied their uncle, . George Kitchen and hit ton Leon to Kernville Thunday for day's fishing. Their catch included one salmon. ' Unionvale Unionvale Mn. Walter Die- bel, who hat been 111 with heart trouble since July 6, it tlowly improving and able to be up at her home for a thort time each day. . Mn. George Diebel, daugh ter Marlya, and twin tent, Lo ren and Lawrence, who have accompanied the husband, George, to Lakevlew for a short vacation are expected home the last of this week. Eighteen acres of peppermint is blooming at the R. T. Kidd farm in Unionvale and the Fowler-Kldd-Steingrube 1 1 1 1 1 hat been put in condition for the start of harvest, scheduled for next week. Some talk has been to the effect of purchas ing re-still equipment Mn. Carrie Kidd, chairman of the Unionvale Home Exten sion unit; Mrs. Adolph Hraba, substituting for Mn. Clark Noble, and Mrs. Louis Magee, secretary, attended the all-day home extension officers train ing county meeting at the 4-H building in McMinnvllle Thurs day. , Mrs. Charles Clow spent her birthday, Thursday, Aug. 13, quietly at her home. She re ceived a gift from her grand daughter, Mrs. Andrew Golu lart of Oakland, Calif. Arthur Clow it recovering satisfactorily from a severe in jury to'hlt left thumb. The in jury occurred while employed at the U. S. Alderman plant recently. . v ' Mrs. E. J. Wilder celebrated her birthday at her home can ning beans Friday, Aug. 14, an? with her husband was an hon or supper guest of Mr. and Mn. Dwayne Edwards at Lafayette. Smithfield Smithfield Little Patricia Jean, known by all her friends as Patty, daughter of Mr. and Mn. John E. Wall, celebrated her first birthday Wednesday afternoon with a party at the Wall country home on Perry dale road. During the afternoon pictures poc were taken of Patty and her guests, and sh had a cake with candle and decorations topping it The little guests received big balloons and favors along with th entertainment Bidden were Kenneth Dick man and his mother, Mn. Har old Dickman; Monty and Mich ael and mother, Mn. Dan Wient; Debra and her mother, Mrs. Gary Radke; Stanley and Cynthia and mother, Mn. Ben Wient; Wayne and Shirley and mother; Mn. Herman Reimer; Brenda and her mother, Mrs. Ed Friesen; Mary Ellen, Duane and Dennis with their mother, Mrt. John A. Friesen; Mrs. Dick Goertzen, Mrs. Leonard Brown, and Mrs. H. W. Wall. Mn. Friesen and Mrs. Wall are the two grandmothers of little Patty. Aurora .Aurora Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Eilers recently were Mrs. L. W. Franks, president of the Ore gon Federation of Garden clubs, and other state officers, includ ing Mrs. Nellie Wright. Mn. Norman Baker, Mn. Jack Bart lett and Mrs. Byron Brad thaw. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas M. Will, Ulu Inna Will Mra Anna Scholl and Mist Lenore Will ar varatinninff In Wuchinfftrm ! state. Mitt Rita Dougherty of Se attle it the house guest of the George Doughertys. - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hurst and family of Woodburn -visited Mr. and Mn. Norman Hurst Wednesday evening. Talbot Talbot Mr. and Mn. John Nettling of Sweet Home, and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Board and children of Lebanon, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mn. John Zehner. Mr. and ' Mrt. Ernest Free man had as recent guests, Mr. and Mrs. Al Farrar and chil dren, and Mn. Jack Whitting ton of Portland. Peppermint distillation has stated in this locality, the growers having to cut sooner than they had wanted, due to rains. No price it being offered yet on the oil. Mont s-sra . Rock Hudson Yronne DeCarlo "SEA DEVILS" In Technicolor Mlchula Denis "BELOW THE SAHARA" In Technicolor See Till I:M Clifton Webb Barbara Stanwyck t "TITANIC Richard Widnwk "DESTINATION MM" Bite Hayworth a and Stewart Granger Technicolor t i SALOME "SALOME" . "cowiwimr neat 4-aa GATES OPEN ?: SHOW AT DU8K ' NOW - ENDS TUES. Mltsl Gaynor .. William Lnnaifan "' Jane Greer Darid Wayne Gloria Do Harea . In Technicolor "DOWN AMONG THE SHELTERING PALMS" Abo Rod Cameras Arleen Whelaa In "SAN ANTON E" ' Enjoy a show In the Air Cooled Comfort of your owa carl Tm-h otver o a thiroor. trflfetir ltBrt la a Dr1f-Ia Iht, ! oar oual acrtM! DRIVE-IN THEATRI morn UMM MIDINS, HWNWAT Mi GATES OPEN 7:0 SHOW AT 7:45 Ends Tuesday la Technicolor . "FONT SOLDIEB Tyrone Fower PLUS Treoideat's Lady" 8eaaa Hayward Charlton Heitum m YOU CAM MQT mow mot TO EAT AT 1170 CENTER STREET Look at these Prices! SALEM'S BIGGEST AND BEIT Hamburger siuk 65' Fried Shrimp 75' Fries Slow IIICU UIILUUII a Fries Slaw liscuitlurter Fish and Fries 50' Dip Slaw Biscuit Butter Chicken Pie 55' Chicken Soup W Defuxe Deluxe Hamburgers Cheeseburgers 30' French Fries W BARBECUED ' ' . . Beef Sandvich 35' BIG 20-OUNCE MILK SHAKE or MALT GRILLED CHEESE Sandvich and itcuitRutter 25 w 20' gate Y