I Monday, August 17. 1958 DENNIS the MENACE fM flORIT 1 CALLED THAT BUILDING MATERIALS LUMBER MO.OM tood lumber, complete nlQ stock. Deliver prices, I snd better 2", 6T; No. 3s dimension, ISO; 4a, 3V CEDAR SHINGLES Dellv.red price.: Ho. I. till; Me 1. IS: No. , 14: No. 4, 13.50. Ted Muller, tvenlnt ph, Salem intt. mel.5 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS METAL FENCE Permanent. No npkeep. "Pre. esti mates. If mos. to pep. BORKMAN LBR. 1440 state st. a HDW. CO. Phone U791 nltv SEWING MACHINES Why boy used. Bee the nev Pfaff it reduced price. HUM. Myrona. is So. Liberty. nlll' PIECE BEDROOM let; lilt. Beildili eutometle weaher. like new. 1126. f pieces Duncan Phyfo, 1110. Phone II3H. nlM Reduced $5 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD t OAK KITCHEN TABLE 4 CHAIRS - SLIGHTLY USED STARTING PRICE AUG. 14 - Mo AUG. 18th $45 Keith Brown Lumber Yard PRONT Si COURT ST. PH. 31111 ; "We Olve 8 A H Oreen Stamp," BRAND NEW iquare tub. Ifartaf. 1-1340. nl.l BOT'S M INCH bicycle. Good condition. Phone 1-4563. MM' EXCELLENT boyi bicycle. Por aala or will trade for folf dubs. Phone 3-S40t. 4301 Altos. Bin s-POSTER MAHOOANY bedroom aulte, e 'Piece, 1150. Phone 18771. nltl" BABY CRIB with lnnereprUit aattraai, 114; upholetered huh chair convene to play table, 110; child rocker, SI 00. 4099 Earl Ave. 2-1116. mil- OIRLS SHOE ROLLER akatea. Slie f. Phono 3-6384. 2630 8. Summer St. alt! SEWING MACHINES Netrlr new featherweight Sintw portable, very region able. ta down, tS month. Sear a. Roebuck JS Co.. W0 No. Capitol. nl5' MeCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS, tOI Edft vater. West Balam. tklea lonliif uo pl. Ph. 4-1541. . . TOP SOIL River elll and fill dirt. Prompt de livery. Phone 1-1741 n- HOSPITAL BED for tale or rest B. L. stiff Purnlture Co. Phone Mill n NOW "SCOTT -BUILT" Television, 1340 lnitelled and operatlne. Thirty day. eervlce. PRBX DEMONSTRATION. Phone 1-1216, nltea 4-K44, or esll at 1140 North CaplloL mot s' x 4' WINDOW, complete with Ven etian blind. 1130 Chemawa Road. nl97 KEW 21-INCH Oeneral Electric coniole TV. retain I4U. belt offer takea. Belber at. 4-346S. Set won In con teit. nl7 BEAUTIFUL RADIO phonosrsph com bination. Ph. 30761. . niiT- WINDOW WITH frames and eaalns. Bar lain. 1643 Chcmckcta. nlT CREEN WOOL nit TJI I2t. Ph. 34137. nllfe PLUMBINO material. New V At 44" salvenlaed Pipe and flttlnte. 4" A 2" aoll pipe and fltttnee. 601 N. Winter. 2-7627. nl7- MAHOGANY Wurlltaer Bplnnet piano, like new. Will lecrlllce. 3-7637. nlll' Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODRT WANTS Pianos. Phono 3-1110 as- ELECTRIC 3-1110 RANGES. Woodn's WANTED l-ioot atad mm Ion or nnltiplei of I-foot Dlue trim, f to if" diameter. Phone Turner 1125. nalB7 SPORTING EQUIPMENT COTT ATWATER 7Vi horiepower out board motor, 2830 B. Bummer. Phone 3-93I4. DC 191 DEER HUNTERS I hare two 200 Sav aie rifles eouiPPed with Lyman Alas kan ecopea. will ell one. Write Eox U4 Balem or Call 17171 during office houm. neiw AUTOMOBILES RON'S Mid-Summer Bargains 51 MERCURY .$1695 Sedan with radio, heater. overdrive, fender skirts, white sidewall tires, very clean. '50 FORD.... $1095 V-8 custom club coupe, ra dio, heater, white sidewall tires. A sharpiel $49 FORD $795 Custom V-8 tudor sedan, ra dio, heater, overdrive. A real buy now! . RON'S tbrd Can 131) Broadway Phont l-4M .IN' Jij By CefeAom STUFF 'GARBAGE' AUTOMOBILES SIGH DESTBUV3 M PORD CV&tQU V SEDAN PordomAttx, - rUo, heater, washers, turn ttrnaU. one own er, 14,4.1 mile., very special. 1S '63 BUICK 6UPBR RIVIERA Dims flow, new white tires, ra ti vo, heater, EZI ilin, one own er, service record ince new, t premium car. Apache Red b Biaxk a59& M BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE Dynaflow, Va Ron. Ussier nar row whttewallt, automatic win dows. BZI fists, radio, heater, washers, etc we have complete service record. Apache Red, black top and black leather... m tl PORDOR DK LUXE I TUDOR ntra clean condition with onu 1.4 mile 11295 41 PORD CUSTOM t SEDAN Spotless interior "and perfect appearance, radio, beater, aeat overs $ MS 47 BUICK ROADMASTER SEDAN Two-tone ireen with whits- walli,, radio, beater, sood.... I MS Vbu get a better Iked Car from a Bufdt Dealer OTTO J. WILSON. COMPANY Commercial at Center Phone 1-3622 1111' '1 STUDE. CONVERTIBLE, this week only Ireturntni to ochooll, low book, no trade. Perfect condtlon. Petera. lilt N. 4th. Ph. 3-6M0. .Its lane H-TON Chevrolet pickup. Excel- lent condition. Phone 4-el. .1H FOE SALS OR TRADE '42 Bulck con vertible, new tlree and batery. Phone 34271. 4692 Claiter Rd. alter 1:2. p.m. .1(6 NOTICE! We're Moving About Aujnist 30 BACK TO OUR OLD STAND AT 267 N. CHURCH. SEE US NOW AT SAM'S MOTOR CO. Libert a Chomeketa Ph. 17117 Across from First Natl. Bank 11 FORD convertible Fordomatlc. Ra dio and heater, white wall tires. A-l condition. M. L. Reiser, 1 mils east and S mile south of Sublimity- ql5 POST UT1 SALS tin s. k. OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 147 CHEV. ARROW sedan. Radio, heat er. nw white wall tires. Cuatom In terior. Real sharp. Phone 4-65M. qllt '4 PONTIAC. good on 30I1S, 1431 N. 4th. Phone 4195 Its PORD CONVERTIBLE, 1I9S. ph. U)Ts. ima lilt MERCl'RT, custom upbolsury, ra dio and heater. Ph. I9W4. in ISM BIJCK Super Convertible. Radio, heater, Drnaflow, excellent mechanical condition. Sell or trade. 1-74 TJ. qiOJ I9M PLTMOI'TH. clean. rccondlUoned motor, beater, sood robber, til. Xs N. 19th. Phone 3-1417. alts $$CASH$$ FOR YOUR CAR OPEN EVENINGS MONDAT THROCOH FRIDAT ALL MAKER AND MODELS TO CHOOSE PROM Western Motors 1313 Broed.af Phont I-M2I . SQUARE 0? Ike Pays Surprise Visit To Boy Dying of Cancer By GWEN Denver CU President Ei senhower called at a modest suburban home her yesterday to cheer up a (-year-old boy dying of cancer and received in return the plucky, boy's highest accolade the president was better than Hopalong Cas sidy. The president arrived at the home of the youngster, Paul Henry Haley, about 10 a.m. alt er a secret service man had checked to see that he hsd the right house, the president walked to the front door, knocked and asked "Is Paul here? I came to see him." Donald Haley, Paul's father, caught his breath and said: "Mr. President, I hope you'll pardon, my appearance, please come in." The president had read about the youngster in the Rocky Mountain News. A reporter wrote that the boy, who has a cancer that is rapidly spread ing through his blood vessels and bones, would rather see "Ike" than Hopalong Cassidy "or any other cowboy." Blue Jeans "I was completely chagrined when I realized that Mr. Eisen hower had come out," Haley said. "I was in the back yard playing ball with my other boys, and I had on blue Jeans, an old shirt" and I needed a shave. What a way to meet the president of the United States!" Haley has four others boys and a daughter. Paul and two of the other sons were in the AUTOMOBILES 1951 Olds Super "88" .$2295 4-Dr. Compile' eeulpment. Only II. wt sum. 1949 Olds 2-Dr. $1195 Local owner. Very good. 1950 Ford CI. Cpe $1095 A good car. 15 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM LODER WHERE QUALITY COUNTS 456 CENTER AUTOMOBILES 141 FORD. 1 wheel trailer. WU1 take tra-ie. Phone 4-6122. al6' lll PONTIAC. Oood condition. 2w! Phone 44.64. 13.5 Chemeketa, ql.6 BARGAIN 194. Chevrolet deluxe sedan, like new. 1187 N. winter. oil! 'It olds M' 4-door. Radio, heater, nev seat coven, new exheual. dual point Itnltlon. WU1 take trade. Phone 43631. : .1.7" 1.M CHRYSLER 4-door eedan. excellent condition, low mllease. .13.1. Phone 3-4lt. .1.6 CAPP'S USED CARS CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY OPEN AGAIN TUESDAY 253 UNION eiet- MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS POR SALE Harley 121. Perfect ahape. Phone 36816. oslRI bH'ST sell nil Harley Davlaon. til" Inquire 435 "E" St. 45.33. .alts t HARLET Davldaon motorcycle!, liodel 74 60 and 41. See .1 John'e Oarate. Shaw. Orfeon. aalt7 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HA VINO RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valle? Motor Co. experts will aolro rour prob lems and aare yon money Pre eitl mates, speed? serrleo- Center at Lib ert? TRUCKS QUICK SALE 1941 J-too Dodts Dump. ft-6 yd., like new. Can be seen at Santlam Trailer Court, Sweet Hone Ores on. Make offer. O. P. Halt odlH EQL'ITT IN 13X Chev. t-jard dump truck. Take car. pickup, lot or trailer house in trade. 13S9 Center St, odlt7 1949 i-TON Pord plTkup "with canopy. Excellent shape. 13S9 Center St. qdl97a BOATS is HP. MERCt'RT motor and boat. Ex cellent shape. Will sell separately. Prnne 4-8309. 117ft Pitta St. OqlSS FINANCIAL PRIVATE MONET to loan oa reel ee tete. Phone 2-07.4. r21oa. U S-133 and M-2M UK) ROT R SIMMONS DISURANCS AND LOANB Hear 'Top Tradee' II ot Dally KSLM IJto Ka. OENERAL PINANCB CO LOANS 136 Se CommerelaJ st Tel Mill pe IES US POR PARI4. CTTT Of. ACRSAOB LOANS BUT OP TERMS WB BTJT Real eauu morttatet a entrsets State Finance Co. 1ST SO Bltk St, Ph. 1-4131 i1 it- JZ2 ' . : THK CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, OrtM GIBSON backyard with their father when the president arrived, but Mrs. Haley, one son and the daughter had gone for a drive. "Paul, heard the knock on our door and wandered into the living room," Haley said, "but when he saw the president he was so surprised he couldn't say a thing." Mr. Eisenhower shook hands all around then sat down for short chat "This Is better than having Cassidy visit you, isn't it, Paul?" Haley asked. Ike Replies "Oh, I can't compete with Cassidy, he'd come in here with a uniform and guns. I Just wanted to say hello to Paul." As the president started to leave, Haley told him, "Thank you for coming, sir. The boy has only a short time to live. Your visit was wonderful." SALEM MARKETS OeenptleS trope revest, ot Salop, daoloi. lee the eplda.ee ef Capnml Jearmal nedare. iBovteod dairy.) Betatt Peed Prlseoi Babbit rellete - $144 tit-lb. Ms). S4.M-I.U UN-lb. bat). En Meek 11.44-1 .10. Baler Peed N.4o-.Tf (PP-lb. bee). 14 !l-6 st lie en.il paetpre apis. tl.K nee at.) Pweltrp Barbae frloee Calon4 trrtew. lie. old motors, Ue: colored fowl, SJei leehora fowl, Ipe; roosters, lie. Bsssu Sarins Prill Beta. AS. Stei Urn A. tl-tle; medium AA. lie: aaodlum A. ll-lle: email. Me. lean ally t-1o bthr than the prteee above. Lore, tjrmde a ss.M H toeeed st Tie; medium 44c. Ssltecfse Bans pneep Pi aml.1. Sp ile! No L tT-ttei No. s, doo. Baiia Wholeaale snots a psrebmost, Tie UM retail. Tea. AUTOMOBILES SEE THESE PREMIUM CARS BROS. PH. 2-7973 FINANCIAL STATE FINANCE CO. 8-211 M-1U FIVE loan services to till your need for money quickly 1 Aut. loans. 1 Rltnatnre lesss. 1 Purnlture leans. 4 Consolidation loan,. s Psrmont-reduclns lesna. Don't wsit - Come in todayl Phono 11111 - in So. Blah St. rllt AT7TO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. Itl South Chunk Parkins s-Plentr Ph. 1-1411 Lit. NO K'lta, a-iM INVESTORS Wo have tood tlrel aorttstea for lour Inipectlon. REIMANN REAL XSTATI LOANS AND INSDRANCB P01 South Pllth. Phone I-tlOl rite DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makaa rued maohmei .old, rented, rewired. Roes, ltd Court Pit l-STTJ. o BILLOOI1NO BuUdoslnt. claarlns Palrvlew, teeth, phono .lit- Virtu Kuaker, 3-1144. We do enrthlns In the Use of tulloV tst, Pree eetlmstes. Phone l-0.ll. 21T DRESSMAKINQ Alterations, hemetltehlai, k.tt.sa, buckle, oo r.red, buttons eloe. Mra. H. M. AU.nder. 1-MU. ellt- SXCAVATtNO Ben Otle. a Son. asc.vtint snd tradlnt. Load tleerlas. Ph. l-ltst. 0311- PtlBNACS CLEANINO Elll'a Purnace Cleanlnt. All fuU tTaranteed. Phone 1-1345 work olH OlltS MOVING Leveltnt. foundation werk. perlence. Pr-e .jtlmetee. snd Ina.red Ph. 1-ton. 1-7544 O30I- INtllLATlON InaulatlOB. weatherilrlpa. Aluminum acreena. Pres ssUmstes, T. Pullman. Phono 1-5045 0314" BfATTBESSSS Capitol Beddlns reeovetes Pull lino new mattreaoee Ph 3-4MI s OPTICS PTJBNITCRS a SDPPUXS Doak ehttra, files, flltnt auppllta, asfes, dupllcatore. supplies, desk lamps, type writer etande. rtoea, ltd court w- ROAD CRADINO Read tradlnt. levellne. dltchlnt. Ill est troder. iter Hsnceck. Ph. 30.lt. . edit Rooflnt and aldlnt by eipertt for s rllht price. Phono l-twlt. pan- SEPTIC TANKS Hemel's ssrvles. 1-7404. aeptle ttnks clesnod. Use Ouaranteod work. Phone M01 Mlk.'i Septle Semes. Tsnki tlesnod. D1 rooter eleone aewers, drome. Phone I-I4II. ellt' Sewer, settle tanks, draktl cleaned. Ro-Is-Rootee Sever aervlee Pkem. 1-1337 tr BHABPENINO BEPArB La, mowers, oews el ink a D Ph 1-4411 Pre. pickup. TYPEWRITERS Smith, Cor oa a. punsmitoa. Rot el rja derwoos pn ruble an aekeo t asehlaes Repedra a rest Reea. Ooort. 1-1771. WINDOW CLEANTWa Aeme Window Clesaers. icd.etrlsl fleet weaias. nowae.n.nls., Pboevs t-3317 STOCKS (By The Mt ileal Pre!) Aeta.nl Ctrmutea ., ,. AUloi CtomlMl Alia ClMUSOM AmericftB) Alrllaet Assertou Power Ugb AstMrtcu TeL TsL Amntctw Tooeecs 6 66 i 4t U4 lis . M 31(4 tit. tt MM 1 14 14A III 11 , a , tat , a ill. 17 M 1 64 4 101(4 , 411 , 124 , Tlli , M44 , UK, i lit , 4tV. , 34 Vb i U , UK , 61 , 17" , t2 . t , 12o . 13 Auhuew tuilr4i4 BothtalMsi Steal Baelac AUplaia c. .... Bora Warner Burrwwe Addis llacblw . Calliernla Packing ...... Caaadtaa Patultw ....... Oater pillar Tractor Celaneee OarporaUoa .... Cnrrslsr Corparatloe. ,,,, ClUea Servlca CoeuoUdatael Bobmb Ceiaolidated Vultet Ctowb lllrbacis CurtlM Wrliht Doueiaa Aircraft Dw Poat m Nemours .... BaetmaJl Kodak nirioi Radio Oeneral Blectrw Oeneral Foods ........... Oenaral Motors Oeortia Pie. Plywooel . ... Ooodrear Trre Hotaeetaka kiln Ins Co.' ... International Hamster international Paper Johns enUle Kilter AlamiBusi Kennecott Copper Ubbr McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loewes locorporauel ... Loot BU Montfomery Ward Nasb Kelvtnator New York Central Northern Pact lie Pad I le American PUb . Paclfls Oas llattrtw Pacific Tel. TfO. Packard Motor Car .... Fanner. C. , Penntrlvaola ft. ft, .... Pepsi Obla Co. ....... . Phtloo Radio . . - Radio Corporatloa Raronler Inoorp. ...... Raronier Inoorp. pfd. , BepubUe SUd Remolds Metals Richfield Oil Safewar Stores. Xne, ... . im t , ttit !",'".'! jti , lit 4" TOH , 13 - 11 , II 35 H , 11 - 41 , 41 , I4H , 3. ...... til. , et , 43 ....... M 14 2t I , MM , IT , IT , 43H 1074 Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck k Co. .. ooconr vacuum Oil Southern Paclfl Standard Oil Calif. .... Mandard Oil N. J. Studebaker Corp. - Sunshine Mlnlnsj Swift Si On. Transarii erica Corp. .. . . Twentieth Centurr Pos Unlosa OU Comsanr .... Union Paclfte United Airline United Aircraft United Corporation United Its tea Plnroed . United State Steal .. . , lilt , 314 , 62 , 14H , 27 , 14 . 4T , It , 41 , Warner Plcturas ........ Westers Union TeL Wastluhoiua Air Brake Westtechttttee) Blectrw . . WoolwsrtB Was Street t New York (An Scant tradliu? InUreat wee apparent Monday is s saodorstely doellnlnt stock market. Minus altoa pradomlneted In the lilt ed narrow chutaa. Only A few laeuee potted chantee tuber way tt aa much aa . point. Tradlns came ta ss eetlmated million snares, the asm. ai prasay. - Perttond Grata Portland (tn Cowao trains .neuotad. Wheat Ibid), te-arrlv. market, baala No. 1 bulk, delivered eoeet: Soft White x.xo; molt wnita iMcittdiss net) 2.30; wniio ciuo p.ve. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.11: II par cent 3. pel 11 per cent 3.K; l sent 2.20. Hard white Batrt: Ordinary Lit: It per cent 3 ; ii per cent 1.21; u pet cent a.m. Monday'a ear recelpte: whMt ltd; barley IT; Hear 111 oora It; oaU 1; mm iom s. Ckless. Uveeteek Chlcate uP Hoei were fairly active .nd sanerallr itaady ta arrons Monday. with s few topplnt st 121.41 s hundred nounoa. Slauehter steers sad yesnlnta were tenersiir etOMP to J. eonu hither. Bteere seww sverMO tood were elow. Heifer, wort ttoadp to it centa hither, Bulls wtre stesdp 4. It cent, hlxher. cowe were ittadr. A few load, of prime aieers eoio aa aj..wp pe sit.21. Native alauthttr Iambi were steady, topplnt tt 124.00. Bhoep were alow and ateadr, eelllns at 64 AO to 66.lt. ' tutlmated I el able recelpu Included T.tot kou, 1I.QSS tettle, and I.K4 aheep. Perllaad Besutsw Market Portland IU5 Itorthweat tome to prices were enchanted to It eenta . bos lower en Portlaad't produce markt with No. 1 flati of mts-Columblas st 1 71-1 for II lb..; bast 21-lk, PreewaUr lues sold at 3 54 for SS int. Danish squash from Aurora sold art S-1JI for II 1st. .nd Xuceblnl from ssm. dtitrkl was 1 to . lus; Mclntoall .pled from Taklma val ley were 2.10 . hj-sj, boa; ben Yeklme eorn wss too dose, xnalde the Parmeri' market; aosrdmaa wsteemialons were d cents . Ik. ts se tall era. PorUo.t Uiealeek Portlend Aim Sot, rattle prleee were ua on th. Portland hvectock msrket to dsy. cattlt not; market uneven, but falrlr active; fed atom stesdr, cows stront to tos hither; eoms hoof eowa up more; eommorelal-iood trsaa ateera itrons to Ho hither: meetly ehoke ISO-144 lb fad ateen ll-24.lt, some held shove 34 40; moatlr choice 11121 lb. Canadian fed steers n.M: few load, sood steere 1I-22.M; tood fed heller. 30-31; com-merclsl-tood It; few commercial eraaa helfert lt.st-ll; tanner-eutur cowa t-t, aeme held kleher: utility eowa 10-11. tO; few hesvy commerelsl sow. 11-11.31; commercial bulla II; eutter-utlllty 11-14. Calvee 40O; market alow: few prime llsht veelero ll: sood-eholeo vaslers lt 31; few tood heavy ealvee II. Hose tot; merket actret. .round toe hither: eitrtme top Tt oente up: choice ltO-131 lb. butchers 1T.-27.M: few choice 1 lot 17.71; choice 1M-I70 lb. 2t: choice 100-50 Ik. sows sround tte hith er ot 11.S0-2I. Sheep 1201: feeders sround toe off: mo.tly cholos .print lamb. It: few ehoteo - prime lt.lt: lood - choice lote meetly Il.to-lT.tt: few lote tood lltM feeder. 14-14.10; medlum-tood shorn yesrllsts 11-11 tt; utility soodt twee 210-4. Cblr.ro O.leno Chlces. exn aupDllee llsht. demand moderate, merket about needy. Track aalae at lb..: V. S. I unleee atated; Teaaa Bpanleh t-lneh and Inner 1. 40-1. It; trueklot eala. delivered Job- btnt street baale. TeUow Olobeo. New York tt per rent 1-Inch .nd loner 1.11: flllnela unlnepected but eener- ally teod tt per cent 1-lach snd loner 1.11. atreol eslee 10 lb..; Cellfornlt Spen- toh snd Yellow Seml-Olobee 1-Inch snd loner 1.16-100: New York Yellow Olobeo 135-1 50; Mldweel Yellow Olobee l.oo-l 74: Tesea wnlts Olobaa 1-lnch and l.re.r 211-111, I It 1-Inch 2 31- 3 U. fots..-surf.. Ckless. Orsl. Chleste (Si Wheel et.rted off with boom Slid wound up with . phlmpor on the board of trade Mondey. Eerly telna renews to t cents were templ.telr wiped out. Hedtlnt pree.urt o. tn tncrotced movement of new iprlnt wheot In the Northweit, plus profit taktnt on the part of those who hod bouiht durlnt loot weok'o price break, forced wheat down. Thle eutwolehed s rush f eerly buylns rouowint firmer .pprevu f aerkol- lnt .uotts. Other seettone of the market elio were tower with Myboons ahowlnt particular weakneee. Ther never did pertklpete ta the early rally and before the der wse ever had set new eeeeonel lews Corn snd wets, firm .enr, .uleklr retrttttd vnaer mdere elees. Wheel tloeo to I eento lower, Sept. l.ttek-H. corn l- lower, sept- 1.41. V, oete V. to 1 sent lower. Sept. Tl rye I', lower. Sept. l.lt-1 Its, aerheeaa 3N-I lower. Sept. 1.44.. end lard unehanred to IT cents s hundred Pwuade lower. Sept. II to. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 MARKET QUOTATIONS BwlleiHI Teattee. mail eh.se.; Preeelwa ensatp. maxa- wea m or eew see ml audit d Uvared is Porous ee-Tle rau rtrat enei. lip. St-eee, pecood .aallty, 2-S6e. Tallep rsMa ssd enutrp petste. I em la lees wheleeelt. trade. AA. tt eeere. St.; A trade, st stoto. tla: tt eeero, tte; c. St eeore, tee. Abevo prteee atria Ur i ta isnhud wholeaalera. Orate, alulae, 43 14 -44 SM; Oreio. t lb. lest, ait-MtM. Bass tp erb.tee.legi Candies aece ectalstss tvs bras, ie.ee tseloded ta.a. PortlABd A trade larse. tTH-ttMei- A eredo medium, IS 14-6404 a sndt lane, tlH-tSHc. Pwrtlaeid Bolrp BarM Bsllee Prbp. w toianei.i Qr.de AA print. Tie: a nnm. Tte; a snntt, lit: tsHwa, tati B aetata, tBs. Sere to seed.eera Casdlad f. at. b. poruand; ontradad aarte. tie doa. trade AA lsrte. 4Te woe.: A la re., u S'o doe.; AA medium. t3e doa.: A srsde medium, St. doe.: a trso. smslls nomi ne;. 43-4M. seta t. B.iartM. ntat. AA. buss. T4c; A lsrte, at-Tte; AA medium, tte: A medium 17-tte: A small, 44c Carton. 1 cent sddmonsl. to retailers Pwrtland, Oreton tlntlea. el -etc: t lb. loaves. 11-11 Sec: trlpleta, 10 lea. Bias Premium brsnda alnslet. MS lb. for alntle wheeu Me. Proeoaaod Asa- srlosn sheees, I -lb. leave. It retail. 41- 450 lb. ... V Peattrp ure tmieaesw in. i reality, f.a.b. plssu): Pryara, 1 lbs. lie; 1-4 loe- aic; rosaters. e iss.. and seer, tie h.evy hose, sU welshta, 30-31.; llaht hens, all weuhts, ll-lto; eld rooatere. la-iao. Dreued Cklekeae Be I dreued I reUllen. Pryera, broUera, 44-46. lb. roaetera, all wte.. 44-45e; llsht hem I3-I3c: heavy hens lt-3tc: cut-up rr era, ell wis, ll-lle lb.; whole drawn, II- aac id. aabMa, Averse, tt iiwm Lrve white., 4-1 Ini. 20-2101 14 lbs. 11-330 b.; colored pelte. 4e an. does. II-11c. few hleher. Preah dressed fryera to retailers. IT-tttl est up ll-SSe. LHIirr SUM. KM. Veal Top auallty. Il-21e lb. I rash aestea. -2ie. Bess Lasa block ere. ss-ltei sows. lisnt. ae-aac Lsmba Ban. IT-MS DM TesrUnss 3015C lb M.ttea But, 11-14. B. sull-utlllly. a-ioc Beef Dtilltr cows. 24 -See lb. outtera. ll-13ei ahells down ts ITS, Preek Drum Mae tat Wholeaalera it r.tallersi Dollar. rt.: Beef-ateeri. choice. aet-IM Iba.. 41- H3 50; lood 131.40-43 M; commercial 131.00-lT.to: tUllty, 621.10-11.01; torn mercltl cows, 121. .0-17.00; utility. 133 M M: esnner-cutura, tie 14-111 It. i eats Choice stoere kind ceer- Ura, ttl-tt; rounds, I4I-M; tuU Volns. trimmed, IAI-71; trlaneloa, 137-11; f ore oil. run, lll-ll; ebucka, 615-40; ribs, lil-il. Veal and Calve Oood-cholee. 114- ao.ao: eonunereisi. sit-as. Lam be Choice-prime. 141-441 sood. tlt-44: sprint lambs, oholee-prime, 4T.se. mnsieei uooe sneaee, w-is a. as-4. rers cwle Loins, No. L S-ll 11-70; ntllltr t-l ahouldore. II lbs., sea-ee; apsre nna, pae-M.ee: rreen name. le-lt- ina. tss-es; pora eercsaea, llt-lTt lbs., nt-il. Smrted sheas Skinned, tst-tt DM fined lard la drams, I14-14J6; tlek boo-J u eae-ee w Parties. MleeeHsaoewa ' Owtpna at lb. lick calif. Red aiosa. mod., l.Tt-I.M: wnlU slope. 1 71-1 M; yallowe mod. and Isrss, l.st-l.Tt; few 1.11; Wish, renews, mod, l.tt-l.tt: lane 1.70-1.00. Potato ii Local Triumphs, fuss. 1.5S- 1.71; Boerdaan Ions whltee. No. 1A. 1 11- 3 50; No. I N-lb. euk. M-ttc; Oreton Rusaetu No. 1. I 44-4; II lb. aeeh. w- 3c; local Ruasets. No. IA. 171-131: Csllf. Ions whites. No. 1A. lsl-l to: fair. 3.SO-3.7I. Kama branda to 1.11. Wsah. Ruu.ta 1 H-2.71: Wsah. tans whites, Ms. 1 3 00-3 n. Bar D. 8. Hfc rreen sllalta. Itvered est leU f.b. Pertlsnd and Se attle 31-10. Weed-OrMst ksals, WUlametU t. lay medium. M-s3s lk.1 Basurn Oresok fine snd hall-blood. M-lle; Willamette valley laab wool, sssi u-aesu wool. 45-300 M.barr ll-IT. a. es Il-month trow- th. f ab, oountrr tklpplns polnte. ei.ee Prod acre psyint pries f.e.s. Portlend eslf skins, ll-lle lb, accord- Int to condition;, treen klpa, It-lie lb.: trees eow bldea, t-lte lbM aoeordlnt weltht and eualltri toll hides, t-te lb.r tlue kldee, M per teal kotow Price, for above cleaf.es. sTlberla Wholoials telllns prist. No. medium Barsoloass, 21-344 a.i shell ed. 41-llt lb. Ib.i llsht halm. Tt-lle a. Wslsala Wholeaale sellms Prleee. tlrel .ualltr lan. Prsntuattea, la-ioe lk.1 shelled. Uinl saber kslvoe, Tt-7te DEATHS Kmsas A.t.ets Klstep Bmm. Autuitt Xluter. late resident of 3330 Hrdo St.. at t local auralns home Aut. 11 tt tht est of II. Survived by two dauthtero, Mra. John Davis. Salem, aire. Blanche Andrews, Camarlllo, Calif.: two trandchlldren and one treat trandchlld. Member of Rebekah Lodee of Clarlnda, lows, slio s member of Court Btreet Christies Church, Salem. Ship ment has been made to Clarlnda, Iowa, by Howell-Edwards 00. for services snd interment. f rsetalh GrlM Baadr Hmelnth Orlne Bendy, ta this tltr Aut. 10, in her seventh rear. Lete reel- dent of III N. winter St. Survived by father, Sat. William B. Bandy, McChord PleM, Weeh;, trandparenta, Mr. and Mrs. Clement C. Wlemala. Salem: uncles. Bet. Clement C. Wlemala, Jr.. la Koros. John A. Wlemala. tslsa and Pvt. Janea WlemalB. DSMC, Announcement .t oerv- Ica inter by w. T. Rlsdoa Co. A e reel PraakU. Balate. Autuet Prsnklln Ralston, st the resi dence Rt. S, Belem, Autust It. Survived by dtutntens. aire. A. M. Tllton. Port Collins, Colo., Mrs. W. O. Oocbel, Blue fcprlns, Missouri. Mrs. J. a. Harp, Sa lem, Mrs J. w. Balrd. orala Valley, Missouri taona, Nell Raleton, Dundee, Mich., C. B. Ralston, alee of Dundee. W. A. Ralston, Hermilton, Ore., D. H. Ralston, Salem: ileUrs. Mra. Alice Kerr, Lamar, Colo., Mrs. Mary Lee, Los Ani mae, Colo.l brother. W. D. Rsleton, La mar. Colo.: II traodehlldren. t treat trandchlldren. Shipment bat been made by Clouch-Bsrrlck Co. to Lamar, Colo., for aervlcaa end Interment. AV M. Slower! A. M. Stewirt, late resident, of J.fler- aon Ruoto 1, at . St.yton hoapltel Aut. ll at the ate ef Tl. survived by wile. Mettle Stewart, Jefferioo: eon, Clyde Stewert, Portland: four erandchlldron. Member of Christian Church ef Jeffer- Servleee Tuesday, Aut. II, at 1:10 p m. In JeKeraon Christian Chureh tra- dlrecuon or Howell-Bdworda Co. Concludine eervleu et Masonl. Ceme- terr, Lebenon. Vlnee.1 N.vrotn Vincent Navretll. lau resident of lilt D St., la . locsl auralnt home Aut. II et the ace of tl. Survived by two dauth- ters, bare. Atneo Wolcteehowekl end Mrs Mary Chapmen, both of Salem; brother. Prank Navretll: trinddiuihter. Mra. Mary Sohwelnlurth. end areat aranddauthter, Janet Louie SchwelB furth, both of Selem. Announcement of aervlcaa later by HowaU-Sdwerda Chapel. AIM. C. Johns. Albla C. Johnaoa, In this city Aut. II at the ate of ts Survived by s elster, Mr), a. a. cronl. Monmouth. Announce meot of eervlce. inter by Howeli-Bdwsrds us. Idee A. Seoll Xdns A. Rcott. HI this rlty Aut. II. Lots resident of 1131 It. tlth St., Portland. Survived by mother. Mrs Ids acott, oienoeie, oreton; olstor, Mrs Mildred aether. Olendole. Calif. An. fiouneemenl tf services Istoy by W. T. Rltdea Co. Jslls Pike Julia Pike, la this ellr Aut. II It the lit of Tt. Leu resides! ot IM4 atoei rvt.. Butoae. survived by tw. Olena A. Gauche, Y.b. City, Ooltf., end Paul P. Oauche. Twe Harbora. Micn.l tw. d.uihttra, Mra. Otle Wood. wlrri. Tappen. N. D. and Mrs. Earl Jen neon, Jarksnnvllle. Pla.; and trandrhlldren. anipment haa been made to Volley City, N. D. by w. T. aiidoa v. its eervtce. sas mttraeat. Mid Willamette Obitucrhz Mrs. Wesley Pries Albany Funeral services for Mrs. Wesley B. Price. 44, who died at an Albany hosDi- tal last Wednesday have been set for 2 p.m. Monday, Aug. 17, at the Christian and Mission ary Alliance church under the direction of the Fisher Funeral Home. Rev. Theodore Chap man will officiate, assisted by Rev. L. B. Hall. Interment will be in Willamette Memorial park. Mrs. Lela Smith Lyons Funeral services will be held for Mrs. Lela Smith, mother of Ivan Smith, Lyons teacher, at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Cornelius, Ore. Mrs. M. Grossnicklaus Albany Mrs. M 1 n n i e E. Grossnicklaus, 71, died in a Corvallia hospital Friday eve ning after a brief illness. She had been a resident of RFD 1 Albany for It years. The fun eral will be at the chapel ot the Warner-McHenry funeral home, Corvallia, at 2 p.m. Tues day with Rev. H. J. Gieseke of ficiating. Interment will be in Zlon Lutheran cemetery. Cor- vallis. Julian DeJardin Stay ton Julian DeJardin, 88, Stayton business man, died in the Santiam Memorial hos pital Sunday after an extended illness. Be was born at Salem, Ore., July 18, 18SS. Surviving are two daughters. Mrs. Maxine Bates, and Elaine DeJardin, both of Stayton; three sisters, Mrs. Agness Van- derbeck and Mr. Julia Russell, both of Woodburn; and Mrs. Georgia Keppinger, Salem; four brothers, Anton, Gervais; Rueben, Woodburn; Gabe, Stayton; and Joe DeJardin, Taft, Ore.; and two grandchil dren. The rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Monday in the Immac ulate Conception church, Stay- ton. Funeral services will be at the same church at 0 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 18. Burial will be in Sacred Heart cemetery, Gervais. Mrs. Grace Parberry Stayton Mrs. Grace Par- berry, 84, died at her home seven miles north of Scio, Sat urday, Aug. 19. She had lived at th ssm location for 29 years. Survivors Include her hus band, John L. Parberry. Scio: a daughter, uiadys Day, scio and a son, Ervin Parberry, Stayton, and several nieces and nephews in the east. Funeral - services will be Tuesday, August 18, at 2 p.m. at tba Weddle Funeral home, Stayton, with the Rev. N. N. Neufeld officiating. Burial will follow at Belcrest Memorial Park, Mrs. Dorothy Goodman Mr. Dorothy Goodman, Jor- m-Tly ot Salem, died at her home, 2008 Everett St, Fort land, Friday. Mra, Goodman is survived by her husband, Ross Good man, Portland; her mother, Mra. Martha J. DeHoss and a brother, William C. DeRoss of Eddyvllle, ore. Funeral services will be at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 18, at the Drawing Room Chapel, Colonial Mortuary, Portland. Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at City View cemetery, Salem. John Sheley Woodburn John B. Sheley, 72, died in a Salem hospital Saturday. He had been 111 for one month. He was engaged in the real estate business and had lived in Woodburn for eight years. Mr. Sheley wss born at Nor ton, Kan., Oct. 21, 1880, came to Medford in 1924 and later to Woodburn. Survivors Include the widow. Mrs. Nettie Sheley, Woodburn; a son, Clarence H. Sheley, Port land; a daughter, Mrs. Wilma Wilton. West Kelso. Wash.. and a grandson, J. B. Sheley, Portland. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 18, in the Ringo Funeral chapel, Woodburn. with the Rev. Or- mal Trick officiating. Vault in terment will be in Belle Passl cemetery. Mrs. Emma Gatchet Sllverton Mrs. Emma Min nie Gatchet, 85, died Sunday at the home of Mrs. Martha hKllne, her daughter, on Rt. 1, Sllverton, Mrs. Gatchet waa born Oct. 31, 1887, at Jamestown, Mo., and had resided in the Silver- ton district tor several years. Her husband, William Gatchet, preceded her In death several years ago. Surviving are four tons, Nor man, Wesley and George, all of Silverton; and Freeman Gat chet, Pistol River, Ore.; two daughters, Mrs. Kline and Mrs. Dorothy Grant, Huntington Park, Calif.; tour brothers, John Brosle, California, Mo.; Fred Brosle, Clay Center, Kan.; Ernest Brosie, Lakeland, Fla.; and Charles Brosie, Indepen dence, Mo.; 11 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 19, at Memorial Chapel, Ekman Fun eral Home with burial in Beth any cemetery. Frederick Kcssr Sllverton Fralerick D. Jta ser, 71, died at the family horibtj. Route I, SUverten, Saturday evening, August IS. Mr. Kamf was born December IS. lsV&L, coining to Sllverton from IntU. sua with the family, at the as of six weeks. Surviving are the widow, Sa rah, and six children, Krvlri, Harvey, Melvln, and Csivia Kaser, all of Sllverton, Orvsi Kaser of Tillamook and Venat U McMorrls of Salem; IT grandchildren; one brother and six sisters, John Kaser of Til lamook, Elizabeth Jackson ani Emma Kuenxi, both of SUver ton, Lydia Klopfensteln al Sarah Rodger both of Portland and Mary Bailer of Otis, Ortx Funeral services art) an nounced for Tuesday siterriocAi, 1:80 o'clock from th Memorial Chapel Ekman Funeral Home, Rev. Arthur Charles Bates of licit ling, and concluding rltat at Salem Belcrest Memorial Park. Mrs. Lydia Little West Stsyton Funsrsi serv ices were held Friday, Aug. 14, for Mrs. Lydia Julia Little, 82, of West Stayton who died Aug. 12 at a nursing home la Leba non. . ' Mrs. LitUe wu born Dee, C. 1870, at Marshall, Iowa, and had lived In West Stayton for nearly 33 years. Services were conducted at the Weddle chapel .In Stay ton by Rev. Nick Muefeld, with interment in the Odd Fellow cemetery in Salem, Mrs. Little Is survived by ena son, W. C. Little of Klamath Falls, and five sister, Kffey James, Sllverton; Eva Tornlin-, son, Albany; Emma Lutt, Blod- gett; Augusta Boysbrosk, Etw tonville. Wash., and Cora Cut ton, Philomath. August F. Ralston Dies at Son's Honts August Franklin Ralston, resident of the Salem area sine six years ago when h came here from Colorado ta make his home with his son, Douglas Ralston, died unex pectedly Saturday at th son's residence at route 8, box 724. Born at Lamar Mo., April 5, 1871, Ralston spent almost his entire life at Wiley, Colorado, wner he farmed. He cam from there to Salem. Ralston was a member of th Reorgan ized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Surviving besides th son la Salem are four daughters, Mrs. A. H. Tllton of Fort Collins, Colo., Mrs. W. O. Goebel ef Blue Springs, Mo Mrs. J. H. Harper of Salem nnd Mrs. J. W. Balrd of Grain Valley. Mo.! three other sons, Nell and C. B. Ralston both of Dundee, Mich, W. A. Ralston of Hermlston. Oregon; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Kerr of Lamar, Colo, and Mrs. Mary Lee of Las Aminas. Colo.; a brother, W. D. Ralston of Lamar, Colo.; 18 grandchild ren and five great grandchild ren. - e Shipment will be made- ta Lamar, Colo, by th Clough Barrick chapel for service and interment. Vincent Navra.il, 83, Passes Here Sunday IU for th past two month. Vincent NavratU. 83. lata rtal. dent of 3210 D street died Sunday at a local home. Navratil, who cam to Sa lem in 1951, to make his horn with his daughter, Mrs. Mary Chapman, was born in Czecho slovakia, January 20, 1870, and came to the United State wa ear. au. lie setuea B( wu City where he wu a sawmill worker. Before coming to Salem Nav ratil had Uved at Bend, Dallas and Roseburg. , Survivors Include th daugh ter with whom he mad his home; another daughter, Mrs. Agnes Wojciechowskl of Sa lem; a brother Frank Navratil; a granddaughter, Mr. Mary Schweinforth of Salem and a great granddaughter, Jaaat Louis Schwienforth of Salem. Service are teitatively set for Sunday, August 23, at Mill City and will be under th dl-1 rection of th Howell-Edwarda funeral horn. 11 CREWMEN ARRESTED Talpeh, Formosa (A) Na tionalist Chinese officials said Monday 12 of th 71 Chltvaaa crewmen of the seized Danish stesmer Heinrich Jessen hsv been arrested and confessed to. being members of a Communist Party organization aboard th ship. pt I T. lav A Or a. ce mjt is it 3. unrut . laim CHINESE NATimOPATefS Cpstatn, Ml Nerth lAasW Offles owe. Setwrdap tah st aL u I .a. t be T pm CoeuetftattoeL blood wnttm ant arm. toes, arp rre. ee anem rraewooa erne, rtlt write ftp etareetrve stfe, B. ok, eatloa