ll-.j . v Monday, August 17, 1953 Pt 18 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Orcfm FOR SALE HOUSES VIEW HOME. r eehoaL Pin dutrtct. 1 bedroome, bufnut dount sareeo. 111.000. Ph. evinlnea nut '" $100 DOWN Hera is a good surt: Out bedroom, living room, kitchen, alse ! bed room, and ft bath roughed 1b. Oood foundation good roof, Pr n.y M pr month, Located north not la ttty. DECORATING 1 ft!) the houaa Brdl ta be In first (iiu cotMllttOB. Modern J-bJroo home, located la Mpiiler toslewood district, forced air furnace, 2 ale bedrooms, roomy balh, well arransed lirtn room. Iftrct kitchen with tiv. Ins room, attached garage. Priced below all appraisal. 'Cj y. REALTOR U I ounuc I I Alt 1955 fairgrounds Rd. tvi phono 1141 or 44777 al4 feT OWNEB Cendalarla l-bedrom, double unit. Una utility. Ill 000 -u. UK OWNEB Beautiful 1 bedroom noun, neweet feeturee. coforod potto. Open don and venlnta. 1010 Jamee at. IKouar). alia SUBURBAN HOUSE S bedrooms, good slat IJvtnt room, fireplace, kitchen, utility room, bard wood floor, forced air furnaca. Maa ovn wall with pump. This huoat la attached to tha garage. Just T Mocks ta super markti and pus. maa re duced to ii&m.m with terma. A Desirable Bargain Tula houaa la well located and 11 to J tut several blocks ta both araaa ana httb schools. North. Bua. Thla fine home haa a basement and furnace. Tve bed room t, living room, kitchen, braakfail nook. Mica lot with tree, erne repalri needed. Price la M3M-M Md tame. ABRAMS, BOURLAND SbUNlfBB 411 Meaoate Building Baa) Batate-Xnsuranca-Mortgaaa Loeat 1.0311 Bves: S-41M aioo $500 DOWN Mo 1-bodroom homo la tood ! trleL Hardwood floor, oil boat, larao kitchen with dlnlnt araa. wll-r-raiiiad llrlnt room with picture win dow. Ownor will eonelrier car or loto a down porta tat Pull prtoo only 17.330. Verr reaaonablt monthly pay aaente. C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 4M . Choich Phono 4-JMI Bret, and sunder, MR. KENT S-11M al tan DOWN (or bit equity In a l-boo-roor homo 1 poor old excellent aondl. tlon. email raonthlr payment. 4531 state at. Ph. l40l. fcOLLTWOOD dUtrlol homo wlh lane llrlnt room, dlnlna room, kitchen, 1 larte aodronat, Ilreplaee, katemcnt. I tola with apple, peach and pear Ireaa. H block to bua and atoro, Moal lor eomeono onplorod In the north part of Ua dir. W.0H, onlr U nor month alter down pennant or will eonolder car or bolldlna lote. rnone a-neo. at.e- iT OWNER Verr eUracttre 1-bedroom houaa, chleken houie, laraia, tacre tract. Phone erenlnaa 4-171. alW tAit tM-u Heiihta home, tare lot, low down payment. Phone l-Ull rre nlnta or sunder. nlae CHEAP TAXES Inaulaied. alectrto heat. t-rr.-oM l-bdrm. houoe attached terete, nice fenced yard, eloee to ochool, atorea bua. Terma. too. Phono 4-417 ermine.. aioo. T OWNER 4-bodroom houie. 1 fire plecea, 3 hatha, double laroje, play room. low. I-M4. tlW' I BEDROOMK. full baaement, automatu oil heat. Kintwooa noicnta. a-tiei. all HT OWNER t-bedroem home, low down perment. Phone l-ai. out- OOOD -B . house now helni ra modflod. In Buah aehool dlat.. Pared el.. 1 blk. to bua. tuM with to down. A WHLL-BUILT 1-B.R. houaa, Htahland dial. Nice rard, fruit Ueee, doaa to b-oa and achooL II2H. WBLL-LOOATID -RM. home with hwd. nra In Ur. rm fireplace, aloao to ah pork and Utile hlab. 7M, BURT PICHA tit M. Hleh t. Off.: l-Wtl !.: Allan Pletchor 1-7101 eltl- tOR SALE br buildar. Now t bedroom home. II M. ft- dee freoee. aertaln Included ana week onlr. atea at 7170 Lamina Are. Phona 70107. aJOO Ittractitb s bedroom houaa In Weat Sel.m. ION down, M month. 1111 marllahl Dr. . aieo' Kir keizer, modern 1 bedroom houie, Newlr painted in ant out. i era. Phone 4-110. aioo' ImaLL MODERN I bedroom houio Weil Salem. Will coneldor lartar home with acreeae. Aiklnc price MaOo. Borne terma. B. loherwood Realtor. !! Wal lace Rd. Ph. nlr ST. VINCENT IB.R., tlraplaea. forced air Dele oil ferneca. din. area. Ohooee your ovn eolore. Bur direct front builder. 1117 Donna. Ere. Ph. 414M. elol tr OWNER, aqultr t bedroom houeo euburban. wen bunt, ute oi ouut-tne. In.ulated. U.1M. Contract 1 Intareat. Ph. 7oa. eii FOR SALE LOTS CITT HOT eo pared etreel. Phos l-tus REAL ESTATE Chickens! ! Chickens ! Only ISM dowa vurt aera place . with extra large chicken houaa, tooth lor eeveral thouaaud. Obi Yea, a I bedroom boane for yen. It aeeda a little verb, but what do you eipect lor , amy i oo. Near St Vincent $7110 vlll bur a good 4bedrootu Ivoma. It lw't hew but it haa plenty t good liTing apace and la la ei aellent eorpdltlon. Large omar lot with aaaoTted fruit ireee. ravad at, Oca block ta bua. New 3-Bedroom rjnaweod RalghU. Am aicellant, aa- aluded nalthborhood goea tree with thta property. Oood lew from large pietura window la living room. Large dining room. Large, veil arranged kitrhea with apace lor chrome eat. Large Ulllty room with ample room for deepfrcoaa. au.soa. REIMENN. REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE phnna i-MHI 4-1171 4-Utt Ml South Rllh Street Phone tvenfnffa and Snnday 4-slll I-IM4 tl'4 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 t'Ltaniriro AnvrnTlltNO Tn Word, tlMe lot Pet Ward 4. Per W.ra. I Umee la. Per Nerd. I meat Me Ne Rrfoade Mlelmam I Worde READER m Leeal Newa Coraau Only. Per Word . to Hlalmam I Warda. T Plr Ari in gtrn tlay1 Piper. Phon t-t4M B(r It bjb REAL ESTATE I loo P7IA Terma. toiely fl-BB koma about I yeara old. Haa dialed ream. Att'd saraae. Owner auat have laraar home. Trade far l-eedreoat. $ I.M Terme. PuO baeemeni with fireplace and aatra room. t-BR plaetered home, Uvlnt room with fireplace. Cioee ta locatloa, Zatt. I MOO Suburban, lajt. II-BR for tha laraar famllr. Pull baaamena. Sawduet haak Lane lot. Really room for Urine. TRADES - TRADES - FOR SMALLER PROPERTY lll.M Por the meet attract!, buy In 4-BR almoat bow home. Baaement, fireplace, D. room with Branch deore to flaaetoao terrace. Ceremle Ilia In kltchea and belli. Lorely outdoor llvlnf area Ineludea berbecue poll, expenelro plentlnaa, m acre lot with eetlea. fruit A) larde. N. M. Suburb. I l.us acre. lmoal new 1-BR, nlcelr arrented. plaetered reach etrlo home, etteched aaraaa, Inalde ilUlly, food well, alaaa la South. Low dow perment. tll.SOo Entlewood Cape Cod 4-BR., double plumblna. larea U room wllh fireplace. D. room. tin. apace In kitchen, nice email yard wllh beautiful plantlnaa. Near "D" a llrd. t.M 1-BR. rery neat, plaiterod, lanlatad, oornar let Rlchmaad achool. near atora ft bua. Oracle. 1-BR alder home 1 the eltr on park-like aera f trouad With aawduit furnace. D. room, lar.a kitchen with nook. Pullr plastered. Double plumbina. Huaa walnut arap at many fruit treee. South. OWNER TRANSFERRED tie Beautiful 1-BR. LB.- Dlnetw. Very nice kltchea. metal built in.. Hdwd. floor., att'd rareae. utility "rm.. otl heal, lot 100 leo, n.w wall-lo-wall carpet la L.R. Oood terma. 4 Corner Diet. Eue 4i ochool cleae. Tw lately 1-BR rente) - dote In. , A.A.LARSEN, Realtor 181 SOUTH HIGH A. Willi Andy Halrereen - ph. I71U Eree. and COLBATH OFFICE NOW LOCATED IN THE LOBBY OF THE SENATOR HOTEL COME ON IN AND LET US TALK REAL ESTATE 1-BEDROOM, FOR LADY OR COUPLE Haa l-ar terete la fun haamt.. aprlnkllnt intern. Lie. rm.. dm. rm., kitchen le real nice. Small lot and low price of Itn. CHECK THIS POR VALUE. SEB CARL, EVE. PH. 4111. NEAR LESLIE CLEAN At NEAT l-bdrm. home on South Commercial St. Ut. DR. kitchen, lnilde utility rm, aaraee, tool hie. THE PRICE U REASON. AELB AT fa 70S. WILL TRADE POR HOatt OH OUIBT STREET. SEB CARL, EVE. PH. 41710 NEW RUSTIC THREE-BEDROOM HOUR IN BEAOTJFTJL SETTINO. TT 1 HBW. Plreplace, Iron Plremen oil furnace, btrchwood kitchen. Lerte let. Price 14.000. WILL TATA SMALL HOC A IN TRADE OR ttOOO daw. NEED ROOM TO HOUSE YOUR CHILDREN? HB7UE IS TOUR ANSWER Llrlnt rm. with fireplace, Urte DR. kr ly kltehe with ample dlnlnt ipece plua room for laundry faeUltlaa. tile bath. I bdrm. dn. and 1 bdrma. plua flnlahod aloreroom p. Pull ami. burnt, with oil piped furnace, plumbed for auto, wether At , dryer. Secluded fleaatone patio. Many treea. On corner lot ta Ideal la eatlon near acboola, north. SEB MRS. COLESBEE, EVE, PH. 1U71 PICTURESQUE SPACIOUS ENGLEWOOD HOME Lorely llrlnt room with fireplace, lerte dlnlnt rm, all-tilt bath with renllr, 1 nlct-alaod bedroomj. wonderful kitchen with many kullt Ini. etparate nook, lar.a dry baaml. with aawduit furnaca. attached terata, fenced lot, weU-kopt yard. ONLY 1J.M. TERMS. H. Ilia Sk location. SEB MRS. COLESBEE, EVE. PH. 1M7I SOMETHING TO HOLLER ABOUT TOO WILL WANT TO SEB THIS BRAND NEW RANCH BTTLB HOME with 1 bdrmi., larte llrlnt rm, dlnlnt rm., fireplace, oil piped furnace, birch kitchen, lerte nook. hdwd. fire, lorely bath, bit utility room with two entraneea, l-ear reraaa, corner lot. ONLY ll.M. EXCELLENT TERMS. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. So Bin Colbath, Eva. Ph. loSM BARGAIN BUY In latt-bullt l-bdrm. home. Llrlnt rm. Kill, dlnlnt rm, lorely kitchen, hemlock floor, oil heel, lnilde utility rat., terete, lane lendaeaoed lot. ONLY I7MO REDUCED PRICE. OOOD TERMS. SEB BEN COLBATH, EVE. PH. 1131. DUPLEX OLDER BUILDINO IN OOOD CONDITION Completely furnlahed. l-bdrm. unit and l-bdrm. unit Corner lot, tarata. One block from Xn.lewood achool. Income 1100 per month. DUE TO ILLNESS. MUST BELL. PRICE lltoO. Termi. M0 down. OOOD INVESTMENT POR A LOW DOWN FAYMT. SEB MRS. OOUSBEB, EVE. PH. 35111 POSSIBLE $1000 DOWN BUYS THIS NEW l-bedroom home with loraly llrlnt rm, larte kltchea with aattot epacc, bath with ehower, attached tarata, hdwd. fire, alee corner lot in north Solera. Never been llred In and the arte il my lano. ACT NOW. Sea Bea colbath. Bra.,Ph. inn i HOMES ON LOT 128x400 WITH CREEK. Nice l-bdrm. homo with hdwd. fin, larte llrlnt rm, lovely kitchen, tarata, water eyitem. etoraae rm. Nlca ene.bdrm. homo with llrlnt rm.. bath, lane kitchen. REIO ONE AND LIVB IN TUB OTHER. TOTAL PRICE POR BOTH. 50. TERMS. llaN down. YOU WONT OO WRONG ON THIS BUY. SO BEN COL BATH, EVE. PH. Kill ' KING SIZE BUY Ufa to ia thla older but nicer 1-bedroom home with llrlnt room, dlnlnt room, utility room, bath, kitchen. Lot le elilM. Double tarata and toelhouae. Total price !. Terma. Located on BaUerm i treel. CONVENIENT LOCATION Bua br door Nle S bedroom homo with hardwood floor, all heat! attached tarata, lot eoiu. Onlr down. Located a X. Kth St. SCENIC 20 ACRES NEAR SALEM Thla beeutlful l-bedroom STEEP OABLE HOME wllh den, fireplace. lire, llrlnt rm, dlnlnt rm, bath. In lovely lettlnt, berrlta, eher- rlea, walnut.. Manr outbultdlnca In perfect condition, lerte barn, aprlnt. creek. ! mllol from town. OUTSTANDING COUNTRY HOME. IP YOU WANT THE BEST, BIB THIS. REANSONABLS PRICE. SEB T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 41114 HOUSE TO TRADE FOR FARM ' NIC 1-yae.r-old two-bedroom homo located tat Wait Burton t trad on farm. Price 000. SEE T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. ph. 41114. 14 ACRES WITH CREEK 4 A. alee prnnee. walnut, etc. A. timber peature. BaJ. ta cult, l-bdrm. aeml.modera older home, nice .hade and lawn. AU for lie. TERMS. SEE T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 41114 STOCK 4 DAIRY FARMS WE HAVE SEVERAL OOOD STOCK AND DAIRY PARMB WITH IRRI OATION, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. LET US KNOW YOUR NEEDS. WE CAN HELP YOU. SEB T. T. ANDERSON POR A PARM HVI. PH. 41114. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS II COURT ST. MRS. ooi eubfe . I5J7I ARNDT GRABENHORST SPECIALS TDHAL POR WORKING CO0PL1 Nice aulat location. 1 bdrm.. 11t. rm. with picture window, kitchen nook, lovely bath, inside utility, aula, forced air heating. Beautiful lot with outdoor llriplica. Attached aaraaa CALL J. K. LAW OCT EXACTLY WHAT TOO WANT No need of buying aotnethtng la home Juit because It'e clooe to what you want. We have the guild re and tha location nec'seary to build that I or l-bdrm. home exactly aa you like, .financing arranged tor. CALL ROT FERRIS lea ACRVft Oood aetup for aheap or cattle. Majority of land In per manent paature. Completely fenced with woven wire and eroti-teneed. Tear 'round trtam runt length of property. Oood barn, machine eheda and a epaeloue 4-bdrm. home, dbie. plbe.. hdwd. fire, etcellent condi tion Ihruout. A very good cloe -lo location, lalea achool district. POR APPOINTMENT CALL H. LAYMON ARRE8T1NO IN BOMB APPEAL Uf. rm. with fireplace, plate alaaa wlndowa, din. rm. with corner cablneta, t bdrma., bath, model kltchea nook. Pull baufnt. with rumpua rm. and fireplace. Bingle attached ga rage .covered pane, greenhouae. 111,100. CALL JL B. LAW 11000 DOWN buri thla S-bdrm. home, RVchmonad achool dlatrlct. Plreplace, full baamt., garaie, nice lot with fruit treea, pavement. Drlvu by lUt Lea AtreeL Full price $1000. CALL ROY . FBRRIB GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS lit s. Ubertr at. Ph. lull Vvoalnta Si Bundara aall N K. LaTmrm I till i. E. Law 111 Ber Porrl 1-W1I REAL ESTATE JUST THINK! NEW ranrh-atrle S-bdrm. home with fully plastered lg. 1-car aaraee, 001 it lot (lawn ta in) built ta r H a. peci flcatlona, located Just off Lancaster drive la the eiie ach. dui- AU af thla for only lit.TO. REAL SPECIAL TT a brand new low ace-itory borne consisting af I REAL LAROE hedroama. a fuU baaement with fire place. 110 mv aU fur. ait. LO. J -car aar, lOOiloa lot, ever lioo aa. ft. af floor apace la thla fine home for aa'.y le, 00. Just suburban, north. (No phong Info, at aeller a requtat.i ENGLEWOOD CLOftS ta all achools, one-storr bdrm. eb den. nice clean, la excl. acrodltlon. medluslte let with shade trees. Price haa Just been reduced ta I woo. CHARM PLUS XCETLLENT VIEW, tocetrd Just auburbaa. south, charming, roomy. 1 g. bdrm. home with wall-to-wall carpeting tn the Jierne dining rm. All bdw. firs., aeparate nook, covered patla with fireplace, real la. view lot with shade trees, ritr wtr. w hard aurfaced etreel. 111 aog. PHONE J-MM LUKINBEAL Realtor Hrll Bra. ID. I-I7M, LYLI PORES T 111- REAL ESTATE tH. 2-8629 . ph. 11111 A. I. Beckett - ph. I4M1 Sunday ell DIAL 44IM r 14111 ANDERSON - 41714 01M - 4170 REAL ESTATE TRADE II Ft. Kropf trailer home, birch In terior, electric refrigerator, water heater, gas stare. la lop oondltioa. . Want t bedrom heme, auburbaa pre ferred. Cash far tha balance ta sT.eoa. 2 Bedrooms. Northeast Living room, combination kitchen. dining. Over 1,000 s. ft, fleer apace with attached garage, aa MiM it, Bua I blk. Prka ll.sot. About laoo owa. LOTS IN BEND Each tot ill ta tha First Park Ad diiioa. a iota lor aa.ooo. oood terms. ON AN ACRE 4 rooms with bath, good garden area, famllr orchard. Drilled well, lota of good water, pha apprataai and eek lag price, ST.M0. PHA terms. ZWASCHKA lie! Oram St. Rieller. Phea I-4IUI BUSJNESS t INC0ME Oirr STOIE7 Ollte of klnda. mrrtlo wood. redwood. Juniper, etc tot ft on Hy. HE So. with 1 room btmialaw. Nlca yard. Shruba, etc. Alee teed well. Muel aacrlflce. Eaiy work, flood profit. NIC, for couple. H1WAY DIPT shop. I mi. . f Sella on he at , Bo lit. WIN REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADESj WB NEBO LISTINOS: Homee, Parma. Acreatae, Builneaee. Motor Courla, Taverna. What have yeul DELUXE HOME IN EAST ENGLEWOOD And believe ua It'a a beauty. Dignity that makea It a wleaiure to come noma Immaculately tiled bath. Tiled kite mm thai la aa laaDlratioa to any cook. Lovely fireplace. Automatic sprinkle aytesa la this gorgeous yard with vel vety lawa. The floors are carpeted with the moat beautiful carpets you ever aaw. Boactoue 1 car atL garage Huge utility room. The price la only LIKE NICE THINGS At a price you can afford- if aa, Ut ne show vou this new home la at, Vincent Dlit. Cray fireplace. Delco all furnace. II by " living room. Owner transferred after enlr living la home one month. Paiio, Pull price ealy lli.too. Terma arrangeo. $1000 DOWN It's spot leas ty clean. Almost 1mm awMa Hlehlanc: and at. Vincent DUt Extra room rould be used for child a bedroom. Kice iron ana ne ta. inmuifiLed. ftctt. utility room. Att. gar- art Paved driveway. Full price only IUM. 3 BEDROOMS On ana floor. Almost new and very clean. OH furnace. Plreplar. Insul ated. All the conveniences ef a lane home yet it's only price, at ajw.aw. Owner will exchange far I bedroom LIKE A BASEMENT? If a, here'e one you'll really anjoy II llrlnt room. Cute kitchen and bath. La. taraee. Ezlr nlca double clueu. Fenced In yard. Thla la buy for eioaoa. Liberal terma. Rentals & Trailer Court 4 modern houses plua a modem y bedrom bouse. 14 trailer stalls. Apprx. I acres oi lano. 'y ' PBUBIOO. VWUI wa --- - modern new home. Full price $31,500. BOWLING ALLEY And n tood one. I allera. New. The eoulpment la the flncet. Rent on bide, onlr 4300 per mo. In verr rich communltr. Avorate income api".' tll.ooo. Pull price lli.too. INCOME $389 PER MO. On this almost new cement nag. Hlce corner lot. Oood parking area la front for customers. The area I trowing. Thla property wouldn't need a bit of repair for manr yra. FuU price eai-000. Terms rrQBm. FORCED SALE A brand new home cloie Id north. UH 10. ft. tlor opace. 1 bedroom, plua a rerr modern den. Owner haa In atructlona to chante climate Immedi ately. 1 erea of land. Price drai'.teally reduced for ,ukk aala to 10.400. A bartaln. rmsF, in 34 Thtt t en time waa trade A detrr and aould be chanted back ataln to tha aame. Verr cloie In. Ir ritation rlthta to whole farm. Paved hlthwar. I room duplet. 1 atanchlon cow hern. Loallnt ahrd. 1 car tarate. Pull price on 13 1.750. $1500 DOWN On thla 1 and Va acre tract. Mod ern houaa built In 137. Chicken houaa. A tood deal of hlthwar frontate of ME north. Tha belt OI toll. FuU price too. Por Butlnei. Opportunity, and Homea call for DAN ISAAK lEve. 4-1531 1 or RAT ORIMMETT. lEve. l-77) or MR. KIOOINS. lEve. 4 !! or MR. CRAWPORD, lEve. 4- K70I. por Parma Onlr call for MR. LEAVENS. lEve. 1-47351. If na anewer call 4-3341. Llcenaed Alio la Waah. and Idaho MORTOAOB LOANS II Taar Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones: 4-1311 or j-iho ve Fhonee: t-4731. 4-514, 4-9031 4-3S31 or 3-7471 10 Portland Road If aa answer, phona 4-3241 elW WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTlCEi II your property u for eale. rent oe atenaota, tut it who wa w, have all klnda ol caah burer. aTTATB PINANCE CO., REALTORS 111 S. HUh Si aa WANTED' TO LBARE Vacant bulldlnt lor tararn, ricinitr oi ctaicm. m 17114. cam' HAVE CASH burer lor barber ahop. What have your AL ISAAK at OO. REALTOR MS. Portland Rd- Phone 43311 calS 17 POOT TRAILER houM to trade a down payment n horn np to wow. Hot Ith St, ' caltl' WE ARE la need of lood nou.ee to tell. In or neer Salem. If rou nun ta uai rour propertr lor ..1.. .eo ORABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 11, S. Liberty Ph 1-3471 CO NEED LIITINOS ol houie In Salem to awap for acreate. Have aeveral aub- brba place, to trade lor city. BURT PICHA 171 N. BllhSL Evee.4-1111 Off. 1-1047 relBt EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL ACCEPT up to 110.000 for Salem modern homo In tood condition. Eaet. On strawberrr Perm worth 33.000. Write Boa IPS Capital Journal. cblOff EAST Will exchanae eauttr of about 31(30 In .rm. home about 10 rra. old. on to A. aat on paved rd. Pull price t3330. BURT PICHA ITIH.HllhSt. Evil. 4-lltl Off. 1-4047 obits- MUeVT SELL OR WILL TRADE 40 Ac. tood MIL f.lr bid... prk. tttOO. Trade for home In or nrar Selem. Por more lnrormellon CALL OSCAR REDER8TR0M JOHN J. DAMN, REALTOR Alt N. HUB. Ph. 411.3 Evt. 35111 ebiov FURNITURE FOR SALE LEAVING TOWN Complete houuhold furniture for eel. loa Carlton War. diu TRADER LOUIE OPEN FRIDAY At MONDAY BVENINOS dlo. WANTED FURNITURE mm AUCTIONS AUCTION Or FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS 4MB CENTER ST, BAUSat VadlrV I I .BiJ.vg?n I iyj'y E REAL ESTATE Jt . 3-BEDR00M HOME $9250 Teu've bee waltlat lot thla ee . . . 11 yeara aid, II a II Una. rooaa. kltchea with nook. I kd raonta dowa, 1 ap. Ideal locatloa ta Beat Batlawaed. That aa waa't laat ton. I g" PARK-LIKE SETTING And i. w. AU thlo, plua ( modera 1-bedrooa hem (11H a, ft) for enlr I11.M0. Why act lake . look tdyt ITS NEW A will-planned l-bedroom home, only a few perion.l louche, needed to make H a LOVELY home, loceted Beit, larte lot, paved etreel, -will till PHA or OI lean. Priced at lli.too. IF YOU WANT BEAUTY PLUS CONVENIENCE let ua ahow you thla swap home la South Village. Large living room with dining room, bath wun shower, large double garaie, paita. Here Is a line home far lli.too. FAIRMOUNT HILL A ranch-style home pou cap RKALLT be proud ta own apeclous I bedrooms and den. There's a large lot wllh alee lawn and ahrub berr, sprinkler system complete, double garage, entrance hall, large living room and dining room, carpeted wall-to-wall. There la a full daurllght basement with eitra fireplace. The view is ta the west, and It IB wonderful. Tha price la abesoluMly right, at IH.aOO. Terms. 0HMART& CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Eve.: Loul. Lorona BW Ralph Meddy 13IU Ted Merrtion I504 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Wholesale Our survey ahowa that several areas In the Northwest need a progressive wholesale distributor la the hard ware, sporting goods, houseware, toys, electrical lines. If you would like to start la business for yourself oa a small Investment and still have the power of a large distributor, we offer thta opportunity to a qualified man. Tour lnvestmctn of I3.M0 to 14.000 Is In merchandise af your choice. We carry your dealers accounts. This bus iness offers a sound future with ei tept tonal Income. Write to CIRCUIT DISTRIEOTINO CORP, 1141 N. LOM BARD PORTLAND 11, OREGON. cdlH! 4 UNIT apartment house. Rent or sell. 1171 N. 4th. CdlOl" APARTMENT house, close to all achools. shopping center. Income $111. 1 11.050. Phone 3-03U. cdltf FOB IALE or trade good going restaur ant for home ar trailer court. Write box 119. Capital Journal. cdlM TAVERN Outside of 6alem, N. Thla la a money-m alter, rirat time offered for aale. Excellent living auarters. Everything goea with thla sale: t cabins, tavern, equipment. Located oa Coast Hlway. $33,000. Terms. 2ft ACREft-Buslness Bldr., I house rentals, trailer park, tao.ooo. ncei lent terms at low Interest rata. 1041 M. Capitol Eve. I-3051 cdltf EQ'JIPMENT AND LEASE at Silver PalU Lodte. ceu 1-1717. cdl7 BUSINEKl RENTAL with llrlnt IIU- tare. N. Capitol. B-S70B altar . p.m. edlll ONLT 17.154 for cafe. Well-ootabllahod and dolne thrlvlnt bualnsu. Av.rata uroie. about ato dallr. Can bo hendled br man and wile. Oood ipoL Don Wall BURT PICHA inN.HIlhSt. Evil. 4-0117 Off 1-4047 cdior FOR SALE LIVESTOCK NICE SPOTTED Shetland ponr. l-rear old. Terma If you re credit la tood. 4-lnt. ell LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEP Whit face dereford. 34c Loektr pork 45c Notntn. down, moe. to par. Ouatem kUllnt. Trailer loanl free. Saleaa Meat CoC 1331 S 35th. Ph 1-44M a RABBITS DOES AND Bueta, California atrala. Oood clean atock. 44io Clatter Rd. eb307 PETS SAT! These are alee. Blamesc kittens with deep blua eyes. Phone J-oess. aclOO BEOISTERED alrdale pupplee. Ideal child'4 pet. hunter ar watcb aog. Phona 2-4010. l N. 22nd. eel SB HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM till McCoy, one block east of is. capital. iv biocta north of MadUoa. Ph. J-6897. ec204 PARAKEET Bablea and breeders. Healthy birds. 2110 Livingatoa. Phone 3-1142. ac200 CHAMPION BRED BOXER puppies, ev ery pup potential cnampion. aaoora Tropical nan. Faraaeeis, xuruea, aup- pllrs. 2 miles from Lancaster an McCeap read. 4-1771. Closed Wednes day. ec230 PEKINERE puppy. Call 4sa Lancaster Drive after 0 p.m. eciai" FUEL PLANER END oreen or drr Out of town dellvcrlea. sawduat; blower, and P.O. WEST SALEM FUEL OO. 1171 Edeewater Ph. 14031 ee FOR SALE POULTRY WE ARE hatching New Hampahlre Odd er. Broad and Arbor Acrea White Rock, every week. Special prices to rear around fryer growers. Pox's naicnery, 3830 fttate t. Phone I-4SW. f !itW HAMPSHIRE PUlleU, I months old. Verr nice birds. Mrs. n. a. nia bier, oervala. 1th and O at Primrose sun. "M PRODUCE YELLOW MATED cantaloupe froai Tak- Imi Valley. Alio iresn green cars. Oreca Apple Market, I aaUea north an 09 E. mul9 ATTENTION PRODUCE Pmlt Orow n Pt&ei. en3 to ma toe iugj i i. capacity. For sale, Oe each at aur yard. B E. oak street, roruaao i. urag, Tel. EAit 7037. Corns la and vtslt Why don't you? H. ! unowiea. in PEACHES Polka, those delleloua tree -ripened Improved CrawfordJ and Oolden Jub ilees are bow ready at Jets Mathis orchard and fruit stand. 0 miles north of SaJem on Ota highway. niw MoiT VARIKTT af peaches la aeaaoa. Worm free Oravenstein. ims mue irom brtdee aa Wallace Rd.UK. Wendt, ato war. ttiim JOE PALOOKA REALTOR '..meeru' f ' 1 tT L TOO ' I Jf!" W KMOW AIL ABOUT ONAV.-ILL JmfiX. M AUSTRALIA. REAL ESTATE Ptioae 14111 1411) Henry Torread 11131 I PRODUCE BALKD alta fescue straw (hay), heavily leruiaied leueae treea. eieaueni qual ity, t o per ton la field. 1 miles eouta FTinaie scnooi. sainecreeK ra Frank McKeaaoa. Fbaaa Balaat 4-333T. . ffla "hama OABDKNI opens Friday, Aug. 14. featuring bame-grawa carrots, wax beans, new red spuda. broccoli, beets. Alta pickling cukesi free dIU with orders, tb mL W. Manama on old hlway. Ml 07 PICKLING CCBXt fresh dally from aur farm field run ec pound. Organically grown potatoes, red ar white. Peaches t now oa market. Phillips Bros. Farm Market, 450 Portland Balem. Phone 34112. ft NEW WHITE BOSK potatoes. lVdC per lb. 171 Cbemawa ltd. V, mile west of Kelier school. ff 197 HELP WANTED MEN AND WOMEN to work on our hop pjcklnt machine. Startlne Autu.t 17. Dar and nttht work. Located I mile, north ef Salem oo the River rood. Call Salem 4-1331 or 4-1333. Mlailon Bottom Harreitir. a' BEAN PICREBS wanted. Phono 113IS. Pred Helna. RL , Boi 171. .11 PRT COOK wanted. Speedway Restau rant. 1170 Center St t BEAN PICKERS Register now for picking. In new yard of trelllsed beans. Starting about Aug. 20. Watch thla space for exact starting data. Oood camp, wood, lights and cabins ar tent houses. Daily ima aervlee from Salsa.. Bua route ta be published aooa la thla paper. Write D. F. McCarthy Son. RU 1. Box 133, Salem, Oregon, or drlva out t miles on South River road ar I a lies east ef Independence. This Is one af tha val ley's better yards and camp. D. P. Mc Carthy Or Son, Rt, 2. Box 133, Balem, Oregon. Phona aldependence 10P3. gl07- HOPFICKINQ MACHINE and field crew help. Also experienced head drrer man and dryhouse crew. Four trucks with drlvera and one-wheel tractor with driver. About 10 days work. W. W. Graham Son Yard, north of Salem, near Clear Lake. Call weekdays 0 to 7 p.m.. 4-1211. gaoo' WANTED BEAN Pickers. 2 miles N.I, of Kelier on Lake Lablsh. Watch for signs. Oood picking. No children un der 12. Ralph Hali Ins. Ph. 38581. f 197' HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMATIC BEATING service man. Steady work with good chance for ad vancement. Experience required. Salem Heating Meet Metal Co. Phone days 3-IIU, evenings 4-1421. gain NEW CAB SALESMAN Permanent posi tion. Best deal la valley. References required. Writs Box 107, Capital Jour nal, seaofl- HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Lady for housework and child cars. Lira la. Permanent Phone 2-0017. sblfll W ANTED O Irl for Stock control Clerk and general office work. 11 to 30. Sa lem Auto Peru, 354 N. Liberty. sblBfl WOMAN la vicinity f South 12th and Fairview ta da light housework and care ef t-year-old girl. I hours per day. Phone 3-4934. gb200 ITENOORAPHEa Young woman above average ability and alertness, good personality, college education or ex perience. Remanent position. Top sal ary for right person. Pee paid by em plover. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCY, 404 State St. Phona 4-3351. gbl07a WOMAN. Oeneral housework. Live In. 00b N. Liberty. gblOV EXPERIENCED galea girl wanted. Apply Hartman Bros. 100 State. gbl!7 DEPENDABLE middle-aged lady tor child care. My home. 4-1231. rbl97 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES YOUR JOB? SAVB TIME CHECK OUR USTINO TAKE TOUR PICK IP QUALIFIED P Recept. diet. opr. Dr.'a ofc ...3300 P 0,n. ofc. apt fltri. .. 1300 P Dictaphone opr. 30-4t .3200 P Typlat credit eip 1300 P Payroll dark 1300 P Bkkpr. part time li lt hr. P Bookkeeper 1340 P Acctt. clerk 1325 P Secy, recept. da S750 P steno. da 1325 P Steno. part time II. .0 hr. P ftteno. Oen. ole. 33-41 .... 3200 P Counter clerk eten. 10-50 ....230 M Bookkeeper 3250 M sum trainee 1 rra col out. .1100 THE BERT WAY TO THE BEST JOBS Offlc cloacd saturdere la Autuit COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCT 44 State St. 4 Orison Bldt.l 4-3331 PORTLAND OrC.. 4I( S.W. MORRISON ell. WANTED SALESMAN WANTED experienced used car salesman. Write Box 100 Capitol Journal. nlvT WANTED POSITIONS PAINTTNO Interior, ettertor. MrClata nd Oolden. Phon 1-1111 or -. hll7 LICENSED DAY NURSERY Phon 1-1031. BapecleUr for Inlenta and I yeara. h30l' TOU NEED your kitchen, bathroom, cell Inn and walla waabedt Alaa rour wln dowat Call 4-.1I4. h3M .TM6 EXACT AMOUKT t HAVE COMINt; ... 0CiT TRY TO 6IVt A rVHAT YOU eOI FOK YOUf TOCrl...'Tt)0 CJLO rKNTMftOPlST, WANTED POSITIONS wANTEO Oarden arark br the day. Phona S-TIH .renm.e. ROTOTILLINO Middle Orova Nuraarr CARPENTER ad repair werk wanted Ph. 21411. hlH RELIABLE BABT SITTEB Will I dare ar menu, rnone a -owe. CHILD CARE la mr home. Bntlewood dlilrlet. by hour, day tr week. Call 1-4411. CHILD CASE En.lewood dUtrlcl. low N. lltb. Mra. Bartl. Johuon. PAINTINO, PAPER hantlnt. dar or eontr.et. Small rob welcome. Phone 1-7M1. h307' EXPERIENCED trplet-bookkeeper, work from my home reatonaale. Phona U36 LIGHT CBAWLEB doalnf. dlrl mil ls, eradlne. Phone 3-1130. h307 PAPEB BANGING, palatini. Prae - timetc won mcero. ra. a... WILL BABT ill at your home any time. Phone 40430. LA N MOWEBS. SCISSOR. Clipper beade. etc.. iharpened. oeneral Mo tor Repair, 111 Oerlh. Phone 1-154. h30 LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work Service Center. Phone 4-3573. h PAINTING Exterior and Interior, and waU work. Phona 4-2.14. I-H53. low CHILD CASE In mr home br hour. Dar or week. Call 1st. Bo. Capitol du-Irlct- 11 TABD WORK wanted and tardenlnt- rn, sb..b. liiie...eeeee,eeeeeilllillio EDUCATION MBS. PRANKLIN WARD, teacher of piano. Special empheaU on k.rbord harmonr. 1 on.-balI hour leon. or 1 one-hour leeion per week. le5 W. Nob Hill St. Phone 1-1745. hhl MEN tc WOMEN . 18 to 49 Our trained Councilor will be In Salem ooo. He wanti to talk about rour abllltr to train for emplorment In MOBILE ELECTRONICS: RAILROAD COMMUNICATIONS. TRUCKS. BUS. TAXI. P1RE DPT., ITC.. T.V. AND RADIO INDUSTRIES. 11 rOU nave tne ability you will be advUed about Place ment, Par. Hoapltallaatlon, Pr. Paeie., .mplormmt, .to. Writ. United Railway. Inatltute,. Box 1, c-e c.pl t.l Journal. hhl7 FOR RENT OFFICE SPACbT Inquire al IM S HUh Phoni. 1-4114. r POR BENT OR LEASE Hall aultable for church, lodte or what have you. im mediate poueailon. Rent only 17ft per month. Al beak. Realtor, Ph. 4-1311. me LARGE warehouse apaco for rent or li.ie cement flaora, brick buudint Down town. Inquire S. L Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone 1-1115. J rOR LEASE 100 to 300 feit frontate on Edteweter St.. Weel Salem Ir J FltU ph 3M03 ) WANTED TO RENT I BEDROOM tinfurnlahed houee. Call )al7 2-1 187. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE BOOM clou ta atate bulldlnti. S3 N. Winter. )k30l SLEEPING ROOM, for 1 or 1. 70 N. Church. Phona 1-4335. Ikiat ATTRACTIVE room, private home. Oen- tleman. Oil N. Summer St., Phone 2-936. Jit 196 FOR RENT HOUSES LESLIE McKINLET dlatrlct. Small coir home, furnlahed. Adultl. loo. Phona 3-3i. ImUS" UNFURNISHED houie, bedroom., 161 month. 3280 Portland Rd. 3-3S.1. JmlH MAPS New eltr mapa ahowlnt by-peel hlah way available t your favorite book atora. Look for Relcon Mapa. Im304 SMALL FURNISHED houio. Suitable for one or two. 1021 3rd St., Will Salem. Jml3 LAROE l-bedroom houee. clot, to dewa- towa ahoppmi area, call 1-4114. )ml7. CLEAN, OLDER I bedroom home, eaw- duit hilt. 140 per month. Rawllni Realtr, 30CO N. Capitol. 4-1711. Jra FURNISHED I room duplet, 150. Sea at 710 Unlvenlty St. Phona 3-1801. lml5 LARGE l-BOOM houie with utility room, oil circulator. Convenient ohop plnt. Ph. 1-453. lull! FOR RENT OR LEASE Brautlful I bedroom home with lovely view In. Candalarla Helthte. Completely furnbthed. RAW ANN REAL ESTATB PHONE 1-1203 ImlM l-REDROOM unfurnlihed houj. tub- urban, north, on SK. Phone 4-4074. lml7" t-BEDROOM HOUSE. Cloie In. Phone 1-07H after I 15 p.m. ImloO- 4-ROOM HOUSE 141. Call 1704. 335 Cherry Ave. Jml7 1 BEDROOM houie. Else. heat, double tarata. Water furnlahed. (75. Call 3133. lml. ROOM modern furnished cotteee. Yard fenced. Phona 1-M1I. Jmlal ATTRACTIVE euburban plaetered duple, attached aaraee. Partly furnl.hed. Nice lawn and ihade tree. IO50. Ph. 4n4. Jml7" S BEDROOM houie. Nice yard. Oarate. Rome furniture, lilt Ruee. Jmlrtft' BUSINESS RENTALS STORE OR OFFICE SPACE In new bulld- tg. UA So. 13th. 3-5233. JO107 B1TILDINO IN Hollywood, approximately 60 sq. feet. 130 a month. Call Raw llni Rea 1 ty, -4e:or4-1741'Jo GROUND FLOOR office or store apace for rent call at Pitts Market Jo FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN APT. 1 roomt and bath, adultl. Call 3757mornlnt. Jolts BFAUTIFIX I ROOMS and bath, partly rurntihed. Automatic waiher. Ph. 31511 32 Palrtroundi Rd Jplll ATTRACTIVE 1 rootna. All utllltlei. Cloie In. Reaionable. 74 N. Church. Inquire In reer 470. 1P197 VEST CLEAN, nicely furnlahed. 1-room apt., all utllltlei lurnliried. I. WHl Salem. Pumlahed l-bedroom houie. Weet Salem. 3t. 1311 Edtcwatir. 1-1100 evei. l-3. IplM CHEAP RENT, redecorated apartment. Wood ranta. Ground floor. Ph. 358. Iplrv DOWNTOWN ut floor. I room, bath. prlvata entrance. 151 Center St. plt MODERN Nlrn.T furnlthed 1 room epartment. Private entrance. Olrli preferred. 4t N. winter JplH" I ROOM apartment. Private bath. Adultl. 7M N. Ubertr. Ph. 147. IplM CLOSE IN, to quiet people, I room fur nlahed apartment on aecond floor. Bleeplnt room, lit floor. Separate en trance. No. Cotteee JplM S BOOM unfitrnUhed. Elee. .tore, refrl- leifttor, uio, waaher, tarate. 17101, AM. IP1I5 TLEEMY.HE A4U6T I I STOP IT. YOU WON'T DO A THINO 1..! SEEL 1 It TOU YA..THAT I I TO HIM. WERE H THIS TOGETHER LIKE A I I HNi CAU. I I AND f Pft Wl..n'S T06ETHER. J f4uM...t I tar T-PIECES-. rl K , 11 I FIRE M fU FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN I BOOM furnlahed a par train t. pnvata beta and Mtuaaafc latt N. Wlnu 'Jii. COIRT APABTMENT. Cloa ta aa N. Commerclel. 1 room ana '; U441 or i4t4. tn r00 luraUhed apt. tn H. liberty st. NICELY FUBNWHED baeemeni. Utlll. Ilea. Privet, bath nd '''. 43 So. 10th. '". MODEBM CNPUBNlMlBD -'OJ. JJj- room opanmeni. i'" . . . . . w mw .uiau.n aF.rtm.Bta. baaeador Apt a. Bummer IP FUBNISHED apartmanC Clean. 441 Dn loa SL oM.0 par moat. CaU 1-3434. SEVERAL furnUhad apartment. 14 tecalloa. Ineutra B. L Stiff Parwltur. Phnn. l.aiB. " CLEAN UPSTAIBS apartment. ' entrane nd bath. Wahln. Itl o ja. ..ri.1731 Bo. 13th. J""1! sTboom furnuhed epartment, prlrat beta. heat. Relruerator. H. Hit. Ipi.l APABTMENT on.bl.. tance. aa. no. - . BEBEADX for winter. Pine, quiet, aloae- in Steam heated lurnlehed apartment, Adulta. Ph. 16531 or 1141. Suttdber. Apli., I3 No. Winter. toW MODEBM furnUhad I bedroom duMer, Bulltlna. laraae. Inquire 13U Brir- manSt iSH SALEM'S FINEST lane 1 bedroom, fire. place, unfurnlahed. Select area. Jllll CLEAN 1 ROOM partment. Raaaonable 3770 No. Front. Ph. 17717. .1117 LOST & FOUND LOST-Brown leather billfold tt Olla ter. Norm. Edward. X0. afcrket. aleeiieie'i ' ' MISCELLANEOUS ILHIVI TRUCKS O-DRIYB MOVE YOURSELF SAVB Vj CAR RENTALS STAKES . YAKS TEXACO STATION II COURT ST. PHONB 1-1111 PAOB BTEVBHSOB Bd AL MEPPORD RALEli SAND At GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearla. Dltehtas Sewer and Baaemenl Equipment Rentftl Dltcbln. by tha Poo. Phona Daya l-ttu tree. 1-4417 V 1-74 J Salem, oreaon at SALE OR TRADE for late modal pickup, 1 pair retutered Chinchilla, with or without yount. Boa 111, Capital Jour nal, milt DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. 6XRVICR IN MOST OASBB DR. HARVEY SEMLZR, DENTIST Adolpa, Bldi.. Bute At Commercial art. SALEM PH 1-1311 m LET US DO your flah amoklnt. Many aetlifled cuitomere. 1-7003. m330 BUILDING MATERIALS LUMBER POR BALI Good ahlplap, 135 per M. atraKht, No. I. 155. No. 1 and better. Ml. 1-ln. lumber, 111 por U ad bp. Phono 1-3043. malM Remodel, Repair, Now Bar your cat for a ralar day. Ho dowa payment, I" month t pay. Epping Lumber Co. 174 SUverton Rd. Ph. 41131 OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY WINDOWS Largest atock In Salem. New weeth erstrlpped windows, completely assem bled. $14.20 up. Large modera sasbea and crystal pietura windows, M ap Pick your choice at bargain prices. PLUMBINO New toilets with seal I26.M 20"xll" wash basins, completa .. 17. Sft Bath tuba with flttlnge to. 00 .Double laundry trays, completa 20.1 Shower cabinets, complete .... 42.00 Double kitchen alnka, alectrla water heaters, pipe ......aheap 4" solid Orangeberg pipe 30a 000 gat steel septic tanks i 107.00 OTHER BARGAINS Metal garage doors with hdwo I5 New 4x0 plasterboard 11.40 4x1 waterproof wallboard 11.71 Interior and exterior plywood ..cheap Nails, earload supply 00.71 Overhead garage door bdwg 113.9 Loose Insulation, per bag tl.ot Roil blanket insulation bargain 4" -Jap Birch" plywcrdf 20a M "Jap Birch" Plywood Ola V Mahogany plywood 43e No. 1 Cedar ahlnole 9 71 No. 2 Cedar shingles 000 No. 2 Cedar ablnr.es 4O0 l-tab rooting 06.11 up Panel doors, hardwood doors, all types glass doors lowest prices New fir doer Jambs 13. M Painted cedar shakes ........ . $10.75 Unpalnted cedar shakes .10.00 New sAbestos sldlnc 00 Exterior white patnt 2 0 Shake molding, per foot . 10c C G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-S0S1 Ona mils N. of Falser ma KEITH BROWN Closeouts DOORS Reeular Sal 1-0 t - 1 1H - 10-111. French 111.41 47 l-l 1 4-1 1 1H - U-llt. French 11.11 10 34 level i m - lo-uie French 14.41 1041 l-l t I I US - 10-llte French lt.M 10 4. 1-OK-lt le . 1-panel .. 151 3-4 t 4-1 x IS - 1-panrl . I at 3-4 1 - t IS - 1-panel . 11 I 3-tit-tilS - l-panel , 1.01 45 l-IK-l I IS 1-11U Saih Door 11.41 II S. 3-lxt-li is l-Uta Saih Doora II 40 11.11 1-0 i - US. l-llla ft. iri Door 17.71 1134 SCREEN DOORS l-0i-tilS - I-panel . 117 1 to MiMtlH - Combina tion Screen di Storm Door. 11.71 l-a-tlS Combina tion Screen at Storm Door 11.17 LUMEER i - T to ir Routh Car Slakea H It, 1 1 1 - RL No. 4 Common Shlplap 5 KM M WIS C.rrler Load Lota ...li.OOM 30 00M ELECTRIC PANS Chlco Portable Air Cooler. 41 5 Oeoerel Electric I4.91 111 O.mral Electric 14.15 11.11 All ealea on dlicountabl. merahaadlao final - No refund r .achantea. Keith Brown Lumber Yard Front At Court Street Phone 1-1111 WS ntVR MR ORESN STAMPS ma SPECIAL li4-l' at II per center lead, ap proilmatety 1.400 ft. 1I ' et I've aach. BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Phone lilt Turner main By Ham Fisher 5 Id.AA.,! , J-v. . 1