Put 14 Beaver Wins Offer Threat in Title Race Sib Francises. U.R Tha sursence af tha harrf ina- Portland Beavers and the col- upw of the tnlfbty Seattle Rainier added mirm inAmw a Paeifle Coast League race mat oinerwise waa Decomlnr a runaway lor nu Hollywood Stan. The Beavers swept a twin oiu xrom las Angeles yester day by Identical scores of 3-1 and served notice on the Angels that their long term ' lease on third place was In danger of being broken. Portland, now two games behind the Angels, was rated a dark horse before the sea son opened. Even as Portland seemed on the verge of tearing the lea Cue acart. h loom,. ,.. ready to tear the Rainlers . apart. Bill Sweeney watched his team lose a double-header to last place Oakland yester day, 1-0 and 7-3. Seventh Loss It marked ih au.ti. t . - . Ml W for the Sweerjeys In eight games and dropped them 10 iiui games oenina Hollywood Which diviriaui H1 m... The Stars won the opener 9-2 w me ntgntcap, 3-1. In uiv ouiw rK.u matinee, San Francisco rinumaH c.. 3-2 In the 12th Inning of the opener, men Dropped the mgmcap, 4-1. Lvmnn T.fnif i ...ww .LOl 1.7 ( cu aev- en Angel hits In the opener io record nis iitn victory. The Bevos parlayed four singles iiivo raree runs in me first In ning, which was ail Llnde needed. In the bob-tailed nightcap, Jay Heard halted the Stars with two hits and Fletcher .Bobbe banged two homers, one with a man aboard, to drive in all the runs. Ends Duel Bill Howerton brought gioom 10 auavuie in the ninth inning of the first game when he belted Vern Kindsfather for a home run. The blast end ed a scoreless duel between the Seattle right hander and Jim Atkins. Jim Davit a.A Coaitl. hander, and Tom Lovrlch were Domuarded for 11 hits in the nightcap. PCL Standings , (Br Oalttd prm) HoHrwood n m StaUlt M . U It Anitltt ,u n Portlaad n 73 Baa PrMi.liM Saa Ditto tl h Sacrament ..... m loailaad ;a M tt. OB . .IM U .114 II .Ml 11 .411 II .H M .44 MSt .lit Jt Saaasr1! Batallal rwtltad Lot Anitlei 1-1. Hniliwood -1, u Dltlt 1-1 Oakland 1-1, Stalllt t-t. au PrucliM 1-1, aaoimratt S-t, ' Dale Lonf Krvl1 tila - son's home run total to 27 as he paced an 18-hit Hollywood attack In the firat m with two circuit clouts. Four Bitter San Diecn wnn lh nih cap behind Lloyd Dickey who pucnea a tour-hitter for his sixth triumph. Al Lyons homered to give tne seals a 2-2 tie In the ninth lnnlnf Of tha nnnr than brought home the clincher with a bases loaded, infield Single in the 12th Innins In the finale, errors by Leo nignem neiped the Sacs score twice in the first and seventh. Portlud-LM Ann tamal THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, Orcfoa SPORTS SLATE MONDAY Wtittra tattfutlaaii Uuim: Vkwia t rtkirr, TtaeouTtr Idwmtea. Softball Tnrfnatrlkl T fax.. ma. - and ciTa. rT. W ZrS!.Jrr..S: """ " nmtrt f:M) BtPMSa rloaiata-ai rrBfviiiaiii.k.i. M.nit. m. w. , . . TUESDAY a. 1 1 i-iJir . 7m 7v v: -uaj; icMri m cats bit. VtacmtrAT at BdmaatofL TrJ-CltT MsltCH. Vkkltnai at llia.i.ha., a i . -a. . "-v uv iTKvaM! tvt MI1IMB. KAfttaSall TnaiiLatHai !ain J a a . . Broadcasts roco Salts aanatan . Trl-Cltr Brarai at I it. , WEDNESDAY ' Baseball .V . . ; "o: vinona at cauarr, Tn-city al Balaia, Van eouTtr al Bdmonton, Spoaaat al Lawutoa. and Taklma at Wnalcbea. Softball K1J iiS. at rilli?." ",M " " Broadcasts Television 1TIVW a ... u M. . .... . . . . . . . . Jimmy Slant and Tommr Uirrltoo lun rounds. Salem Merchants To Enter Mill City Softball Tourney The Salem Merchants" earned the right to enter the state Softball tournament by defeat ing Hubbard twice over the weekend. The state tourney will ce staged In Mill City In several days. Bob Knight pitched the Merchants to victory in the first game 8-3 and Jim Baw- lins came back with a 3-2 win in the second game. Fred Graham's single knocked in the winning run to win the night cap. Eight teams will play in the state meet which is a five-day affair. Salem will play Tilla mook in their first gam Sat urday at 4:30. The armadillo lives in bur rows which it dila auicklv with its forefeet. FAN FARE Monday, August 17. 1953 tyWatt Diraeii 11 llll 8 TOURNEY 8LATED The Monthly Pro-Anateur golf meet is. being staged at the Salem Golf club today. Teams of nonprofessionals and ama teurs play In the tourney which draws top stars from all over the state and Southwestern Washington. Joe Steiger, Harold West, Bob Duden, Eddie Hogan and many others are competing In the tournament. Bruce Cudd heads the amateur entries. FISHERMEN! OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS Spatial srltaa rats aal rata PaU Baa af flaabv aaata -I K4VS WOBJfS.- Go. Cadwall Strv. Sfo. 2Stb and State St Cornwall, England's first dukedom, is rich in prehistoric and early Christian era remains. TERMITES t-YEAR GUARANTEE PHONE 2-0711 fatrntMd Past (antral lank 265 SO. 20TH Tha ffrtt box; rarUaaS (I) B Rnutll.lt 4 Rtieh.rf 1 Kollo.M EtterLcf 1 Orant.1 01add.t 4 Uaraiu.tf (1) Iti OA B 1 4 Talbot.ef 4 1 lRehrdi.1 4 4 lUihtr.rf 4 T tBakir.u 4 5 0 Pden,t 4 4 I DIPrmt.1 1 5 1 Smith, 1 I t Friiklin.l 1 9 lHttten.D , m A.Tlmm ! b-vtuan I raditka Sanitt H O Al 4 1 1 1 I 4 I J 1 0 0 Soft-ball Teams Enter Final ' Week of Play T-!fJ" " Total 31 1 5 is Z oa or nmun la 7th. - uihb ja tin. Portland IWftMOftt-4 ,JS"i ; 410101000-1 ""..Aaitltl 010 000 000 1 040 011 1007 -- a m DtBO M 1 7 1 0 I :::::i i ; ; i ; Ivaap Maftax RAUatln Buautl V11. -- -- i-aatl auiiVWBJ, DBtKPJT. lrlmsi nnTtia...t ..... . tL. - . " ' . OSUUMI dl, VI. PHtna rD BaW.. Mmwi . , . . 1 L " a-'ia-iimn ana Hien i T U UcoTittl, Ctrlucci tud jvnrirt tr atrial rrUaDl ah Auitln.M S 1 Arft.l A Bobbe.lf 3 Httauiaf Relch.rf i Sinrtj 3 Bailrukl.a 3 Uetrd.B 3 box: 1 LM Aanlea B H O A I O A 1 4 Tftlbot.ef 3 tRchrdi.l 3 4 0 Uihcr.rf 3 4 tanner,!! 3 1 Bvtmise 3 0 DtPrmt.J 3 2 a Urn 1th If 1 t 1 Prnkln.3 3 1 X Omprt.p 1 INDVBTBlAt LEAGUE , , a W L ct. O.B. tv uicamiuka) It Y U n 1 11 Cotnmnrcltl Stt ,',l't 13 Km Woolen Ml 111 .141 3 .S3 J A IRK ,., 10 8 .835 1 4U .656 V. Firemen la rint Christian i t .boa iu Postil cierki 1 .500 cti nice, rig 7 lj .jaj f First Nttiontvt ....... 13 Mi 10 Bert' Ihrket ,. f ie an u Mayflowfi MUk 3 n ,ui 11 V, TonUht ikmti: First Nation ti. Miyflower UiUt at PbtUlp' (1:M); YMCA . Ktr Woolen Mills tt Phll Itp'f (:00)t Commercial Beit U. F01UI Clerlu at Loilie (8:30). - -Peden 1 A A pditt,p xi l Totals 33 I 31 4 1 FolynA 002 001 0-i . lt 001 onn I l B H ER BB80I M 3 3 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 nvwacj vurnPTl. r . .." "orwana , Los An- f l?Rol,be Richards. SH-Aua- V a. nooot) j, Hicnardi. DP Austin, Bailrukl and Arft. T 1:11. V- a-avriuoci ana rorq. A 1491. PortUnri - .. ..a, ... Los Anssles O10 000 0001 t A na. ana Qiaoa: HatUn. Padntr (I) mms srvutMit The final week of play In the Industrial Softball League gets under way tonight with the second place YMCA attempting to go Into a tie with Wolga motts when they meet Kay Woolen at Phillip's. In other loop action tonight First National Bank takes on Mayflower Milk in the first game at Phillip's Field and in the other game Commercial Seat Covers plays the Postal Clerks at Leslie. The "Y" now rents a half game out of first place while the Seaters could narrow the margin between first and third down to lVi games. After to night both Wolgamotts and the YMCA will have one game re maining to play, A YMCA loss would give Wolgamotts at least a tie for the league crown. Commercial Seat also has a chance to win since they have more games left to play on their schedule. "'nn O00 0O0 0011 . nooooooo T a AUlu tad Mtali Klndttathir and Hollywood H 101 XI I 14 0 it 1000100001 1 O'Donntll and Braaan: arml-.. iv ana ummtr,. aaoramtnio loo MM 000 000-1 id I San Praacltoo ...000 100 001 001 I 11 1 Oibln. Gandlnl (11) and JUtehtt; Clown. Lltn (I), ahandor it), lluncrttt m ana rornay. Sacond Oamtt: . Portland ...005 0010 3 I t mm Anttiaa 000 000 1 1 S Hoard and Koblnion: Ouhha Parfvat iti ana svant. Oakland J00 0MJ 7 11 . aaatlt i 101 O00 1 7 1 Watera, Murnhv (31 and Cnlttli Oavla. Mtrioa iti ana orttig. HollTWood 010 000 01 4 ! San Ditto 300 000 a s 7 S wmn. mult (11, wtlmattr 141, MalttMrtar (() and Malont; Dlcktr and MOTORS ntmcMitvxKwitun Steramtnto MO 000 34 f t Ban Pranctaeo ooo 010 o l roonson and Hontaivo: Hnnerltf. nanaot it) aaa Tornat. Tittltra (41. Every car on our lot Is a winner. Crack down on the cash you're wasting on the old buggy turn It in on a newer model HERE. 1849 Nash 608 4 -Door Sedan. This Is the late style body with full one-pleee wind shield. Overdrive, radio, heater. A tlQC bargain at -Jill- O ?2J?1 Only CREAM OF KENTUCKY gives you taste! Sit . 4 fit. nut XX'J(:)4 30Cfij i v nv - rm a m ' I (fti Sv-U& m fel. World's first-choice tire! FAMOUS FRST-QUALITY DELUXE U-a-::iZtlH-l 1 -"" T.Z. '! 1 I ' ' i 1 1 at oti rmr KHtTS Oin OTO.wfrdo fa tb 4 cW f!ros frcm yocr ccr pay us B$t price for 3 new tires yea get 4 new goooyeah DELUXE TIRES pay coffcrg new Goodyear DeUxe rres are on more new cars than arty other kind I More people ride on Goodyear Tires . than on any other kind I Proportionate savings when you buy less than 4 tires! EASY TFffJLKf ' PAY AS UTTLE 5 Tr It KM! jijs a WEEK FOR FOUR TIRES THE MARATHON 1 1 marathon super-cusHtOn 1 1 GOODrEAR GOODYEAR 'G SAVINGS ALSO- " sim .jssm rS Wwtaaoedyotir Plw tox ond your IIURja) urappuiile tire 6.00 6 pacoppofcU Kr 60 x kS aoum-aKR PtOB TXI RUST OPTNS BLH mass , GREEN STAMPS-USE OUR MASTER-PLAN BUDGET-GREEN STAMPS $21 it: I ft I J 'pssBBSSBsf.V' -BjajW IIRI VIKT Vajtin i ti tw K PROOF . 701 GRAIN NPIITOll tatana j (Vlinui mi, inv,, HWNWORT, Iff, ditKVicit. STATIONS INC. COURT at CAPITOL CENTER ot COMMERCIAL MARION at LIBERTY CEMTFR - DCDTV . . t tai Baf iai f 1