3S' -yzzz-tf. ;-yvxvafi-wvwi--'-'t,'1''-'''"- " ". Solons By DAVE CROMWELL ' The Salem Senators had to work hard in order to eke out a 2 to 1 win over the visiting Sllvcrton Red Sox at Water's park Sunday night - before a crowd of little over 500 fans, who, perhaps in large part came to view the first two games of the tripleheader, which saw Legion Post 136 beat West Salem Lions, 4-2, and Jackson Jewelers nosed out Dickson's Market 3-0. WIL Standings '07 TIM AMOCMIfa jtcs , W L Pet. CI. Sr-ekanr 34 l. .Ml Ralrm It l'i Vancouver 10 11 .454 ' Yaltim , 31 11 Ml LriUlaa 30 14 .130 IVs Edmonton 34 S3 .til t Calcary 31 M .I4T IB Wrnau-hfe M 31 .M 13 Victoria 3l 11 .191 11 Trl-Cltr 30 II Jit. 11', Smtlay's Results: Lewiston 6-11. Trl-Cltr 1-4 Vancouver I. Edmonton 4. Wenatchee 4. Spokane I. Onlr unci scheduled. . -v Saturday'a Sessile: Spokane 7-10. Wrnateha 1-4. Lewiston 3. Trl-Cltr 41. Salem 15-11. Victoria 0-1. Yakima 11, Vancouver 0. Calaary 4-T. Edmonton 0-S. Manday'a Sehedmle: Victoria at Canary. Vancouver at Edmonton. Onlr lamea scheduled. The Senators went through six innings of play while get ting only one hit and that by Chuck Essegian, which would have been another out had it not taken a bad hop past the third base sack. . Danny Feller was the at traction of the evening, as he held the Senators to only one hit in six innings. He was lilted for a pinch hitter in the seventh. Chuck Sauvain then came in for the Sox, but wound up in trouble, and was saved by Hal Bourbonnias, who managed to fan both Perez and Deyo with the bases loaded. Salem's two runs came in the seventh when, after one out, Perez walked, Deyo hit past third, and Ballard flied out to short center, Perez scoring on the catch. Then Deyo stole second, and scored as Essegian -hit past third. Collins, who yielded the Sox their lone run, was relieved by Borst, in the seventh who set the Silverton team down the rest of the game without a score. The Senators are Idle today, but tangle with the Tri-City Braves Tuesday night at Water's park inu a three game series. . ' Silver! (II (t Salcaa B H O A 3 0 11 a h o A 4 110 ftbtlnl.i Oeter.ef Daach.l 4 Orosjes.l 1 Httebri.3 4 nnllkw.lt Flarer.as S Ruiiell.rt I Kande.e S Feller.n 1 x-Porner 1 ftauvaln.p Brbnaa.p 1 Tnaelll.i 1 Mrahll.lt S 1 Peres.3b 3 0 Dero.cf 4 3 EalarcM I Eaain.rf 3 1 Nelaon.4 S Coll!na,r 1 10 S S 0 Lubr.l 0 a-iutan 1 1 1 s 0 0 Rorst.p b-wtiup 0 Totall 33 3 34 S Totala 31 S 17 10 - a Lined out for peller In ith. a Stroke out for Collins la Stb. b Walked for Labr In Ith. Silverton 010 000 0001 3 elem 000 000 30' 3 3 3 wtnninc pitcher Borit. Loslni pitch or Peller. pitcher: IF At I 3 tn nil Peller 1 31 I 3 3 4 I Hauvaln . .. V, 1 0 0 0 I 3 BiMirbonell S 3 .0 0 0 3 1 Colllna .... t 30 1 1 3 1 Bom 3 I 1 4 LOB Sltverton I, Salem . B Tan arlll. Colllna. REI Ballard. Baaeclan. SB Perer. Deyo. Time 1:53. U Vander vort and Wllllama. Alt. SJ5. Minor League Scores (Br The Axsoclated Priai) tesanday'e Rcsalte) IVTFBSATIONAL LSAOCa Ottawa 1-4. Buffalo 7-1. Rnrhester 1-0. Montreal t-. Sprlnefleld 3-1. Syracuaa 3-3. Toronto 7. Baltlmort 4. AMP.RICAN AMOrlATION Columbus 7-1. Loulavlllo f-0. Minneapolis 11-4. Toledo 0-0. Xensaa Cltr 4. Charleston 1 (10 In- nlnssi. St. Paul S. Indianapolis 1. TEXAS UAGl't Dallaa 7, Beaumont 3. Port Worth 0. Shreveport 4. Tulsa 10, Houston 3. San Antonio 10-0. Oklahoma Cltr t-t. WESTERN LEAflUK Colorado Bprlncs 0-3. Denver 3-1. Wichita 7-4. Pueblo 1-1. Lincoln 4, Omaha 3. Des Moines 4-0. Sloui Cltr 3-3. PIONEER LEAOll Bllllnfi n-1. Orden 0-0. Oreat Palis 13. Salt Lake S. Bnlsa 0-3. Idaho Palls 4-1. Maile Valley 14. Pocatello I. flstirdsv'a Resallsl INTERNATIONAL LEAOl'R Ruftalo 4. Byrecusl 1. Rorheater I. Montreal 4. Baltimore S. Toronto) I Bprlnsfleld t. Ottawa I. AMERICAN AKAOf I4TION Louisville 10. Columbus 3. Kansas Cltr I. Charleston t. Toledo 10, Minneapolis !. St. Paul 7, Indianapolis 0. TEXAS LEAOI'E Bhrrvrporl 3. Port Worth f. Dallaa 17. Beemont S. Houston 4. Tulsa 0 Oklahoma Cltr at San Antonio, post poned. I WESTERN LEA flt'B Lincoln 4-3. Omaha 1-10. Denver 4. Pueblo 1. Other Samoa postponed. (Tti Eke Past Red Sox Cfligal LOCAL UNITED PRESS Check Scores r&in' II - Key- - Y rf l v v f I Sunday, from lef, arc Zeke McConnell, Yakima, Wash., BUI Stewart of Yakima (Washington State Champ for two years), Chuck Edwards of Seattle (also former Wash. State Champ) and Back Dunn of Astoria, Ore., former Oregon State Champ. Entered in the Expert A Free Style class, Edwards, Stewart and Dunn placed one-two-three, In that order. Dodgers, Yankees Both Take Twin Bills By CARL LUNDQU1ST New York W) The magic number was 31 for the Dodgers and 31 for the 'Yankees today as New York's Interborough battlers moved relentlessly on toward b a s e b a I I's "token world series." It will be a subway classic once again, barring miracles, but this time the ride to the park will cost 15 cents or a shiny brass token, just three times the fare for that first meeting between the Yankees snd Dodgers in 1941. And it should be worth three times the original price, too. Eager to Meet Both teams were sizzling in the stretch and eager to get at each other for the fifth time in World Series competition. Yesterday, the Dodgers ran their current streak to nine games by topping Pittsburgh, 3-1 and 9-3, while the Yank ees defeated the Athletics, 8-0 and 7-3. Each team had kn identical 77-37 won and lost percentage of .675 today. Which means the Yankees and Dodg ers need to win 32 of their re maining 40 games to clinch the flag, even if the White Sox and Braves should win all of their remaining games. Preacher Roe scattered eight hits to win his eighth game while Carl Erskine, with relief help from Clem abine won his 14th in Brooklyn s sweep. Eight and Eight Erskine struck out eight bat ters before being kayoed in the eighth when the Pirates made four runs, two on a homer by Frank Thomas. TIDE TABLE Tides for Tail. Qresen Aasast. IM tCsnpiled r 0. S. Coast and OeodetU Survey, Portland, Oresonl Hlch Waters Low Waters Ausust Time Helsht Tims Helsht 11 (II in. It 10:31 a aa. 10 tot p.m.' 4 0 It 1 11 am. It 13 H am. 0.1 t 04 I I. I I 11:14 a.m. 11 II 1 si a m. I I t ot a.m. I I 1 II am. 3 11:41 in 11 30 lu am. 4 1 1-M a.m. I ! 1:1s pm. It 1 01 pa. 11 II 10 II a m. 4 I l:? in. 41 I II is. II I II in. SI II II nam. II 4 41am. -01 10:11 pm. II 4 11 II. 31 It 11:11 14 1:34 1. -II U:M p.m. 11 I II p.m. 3 0 14 13 n pm. II 0 04 am. -14 11 51 pm. It l it pm. 14 M II so am 4 1 IMam. -14 1:14 p.m. II 7:41 I m. 0 4 1:43 a m.' 14 1 U I as. 0 1 I II pm. II I II pm. II II I II am. It 111 in. It -IVII I I I II I I. -41 Why Suffer Any Longer Whn etttt-r. rut m nr ChinrM rvnatftM. AaMttvf foetMa for MM reri in Chint. N viitur itb whm Umti)! to art fflkttxl. tflamrttri, tiotititss. hm lanu. lir, kMntn, iu twnJtiiMtieii. aletra. tfubotrt, rhfumatum. ttli imI kltvdtltr ftttr. kin. ftmilt ertntlauu. CHARLIE CHAN CTTPIE RIRS Co. Oftleo Bean a I Ton, aad Sal. antr tat N Camssaeretal Pnone ttaaa 41 EM ORE ASSOCIATED MESS Salem, Oregon, Monday, August 17, 1953 Pausing to check scores at the North west Sectional Field Archery Tourney Major Leagues AMERICAN LEAOTJR Pet. OB flew Tork 71 Chtcaso ....10 Cleveland ;.. 04 Boston ..u Washlntton . .11 Philadelphia 41 Detroit 41 St. Louis .....41 31 .Ill .401 S .111 11 .141 II .411 31 7 .411 lf-4 .111 31 "a .341 It Snnday'a Rosalie: Boston 4-4. Washlntton 1-f. Detroit 3. Chleaso 3. . St. Louis 7-1, Cleveland S-l. Mew York 3-1. Philadelphia 0-3 NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pel OB Brooklyn , Milwaukee , Philadelphia .... 77 37 .171 .Ml I .144 II .114 It .WO 30 .441 30 .111 11 .111 43 .71 41 .41 S3 St. Louis New York .II ..13 Cincinnati . Chleaso Plttaburth Snnday'a Results: ...31 New Tork l-l. Philadelphia 1-1 Brooklrn 3-1. PitUbursh 1-1. Milwaukee 4-4. Chleaso 1-1 Cincinnati 1-3, St. Lou la l-l. Phil Rizzuto drove in five runs with a double and homer and Vic Raschi pitched five hit ball in the Yankees' open ing triumph. In the second game Johnny Sain picked up his 11th victory in a relief chore. Brooklyn castoff Ralph Bran ca pitched Detroit .to a four hit 3-2 upset over the White Sox and two of the hits were triples by Jim Rivera. The Browns humilated the skidding Indians, 7-5 and 7-6, as Dick Kryhoski and Johnny Groth drive in the winning runs with tngles. The Red Sox topped Wash ington, 4-1 as Mel Parnell won his 17th game and Jimmy Piersall fayed the issue with catch in the eighth. Wash ington came back to win the second game, 7-4. The Braves kept pace with the Dodgers by topping the Cubs, 4-2 and 8-2: v A pair of livhit pitching jobs by Jim Hearn and Ruben Gomez gave the Giants an 8-1 and. 4-3 sweep over the Phils. Cincinnati topped St. Louis, 3-2, then lost, fl-2, as Ted KIus- zewski homered in each game for a grand total of 36 and an all-time high for a Cincy player. NEWS AND KATURtS I'age 13 Solem Laundry Tops Albany 4-2 For State Crown Albany Salem Laundry won the State Junior Baseball title here Sunday with a 4-2 win over Albany. The Salem nine won Saturday 3-2 over Culver although they got no hits. Johnny Fredericks pitched the Laundry nine to victory Sunday, giving up five hits over the seven inning route. Four runs in the top of the sec ond gave them the win. Saturday night the Laundry scored three runs in the first frame on the Culver pitcher's wildness but failed to get single hit during the gam. Dick Barr pitched the victory. First bAseman Dale Jones, second sacker Ray Covey, right fielder Daryl Fine, and Fredericks all made the all state team. In a consolation game Sun day Culver beat Cottage Grove 10-3. Cottage Grove lost to Al bany 9-1 Saturday. Sundar: Salem Laundrr Albanr Reel .. Raturdar: Culver .... 040 000 04 131 000 S-l , III M0 l-l I . 300 000 I I Salem Laundrr , Albany Boaters Capture Races Albany Boaten from Cor vallis captured the Inter-city boat races xm the Willamette river here Sunday afternoon. Albany was second, Salem third, and Lebanon was fourth. The individual results were: Class A 1, Don Schliskl of Lebanon, and 2, Hap Jones of Salem; Class B 1, Koontz of Albany and 2, Burrier of Cor- vallis; Class C 1, Bob Brown ell of Corvallis, and 2, Bob Ja- coDson oi Albany. Class D 1, Shoen of Corval lis, and 2, Bob Steinbrook of Salem; Class E Dick Reeney of Corvallis, and 2, Tom Buch- annon of Albany; Class F 1, Chuck Bordertaffe of Albany, and 2, Ivain Rothrock of Leb anon; Class G 1, Ray Redding of Salem and 2, Dick Scandling of Salem. HARGER TO SPEAK Don Hargcr will speak to the Salem Spin Fishing club to night when it meets in the Hol lywood Lions Den at 8 o'clock. There will also be several mov ies shown. ... I UH" Tea- Yakima to By Legion By CHRIS KOWITZ JR. . Parker Field, Yakima, Wash ington (Special) Running the bases like scared gazelles, Sa lem's American Legion base ball team romped to a 20-1 vic tory over Butte, Montana in the opening round of the Northwest Regional Tourni ment here last night Salem stole 16 bases durini the game. Only once was a Sa lem player thrown out attempt ing to steal. Four of Salem's runs came on thefts of home. Not to be overlooked in the cloud of dust from sliding Sa- lemuea was ine live bit pitco ing'job turned in by Salem's Paul Beck. Three of the hits off Beck came in the ninth inning. During the first five innings Butte got only one scratch sin gle oft Beck, and failed to hit a ball beyond the Infield. Beck was a little wild, having trou ble staying ahead of the let ters. He gave up seven walks, compared with only three strike-outs. Beck's teammates backed him up with the most brilliant infield play seen in the open ing day of the tournament. Sa lem turned in two double plays ana a nail dozen diving catches that would merit applause in any ball park. The Capital Posters hitting attack was pretty evenly dis tributed. Salem had 13 hits and of 12 Salem players playing In the game ten of them got hits. Players with more than one were Mike Campbell, Don Pig sley, Jerry Waldrop, and Larry Springer,- all with two apiece. Springer had the most stolen bases, four. In the second Inn ing he stole second and third onsuccessive pitches, and he stole home in the sixth and seventh innings. The Butte catcher's arm leaned toward the weak aide, but Salem managed to accumu late most of its stolen bases by keeping the opposition guess ing. In nearly every case more than one player was on base when the thefts took place. One Salem runer would draw a throw from the catcher and the other runner or runners would execute a steal. Salem and Yakima, only un defeated teams la the tourna ment, clash at eight o'clock Monday night. Yakima defeat ed Lewiston, Idaho, 7-1 in an mm 100 PROOF BOTTLED-IN-BOND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY J.W.DANT THE DAM DISTILLERY CO. tilt, MftiikT sVSf '2.85. Be Faced Team Next earlier game Sunday. Yakima's runs all eame after the sixth Inning. Lewiston and Butte were to play Monday afternoon, with the loser being eliminated from tourney. Managers from Butte, Lewiston, and Yakima filed a protest on the eligibility of three Salem players Gary Espe, Howard Speer, and Jerry Waldrop on the grounds they had played for more than one Legion team this year. National American Legion officials de nied the protest because the players in question would have been eligible to play for Salem all season only If they had so elected. Waldrop' and Speer played for Aumiville during the first portion of the season, then switched to Salem. Espe play ed for Woodburn before trans ferring to Salem. National headquarters said there was no rule prohibiting players from switching teams in mid-season, so long as he was eligible for both teams in question. ' Legion ruies permit a team to secure players from adjoin ing towns. . U Baits. Moalana B H O A Pederan.3 Cmpbu.cf Jantas.e 14 4 Wmin.ef 4 I 1 1 Ptrlno.3 I 1 1 IUpele.1 1 111 Anala.e I I II I willms.l I I I Schltip s 1 I latrlsLlk I S I IBrthrs,! 1 111 Les.lt 1 1 I Unkra I 3 1 I I8UVBS.I I SI I S Waldrp.lf Pickens. I Plsslsr.sa Bprlnsr.3 Oreis.rf Beck.p Luby.e Speer.lf Eolton. rt Totals M la II r-t.i i a Salem lis lit Ma la it i Bu't 000 1000 OOO 111 Wlnnlto ..1 1-1 . . .. . - - ...... imuw suwnsT debuts. Bilk Stsvsns. Prtchir: IP AB H a in so BB look 11 i l i i T Sehuri .... S 11 s S 4 I 1 Bro4 ara .. 14. a a a , - Stevens .... 4 II I II I a s HRP-.Wlllla.mam. h. ... BrothOM. PB Janus. Annala. LOB Salem 13, Bulla II. X Plsalsr. Hunkers 1. Lepetle, Annala 3. atruael. SBH Pod arson, Pickens. RBI Campbell, Janlta. Speer. Plialey 3. Sprinter 3. Bolton. Beck , achutl. SB Pederaon 3, Cama- - , T"' -" 1-ica.wa, risaier, aprlnier 4. Oren 3, Bolton. Beck, WU- ncaenao so ritaisri Back la Pleale to Sb.w, m.j 3:11. Umpa Carlln and LaBtaaonisrs. Truck Tire Clearance Sale BUY 1st TIRE AT EVERY-DAY LOW UST PRICE GET 2nd TIRE AT HALF OF LOW LIST PRICE! Wordi ITrreriida Heavy Service trwck lira en tale I An eitcepttorial vakra M sir M (reod witrTk, crnd Ml rvoevitrld depth. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED I CHECK THESE PRICES; Sin) Hy IsHtr. prtca 2nd tire prfce tube .O0-1 7.ti t.9i 130r W.50-U M.OQ 1100 160 y.OO-W 10 44 93 3i. 1 90 T.50-0 10 jiiO H.tO 4M .ii-10 10 0170 I.S5 33S fan aaaVa4 Ian ASK ABOUT TERMS-CALL WARDS TIRE MAN TODAY I First Down Catch Au-star Bei y. iiiji iwnu vuivil rlovm (nan , pajjs good far a first down In the second quarter of gam with U Detroit Lions In Chicago. Lion halfback Jack Christiansen M follows through after nnsuccexaful try for the ball. Liosw -won, 24-16. (UP Telephoto) . - Beaver Stadium Ready for WSC . Corvallis (U-B Oregon State college officials said today the new football stadium was fast nearlng completion and would be ready for the Oregon State Wasington State game here November 14. .'.X'. Nearly half of the concrete seats have been poured and ITS i ' GREEN'S SPORTING SHOP 1201 So. Commercial FOB.. EVINRUDE TIRE STORE ; . Ina Md Mgli SkMt .. ram 1)191 . : ' ; ',- f ! BwiH with strictly throughout. A rwcV deilgned for long construction has started on taSa new turf field. - j , ' The Washington Stat game will bt the only home gama ' for the Beavers this MAIN EVt.NT Frank rJUiark T. Jack OT&Bf BEM1-FIN.VL Jack Klaar Ta. Jwaa Ibrwitil IPECIAL Maakad Marvwl m Oreg Jartjoes , , ,. OPENER Mr. Baksta vs. Denny . O'Koarke -i SALEM ARMORY TUESDAY, t:30 P.M. iwarii iff km. lss)a ta, fVtt Cjwottty ssatefioli heavy tervke rrvck tire, errwe-rhw-rood ssrvicSa