r-t-it THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balm, Ortgoa Monday. Ant-art 17. 195S 3 lid Uondsrful Tims in Akron, Dove Dell Says Editor's Not Darld Boll, Balem's Soap Box Derby Champion, hero gbre a summary ef fcb trip to Akron and competition la last gun da yi All-Americas Soap Box Derby. As win sver of th local Derby, bo By DAVID won the expense paid trip to Akroa to represent Salem la th national race. The trip was a gift of th Capital Journal and DongUs McKay Chevrolet company, to-spon-son ef th Salem race.) BELL I had a wonderful time on my train trip to Akron and return and an even better tim while la Akron and at Derbytown. We traveled to Chicago on th Great Northern' Empire Builder and back by the Union Pacific' City of Portland o that we could see more of th country ("We" meaning Capital Journal Representa tive Vie Fryer and myself). We mad the round trip from Chicago to Akron on th Bal timore and Ohio when we got to e a good deal of the scen ery from their Strata-Dome car. It was midnight when we arrived in Akron, but we wee met at th station by an official Soap Box Derby cour tesy car and were taken to our hotel to spend th remain der of th night I was awakened early in the morning by th sound ef sirens and band music and I knew they were welcoming tfi Champa We at break fast and then I was taken out In on of th courtesy car and given a siren escort to th front of th Mayflower hotel where I walked up a flight of "golden stairs" to be intro duced to the hug crowd of onlookers and my "biogra phy" was read. From there I walked under an archway of majorettes' batons, and up th red "Wel come" carpet into th hotel to register and get my official Derby T-shirt, sailor hat and ivls. Each boy's hat had a plastic seal on the front with w nam of hi horn town so you would tell where he was from. As we left th hotel to board th bus for Derbytown, a swarm of girls yelled at us for autographs. Derbytown, about 15 miles from town, Is generally known as Camp V-Noah and is on a lake of th sam nam. It Is similar to Silver Creek but with cabins with beds, sheets and blankets instead of sleep ing bags. Each cabin was named after a Derby winner or official. The cook's cabin had a real clever sign by it "Th Best Cooks in tfa World Live Here." It was about right, too, th food was swell and there was lots of it At th camp we got to put in most of our evenings in play ing ball games, swimming or boating. Friday w wer taken by police-escorted busies to Top side at Derby Downs to work on our bugs and to repair any defects found by inspectors. My only trouble was over weight, which was quickly re paired in th pits by trimming som from inside th bug. Next I mad my trial run. I didn't Hk th Akron track a well as th Salem one, al though they are identical ex cept for the surface. The Ak ron track is mad in concrete actions and there i a bump between blocks that makes it harder to steer straight at high peed. 6alem's cement-coat-ad asphalt surface is much better. Friday night th town of Akron turned out to see all our bugs on public display. It was hard to realiz how important th doings of a bunch of ordi nary kids seemed to th town. Saturday we were enter tained at the B. F. Goodrich science show and then by TV star Captain Video. W. E. Fish, Chevrolet's General S a 1 s Manager, presented each of us with a special Bulova Soap Box Derby watch and then luncheon was served with ex ecutives of Akron industry si waiters. That evening we were entertained by movie stars Di nah Shore, George Montgom ery, Andy Devlne and Don Ameche. Incidentally big Andy used his weight to advantage in winning Sunday's feature race over George and Don. Sunday after church and an early lunch, we wer given our special Derby racing shirts and helmets and went to Top side where we wer each given i (to I foot fug with the name of our homei town on it which we carried in the "Pa rade of Champions" down the track. W got wet from th rain falling during the parade but after waiting about a nail hour, the rain let up and sweepers dried off th track so w could race. I raced in the 46th heat los ing out by inches to the winner so est out the rest of th race with the other losers in a spe cial grandstand near the finish line. We saw Freddie Mohler of Muncie, Indr, win the cham pionship with the fastest times of the day in his five heats. After th race we went to the "Banquet of Champions" in the Goodyear gymnasium where we wer seated at tiered rows of tables looking out over the big audience of parents. newsmen and dignitaries, it was a wonderful show with good food, fin entertainment and beautiful decorations. From there som of us went back to Derbytown for the night and others left directly for home. At Chicago, we were met by old friends from Salem, Mrs. Lester Podewell end her son Dick, an old pal of mine from several years sgo when they lived near us. They showed us through downtown Chicago and up on top of the huge Mer chandise Mart where we could all over town. A motor- boat ride up the Chicago river gave me a good look at more of the buildings and then time was getting short so we had to hurry back to catch our train. We arrived in Portland a lit tle late Wednesday morning and caught the bus to Salem. It was really a welcome sight to see the city, th family and friends again. It was such a wonderful trip snd experience that I would like to thank everyone who had anything to do with making Salem's Soap Box Derby a suc cess and such a trip possible for th champion. It was an experience I shall never forget 3 High Test Cows -On Woodburn Farm Three registered Jersey cows in th Westwood Jersey rarm, rl 1, Woodburn, Or. nave received special recog nition for outstanding produc tion records mad on herd im provement registry test Westwood Jersey farm Is owned by H. Mikkelson and son. Th- cows and their official records follow: Westwood Lad Pride. 9.789 lbs. milk with 682 lbs. butterfat at the age of four years and two months; Standard Fauvlc Vol. Lena, 10.235 lbs. milk with 889 lbs. butterfat at th age of nine years; and Volunteer Eagle Betty, 10.991 lbs. milk with 637 lbi. butterfat at the age of 10 years and two months. Between 1939 and 1952. users of electricity in Great Britain Increased from 10 to 13 to million. Linoleum NATIONAL BRANDS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. High Ph. 45751 Keys Clan' Elects Officers Mrs. Dennis Norton of Wood- burn was elected president of th Keyes clan which held Its annual reunion at the farm horn of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Norton near Woodburn on Aug ust . Th reunion marked the 100th anniversary of the ar rival of Francis Tilden Keyes to Oregon. Mr. Keyes came to Oregon from New York by way of Isthmus of Panama in 1853 and settled near Newbtrg. He married th granddaugh ter of Thomas Keizer who cam to Oregon with th Ap nlecat train in 1843, and set tled in what is now the Keizer community. In addition to president the clan elected Mrs. Horace Patch of Canby vice president and Mrs. Clara Reed of Salem as secretary. Members of the families at tendinc the reunion were: Mr. ana Mrs. Dennis Norton. Wood burnt llr. nod Mm. Retinoid Roto and ton, Honold and Richard; Mn. Clara Km. Mlu Stella Hardwkk. Mn. Oolda H.bel. Mr. ond Mr. Konntth Wolf. Mr. Edward Bees, Mr. and Mn. John Collin. Mr. Vara Heron, Mrs. Sarah chamber lain. Mr. and Mr. Elmer Me Cloorr and Alrln McCleerr. all of Sale. Mr. and Mrs. Borneo Patch. Canby Mr. and Mrs. Td Fetch. Mr. and Mrs. Prod Pith. Portland: Mrs. Alia Van Do lah. SI. Helena: Mr. and Mr. Prtu Adolpb and dauthter. Bettj. Mewbtrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailer ai danthter, Linda Susan, Consuls: Prank Btawllsr, Tojado; Mr. and Mrs. John Rock and Bill Roek. Mr. and Mrs. prod Klssr and children. Marj, David and Stetaa; Mrs. B1U Conloe. Wendell Bta wllsr, Mrs. Rasal Boles and children, Jlmmr, Wendell, sevens and Jtuwj, all af Clorerdela. Hal Lsssenssr of Reno, Ber.i Mr. and Mr. Walton Kantto and children, Pa tricia, Janice. Johnny, car la, Christie and Palis, TUUmock. Mr. and Mr. Menard aacKlnler and children. Michael. Patricia and Ol utile. and Mrs. atnai Morrison, coo Bar. ISN'T DONE, OLD CHAP Glasgow, Scotland flUO Al exander Brown, 44, was fined five pounds ($14) for throw ing his false teeth at an atten dant who tried to remove him from a music hall balcony for shouting and swearing. Although diesel locomotives can accelcrat faster than steam power, most of the U.S. railroad speed records are held by steam engines. I GetUftf tosrt ftntmi thing snotht folks mad im list right st toms.-Tliejr'r trteodre and helpful snd 1 lik thatl Glsd lokiiiftheos LOANS $25 to $1500 MOM1W M flfjntur tlom, Car sr feral tan. ra-ioer-bedtrt paiiant also to cMOM iroat. Celt fist. strJW axe- see -waa,- IsofJ 200317 ((trlSL Imm 4-339 "----CITY FINANCE (Ot MUTTON CfttlBI ' 1. D Walker. Mn Double Green Stamps Till August 22 Chapman Drug Store ltCas4alarta Blvd. WHAT DO YOU WANNA KNOW, JOE? m Wfcot's th Army Rasarva got to offar may - Tint new we 1 -'-'-ajl a far IS day e year I eanp a. taTSLT bit a w rmy eoneet at fall Aran achooes at fall n w. r:. nws noani . . eras anally, a bfat i at chat in aa an lmmi rwtaat relaamain tnna. j Mow Wfl istftcrt rattramant IrKomat m'ziz SL'irsii'sSi - - "Il,lu 80 OO ccaooraamotuh. How 'match tim do I hovo to spa rd to oorn rtirmnt IncxMna? WafNIiBB, am., . . I J ,u WUNTHY NEEDS YOU! a I Sit, u. 1 A, Seaawn Uah la.f ale, a. weta, j I I I -"""H 1U. V , I aiaiSBis awaaesa. The I I J r heat lUw, Banana III I I hi I I II U. S. Army Reserve Armory 17K Atraart Raxd of r" 5 m' ' WE0, 1HUK' f . - Is Only .10 .s.-w mSw & Carpet i . . . . . . . .. ' , factory close-out on Harmony House 9 FT. WIDTHS 12 FT. WIDTHS I REG. SALE YOU'LL SIZE COLOR PRICE PRICE SAVE 9x10T A.rey 110.45 89.50 20.95" 9x1 IT JSGS&v 120.45 97.49 22.96 9x13'6,y 137.95 111.13 26.82 9x15,9" ESSfc, 160.25 129.45 30.80 9x12'6" fflfc 127.95 103.14 24.81 9x13'9" Ag?enen 140.45 113.47 26.98 9x1Sf3" iSZSStiS 153.25 125.44 27.81 9x12T JSX 125.45 1Q1.4T 23.98 9x14'6" 147.95 119.25 28.70 9x1ST Aire0,-.. 160.25 "129345" 30.80 9x16'9" Arwrto. 170.25 137.44 32.81 9xi4'6" jgaass, 89.95 75.50 14.45 9xi5,9" gaaas 97.25 si .50 "1575" 9x12'3" ajaaaSi "7645 , 64.22 12.23 9x13'9" cN.n';r0e0ep, 85.45 71 .78 13.67 9x15'6" 95.75 80.25" 15.50 9x12'6" teia. 77.95 65.52 143" 9x13r9" tSaaa 85.45 "178"T367" 9x15'6'r cSalR 95.75 80.25 15.50 9x12T SrVy1 117.22 101.27 15.95 9x15,6" Loorvey'vtt 142.33 122.33 20.00 9x17'6,f L"rvey'vet 160.95 137.65 23.30 9x19Tr LoorVylvrt 175.97 151.05 24.92 9x12'6" er 115.50 99.35 16.15 9x14r9rr 135.79 116.59 19.20 9x16'9" Loo&:? 153.49 131.91 21.58 9x12T eV." 117.72 101.27 16.45 9x14,6, 133.50 114.67 ' 18.83 9x16T ulSSHt 149.50 128.07 21.43 REG. SALE YOU SIZE COLOR PRICE PRICE SAVE 12x13T Aff$ey 180.45 145.25 35.20 12x14'6 ESS&l, 197.25 158.49 38.76 12x16T XtiSgfc, 220.45 177.05 43.45 mi7'tV jSHSttR, 236.95 190.29 46.66 UiUW Jti&Z. 183.95 147.90 36.05 12x14T AyggrTen 200.25 161.15 39.10 L2il6'6l 223.75 179.70 44.05 I2!1!3! fe 233.65 187.65 46.00 12x12T SsSOlr 174.00 139.95 34.05 12x13 Sreeu 187.20 150.54 36.66 12x15T a?, 207.25 166.44 40.81 12x16T JRSXL 226.00 182.34 43.66 i2xi3T gaaas 109.95 92.25 17.70 12x15T WSZ 125.75 105.44 20.31 mur aasag 137.75 115.34 22.41 12x12T sjate 105.95 88.95 17.00 12xl4T ISSZISL ,121.90 102.15 19.75 f2x16T riaaa. 133.75 JHL05 21.70 12x13'6" jfeia. 112.90 9190 18.00 12x14T SEZJSS.- 121.75 102.15 19.60 f2xi 6T aSia. 135.75 113.70 22.05 fattf Loo5Wet 156.95 135.00 21.95 12x14'6 Loarveeylvtt 177.95 152.89 25.06 fal6'3" l'lvr- 198.75 170.76 27.99 ttxlgy Looi!rYeeylvet 225.50 193.74 31.76 ttxtty uUSwt 153.95 "13146" 21.49 12x14y ugjeSr 180.95 "155T 25.50 12x16'6 "EST .201.75 mW 2BA3 ttxjgy uaawt 222.50 19U6" "3U4" ttxtty nar 150.95 imr "214" 12x14r9' utgwt "18095 1555" 25tf 12x16v9 "TT 20475 ITpT 2t08" ttxirr njar 228.50 196.30 320" rSH 550 N. Capitol Phone 39191 1 T st tl al I