Page 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon Monday, 'Anmst 17, 1933 IT THIS WAY 'Progressive' PW$ LEGALS srapcrriacc, prior U S:M -au. Pactm Staadard Tlaac, cptombor IT, IMS. Seal ed bide wiu bo poctod at the ceclnniac of the auction for too tafanaatloa of all blddera, M.0M N awl accempoar each bid to bo applied ec the parcaaao price rciuDded or rctaiaod la part ac Uaaldat od damMoa, aecordlat U the eoadiUoaa of aaic U aa oral bid la declared to bo aira at the dociat of the auction, the bidder atoai immedlaUlr oonflrm the oral bid br oabnlttlng It ra vritiai on a Pore! amcc bid forat. Too right ta ro rect aar aad aU bidi la rooanrod. oat acrrtco bid form for aat in nbaOktaa oaaled bade and foil taformauoa ooa coraiaf the Umber, the eondiUaa of aalo aad the aubmiatioa af blda abaald bo obtained from the rational f erector. RorUaad. Orasoa. foreal aapoTTtoor, Vutone, Ormea, or the diatriet rancor, Detroit, Oregon, be lore aide art aub mtttcd. aaore or leu, of Woatora hemlock aad otaer species of uf timber. No bid of law thaa tll-ll per U board foot for Dotiglaa-flr aad 4aa, li lt per U board foot for aebie ftr, fd-M per af boarf foot for Westera rod cedar aad 1.M per M board feet for Weetora aeaUock aad other apeclaa U1 be ooaeidered. la addition to the prteoa bid for etaaipaae. a oooporaUvo dtpoelt of bf.M per af board feet to bo aeod by (ho Mortal Serrico for parlaf a part of the coat of aluh dUpoaal. end a cooperative deposit of per af board foot, to cover the coat of Woe pUotiaa. coed cowiac aad Umber ataad tnproveaioat rk a the area cat over, for the total cut of eeo umber awrcaaalablo under the toraw of the acre meat will bo rcoaired. Am a qaallfteatioa for oral biddlat. all blddera art attbailt a coaled bid accompanied br the required pamtat to the torcci NATIONAL rORDT T 1KB KB FOR BALM. Orel taction btdl U1 be reeeirod bp toe regional forester or hli authorised representative at toe office el Ine feraei igptnuor, Hew Foetotflce BuUdlaa, aTlWMM, Or Of OO, kXClDDlJlaT fit 10 RJKU. P. c tile SlAiKUrd TUu, acptentwr 11, IMS, ttar all the Uto timber Barked or desisnated for catting and an mercoant aole dead timber located oo aa area eaa bracts about US aeria within sections M, n and 34. T. fl aV, R. atctloa 31, T. 1 1., ft. 1 .. atctloa 1, T. , R.I 1, and atctloa . T. 1 eV. R. 1 W. M.. oa Boulder Kidce beteeee Brel tenbuaa aad North eSantlan dralaaaea. Willamette NaUooal Tor i, Orecoa. ecu-; mated to bo T.m.OOft board foot, More or loat, of Poualaa-flr aad plae, M,Mt board foot, mora or law of aoble fir. M.OOt board feet, mora or leu, of Weet- Defended by Peiping Tokyo CT The Red Peiping radio put up a ft out defense today for "progreuivea" Amer ican prisoners who collaborat ed with the Reds In North Ko rean POW camps. "United States authorities CAR a TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phono 3-9600 are preparing to persecute re patriated American POWs who tell of good treatment during their capture," the radio said in a broadcast heard here. "They are branding those IGA SN0-KREEM reluctant to invent mistreat' ment stories as traitors and are trying by every possible means to obtain from the repatriates evidence against them." '' , ' t' I. i . l-'i . J-::VJ , ..'I w . k a Free Heat for '53 See Radiant GLASSHEAT 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 4-4263 General Matthew Ridgway and Bin. Ridgway watch son Matthew, Jr., 4, get off smart salute, the boy's way of ; celebrating the fact that his father had just been sworn in as Army chief of staff. The ceremony was held at the Pentagon. - Ridgway succeeds Gen. J. Lawton Collins. (AP Wlrephoto) 5 Oregon PWs Reported Dead One Oregon man, Cpl. Char les O. Brooks, Jr., son of Mar cella Brooks, Route 1, Box 702, West Linn, Oregon, was In the official list of American prisoners of war freed Mon day in the POW exchange. The Associated Press dis patch from Huiib listed Brooks from company I, 23rd infantry regiment of the Sec end Infantry division. The same day that Brooks' return was announced the de partment of defense released the names of five other Ore gon men listed by the commu nists as having died In Korean prison camps. The defense department em phasized that the reports were from communist sources and at this time could not be veri fied. Oregon men on the commu nist list all of whom were from the Army, were: Cpl. Julius H. Koster. son of Mrs. El vlna S. 'Koster, Koute , Box ZB8, Albany. Cpl. Gene Mutter, husband of Mrs. Shirley Mutter, 618 East 13th street, Eugene. Cpl. Edward L. Keith, son of Ora Keith, Route 1, Sher wood. Cpl. Phillip J. Todd, son of Mrs. Grace E. Todd, 003 north Fir street, Medford. Sgt. Wilfred E. Woods, son of Mr. and Mrs. Embree C. Woods, 709 East Sherman street Lebanon. Pic Koster and cpl. wooas were both on the missing list that the Capital Journal has had on file. Since most people Identify letters from their tops, it is usually easier to read a line of type when the bottom half is covered up than to read the same line with the top half covered; i Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or IrritaHng? Don' I be emharraaiod ? leoat ftlto teeth lUpplna, droppine tr wobbUmt wbtn yon eat, talk or leatn. eTon epna ile a little PABTatnTH en row plates. Tola pltaaant powder tivea a remark able acnaa of added eomfort and aocu- rity br holdint piatat aura ftnalr. No ratamr, aootr, peaty taete or fee Una. It'a alkaline (non-acid). Oct FAffTXaTH at any drua atom Pilot Bails Out of Jet but Found bead Tokyo VP) A U. S. Air Force pilot Monday bailed out of his Thunderiet off the coast of Hokkaido and was rescued from the water, but was dead on arrival at a hospital, the Air Force said. His name was withheld. Far East Air Forces said the Jet crashed into the sea south of Chitose Air Base on Hok kaido, Japan's northernmost island. LEGALS I hare been appointed oaocutrln of the twtata of Gertrude 9. Xlnna, deceased, b the circuit Court of the State of Ore- son for Marlon County, and bare Quali fied. AH persons hereby are notified to present their claims to me at 403 Pioneer Trust BnUdlruT, flalcm. Ores on, within six months of the date w first pnauea- Uon of this notlett. Dated and first pabUsnsd Jury 17, ltu. AUCI I. CRANOR t O. fltadter, Jr. Attorne for Kxeculrlz f July 17, Aur. I, 10. 17, K MM. Zc.-d Great For Al hide's Foot! Zemo, a doctor's f ormnlt, promptly nunes near nrencis ot cricked ped al loc u kins ob contact genu that he), clew, prarent reiniection. Boy n atrtngm tor etobbora cues. Hearing Discovery WILL BE DEMONSTRATED LOCALLY That Requires NO CORDS! NO BATTERIES NO BOX OF ANY KIND NOTHING TO VvEAR IN YOVR CLOTHING e WEIGHS LESS THAN . ONE OUNCE Tea may hear again without any embarassment HtQDEMONSTUTION Come In -or Phono 319 COURT ST. August 19, 20, 21 - Ask for Mr. Wm. Miller If Unable to Attend Please Write For Free Home Try-Out OREGON HEARING CENTER UI EqolUblo Bldf . PorUanl mnYo() a unvjairniviiwiiwiiis 00.000 i w m av m pw a. m :i ii n i - is aj;j; i itaN jb-i' . ii w is rywkl -WJ. ..4,, . i 1 . bc4 aWOafJiy sVOOalmlPSOdOljL However, m our eaee we have o do tore than Jtwc Imp up with the oueeea and the Gbdthe and be Robfaaone eaal all the reet of oar natghbon in the OoUrn Empin. Vft hero ea beep eAsoat of tbssoj' Aei, akase WeiU War R, weNocaoa4 M77,O0XWO worth of new eqtu sneet and wpmt $127,000,000 foj ether fal4)ormtoaV))othea The and Soatnwset we aerve lo the f asteet growing part of the United SUtre both population-wise and nanetry-wiee. That means that then Is an evetncreaaing demand tor feat, efficient transportation-- H-rtm; naSHarn of douara worth at new electronic equipment; foots, more efficient clasemcatka yesno better freigbt ess? tenehof iiwtliodo, and so on. We're i To Met Ah eBMod-and. in fact, to anticipate it, and to encourage he expansion Southern Padfle baa the greatest modernization program in its history going full blast. W. have bendreda of mflaa of new passant aasd freight ears and dieaei ktcemc- steefles eased-and koAaog oo thaa we easi akrjr arms o tbo tntmrportaTlekM 1 Of OW GoMfll flplrV Mafhbon It tnina oar oitjmiinf puipooo OO ptrXyTpdo IksV eVRttQaTy Wfth tta) Sal aftsBIOnOOjo SHORTENING 3 7f)e for real quality and values PIUS mil your IGA Store today and discover at aSousands of housewives from coast to xW IGA's prices fit your pursa. Special Prices Effective Tuesday IGA Stores Beserve the Bight and Wednesday, to Limit Quantities IGA Evaporated Tall cans MILK $1100 i Red Ripe and Sugar Sweet WATERMELON Look at This Low Price CANNING PEACHES LB. Short Ribs of LB Li H F Fine for Braising 23e PURE GROUND , BEEF LB. 39c DEL MONTE FANCY CUT GREEN t3.03 23c BEANS SEAL GOLD Orange Drink 17c 6-oi. Tin SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING 3-lb. Con 89c WESSON OIL Quart 69c PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER Cream or Chunk 12-oa. Glass 39c SMITH'S BAKERY FEATURE Butter Bread Baited Fresh Dally -If' DURKEE'S fvcrr Margarine -27 c BABO CLEANSER I Bla-White 1C Sale BnV&E hokey rrri 2M2r3a' y "85 Lux Jlakes I Rinso Soap tootm ac --0S For Finer Things For Dirty Clothes lUKIILwO Large Large 18-oz. Pk 35c Pkg. OCJ Pkg. QQJ Tin QI 1 48 b,9s 58c jCS LUX LUX LIFEBUOY KREMEL 0fS5? Toilet Soap v&S T"eSoap LEMON PIE FILLING &3S'23c XrS3!235c SbarsSS Pkg. 8 SWEETHEART SWEETHEART 3Ta NALLETS .S? Icsa.. Us.,. Cucumber (Li 3:36c I 4 24c Hj 5? P RINSO BREEZE ISfiaJ u NTErs esv n DETERGENT DETERGENT OWS I HOIIIDUrCJCr jj) fCQ AIR WICK Qi UFEBBOYl Colo Dog Food S 59' 3 SsJ 2 L 2 21 29' PIRaEK PURE-SAFER FOR LIKENS. !i-GAL JUG SAYE AT THESE INDEPENDENT IGA STORES 30" EMERY'S RA FOOCAMa YtoT fireinJly KA Stort e farf SolweV WaKitt tui rl 7I ORcum MARKET TOUt RMKT KA sm H " 4200 H. RIVBi IMI STATE STJ VISTA MARKET TOUR RUNNY KA STORE f.URKET TonninDiT MSrOHIT 1230 STATE JTHT t "I1!!!! rmi.ii s nnw