Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 15, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    Miss McMullen Announces Sept. 5
As Date to Be Wed to Mr. Giering
Announced for Saturday. SeDtember
6, i the date for the wedding of Miu
Eva McMullen, daughter of Mr." and
Mri. Vera D.. McMuUen, and August C.
Giering of Portland.
New of the date was told school
friends of the bride-elect at a dessert
party for which her mother was hostess
this afternoon at the McMullen home.
The wedding is to be at 3 o'clock that
date in the First Congregational church
with the Rev. Dudley Strain officiating.
The date was revealed in the center
piece on the dessert table. A silver
wedding ring was arranged with a mini
ature couple standing beneath wedding
bells within the ring. At or.e side of
the ring was a heart on which were
written the names of the couple and the
date for the wedding. Flowers in the
center arrangement were white petu-
nlas. The table was covered with
forest green cloth.
, Mr. Giering is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
August Giering of Portland. The en
gagement of the young couple was an
nounced last spring.
At the party this afternoon Miu Mc
Mullen also announced members of her
wedding party. Miu Barbara McMul
len Is to be maid of honor for her sis
ter, the bridesmaids to be Mrs. Herbert
Bauer and Mrs. Dean Earhart of Med
ford. Lighting the candles will be
young brothers of the bride-elect, Ron
ald and Douglas McMullen. . Susan Fa
rina, Longview, Wash., niece of the
bridegroom, is to be flower girl. Dan
Eastman Is to be best man, the ushers
to b Richard Shaffer, Bruce Hunter,
Claire Estes, Alan McMullen, brother
of the bride.
. , , 1
Coffee Parties
Planned; Honor
Mrs. Norblad ,
Invitations are In the mail this week
end for a series of four coffee parties
for which Mrs. Joseph B. Felton and
Mrs. Peery T. Buren willjpe hostesses.
Mrs. Walter Norblad, wife of Con
gressman Norblad, Is to be honor guest
for the events. The Norblads returned
to Oregon last week to be at their new
home out of Stayton. ,
The coffees are to be on Wednesday
and Thursday, August 28 and 27, at the
country home of Judge and Mrs. Felton.
Guests are being invited to call be
tween 10 and 12 o'clock and 3 and 4
o'clock, each day.
u. t
Among brides-elect of late August
telling plans for their nuptials is Miss
Delores Carr, who Is to be married to
James Murray on August 29.
The ceremony will be solemnized at
8 o'clock In the evening of that date in
the First Congregational church, the
Rev. Paul Barnett officiating.
Lighting the candles will be Misses
Mickey and Lois Gunderson.
Mrs. Eugene Coleman of Burns is to
be matron of honor. The bridesmaids
will be Miss Kay Coffman, Mrs. Chester
Tucker, both of Salem; Mias Denise
Gartner of The Dalles and Mrs. Harold
Smith of Carlton.
Lynette Coffman is to be flower girl,
Lynn Coffman the ringbearer. The
children are twin sister and brother.
Best man is to be Robert Canfieid.
Ushering will be Ronald Carr, brother
of the bride-to-be; Arnie Overman, Rob
ert Angel and Don Lucas.
The reception also will be at the
: The bride-elect Is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Carr and Mr. Murray is
the sob of Mr. and Mr. J. M. Murray.
HONORING their daughter. Miss
JoAnne Majek, and her fiance,
Allan J. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Majek are entertaining next Sat
urday evening at a buffet dinner at their
Kingwood Heights home.
About 25 will be in the group. The
affair precedes the wedding rehearsal
lor miss Majek and Mr. Olson who are
to be married on August 23.
Among out-of-town relatives to be
here for the wedding are cousins, Dr.
and Mrs. Robert Kellogg and family of
Walla Walla, Wash., and cousins, the
Rev. and Mrs. Donald Spaulding and
family of Costa Mesa, Calif.
Party en Monday
Another event honoring Miss Majek
next week will be the kitchen shower
and party for which Mrs. Barnes Rogers
and Miss Mary Feike are to entertain
on Monday evening at the home of Mrs.
Rogers. Games will be played, the gifta
opened and a late supper served.
Honoring the bride-elect will be Miss '
Joyce Armstrong, Miss Marjorie Becke,
Miss Alice Lehman, Miss Joan Marie
Miller, Mrs. Louis Lorenz, Jr., Mist
Anne Forristel, Mrs. Allan R. Mann,
Jr., Mrs. Richard D. Lee, Miss Bernice
Imlah, Mrs. Richard Grenz, Mrs. Wil
liam F. Johnson, Miss Virginia Nichols
of Halsey, Miss Gall Harrison of Sea
side, Miss Edna Marie Hill, Miss Nancy
Miller, Mist Norma Camfield, Miss
Gwen Fry, Mrs. James A. Rock of Cor
vallls, Miss Carolyn Parker, Miss Elaine
Stanley, Miss Alice Girod and the hostesses.
.'"if 'eo -.
I ; '
.... ;) ' A
1 (llclwan tuU ktur)
. JBE TWINS abort. Mines Clarice and Claudia Waters, dauihters ef Dr
Mrs. Kenneth Waters, win enter Oregea Stele college? '
HcIu itodl. tfctur.)
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O. Berg aJW Mr.
and Mrs. Russel E. Pratt are entertain
ing this evening for a dinner party in
the gardens at the Berg home, one of
series of parties they are planning.
Eighteen are bidden for this evening.
Tilese 8 Amon9 few Students . . ' . .
Mid-August finds a Urge group of Salem girls busy with plans to start to eel
lege in early September. Mort of the Salem glrl. will be going ?o Cnlvlrrity
University of Oregon's year opens September 14; OSC'a also September 14.
Pictured today are tome of the girls "going away" for college.
In Bums this week-end to attend a
dedication of a highway are Governor
and Mrs. Paul L. Patterson.
Next week-end, the Patterson will
be In Astoria.
Regular play for women of Oak Knoll
Golf club will be next Wednesday.
.On Thursday, the OakKnoll ladies
will go to Hlverwood club for an ex
change visit there. '
Home this week-end from a stay at
Crescent lake are Mr. and Mrs. Donald
McCargar and children, Larry and
Dr. and Mrs. Floyd titter are to en
tertain at a family dinner tomorrow to
honor his mother, Mr. M. H. Utter, on
the occasion of the latter' 83rd birth
day anniversary.
Also to be hero for the dinner will
be the hosts' son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mr. Kenneth Utter and ehil- .
dren, Richard, Douglas and Philip, of
' Home thla week-end from a few day
In Canada are Mr. and Mr. Thomas B.
Kenagy and Mr. and Mrs. Les White.
The Whites, former residents of Salem,
have been visiting here from San Jose.
Guests at the bom of Dr. and Msr.
Charles W. Mill, are hi aunt, Mrs. El
mer A. Johnson of Chicago and hi sis
ter, Mrs. Charle L. Dunlop and chil
dren, Elizabeth and Katherine, of Can
ton, Ohio.
Honoring Mrs. Johnson, Dr. and Mrs.
Mill entertained . at an Informal at
.home Friday evening, guest including
old friends of the honor guest. Mrs.
Johnson is to leave next Tuesday.
Mrs. Dunlop and children will be
here for a longer tay, Mr. Dunlop
to Join his family here on August 22.
"Back-to-School" fashion will be
featured at the fashion show luncheon
t the Marion hotel, Tuesday noon. The
hotel is reviving the aerie of tyle
how and luncheon for the season, the
event to be the fourth Tuesday of each
month from now on. i
Johnson' store is displaying the fash
Ions, the special theme to be "Camput
Edition for 1953." although dresses for
all occasion for all ages will be shown..
The luncheon will be at noon, the
tyle ahow at 1 o'clock. Among those
making reservation for the event are
Mrs. R. C. Holman, Mr. Thomas E.
Rllea of Clackama, Mrs. Walter Phil
lip, Mrs. Robert Nichols, Mr. Law
rence Bernard, Mr. Eugene Kokko,
Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, Mrs. Charle
Nielsen, Mr. Richard L. Cooley, Mr.
John p, Maulding, Mrs. Val Sloper.
Mrs. O. O. Mueller. Mrs. Russell Kanz,
Mrs. Max Bauer, Mrs. Claybourne Dyer.
Mrs. Francis T. Wade, Mrs. H. C. Saal
feld, Mrs. Robert W. Gormten, Mrs.
Frank Ward, Mrs. Frank Nichols, Mrs.
Kenneth Wilson, Mrs. Frank A. Brown,
Mrs. Warren Lin. Mr. rivrf.
mini - . '"-j"-.
Reception for
Lt., Mrs. Hale
An event for next Tuesday evening
will be the reception for which Mr. and
Mrs. Paul A. Hale are to entertain in
welcome to their son and daughter-in-law,
Lt. and Mrs. Paul Allen Hale, Jr.,
who were married recently.
The young naval lieutenant and hit
bride arrive in Salem this week-end to .
visit at the Hale home.
The reception .will be given at 8:30
o'clock Tuesday evening in the Golden
Pouring wilf be Mrs. Curtis A. Hale,
grandmother of Lt. Hale, and Mrs. H.
Lawrence Lister of Portland.
Cutting the cake will be Mrs. Dean
Allport, sister of Lt. Hale, and Mrs.
Norman Llnd. Passing the mints will
be young Misses Jndy Lind, Nancy
Jenny and Nancy Donaldson. In charge
of the guest book will be Mr. George
Nopp and Mrs. Ronald Nopp. At the.
punch bowl will be Dean Allport, Curtis
A. Hale, George Nopp and Ronald Nopp.
ACH week brings a new list of
patrons for the benefit "High
Fever Follies" to b ttitu4
November 20 by Salem Memorial Hos
pital auxiliray. The show will feature
home talent Many committees are at
work to make the show big event of
the fall proceeds being used by the aux
iliary in buying equipment for the hos
pital. A new list of patron include Mr.
nd Mr. James C. Stone, Dr. and Mr.
Maynard Sniffer, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Perry, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ronald Hudkins,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erlckson, Mr. and
Mr. P. D. Quisenberry, Mr. and Mrs.
Bjarne Ericksen, Dr. and Mrs. Tern H.
Dunham, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd K. Bower
Dr. and Mrs. Burton A. Myers, Mr. and
Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Dr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Burrell, Mr. and Mrs. Charle H.
Heltzel, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Childs, Mr.
nd Mrs. Irwin Wedel, Dr. and Mrs.
E. A. Lebold, Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Heltzel, Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Stad
ter, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. James Watts, Mr.
nd Mrs. Denver Young, Mr. and Mrs.
Peery T. Buren, Dr. and Mrs. Robert
Committees are busy at work on plan
for the benefit lawn party being spon
sored by St. Mary' guild of St. Paul'
Episcopal church on Sunday ftemoon
August 30, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. G. Watts, Oak Crest farm, Wallace
Road. '
Hours for the affair are between S
Mrs. William R. Shinn, Mrs Robert E .T. VV
Shlnn, Mrs. Ralph Gordon. ,nd 8 cIock-
The general public
Leaving Monday for their home in
Athens, Ga., following a visit here will
be the Rev. and Mrs. George W. Gunn
nd little son. They have been visiting
t the borne of Mr. Gunn' prnt,
Dr. and Mr. G. Herbert Smith.
Colonel Ernest L. Stockton, USA en
gineers, and Mr. Stockton were vis
itors here this week to call on Major
James L. Scott, USA, retired, and Mrs
Scott. The Stocktons were en route
from Camp Leonard Wood to Colonel
Stockton' new assignment at Anchor
age, Alaska. Prior to being at Camp
Leonard Wood. Colonel Stockton was
chief of staff, USA troops in Greece for
three years. The Scott and Stockton
were friends at Albuquerque, N.M.
Is invited. All
proceeas win go to the building fund
for the new St. Paul's building now
under construction in south Salem.
Mrs. S. D. Wiles is general chairman
for the party and on her committee are
Mrs. W. H. Johnston and Mrs. Carl
Armstrong, who are in charge of the
guest book; Mrs. K. S. Muller, chair
man for decorations and refreshments;
Mrs. Charles Mills, hospitality; Mrs.
Leon Perry, parking chairman; Mr.
Gerhard Pagenstecher. garden furnish
ings chairman; Mrs. Lester Carter, pub
licity chairman.
Miss Bobbie Sjoding entertained
Thursday evening with a dessert and
lawn party for a group of college girls,
in honor of Miss Jan Foulger and Miss
Patricia Healy who just returned from
the summer session at the University of
Hawaii. '
Guests were Miss Foulger and Miss
Healy, the honor guesta, and Misses
JoAnne Wenger, Caroline Seay, Joan
and Joyce Traviss, Margie Little, Cora
lie Doughton, Sharon Laverty, Othelene
Lee, Jody Ellis, Dorothy Swigart, Mar
cia Webb, Donna Vogt Mary Jane Rud,
Lou Carlisle, Pat Halseth, Mary Jo
.Brown, Amy Girod, Jean Hartwell,
Marge Mosolf, Sharon Heider, Marilyn
Lorenz, and the hostess.
(Jiltn-WOir ftwll. tferar.)
EETING Monday evening is the
spinster club, at the John H.
Carson home at 8 o'clock.
Miss Ann Carson, Miss Patricia Fitz
simons, Mrs. Allan R. Mann, Jr., and
Miss Marjorie Becke ar hostesses for
the meeting.
A no-host picnic for members of the
Young Matrons club will be Thursday
at dinger park, at 6.30. Later the
group will go to Mayflower hall for a
card party.
Miss du Buy Wed Here on Friday
Mrs. George Dawson (Jean Hoffert)
nd son. Michael, are here from Long
. Beach, Calif., for visit with her par
ent, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffert.
United Commercial Traveler auxil
iary is meetingn next Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Albert A.
Cohen, salad luncheon to be at 1 o'clock.
Bridal Attendants Announced by
Miss Miller for Aug. 29 Wedding
The Woman's Society of Christian
Service of the First Methodist church is
not meeting in August, the next meet
ing to be in September.
Prominent on th lot Annnt u.
dar is the wedding of Miss Nancy Mil
ler and Paul S. Hawkins of Astoria, the
ceremony to be solemnized on Satur
day, August 29, in St Joseph's Catholic
Miss Miller, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. Burr Miller of Salem, and Mr.
Hawkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Hawkins of Astoria, will be married at
11 o'clock that morning, the Rev. Joseph
Vanderbeck officiating.
Music for the service will be pro
vided by Wayne Meusey and Corinne
Alexander as soloists, Mr. Meusey also
to play the organ.
Miss Elizabeth Ann Lawrence of Pen
dleton Is to be maid of honor. The
bridesmaids wiU be Mr. James B. ddil-
ler, sister-in-law of the bride; Mrs
Vance McKenney of Astoria, sister of
the bridegroom; Miu Nancy Collins of
Portland and Mrs. James A. Rock (Les
lyn Burdette) of Corvallis.
Ensign Robert A. Hawkins. Jr., who
Is now stationed in Guam, is expected
to be here to serve as best man for his
brother. Groomsmen will be William
Kirby of Eugene and ushers are to be
Jamea B. Miller, brother of the bride
Vance McKenney nd Jack Moloney
both of Astoria, brothers-in-law of the
bridegroom; Kenneth Wagner, Robert
Altman, both of Portland, and Richard
Morse of Astoria. .
Credit Woman's Breakfast club will
meet at Nohlgren's Tuesday at 7:30.
Mrs. Gavin Hill is in charge of the edu
cational meeting.
Amateur Artists association will meet
Tuesday evening at the YMCA at 7:30.
All persons interested In painting are
Invited to attend.
The reception following is to
the Miller residence.
be at
Daughters of Union Veteran of Civil
War will meet Friday at the home of
Mrs Jack Simkins. Rt 1. A no-host
luncheon will be at noon, followed by
rJ?eti"5. at 2 'c,ock Mr- Edith
McCoy will assist Mr. Simkins.
A pretty weddini of Frlrfav .nin.
at the First Christian church was that
of Miss Jeanne Louise du Buy, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. du Buy,
and Glenn Edward Luklnbeal, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Luklnbeal.
The Rev. Dudley Strain officiated at
the 8 o'clock service, before a setting
of white and orchid gladioluses. Light
ing the tapers were Miss Lorna Johan
naber and Mis Jodie Johannaber, both
wearing aqua dresses. Peter Larson
sang and Mrs. J. M. Cracroft played the
wedding music.
Given in marriage by her father, the
bride wore a dress of satin and lace
fashioned with a fitted lace bodice, long
sleeves, Mandarin collar, and tulle over
skirt with vertical lace panels set in.
The fingertip length veil was of plain
tulle with seed pearls across the head
piece. The bride carried a cascade bou
quet of white roses.
Sister Attend
Mr. Allen B. Craig, sister of the
bride was matron of honor. She wore
a frosted orchid organdy dress with a
matching cape, a flower beret in her
hair, and carried white carnations.-
Bridesmaids were Mrs. Karl Schmidt
in frosted pink organdy and Miu Ellen
Reynolds in frosted mint green organ
dy. They also carried white carnations,
and wore flowered berets.
Shirley Bahnsen, cousin of the bride
groom, was the flower girl. She wore
frosted orchid organdy dress and
white mitts. She carried basket of
rose petals.
' Best man was AUen B. Craig. Usher
were Don Luklnbeal, brother of the
bridegroom, Richard Don, William Cox,
R. V. Hitchcock, and Dean Paulus.
Mrs. du Buy wore nvy blue lace,
two-piece dress, white acceuories and
a corsage of pink and white rose. The
bridegroom' mother wore a rose lac
over orchid taffeta two-piece dreu, and
her corsage wa of pink carnations and
white roses.
At Reception
A reception followed In the church
parlors. . Mrs. Donald Miller of Eugene,
and Mrt. Glenn Gordon, of Gates, aunt
of the bride, cut the bride' cake. Mr.
Frank Shaw, and Mr. Leonard B May
field, bBth of Coos Bay and aunt of the
bride, poured. Assisting were Mrs. Gale
Murray, Mrs. Dean Gatewood. Portland,
Mrs. Kenneth Hough, Miu Carole Mc
Leod, Miu Jodelle Parker, Miss Kath
leen Revia, Burns, Mrs. James Garrett,
Portland. Passing the guest book wa
Mrs. Elwood Obert.
For trip to California, the bride
wore a blue-gray suit with nvy trim,
navy blouse, and navy and white ac
cessories, and corsage of white flower.
The couple will be in Salem after
August 23. and at home in McMinnville
after September 12.
Attendants at
Wedding Told
A wedding of Interest to many Salem
friends take place in PortlandonSatur
day, August 29, when Miu Marian Lor
raine Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Clnton D. Moore of Portland, will be
married to Richard A. Rawinson, Jr.,
ton of Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Raw
linson of Salem.
The bride-elect is listing member of
the wedding party this week-end.
The service will be at 8 o'clock that
evening in Calvary Presbyterian church
In Portland, the Rev. Byron W. Travis
Mrs. John Williams of Portland Is to
be matron of honor. Bridesmaids will
be Miss Lois Powell of Eugene, Mis
Beverly Kreick of Portland and Miss
Sue Rawllnson, sister ef the bride
groom. Flower girls will be Roxanne and
Robin Towe, twin listers.
Mr. Riwlinson it to be best man for
his son.
The ushers will be Howard Boyd of
Eugene, Richard Couch and Bert Camp
bell, both of Portland.
The reception following also Is to be
t the church .
Christian ' Woman' Fellowship will
sponsor it annual breakfast at 9:30
Thursday at the Mission street entrance
of Bush' Pasture park. Speaker will
be Mrt. Algl Kamikawa, missionary
home on her first furlough from Japan.
Ladies from churches in Dallas, Silver
ton, Lake Labish, Court street Christian
church. Garden road church and Liber
ty church are Invited to attend. -
Member of Gertrude Shumaker,
Barbara Farmer and Edna Gish groups
re to serve.
Cars will be at the Mission ttreet
entrsnce to meet those coming by bus.
There will be nursery at the church.