Saturday, August 15, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon i hall SSmrasmn . r uma nr hi. m, mn. SELECTED BIBLE PASSAGES BY SALEM AREA PASTORS PROVERBS 27:1 5 A continual dropping on a very roiny day ond o con tentious woman are alike. BLUE LAKE PACKERS. U. 178 Patterson Ave. Salem, Or. ; ROBERTS BROS. Department Store BRADLEY'S BICTCLI SPORT SHOP formerly Moore S3T N. Elfin Ph. 3-3844 M SALEM MEAT CO. Green Wholeaale Meat O.W. Cuitom Killing - Curing Cutting Wrapping 1328 So. 12th Ph. 34858 Pit M 1 M t1 BEUTLER-QUISTAD LBB, Ce. "Everything to Build With" 48S Wallace 84. Ph. 1-8111 RU8S PRATT ' CAPITOL CITY TRANSFER Moving protected Storage Expert Packing Agent for Mayflower ' Nationwide Furniture Mover Phone 3-3436 330 So. Front St capitol omci EQUIPMENT CO. Typewriters Adding Machine Accounting Machinal Calculator! Letter DeLapp Transfer-Storage "Local and Nation-wide Mover" Ph. 31780 111B N. Commercial ELECTRIC CLEANERS 88 Highland Ph. 3-4821 . L. ELFSTBOM CO. 360 1. Liberty FEDERAL OREGON AGENCY Inaurance All Type . 6S N. Capitol Ph. 42201 : T. GOLDEN MORTUART 06 S. Commercial Ph.42257 BENBTS PHOTO SHOP Thing Photographic 466 State St Ph. 34801 BOTEL MARION Coffee Shop Open 7 ajn.-B p.m. Special U0 Sunday Dinner Noon Till Ipjn. BOWELL-EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME Acroa From Seara 48 N. Capitol trUTCHION PAINT STORE Painta-Varniahe-Wallpaper Fh.S-MT 183 N. Commercial LUMBER DIVISION OBiaON PULP PAPER CO. Quality Material Courteoua Service Frost J Ferry Ph. 8-1411 MEADOW GROVE DAIRY Freeh Dairy Product Delivered Dafly Citywide Farm Ht. i Dial "tr Call Salem S8-F-U DICK METER LUMBER CO. One Piece or a Truckload 1T7I Laaa Ave. Ph. 3-4831 0 V -ft The trees whose wavering branches droop to the earth are called weeping willows. Why not call these tall fellows, with the firm upward-reaching branches, laughing poplars? People are, like trees. Some droop listlessly under the burden of their own existence. They spend most of their days weeping. . ' Others stand upright and firm, undaunted by life's threatening storms. 'They can laugh, and their laughter spreads courage through the world. Trees, never change. The willow remains a willow; the poplar, a poplar. But people do change. For centuries the Christian reli gion has been turning man's sorrow into joy, his weakness into strength. btart worshipping every Sunday, and discover why churches are the back-bone of our civilization! I VvSf f 4. J i "I n - ( 1 'Vi n ' 3 i i it; f ' ;s--4t i -FsV " church i. zr wiUBnb buildino ol -f 9r,olt facie, "no C1ii,..l Piritui Ma c"lznh.- '"r WjZUpW Wan hi. your B.W. jiTi.r chUr(.i, 7"u' .' f l, U 1-14 MASTER BREAD Brought to You Freah Dally By Your Grocer and Cherry City Baking Co. MITCHELL'S RADIO AND TELEVISION Complete Television and Radio Sale & Service "We Give Green Stamp" Phone 3-7S7T 1880 State MONTGOMERY WARD Department Store VALLEY PACKING CO. "The Home of Famou Cascade Hami, Meat, Bacon" 280S Valpak Rd. Ph. 3-41SS MAYFLOWER MILS Phone 39203 LES NEWMAN'S Men's Wear and Shoee 178 N. Commercial PAY LESS DRUG 8TORP "Pay Leu Ha Everything" 484 State St Phone 3-3654 W. T. RIGDON CO. Funeral Director S9 N. Cottage Phono 3-3173 ALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO. Sand Gravel - Owned Rock Ready-Mix Concrete Office 1406 No. Front, Ph. 30401 Plant 8118 Cherry Ave Ph. 34644 f EARS ROEBUCK A CO. Senator Betel A Coffee Shop SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS UNTIL P.M ' ' Court A High St., Salem Ph. 34181 BT. A. SIMMONS FUEL CO. MOBILHEAT Metered Delivery We Give jMf Green SUmps Phone 3-9517 3157 Portland Rd. SILVER FALLS ELECTRIC Owned A Operated by L. H. Campbell 1660 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4-1886 TWEEDIE FUEL OILS "Oil to Burn" Ph. 3-4181 1174 Edgewatcr West Salem WILTS EY MUSIC BOUSE Koehler A Campbell Piano Accordions, Guitars, Marimba Instruction Rentals Phone 3-7186 1860 Stat THE VISTm MARKET Complete Shopping Center 3045 S. Commercial UNITED THEATRE CORP. ( Slsinore Capitol Grand Liberty State Drive-la VALLEY TRACTOR COMPANY Ford Tractor Sales & Service 3333 Silverton Rd. WALTON-BROWN ELECTRIC CO. Residential - Commercial Industrial Electrical Construction Member of National Electrical Contractors Assn Phone 3-4156 236 State St OTTO J. WILSON CO. Authorized Bulck Sales-Service 386 N. Commercial Ph. 2-4621 i THIS mitt OF ADS IS 1IIM PUIUSHID IACH WIIK UNDER THI AUSPICES OF THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY AND IN t HI INTEREST OF ALL SALEM AREA CHURCHES, AND IS CIVIC MINDED BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS Sponsored by these public spirited,