- -" ., iiaf!Ww''-" . . - Xw. Saturday, Anxost 15, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea. Ortfoa rrr l : - n o -n ": I ri v n s ' - x. ft'JiJ X" 'V till ri i . I w-J Jf X' 4 VJ I I I I V .'. riw i i ) r : j ggm w , THRU Valuable ' ' " vrV ' m JVM UIVe" AWaV Th. .w H,llm.n Ml, "MitomM' ,JvM h. V S 0M' ttyU ond oll-round vltiblHty of eonrtibl plut X S V'Wl' tf1 p B" I heavy aug ttad ever your head. Smart and ax- ' ' M- H II r r ' clutiva color comblnatloni famout Hillman aeon IPSW ' IrLXIclcf amy Purchased at BROWN FOX BRITISH CAR ... ImJ llBBlSil ' SALES, 1230 Broadway. WmmZK . ' - - - To Do Given Aivay Soptl9tbat6p.ni. FREE TICKETS KO PURCHASE KECES5ARY YOUR FREE TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE NOW AT ANY OF THESE FRIENDLY CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER STORES Ace Classic Barber Shop Bergs Super Market Dana's Boolery Haley's Beauly Center Hughes Apparel l&L Shoe Repair Jary's Flower & Fine Candies Kennedy's Cleaning Works S. H. Kress & Co. Margwen's Children's Shop The Music Center Salem Record, Shop Owl Drug Store Shaw Furniture Co. ' Sears-Roebuck and Co. Shryock's Men's Wear The Towne Shop ings! Entertainment! Weekly prize winners ineligible theeatter except (or Grand Drawing. Employees and their families not eligible for prizes. Monday, Aug. 24, 9 p.m. TV Set, football, boTi or ilrU jaekcU, (able model radio, boys or irli coat, boyi er firla deluxe bicycle, 1 pr. roller akatea, bike fenerator, act. kitchen knlvea ,15-pe. aet dithea. Monday, Aug. 31, 9 p.m. Four 100x11 Urn and car radio, boys er (iris wardrobe, kitchen clock, table model radio, steam Iron. Monday, Sept. 7, 9 p.p. 14" automatic washer, dec. percolator, alee, food mixer, roller akatea, alee, pspoof popper, football, boys er firla jacket, Mke set 1 lifhta, lock and baaket . Monday, Sept. 14, 9 p.m. TV set, school euppllee, (able model radio, boja er t Iris coat, beys or rtrle delaxe Mke kitchen clock, kitchen radio, Laiy iBjaa. clock radio. CAPITOL GRAND PRIZE -Saturday, Sept. 19, 6 p.m. Plus Fryrire Cooker, Three-Speed Record Chancer and Radia Combination Boys' ar Girls' Deluxe Bike PPNM CEEOTEB FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES 1 ! f. Ml