Pasrt M THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. OregM Saturday, August IS, 195S THIS IS (S) WHEAT DRIVE FOB TOP HUES Plant Expects Better Product Capita! improvementi cur rently belnf made to the plant of the Oregon Turkey Grower! auociation of Salem, will re sult in a better finished product and a more attractive price to the producer, in the opinion of A. J. Montgomery, secretary treasurer of the organization. Montgomery made this state ment in connection with the an nouncement that the annual meeting of the association will be held in the West Salem city hall at I p. m. Tuesday, Sept IS. The Improvements include $13,000 invested in more mod ern processing facilities and S6000 addition to the ware house. The association handled a large tonnage of turkeys dur ing the fiscal year. Unofficial estimates are to the effect that there will be an decrease in production of 13 per cent on a nation wide basis this year. The local association will pay the customary patronage dividend this year and the offi cers are currently working on Silverton Man Jones Reunion On August 23 The 100th anniversary of the arrival of the S. W. R. Jones family In the Willamette VaUey will be celebrated by a reunion of its numerous de scendants at the "Nook" near the Pioneer cemetery on Sun day, August S3. The "Nook" is a mile or so east of Highway MI between Brook and Ger vais. Many of those attending, in cluding a few from California and other nearby states, will wear old fashioned clothes, and the dress wom by Mrs. S. W. R. Jones in 1853 will be modeled. The reunions have been held at many places from Champoef to Brooks for many years past, and moving pic tures of the 1928 gathering at the M. L. Jones farm north of Salem will be shown. Entertainment by each of the 15 main branches of the family will follow the dinner to be served at 1 o'clock, ac cording to notices being sent Manila f Soma 6,000 Taken to Hospital Silverton Gilbert Pugerud, around 55 years of age, was taken to the Silverton hospital Friday morn in la mwrfaj in ruinina soldier! have been dispatched into rugged moun tain country norm west oi Manila in a drive aimed at r.ntnrinr too Huk rebels, the Army said Saturday. "Serious Condition." Mr. Pugerud has a sister, Mrs. Albert Larson living at 5841 ME Sandy Blvd., Port land. Judge AU O. Nelson and Constable Harley DePeel were notified of the man's illness and arranged for his removal from his home in North Silver ton to the local hospital. CUT IN WRECK Silverton Avery Bowen. Jr., 23, Albany, spent one-half day at Silverton hospital leav- SURGICAL SUPPORTS . . - sFlatestaW HsaarieirV. KB! BNFPe ' Expert titters private HI tin reams, ASK TOCB DOCTOR Capital Drug Store 405 SUM Street Center ef liberty BAH Green Itaxnre ing Thursday afternoon after being treated for a alight cut on the ear and minor bruises and shock sustained when his car overturned on the Silver-ton-Stayton highway during out by Mrs. Herbert Pendle ton of Deadwood, president of ! the clan, and Mrs. Rena Bany j of Canby, secretary. i the late previous evening. AVI 3 ,1 f . if' UP a plan to retire some of the stock certificates. The turkey growers are co operating fully with the plan of Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Benson to curtail production. Sam F. Speerstra, turkey grower and attorney is presi dent of the association. . Witchers Fail To Agree On Site for Well Lebanon From the sale of centennial plates the Prov Mence Cemetery association now ha funds for a well to apply water for greening the pioneer grounds. Eight local water-witchers nave stalked the premises with their forked sticks. AU performed according to tra dition, but no two Indicated the same location. The witch ers then held a conference, but reached no agreement as to the most favored spot for the well. The cemetery association will settle the issue by bring ing In a mechanical witch er which to reported to have achieved success In the Ore gon City area. Witchers from far and near hav indicat ed that they will attend the demonstration set for Sun day, Aug. If, at Providence church. Sfayfon Boy Scouts Take Mountain Trip Stayton Stayton Boy Icout troop No. 80, under the leadership of Bob Norton, took an overnight camping trip In to Pamella lake recently. On this three mile hike, each boy carried his own bed roll and food. The boys put In their time swimming, hik ing, cooking and fishing. Adults accompanying the group were Bob Norton, V. D. Bryant, and Angus Ware. Freres Lumber Co. and Cox & Bryant furnished the trans. portatlon. Gene Ware, who operates the Cascade Packers, was on a return trip from packing a large party Into Hunta Cove and packed out the bed rolls for the group. Scouts making the trip were Clayton Emery, Billy Angel, Dwayne Champ, Dermis Deetz, Jero Ward, Billy Kurgil, George Burns and Kefiny Ware. Canby Don't look Just now, but that IS wheat in the background. In the foreground is Helen McMillan of Glad stone, one of 14 girls vieing for the title of queen of the Clackamas County Fair August 26 through 29. The queen will be selected opening night when county 4H clubs pre sent their annual pageant Daily horse races and rodeo horse shows will be featured at the 47th edition of the' event. Crud's Cabin Center of Folk Lore at Girls' Camp By NANCT LIDBECK A group of girls was taken to Crud's cabin, WednesdJIr after noon, by Mrs. Helen Marggl. Crud s cabin is an old shack a mile and a half back in the Sweet Home Church School Starts Aug. 17 Sweet Home St. Francis' Episcopal church will hold daily vacation church school from Aug. 17 through Aug. -81 - Classes will be held from a. m. to 11:30 a. tn. at Timber land Manor of the housing protect. Worship services, study, handcraft classes and recrea tion for children up to the eighth grade is being offered. Miss Florence Pickard, dio cesan director of religious edu cation, will be In charge ef the school. Teachers will be Mrs. John Benson.. Mrs. Archie Krogh and Mrs. John Camp bell. Father David Gordon will conduct the worship service. Sunday sevlces are being held in the Huston chapel, 1728 Long St., with morning service Inrtlnn at 9:30 a. mV and church school starting at 10:30 a m. Ceylon produces about 115 Ann tnm nt rubber a year. The science that deals with tti hiitnr. collection, identl. ficatlon and use of drug plants All Officers Are Re-elected Officers of the Interstate As sociation of Public Land Coun ties, comprising 11 western states, re-elected all of their officers at the closing session of their annual conference Fri day afternoon. The list Includes Lester Cof fin of Susanville, Calif., pres ident; Hugh Shamberger, Mon tana, vice president; Sam Trunks, Idaho, secretary-treasurer,. -and Forrest Cooper, Lakeview, Ore., counsel and Judge F. L. Phlpps, The Dalles, executive secretary. The delegates and their fam ilies motored to Newport Sat urday for luncheon and several hours on the beach. Cooper made a spirited de fense of HR 4023, known as the Stockmen's bill. He said he did not believe newspaper editors who hsd attacked the measure fully understood its provisions. The statement by a Nevada county commissioner that that state was channeling ltt cents per gallon of its gasoline tax into county road funds, cre ated considerable Interest among other delegates. Baptist Dinner Set At Exactly 6:281 p.m. Middletown, Conn. W) The Connecticut Baptist com mittee on mlsionary coopera tion meets here September 28, and has scheduled a dinner to start at 6:28 p m. Why 6:28 14 T Well, says the Rev. William S. Terrell, editor oi tne Con necticut Baptist, people often forget whether a dinner is to star at 6, 6:30 or 7, but when you set it for 6:284 "people will remember that time." wood. Many legendary stories are told to the campers about or man Crud", a hermit, who lives there. Before the hikers left a few Junior counselors went ahead, one dressed as "oV man Crud" and had a good time scaring the campers. Stunt night was the highlight of Thursday. Befroe dinner the campers dresed up in an array of costumes. Patsy Stevenson won the prize for the cutest hat, which was made of ferns and hemlock. ' Sandy Cords dressed in tissue paper and ferns won for the prettiest cos tume. Stephanie Kurtz, Joyce and Linda Capps and Judy and Vickie Coe were nosed out by a group from Hillside, dresed as Santa and his reindeer for the moat original costumes. Ed wins Fitzgerald received honor able mention dressed as a school teacher. During dinner the counselors served as KPs which was a change for the campers. The skits put on by the units were held after dinner. Trickle Falls won with a skit about the typical teen-age boy in a movie theatre.- Sara Beth Anderson played the part of the teen-age boy. Hemlock's skit, starring Stephanie Kurtz and ' Diana Pearcy as Rastus and Rufus re calling the "Good Old Days." Hillside put on the "Months of the Year," and Bear creen nao the "Daily News" with Betty Hen-man as narrator. ' Achievement awards were given out at dinner and 40 girls oassed their swimming test. considered very good for this age group. Others .' received awards for canoeing, trampol- ing, camp craft, first aid -and cabin cleanup. Closing camp will be candle light service. The impressive service is a tradition in camp, AU 121 campers file around the pool with candles which are set afloat along the edge. A quartet consistlng'of Bob Sny der, Keith Lawrence, Betty Herrman and Marie Conner will sing. - Boy Uses Bat On Instructor Seattle (IP) A 26-year-old instructor at the Seattle Youth Center remained in critical condition' at King County Hos pital Saturday from head in juries suffered Friday when he was struck four times with a baseball bat wielded by a 15-year-old boy. Witnesses ssid Robert Mc- Neley was struck down by a blow from behind at he stood talking to another boy. His assailant, who was identified as Charles Scott Conyne, then struck McNeley three more times as he tried to rise. He became unconscious after the fourth blow. The boy, Superintendent of Detention Victor J. Pavletich said, escaped over a fence but was recaptured a half hour later. Pavletich said the attack appeared to be entirely spontaneous. GONDOLA GOES DOWN Venice, Italy ( The equi valent of a traffic accident oc curred Friday night in this city of canals, a motorboat crashed into a gondola. The gondola sank, and with it four French tourists and all their baggage. Thejt were rescued. FREE HEARING COUNSEL Marion Hotel August 17lhr 1953 11:19 A.M. to : P.M. Free "Noise Suppressor" brings new comfort to the hard of hearing. Free to everyone who wears a heat ing aid an ingenlus little "noise suppressor" that el iminates shock of sudden loud noises and brings new hearing comfort to users. Fits all models having an air conduction receiver and is completely hidden from sight when worn. People who already have theirs say these noise suppressors, which act as tiny shock ab sorbers, are really effective and make hearing with an aid more comfortable than ever. One will be quickly inserted FREE by a trained consultant COUNSEL CONDUCTED BY M. G. McCORMAC Representing Telex, Inc., St. Paul, Minn., and Telex Hearinf Center, 332 S. W. Stark St., Portland, Oregon. lemoTM Old Fatal HtMOVlM Wipe tn- Norm Walker Painl Co. 1710 ft, frwrt Pfcsas 4 2271 SHOE SALE LEON'S The klrrMt aiiaa -.1-. t Baleaa . . . Famous brands Buy first pelr at the ... an at exaeUy t for trier price . . . get the the Price of l! end pelr FREE! pbki rffl Don't Be in Doubt CHECK THIS SPOT FOR Salem Business Establishments That Remain OPEN SUNDAYS! Ferrill's Nursery Shrubs pfpro for' Jumrner planting OPEN tO Jt SUNDAYS Vt Mi. East of KEIZER Phone 2-1307 BERGS In the Capitol Shopping Canter 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Every Day GOLDEN PHEASANT 0?lH 12NooaTlll:!l SUNDAY SUNDAY DINNERS OUR SPECIALTY tt! North Liberty tnoao3-S79 LADD'S MARKET 1705 S. 12th OPEN 24 Hours Dolly, Incl. Sun. Now . . 24 Hour Drug Service! OPEN 8 A.M. T0 11 P.M. AND DUTY PHARMACIST ON CALL 11 P.M. TO S A.M. Just Phono 39123 or 42248 QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION STORE 130 So. Liberty Howser Bros. Equipment Sales li Rental Service 1185 So. 12th Phono 1-3644 S9tffH OsTOo Chicken in a Box Delicious Pan Fried ' Chicken Dinners and Hamburgers to Go 2190 S. Commercial bee 4-1452 Delivery Service Open 8nnday OPEN ON SUNDA V SAFEWAY OPfN SUNDAYS 1245 2120 93S Center Feiroresmee Rd. S. Coml 8-10 9-6 9-9 SAMI LOW PRICES ALWAYS Pet Your Convenience Our Store Is Open Sundays From t Noon to 1 P.M. FOB MISGKNCIM ' Con S8S4S 39S79 CAPITAL DRUG STORE lUte and Liberty Teat Pteesrretiea Iters" LADD'S MARKET 1705 S. 12th OPEN 24 Hours Daily, Incl. Sun. Senator Hotel Coee Shop We BaeeisJlse la SUPER! SUNDAY DINNERS Open Sundays . 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. , Dolly 4:30 a.m. 9 p.m. S.laa'a fmlw Crtfn Sll Cerner Court ft Hlrh Fame I-41S1 Pay less Drug Store SERVE YOURSELF and PAY-LESS OPEN SUNDAY 11 A.M. 'til 8 P.M. PAY LESS HAS EVERYTHING Hocker Hardware Ph. 37031 990 South Commercial Wall Paper, Points and Sporting Goods . la known as pharmacognosy,