I Saturday, August 15, 1953 DENNIS the MENACE IC6CR6AM rS MEI7IN9 MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR 6IRVICI HI MOS1 CMm "' OR. BARVIT (UlUa. DENTIST AOolpb Bide.. SUU Commercial SU. SALtat PB l-lllt mi BUILDING MATERIALS LUMBER POR 'SALE Oood ,hlplep, III per at. itralthl. Ho. I. lit. No. I and oattar. Wl. l-lll. lumber, lit per X US up. Phono 1-3041. Dioios Remodel, Repair, Now Bare rour ei,h for a rainy da?. . Mo down paymool, t" month It pay Epping Lumber Co. Ill SUrertop ltd Ph. 41131 OPEM ALL DAT SATURDAY LUMBER I M0,00fl' good lumber, complete nil stock. Deliver nrleea. 2 and better 2". $17 No. 3m dimension. ISO; 4s, 030. f CEDAR SHINGLES Delivered prices: Mo. 1. MM I Mo. I, : ft; No, j, 4; No. 4, 13. M. h- Tod MuUsr, evening ph.. Salens 31100. mam MATCHING windows, half price. 4 frame, aluminum weather stripped, v double run, one double stationary, 2 eaih. Miscellaneous wed lumber. Ph. 1-tftOS. malf 4 SPECIAL SKI I' at 11.00 per carrltr load, ap proximately 1,400 fret. JlJ at I'ic tach. BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Phono 1121 Turntr malll' 'WINDOWS Largest stock la Salem. New wta th en tripped window, completely aim eled, 114.20 up. Lane modern sashes and crystal picture windows, II up. Pick jour choice at bargain prices. PLUMBINO New toilets with seat t2S.H 20"ill" wash basins, complete 17.M Bath tuba with flttlnis M i Double laundry trays, complete . 24.7ft . Shower cabinets, complete .... 42.00 ' Double kitchen sinks, electric ' watr beaters, pipe cheap 4" solid Oranseberg pipe 30e M0 sal. steel septic tanks I07.SO OTHER BAROAINS Metal garage doors with hdwe.....$4S New 4i0 plasterboard .01.40 4X1 waterproof wallboard 11.76 Interior and exterior plywood ..cheap Nails, carload supply , 75 Overhead iitnci door hows 113.95 . Loose insulation, per bag 11.00 Roll blanket insulation bargain 14" "jip Birch" plywood 36c V "jap Birch" plywood Sic ' Mahogany plywood .....43c , No. 1 Cedar shlng.ee )0 3ft No. I Cedar shinties ..A 000 No. 1 Cedar shingles 4.oo t-tab rooting $4-00 up Panel doors, hardwood doors, all types situ doors fewest prices New fir door J-tr.b 03. SO Painted cedar shakes 110.7s Un palnp?d cedar shake ,10.00 New asbestos aiding W . Eiterlor white paint tt-tt Shake molding, per (00k 10c C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-5051 On milt N. of reiser ni '17' OARAGE door, complete with hard ware. Uaed. lit. 1-7330. (21 Wilbur St. mel.4' KEITH BROWN Closeouts Reeuiar Sale 1-1 1 l-l 1H 10-Ute French 111.41 I 1.17 1-4 a l-l ill, - 10-Ute Preneh 14.11 10.14 l-l ill 1 1H - 10-Ute French 14.41 11.41 l-m-lil, - lo-ute Prench 14 41 11 41 - 1-0 1 1-1 x 1H - 1-panel .. Ill ITS 1-4 1 l-l 1 1. l-panel .110 111 3 -1 1 l-l I 1H l-panel . Ill 111 l-l l-l lit l-panel . 101 1,1 l-l I l-l IIS - l-llle Sash Doora II 41 11 M l-l i l-l i IS I-lite ftaih Doora II M 11.11 l-l I l-l I 1H 1-1IU Sah Door 17.71 11.11 SCREEN DOORS 1-0 1 l-l kit . l-panel . 117 T M 3-1 1 l-l a Ik. . Cotnblno- llo. Screen At Storm Door. 11.71 l-l a l-l a 1H Combina tion Scree, 4k storm Door 11-17 LDMF.IR 4 k , . T to W Rouih - Car StakM H ll 111 - RL No. 4 Common Shlplap 1 KM MM Carrlrr Load LOU ...14 MM 10MU ELECTRIC TANS Chtee Portable Air Cooler. 44 M Oeneral Electric 14 11 31.11 ' Oeneieil Electric 14.11 11.31 All aatea on dlacountable merehandlae final . Kg refundi or exebamea. Keith Brown Lumber Yard Profit Court Street Phone l-flll S OIVF SAH Oprt-f STAMP FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SEWING MACHINES Whr buy ued. 1W the new Pfaff tt reduced piles, till M. Urrons. U3 So. Liberty BIOS 4WP1 trnk RcnithnM 'art.1 am iund i ii automatic washer. !ike new. 1 1 3a. 7 t?e Ouncaa Pnjfe, 1100. Phone S?0. nils Reduced $5 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD I OAK KirCHTII TABLE I CHAIRS - aUOH-17.T USED TARTINO PRICE AUG. 14 IM AUG. 17 $5U Keith Brown Lumber Yard PKONT Si COCRT NT. PR. IIIU "Wo Olta S at H OlM Stampo" ?: BEAM) NEW Muare tub. Martae. I-I3II ; nlll I oyi t iNrtTkicycie. oocV'eoadiii'in 1 Pbom f-etu. alMl Bv Ketcham f nmnmitw 1 90MCTX HAD TO BAT IT. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WOODIN riUNO cabinet and amaD drafting table. Call 3-MS3. - nlt4 OOOD USED BRICKS PHONE 3740 1 GIRLS 34 INCH bicycle, lift. Phone 104' EXCELLENT boys bicycle. Pox sale or will trad for golf clubs. Phone J-04M 42M Alana. alts 4-POITIB MAHOGANY bedroom suite, f piece, I1M. Phone 35771. nlM- BAST CBIB with lnncrsprlng aattresa. 14; apholstcred high chair convert to Play table, 110; child rocker. 03 00. 40M Karl Ave. 1-844. nlOO" GIRL! SHOE BOLLER skates. Slat 0 Phont 3-0204. 3030 8. Bummer Si. DIM FOR PALS a beautiful upright grand piano, excellent condition, 9350. Call 31737. nl4 SEWING MACHINES fllnfor conaolo. excellent aoBOjlUoa, MO M. II down, U month. white rotary portable, thoroairttr reconditioned. 131.10. St down, ai no. Seer. Roebuck. a!94B le-FT. boat and trailer. ttt-horxpowor motor, oood erndltlon. 9371 Phone 11844. or eee at 1030 M. Winter. nlw ABC WASHERS Oood condition. $31. Call )-3U7 or lee at 431 So. 12nd, eeen Inil. nlM SEWING MACHINES Nearly new foatherwolfht Blnfer portable, very reaaonablo. II down. II month. Scare, Roebuck at Co, Ml No. Capitol. Bill" HURRY) BURRYI HURRY OKLT 11 LETT TO CHOOSri PROaf POPULAR. BRANDS SEWING MACHINES TAKE 'EM AWAY AT ONLY $7.50 ea. Tb.tr pailllTelr UUST OO thla week. Sale ende Sat, Aui. 11 SNOOK'S BARCAIN CENTER 1155 Broadway nlll' Mcculloch chain saws, Bdn- water. weet Salem Salem Lema, Sup- pip Ph 4-1141 NEWMAN PIANO Walnut caae, aood condition, reaeonablp priced. Phone 1-7110. 1 nIH TOP SOIL River alll and till 41rt. Prompt de llrerr. Pnone 1-1741 oiPiTAL bed lor eeie ee rent k stiff furniture Co Phono 1-I1U NOW "SCOTT-BUILT" TaleTlllon, 1340 Installed and operattni. Thirty daya a.rvlca. PREE DEMONSTRATION. Phone 1-1311. nlle, 4-WII. or call at 1140 North Capitol. nlll WonUtl MISCELLANEOUS WOODSY WANTS Plane. Phone 14111 ee ELECTRIC BANOES. Wewdrr'a. 3-1111 Ph! a WANTED toot stud mill logs or multiples of 0-foot plus trim. 0 to If eliameter. Phone Turner 1131. nelOT SPORTING EQUIPMENT 1COTT ATWATEB 7 Ma horaepower out board motor. 1131 S. Bummer. Phone 3-1314. Kill DEES HUNTERS X he.e two 101 See. aae rlllee equipped with Lyman Alaa kan aeopea. will ecu one. Write Eox Ml Salem or Call 1-7171 durlru office houra. nclM U POOT CHBISCRArT. compute with oare. car top carrier. A1 Ihape. 1-7330. p Wllbe; et nrl4' AUTOMOBILES $$FOR$$ You Can't Beat Our Cars For Value! PONTIAC '41 SEDAN. Heater 'U PONTIAC S-CPE. RAH ...limi '47 PONTIAC 8-CPE. RAH Ill '41 PONTIAC S-CPE. RAH .... Ill CADILLAC 41 SEDAN. Hydra. RAH I1MI CHEVROLET '44 SEDAN RAtH I 41 DODGE 47 SEDAN. '41 SEDAN. ...... t .... 141 BEST FOR LESS 11 PLYMOUTH I 47 '47 PORD SEDAN Ill 'M studs. iBeet bay t yelleri. eee Always the Beit for Less AT KELLY OWENS Co. 660 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4113 tin automobiles 0 SAVE $500. ' o o Time to Buy New Cars for the the' Sales Managers -Time for You to Buy Their 1953 Models for $500. Less Than New Price 'ONE 1953 NASH AMBASSADOR CUS TOM SEDAN TWO-TONE GOLD AND GREEN, RADIO. HEAT ER, HYDRAMATIO, RECLINING SEATS, BED. WINDSHIELD WASHERS, BACKUP LITES, 5000 MILES, A TRULY BEAUTIFUL CAR . NEW $3710.13 SALE PRICE $3210.16 ONE ' 1953 NASH STATESMAN CUS ' TOM TUDOR SEDAN RADIO, HEATER, HYDRAMATIC, RECLINING . SEATS. BED. LIGHT GRAY WITH GREEN CUS TOM INTERIOR. - NEW $3195.76 - SALE PRICE $2695.76 ONE 1953 NASH RAMBLER CON VERTIBLE DARK SHINY GREEN, BLACK NYLON TOP, CONTINENTAL TIRE, RADIO, HEATER, OVER DRIVE; LOW MILEAGE OF COURSE - NEW ' $2648.18 . SALE $2148.18 . THESE CARS CARRY FULL NEW CAF. WARRANTY . o MARION o MOTORS o o S33 CENTER 1951 Olds Super "88" $2295 4-Dr. Compile equipment. Only 31,000 miles. 1949 Olds 2-Dr $1195 Local owner. Very food. 1950 Ford CI. Cpe $1095 A good car. 15 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM . LODER BROS. WHERE- QUALITY COUNTS 456 CENTER PH. 2-7973 isst AUTOMOBILES 1040 OLDAMOBILK 70 Deluxe 4-door smio, dramatic drive. Radio and heaur. New white wall tires. Color dark green. 30.000 mile. A beautiful car. Lookt like new. Private party. 01100. Clifford Harold, 1 000 Oreen wood Dr. Phone 3.2947. 4l4 POE SALE OR TRADE '43 Bulck con vertible, new tires and baterr. Phone 34170, 401 Cluter ftd. after 0:M p.m 4lfl sicrj or DHSTDUV3 '53 PORD CtJ.TTOfcl VI SEDAN Pordomatk, radio. heater, washers, turn signals, one own er. 14.431. aiiles. verr special. f 1109 'll BU1CK sMJPCR RIVIERA Drnaflow. new white tlrei, ra dio, heater. EZT elawi. one own er, service record etnee nw. a premium ear, Apache Red Black mil IS BU1CK BVm CONVERTIBLE Drnaflow, D Royal Mait nar row whttewella, automatic win dows. EZ1 glau, radio, heater, washers, etc. We hove complete service record. Apache Red. black top and black Lather.. .ISO 11 FOR DOR Dt LUXE I TO DOR ntra clean condition with on It 11.004 miles 11301 41 pord carrow i sedan Spollaite interior and perfeet appearance, radio, heater, seat covers 0 Ml 4T BU1CK ROADMA8TKR SEDAN Two tone ireen with white walla,, radio, beater, good.... its VfcugefabwUedCar OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY . Commercial at Cenfer ' Phone I.lrt 4100 H BTUDC CONVERTIBJ.S, this week enty lninrning so scrtooM, lev book, ao trade. Perfect condition,. Peters. I4W N. 4th. Pft. 1-M4S. im I0 H-TON Cherrolet pw-knp, ftel lent condlMon. Phone 4-3901. min BtlfR sedanet'te. Radln. Aeeter Ttrp aleasv. 04U. Pheavs l-iota. sji04 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sale, OrtM AUTOMOBILES PHONE 3-9286 SEE THESE PREMIUM CARS AUTOMOBILES NOTICE! We're Moving About August 30 BACK TO OUR OLD STAND AT 267 N. CHURCH. SEE US NOW AT SAM'S MOTOR CO. liberty w Chemeketa Ph. ITllf Across from First Natl. Bank 1041 DODGE 4-door. Radio, heater, new batterr. Brakes, motor, starter, gen erator) fluid drive complrtrlr rebuilt. Going in the service. feo. Phone 3-470S. gjl04a 1P41 YELLOW CRET. ConTertlble. One owner. Tr.rie or aell. IM5. New top end urea. 1-1714. 1H' IBM ford convertible Pordometlc JU dlo and heater, white wall Urea. A-: condition. M. L. Relacr, 1 mile eaat and mile eouth of Sublimity, olll Ml PLTMOUTFJ 4-dr. ardan, aceeaaor. lea. eery clean, 11171. 1371 Townaend Way. .114 POST AVTTO SALES m S. K. SbI- OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 IB I FORD, i wheel trailer. Will take trade. Phono j-6123. sjlOO1 o PONTIAC. good condition. Phone 20g7l, 143T N. 4th. ltl 10.M PORD CONVERTIBLE, 1 1191. Ph. hit. e ejltft IP40 MERCrejp. custom upbolsury. re dlo and healer. Ph. IMA. 1PV iiOM BUICK Super Convertible. Radio. neater. Drnaflow, eicelient mechanical conomon. sieii or trade. 3-7473. 303 1 PLTMOI'TH. !ean. reconditioned moior. neater. woo6 rubber. 1131. X40 N. 10th. Phone 3-1417. altw UKR HEW 10S3 Old's 0l Holiday Coupe. f.OM actual mnei. Were oieoo. Pull equip ped. Only 41 TW. See anytime Sunday 10411 Oak. Phone 4-1730. nlOe S$CASH$$ FOR YOUR CAR OPEN EVENINGS MONDAY THBOUOH FRIDAY ALL MAKm AND UOOttM TO CHOOSE PROM Western Motors 1111 Broadway Phono I Mil IM7 rritT. ABBOv aeden. BadM. heel er, new while wall tlrea. Cuitoia In terlor. Real ar.arp. Phone 4-ftl. am 1141 PONTIAC. Oood fondltloa. ITOl. Phono MM. 11,1 Chemeteta. olH BAIOAI-, chrrrolet delue eeden Ilk. new. leal N. winter, OlM ! OI.DS New lll-horwpower meter Ttlh heedera. reaa. and iwia plpee. Mutt aeU. Price reajooabie. Phewo S-MM. 1M I AUTOMOBILES , GET OUT AND GO IN A GOOD, SAFE USED CAR! ENJOY YOURSELF! '51 MERCURY $1695 Sadaa with radio, heater. oterdrtTo, leader eklru, white aldewall Urea. 50 FORD CL. CPE ..... $1095 T-, aoe'.-.aj. with radio, healer, while loewelle. , '49 FORD V-8 $795 Tudor etuteaa ledaa. with radio, heat--or,, overdrive, . RON'S lit) Broadway Pk. '52 CHRYSLER ..$2195 iwtndaor elub, low mlleaio, fluldmatlc 'drive, many axtraa, 1 owner. '49 CHRYSLER $1495 New Yorker 4-dr., freah-alr heater, aood tlraa, orlelnal finlah. Like new upholeterr, 1 local owner. Thla la realty Alee. '49 PLYMOUTH ....... $1095 Deluxe 4-door eeden, freih-alr heeler, ood tlree, sew-atrlod modeL dees throuihout. Salem Automobile Co. . Phone 1-4117 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS FOE BALB Harlsy 1U. Perfect shape. Phone 36010. ejaioo MUST BELL 1040 HarlA OaTUoo, inquire g3i 8t. 4(021. ejaioo S HARLJCT Davidson motorcycles. Modal 1 so and! 4. see at John's derate, Bhaw. Oregon. qal1 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAVINO RADIATOR TROUBLEt Valley Motor co. experts will eoive your prob lems and aaro yon money Pre e ti ns tee, gapoedy aarriew. Ceater nt Lib erty TRUCKS QUICK, BALE-1040 1-ton Dodge Dump. t-0 yd, like new. Can be seen at Bant lam Trailer Court, Sweet Home Oregon. Make offer. O. P. Hall. dlM EQtITT IN I0O CDev. t-yard dump .ruea. Taio car, .pickup, jot or trailer house In trade. 1300 Center St. odlll 1141 tt-TON Pord pickup with canopy. Excellent thape. 1311 CenUr St. odl!7 IMl DODOE SHOBT LOO lonlhl truck! 7.M tlrea. Ph. 1143 Dalle,. odlll 114. ST1IDEBAKEB l.ton truck, 31.000 mile. New Ixll.ft. irala boi. Almoat ew l-ply tlree. Motor and ceh are excellent, im. 14. S. Ird, IndepenoV ence. qdl,4 BOATS 11 B P. MEBCUBY motor and boat. Co cellent ehape. Will cell eeparately. Phone 4-1301. 1171 Plor.a St. oelH FINANCIAL AOTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. I 113 Booth Chorea, Parkin, a-Pleatr Ph- 1-3417 Uo. Ho. M-1H. S-1M INVESTORS We hate lood lint paortieiel for Pour Inapectton. RBIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South Hlalt. Phone 1-1703 rill STATE FINANCE CO. S-111 M-lll FIVE losn lervlcej to fill your need for money quickly- 1 Auto loene, Blenaturo loana. S ruralture loane. 4 Conaolldatlon loam. A Payment-reducln. loenA Don't wsit - Come in todayl Phono 14111 . 117 So. Hllh St rill IEE OS POR PARM. COT OR ACREAOB LOANS BEST OP TERMS . WE BOY leal eelate morttaiea enmill State Finance Co. lit a aiik St. pa. mil TO BOBBOW 1AIO. 01 7 Inlereel pay eble o.ml-ennuelly en taooe builneaa hide, la Monmouth, Ore. Write bot ill. Capita; Journal. rl,4 PBlVATEMONET b loaa oa real ft' tele. Phono 1-1714. rill LM. B-131 and M-m ROT B SUtMONB OISUTIANCB AND LOANS Rear Top Trei'eoM U Dally KSLM I1M Ea. . OENERAL PINANCB CO LOANS IM CatOMratal SA Tea. 1111 TRAILERS wr -lt.e Courtroom of the Circuit Court of " """ v.lh. Itteu of Oreto. for ,n. coi.f. et rent jrafln. i.a ......ee'..w...e...j.e... MACHINERY EQUIPMENT WITH EXPERIENCE Oaiioji Motor Orader, Hand con- "'I" I too cat. R4 oas Doaer Tractor 1,3M moaei irTrator loader ,. 1 3M Cat. No. 11, Oas Motor CVader 1,3M PAH -. yd. Crane, old but oper. "nt j wo Pord Tractor Loader Excellent . 100 Cat. D3 Tractor Loader 3 soo Cat RL Dover Tractor J soo B jrkeTd 404 Ditcher, eieellent , . 7 MM KEEP THIS AD HAND- ALBO MANY OTHrR VALUER WRITE POR PICTURES AND HONErTT DERCRIPTIONH BURAN EQUIPMENT COM PANT Allle-Chalmere Dealer Oakland I, Oa it forma TTT loot A'tnuc TRiaidad l-lill Jim leases, Ti4 AUTOMOBILES LOOK THIS WEEK END AT YOUR LEISURE AT THE CHOICE SELECTION OF GOOD, DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON THE LOTS LISTED BELOW. PICK YOUR CAR AT LOW, MID-SUMMER PRICES THEN SEE THE DEALER MONDAY. DON'T MISS THE SUMMER'S FUN A THE BEACHES, IN THE MOUNTAINS, OR JUST DRIVING AROUND SCENIC OREGON. '51 WILLYS -...$1795 tatlea wagon. 4-wbeel irlve. heater, defrosters. I-ply tires, hurricane .ve to r, owner, very cleaa. ' PLYMOUTH .$895 pedal 41 ux covers. 51 PONTIAC ;.. $1695 Chieftain detuio sedan, hrdraaatle , "0." 1 owner, loaded wiUi nccas j sorlea. An azceptlooal buy. WESTERN MOTORS 1M1 Broadway CADILLACS We have a 1M1 "13" eedaa. a 1111 "11" eoupe and A I1M II" oeupe. AU wo la top aondiuea. CHEVROLET3 Wo have Bumerooe nukr. and modela from 1141 thru ml. Ail are luaren teed and Tory nicely .eeulpped. OTHERS 41 Pontloo '41 X alter 13 Mercury 'II Porel DOUGLAS McKAY . CHEVROLET CO. II M. Cummenlal St. Phone 14m BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION DEALER Remember . . NO SUNDAY SALES! The Week-End Specials and Message Above Are Brought . to You So You Can Look LeisurelyThen Buy Loter TRANSPORTATION LEA VINO SUNOAT lor T.iaa. would like rldera. lttl ear. Welly Krauea. 10 N. llth. or cell I-II31. nil DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINE! AU nakoa naefl paaehlne, lold. rented, repaired. Booa. 4M Court. Pa, 14771. PIULIDOZ1NO Bulldoalni. roade, clearlni Ttrrll Buaker, 111 Palrrlew, 1-1141. teeth phone our We do anrthlnl In the line of bulld- ini. rree oellmatea. Phono 3-oeli. Q3I7' DBESBMARJNQ Alterations, hemstitching, k u 1 1 a a s, buckles covered, buttonholes. Mrs. H. M. Aliender, 1-9011, 110 EXCAVATING Ben OtJen m Bon, escalating and grading. Land clearing. Ph. 1-1000. o3i6 PVR N ACE CLEANINO Bill's Purnaca Cleaning. AU work full guaranteed. Phone 1-1140. oltt HOUSE MOVING LeTellng, Poundatlon work. Pull perienca. Prea eitimatas. Bonded and insureo pn. 1-soii. 4.7101. olOft INSULATION Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum sereens. Prea estimates, T. Pullman. . Phona s-BM5. aid MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding, renovates. Pol Una new mattretase. Ph. MOOt OPPICR PURNITVRS 4 SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, aafea, d'iplleatora. sup piles, deik lamps, type writer stands. Roes. 401 Court. w ROAD GRADINO Road grading, leveling, ditching. 113 tat grader. Roy Hancock. Ph. into. wllf Rooflng and siding by espertg tor a rlsht pr.ee. Phono B-OOBO. pan SEPTIC TANRS Ham el's sept) a tanks cleaned, lino service. Ouersnteed work. Phono 1-7404. . Mike's Beptlo Service. Tanks cleaned. D rooter cleans sewers, drains. Phone J , 03 10 Sewer, septle tanks, drains cleaned. Ro-U-Hooter sewar tverrioa. piwaa 1M37 SHARPENING REPAIR Iawa mowers, aawa. eta. nth D Ph. 4V40I0. Pret pickup. e TTPE WRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington. Royal, Ua derwood portables AU makes n.ed maehlnaa Repairs S) rent, lioea, 4 Court 1-0771. 0 WINDOW CLEANfNO Acmo Window Cleaners. Industrial floor waging, heueae leaning. Phone 0-3JJ7 147 Court LE6ALS NOTICE OP- REABINO OP PINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVIN thai bert W. DeArmond, Admlnlatrator with Will Anneird ol the e.t.t. Af nnr Sine,,, ale, known ,a Oeorae Wa.hlnl ton Stneev deceaeed. Eatate No. 14.437, hwa llled with, the Circuit Court of the St.t. .r Oeetoa, for the County of Merlon, hll flret and final account and report ! aueh admrailatreti.. .n ih.i Ith. aaaa. ha b. ui ,n. of Merloa, In the Court Hoe of aeld M.rlos Coontr, Oreion. la the cltr of Selena. k the ,lh der ef September, III. .1 thi hour .f 1 ll . dock e m. A)' pereona tntereateet la eaM e.lau are n,imated t than and there appear lo ahow etuoel !f .ny, why .eld llr.l and final acownt ehould a.t b. al lowed cod th. Adm.lUtraUr with WU1 nnnri.n wiKVI.reeO. Dated at Salem. Or. iki. of Aiieuit. ItU. ROBERT W. DeArmon.4, Admlnla traior Willi Will A oat 1,4 irv "tatw ei norre Sir... tUo " ooorgo Wash.tgton Sines, deeeaaed. Touna and DeArmond Attarne-a for Administrator 407 Court St., Salem, Ores on Pi ml Ptibiicauoa ( thu as ties: Aug ust 0. lt"i. Leal PuMtraMoa f thla aotlce: Sep tember I. 1,11 The Cepltel Journal Am. I.144J.10, Sept. (, ini. AUTOMOBILES 51 BUTCK TtT Super Rlvl.ra hardtop. LMdeo with axtraa. Tha tiiar&oat bay let lows ia4 sotoc at a eMTinco. 81 PONTIAC Ttt Chloftata -r delnvo aadan. Thla la oao af the wool pa satepj. Doa t mlae ill 50 CHWROLIT Tt? -door Pleetltne eedan. Thla very clea, eer ha. dverythlnl yon wastl Sam's Motor Co. 10 OFF . ' (To the Buyer With Ne Trsde-ln) 62 DODGE ttt Ooroael 4-doer aadao. Sharp) '51 DODGE TTT Wayfarer 1-door eedaa. moot "52 PLYMOUTH TTT Cranwrook Belveder. eedaa More Than ll other, to Cneeee Preaa I Leeatleaa . - TO SWT, 1 aettyl H NerU Btok m CbomUeU til PWtlaad M. Stan Baker Motors 104 FirelDeslroys Fox Valley Mill Lyons The Fox Valley Luriv ber Co. planing mill, owned by Earl Hitchman in Fox Val ley was destroyed by fire of unknown origin late Friday The Mill City fire depart ment and the Forest Service pumper responded to the call, at 11 p. m., but the blare was beyond control upon their ar rival. The firemen, however, saved the Newman & Son sawmill across the road from the plan- inng mill, and a large quantity of stacked lumber. Amount of the loss hai not been announced. Sfoyton Girl Will Tell of Visit to UN ' Stayton Miss Margaret Pritchard of Stayton, Odd Fel lows delegate on the Pilgrim age to the United Nations, will attend an informal homecom ing and reception in the Odd Fellows Temple In Salem at 8:45 p.m. Monday. Mut Pritchard will give en account of her visit to the Un ited Nations and show slides. LEGAL5 NOTICE TO CREDITOR! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OW THE STATl OP ORBXrON, POR THI COUN TY OP MARION, la Probata. Number iaiH, in tha Matter of the btate of Alma May Eur e her, Deceased, Notice Is hereby glvea that PERD J. ZUROHER had been duly appelated administrator of tha eatau of Aims May Zurcher. de ceased, by order of the Circuit Court of the Stats of Oecoa for Marloa county. dated July IT, 19 si. ah persona bavins claims against said eitata are hereby require, to present auctt Claims duly verified, and with prowsr certifica tion attached, to the underlined Peed J. Zurcher at 444 N. High street, Salem. Oregon within stg months from the date of this votlra, the same being dated and published for the lint time this ism oar or July, ltn. Perd J. Zurcher. Administrator Rimer M, Amundson Attorney for the Estate Date of 1st publication 1-10-ti Data af last publication 0-1-. I JlilV ll-M-AUg, I-t-lB CALL POR BlbjB Sealed aids will be received bv the Board of Education of School District 3W Una and Marloa County, Oregon, at the re.Mer.ee of the Clerk. Mrs. A Ilea Huber, Lyons, Oregon, until Mon day evening, August 17,1 105), at 0:00 p. m. for the addition at Interior finish ing and minor alterations to the Marl Lino school gymnasium, Lyons, Oregon. Elds will then be opened and publicly read aloud. Bids received after Uw time niea I or opening m not bo consid ered. Plans, ermine at Ions and form of era. tract documents may bo stamtnod or obtained from the Clerk. Mrs. Alice Huoer, byon. Ores on, or may be es amlned at tbo of Ilea of the Architect. Williams and Oroora. 441 Marlon street. Aalem, Oregoa. A deposit of 010 will bo required for each set of documents. August 10. mi EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVETf that WILLIAM J. UN FOOT hag been, by order of tha Clreult Court ef the State of Oregos for Marlon County, appointed eierutor ef the estate af JEASIB AALTJE R ARB ITT. deceased. Any per sons hsvinc claims asalnst aatd estate are requested to present them, with proper vouchers, to eetd eierutor at 310 Pioneer Trust Bufidmg, Salem, Ore gon, within sia months from the date of this notice. Dated this nth day ef August, ttll. WILLIAM f. L1NPOOT, rvecutor ef the Eetetg af Jessie Aeltjg Harriit. deceased. RHOTKN. RHOTEN SPRRRfVTRA. Pioneer Trwt BulMin'. Salem, Ore gon. Attorn?! fnr Svecutor August 11-32-21, Sept. S-ll. Pift IS Aurora Junior Rodeo Sunday Aurora Haroldlne Skeen has been chosen the queen of next Sunday's Aurora Junior Rodeo. Hiss Skeen, sponsored by Msplewood Grange, had more then 14,000 votes. ' Runner-up. Jackia McLaren. had more than 13,000. Miss Mc Laren was sponsored by North Marion high school. The annual Junior Rodeo, sponsored by the Aurora Lions club, will include 19 contests starting st 1 p.m., following the parade. . In the line of march, among various clubs, grade and high school bands, etc, will be the famous Ayrshire ox team, Duke and Sandy, trained by F. M. Ferguson and Lon Gienau, pulling a covered wagon ever the course. West Reappointed On Pollution Board The reappointment of Merle S. West of Klamath Falls as a mirmber of the State Air Pollution Authority was an nounced Friday by Gov. Paul L, Patterson. Other appointments an nounced by the governor In clude: Harry K. Pearson, Chile. quia, as mramoer oi tna ura gon Klamath river commis sion, representing Klamath Indian Reservation interests. Robert N. Chambers. Port. land, as a member of the ad visory council to the State Board et Health en hospital licensing. . , . Finds Husband. Wed Ta Another Wnmfrri ' Portland VPh Mrs." Barbara Jean Miller came all the way from Spartanburg. 8. C to find her husband- She found hire, with the eld ot police, but she didn't get to keep him. Instead the husband. Hollit Carl Miller, 26, was booked on a polygamy chine and held under $3,000 bond. The polygamy complaint wai signed Friday by wife No. S, the former Trellis Zlaine Fod rie Detwller, 20, who married Miller en June 14. , DEATHS Dorothy awaoa Dorothy H anion at tha Tamil? real denco 10CT H. 17th. Aug. 14 at tha age of ST. Survived fey husband. Christian. Hbiisotji children. Mrs. Cora BT. Smith. Mm, Clarice Mahoner. Mrs. Ida Thorn p- .11 of Salem: Mrs. Elms Bertie tt. Newport, Ore., Mrs. Minna KsHer, Big Pork, Mont. i Otll M. Hanson, Marlon, MonLt Ernest Hanson, coram. MonM two siiUrs, Mrs. Laura Thorndeon, New Hsmptofl, Xownt Mrs. Aeso Stnbjen. StevenvUie, Mont.i brother. Helaier Las, Jenneseo N. Dakota: also 10 greao children: 11 areat arandchllttroa. Mm ber af Oraea Luther an church. Mnleaa win aa heid la tha Howiu-avrwardj Chapel Monday, Aug. IT at l:H pa Rev. P. W. Brlkaoa and Rev. L. W. Bolta officiating. Concluding garvtceg at Bai- crest Memorial parity Hraefath Qrlao Baawp Hyacinth Orlne Bandy, ta this ally Aug. 10. in her seventh year. Lata resi dent af 131 N. Winter St. Survived by father Set, William B. Beadr, MeCaorej PlekL WashM gran dp ar eats. Mr. and Mrs. Clement C. Wlemala, saiga; nnelas. t. Clement C. Wlemila. Jr- la Xarea, John A. Wlemala, Salem and Pvt. Janea W lam els, USMG, Aaoounmnt af aarr ices Jatsr fey w. T. Ritdoa Ca. Sagas! Praoklla Balstoa ' Ausuet Pranklla JUUtosk at tha tU denco Rt. g. Salem, August 10. Suirivatf by daughters, Mrs, A. H. Tlltoa, Port Collins. Colo.. Mrs. W. O. OoebeL Blue fpprlng, Missouri. M". J. Jf. Harp. Sa lem, Mrs. J. w. BatML a rata vaiuy, Missouri (sons. Nell Ralston. Dundee, Mich., C. B. Ralaton. also of Dundee, w. a. Raiston. Hermuton. ore., o. h. Ralston, Salem; eksUrs. Mrs. AJteo Kerr, Lamar, Colo Mrs, Mary Lee. Los Ani mas, Colo. Brother, W. D. Ralston, La mar, Colo.; IS grandchildren, S great -grandchildren. Announcement ef services . will bo made later fey the Cloutb-Barrlcfe Company . Ian Aagatta KlageT Emma Augusta Jtluier, Is to ytsMeaO of M Hyde St.. at a local nursing homo Aug. U at the ago f 01. Survived by two daughtere, Mrs. John Davis, Salem, Mrs. Blanche Andrews, Camarilla, Calif.: two grandchildren ana one great grandchild. Member of Rebekah Lode a af Clarlnda, Iowa, alto a member ef Court Street Chrlitlan Church. Salem. An nouncement ef services later fey Howau Zdwards Ce. Baby Bey Batten Bdby Boy Dal ton, infant eon ar Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Dalton. Stavtnni aUtrr. Erma Mildred Dalton, Stayton; grand parents, Ira Dalton, McCorry, Ark., Mra. Cora Jones, Missouri. Announce- ment of eervires will bo mads later br the Howell-Ed war da Co. Bey Harmew Simmons Roy Harmon Simmons. Aug. 14. ta B Aalem hospltsl. Late resident ef Salsa Route 4, Rei 000, at ass 01. Survived by widow. Bertha, Selem; two daughters, ' Mre. Jemee B. Haley and Mrs. Charles Barclay, both of Salem: one sister, Mrs. Alta H. Alvord. Win field. Kan.: twa brothers. Porrest X. Simmons, Eugene, and Delbert r. Simmons, ottrr.au, Minn.i three grandchildren. Punaral services will be held Monday, Aug. IT at l it pa. under direction of W. T. Rlgdon Co., with tha Rev. Cteerge Herb ert Swift officiating. Active pallbearers win be C. W. Paulus, P. D. Qutsenberry, Asel Eoff, Brerman Boise, Felth Brows and Daniel J. Pry. Honorary pallbearers will be Paul Hendricks, James B. Toung, P. O. Mason. Wayne P. Loder, Linn C. Smith. Keith Powell, Charles Hugging and Dr. vera Miller. smns was s member ef the Elks, RoCtilana, Ameri can Lesion, the National Aasoclsttoa af Consumers Finance Co., and a vast pre sident of Small Loan Association et tha State ef Oregon. Interment at .Eetcrest. Dt I f Lam. H O Ot O Chan Si) PRS. CHAN LAM CHl.Nt.SK NATUROPATH! fJpt4atTB. Ml North Lisrtf Of fee open Saturday eery M a.0a. ta I p.au OUT p.m. CotmlUttoa. bleed pret ore and aiine teste are free ef charge Practiced ataea HIT Writs far atuagtrve gift. Be aaoV eeitrTB