Pact 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balm, Orcffea Saturday, Aug-nst 15, 1853 FOR SALI HOUSIS OPEN. HOUSE CANDALARIA HEIGHTS 590 W. LORIDA ONE BLOCK NORTH Or BOICI SATURDAY AND SUNDAY . I Bedroom Full Btiemcnt Large Lot MOV1MO EAST, VIEW ROMS atCST BOLD IMIIDUTIW. pull prics tit tat t, town oa maks oprm WE LOVE OUR HOME at vo eea'i toko vltk at. BUMS, lie. ar. rm. vlth Irple, sttchta and dlnlnt room. tn u veil mW la Hems m dinins tmb and km. lath vita ahewer. p. A. keek full taeomni vita eery aleo Pertr room, leuadrr. aad wrrk ebep. Lola at twtel sad iterate specs aJl ever the koaaa. Mealed M lacd aeitkberbead lata lo Khoal ud Iki city tut ikh rlsbl our doer. Vrr let rard allk lets at flaaaia aad ahrubt. Wa n kapt tba Plato la teed hMiiiu t,hrueui aad at think It It wu kut lor (or tatek Jala an) eonalder tar taamakla altar end trrat. See H annual. Phone a.ein. '' FOR SALE HOUSES BT OWNER- Near U Vlncenta la Hot Irvootl J-bedroom. Urn living room with fireplace, wpinti dining room, modera kitchen and brtakfatl nook. lota of buUUlnt, basement, attached double iiiufc MvtrH niu. M1M 114 T OWNCE EncJawood district" Lori IF 4 iwdraom hem, a aiamaing, autamatla oil furnace, fall baeemtnt. btrdwood floors. fireplace, hue by door. I12.M0. Ph. 21317. NEW HOUR XM CHOICB DISTRICT Livtnt rau dining ft. and kitchen ta natural bircb. Thro bedroom a, tiled both. Daylight baaement bM party room. Ulllili. toilet thawer. OC fur tnd doubl gar. Petit tun duk. im at wuto aaa a. iul alM Vnw HOME.'near school Pint district. 3 betuoomt, basement, deueie a-arete. $14,000. Ph. evenings mil, aw FAIRMOUNT HILL NtM 4 bdrm. bom. Iin living tnd dining rooma, fireplace basement. rait, ftooo. KEIZER Raw I Mm. boat, btrdwood floor , Itrii lot WALTER B. MINIER REALTOIt 104 ft. Cans! tlOTtOMt tOUU Investment Phone 3-M41 - 3-144 all $100 DOWN Btra la a tood atari: Oaa bedroom. Brlat room, kitchen, alao tve bed rooaaa aa4 a kath rout bed la. Oood fouadatloa, tood roof, par oolr an par pnanta. Loealad aorta aal aa altr. DECORATING la all tha kona aaoda ta kt la lint claaa conaltloa. aladora 1-kodroom horn a, laeaMd la popalar aaalawaad . diitrlet, foroad air luraaeo, I alot kodraoaia, roour kath, au arraaaad llrlat reoaa, laraa kttabaa with 111 lot room, attachad faraia. rrlctd kaloa all apprauau. S REALTOR 1955 FaiVgrounds Rd. Ira phoaa IH1 of TTT ilW T OWNIB Oaadalarla l-kadroom. dsubla tarata, larat atuilr. Ill.ttt. 4-tlll. a!14 Swneb Baaatllul I kadroaaa fcoaao. aawaat laatoraa. tortrtd p.Uo. Oata dara aad aranlaaa. ltlt Jamaa at (Ktlatr). alia' SUBURBAN HOUSE I kadraoau, tood alaa Urlat Taoaa, rtplata. kiuhaa. aUUtr toon, kard vood floora, laroad air laraaat. Baa aa vail vltk pub p. Thle ktwaa U atlaehtd ta Ikt tarata. Jaat 1 klaaka to tapar tiarkrt and kua. r-rloa ra taait ta Uaot.M aitk tarau. A Desirable Bargain Thle kaan la all laeatod aad It b t aataral klooka ta aotk araaa and k tahaala. Mortk. But. Tbla llaa ' koaaa kaa a aaatanaat ad laraaoa. Two kodroona, llrlna room. klUnoa, kraakiaat aooa. Mloo lot allk trtM. aomo raaalia aaadad. rrlca la MN.(0 aad torma. AlaAua. BOURLAiro taarnrm tit ataaoau Bulldlat koal Batata-laaaraaoa-aiortaata Loaaa 1-ailT Iraa: 1-47M or 1-Iiat aita $500 DOWN Vtv t-btdrooai homo la 4 dti trlct. HtrdwMd floors 041 htti. Itrto klUhea vita oio.Bi mob. iuii4 llrln room wttb vwtaro win drow. Owatr will ooaatdtr atr at lata aa dawa aaynoat. ruu arirc UM. Ttr? TOMennia atoaiBir MJ- Btt. C. V. KENT & CO. P.T.ALTOKJ mt B. Chore h Phoa. t-KM Brat, aad taadar, km. KIMT I-I1N aiar tkaa down lor r taaiir in a 1-kod-nxna kona 1 raar aid aattlloat aoadl tlon. amall anonlhlr aanaaau. tut aaato ak m. aoioa. a,.- aanaooil oara--cuan. atL tar., loonia loL at Pour Coratra. Phone I-iim. Br Owaor. aitt t-BJBM, 1 katha, U. DR. kit kiuhen. double aarata. 1 klooka Uella hlah. Ph. lotu. all BT OWNF.B Loratr 1-bodroom aoaia Dtad-ond oarod alroot. Llrlna room. dlnlnt room with all-ta-aU tarptl. Kltthtn with oatlnt apaaa. Olllltr room. Peacad-la kack rard. ttltO. Il DleU Are. Phoaa t-Wll. allf Open House SUNDAY 2-5 P. M. New I bedroom home. By owner. 3105 Weit EngUwood Oti.KMLT I.kdremn hooM naar Waahinttoa acMai. Aaklat .. IIM FUAtr Rood. QlW SolxTWodb dUtTiet homo wiib Itrtt llvlni raaoj, iaiu raoa. awnm. largo Vadrama, firtiHaao. baMmtnt. 1 hu wtia ania aaaab tad aoar Itmi block ta but and itort, tdtal lor anmtoo tmplofod la (ho north g-ail a( tho cur. M 000. aalr IM par son lb artr down parnvat at will eeniMtr rar at baltdrag loia. rnaaa g-naa. aiw Foft AL Two thraa-raoa boutM aa larga lo On aai ouit IlaUhod, Ml W. kHdront. o it 4 ftr OWRESVtrr attratUta l-irooai houBdj, chlrkaa houto. tarata. t-arr tract, rnont trtmnu Journal Wont Ads Pay ILAIKirirD ADTtBTMlBB Pn Ward, t llaa lea Pat Ward Pm ni I kaa ....It, Pn Word. I moatk at Na lUrxado Mlalmam It Worda irtntat la Ueal Ntaa Oaraaaa Oalp, Pw Ward " Mlalmam It Worda. Ta Piatt IB karat Day 1 rarxr, rhant 1-taM Bcfart It BJak. roe sale houses Doubla Plumbing Doubla Flrtplte Doubls draft eae...e.a...e--e.eoeo..oe1ea. FOR SALI HOUSIS OPEN HOUSE 2:00 P. M. TO 5:00 P. M. SAT. AND SUN., AT 1425 MARSHALL DR. Just completed, Urge 3-bed-room ranch type home with fireplace, forced air oil heat. Extra large utility room. Large corner lot. Paved at. Restricted district. Co to tcp of Mornlngside hill on S. 12th itreet, turn east on Strong road to Pringle road. Follow signs. You can trade your noma in on this one. REIMANN REAL ESTATE Ml . Bllh airaet LOANS AND INSURANCE Phone J-aiOJ ' il. BT OWNEB aauat aoa to approelale. Oood I bedroom familr noma, apaoloua carpatod Urlat and dlalnt room, twell bltenea, automalla beat, acre, kua br door, aear arhoola, ttore. Prlood rltbt at tl.nt. Tarau. Owner Itarlnt town. Sill Ouaeaa Art. altt IMS LAVONA OFIIf ROUSE. S P.M. TO I P.M. Lortlr S B.B. Ranch Atria home, aalor ad batk kwd. floor., fireplace, piped all fur., locatod an a aulat at. orer look Ins aalom. Will no aold oa lo dowa parmant. Drlra aut Oleaa Creek 114. U II hundred klk, tura left on Vie Dr, ona klk, alM- BAST tAUlt Heunu koiuo, lam lot. loa down parment. Phone S'tlll ore alnte or aundar. allt OFIK HOUSI BUNDAY. AUO. 1ITH S TO S P.M. dial LOWELL BT. . (Brawn DIAT1 euahd bpankin hew att. oaraoe HARDWOOD PLOOBa OIL HEAT INSULATED AMD W5ATHEH BTRIPPKD PAVED STREET t VZRT WELL ARRAINOED YARD HAS YEBY OOOD POSBL BiLrrnui PULL PRICE HIM ONLY I1S0 00 DOWN WAaJIER AND ORYE1I AVATI.ABLB POR 1411 WITH HOUIIE Ala 1BAAK CO. REALTOM , Soil PORTLAND BD. ' PH. 41111 al' FOR SALI LOTS LOTS loo x 100'. Clear Lake dlatrlet. intuira at me clear Late rem, lit. I. Boa Til. Phone 4-1111. aalll LOT WITH altr water, oa oiled at., 1700, oat? torma. mono .MIS. Mr Owner. aallt RIAL ESTATE ONE or TNI nktat euburkan 1 aora hornet only una from cltr n.w. 4 bod rooau, baatmaat. Brerrthln. la tip top aoadltloa. Prult, nuu. tripta, aardtn at 1 amall pond. Youre 'for oolr Itl. ow. About 11.100 win handle. BEVER1N REALTY, CALL Ml elll Chickens! ! Chickens !! Onlr not dowa kura aera plaee with ailra lartt thicken kouea, room lor tavtral thoueand. Oh I Yea, a 1 atdreom homo lor rov. It aeoda a Utile work, but what do fou eapeet lor aalr loot. Near St Vincent nit vlll bur a tood 4-bodroont koma. It lin't new but It kaa plenlr ol tood Urlnt opact and It In aa oelleat tondltloa. Laraa toraor lot with aaaorted Irult treta. Pared at. Ona block to bua. New 3-Bedroom Plntwood Helthu. An oacalloal. aa tluded arllhborhood toaa Iree with thle property. Oood new from lerte plcturt window In llrlna room. Larae dlnlnt room. Lane, well arrented aiicnen wun apart ror enroma aet. Lartt atlllty room with ampio room lor doepfieeao. Ill,lw. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE Phon. S-tlOl 4-1I11 l-UII Ml Baulk Blah Btraet Phoaa Irenlnra and Bundat 4Jll llllt .ail HM TRADE 14 ft. Kroaf Uatlar ba. blreh tariof, alaetria rtfrittratar, water atator. gaa (. la to caa.dU.oa. Want badraat homo. aitbHTbaa ara. larrwl Caah lor th baianca p ta ti.taa. 2 Bedrooms, Northeast LlTina roam, combination kiuhan diolog. Oor 1,000 t. It. floar apaca with attached tarata, aa Mitt IM Bua I blk. Prkt IUW. About 104 LOTS IN BEND tach Mint la lh Pum Park Ad aiuoa. t tau tor aj.w. oood taraa. ON AN ACRE 4 ream a with btth, pood ttrdca tTta, ftmllp arrtrd. Drtll-Nl wU, into at good water. PHA apprataal and aak lat arm, n,400. dfMA tatma. Zwaschka lltl Ortat at. Realtor. Pbaat If' I Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE SodaPa Tarata. Lar.Ir I II kteaa aaaal paara aid. Baa attaiat room, and tarata Owaor matt kart tartar aomo. Trade la S-kadrooaa. t.aat-Ttrme. Pad kaaomaal allk flreplaoo aad eitra room. S-kB iuu U"M ireplaoe. Claaa ta lautloa, I too- aut.rtaa Baas. I ak for the l.mllr. PuU baMmenk i Btadual btat. Lant lot. BaaUr roam far Unas. TRADES - TRADES FOR SMALLER PROPERTY ' Ill.ttt Par tha moat attrwlrrt tap aa a 4-BB tlaaat a hem a. Baatmaat. fireplace. D. room wltk Preach daora U lluatoaa terroco. Coramit ula ta bllckaa aad balk. Lo.elr outdoor -ll.lnt area Include, barbacuo pallor aaponalT. pl.nUaaaTtk acre lot vltk borrlta, Irult da tardaa. B. B. BukurkaaT MM- atra. almtat a.w 1-tR. alcolr arrantod. plaattrad rao.h sstfsi io.T,v:." - lt.Mt-Entlawaod ceaa Cad 4-BR, dauklt plumblnt, larta t. ,Ma WIUl Oraalau it-It alder koaaa ta tha dtp aa a park-Ilka acn af trouad ' with tawduat luraact. D. raaaa. lartt tluboa with Boot' Pull" I ! ul'ioutn! '- "law arts ta maap - OWNER TRANSFERRED I Uk-laW LB, Mnetle. Very aleo kllchoa, metal built. Twt loralf 1-BB rantam alaee ta. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor 191 SOUTH' HIGH Aadr Balrorata ta. II1U A. Walla Brae, and COLBATH OmCE NOW LOCATED IN THE LOBBY OF THE SENATOR HOTEL COME ON IN AND LET US TALK REAL ESTATE 1-BEDROOM, FOR LADY OR COUPLE Raa l-atr tarata la lun kaamt, aprlnkllnt trttom. llr. rov. dm. rm.. kitcnan la real nlet. small lot and low price af lant. CHECK TBIB POB VALUE. BEE CARL, SYS. PH. 411at NEAR LESLIE CLEAN aa NEAT t-kdrm. ktmt oa South Commercial at. LB. DR, kltchaa, laatda uUlltr m.. tarata, tool kaa. THE pbice u reason iZiKfl. wlu' T,l"' Poit some on tjonrr strict. BZB CARL, EVE. PB. 4110 NEW RUSTIC THREE-BEDROOM ROME IB BIADTTPUL BETTINO. IT IB NEW. Fireplace, Iroa Plromaa oil furnace, btrchwood kitchen. Lartt let. Prut will tate small aouaa in tradz or I woo down. NEED ROOM TO HOUSE YOUR CHILDREN? KERB IB YOUB ANSWER Urlnt rm. vlth flreplaoo, larta DR. la lr kltchaa vlth ample dlnlnt apace plua room for laundrr facllitlaa, Ula bath, I bdrm. dn. and I bdrma. plua llnUhod atoreroom up. PuU v cmt. burnt, vlth all pipod furnace, plumbed lor auto, vaaher a drrer. Bedudod flatatoao patla. afanj trace. Oa corner lot ta Ideal la catloa aaar achoola, aorta. BD MBS. OOLESBEE, EVE. PH. 1M1I PICTURESQUE SPACIOUS ENGLEWOOD HOME Lorelp Urlnt room vlth fireplace, Una dlnlnt rm, all-tile bath vltk ranltr. t nloo-alaad bodroomj, wonderful kitchen vlth many hullt lna, acparato nook, lartt dry baamt. with tawduat furnace, attached aaraaa. leneed lot. voll-kept yard. ONLY HS.aoo. TERMS. N. llth St. location. BES MJtS. OOLESBEE, EVE. PH. SSI7I SOMETHING TO HOLLER ABOUT YOU WILL WANT TO SEB THIS BRAND NSW RANCH STYLE HOaSS vlth hdrma., lartt ilrlnt rm, dlnlnt rm., fireplace, oil piped furnace, birch kitchen, lant Book, hdwd. lira., lorely bath, bit utility loom with two entrance, 1-car aarata, corner lot. ONLY S11.IM. EXCELLENT TERMS. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Set Bea Colkalh, Eva. pa. Mill BARGAIN BUY - . la late-built l-bdrm. homo, Urlnt rm. 14H1, dlnlnt rm.. lorely kitchen, hemlock' lloort, oil keat. lnalde utility rm., tarata, larta landacaped lot. ONLY 1710a REDUCED PRICE. OOOD TERMS. BES BIN COLBATH, EVE. PH. UNI, DUPLEX OLDER EtriLSma IN OOOD CONDITIOR Completefr furnlihed. l-bdrm. unit and l-ndrm. unit, earner lot, tarata. Ona block from . Bnrltwood echool. Ineomo 1100 per month. DUE TO ILLNESS, MUST SELL. PRICE 17PM. Term.. Itad down. OOOD INVESTMENT FOR . A LOW DOWN PAYMT. SEE MRS. OOLES1EE, EVE. PH. 15171 POSSIBLE $1000 DOWN BUYS THIS NEW l-bedroom home with lorely Urlnt rm., lino kitchen , vlth oatlns apace, bath vlth ahover, attached tarate. hdwd. fin., nice corner lot In north Salem. Berer bean llred la and tha print It only Matt. ACT NOW, Boa Bta CoiOatU, Bra. Ph. Mill 2 HOMES ON LOT 128x400 WITH CREEK. Nice l-bdrm. homo with hdwd. nrt., lane Urlnt rm, lavely kitchen, tarata, water arattm, atoraaa rm. Nice ont-hdrm. homo with Urlnt rm., bath, larta kitchen. RENT ONE AND LIVS IN THE OTHER. TOTAL PRICE POR BOTH, IMSt. TERMS. (laM down. YOU WONT OO WRONO OB THIS BUY. BEB BEN COL. SATE, EVE. PH. Hill , KING SIZE BUY Ltt'a so tea thlt older kut nicer -badroom komo vltk linns room, dlnlnt room, utility room, hath, kitchen. Lot la 17x101. Double aaraaa and toolhouaa. Total price MtM. Ttrau. Located oa Bellorua atreeu CONVENIENT LOCATION Bua by door moo a bedroom homo vlth hardvood lloort. oil hcati attachad tarata, lot Haw. Only I9M down. Located aa Jl. Mth at. SCENIC 20 ACRES NEAR SALEM Thla beautiful t-bodroom STEEP OABLS HOME vlth dan. fireplace. Una llvlnt rm, dlnlnt rm, bath, ta a lorely atttlnt. berrloe, cber rlaa, valnuta. Many outbulldlnaa In partoet condition, lartt barn, aprlnt. creek. IVb mllea from town. OOTSTABDINO COUNTRY HOME. . IP TOO WANT THE BEST, SEE THIS. BBANSONABLB PRICE. SEB T. T. ANDERSON, SVS. PH. 43111 HOUSE TO TRADE FOR FARM Nice S-year-old two-bedroom homo located In Woat atarton to trade an farm. Prlea 4tot. BES T. T. ABDEBSON, EVE. PH. 41714. 14 ACRES WITH CREEK ' d A. aleo prunea, walauta, ata. t A. timber paeture. Bal. la ault. l-bdrm. oemt-modera alder home, aleo ahada and lawa. All for ItMt. TERMS. SEB T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 41711 STOCK it DAIRY FARMS WE HAVE SEVERAL OOOD STOOR AND DAIRY PARMA WITH TRP.I OATION, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. LET US KNOW YOUB NEEDS. . WE CAN HELP YOU. SEE T. T. ANDERSON POB A PARM. EVE. PH. 41714. Colbath Land Co. REALTORS II COURT ST. MRS. OOLESBEE 11171 ARNDT - VIEW Just completed, thlt modern bonne bat a large llrlat room with fire place, dining roocn, aonvenltat kitohta, bath with tub and ahower, auta- atatie aU batk dale, gar at a I11.MQ. Tarma. Call Mr. .tndertoa 1 ECONOMY & CONVENIENCE Look what IS. 100 win gat ran. Two-bedroom home aa North llth with living room, kitchen and dining area omb., bath, utility room, larta geraae. Might toaildtr trade for l-bedroom home with ileplaca. Call Mr. Keeaa. KINGW00D SPECIAL New home la oieellent diatlct. Two bit bedraava. Urlat room with t1 replace, dining roam, kitehea aad nook, all forced ttr furnace, large lot. dee tbla llaa heme kodar. U.eOO. Tirma. call Mr. Ptrioaa, ONLY $8,750 Wire It a dandr tuburbta btma aa a lane lot, itouth. it bta living room, dining room, kitchen, btth and two bedreenu, terete with titra room aa rear, aleo atUhbarhood. Call Mr. rtraaat. SUBURBAN VARIETY STORE ulVdlnt to a 41, Utea $110 per month for three rtara, with option for five mare. Yea bur the modera eauipmoat for tl.ftOO, plua I n van lor r which la about M 100 at praeant. Call o; wa btrg a complete Uet af tha taulpmaat. Can Mr. Keeat, EAST ENGLEWOOD Thlt la tot af tboee homea rea hart admired la the beaatiral aw Vntlewaad dutrtet. It bta I large badroamt. lavelr living room with fir piece, a kitchen roa will lort. Ult bath, a0 furnace. 110.100. Tarmo. , Call Mr. Andertoa. C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 0M Herth Church1 aea : Aartannn 3-1T44. Keeaa t-MTe, Grabenhorst Specials BOLI.INO LAWN ak OAKS Beautiful aeltlnt ra one acre, claaa In, homo anuttlod la Oaka vaU back from pared road. I bdrma, Hr rm, din. rm.. Ilrepleee. oacelleat oaadltloa Ihruottt, approa. IIM aa. It. 114.100. CALL BOY S. PERRIS. CHARM LOCATION AND CONVENIENCE Spacltua I bdrm. vlth tiled bath far laaltn. aualllr. laa. Ur. rm. with ttreplaca. and keokcaaa, din. rm. vlth kullt-la kwffat. Tiled kltchaa. atlllty ream, attached alntle tarata. Truly a tuaUtr komt vltk krwk Iroat. CALL 4. E. LAW. VNOLEWOtW PTtrTRlcT-Brlek trim. IT. old komt. throe tood tiled bedrooms, llraoaaoe. aaparato dia. rm, roam la oat la klteh.a, Inaida utility room. tatKad lot, Ovaor toao far offer. CALL St. K. LAYMOB. ECltPTIONAL BNOLIWOOO ROMS Clo. ta Bntlawood School. . 4 bdrme, Ur. rm, dlo, rm, a aw. wood interior, dble. pint., park lite eMtlat. lull kaamt . auto-fonad air Lorely tondltloa. Im medleto aaaeealea. tll.WO. CALL BOr S. rtBRIS. BEArrrrPUL TWIN HOME-1 kdrma, I Iliad katht. t Ur. rme, 1 din. arraa. I baeutlful kllaheae I atllllr rooma. Ideal l.famllr home la suburb.. Ser.ral eamblaalloat ol Urlat sualvtrt aeoalNt. CALL 1. B LAW. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS Ml B Liberty SI. Ph. 1.1411 Srenmea and Suadara call 4. E Ut l-tlll Baa P. ma s-MIt B. K. Laraaa 41M . REAL ESTATE PH. l-882 A. B. Baakttt . ph. SoMl . ph. tint Bunder claV DIAL I44M ar Itlal ANDERSON 41714 tltl - 4171 HOME raraaai 1-1 to RIAL ESTATE M&re.. list Y. ? WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WE NEED LlanNOS: Hornet. Parma. Aereatee, Bualnaaaa. 1 Motet Courta, aareraa. wnaa naro year DELUXE HOME IN EAST ENGLEWOOD And believe ut lt't a beautr. Ditnltr tbtt makea It a pleaaure la eome home. immaculatelf tiled bath. TUed kitch en that la aa lnaalratioa ta anp cook. Lovely fireplace. aftutomtUt tpriakle ariem ia inu aarteoua rard with el ratr lawa. The floori art ctrptted with ibt moat beautiful earneu you aver aaw. apacleua 1 car ati. aaraaa. Mute uuiltr room. The price It aalr LIKE NICE THINGS At a prVce pea aaa afford If aa. let us enow rou thle new home tt. Vincent Dlit. Coay fireplace. Delta an furnace. 11 a 11 Uvlna room Ownar tranaferred after enlr living la homo ana month. Fat la. Pull yrltt aaip 11, toe. Ttrma arrtateo. $1000 DOWN Tt'g apotlaaaly tlea. Aim oat fanm poaa. Buhland and t. Vincea; but. Vxtra room aeuld be need far third 'o bedroom. Kiea treat and back rard. inauiatea. aep. uiuitr room. Ail. aar ata. reived drlvawar. tfull prlct aalr 3 BEDROOMS On ana floor. Almost new aad vtrr lean. OH furnace. Fireplace. Iniul- ated. All the tonvenianeat af a lartt beat ret II I enlr priced at I10.MO. Oaner VlU tichtatt for bedroom home. LIKE A EASEMENT? If e& hera't ana ren'U raaUr tajor. Juat Ilka aew. Beautiful oak flaart, lax 11 living room, cute titcnea aaa tain, La. tarase. Xitra, nice oouolt tlttau, Fenced in yard. Thle It a bur lor 111..00. Liberal term. Rentals & Trailer Court 4 modera hauatt plua a modera S b ad ram haute. 14 trailer Italia. Appn. S teret af land. Lou af room for el pa ml on. Owner wUl exehantt for a modern aew noma, run prict tJt.eoa. BOWLING ALLEY And a good ant. t alien. New. The equipment la the fl&tat. Bent on bldi. only 0300 per ma.. Ia a very rich community. Average Income tpprx. tU.000. Full prlct I3I.BM. INCOME $389 PER MO. On thlt almoat new cemant aiaa. Nice corner lot. Oood parking araa In front for cuetoraera. The area la growing. Tbit property wouldn't need a bli of repair for many yra. Full prlea 131.000. Term arranttd. FORCED SALE A brand new homt cloat In north. 110 aq. It. flor apace. 1 bedroomt plu a very modem den. Owner hat la atructlona to change climate Immedi ately. S ecret at land. Prlea draatlcally reduced for quick talt to 110,000., A bargain. CLOSE IN 34 Thlt at ont time wat a trade A dairy and could bt chanted back again to the aama. Very cloat la. Ir ritation rltbU to whole farm. Paved highway. I room duplex. 10 attnchlon tow barn. Lotting an-a. a ear tij. Pull price on $21,710. $1500 DOWN , On thit 1 and Vh acre tract Mod am houae buUt In 1917. Chicken houee. A tood deal of hlthway frontate of oE north. The beat of tou. PuU prlea SUM. Por Bualneaa Opportunity and Homea caU for DAN ISAAK tEre. 4.1M1I er RAY ORIMMETT. (Bra. 1-7171) or MR. KIOOINS. lEra. e ttltl or MR. CRAWPORD. "Ere. 4 aoioi. Por Parma Only caU for MR. LEAVENS. I Eva. I-47III. If no anawer call 4-1211. Licenced Alao In Waah. and Idaho MORTOAOE LOANS ' 10 Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor oil ice fjaonu. w'tuii w i vt. Phonae: I-413&. 4-S4I4, 4-030 4-3S33 or I-TI7I Hit Portltnd Road If no auwer. phone 4-S34I WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTlCEt If your property la for earn, rent ar tschense. Uat It vlth aa We hare aU klnda al aetfc buyera tTATE P1NANCE CO, REALTOBS ill S Hlth at ta WANTro TO LEASE Vacant boUdlnt for tartm, vicinity ol Seltm. Ph. 17154. "IIS. HAVE CASH bum lor btrbtr abop. What heve rout AL ISAAK S OO. REALTOR Kit Portland Rd, Phone 41311 calll T7 POOT TBATLEB houao to trade aa down parment oa a homo up to atooo. 1154 tth St calll" WE ABE IS need ol tood noueea to aell. la ar near Salem. It you vlah te Uat your property lor aale, aea ORABENHORST BROS . REALTORS II. s Liberty Ph 1-1471 ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL ACCEPT up to $10,000 for Salem modern home la good condition. Eait. On Strawberry Farm worth ISS.OOO. Write Box 100 Capital Journal. cblM BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Wholesale Our turvey ahowa thtt ttveral areaa In the Northwest need a prograaalve wholtatlt dlatrlbutor In the hard ware, tportlnt tooda. houaewtrt, ton. electrical line. If you would like to atart In buaineta for youraeif oa a amall In veil men! and atUI have the power af a lartt dlatrlbutor, we otter thle op port unit? to a Qualified man. Taur InveUmctn af 1300 to 14.000 U In merchandut or your choice, we carry your dealer a account. Thla but tneat afftrt a eeund futura with ex- eeptlontl Income. Write to CIRCUIT DISTRIFOTINO CORF , 1141 N. LOM BARD BT, PORTLAND IT. OREOON. 4 UNIT apartment bauaa. Real ar tell 117J N. 4th. cdiM' TBUCK OPERATORS wanted, .experienc ed drivera over 31 with 0300 eath waatesl. ta aarchaaa aew eieeper equipped Ford truck to haul an lot from Ford Motor Company plant at Rieh- tMima Califarnla ta dealari ia Oregon. Washington, and Idaho. Wa furnuh trailer. Steady aweratloa with well etteOjItebed firm. Convoy Company, stOO N. W. Teoa Avenue, Portland it. Oregon. CArrttol 011. adlOt AFABTMFNT houae. eleee ta all achoola, ahopplnt center. lac one $100. Ili.iiO. Phone I-Oaij cdlll rOaf sALB ar trade good going reitaur ant for borne er trailer court. Write box IM, Capital Journal. cdlU JOE PAL00KA THAW WtW tVANTA TALK ABC4T,'r ACCOUNTING. fV ! . E17 LM?,'t) OUT ON IFVA WANT AN J NEVER AK fOS, STOP THAT 0oVlT &&H WmAtT ll 1 iftf ls i i IUSIMESS OfWRTUNITlES I YAVBBR Oataldo af Salaav N. Thla to a meaoy.makar. Plrat time Mlarad tar saw. Baaauaat urlas aaartara. Brorytklat toaa vltk thla eele' t tablna. terem, aaulpmaat. Laeatod aa ceatt Biv.r. 111. too. Tarma II ACRBB-Bualaaat Bldt ,' I knee reatata. trailer Berk.- nt.ta laat laraaa al lav later eat ate. REALTOR . Mil N. Capital Ph. 4-Ml Ere. a-1111 odlll SMALL APABTMENT BOUIE It Itaae to oouple. Oood Ineomo lor rust party, latum Ilea Moaroe Art. cdlle Attention A National Corpora (lea it latereated la the terviat af ambltioua mia or women willing ta aet ta Jobbart af well known productt. Tha work will be af a Mi-viee at tura and aa telUnt wlU be required. Part time only ta tttrt, but txcellent apportunltr to develaa) prwfitabla fall time buiiaeat with aur tula lance. Tou are not required ta buy or letaa equipment of any kind, but 11310 la required lor merchandise Inventory, tame being re fundable on any umo!d portion after trial period. Permanency of residence, good referencea and a ear are aecej gary. Tell ua about yourself. Give pbont number. All replica will be kept confidential. Write Bog 103, Capital Journal. dll4 j BQ'JIFMISVT AND UAH at 4Uver Ptlla Lodta. Call t-iTI7. odlll" GABAQE. IEBVICE STATION. and .TOW CAR SERVICE, loceted la amall tewa, bualneaa aatabllahed tinea 1111, opera tion etatemant for leal ahowa net In eomo In exceaa of Hat price of 114. 000. OHMART a CALASA. REALTORS 477 court St Phoae llllt llllt edlla BUSINESS BENTAL with Urlnt ouar- tera. H. Capital. 1-1104 after I la. cdltl BUSINESS & INCOME GIFT STORE. Olttt of klnda, myrtle- wood, redwood. Juniper, etc. 100 ft. oa Hy. HE Bo. vlth 1 room huntelov. Nice yard, shruba, etc. Alao tood veil. Mutt aacriflee. Bear vork. Oood profit Nlea tor couple. HIWAY OIPT SHOP, selem on ME. Rt. 4. Box lit. celtl FURNITURE FOR SALE M O V I N O Mahotany bedroom art chrome kitchen aet, Thor vaahlnt ma chlne. Call 1-aMl. din LEA VINO TOWN Complete houaehold furnlturt for tale, lott Carlton war. dltl WANTED FURNITURE kill. I .U . I Rail- J 2s Kit FOR SALE LIVESTOCK NICE SPOTTED Shetland pony. 3-year-old. Terma If you'rt tredlt It good. 4-1B04. 0191 UORIE 1 -rear-old flllr. Saddle horae. Oentle. 3S17 State Bt. el4 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEP White faee Jereford, 34c Locker pork 45c Nothing down, I mot. to pay Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co, U3I S 35th. Ph Mi to RABBITS A YOUNG BUCR, $0; brad doe. IS and 13-M- Alto Prrert. John Horiaeh. firat houae eat of Shaw church. cbigt DOES AND Bucaa, California atra in. Oood clean atock. 4410 Clatter Rd. eb30T PETS PARAKEET tablaa end breeder. Ills Uv lna, ton. Ph. 1-1141. OC1I4 CHAMPION BBED BOXER PUPPlta. er- err pup potential champion. Moore Tropical Plan. Parakeet.. Turtles, aup pllea. 1 mllea from Lancaater on Macloar road. 4-1771. Cloeed Wednea day aclll" SAY1 Theaa ara nice, slamaea klttena with deep blue eyea. Phona 1-0831. eclM" BEOISTERED alrdala pupplee. Ideal chlld'e pet. hunter or watch dot. Phone 1-0011. eel N. Ilnd ecltl HOLLTWOOD-Al'AEIt'M ltil McCoy, one block eael of N. Capitol. It, blocka north of MadUon. Ph. 1-U07. eclM" FUEL August Special Planer ende - treen or dry . l-eord load, lit. Out of town dellTrrlea. WEST SALEM FUEL CO. HIS Ediewater. Ph. 1-4031 eel" BAND PICBEO It" alabwood. 1 corda lit Phona Andaraon, I-77M, o-4l. 194 FOR SALE POULTRY WB ABE batching New Hampshire OoM en Broad and Arbor Acrea Wnlta Rock, every week. Special price to year around fryer growera. Fox's Hatchery, 3030 fit ate St. Phone 3-4969. t NEW HAMPSHIRE pullet. month old. Very nice bird. Mra. H. B. Nlb bier, Oervalt. Tth and O at Prim row stan. fl9t WRITS CORNISH Otmt Chkka, C altimed the true fryer of tomorrow, aow available te commercial fryer -growers. Processor! pay premium price for thla broad double -br aaa led fryer. Quantlttei limited tnd If un available, try tha next beat, our first generation Arbor Acre White Rocka., Tear-round batchea every Tharaday. Also. New Ham whirr. LEE'S HATCHERY tilt Center street Ph. 1-1H1 flit" PRODUCE POB tALB Ortrenatetn epplat II. 71 bothal and Itta. Ph. 1-ltll. Illlf YELLOW MATED cantaloupe from Yek !me Veller. Aleo freah ttaea torn. Oreea Apple Market I mllel north on Mt. ! MODUCI ATTKNTION PROOt'CI Prtlt Orew ara. Peach, and toast toe lute 11 lb. eanaeitr. Par tale, at each at aut yard. Ulll Oak street, ParUaad It, OTag. Tel. KAat totT. Coma la aad vlalt Why don't rout H. J. Eaowiaa. ffioo PEACHES Polka, theaa aVlleleua tree-rtpeaed Imprered Crawford, and Oaldaa Jua tleaa en aev ready al Jeaa Matbla orcherd and Irult atand. t mllea north af Salem oa MI hlthway. fflee MOST VABIETY of aeachea la eaaeea. Worm Iroa OTereaelotu. 1 Ik mUe from kruuo aa Wallace Bd. L. E. Wendt. trower. ( ffllt PEACBES U-plek. Brim container. Sc pound, ttlt Plahor Bd. Sunday. Men day. tllll BALED alta leacue auav (hayl, haarUy fertuiaad. lellaae oneo, excellent eual. Itr. lit per ton In field, lit mllea oouth Prlnale echeoL Bettletrtok rd. Prank McKeaaoa. Phono Salem 4-lior. ffltl MEBAMA OABDENS opona Prldar, Aut. 14. leaturlne bom.-crown eerreta. vaz btana. aev rod apuda. oroecoit, fceete. Alao plckllne eukeai Iree dlU vlth erdera. lb mt W, Manama en old klway lflI7 ORAVENSTEIN APPLEE II II a kuahal. Phono l-dllt. urn PICKUNO CUBE! Ireah dally from our farm field run oa pound, troenioeur srewa notatoea, red or vhlta. Paarhea new on market. Phllllna Broa. Perm Marbtk Hit PorUand Bd., Salem Phone lltll. ff HELP WANTED MEN AND WOMEN to work on our hop- plcklng machine. Starting Autust 17, Dar and niaht work. Located mllea north ec tSaiam on the River road. Call fltlem 4-133. or 4-1333. MlMlon Bottom Harvcutcr. g r.AN P1CKISS wanted. Phone 31315. Fred Melnt. Rt. 0, Boi 111. tltl' rT COOK wanted, paedway Restau rant. 1170 Center St. t BEAN PICKERS Register now for picking, to aew yard of trelllaed beana. Starting about Aut. 30. WaUh thle apace for eiaet starting date. Oood camp, wood, lights and ctblnt or tent houaea. Dally bua aervlce from Stlem. But rorte to be publlahed toon In. thla paper. Write D. P. McCarthy Son, Rt, 3. Box 133. Salem, Oregon, ar drive aut 0 miles on South River road or S mllea aaat af Independence. This la one of the val ley'a better yards and camp. D. P. Mc Carthy ft Son. Rt. 3a Boa 133, Salem, Oregon. Phona BldeDendenea 1P3. gl7 HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMATIC HEATING aervlet man. Steady work with good chance for ad vancement. Experience required. Salem Netting frheet Metal Co. Phone dara 3-t!&. evfnlnta 4-1431. gelto- HELP WANTED FEMALE BABY SITTER. Permanent. 0 day week. Phone 3-8635 after 0:00 p. m. WANTED Registered nurtea. Oenertl duty la amall general hospital tttrt lnt at 34ft with semi-annual inoreaa ea plus 1 meal per day and hospital In surance. Apply te Mrs. Oladya Rcn ahaw, SUverton HoipltaL fillverton, Oreton. giving experience and refer ence in first lttter, or la person. 10 a.m. to i p.m. week aayt. tois' WANTED Lady for homework and child care. Live la. Permanent. Phone 1-0007. gblOl WANTED Olrl for atock control Clark ana irami oiiice wore. ,o u. oo lem Auto Peru, Kt N. Libert), abllt" LADY TO CARE for 1 email children Vicinity of 1140 No. llth. Phono 491 after t. Ibiat1 PAST TIME laat trplat and calculator operator. Reply Box 111 capltel Jour, nal. tbll WANTED POSITIONS WANTED Oarden 'vork br tha dar. Phona 1-7318 erenlnta. hl!7 PAINTING Interior, exterior. Mcclain and Golden. Fnone 3-1333 ar 1-3119. hill HOUSE PLANS, Draftlnt. 411 Canter St et Hlth. Phono 1-0830. hlt4 BOTOTlCuNO Middle Orova Nuraerr, 4t SUverton Rd. Phono 4-4831. h" YOU NEED your kitchen, bethroom, cell, lnca end vella waah ad 7 Alao your win dowa? Call 4-1114. . h308 LICENSED DAY NURSERY Phone 3-8031. EepeeleUy for lefente and I yrara. niov CABPENTEB and repair vork vented. Ph. 31159. hlH' BELMBLE BABY SITTER WUl SO dan or nlehta. Phona S-998t hlOO1 CHILD CARE In my home. Entlevood dlatrlet, br hour, dar or veak. Call 1-1413. bill CHILD CARE Entlewood dlatrlet. 1000 N. llth. Mra. BerUa Johnaon, I-Bltl. h!94 PAINTING, PAPER hentlnt, day or contract amau lobe velcomo. Phone 1-7191. M071 EXPERIENCED typkrt-bookkeeper. vork Irom my home roaaonable. Phono M33I. MM UGHT CRAWLER doalnt. dirt lercl int. tradlnt. Phone 3-1330. h207 PAPER BANGING, palntlnt. Pree ea tlmattt. Don Luctro. Ph. t&133. h207 will bart alt at your koma anp time. Phone 48431. kill LA' N MOWERS, SCISSORS, dipper heeda. etc, aherpened. Oeneral Mo tor Repair. Ill oerth. phone l-int. h309 LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller vork. Berrlce Center. Phone 4-1173. h" EDUCATION MRS. FRANKLIN WARD, teacher af piano. Special era p ha Is on keyboard harmony. 1 one-half hour lessona or 1 one-hour leson per week. 1091 W. Nob Hill St. Phnne 2-75. hhing- FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE Inqul a at 109 S Blgh Phono 1-4114. ) POR RENT OR LEASE Hall suitable tor church, lodxe or what have you. Im mediate poueailon. Rent only $7 per month. Al I auk, Realtor, ph. 4-3311. 1194" LARGE warehouse apaca for rent ar lease cement floors, brick buiWini Dowa town Inquire R L Stiff Fur aiturece- Phone 3-9 IIS j DOWNTOWN FAR KINO by month?Mar ion Feed and Seed Co., 13$ Perry M. Phona 3-Qg$. jut FOR LEA a 160 to 300 fett frontage en Ediewater SL. West Salem, Ira J Flit, ph SB403 ) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO LEASE with Option to buy, two er three-bedroom heme, by Bert, nth. Lore tlon west er touth Salem. Phone 3-Kf)7l morn men. )a)t4 FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE BUOM cloae te atate kulldlnae. alt N. Winter. jkiot" ATTRACTIVE ROOM Kitchen prlrtleteT Elderly or vorklnt lady. Phono 1-7131. JUI4" SLtrPlSQ ROOM, for 1 or 1. 71N Churtrh. Phone 1-4111. Ikltfr" FOR RENT ROOMS ATYBACTITB room, private home Ota. turn. a. Ml B. Summer St, phone l-liae. iklM FOR RENT HOUSIS LEIUB MaBDtLEY dlatrlet Bmatl aeey kerne, furalaned. AduJta. tot. Phoaa 1-lltl. - ImlM rNPrBNlSBEB houae, I kedreeau. at month, not Poruead Bd. S-Ull. rmiM MAPS New ertr maaa thowrat by-paaa bight way available at pour favarlto book ttore. Look for Relcoa Maaa, JmbM SMALL PVRNIitTtD house, tutUble for aaa ar twe. 1010 ted 0L, Waal SaUm. l-BKQSOOM alder trae lwnta. Phona 3UU. SIM Fairtraoadt M. Jmiot NEWLT DECORATED 1 bedroom heme, extra room la baatmaat. Ul M, Owena St. Phone S-1341. jmlt l-BEDBOOM aleta modem hetut oa but line, SU S, lima avt. JmlM SMALL unfurnUhed 1 -bed room borne, nice yard and patla. Bat. location, within walking dlatenee af atate house. Refrit. and atari fura. Phono Svl4i. JmlM LARGE 0 room house. 431 Union St. m. Phone 3 -4MI. jmltH ROOM ROU BE, oil furnaoe, flrapltee. b aiemcnt. Adults. 1337 H. 4th. Jm 104 large 3 - bed r rom-house, close to down - town ahopplnt area. CaU 1-4114. jmltT CLEAN, OLDER I bedroom home, aaw dust heat. 109 per month. Rawllna Rea Itr, 1060 N. Capitol. 4-1T1. Im' rCRNURED I room 'duplex, o&o. Sot at 140 Unlveralty St. Phono 1-4101. lmis aARGE S-ROOM houae with Utility room oil circulator. Caavaaleat abap ping. Ph. -4a. imiot FOR RENT OR LEASE Beautiful S bedroom heme with lovely view In. Candalarla Height. Completely furnlehed. REIMANN REAL XBTAT1 PHONE 1-0303 jmltl- S BEDROOM parUy furnlahed. Elderly or working couple, ippp Mann Ave. 4 Corner. Ph. 41SS3. JmllB FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN APT. I rooma aad kath, adults. Call 17171 mornlnt. Sj,in BEAtrrirCL t BOOMS and kath, tartly lurnlahed. Autematlt vaahar. Ph. lllll lilt Palrtrounda Rd. ipleS 4-ROOM MODERN. Electric rami, ra in, erator, vaur, neat rurntanad. tat. liao So. Commercial after t p. m. Ph. altil. Jpll4 ABE YOU LOOKING for a rorp attraa- tlvt eourt apartment lnalde and eulf 1 bedroom, both, Urlnt room, kltchaa. ttore. refrllerator. Call llllt or aeo at lit so. 17th and Mill. It-la," S-ROOM furnlahed apartment prlratt oain neat. Hciristrator. eat s. Hith. Iplll ATTRACTIVE I rooma., AU utlUtlat. Cloaa in. Beeaonahle. 174 B. Church. Inquire In reer 170. !plt7 VERY CLEAN, nicely furnUhed. 1-room apt, aU utllltlea furnlahed. IH. Weat Salem. Purnlahed l-bedroom heuae. Weat Salem. I. 1111 Sdttvater, l-liot erea. l-lt. Jplll CHEAP BENT, redecorated apartment Wood ranta. Oraund floor. Ph, 8tl.. lpl. DOWNTOWN ut floor. I room, btth, private entrance, tw Center St 1HM" MODEBN NICELY lurnlahed 1 room apartment. Private entrance. Olrla preferred. 43a N. Winter. Iplll S ROOM apartment. Private bath. Adulta. 788 N. Liberty. Ph. 11817. lolM CLOSE IN, to aulat people, t room fur nlebed apartment on second floor. Bleeplns room, let floor. Separate en trance. 888 NO. Cottatt. lpl8t t BOOM unfurnished. Sloe, tteve, rtfrl terator auto, vaahtr, tarata, 17108, A.M. 1P181" CLEAN 1 BOOM furnUhed apartment Private bath and entrance. 1111 N. Winter. - Iplet COCBT APABTMENT. Cloae la OB N. Commercial. 1 rooms sad strata. Ph. Stall er ItSIt ' 1P1I8" ATTRACnVE UNFURNISHED APTS. 1 rooma and bath (auto. oU keet Barbara and vater lurnlahed) - I4t and tat a month. CaU 1-llat. Jpllt" 1 ROOM lurnlahed apt ttl H. Liberty St. JPlll" NICELY FURNISHED baaament ntlll tiea. Prirete beta aad rafrlstrater. 430 80. 10th. Iplll NEAT S-ROOM turn, opt, eonreslcnott, rfaaonable. One or two ladlea. 478 N. Capitol. After noon. Ipltt EXTRA NICE, lene, clean, modern, 1 room on tround floor. Partly fur nlahed. 1011 Ediiwattr, Witt Stlem. JPlll" S-BOOM furnlahed apt, private bath. Utllltlea. Cloae In. 141 Marlon. Jpllt MODEEN UNPCRNlSnED 4-roora, 1 bed" room apartment 1111 So. 13th. Ipltte Nl ELY yuENISBID 1-room opt, p riv al, bath, cloae In, SN B. Commercial, Jplt4' NICELY rURNHBED apartmenU; Am. beaaador Aptt lot Ba Summer Ip CLEAN, SMALL, lurnlahed apartment Dovnttetra. Por employed lady. 15t So. Cottate. Jpllt flsSlSHrD apartment Clean. 411 Del lea at SJO.ot per month. CaU 1-3414. IS1I7 tEVEBAL lurnlahed apartmenta, tood tocetloa. Inquln B- L. Btlil furniture. Phone 1-1115 lr BUSINESS RENTALS store or orrict srscE in aaa baiid Int. 114 So. llth. 1-8111. loltT BUILDING IN HoUrvood, approximately 90 ao. feet 880 a month. Call Raw Una Realty, 1-I86t or 4-1711. Jo BrtXDiNO-tobTbent at Ills-so. com. merclel. Pine locatloa lor dentlat er doctor. Ph. 1-1477. JolM OBOUND PLOOB office er atore apace for rent, call al Pitta Market Jo LOST & FOUND LOST SCO IT PACK, aleeping bat. Jam bore jacket, Camp Pioneer. Autust 8th. Phone 3-5831, klOi LOST Brown letther billfold at Oltrt- rer. fforma cdward. soot Market. P 3041 kitt" MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS O-DRIYB MOVE YOURBKLP SAVE H CAR RENTALS STAKES . VANS TEXACO STATION tie flrniDT ar .Hnw. ...... "AOS STEVENSON and AL MSPPORD IALEM BAND QRAVBL COMPANY vontraca work Boad Cleerlut Ouchtkt Sewer and Baaament Equipment Rental Oltchlnt by tha Poet Phona Dan 144M Eva, 1.4417 or I-141S nil em. Oreton SALE OB TRADE lor Uta modal pickup. . w miwrei c-nineamea. vlth or vtlhout yount. Bos Itl, Capital Jour " mill By Ham Fisher