Saturday. Anztut 15, 19SS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. S-km. OrtgM Pit IS i I . M ayes Pitching mbine Best National ew York WT When the baseball' season got un- ay.'it was believed the adelphia Phillies would Set the top pitching trio In I National league Robin lerts. Curt Simmons and fl Drews. tut with the campaign past i two-thirds mark, the Mil ikee Braves' threesome of Jren Spahn, Max Surkont Lew Burdette has a better bined record than any oth r three pitchers on one club li he senior circuit flpahn's slate is 15-3, Sur xtt's is 11-5 and Burdette has 10 , for an aggregate of 36 ' tories and 12 defeats and a T.t,4 average. 1st the American league, the MW York Yankee trio of Whl tey Ford (14-4), Ed Lopat (12 3) nd Allie Reynolds (10-5) hav the best combined mark Of .766 (36-11). 49ers Release Tom Novikoff San Francisco VP) The San Francisco 49ers Thursday an nounced the release of rookie sity of Oregon fullback who came into training camp with! an Injured ankle that got no - : pcuer. , W , lum, younger orouier ok I cae-time major league and Pacific Coast league baseball player Lou Novikoff, was a football star at Los Angeles City college In 1949 and 1950. : CBUly Wells, Michigan State's tee senior right halfback, gain ed an average of over six yards very time he carried the ball at a sophomore and a junior. Serine Led C Hitters; Johnson By PAUL HARVEY HI Tom Serine captured the C" league batting title with a .727 average after leading the league all season. Serine, a Legion Post 136 hurler, came to the plate 11 timea and got eight hits. In the pitching department Cliff Johnson of the West Sa lem Lions came through with five wins and no defeats to lead. Dale- Wulf, also a West Salem hurler, had two wins and no losses to finish second. The other top "C" league hitters were Loren Blaco of Dickson's Market, Kelley and Reiman of the Legion nine, Lammcrs of the Lions, Seeger of Dickson's, and Hawley of "C LSAdJt Plater At Te.m: Johnion. West BaJem Lion. .... Wull. Well Salem Lion. Bine Dlcluon'a Market Serine. Lesion Poll 134 Ch.ppelle, Jackeon Jeweler. Beveu. Leilon Poet 130 Hflrnu, Pour Cornera Oll&eruon, Ber.'. KeUer Market Dillman. Slelnke'. D. Osko, Slftnke. Larton, Four Corner. Harvey, Dkkaon. M.rket Shtrac. Pour cornere O. Osko, atelnke'i Robinoon. etelnke'a alelio. atelnke. Turner. Orcn.rd Hetiht. Totals "C" LEAUI'S Tfsm: Jackson Jewelers .. Le.lon Post 131 ... West s.tlem Lion. . Dickson's Market . Btj's Kelser Msr: Slclnke's Pour Corners Orchard Hel.hta ,. Total. "" IF At!!' BATTING esrasen Jewelers Plsyer: AB . 14 . 1 Sillier 1 .400 B Oriel Plaus Brunkal 1 .too 1 .tin t .313 I .33j I J3 1 Orntskov .... Keeker Cross , 11 II li 13 14 1 I I 4 4 113 Osrrett K. Cn.ppell. .... T Oriel .311 1 .111 .314 .000 .0!t .000 .000 .000 wsiery S-iler Neubcreer .... Bsra .000 Tol.l ..Ill 4S 41 33l.Vr.tsl . Doubles' n. K. Wruoercfr. rrunksl. Triplet: Brunkal, Horn- Kltus. Ft. .757 i'.l Srt AB . 11 Vrim K-:n, 1. mti, . 14 . 11 8 oloMt . .MA .400 e fhrnoa "ni P-rtt , Wood 1 nt I .19 f .2i)fl i : i 1 .!" t rW3 400 Hvitr ton . Rra AUfa Helicopter Wins Hambletonian by Harry Harvey, wins the ItSS rannlng of the Hamble tonian at Goshen, N. Y. Helicopter, wh wea the second heat, came on to win the third la a driving finish. Kimber ly Kid (right) wis second. Horses la back art nldentlfied. (AP Wirephoto.) Laslarza Determined Tc Down Marciano By OSCAR FRALEY New York (U.B Fearless Fra-' ley's facts and figures: Roland LaStarza is bitter and anxious for revenge against heavyweight champion Rocky Marciano in their title fight Sept. 4, but he-isn't letting his feelings give him any foolish ideas. Rollie's animosity stems from a close decision he lost to Mar ciano three and a half years ago, and the latter's failure to live up to a return bout agree ment. . "They don't have to tell me to get mad for this one," La Starza says, "but I'm not say ing that I'll be a tiger. That's not my nature. But I will fight with one purpose, to win. I'll do it boxing and punching and if I get a chance to knock him out, I'll take it." ... But it is clear he'll settle for a decision. . . . Kelly Lumber PjQys Timber Nf rUCtllTf&S - Mill City Kelly Lumber company of Mill City travels to Portland Sunday for a soft ball game with Timber Struc tures. It wil be the sixth game in eight days for the Mill City team, managed by Al Zuber. Kelly Lumber is entered in the state softball tournament which opens on Allen field in Mill City August 22. Topped Berg's Keizer Market. All batted above the .500 mark. Blaco led the sluggers as he pounded out three homers, a triple, and two doubles. Jack- son Jewelers led the eight teams in batting at a .336 clip. The Legion Post was second with a .326 average, and West Salem was third at .324. The Jewelers had six regu lars hitting above the .300 mark. All came to the plate more than 10 times. Jackson's Chappelle led the hurlers In strike-outs with 45, but Harms of Four Corners was close be hind with 44. Harms showed the best control in the league with only seven walks in seven games. ' pitchino w . Pel. 1.000 1.000 .133 .134 .lit .441 .000 .314 .ISO .000 .000 .000 BB It 1 1 ii it 4 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 3 I i I I I Oil .104 134 111 38 HP. TF.AM BATTINO Pit, .111 . .134 .314 t .111 .111 .104 .100 ...1041 304 391 .III 11 11 Br.nnon I I 4 .000 McC.Iferr I I t .000 H PrtJjIPP 1 I 0 .000 Rltrhey 1 0 t .000 Chrtstenson 4 oot j Totals 133 43 It .3:1 Doubles: Pulton, r.' nan. Rsrnee. Trl- pies: Bsrnas. Fartce. Bertne, Kelley, Brown. i West Ilka Liens : Player: I.einRlcre I.... Wulf i lohnseo ; Berber Luke w. AB R . 11 1 . 11 I . II I . I I H Pet. t .Sit . It II .si. Burni3t It I 4 .15!,TO!le j Heller ::::::::: .......... 17 Srlrss .231 I jCOIIff . MS I Thorn si Offlg Lor J. tVnl ... Wh1t?rtnfJt 'U Ocbi ... Tat -It .o ,1 ) 1 334 Double: lmmm 1 Burnldt, CcUt, Trtpiu: Johiwon 9. Wulf. Homcrf; L.-. mri. DlrhMn'i Mirk! Pitrfr: niica ... r. p-m 1 ir.fl4 frn Ueffnia AB . 1 H Pft. t MO I .SCO 1 I .in : Jll IF m Hall copter (left), drives Gonsalves and Davis Schedule Oakland Fight Oakland U. Two of the nation's leading lightweight title contenders, Johnny Gon salves and Henry Davis, will fight 10-round bout in the Oakland Auditorium Sept. 9. The two men signed for the bout yesterday. I.t will be na tionally televised. They have fought three times before, Davis winning twice and Gonsalves once. Portland Considers Sports Center Bonds Portland W) Two proposals for multimillion dollar proj ects were discussed before the Portland city council Friday. A council advisory commit tee recommended that a spe cial election be called on an eight million dollar bond issue to finance a sports center. Thq city dock commission urged a five-year levy to raise $15 million for dock improve ments. . lit TO SWIM St. Helens (U.n At least 112 swimmers will be on tap for the St. Helens Invitational swimming meet tomorrow, Herb Eisenschmldt, meet di - rector, said today. sice XwlBt the Vnllti sutes, mere . . . traveling under gov Th. l.t. joh. n p,i,.w 1 ... and the Harlem Globetrot-, "nmf n Protection through i K.opin,., ... ler, sr., who was one of the richest men in the world, start- ed work at $3.50 a week. Pitchers I n.,rrtM hVtY't "''J, stonebrink' 11 14 n i it s t 4 10 1 11 4 ; 'm I .100 timbie : Woolrlde. B. aeeeer Duncan I Pace i Roiebrauch l t .000 4 .000 Total 133 II 3! .313 Doublet: Blaco 3, Lareent. Harruion. Hoffman. Triple.: Hoffman 3, B.rn.. BImo. Homers: Blaco 1. , Player: Hawley Oene Oltberti.n ..... flonderm.n Cow.n Mor.. Jerkeoh Penrod Karn Mentoo. Hadley Hood Gary Otlbertton ..... Roher Oroat AB R R Pet. li I I .131 II 4 I .Itt li I I .too 11 I I .153 11 I 4 .333 11 1 I .111 It I 1 ,1M It 1 1 .143 4 10 .000 i 4 4 .000 111 .000 1 14 .000 4 14 .000 I I I .000 Totals Doubles: oent oiiberuon i. Hawiey. li Triples: Morse I. Hswley, Karn. Homcra: 4 ! Otlberuoa 1. Cow.n, H.wley. 1 ftterake's Player: Hale Robinson .. w. Stewart Jaeobson Melln O Oak ... Even. Peller Atelnke .... Sheldon ... AB R 11 Pet. I 1 I 1 1.000, IS 4 4 .411 111 .431 til .333 It I I 100 1 t i 1 .no 4 1 I .150 13 I I .311 It 1 I .204 I 1 I .111 II I I .111 II I 4 OOO I t 1 4 .out 4 I 0 .004' 1 4 4 .000 1 5 4 4 .000 I 4 4 .000' lit oot; 8. Stewart iDallman ... ; McKlnnon . Robins D. Osko ... Klnt Belts Thompson Totals Doublet: Melln. Robinson. Pear Corners Player; AB H lct. .&O0 Harm. Rrunk .. Chanter Oordon , .444 Aeerud. Laytoa , Rack ... Lahr ... Prock .., B. Lent OUttrap Shlrae ., NIchalMP, Turner .. t3Kleen .., ttt i p.ickm.n 311 IT. Lant . llTii,iiul Doubles: Hsrme 1. Triples: Bhlrtl. Orehari tIMf feU ab r a prt Plftyer: Ooertwa Turnfr BMhrntr BtchtHtr Limbavif h HUl K. Foj4nrtc'it ... OrltMoft OUoa B4M Hrrmm rtnioa F.trM i mi s .in .ooo, B. rubnrtCl ... Qutrry T.ri Turn.", '.' 42 Doub! nrvrltet 3, Turner S. Trl- plea: Ootrltta. Young Led B league in Hitting With .588 Mark By FACL HARVEY III Jim Yoaar aad Johnny Fredericks led the "B" League la hlttiag and pitching at the end of the aeasoa. Yeang Bishop, Electric outfielder, batted at a .511 clip U aose at Ryrlng and Campbell of Bishop Electric and Jones of Salem Laundry by .MS points. Orchard Height's John Gar ner led the league In hitting most of the season at around the .700 mark but dropped down to a .455 average, which is good In any league. Fredericks, the leader all summer, ended up with a per fect record of six wins and no lours to lead Salem Laundry to the league title. Only two other pitchers, Michaelis and Durham of Bishop Electric had 1.000 averages. Both had one win. The leadership in pitcher's strikeouts was close with Get tis of Truax Oil the winner with 47. Cobb of Warner Mo Uptons P!.?.r Tam: Tdrlekl, fcaleae Laundrf . ., saicnaeus, Bisnoa Electrl. .., Durham. Elthop Ilclli. ..... Cobb, W.rn.r Motor. oettla, TTU.K OU , Milt, Ben'. aterkst , Baser, Orchard H.lihu Serin. Bishop Eloetrl. , K.pplnt.r. Truiix Oil Bredkhl. orchtrd .... Barr. b.i.i Laundry Merchant, VUta U.rchajau .. Jeffrlci. Pour Corner. ....... Pirrpotnt. Pour Corner. Baker. Pour Corner. ......... Benuon. Truax Oil Relu. EUhop Electric B.rllelt, Ben'. U.rket PelteUon, fieri'. Market .... Merk. Ben'. Market Roblnton, Ben'e Market ..... Morley. Warner Motor. , Parker, Truax Oil Pemble, Ben'a aterket Elliott. Bere'a Market J. PUke. Pour Corner. Eario. Pour Corner. ........ TOUU Team: . AB R Ft Pel, Buhop Dectrle ill 14 44 .344 Orchsrd H.ixht. 143 11 41 .741 S.lem Leundrv 143 4i 44 .111 w.rnar alotor. m oo 43 .33i Truax Oil , no SI T1 .3H VUta Merehanta ISO If If .111 Brn'. Market i M it .ill Pour Cornera m IJ - It .ill Total. , n:4 111 J! Globetrotters 'Good Will Amabssadors' of America Rome, Italy Twelve coun- ; tries, JO cities and 60 games koh ine nanem u 10 octroi- ter, are hitting the back-streUh! . .... ... klltln. Ik. .(....I. Uf ,r.T"; J, fc . i Z. pean tour. Ahead looms 24 weeks more of entertaining the enthusias- Ul uuu. u. miuue .... ond time around in Germany and Italy; first-time appear ances in history in Vienna, Austria, and Copenhagen, Den mark; a final appearance in Paris on August 19 to close out the most successful tour of them all then back to the; vim Pon. A rnea I United Sfatpa- via Pan. Amort. i ,oo 'can on August 20 to open a ten i .on I day tour of the nation's base 4 !ooo I hall parks before taking a well 4 .ooo deserved vacation, o !oooi For the ten Globetrotters, nine U. S. Stars who have op posed them in many of the cities, the vaudeville unit of ten people- and the ten-man staff (executives, stage hands, prop men, coaches, publicity staff and owner Abe Saper stein) ... an overall party of on . . . me past montn nas oeen filled with never - to - be - forgot - ten 1UI.IUCIIIS. Like ... stein ... in fabulous Venice, which ended at dawn with the' ,i ... . . ..113 It 3t 113lc""r? P"" our ma- i tlonal Anlhcm as the sun came up over the Adriatic . star - tling hotel guests who could only murmur "crazy Ameri- cans." The week's tour of Spain, a ... , j . i , , ,, ru Uflcuiciii LTUllli All games played In oca bun!,porU ,, , grMt cornmbn oe. rings, starting at MIDNIGHT; nominator . . . thrilling the . . . siesta time from 12-4 p.m. athletes every night . . Span . . . cheap prices everywhere ish ,onorit(1, vari-colorcd . . . Abe Saperstein getting a ,arb . . . Italian fishermen in shave, haircut, shampoo, mani-1 their pea-jackets . . . Greek cure and shine at Barecllona policemen in their flowing for $1.25. American and tourjwhite skirts . . . Arabian wo- itt aoa .lt , . . . " '- !ZjDing a quick shave and lotion .111 11 II .111! massage In Alicante for ... be - lieve it or not . . . three pesetas (or 7V4 cents American) . . . sell-out crowds everywhere, demanding encore after encore i Ms OI lne wety -ct ana grving i .too 'the Trotters tremendous recep- jjtions . . . 20,000 in Madrid at; l .'in I midnight to see the Trotters J J", after a 8 p.m. bull fight had i ;m filled the arena, too . . . play-j i .iwjers taking hour-lnng taxicab J S2J tours of the cities, because of : :ss horurV(2 cent1' per,on 'A Post graduate course. In! .geography by Way Of the Har- lem Globetrotlert' School of (Applied Science: Stopping thej i .too pus In the mountains of south- '"fy are ine iroui i iiiiern Spain to pick pomegranates ' Story and "Pheasant. Ga J -i I from trees along the road . . .jlore.". Retting off the train along the! Italian Riviera to nick olives and apricots from trees along' the tracks . . . swimming in the JSlAdriatic. the Mediterranean.! .too me Bay of Biscay, Lake Gene - !:va . . . gandering the Bikinis . on the beaches long inc. French Bivier. J . . . ... received by Prince Ranicr III tors had 46 and Fredericks was third with 45. Genii also showed food control with IS walks. Bishop Electric walked oft with the team hitting honors by batting at a fine .346 clip. They were the only "B" League hit in the charmed .300 class. The Electric nlre also led in extra base blows as they pounded out eight doubles, four triple!, and two homers. Bishop's also led in runs scored with 74, hit! with 64, and most timea at bat with a toUl of 185. They finished second in the league race. Young, Baker of Orchard Heights, and Syring of Bishop Electric tied for the most doubles, each with three. Sa lem Laundry's Patterson had two triples to lead in that di vision. No player had more than one homer. The league batting average was 243. rrrcuiNO O IB IB HH at Monte Carlo and losing money at the famous Casino , . " '".t TL?"'" uiiniiiuia native: uu the Cabash at Algiers visiting the famout Venitian 0ln f artrtrlnti rtn than lalonH t M,,ranr. v.niM u,h. k. guilds still flourish'as they lid ' huniredi of years ago . . . getting a lesson in buii-fiaht- ing in Madrid from Mario Cabre, Spain's most popular i 11 . : u . . T . - , hull. fiohtrr nnn in hpVnm. ! television actor in American I TV ,. tIl. Am,ic.r, .im... ii taken care , witn , . . ' In Europe? . . . Well, the Trotters r e c ei v e d 180.000 drachmas daily in Greece, a mere six bucks in United States currency! . . . They were paid off in bushel-baskets full of drachmas one day, as a gag. , European governmerts ev erywhere , . and U. S. Embas- lies particularly . . , extending every courtesy to make the Trotters and their party com - sador Clare Booth Luce had a , reception for the . group and aitcnaea one of the games I played ... In Egypt, the gov- interpreter and guide and "hopping consultant ... The Dresldent of Lehannn threw - --------- , r V a"'" ' uin . . ine mayor 01 I Xenice ,pented ,Abe, SaPr" ,!cin wi,h ' moui Venice glass figures in appreciation of having played a game there. Great crowds men witn ineir coverea iaces in Algiers . . French farmers , vvlth their tvnorien ihoea nr hlr ienfith boots . Belgium housewives with their ornate colored lace headpieces . . .' all t nart nt .mm nie-ht .n.n u over the world, as the Harlem Globetrotters continue their role as unofficial good- will ambasiadors of the United States, e . . . .it. bPM riShinq LlUD tO Mcet Monday Ni9h T" Salern Spin fishing ciuo win mtci iuonaay nignt at the Hollywod Lions den at o'clock. Two movies will be Yesterday's Stars ZS'EcJS? mm ' Bos. re. his strim ef mroieti inmost " '.l J I ""S ".'!t,"' B.itiM-Lut. ussier. Cleveland in. rr..n rm osee, as tne 1 an Loan Briwoi 1 1. W L Pet. BB (O . l.tdS 14 . 1 0 I.OM St 31 .If 1 000 1 I , 1 Jll 1. 44 . 1 .110 li 41 . 1 .441 II II . t .404 II . S 404 14 S , 1 JM 1 .11 .404 11 . 1 1 .504 I t . I .IN . II 14 . 404 4 4 . 4 .404 1 1 . .404 1 I . I I 04 4 . 4 .4 I 604 U I . 4 4 .404 4 1 . 4 I .004 1 I . 4 4 .404 4 4 , 4 1 .404 4 1 ,4 1 . .004 I 1 . I 1 .004 S 4 ,4 1 .444 I 1 . 4 I .104 14 S . 4 1 .000 II II . I 4 .044 II 14 .14 II .(44 114 141 Blakra IlMlte. I Pl.ier Al B pet Taiu 11 I II M rrlo. II 11 II .404 Campbell II 11 I .M4 Mlcnaolla 14 4 I .444 Kllrnea M 11 II .Mi Carl II 4 .111 Relu 1 S 1 Jll Bchreeea.o.1 II 4 4 Jll Durham I I I .144 PuaU II 1 1 .114 Beeena ....... .......... 14 1 .141 Serine S 1 4 .404 Melalnnr I S 4 404 IM T4 44 .Ml Sooblea: Tounl 1, Srrtn. ). Mleha.ll, "id Kltenen. Triple.: TMM. Michael!, Klleha and Cert Hewn: f ovu hod MlchMlla. Orchard lent. Plaier Bredahl , O.raer Bake. nub, Bala. Ouenthar am , U I I Pet. , I 4 1 .404 , SS I II .411 . II 1 1 ,IU ,11 4 T. .114 ,11 I 4 Jil .111 .133 , II 4 .111 .4 S 1 .14 , II I S .141 , IS S .141 ,4 11 .111 . 14 i I" ,4 1 4 .400 ,3 4 4 Mi , S 1 4 .404 , I 4 I .400 lO II 41 M Bale. Bredahl. Scott Andenoh K. Padoaneht Ooertoen Boehnw Durhax. , Cejtle .. Doub44: Baker . I B.Att ! Trlplelt Bredahl, Scott. i Salem Lenhdrp Plajer II 1 I Pet. Barr ..." I I 1M4 Jon.. 10 II 14 .101 O.te. S J04 WlULm. I 1 1 JOI Card. SI 4 1 .111 Pine II S I .113 Frederick 11 1 4 J4I Paitrreoa 11 4 1 .111 Bran li 1 AUmer 14 I .104 Beale 1 1 Cover 4 t .III steelhammer II 1 1 .4U Waterman 114 .004 KlmmerlM 1 8 4 .000 Oeddea 114 .400 I " Id U 44 .in Double.:' Card, 't, 'Jonet, OaUa and PalterMMi. Triple.: PaUeraoh I. Waraar Meter. Heer Patton Smith Dohertp AB ! If M Pet. 4 .000 1 .100 1 .411 4 .114 I .300 4 .lit 4 .111 .111 1 .100 f .111 1 .141 1 .111 I .101 Kronaer Vlttone ..... Porcler Cobb Johneon Clifton Breekhetmer Ru.tell Venal McKee Shepard Arret Motley I . 4 .000 4 . Ill 40 43 .111 Double.: Porcler. Vlttone, and Patton, Traai ON Plarer Van Cleave Parker AB . 1 . 1 . II . 14 . 14 . 14 . 10 . t . 11 . II . 4 . 4 .. f . I ,. I ,. 1 . S .. 1 Pet. 1 .100 I .411 I .311 1 .300 4 .3M 1 .100 I .100 1 J oo 1 .111 1 .111 iS"""'" Tripiett .. ... 1 .111 1 .111 Ore.o Scott Rohr Penrod ... I .000 4 Holmoullt 4 .000 4 .000 4 .000 Murphy t 1J0 II 31 .IM Doubles: Ktrnes tnd ollberUon. Triple.: Kerne and Clark. Homers: OllberUon. Tlile MerehanU Plsyer Roser Heyden .... Bverly AS R H Pel. . II 4 I .400 . li I I .133 . II 4 I .333 , 4 t 1 .30 , 11 4 I .! , 13 1 S .144 ,111 -I" , 11 I I .HI , 13 I I .011 ,11 1 1 .041 ,11 I 4 .000 , J 4 4 .000 , I 4 4 .400 ,4 1 4 .000 IM 14 14 .111 Merchant Levy Ervln ; Miller Thurston Endrea Hsmlltoa Mansss Rork Bailey McClellan Richard Heyoen .. Triples: Ervln. Merchant. Homers: Endres. Bert's Market never AB , I . It . I . II , , II . 11 . II . II , li , II , 4 , 4 . 1 , 4 H Pet. I .too I .111 I .131 4 .11! I .131 1 .IM 5 .113 1 .111 I .111 S .131 I .000 4 .004 4 JW0 4 .000 4 .004 1 jjJf&'S1 .;, '" I aker Pemblt . Merk .... Poltelsoa Ohm.rt . Hill Roblnsoh . Joseph ... 110 31 14 .lit Doubltt: Elliott, Merk. and Matt. Pear Oram Merchant. Player AB It II Pet. J. Plskt .... Jeffries .... Bsyse ..... Russell .... Bsksr Plsrpolnt .. T. Plskt .... Runner .... Aulrsnt .... Htrrls O. stelner .. Oordon . . . . D. stelner Corbett .... Tulllu Jorsensoa Brunk ..... Lee lit .ttl II It It 4 .313 I .111 t .ISO 1 .lit I .111 1 .111 I .Hi t .lit t .000 4 JN4 4 .000 4 .000 4 .000 4 .000 4 .000 4 .000 4 .000 4 .004 Iwililama .., 111 II II .IM Doubles: Jeffries tbd T. Plske. Triples: Jeffries. Homer: Huasell. Lieut. YanDermark Assigned to Austria Sllverton Dr Harry Van Dermark, first lieutenant in the medical corps of the V S. Army, sailed from New York Wednesday for his recent as signment in Austria, according to word received by his fam ily. He left Portland by plane July 2. Mrs, VanDermark and two small children, Steven and Karen, are remaining at the home of the parents of Mrs. VanDermark, tne L. N. Grif fins of 1103 S. Water street, until receiving word for them to join Dr. VanDermark in Salisburg. Guests at tho Griffin horn Thursday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Forbes of Sa- ! iem. ine lamuies wer nelgn I Medf ord. TEMPORARY DUTY Of K..,.... .- . t-. . d Cleta Claudine Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Arba Martin, 710 Thompson Street, Salem, who is on temporary train ing duty with the U. S. Navy at the Reserve Officers Can didate School for Women at the U. S. Naval Training Center, Bainbridge, Md. A sophomore at Llniield Col lege, where her major Is so ciology, Miss Martin is at tending the summer school for reserve, officers for six weeks. When she earns her college degree and graduates from the ROC(W) school she may be commissioned an ensign 'and ordered to two years of artive duty with the Naval Reserve. (U. S. Navy photo.) MARKET QUOTATIONS POBTUR PBttatrOB USt Battecfaa TasMtlvt, taartet 14 mediate chamr Pramlam aoalltt. mum .11 ol oat aer cent acidity llvereC la Portlaa tb-lll lb I nrat real ity M-lfc, second duality. Il-fte. Vallty routes and country potato, I trait tote. ttalttswWaolaMl. r.p.b Balk ovaeo it wheltaalo, tradas AA. II scor.. otei A trad, fl score, 1441 a, ft acort, lie: c. If scors, tot. Abort prlott .trleUr oamlaaL . Chefs. Selllni arte, to Portion, wholesalers. Oretoo itnslea, 43Ui-4mo: Oresoa I lb. lost, al'.-Mvsc. Kiss so WhoiMtJtn cndlad arse eoaiatntat ao lorn cases Included t.. a. Portland A trade lana, tits -41 We. A trtd. madlum, 4iVk-4JVeo: B rrado lorta. iivi-tme. Poetlaad Dairy atarheo BattarPrtot to mantra Oreoe AA print, net A canon. He: a rlnu, lit: tartoa. Tlci B pnntt. 40a Esaa to prsdacera Candled 1. e b Portland: untraded lane: 44. dot.: rsd. AA laraa. tro aoa.1 A laraa. 13- fy. doa.i AA medium, tie dot.: A trtda medium, tot dor 1 a iraoa small, nomi nal. 13-430. Etta L Krtsllers orada A A. lant 14c. A lane, tl-loci AA medium, tie: A medium. Il-tlc: A om.ll, il-llt. carton. 1 cent additional. Chooct Price to rt tillers. Paniand. Oreson slnslm, iVt-4tc; I lb. loaves 1-llvac: triplets, lttt less than slci Premium brands slnties 44 Wat lb. for slnt Is wheels lotto Processed Am erls.n cfaeeefc llb lotves to, 4314 ,'tte lb. , Ptattry Llv. Chlekeao IHo. I taellty. ton. planui: Prrera. Irs lb.4 lie: 1-4 Is.. lie: roaat.rt, 4 lb... and ov.r. lie: ha.vy hsna, all wrl.hts, ll-lle: hens, til weltbts, ll-llci old loosurs. li-ltt. Dsessed ChlebeatN. 1 drsusd te ratallcra. Pry.ra, broiler.. 44.44. lb.: roasters, all eu., 44-tic; lltht hens, 13-llc: heavy hena, !t-3tc; tut-up ry srs, .11 wu, 11-131 lb.; wholt drawn,1 li ne lb. abMU Averted to tTOWSra: Llv. whIMa, 4-1 lbs., 30-13CI l-l lb... ll-lo Ib.t tolored pelle. 4e lb under, eld does. lt-13c few hither, fresh draased fryen to retailers, 41-s0ei tut up f l-Oie. Centre KUled Meet. v..i Top au.iity, tt-lot Ik, south beavlea, 31-llc. Beta Lean hlock.rt, Sl-llet sows, lltht. Il-ltc. Lamb. Bast, Il-ltc Ib.l ytarUnis. Il-Ste lb M.ll.a-Best, ll-ltt Ib.l tuU-utlllly. 4.10c Beef Utility cows, si-lie lb.: ttnaer euturs, ll-lle; thslls down to lie. rre.o Meat. Whossaalan to reltlltroi Dalian per ewl.: Beat Bteera, choice. 100-101 lbs.. 41 143.10: sood. 131.00-41.00: commercial I3l.0t-ll.00: atlllty. lit 00-11.00; com mercial oowa, til. 00-31O0. utility. 413 MOO: canner-euttera, 110.04-133 04. Beef eata Choice ateera hind tuer lers, 13-11; rounds, IM-tl:; full loins, trimmed. Ilt-ll: trlsneles, lll-II; lore ouarlers. UO-lt; chucks. Ill-It; ribs, Itl-it. Veal and Calve. Oood-oholce, 133 41: comaercl.l. 11114. Liaks Cholre-prlme, ltl-44t tood, 117-41; sprint Ismoi, choice prime, 41.40. Maltta Oood choke, 11-11 lb. 11-44, Park Cat-Lolna. Nt I. 1-11 ,ba., Ito-ll: utility l-l shoulders. II lbs, 111-41: spare ribs. 4SJ-11; Ireah hams. 10-14 lbs.. 441-44; pork carcases. in-Ill lbs., 111-41. Smabed Hal Skinned. IH-Ot lbs. ftod l.rd la drums. 114-11 If; tltb bac on. 114-11 Ptrtlaad Mlieeaaaaaw Oalejae M lb ssck Calif Red Olobe, med.. 1 711 to: wblte slobs. 1 11-1 44: yellows med and larta, 1.11-IMi few 1 11: wash, yellows, med, I tt-i 44; Ian. 1 n-i to P.t.tess Loc.l Trlumpht, lutt, l.tO 1.15: Eosrdm.a lont whltM, No. ia, I 34. lew at ., no. s .via. .sc.,; cre, 1 RussetU No. 1, I tl-l: II lb, mtsh. to- 03c local Husscu, No. 1A. lli-lli: Calif, lont Whiles, No. I A. l.ll-l 04: lair, l.M-l.ll. Name biands to I. II. Wash. Russeu 1 to-I ll: v, ash., lont whites. No. 1 100-3. . ' Ray-0 4 NO frera alfalfa, da. Itvered -car lou t.0.4. Portland tad Be attle. 31-30. Pssl-oriiN baala. Wlllamtttt Val. toy medlnm, M-lla Ib.t Eaaura Oretoo flat and hell-blood, ti tle; Wlllamttu Vslley umb wool 4341 11-month ejoel U-soe Mebslr 41-tlt rb. n Il-monUi trow to. f o b. country ahtpplnt pelnu Bldee Producer, paylnt price I.t b Pertl.nd calf aklnt, ll3la lb., aeeord Inx to tondltlon; trcen klpe, li-ll. lb.; treea cow btdcl, 1-10. lb., accordlns t. wclrht ond tualltyi bull hldaa. 4ic lb.' Hut hides. 10 tr oent below frtaes for abovt eleuea Pllbsrls Wholestlt telllnt arlet R. I medium Rtrcolonat, 11-344 la.f ob.ll. ed. 41-Mt lb. lb 1 bslves Tt-sle fb. Walaalt WhM.s.l. sslllnt prices, nrsl duality Itrto Prtnousttea, IIOOc lb.: ehelled lltht omber helva. 14-70e WANTED Service Msr for Automatic Heating Equipment Permanent Job Experience Required SALEM HEATING ft SHEET METAL CO. Day 1-S55J Night 4-14U SALEM MARKETS xtMVpHtf f Fvlxami WQWQrtt ttBiQ fee Urn esldaaap al Cwtul Jemraai readeee. iBaehmd emUr.l Beua Peed Pile nil Babkn PeHeu 13 44 '40-lw. MSI. 14.10-i.U 1104-lb. bail In Il.4t-4.i4. atrp Poeel 11.44.114 1 44-Ik. kail, l4.U-i t4 1144 vvl Matrn dtU t 0 not t I PMHrp Bwrtu Mm Celered tryeea, lie, old rooeura. lac: colored lewl. SMI le4borB fowl, ltd; mature, 110. Brosi erlna Prleeobu, AA, ftel UrM A. M-41e: medium AA. lis: medium A. M-llc: email. If . Theteeak) Pil.e. Bat wtwaMJO trlie. tenerally t-le nleber than tho frlm above Lerxe trade 4 ejonsedltf tasted at 11c. medium lot. sValtaetat BuyiBO PTleei Pittmsi. faV 11c '.' t1-ate: Bo I. tic Balttf whuesala trade 4 frsamsaj . lit Ib.l null. Ita- CAB HITS POLB ' Albany Extensiv Hamaia was done to a car operated by William J. Whlsnant, 741 East Fourth avenue, Thursday night when the auto smashed Into a power pole at the inter section of Lyon street and Fourth. Whisnant told polica he made a right turn too sharp ly. An estimated $200 damage was done to the vehicle, but Whisnant escaped injury. Burned Fingers By KATHLEEN NOKtUff (Continued from Page 111 "Yep." Would you like to be aasocuO ed with htm, Junf Bhe must aomeho bold his interest or rather, get U and keep him talk tag. "Has he Dr. Binnsnn asked you to Join him?" "Oh gosh, no "Well, he will Jennifer pre dicted calmly. It sounded silly to her and she fancied it sounded silly to Jim. for he mads no re ply. "If he did." she pursued, afrld of a pause, "would It mean that you lived here in San yVancltco?1" . "You asked me something and I didn't hear you." "If you etayed here, you know. associated with Dr. Binnoiin, would you havexto llv In flaa FYrtnclAco?'" "Well. I havent wot much chance, really," Jim answered. Jennifer finished tUitruxiUne butter knives; looked after him wistfully. Not much trncoiira(4 ment there. i The rest f the evenlna was confusion, and at midnight mass the did not sit next to him. A whole year since they had aat to gether on Christmas Eve and hla fingers had gripped hers ao firm ly, so thrUllngly. "couia you go 10 tne tneaier with me tomorrow nlsht?" he asked most unexpectedly when they were all parting outside the church. "Tomorrow nlghtt Chrtstmas nlsht?" "Rather not, Christmas nlnht?" "Well, I think Jary'd think It was maybe the wouldn't. But 111 tell you. would -you come to dinner, Jlmf" "How about the next nlsht then? One night I have to dine with BIU and Bertha White; I'll da that tomorrow nutht. and well go to the theater the next night, huh?" I d tove It." Jennifer said nesl- tatinalv. "The onJv thins Is. Fri- . day night Mary likes to go to church, and since her mother la so sick I might have to but I'll tell you." she broke off In sud den decision, "I'll fix ltl" She could go to sleep hismnst the ecstasy of the thought she was going to the theater wiin nim for the first time I When the long dark drag of the new year began and Vogeltang'a was onesjiervous flutter of women fussily exchanging gifts. Tho theater evenlnc had been atrange ly disappointing, although tha show was good and Jim only too meticulously eager to have every thing right. Nothing momentova hsd happened. At the door ahe had asked him to come in, but he had said no, he had to make an early start in the morning; he was on his way back south. It was only a few weeks later that Mollie aatd quite tiajnutUy, "I think Jim LIppincott's erasv about you, Jen. Did you ever think he was?" "I know I'm crazy about him," Jennifer answered calmly. It might sound like a Joker or Ilk the exaggeration almost any girl would indulge In when Jim's nsme waa mentioned. Spring came in and the daya grew treacherously warm. Jim Llpplncott was going to spend three July weeks with the Evontet at the Lake. Jennifer put in an early plea for an extra vacaUon week. (To Be Csntlnvjed) "OUR REPUTATION is YOUR SECURITY" . that's LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE rOK THE BEST IN V HAULING j STORAGE i FUEL Dial 3-3131 or see a at 89 N. Liberty icasf.e i 1