slem Capital Posters Play Butte, Mont., at Yakima Br cbris Kowrrz, u. Yakima, Waah. (Special) The Salem Amerleaa Legion Junior baseball team arrived Jn Yakima Saturday morning after an all-night train ride from Salem, cheeked Into the Commercial Hotel, and pre pared to defend their North west regional championship. Salem will play Butte, Mont., at 8 o'clock Sunday night at Parker field in Ya kima. LewUton, Idaho, and Yakima will play in a 2 o'clock game Sunday. The tournament is double-elimina tion, which means that a team is not eliminated until it loses two games. The four teams earned their way into the regional playoffs by winning their respective state championships. Salem and Yakima played in the 1952 regional tournament here. Salem won the North' west championship, and went on to Hastings, Neb., for the sectional playoffs Coach Vince Genna and members of the Salem team who have marched through 23 games this season without Lions Easily Take All-Stars Chicago VP) . It's just as well that most of the college All-stars move on Saturday to om their respective pro teams now in training. They have lot to learn. They found that out Friday night when the Detroit Lions, one of the most determined pro teams in the series history. gave them a xoot-ball lesson, 24-10. The Lions left little doubt In the minds of 93,818 spectators at Soldier Field biggest crowd since' 1948 and uncountable TV-radio fans that they will be hard to stop from repeating for the National Football League crown this fall. They sheared the All-stars with the fanciest passing bar rage ever seen in the rivalry, gaining a record 139 yards in the air. Bobby Layne, who is not supposed to be feeling up to par, personally contributed 323 yarda by hitting en 21 of II tosses. The Lions picked up 134 yards on the ground. The All-stars were virtual ly stymied, by comparison. Gigantic Jalopy Smashup At Hollywood Bowl Tonite A full evening of Jalopy racing in which tea after ton of aatonrobilea will be reduced to junk Is In at or for racing fans at Hollywood bowl tonight. Time trials, trophy dash, heat races and jiain event will all be run by Jalopies. And just about anything goea at any time. Driven may use any method .they desire with the exception of a head-on collision to knock theother tare eat of the race. In previous jalopy shews at Hollywood Bowl, aearly SPORTS SATURDAY Baseball """""' UMMi Caleerr ' tin K'niBiiM at Spokane; and Trl-Cltr at LrwleMn Broadcasts .. J.SSr'iJ''."'"". " Television WTV Hew Yer tulM ve. Philadelphia alhletlra at S II. SUNDAY Baseball - -"T?, "wnvassanai MMu: Trl Eshreitloai twUI at Watm Field: aaloat Senators . Sllttrtea Bed Sox (1:11! Broadeasta um auiu UJTJlhU,1,1M """ H H Balem UdOD MONDAY Baseball Wertera BeloraetlMal Iww Victoria l olorr. Vancouver at Edmonton Softball ..,i,,.tI?"i,,, S?i niemower xiu ai runup'! r?ti rid YMC w. lu Woolao at Phillip's ii:mi. 1 Broadcasts TUESDAY Baseball J" t"lai Um Victoria at Celtarr. Vancouver at Edmonton Trl-Cltr at Salem. Talma M Wnalehee. ami Baokent at Lewisten. Softbill i,.!lSi!t'!r1 UMi,: CiI Seal . awaml vnrM i-nuur-a m, Broadcasts roco aaloat inum w. Tn-cnr Bravas at s II. FAN FARE HepoEiis loss, have hopes of repeating as Northwest champions, but realize that from here on the competition- grows . tougher and tougher. The Salem team was to work out at Parker field Sat urday afternoon. Saturday 'night members of the team will attend the annual pre tournament banquet, sponsor ed by Logan Wheeler Ameri can Legion post No. 36, spon sors of the regional tourna ment. Genna Is still undecided who to pitch against Butte Sunday night.. But it's a cinch it'll be one of four Gary Espe, Paul Beck, Gary Pater son or Ed Warrenburg be cause that's all the pitchers on the Salem roster. Beck was ailing with a sore arm when the team left Salem Saturday, ine trouble was thought to be only temporary, however, and Beck should be ready for tournament action. Genna and the Salem team will headquarter at the Com mercial Hotel during their stay at the tournament. A number of Salem people, including- parents of most of the ball players, are expected to arrive in Yakima over the week-end. Players on the Salem tour nament roster are catchers Curt Jantze and Dan Luby; pitchers, Espe, Paterson, Beck and Warrenburg; first base man Tom Pickens; second baseman Twink Pederson: shortstop Don Pigsley: third baseman Larry Springer; out feilders Mike Campbell, Jerry waiarop, Howard Speer and Jerry Gregg; and utility man Fred Bolton. Worrenfon Ousts Portland All-Stars I Portland WV-Warrenton elimi nated the Portland Legion All Stars with an 8-2 victory and Norgan's Beavers topped Arch er Blower, both of Portland, 5-1 In Friday night's round of the American Baseball Con gress state tournament. Syl Johnson, Jr., 17-year-old pitcher, limited the defending cnampion Arcner team to four hits in the nightcap. The Beav ers won without the benefit of an earned run. . Saturday's games will send Sweet Home against Verboort and Forest Grove against Mc Minnville. all ef the 30-odd cars were amaahed Into inoperation by the time the main event ended. Tonight Is expected to prove no exception. When the main event eomea up on the program, every ear still running will be allowed to enter. The main event la billed for St laps if enough cars hold out And just to make aure that every car entered gets a good smashing, there will be a free-for-all after the main event. During the free- SLATE t Edmonton Hi! Balem at Victoria York 01"u " 11 " " alen Senaters - ClW at Lswlitoa It); VlnntM at vs. Has- Woolen at Phllllp't fl Ml im l peon ief erase Solons Meet Silsox Sunday Silverton Brings Strong Semi-Pro Team to Waters The Silverton Red Sox and the Salem Senators clash Sun' day night at Waters Field In the second game of the year between the two teams. The game atarts at 1:15. TWO EXHIBITION GAMES Two "C" League exhibition games will be played before the Salem-Silverton game Sunday night. The four teams playing will be Jackson s Jewelers, West Salem Lions, Legion Post 136. and Dickson j Market. The four teams will draw to see who they play in the three inning contest.- The drawing will be staged before six. All the boys are under 14 years of age. I Silverton, one of the top semi-pro tearrs In the state, was defeatcj by the Senators before Salem started its West ern International league sea son. Wally Flager, former ma jor leaguer and a Salem Sen ator short stop in 1946, man ages the Red Sox. Flager will probably send Chuck Sauvain to the hill Salem Merchants Vs. Hubbard Tonighl The Salem Merchants, cham pions of the Salem City League and the Salem area district, travel to Whiskey Hill tonight for a contest with the Hubbard Softball nine. , Hubbard, winner of the Ore gon City district, will play the Merchants in the second game of the play-off Sunday at Phil lip's Field. Game time tonight is 8 while Sunday it Is 2. Bob Knight will do the hurl ing for Don VandevoH's Salem team. Jim Rawlins, long time player in Salem Softball circles, will hurl in Sunday's game. ' The winner of the series will go to the State Tournament at Mill City later this month. IV SEMI-FINALS Portland U Travel Lodge of Klamath Falls and Balm Grove Park of Gales Creek, both undefeated in tournament play, meet tonight to decide one of the finals berths in the Oregon State Women's Soft ball championships at Port land's Normandale park. for-all, driven will be al lowed to cut through the Infield, etc., In an effort to knock each other's ears out 1 of commission. The last car running ahall be declared the winner. Members of the hard top racing association will pi lot the can. The driven In elude Clarence 8mlth, Stan Diets, Walt Waldron, Dick Gaboury, Dick Braniff, Dan ny Hop,p Rod Love, Glen Wilson, Don Vlnsley, Bob Porter, Don Gnth, Walt Pflughaupt, Kenny Dean, Lucky Glascock, Jim Bos Ich, Arnold King, Emmett Vinning, Cecil Daltoa, Bud Cavett, Linley Flook, Art Watts, Larry Gardner, Cecil Wright, Don Porter, Art Pfaff, Bud Gruol, Orin Bech told, Wally Larson, Dale Neliton, Fred Connett, Clar ence Schmitt, Don Klum, John Ketchum, Red Mona han, Armond Mlllen, Jim Davis and Bud Beebe. TIDE TABLE YHca fer Tsfl, Off a Assert. 1M (CamplIvS kr t. S. Caasl aal Oaadetia Barvar. rettlaam, Oreeea) Huh Watera Ausuot Tim Holeht U I 31 a m. 4 1 S T p.m. I t IS I II em. 4 1 I ll I a. II It t T a m. 1 1 I oi a.m. 4 a IS 1 11 a m. 1 1 I 04 a.m. II IS 1 11 am. II I 11 a m. N I u a m. I I 111 am. It II II II a m. 41 I 14 a m. II It II IT am. 41 10 11 am. II n MM am. 1 1 II M p a, 1 1 H 11 pa. li 11 M .!. 7 1 tow Watera Time Height I 11 am. II 1144 l a. I t i I u a.m. 1.3 I 11:41 p.m. 11 11:11 a.m. S.I 11 am. SI 1114 a.m. II l ot a m. II II 41 p.m. 11 I 04 a m. I : I ll p.m. 11 I IT a m. - l l it pm. SI 4 :11 a m. 7 111 p.m. II II a m. -I I 11 p m. II 1 14 a m. -1.1 III pm. 1.4 ly Walt Ditxen against Salem's Jim Peterson. Sauvain has a 4-2 record with the Silverton nine. He attend ed Oregon State college where he starred on the baseball team. , Jack Hande will do the catching for the Red Sox. Leo Grosjacques will play first base with Roger Dasch at sec ond, Flager at short, and Don Hatteburg at third. Dasch graduated from Sa lem high where he was one of the top prep baseball stars in the state. He was one of the LOCAL UNITED PRESS Senators Take Twin Bill From1 Victoria Tyees IB United Freest The Salem Senators swept their Western International League doubleheader from the Victoria Tyees last night, win ning the fint came 13-4 and; taking the nightcap 5-3. Salem scored turee runs in the first inning on singles by Max Marshall, Connie Perez, Jim Deyo and Jerry Ballard, and took advantage of an error by Victoria First Baseman Chuck Abernathy on Dick Sab atini's sacrifice. Victoria's tal lies came in the fifth on a sin gle by Milt Martin, a walk to Cece Garriott and Don Pries' double. Ballard hit two home runs one of them with the .bases loaded to lead the Senators to their first game win. Ballard a bases-loaded homer came in the fourth inning of the first game as the Senators scored seven times. Les Wlth- erspoon, Gene ' Tanselli and Connie Perez hit singles and three walks were issued to ac count for the remainder of Sa lem's scores in that frame. Jim Harford was the only Victoria player to get more than one hit in the opener. nicking Joe Nicholas for two singles. Nicholas scattered five hits for his 20th win of the sea son against four defeats. Junior Swim Tourney Gets Underway Today The secon danunal mid-Wil lamette valley Junior swim tournament got underway at Leslie pool at 1:30 this after noon. All swimmers competing in the meet are under 18 yean of age. They are split up into age groups, for swimmers un der 10, under 12, under 14, un der 18 and under 18. Boys and girls from several towns in the mid-Willamette valley were competing. Members of the Salem Jun ior Chamber of Commerce were serving as Judges for the races. Salem Softball Team Loses Portland The South Sa lem Merchants dropped from the State Girls Softball tourna ment as they went down to de feat for the second straight time, losing last night 15-9 to Corvallis. Dorothy Stewart homered for the losing Salem nine. Corval lis banged out 18 hits off Jo Stettler while the Salem team got an even dozen. In other tourney games last night Klamath Falls and Gales Creek remained the only un beaten teams as Klamath Falls beat Canby 6-4 and Roseburg 2-0 while Gales Creek edged Oswego 5-4 and Hillsboro 9-8. Hillsboro rolled over Eagle Point 10-3, Oakridge beat Eu gene 8-4, Oswego defeated Eagle Point 25-0. and Oakridge beat Corvallis 25-8. Salem m IM I- I II I Corvallle 431 toe a It 11 I Btettler and Duaeen; Kelloii and Laener. Petereea I. ALBANY GUNNER WINS Vandalia, O. UK Herman Moritz of Albany, Ore., won the handicap shoot yesterday at the Grand American Trap shoot here. He broke 99 out of 100 targets in the 21-yard event SILVER BOWL OPENS Silverton Emil Rhyne, man ager and owner of the Silver Bowl in Silverton, announces that the alley will be equipped with new pins, resanded. and generally cleaned un for its 1 opening today. 1 off MWCta two Silverton players to clout homers out of the park at Sll- verton this year. The other was- Max Marshall Marshall Is now playing with the Senators and will probably play left field against his old mates. Marshall was a major leaguer and played for many years in the Coast league. Hatteburg is the top hitter on the Silverton- roster. In the outfield there will be Dick Gentzkow, Rod Oster and Jay Fornier. Gentzkow played with the Senators soon . after the war. The Red Sox are having a good season with a record of around 20 wins and seven ASSOCIATED PRESS Page 12 Salem, Oregon, Saturday, August 15, 1953 WIL Standings W L Prt. OB Bpokana .. Seism .... 31 .... II .lit S 4 Vancouver Yakima Lewlston Edmonton Cslcary WenauhM Trl-CItT Victoria FrldaVa Kttalta: IS IS 11 11 Mi 11H ! M 10 It Cftliarr 10, Edmonton t Salem 13-1. Victoria 4-1 Vancouver J-l. Yakima 4-1 LewUton 4-2l,Trl-CI 1-1 - Wenetchee 1. Bpokana 1 Satarder'a Gamee: Cali&. ft Edmonton, S Yakima at Vancouver, i Selem at Victoria, S Trl-Cltr at Ltwliton Wenatchaa at Bpokana : Fletcher Hurls Vancouver Caps To No. Hitter (By The Auaeieted Praul No hit. no run games are get ting to be commonplace, fig uratively speaking, up around Vancouver way. Van Fletcher turned the trick Friday night as he show ed 'the way to a 2-0 Vancou ver win over the Yakima Bean in an abbreviated opener of a Western International league bargain bill. The Caps took the second game 9-4. It was only last Tuesday that Clarence Marshall went Into the booki aa the tint hurler to pitch a no-no game In WIL play this season when he aet down Salem 12-1. The double win boosted the Capilanos into a solid third place, only four games behind the front-running Spokane In dians. Yakima dropped into fourth, six games off the pace. Fletcher's perfect job over shadowed Wenatchee'a 3-1 win over the Indiana and Lewis- ton's 26-3 drubbing of Tri-City in the second game of a twin bill. Lewis ton edged the Braves 4- in the opener. -Calgary pounded out a 10-5 decision over Edmonton in an other WIL contest. The 1953 Michigan State var sity football roster includes 15 senion, 20 juniors and 29 sophomores. White Sox' Pierce Hurls Third Straight Shutout New York (U.R) The score was 34 H to 29 today in favor of Billy Pierce over Bob Por terfield In the American league scoreless inning derby. Porterfield got his chance today to overtake Pierce, but the chances were good that neither one of them would dis turb the all-time record of 58 scoreless innings fired by Wal ter Johnson of the pre-Porter-field Washington Senaton of 1913. Pierce last night pitched his third straight shutout, lesding the White Sox to a 7-0 victory over the Tigers on his sizzling six-hitter, which also was his 16th victory of the year. He had a no-hitter until Bob Nie man hit a popfly double In the fifth. Pierce hasn't been scor ed upon in two weeks during a period in which he blanked the Senaton, Yankees and Tigers, plus, turning in relief stints against the Athletics and Indians. Tight Race The Whiter Sox lefty also was in anothe rrace with team mate Virgil Trucks to see who will come closest to winning 20 games. Right now it looks rt both are a cinch to hit losses. They have played some of the top teams in the state and several touring teams in cluding the House of David whom they beat. Jim Peterson, the hurler for Salem, played for Silverton earlier in the season but Hugh Luby acquired him after Sa lem and the Red Sox met in the spring. Other Silverton players in clude Dan Feller, right handed pitcher, who pitched Cascade high school into the state base ball tourney only to have the tournament called off. He pitched for the Salem Legion team last year when they won the regional tourney at Yaki ma. NEWS AND FEATURES Salem (111 B Tanaelll,! I 4 I Deyo.ef 1 Be! I Wlhrap.r 4 E4iein,lf 4 Metran.e S Nlchola.p i (1) Vlet.rie H O A E K o A 1 1 4Brnnm.l I 1 1 1 1 Ilonla.ll 4- 1 Sll 4 1 1 S I 1 1 t 4 0 Prleea.I 4 i ii i ! i i i 1 Oldaln.r I I 4 C Dauk.e 4 I Hartrd.e 4 1 Lorlncp 1' Dollm.p S Walkr.p I Hodee.p t x-Helbil t Abath t i t s Total! 41 11 17 11 Totall It 111 ) s Popped out for Dolllna In Kh. a Btruck aut for Walker In 1th. Balem 101 700 11111 11 1 Victoria 001 Old 020 4 1 1 Wlnnlni pitcher Nlcholai: Loxlne sit. Cher Lorlno. E Lorlno, Jeffey. H6daea, pern. HR Ballard 2. 1BH Oarrlott. 1BH Perea, Deyo, Branham. RBI Bal lard t, Deyo 1. Taneelll, Luby. Perei, Monle 1, Oarrlott, prleee, Nicholas. Wltheripoon. U EUer and Yuhase Salem (II (ll Victoria B H O A BKOA Babtlnl.l 41 l Ernhm.l 4119 TanieilM 1114 Monlx.1! 1 I Uarahll.U 4 S 1 t Prlau.l 4 Perea,3b 1111 Oldetn.r 4 Deyo,ef 4 s S Abnth.l ' 1 Sill 1 wthrep,r SIS 0Davle.aa 1 rlelton. 141 Merlin. e 111 RoenepLp S IPrlor.p 1 I Dolloe.p e Walkr.p I 0 I-Oerlot I I a-lfeioii 2 Totale Sllllt Totall 11 s 11 11 l Walked for Prior in tth. a eiruck aw for Dolllna in Ith. Balem lol Olt I I S I Victoria til 020 81 i Wlnnlni- pitcher Roenaple; Loalnt Pit cher Prior. WP Roeneplo 1. LOB Ba lem T, Vancouver t. B Abernathy, Glad stone. 2BH Marshall, Oladetone. RBI Perea. Deyo, Wlthereooon, Prleu 1, Jef fey. BH Ballard. BB Deyo, DP Tan eelll to Babetlnl to Ballard. TJ Yuhaie and Xllera. Time 1:41. Ait 3,000 (eet.). The Ilneaeoreat Caliary too 111 MO It 11 t Edmonton 000 200 300 IS Hlttner and Brtekar, LUIard I:. Dar Ptler T and Sfonaa. Pint lame: Yakima too oot 3 3 t 1 Vancouver 000 100 a 111 Bdmunde, Towneend t and Novlck; Fletcher and Duretta. Second tame: Taklma 100 101 (MO 114 Vancouver lot 000 20a 111 Carter, Blal t and Alblnli kfyere, Thomaaoa S, Onnneraon t and Duretta. Pint lame: Tri-City too 000 1 1 I t Lcwlilon 004000 a 4 t l Dobernle and Warren: Klne and Oary. Second tame: Tri-ctty loo til 000 i r 1 LewUton KM 414 I 11 i M 21 t Hediecock, Bnyder 2. Dobernle I. Hock adey 1, Tran S and Peeut; Marihall and Cameron. Wenatchaa ., Oot lit 000 III Spokane tot tot 001 lit Botelha and Bartolomel: Olovannonl. New a. Honiara I and Sheeta. Q Major Leagues 9 (By The Asseclated Prats) NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. O B. Brooklyn . , Milwaukee , Philadelphia Bt. Louis ., New York ,. ClnclnnaU , Chlcat ... Pltleeurlh , 14 11 M7 II 41 , 11 el .HI , 0 tl , 13 H , 2 41 .141 11 .411 1'4 .441 14' .214 It .311 4 , 44 II , II II Friday's Besalte: Chleaie 11. Milwaukee I. Clnelnnetl I. St. Louts I (11 Innlnsal. Plttsbureh at Brooklyn, postponed, rain. Philadelphia at New York, postponed. ala. AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pet. OB. New York entreat Cleveland .. 1 3 .111 .... 10 44 .111 14 41 .111 HI II 11 .131 IIS II It .411 11 H 4t it .in ' .... tO 71 .1-4 11 II 11 .111 1 Waehlntlaa Philadelphia Detroit .... at. Louts ... mass's Retain: cnlcae 1. Detroit t. Clevelend . Bt. Louie 1 New York at Philadelphia, -paetpoaed, rata. Washlaatan al Boetoa. acetponed, tela. that figure and that would be unique since the White Sox have not had a 20-game win ner since 1941 when Thorn ton Lee had 22. The Indians topped the I Browns. 8-7. The Yankees were rauieu Beavers Hand Hollywood Worst Beating of Year (Br The Aaeoelataa Prtee) Nobody at Hollywood's Gil- more field was able to recog nize a championship team per forming Friday night against the Portland Beavers. Holly wood took its worst drubbing of the season, 15-7. The Beavers collected 22 hits and made four errors! and blew up themselves in the ninth, when they allowed the Stars to score five runs. It wasn't much of a ball game, judged by any standard. But one thing was inescapable. Hollywood is showing signs of tiring, Just as some of the other clubs are doing toward the close of a long season. The pitching and speed and hustle undoubtedly are what have the Stars nine full games ahead of the pack. Bill Thomason hurled San Diego to a 5-1 win over Los Angeles. He held the hard-hitting Angels to six hits and pitched scoreless ball for the last six frames. Bill Moisan was the loser. San Francisco had to go 12 innings to best Sacramento, 5- Two Softball Outfits Win INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Woltamotte .141 YMCA Commercial Beat Kay Woolen Mllll , Plremen Plrat Christian ,., Postal Clerks Kelaer Eleetrle Plrst Notional Bert'e Market .... .133 .11 .! .Ill i 13 , It It I .too 11 .341 I II .114 11 1 .111 11 Mayflower MUk II .111 1JH Last nliht's scores: Commercial Beat Covers It, Plre Department t; Ftret Na tional t, Key Woolen Mills I: YMCA I. Bert's Market t. Plremen ....000 00 0 I I Commercial Best .... Ill lllli 10 14 t Mlckenham. wllbereon (1) and Thomp klru; Beerbower, Thlelada (I) and Kep- hart. Kay Woolen Mills .... 101 11 111 Plrst National 301 00 111 Reder and Wlckert; Clerk and Ruef. Bere's Market K 00 1 4 YMCA 101 41 14 1 Hill and Morlarlty; Holland and Hales. The YMCA and Commercial Seat tightened up the Indus trial Softball league race last night as both teams came through with wins while league leading Wolgamotts was idle. Commercial Seat bounced the Firemen 20-0 behind the no-hit hurling of Thielade and Beerbower. The Seatert. scor ed 12 times in the fourth in ning' to sew up the game. Glen Jones, Card, and Kephart all homered for the winners. The "Y" moved within a half game of the leaders with an 8-0 win over Berg's Market. The loss dropped Berg's back into a tie for the cellar. Holland, pitching his first game for the YMCA gave up only three hits and scattered them welt. In the other game last night Kay Woolen rallied for two runs in the top of the fifth and tied up the game. The game was called because of darknesa at the end of the fifth. All-Star Coach Lauds Ron Reeser of Albany Portland Vf) Pete Susick, coach of the State team for the All-Star football game, praised three linemen after Friday'j light scrimmage drill. They are Clark Cubbage of I Eugene, Vern Pryor of Klamath j Falls, and Ron Reeser of Al bany. Susick also had high, praise for. the running of half back Miles Boardman of Bend, out at Philadelphia and wound up 8 Vt games ahead of the White Sox. The Red Sox and j Senators also were rained out in Boston. In the National league, the ; Cubs came from behind to pummel Milwaukee 11-4 as 1 Bill Serena hit a grand slam pinch homer. Ed Mathews hit his 27th homer for the losing Braves, who dropped eight full games I behind the idle Dodgers, who had their game with Pitts bi -gh rained out. The Giants : were rained out against the Phils. In the only other National 1 league game. Cincinnati top ped the Cardinals 2-1. August Special! WK WILL Park (rant wheel tear tnrs Tune-ap en(to Adjust brake Lubricate Rambler er BUtemian H.SS, part eitra . Ambassador tll.M Paru extra Marion Motors Ml tenter St. Malem PCL Standings (Br The Auoctlted Praul W I pet. O B. Hollywood II U .111 Seattle II 44 . s Loe Antelea 7 It .111 11 PorUand 11 11 .417 ll Aen Prenclaea , ! 14 .44 t Ban Dleeo U 71 .4&I Uta - Bacrameato 14 at .441 Ill- Oakland 44 at .114 M Portland 11, Hollywood 1. Baa Dlero I. Loa Aneelej 1, Baa Pranelaca S, Bacramenta 4 (11 InntniJi. - i Oakland 4. Seattle 1. 4. Sal Taormina kept San Fran- " Cisco in the ball game by sock- i ing a three-run homer in the seventh inning and then scored the winning run in the 12th on ' Reno Cheso's single. Ken Kim- -' ball, who took over in the ninth for Sacramento, was -the loser, iind Tend Shandor, who -came in for the Seals Jn the -'" 10th, the winner. . The last place Oakland Acorns shaded Seattle, 4-3. The -slipping Rainiers put on a thre-run rally in the eighth but Bob Murphy came on to the rescue and stopped the scoring. Manager Augie Galan ' of the Oaks was ejected from the game for arguing about a pitched ball. Peruana Austin-ss Robbe.lf Aril. lb MaroulsJf ladd.c Relch.rf Ealert.3b Walbelp Ifellyweei B H O A BHOA t I 1 ISaffell.ef S S 4 t 1 4 Its 4 11 tMcDnld.p t t SSI I Phillips. I 1 t 14 10 Unit. lb 4 3 13 till Kellher.lf 411 111 tWalls.rr 4 1 S I 1 1 I Henley. Jb 1 1 till Brai an.e 101 4 11 b-Pliher llll Hlttle.p 1 Lynn.p 1 3 a-Bundy.l 1111 W'makr.p I I J e-stevena list Totale 41 12 21 12 Totals 31 11 17 11 a.Uned out for Lynn la Ith. b-Slniled for Braaan la Ith. -Oroundd out for Welmaker In Ith. Portland 004 131 30311 Hits oot 111 lit Hollywood 000 001 loo?- 1 Hits 000 111 10S-1I winner walbel: loser Hlttle. . Pitcher Ip ab R H ar bb an walbel I Jl 1 11 t s Hlttla 14 II I I I It Lynn 3H It I 1 I 11 MacDonald Vs 4 3 1 I s t Welmaker II II 1 I I I 1 I Austin. Oladd, Bailnekl 3, Kelleher. R Austin 3, Robbe, Marouls, Reich X Essert 3, Baalnskl 1. Wslbel 1. SaffeU. Phillips. Loni X Walls, Plsher, Handle. LOB Portland t. Hollywood 4. IB Kolloway, Lone. HR Reich. Austin. Bat tel!. BH Oladd, Walbel. RBI Austin 1. Kolloway 1, Robbe. Reich 1, Baffell X Walbel. Wells 1, Marouls, Oladd. Kel leher, Plsher, Bundy. DP Baslnskl and Kolloway; Phillips, Basiall and Lona; Austin, Baslnskl and Kolloway: Hand- . ley, Baaaall and Loni: Welmaker, Bundy and Lona. T 2:21. TJ CarlucoL Pord and laeovettl. A 3321. Loa Aneelea 1 tot oca I I Ban Diet Ill 11 tt- I St' Moleea and Paden; Tnoenaaoa ne Malnla. " Oakland 1I Oot t Seattle 004 tot 110 S S Bemberier, Murphy (l and Meal: Naiy, Buciieckt (t) and Orteli. Sacramento ... tot 111 100 0004 11 S Ban Fran too 100 100 001 i 11 S . Yayllen. Kimball III and Mootarvo, Rltchey (I): McCall, Muncrlef III. Shan dor 1101 and Tomar. Tleelera (101. NOW! BUY A ' NEW '53 Ford AND JAKE ( FACTORY DELIVERY Cyl. MACHINE BUSINESS COUPE F.O.B. CHICAGO Complete With Standard Equipment and Drive Away Service 1LS9234 ALL OTHER MODELS PROPORTIONATELY LOW PRICED! SEE US TODAY FOR COMPLETE DETAILS Valley Motor Co. 375 CENTER SALEM 0 jwci 1915