Saturday, Xante. II, 1I5S Part 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Uitm, Ongm Welfare Board Sues Children Albany Children who have been warned about fail ure to contribute to support of their needy parent! are in for tough sledding at the banof of the itate public welfare com miulon if they have Ignored the warning. This wai Indicated today by the appearance of two com plaint in circuit court here. John Oliver Graff and Ralph Whitela have been lued for $133 and $1,185 judgmenti re spectlvely by the Oregon Pub' lie Welfare commission. Neith er of theie two 10m hai con tributed toward the aupport of nil parent, the commission charges. Keizer Kelzer Mrs. Paul Pierce and Mrs. Robert Casteel were Joint hostesses at a stork shower Wednesday evening, Aug. 12th, held at the home of Mrs. Pierce, 6110 Newberg drive. The 'shower wa given for Mrs. Vern Redlnger and many beautiful gifts were re ceived. The pink and blue mo tif was carried out in room and table decorations. Games were played with prizes going to Eleanor Brown, Agnes Orton, Donna Crocker and Velma Wilkinson. Guests were Flos ale Bedwell, Agnes Orton, Mrs. Ruth Pierce, Mrs. Lloyd Wil kinson, Mrs. E. F. McKinney, Mrs. Marlyn Hadley, Mrs. Maude McClanahan, Mrs. A. D. Brown, Eleanor Brown, Mrs. George Long, Mrs. Roger Morse, Mrs. Harley Cordray, Mrs. Croker, Mrs. Alice Wil kinson, Mrs. . Ruth Redlnger, Mrs. Donna Crocker, Mrs. Dorothy Hindman, Mrs. Onas S. Olson, Mrs. Lyle Wilkinson, Mrs. Oscar Johnson, Miss Pa tricia Bridges, Mrs. Charles Redlnger, Mrs. Bus Redlnger, Mrs. Gladys Eckstein and the hostesses, Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Casteel. The Kelter Garden club will meet Tuesday evening, Aug. 18 at the local Fire HaU. The evening will be taken up with round table discussion and a short business meeting. Rev. George Holmquist and family have moved into the new parsonage of the Faith Lutheran church in Keiier, The Parsonage facing on Cum mings Lane just west of the church was built by men of the Faith church. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Church pent last week end at the coast. The Well Child Health Clin ic will be held at the Keizer Community church on Tues day, Aug. 18, from 1 to S o'clock. Dr. Stone and two nurses will be in charge. For appointment call the Marion County Health Clinic. Terry Teets, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Teets, 1170 Che mawa road, spent several days in Roseburg, arriving home Tuesday. He visited hit lister, Mrs. Don Cllne. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nick erson have purchased the Richlee'i Ice Cream Parlor on N. River road In Keizer. They formerly lived in Oakland, Calif. Mrs. Nickerson's parents live at Sclo. Mrs. Rlchey will be at the parlors a few days to acquaint the new owners with the business. The Nlckersons have moved Into the Carrlgan apartments on N. River road next to the Keizer Beauty salon. A guest of Royal Teets, 1170 Chemawa road, over the week end was Wade Egelston of Falls City. Mrs. A. Burr Black of 3270 Chemawa road, fell at her home last Thursday and suf fered a broken ankle. The J. L. Crouch family. 5053 Robindale drive, received a surprise visit last Saturday of long-time friends they hadn't seen in 12 yeas. They wera Lt and Mr. W. W. OFFICE BUILDING FOR SALEM PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thi modern two story, concrete and brick structure, is to be erected at the corner of 13th and Ferry streets for the use of the school administration. Cost if ttlmated to be tn the neighborhood of $250,000 and is expected to be ready for occupancy next spring. William I. Williams is the architect. Recent Lunar Eclipse Return Engagement of Prior One Br J. HUGH PBCETT SilraMur, SiUmiop. DtrltMo. ' From Mr. O. H. of Rainier, Oregon, comes this question: "Was the recent lunar eclipse on the morning of July 20 a return of the one of tne evening of July 13, 1933, when for so long the moon was blacked out?" Yes, we may call it a return engagement of the evening show of 18 yeara ago. In very ancient times the Chaldeans learned from observations that very similar eclipsei recur af ter certain periods of time., They named this period the saros. Later, they passed this knowledge on to other nations. The reason for the recurrence was not known, but from past observations the ancient as tronomers were able -to fore tell eclipses quite accurately. Lebanon Gives Blood Quota Lebanon Mrs. Peg Hat field, blood eo-ordlnator for Linn county, said Thursday that Lebanon had the best community visit in the region for the past month. She re ports that 174 donors visited the bloodmobile center at the Elks club on Aug. 12. The quota sought was 150 pints. There wss special interest in the gallonier awards. Mrs. Nellie Adams received- her certificate for giving three gallons. Among the two gallon awards were those going to Ruby Hart, Irene McPherson, Nell Wilbur. Robert Stryker, Blandina Wilson. Receiving gallon certificates were Bob Smtlh, Wllllsm War den, Barbara Whltten, G. E. Oelschlaeger, Dorothy Good- ner, Francis Ames, William Goodner, S. C. Gustlne, Grace Netland, Viona Barnes, Ro bert Thorns, Harvey Schmidt, Robert Bellinger, Verle Jen sen, Llllle Gravelle, Herman Osterman, Ida Kegimbal, John Miller, Elsie Morehead. Three Lebanon doctors su pervised the visit. TOOTH TOSSER FINED Glasgow, Scotland () Alexander Brown was fined five pounds ($14) Saturday for taking his false teeth out of his mouth and hurling them at an usher trying to get him out of a theater. His wife told the court: "He was sober when he left home." Ritchfleld and two sons, re cently returned from Hawaii and enroute to Moffitt, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown, son Dale, and Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. W. W. Miller, left Thursday for Lovelock. Nev., by automobile. They will attend a family reunion of Mrs. Miller's family while there. Mr. and Mrs. Onas S. Olson will motor to Carlton Sunday union which will be held at to attend the Olson family re- the home of cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Helvie at Carl ton. A Pierce family reunion was held Tuesday evening, August 11, at the home of Mr. and j Mrs. Paul Pierce, 5110 New berg Drive, with a large at-1 tendance. The reunion was in ! honor of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. 1 Dunn of Tucson, Ariz., who ' are visiting relatives In Keizer j and Salem. DON'T Throw Tear Welch Away W Fli Them When Others Cent THE JEWEL BOX MS SUM Bl if Or Moa Xtthw MumUm Sua We are told that the Chinese royal astronomers, Hsl and Ho, failed to warn their people of the blackout. of the sun on Oc tober 22,. 2137 B.C., because they were "drunk in excess of wine." They doubtless knew the law of the saros. It seems that execution was the fate for such scientific blunders. Today the reason for the saros is quite accurately known. The sun and the moon in their apparent paths among the stars return to nearly the same relative positions to each other and to the moon s nodes. Also, their distances are about the same. The period of the saroa is now given as 18 years 10 Vs days in case five leap yeara occur during this time. If, there are only four leap years, then the days are given as Utt. Let us see then how we can calculate the lunar eclipse of July 28, 1953, from the one of July 15, 1935. During this period 1938, 1940, 1944, 1948, and 1932 were leap years, or a total of five. Therefore the recent event was due to occur 18 years 10tt days after the one of "1933. Eighteen years take us to July 18, 1953. Ten more days come to July 25, Totality in 1938 started at 8:09 p.m. PST, 9:09 p.m MST, 10:09 p.m. CST. One- third day more places it eight hours farther along or in the morning of July . 26. It did occur within about one-half hour of that time The two eclipses were also practically identical in that in both cases the total phase last' ed 1 hour 41 minutes, or about the longest possible for a lunar eclipse. There might seem to be discrepency in the saros rule in that there were seven eclip ses in "1833 (both sun and moon considered) while .only five are scheduled for 1953 The solar eclipse of January S. 1935, covered only 0.001 of the sun's diameter. This amount varies by a tenth or so from one time to the next, so it missed entirely in 1933. The last one In 1933 was on Decern ber 25. In 1953 the extra Hi days will throw it into 1954. Donald Turner Joins Sweet Home Police Sweet Home Police Chief Roy Clover announced the ap pointment of Donald Turner as a patrolman with the Sweet Home police department. He succeeds James Garlick. Turner came to Sweet Home from Salem, where he once served as a guard at the Ore. gon State penitentiary. He has also had experience with a pri vate detective agency and spent four and one-half years in the U. S. Navy. He is 29, married and has one child. FALL CROCUS Blooms Without Soil or Water Jnmbe Bulbs 50c Each Free hrfcrng " 4l5SoytnHigt)WMillSta. Salem. Orefo. -1 ; in ' d"" Displays Cover Greater Area Displays and exhibits at this year's Oregon State Fair, Sa lem, September S through 12, will be larger In number and cover more area than ever be fore, it is reported by John R. Kelly, fair space manager. With virtually all space con tracted for, approximately 300 commercial and non-commercial exhibitors will stage shows and demonstrations covering space about 25 per cent larger than ever before used, Kelly said. Displays and demonstrations of farm machinery and equip ment, a major feature of the fair last year, will be more than twice as large as in 1952, according to Kelly. The dis play will have more than 250 pieces of equipment valued at more than $1,000,000. A new feature this year will be a showing ol house trailers, said to be the largest ever as sembled In the Pacific north west. Hazel Green Hazel Green Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zlelinski and son War ren have returned from a trip in which they Invited Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Ziellnski to accom pany them. They left going through Eastern Oregon and on into Idaho. They toured on into Yellowstone park and from there returned to Ore gon going through Montana and Washington by the way of Yakima. Friends and relatives are honoring Mr. and Mrs. E. J Welty at their home on Gar den road on Thursday eve ning on their recent marriage, Many friends and relatives are from the Hazel Green area Mr. and Mrs. Jul Faar and John Lehnherr have returned home from their month-long trip to Wisconsin and return ing by North Dakota to visit with friends and relatives. Mrs. Don White was hon ored with a group of friends and relatives. Mrs. Don White was honor ed with a group of friends and relatives calling on her at her home on her birthday Tuesday. Aug. 11. Many called on her in the afternoon and evening, Mr. and Mrs. H. Omholt took their nieces who are here from California with them to Bend, Oregon on Wednesday to see the famous Petersen Rock Gar dens. On their way home they stopped by the Detroit dam. Sunday was the occasion for a group of cousins and dis tant relatives to get together at the Siiverton park. Many came from Washington and way points. Those getting together were the Dick Bruner, Wen ger and Mullers. Most of them hope to hold a reunion yearly from now on. Many of the cou sins present were from Hazel Green. Miss Louise and Norma Om holt, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. Omholt for the past month are now visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Borthwick of Indepen dence. GOLD BAND LILIES Now In Bloom! In One Gallon 1C Containers, Each I I'lnm 4-5676 Tele - Radio-Television Bj OAVB BLACKMEK YOCBB FOB THI TELE-VII WING SATURDAY Dog Tales, t. Local, live children's show featuring Uncle "Mae." " . ,, The Teymaker anal His Friends, 1:15. Appioximately five youngsters will appear. Major League Baseball, $41. New York at Philadelphia (American League) "Live." Hers Baeiag from rortlaod Meadows, 3:3$. . Local, live, remote telecast. ' inirmi. 4 la. "The Haunted Lighthouse" Jimmy Olsen, cub reporter, visits his onto smugglers operating out 01 a oeserieu uinioouK. Saturday Night Bevae, $. 90 minutes o comedy end music starring Hoagy Carmichael with guest stars David Rose and orchestra, Eddie Foy, Jr., Paul Gilbert, and Ricky Vera. Sammy Kaye Show, 7:39. "So You Want To Lead A B ft fid " Dangerous Assignment, S. "The Civil War Map Story" Steve Is assigned to find why a Civil War map nas been stolen from the study of a Virginia colonel. ... .., Schllts Plsyhoose f Stars, $:$ "Miracle in the Night stars Ann Harding as a wealthy penny-pincher contemptous of poor people until she ventures away from her mansion and learns how the other half lives. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. North, 1$. "Where There's s Will" Pam and Jerry find their neighbors brutally beaten on the eve of hi. lmm,. A n-Mtlns cmrA elves a clue to the culprit. v..h rnmhn Theatre. Dark" with Brian Donlevy, Miriam Hopkins and Preston Fos ter. "" POW Is Sure Back Pay to Attract Girls Freedom , Village Newsmen Interviewing Sgt Oimet of Chateogay, N.Y shortly after his release' by the communists Saturday asked him if he had a girl friend at home. - "No, I haven't," he re plied, "but with $5,000 in back pay coming to me I don't think I'll have any trouble finding one." - 3rd Swim Class For Woodburn Woodburn The third and final series of free swimming instructions for the 1953 sea son will open Tuesday, Aug. 18, at the Woodburn war me morial swimming pool at Set tlemier psrk. Two classes of beginners, a group of inter mediates and advanced swim mers, a diving class and adult beginner and intermediate group completed their worn this Friday. The schedule of classes from Aug. 18 to Sept. 4 will be: Be ginners from 10:30 to 11:13 a.m. ana irom 11:10 xo noon, Diving class 12:30 to 1:13 p.m. Intermediates and advanced swimming 1:15 to 2 p.m. Tues days through Fridays. Junior lifesaving will be from 5 to 3:43 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays and senior lifesaving from 3:45 to 6:45 p.m. Arrangements will be msde for students to get in the extra time required for a Red Cross certificate. Synchro nized swimming is planned for Tuesdays from 5:45 to 7 p.m. Swimming students from Mt. Angel have been assigned the hours from 8:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursdays and 3:30 to 7 p.m. Saturdays. The" pool will be open to the public for the next three weeks Tuesdays 1 to 8 p.m. and 7 to 9:30; Wednes days 2 to 3 p.m. and 7 to 9:30 p.m.; Thursdays 2 to 5:30 p.m., 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.; Fridays 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9:30 p.m.; Sat urdays 1 to 5:30 p.m. and 7 to 9:30 p.m.; Sundaya 2 to 0:30 p.m. The pool is closed on Mondays. ' "Miss Norene Wells, instruc tor snd life guard, has an nounced that arrangements are being made for a special swimming program at the pool on Labor day. SHERMANS MOVE Mr. Angel Mr. and Mrs. George Sherman (Selma Van decoeverlng) and family have moved to their newly purchas ed farm located south of Prat um. IT'S LEON'S GREAT NOW OPEN FRIDAY Views aunt on an island and stumbles !:$$. "A Gentleman After On Television KPTV (Channel 27) . lATtmDAT t:lt p.m. ut tb Cloek -t:I0 p.m. Portland llitdewi -4:M p.m. Lilt BMlni ftt 4:IO.m4upnnaa t SO .M.-aa,turiA)r Night JUTUO 1 :I0 p.m-Oent A'Jtry 1:00 p.m. Amttaur Hour 1 :S0 p.mJtmmr Kt l:M p.sstDmerouj Attlfnment 1:10 t;00 p.m. Dth Valley Day t:IO p.m. imous or atari 10:0 and Mrs. Morih 10:t p.m. Huh Thtawr SU IHSTAUflU Motorola. Doment, HoHidm. IU Valley Television Center 2303 Falrgroandi Rd. Ph. 2-1913 Sm Of a.f.ra tn 'fa But DmI la Tm futwr TrelM tutaUul Own Calll p.m. Suol SftUrSti CNDAT t-IA yrontlra of Filth 10:4ft p.m, Paradox Pfatt 11:00 A.m. Thla U Llf0 ' 13:00 i.m. What Tour Troubto 13:11 D.m. Hour ot docibiob 13:45 p.nwWeddlBf Bella 1:00 p.m. untay star nm 1:00 p.m. Industry en Paradt p.m. Art Linklctur S:1S p. mv Roy Roferi 3:10 p.m. Your Playtime 4:00 p.m Bl Pay of I ft OO pjb. Sunday Review :30 p.m. What's My Una? 7:00 p. m Summer Thtattr 1:00 p.m. TV Flayhoua 0:10 p.m. Tha Wtfe 10:00 p.m. Sporta Scholar 10:11 p.m. Headllna ParadO 10:30 p.m. Nwa Rtrlfw 10:4 p.m. city Hofpttal litis p.m. Texas Wrtitling MONDAT t:IO i.m. What'a cookiott 11:00 a.m. Bl Payoff 11:30 a.m. Wtlcoma Travel erf 13:00 noon On Your Account DO YOU LIKE ITfffRflTORITefMSTI CLEAN-UP IN PROGRESS 234 N. LIBERTY NIGHT TIL Poo aaWtmnifsB' tm m turwr UM IN :S IN :lt 1:1 IN 4:W p.m. Cub), at r-till mru n lutB P KMftUM. TfcMUT ' ,! S..fa Twiifrft m. Lr m Ull .m Win BIS mekwt .-JI.MlMf CfeMMP . MTllMf ' Air t m. Tm Jaw .m rubu im cmuii aporUwai Old! P.m-N.w. &ClWTTIt TkntN 9 m. Vote f pirMMI p.ll.i8 Thli Tim. pa. !!; BP.tll.HI p m- -JloMrt MHtiNHry p- 'ArtAur Slurrkj Duel p.a.Bi PltTb.efe P-B.-lpwu Da I B-Mlt. Owl TkMU TUIIB1T S.B. Wh.U CMklms ..a. PrMloa Btost ' pm. Bit Ttiall WiIcmm Tr.Ttlm III I : I Mj It :4t IN IH IN I II IN UN KM 19:11 11. IN UN I OF DCLiaDLn nnnol mssm APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR CO. 233 N. LIBERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances , and All Stkall Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery en Large Appliances Iran Royse and Walt Claus, Owners ARCHERY tN"SNG Ph.2-4226 HARRY HOBSON- 6250 PORTLAND RD. Located on Highway 9t Next to Tttom Pole (Chemawa) - Custom-Made Bows, Arrows, Fishing Poles And Other Archery and Fishing Tackle SEE OUR BOOTH AT THE OREGON STATE FAIR AWNINGS-TENTS-TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT t AWNING CO 729 N. LIBERTY Canvas Goods of Every Description "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" CHINESE FOODS CHINA CAFE 20SS FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing in Chinese & American roods Festurlng "Good Foods Well prepared" Bring the Family ' Call for Reservations for Dinners and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC MORTARLESS BLOCK CO. 14th It I. HOYT Approyed Reinforced - Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks Interlocking Blocks In Pumice or Concrete Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSERBROS 1113 S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers - Power Mowers pressors Sanders Plumbing Tools Power and Hand Mower Sharpening Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph.4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong tt Con goleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Til Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Given! IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1810 UNA AVt Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pip Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOVING & STORAGE Ph.3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER" . SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shltmina Service" Office 1120 W. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R.W."JOC"LAND OIL TO BURN ROAD OILING PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMIING t HEATING Repairing ISSChemekete Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS We give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. 3-3157 UO L HWff 310 (Mai Desflrtm 2440 CrteT. Hedkst CmM 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Daily 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M. ISO S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 PM. and 6:00 PJ4. to 0:00 P M. All Sundays and Holidays Radiant Glassheat . Phone 4-6263 Radiant Glassheat of Salem 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. Learn sbout the Miracle of Glassheat before you buy any . w hAwVn8 v,t"; at any price See Continental Glassheat No Chimney No Maintenance FHA Terms Easy Terms 3 Year Guarantee Radio Repair We QTaWV gtalBpi j MITCHELL'S Radio-Television 1880 Stat Motorola Dealers for sW Ganeral Electric j ' ' Pick up and Delivery TELEVISION s Ph. vJSS."?!?, VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER 230J Fairgrounds Rd. In Woodburn at 171 Grant St Featuring MOTOROLA - RCA VICTOR - HOFFMAN DUMONT TELEVISION SETS IS p ....ItlHt OltflM :IS p m B-U.o SLMl IUUA1DI W AUGUST Sydney, Australia Bill iards swept the Australian A spa ISO miles southwest of Sydney Saturday. li Nttrtaf AM- MAICO Ph. 2-6596 TANKS Ph. 37324 Paint Sprayers Air Cora. Whse. 0 S. Liberty Ph. 3-5584 Ph. 24151 1174 Edgewater St OR 3-5769 WEST SALEM . ROAD TWEEDIE FUELS OILS OILING STANDARD OIL DEALER 24 HOW SfltVKE Ph. 3-9123 Greea Ph.3-7577 A