Friday, Ansrust 14, 1955 Many Wbodburn Pastors In Pulpits After Vacations wooaDum -roise in i World of Panic" will be the sermon topic of Dr. David Fer guson at the Woodburn and Bethel Presbyterian churches Sunday morning. Auk. 16. He will speak at the Bethel church at 10 a.m. and at the Woodburn church at 11. Sun day school is at 9:45 a.m. at Woodburn and follows the morning service at Bethel. An nouncement was made last Sun day of a short business meet ing of the congregation to be held after the 11 o'clock serv ice on August 23, to elect a trustee to fill out the unexpired term of Mrs. Cordelia Layman, who died recently. Dr. Irving Fox Guest Speaker Guest speaker at Calvary Baptist church this Sunday at both morning and evening ser vices will be Dr. Irving A. Fox, pastor of the First Baptist church of Selma, Calif. Dr. Fox was formerly pastor of the First Baptist church of Salem from 1937 to 1945. Pre viously he held pastorates in Decatur and Freeport, Illinois, having secured his doctorate from the Northern Baptist The ological Seminary. Dr. and Mrs. Fox are vaca tioning in Oregon and visiting their son Henry Fox, who is Director of Christian Education at Calvary church. Dr. Fox will speak Sunday morning on "All the Promises'" and his subject Sunday evening will be "Pray er Meeting in a Dungeon." Immediately following the morning service there will be a Fellowship Dinner In the Low . er Fireplace Room in Tionor of Dr. and Mrs. Fox. Those at tending are asked to bring ta ble service, a hot dish or salad. First Baptists To Hear Tobias . The 7:30 o'clock evening ser vice of the First Baptist church will be one with real informa tion and inspiration. Guest speaker for the evening will be Rev. Kenneth Tobias, Field Di rector for the Conservative Baptist Association of Oregon. Mr. Tobias will speak on the subject, "Glimpses of Modern Miracles," and will show col ored slides of the rural mission ary work in Oregon. At the close of the message the 40 minute sound and color film, "Design for Tomorrow," will be shown. "Design for Tomor row" Is the story of the sacri ficial but rewarding life of Am erica's small-town pastor and his family. Rev. Thornton Jansma, will preach at the eleven o'clock morning service on the subject, "The Cost of Discipleship." The ladies sextette from the church choir will sing. Vacation Leave For Olivers Ends En route to Nuzvld, Krischna district in South India are Dr. and Mrs. John Oliver. Dr. Oli ver is the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Avery Oliver of Rickreall. The departure concludes a year of residence in the United States, nine months of which were occupied in the study of basic sciences and surgery at White Memorial hospital in Los Angeles. Dr. Oliver is a graduate of Laurel Wood Academy, Walla Walla college and the College of Medical Evangelists at Loma Linda, California. He interned at the Portland Sanitarium and in 1946 took a five months' course in tropical medicine at TUane University. First Presbyterian Churcjj Chemeketa at Winter "A PARABLE FOR A NATION" Dr. Paul K'ewton Poling Two Services: 9:45 and 11 A.M. KOCO, 10:00 A.M. First Melhodisf Church Ptwmtow Tim TTt Whit lir . th Chinos Morning Worship Sunday 11 am. LOOKINO IN" Sermon by REV. RAY N. FEDJE Brotdcut KSLM, 11:30-12:00 Brooks H. Moore, minister ANNOUNCING A Christian Kindergarten OPENING AT CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH 1750 STATE STREET Sept 811953 Follows Public School Tear :00-ll:45 A.M. Dally Limited to tS Children 5 Tears of Ara For Reservations and Information Call 1711 MRS. RUTH BEESLET, TEACHES . ... praawr m the Bible Baptist church, will return Friday from varatinn and will conduct the regular services on Sunday, Aug. 16. A teachers and officers meeting has been announced for Tues day, Aug. 18, at 7:30 pjn. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. For rest Woods. Rev. Ormal B. Trick, pastor of the Woodburn Methodist church, who has been attending me conference of the Mission' ary Education Movement at Asilomar, Calif., will lie at home to conduct the service Sunday morning. He will re sume the series of sermons on "Great Hymns of the Church," and his topic wiU be "Still, Still wun rnee. Rev. O. F. Braaten of Salem will again be guest speaker at the 9 a.m. service Sunday at the Immanuel Lutheran church here. Rev. J. Williiun Carlson. the pastor, expects to return from his vacation to conduct the services on August 23. Holy Communion will be held at 7:30 a.m. and again it 9:30 a.m. at St. Mary's Epis copal church on Sunday, Aug. IB, with the vicar. Rev. T. M. Baxter, speaking at the 9:30 service. "Living atones in the Temple of God" will be the sermon topic of Rev. George Springer at the Woooburn Christian church Sunday st 11 a.m. For the evening service at 8 p.m. ins topic will be "Blessings." At the Foursquare Commun ity church Rev. Arthur Coble, the pastor, will speak at 11 a.m on the topic, "These Tilings I Believe." His topic for the eve ning evangelistic service at 8 o'clock will be "Anchors A weigh." Rev. and Mrs. Goble will hold open house Sunday afternoon from 2 to 5 p.m. at their home, 1197 East Lincoln street, for members and friends of the church. Regular services at the Woodburn Church of God will be Sunday school at 10 a.m., preaching at 11 a.m., young people's meetings at 7 p.m. and evening worship at 8 o clock. The Woodburn Church of God with Rev. Edward H. Baldwin, pastor, is one of the 611 con gregations of the church in America to exceed the goal of $12 per member for the world service fund of the church, Sunday services at St Luke's Catholic church are at a.m., 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Week day mass at 8:15 a.m. Free Methodist services are Sunday school at 9:45 a.m preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:45 D.m. Services at the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Lat ter Day Saint are. church school at 10 a.m., preaching 11 a.m. and 8 p.m., Zlon league at 7 p.m. George X. Omans is pastor. Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. services at the Belle Passi school house, Sunday school at 10 a.m.. Sacrament meeting at 7:30 p.m. Lutherans Plan For Construction A special congregational meeting of the members of CInnA Shenhprd Lutheran church will be held Sunday at 8:30 a. m. at the church. Tne meeting will concern the au thorization of the construction nl the first of three units which will eventually comprise the completed structure ior uooa Shepherd Lutheran Church of Qai.m Thr nlana have been worked out in conjunction with Dr. Elwood Bowman, Director of - church extension of the Rnorrl nf American Missions of the United Lutheran church In America. .The recent "Building Crusade" conducted on behalf of Good Shepherd Lutheran church has permitted this step to be made. Guest pastor of Good Shep herd Lutheran church at the 9.00 a. m. church service on Sunday will be Rev. P. W Erik sen. Pastor Eriksen recently celebrated the completion of 45 years of service as a pastor in the Lutheran church. Amitv Churches Hat-Hit Wima t. Bry. partor. Bun-rU- irhool 10 a. m. Metvlni worship U . m. VTfnlng terries p. m. Chares, ml ChrNt flM.pi. Blblt Khnnl I ft m. Mnrntnf ih! 11 m. CtirliiUn VndTftr .. Enlnt itrrin t:10 p. m. Choir prat tle I p. m- MtthadUt R. Brw MeCofiBU, fnta lltr. (5undar achon) It a, m. Mnrntnc worthtp 11 a. m. Tooth PtQowihlp, 4:30 p. a. Oah flrw Chal Rt. Brae lfcCan nill, mtniftt-r. Moraine worship f:4l a, a. Bund j acbool 10:0 a. m. Aiwaklr of Oat Frank K. Ifapas. paator. Sunday school. a. m, Mora Ins wosahip, U a. a. Bran tag ssrrks, 1:3 p. a. GUEST SPEAKER J wo N :'( Vi Rev. Lloyd Kllgore. evan gelist recently returned from tha Far East, will apeak in two Salem churches Sun day. He will appear at Christian and Missionary Alliance at 11 a.m. and at Halbert Memorial Baptist at 7:30 pan. - Rev. Douglas Harrell Back From Retreat Silverton ' The Rev. Doug las Harrell of the Methodist church attended a minister's retreat at Suttle Lake, which began Sunday evening, Aug. 9, and closed Tuesday. Suttie Lake is one of the lo cations of the Oregon Metho dist three summer camps. Rev. Harrell is announcing his Sunday, Aug 16, morning sermon theme to be: "The Mir age and the Pool." This service follows the 9:45 a.m. complete ly departmentalized and grad ed Sunday school hour. On this date, at 3 o 'clock in the after noon, parents and members of the senior high aged Methodist Youth Fellowship, of which Miss Florence Beali is presi dent, ara to meet at the church for transportation to Silver Falls Stcte Park where an af ternoon picnic is to be enjoyed, supper served, and a' vesper devotion service given. The visiting speaker at the Methodist church Sunday, August 23 worship hour will be Bishop A. Raymond Grant of Portland. The general public is urged to attend this service. Bishop Grant is former pas tor for many years of the Sac ramento First Methodist fehurch, an instructor in the Theological Seminary, and an author and preacher of national reputation. The Portland area of which he is bishop included Oregon, Alaska, Washington and Idaho churches. Tour of Orient Subject of Talk A report en six months of intensive evangelism in the Orient, including the descrip tion of conditions in Formosa, Okinawa, Hong Kong and the Philippines will be given Sun day by Rev. Lloyd Kllgore in two looal churches. He will speak at Christian and Missionary Alliance at 11 a.m. and at Halbert Memorial Baptist at 7:30 p.m. Speaker for the evening services at Christian and Mis sionary Alliance will be Rev. William' Schwab of Talbot. Services at Halbert Memor ial will include a program to be presented by the youth of the church. Services Slated For Migrants Services of worship will be conducted Sunday, August IS, at Leslie Methodist church by Jim Hardy, at present directing the program of religious serv ices for migrant workers in the Salem-Independence area. Mr. Hardy works under the auspices of the Salem Council of Churches, the Oregon Coun cil of Churches and the Home Missions Conference of North America. He will conduct the complete service in the absence of the pastor, now on vaca tion. The music committee will have special music for the serv ice. Scientists can tell where porcupines were most numer ous in past years by boring trees and noting which rings ar gnawed the most. mm .TOD mi QLM3 W8 It WOK TOSJ MBtr Norris Walker Paint Co. 1710 1 Nal Nmm 42279 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SaJm, OrtfM Presbyterian Woodburn The monthly meeting of the Presbyterian Aid society was held Wednes day afternoon, Aug. 12, at the church social room with Mrs. Alfred Moon presiding. After the opening hymn Mrs. X. J. Allen led the devotional serv ice, reading the first Psalm, followed by prayer by Rev. Sidney Harris. Reports were 'given by Mrs. Allen, secretary, Mrs. H. F. Buterfield, treasurer and Mrs. Frank Wright, courtesy chair man. Mrs. X. C. Peyton reported $20 had been raised with the traveling basket which will continue its travels later in the season. Mrs. W. S. Scarborough, Mrs. Frank Wright and Mrs. Pey ton were authorized to pur chase SO new cups for tha kit chen. Mrs. Sidney Harris was in charge of the program and pre sented Rev. Harris who gave an ' interesting historical ad dress on "Four Johns," John Calvin, John Knox, John Wes ley and John Witherspoon. Refreshments were served by the hostess committee, Mrs. O. L. Withers, Mrs. W. S. Scar borough and Mrs. R. L. Free berg. , For tha next meeting, Sept , hostesses will be Mrs. Wll- Uiam Peltz, Mrs. R. L. Ander son and Mrs. Eleanor Vickers. Mrs. A. G. Douglas will have the program and Mrs. H. F. Butterfield will lead tha de votional service. Kindergarten by Christ Lutheran A Christian Kindergarten will open at Christ Lutheran Church on State street Septem ber 21. The school will be con ducted for 9-year-old children who will be entering the first grade next year. The schedule will follow the Public School Calendar and the sessions will be held every morning from 9 to 11:45 a. m. in the parish house in the church. The kindergarten is open to anyone even though it la spon sored by the church. Included in the nominal tuition charge is the cost covering Insurance dally snacks and materials. The prescribed course of study for kindergartens will be followed along with Christian literature and music. Interested parents may con tact the teacher, Mrs. Ruth Beesley. The board responsible in the church related kinder garten Is Mrs. Evelyn Bolmeter, Mrs. Wllma Collins, Mrs. De- lores Nunn and Mr. Boyd Hil- lesland with Pastor T. M. Geb- hard as advisor. The kindergarten is limited to 23 children and a waiting list will be established in the order of the reservations. Registra tion days previous to the school will be conducted by the teach er, Mrs. Beesley, and a regis tered nurse, Mrs. Wilma Col lins. OSC Faculty Man And Family Guests A visitor in ' Salem this week-end will be Dr. D. D. Evans, en route to Corvallis where he will take up his duties next week in soil physics in the department of soils at Oregon State college. Dr. and Mrs. Evans and their three boys,- Thomas, Robert and Rodgera will be house guests this week-end at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Paulson, 667 Brenner. Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Paulson are sisters. Dr. Evans studied at Ohio State and received his PhD in soil physics at Iowa State college, Ames, Iowa. I2M0I EUGENE FIRE Eugene, Fire of undeter mined origin broke out In the planer shed of the J. P. O Neil Lumber Co., north of Eugene Wednesday. Fire departments from Eugene, Bethel and Dane bo controlled the blaze. Fire Chief Ed Surfus of Eugene estimated damage at $20,000. IT'S LEON'S GREAT NOW OPIN FRIDAY latent Church l Jakaa IMImi Caarrk OS. Br. . itm min. . a. w. orm aarrtraa al I aa. II. loot ackaal 1M laa ilia M M. Bar MiMlM haw al Wia aaaaai I at a na,-! "Claaaara. aa. CaactlflaaUaa Tarawa tha alaoa - braw a.m. kr ruw O. achtitaar. laMaa tanlO Caaaak a w Bmu, auaiaiar. saaiap acaaai at m. aa varaaip at ii. Julari MMt-. T. T. P. MCMW MMl It f:AL Braalaa aarauaa. t.H. tint SalrHaalan Ckarak CIRb ua baallm nirlM M. BUTlea 1 M- Srtrt r. Kallk Wrtskart. Taatt: "Aj I. nnt Caraauiau. Ckaauc II." ra IMan Ckatab LP1 i,a. yvl aad Lancln. ambm. (:u a-M. auaoar MiaU Jniar wnM. I1:M , SBW ankla. LawaU W. Mia, (MM. I. SaMak. Claaatt tliaaia gaa. Bakal. WlaUr. Jaaiak B. Vaa. .rtock. Mitar. amrtar au,: (it I II. M M inl li:u. Ooatautaaa aau ia: :W to 1:1. IM I N la a. Wat MathaMat Clmklufk a ataU etraau. UamlM wankla. li t. a.. aaraioa: Laokln, lm." Iter. Star M. Ttf, CVMt araaebar. Caharr aaatajt Ckaiak aaatk IJa. rtr at MlUar St. Oaii M. Bartk. aaa tar. CU. lak HkaaL llt "All Ik. FroaUja," owl ntattr. Dr. Unas 4. Va. BrMdcaM atr XOAB MM Ka. S-M, Butiit Taatk ruiawikla. T'.M. "Tranr MUaa t . Omnm." Oaan aMakar. Or. Irrlu A. ru. . Sakil Paal-i Bahaaaal Ckarak Chvirrt and Cbtatkau atra,u. nav. Oawt. m awlfl, B. D.. raciar. Holr oniinlon. 1: n i n a a. Koihit tckaal la farUk kali, lira. ..a. rram aarrlci aad aumaa. 11 M. ..m. Caaltal Baallal fkma-IM tm.i Ata. i 45 a.m., aund,y atbaol far all aim. 11:0. ..m., aiernlQ. woraklp pai-tor-. Mrmaa: "TallowlB. Jaiaa." .:30 tralaln. kulaa lor .U Mat. :u 0 ni4 trtnln. vorthlp atraiea ky lUr. WUtr Wtathara. I:M p.av. Tauik Pal lawihla, JaMat B. mat. aaltar. CkrUt tatkaraa Okirik-BtoU Alt. .1 ltth. Hat. T. M. OaaaanL auarTkn. dar vorakla aarvle. .ad aarmaa. I it aad II a.B. Blkl. tlAMaa lor all Hat, It a.m. alikl Maaiarlal Caaararattaaal Caarak Itt Bean ltth atraal. t:4l a.m ana dar MhaaL 11:0. K.m., man let ar hlo. aarmaa, "I mat Oa." hr tha Rw. daard c saltar, luMt maUrtar. LoaU B. Whlta. Blautar. Okarah af Ckrlat Caamakat. aad Cat. tan atratU. Caole. L. Brraat, avanaal Itt. Suad.T rnerala., "Blbl. Pranam" taocoi l:oa-t:lL Baodar aiarntaa. li bit Mkoal, It oo. aaadar atsraln. or abla atrrlot, 10:1. auadar naala. rotrat aao.1. traljlnt alua, S:M. Baaday ara. Bin a. araathlac aad Varahla aarrlaai. i:ja, waoawaar araanw audvaak atrr- It. 1:N. Sim Baatkt Okarak Marie aad Ilk Ttr. Dr. liord T. Aadaraaa. aaltar. Kav. Thorn loa Janima, aauataat aattar. Bua- aar acnoai, t:w la mornlna vankla. 11: to a'claek. IUt. Tharatoa Jaaaai. pklna. Tooth ataaUaaa. 1:11 , m. Braata. aarvlca, rotit apaabar, Xar. aaaath Tablaa. Calarad aoaad aiovta. "Datln tor Tomorrow" Till aa akewa. ar Caraara Baallal Ckarak etata and aim BtraaU. nor. Victor L. Loaakt, potior, atiaoar aehaol. 1:41 liora- la. a-oraalp, 1141 a'elorr, Paitar Loucki Bpaaiin.. tour, paeplat Laatao. 1:11 aranls. aoipal arnica. t:M a.m. Mld-vaak pram oarrlea, Taartdar, T.M Vtral Ckarak at Caimi. Silaaaal Ubartp aad CaoaitkoU atraom. Bnadap aanaai at II caaraa aamao at 11 a.m. Loaaaa-Sanaaa oablaet: 'Saal.' Bo uadav oraaia. aamao donas ajuraat. lalaai Vralk Oaalaf 111 Caaapdtata. aaadav arhool. It. aarrlea 11. Taple: Tea Art Immortal, star. our. BMraaa. Ckrtallaa a kllaalaaarp aUfaaaa It. Itu oalnti. Bar. Pan! w. OuDtbori paitar. Buador aebaol, 1:41 a.m. AlorD- la. aorthlp. tuait apoaktr, Bar. Llord Kllltoro of Pormoaa. oklaawa, aad Hon. Koaa, 11:01 a.m. AlUanco Tooth Pillow abtp. S:3I P.M. Braalaf oarrlea. .uaat nwakor. Bar. William Schwab of Tal. bot, l:M p.m. at. Vlaaaal da Paal CatkaUa Colum kla aad atrrtla itroaU. UaaMt at S. l it. 1:41. 1. aad 11:11 a.m. coafaoiiaaa Bat- ardar. 4:N to l:H and 1 u I M p.m. .ad kolor. ataaaat. Ckarak af Jaaaa Ckrlat af tallar Dap alala (Haraiaa) 4th and kfadjioa BU. Jaba B. aaluburr, klibap. Pnaathood ajaalla. I M am., Buadar ackaal 10 10 ..4 aacraaioBt tarrloa t:ov Baarfaanad Ckarok al Jaiaa Ckrlat af Lattar Par Salata aaroataaBtk aad Oha mikata att. Ooorro W. apaad, pattor. Churok acbool :4I. Iforata. vonblp torrleo 11. Bldor aphraln Barnhart af Bucoat. ipaakar. Bvanlnt vorahlp irrr- k. S. WllUara It. avala, apaaker. larwa-d BIHa ltn Blm. Bar. John B. Prtaaaa. aapplr paitar. Baadap ockaol 1:41, vorablp atrrla. l.:4l, oroala. atrr- Ico 1M. frral Caaaraaatkraal 111 klarloa St. 11 a.m. warablp atrrlea, nr. Jaltaa J. Kolaar, aatttar af Warraa Araaao Coa .rfaUoaal akarak, Cbleafa. Taa Baikal Bapllal Ckarak. north cat- lata aad "D" strain, Bar. Rudolph worto. paitar. aaadar irhool n . i a.m. aforala. a-oiahlp itrrleo it 11:1 a.m., tha a altar praachlot en "Bi ller. Alia la ata.- Teutb ataatlnft at T:M Broalat soapol feeur l:n o'olock. SI. Mark', latkeraa Ckarak 141 B Church at. The luautar ackadula af eborck aarrleaa kt ai rellowi: Moroln. worth!. . a-m. Buadar acbool 1..M e'deek. Th laihtr Laaaue muas U.M am. I CENT BOOST WON Portland CIO Wood worker headquarters her re ported Thursday that the Klamath Basin Pine Industrial Relations Committee has granted a S-cent hourly pay boost, retroactive to April 1. Th commute represents em ployers of about 300 Wood workers in the Klamath Basin. CLEAN-UP IN PROGRESS 234 N. LIBERTY NIGHT TIL 9 On Television KPTV (Channel 27) iwthh tcBaaalBa' I. Urtaaaal 1 I 1 MttsYtaaV OVBsMrff lffMaksV tCA Valley Television (enter 2)01 FsHrtwdi II kiln) Baa Da Bafara laa Baa Far tka Baal Baal la Tava taalara Vralaa. TatkaMaaa Oaaa DatM a m. aU BaaaM Sataraaf niBAI 1 11 .. Trmai.ri 4 aii Ova riaibaaa. M a.av-Oaw Kkl .at-Maaaaa,r af Air I M r.m. au awr PootaaU S:M Daacar Daoraav I M Ooldaarti I at a-iCkaaea al . UflUaM :M .av Bak Caaildla. M.N ..K'-WrartUaf ll:s ajk-afaduoa adura Oariaa MITCHELL'S Faetsry TralkMd Barrloi and Installation ISM lute 8t rhon. 1-1571 SATHBDAT I M .ra. zxm Talai It:.. ..aiAmtrlcaa Laatu. 11:0. p.m. Pulta of cur li t. p.av Talaat Patrol 1 00 Data WIU Judr Ltd a.m. Lona Raacar 1 11 p.av Blrp Kla. 1:1. p.av-Bat tha Clock l Portland Uoadoao 4 0. p.av UIo Batla. al to 4:1. p.aSupmnu I M p.atatlardtr Nlihl Rnu. : P.BL Prlrat aar-rourp f:00 B.BL Amataur Haur ' 1: P BtuanT Faro l:o. P.m. Uanl.rom aatliawoat I II WraaUlBi I 00 VaHtr Dan 1:11 p.mPlarhouio e( atari 10:00 r. Mr. .04 Urt. North 10:11 p.m. Pronator Tnaatar TV TROUBLES? Technicians on Doty ' Till 1:1 pjn. DaUy TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 141 S. Utk Ph. 4SS11 SUNDAY - l:t. a au PVATttt-ra or P.iui 10:41 Paradoi Pttfl 11:00 a.av ThU II LUo 11:00 a.m-Whati Tour Traublo n:ia p.m-Hour 01 Dtewoa 11:41 p.m-Wtddla. BtUj I'M pbu BunOar Star Ttma S:0l p.av ladtutrp aa Parao. 1:11 ,a Art Llakltttar 1:11 Roaart 1:M paL Tour PlartUa. 4:00 Bit Parall I M tav-l Thtttar S:ll p.av Buadar Rarlaw I II p av What'a Mr Uaat 1:0. auatmir Thtatar t 00 p.m TV purhout l:M Taa Wib It M Portland Scholar 11:11 Hiadllna Parana l.:M p at-Niat Rorltw l.:4. p.av Clip Hoaplta! ' 11:11 p.m. Tuaa wroitllat MOND.tT t:tl a.m. What"! Cooklafl 1100 a.m. Bli Parolf 11:1. a.m Wtleomi Trarolirt 11:0. a.m. On Tour Aeaoual 11:11 a.m. Ladlca Obolea l ot p.m Doubio or Nothtas 1 It p at atrlko II Blab 1 00 pat UatlBM Thittar S:ll p.ataareh Tomorrair Flood Control Hearing Planned or Arlington Arlington, Ore. (Jf) Army Engineers will hold a public hearing here Sept 23 on flood control features of the pro posed John Day Dam. The project site is on the Columbia river near the mouth of the John Day river. 28 miles east of The Dalles. WIN ( CENT INCREASE Klamath Falls 0J.B Agree ment calling for a five-cent per hour wage increase retroactive to April 1 was reached last niht twtwMn tha lncarilninn "igni ueiween me local union if th International Wood vorker of American CIO and : Ilamath Basin Pine Mills, Inc. 'About 230 men are affected. Mutton Shoulder ROAST . m Leg of Mutton 20' lb. Mutton Chops ib. 23' IF YOU NEED A FROZEN FOOD LOCKER 1st still hot som f hit new tupr modern warm room lockers left. Stop In and else your erdr now! LSD'S MARKET FREE DELIVERY On Order Ovr (4.00 Tele - 0 By DA VI TOURS FOS TBI TILE-VIEWING FRIDAY Matinee Theatre, t. "She'a In The Army" with Marl Wilson, Veda Ann Borg, Lyle Talbot and Lucille Gleason. Taymaker, 1:45. The old German Toymaker brings hla tales of toys to delight the young of heart on thla live chil dren's show. All-Star Football Game, l:J. Doorway U Danger, 1. Agent Coug Carter It almost caught in the murderous rivalry of two bootleggers. The Goldbergs, 1:11. Jake' uncle Barrlah visit the Gold bergs. Almost everyone falls in love with ancle Barrish a a a uncle David. Eventually both men decide to leave. Wrestling by Heidelberg, 16. Local, live remote telecast originating from the Portland Armory. Nit Owl Theater, 11:45. "Behind the Mask" with Kane Richmond and Barbara Reed. - , YOUR FOR THE TELE-VIEWING IATCBDAT Dog Tales, t. Local, live children's show featuring Unci "Mac." Th Toymaker and HI Friends, :1S. 'Approximately five youngster will appear. ' Major League Baseball, t:8t. .New York at Philadelphia (American League) "Live." Hone Racing from Fortlaad Meadow, 1:11. Local, live, remote telecast. ' Snpermaa, 4:S. "The Haunted Lighthouse" Jimmy Olsen, cub reporter, visit his aunt on an island and (tumble onto smugglers operating out of a deserted lighthouse. Saturday Night Revue, 5. 80 minutes of comedy and music starring Hoagy Carmichael with guest star David Rosa and orchestra, Eddie Foy, Jr., Paul Gilbert, and Ricky Vera. Sammy Kay Shew, 1:11. "So You Want To Lead A Band." i Dangerous Assignment, I. "The Civil War Map Story" Steve is assigned to find why a Civil War map ha been stolen from the study of Virginia colonel. Schlits Playhouse of Stars, :). . "Miracle In th Night" star Ann Harding as a wealthy penny-pincher eontemptou of poor people until she venture away from her mansion and learns how the other half live. Mr. and Mrs, North, lv "Where There' Will" Pam and Jerry find their neighbor brutally beaten on the eve of hil birthday. A greeting card gives clue to the culprit. Nash Premiere Theatre, lt:3t. "A Gentleman After Dark" with Brian Donlevy, Miriam Hopkins and Preston Fos ter. - Delay Sewers At Sweet Home Sweet Home Th Sweet Horn city council ha granted time extensions to six local resident, who for various ex- tentuatlngi ercumstances, ask ed for this consideration re garding their sewer hookup time - limit which followed their notification by mall call ing for a hook up in 120 days, At the sam time, council- men denied a request from Mrs. Mae Thompson and Mrs. Met Carmen that .they be relieved of th obligation to attach their property to the newly-installed aewev. Kitty Thornton waa denied a request for ' permission to move the office building of Miller' Building Supply to a position farther south. The re quest was denied on the grounds that the building situated within the city fire zone Is nonconforming. The council also passed for first and second reading an ordinance repealing sections of an old ordinance prohibit ing curtain on establishments dispensing alcoholic beverages. The move was requested by Carl Lester, owner of the Tourit Cafe and cocktail lounge. Lester also asked for per mission to move a portable cold room to a position behind the Tourist Cafe was referred to the council's building per mit committee.. Council granted building permits to D. M. Krogh for construction of a residence at 4th Ave. and Eye St., esti mated to cost $6,000; to Lloyd Mulholland for construction of a warehouse south of the alley between 10th and 12th ave nues, estimated to cost $2,500. Payment of 12,000 to th Cuf Wrapped Quick-Frozen V Swift's Short Shank iraicst Lb. OPEN 7 1120 S. 12th Pa . Views Radio-Television jfl BLACKMEB Sweet Horn Recreation eoun- -ell, as provided In th 195S-, 54 city budget was authorized by council. Other business of th eve ning included: 1. Referred to th council' street committee an offer by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Christian son to deed property for a street between 4th and 8th avenue in return for .grading and graveling by the city. 2. .Granted th Navy Club of the United. States permis sion to show mobile unit her within th next 60 days. 1. Accept a Police Depart ment report of th month of July. 4. Endorsed a Class B Liquor license application sub mitted by E. C. Banke. This license provides sale of beer for off-premise- consumption. 5. Accepted a report on th completion of Eewer Improve ment District 14. 8. Passed for second read ing an ordinance establishing a uniform building code. 7. Passed for first reading an ordinance making mowing of grass on vacant lots man datory. ; 8 Passed for first reading an ordinance assessing prop erties affected by street Im provement in Milburn addi tion. 9. Referred to th council's street ' committee a request from Lew Perkins that speed limit signs be Installed on th south city limit approaching 11th Ave. and a separate re quest from Bill Reed - that speed limit signs be installed on 14th Ave. in the vicinity of the city park. During th business session Frontier Days Kangroo - Kort made a raid on the council. Diptheria deaths in England and Wales reached an all-time low of 31 in 1052, compared with 2,480 In 1040. IDAHO LOCKER BEEF The Best Money Can Bay ' Average Weight It lb, to th Half lb, GROUND BEEF r BEEF STEAK 39' Ib. BEEF ROAST 29' 7 DAYS A WEEK A.M. to 1 A.M. St. Ph. 26403