Pare 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Onw Friday, August 14. 1953 In The Valley Edited by M1KI FOKBES Willamina Pleasantdale Pleasantdale Mr. and Mn. Scott Edwards are again own in of the Grand Island Service Center at the Grand Island Junction, having previously run the store far two years. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gossett, who have had the business for the past seven months, are moving to Salem, where he has employ ment in a supermarket Mr. and Mrs. Edwards took over operation of the store on Wed nesday, Aug. 12, but they will continue to live in their home In the Pleasantdale district. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Palmer of Grand Island will occupy the living quarters at the store and help out part time in running Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gubser b''Jthdy. and children, Merlyn and Necie Ann, spent last week-end at Astoria visiting friends, Mr. and Mrs. George TafL Mrs. Dean Rector (Gilda Richards) and sons, Larry and Tommy, of Portland, are house guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Richards, this week. Two brothers, Lyle Weldon of Boise, Idaho, and Gene Wei don of McMinnville, hooked three salmon while deep-sea fishing at Depoe Bay recently, Included In the family party that spent the day there were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Weldon, Mr, and. Mrs. Gene Weldon, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Launer, Pleasantdale, and her father, Blaine ' Rosenbalm of White son. - Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Murphy were Mr. STARTS SUNDAY RJTA HAYWORTH STEWART GRANGER . SALOME OMBUUBrnONW lasTtiP'' " UsvXSSTmMMbss ALSO and Mrs. Tom Ramsdell of Can' by and their son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Ramsdell and daughter, Coleen, of Mil waukee. The Murphys and the eider Kamsdells have been friends since they all taught at tne MacLaren school tor boys it wooa Burn many years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Whitney attended the Nebraska picnic at Jantzen Beach In Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Hadley went to Jennings Lodge Sun day to get their children, Wes ton and Louise, who had spent a week at the EUB camp. Many relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Reichstein on Sunday Aug. 0, for a potluck dinner in honor of Mrs. Reichstein's The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Vern Booth and daughter, Carolyn, of Willam ina, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Senn, Kenny and Gregory, and Mr. and Mrs. John Lazott, Mickey and Charlene, all of Milwau- kie; Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKin ney, Pamela, Joey and Arlene, of Mulino, Mrs. Anna Teague of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Reichstein and Philip, Pleas antdale. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rutsch- man and children attended a Rutschman family reunion at Champoeg State park Sunday, Mrs. Merle Reichstein was honored with a surprise party on her birthday, Saturday, Aug. 8, by a neighbor, Mrs. Weldon Swan. Those present for an evening of square and pattern dancing on the lawn at the Swan home were Mr. and Mrs, Merle Reichstein, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Biles, Mr. and Mrs. John Litscher, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winger, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dorsey and children, and Mr, and Mrs. Weldon Swan. Re freshments were served at late hour. James Stewart JoAnne Dra THUNDER BAT" In Technicolor Vlttorlo Gasamaa Gloria Graham "The Glass Wall? a . ... I V U.. ........ ......-..... I U U . two nones in nis anme. e Aug- Pre5ent ,t uaw uia teg ill m .w ywv weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Aase and Sharon recently returned from a trip to Kansas, lews, Utah and Minnesota. Legally nwMi s-eeee BesvUr Pneaa Plus le for Viewers 1-DIMEN8IONI "ARENA" DeeMo Reynolds THE AFTAIRS OF DOBIE GILLIS" IN PERSON. ON OUR STAG! M0N.r AUG. 24lh AT 7:00 1 9:30 P.M. TICKETS' NOW ON SALE! UUfjldCA SmVE-IN THEATRE IW M r Amfmf r II a mi r a L n I V J ' M HT III ' MUSICAL INSANITIES if OF 1954 A pTt OTYSUCmS V Me T1U l:M Dean Martin Jerry Law la "SCARED BTIFT- Gordon MeRae DESERT SONG" a oaa GATE8 OPEN7:0f SHOW AT DUSK NOW -THRU SAT.! John Payne Jan Sterling In Technicolor "THE VANQUISHED" Cornel Wilde 8teve Cochran "OPERATION SECRET" TONIGHT (Friday) Our Big All Color Cartoon Carnival You've never seen a Sharper, Brighter Picture In a Drive-In , . . than the one an our Giant Screen! RING THE FAMILY! FREE KIDDIES PLAYGROUND! Willamina Mr. and Mrs. Ed Spencer and sons vacationed last week at Paulina lake and the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Zetter berg visited their granddaugh ter, Cheryl Davis, in a Portland hospital where she nad -under-gone surgery for a heart raur mer. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lain and children enjoyed a three-day trip to Diamond and Crater lakes and Oakrldge. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Fox and Mr. and Mrs. Laurlce Fox and family attended the George Pattee family reunion at Esta cada Sunday when ST were preseriL The occasion was also Mr. and Mrs. George Pattee's 62nd wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flynn and family whe moved from here early this summer, have purchased a home at Htisatonle, Mass. Mrs. Dora Torrence and sons of North Dakita, arrived this week to visit her sister, Mrs, Melvin KihlsUdlus. Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Llndbeck returned from a week's trip through Oregon and Washing ton, on Monday. A. J. Schukar left Wednes day for Nebraska where be will visit his elderly mother.. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Zetter berg and granddaughter attend ed the Hutchins family reunion in McMinnville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don BirdseU and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cra mer of Prlneghar, Iowa, visited here with Mrs. Birdsells aunt, Mrs. Joe Aase and family this week. Mrs. Rose Riggle and David of Long Beach, Calif., are vis iting here with friends, Jimmy Brown of Reedsport Is spending this week here with his sisters, Mrs. Bill Denton and Mrs. Orley Brock, Jr., aad their families. Oscar Lee returned home Tuesday from the McMinnville hospital where he underwent an appendectomy Saturday. Frank Kauble had the mis fortune last week to break Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Miller have as their guests Mr. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mill er of Canada. Visiting at the Harvey Live ly home were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gardner of Seattle, who had attended the Minnesota Picnic at Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kuenzl, Lowell, Boyd and Duane, were guests for a week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waltman near Hebo. Pvt. Ervtn Roth, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Roth, Is at home following completion of his basic train big at Ft Ord, Calif. He will re port this following Sunday to a base in New Jersey, with over-sea orders awaiting him. While borne be has been hon ored with picnics and dinners. He completed work for his mas ters degree at Willamette early this year. Detroit Detroit Rev. Robert Uncer, pastor of the Idanha Church of Christ, accompanied a group of approximately 40 young people of high school and college ago to the Evangelical Mennonite Brethren's youth retreat camp at Burlington, Wash., In his capacity as director of recrea tion. A group of nine Boy Scouts from the Detroit-Idanha area returned Saturday from their annual week s stay at Camp Pioneer, where they joined in Scout activities with approx imately 12S boys from other districts. Attending the session from the Detroit-Idanha area were Brad Humphrey, Myron Wil liams, Robert Gordon, Jimmy Gulliford, Don Watkins, Don and Leonard Snyder, Gary Roberts, and Michael Moore. Al Warby, S. T. Moore, Jim Giebler, Warren Stoll and Frances Kettleson were the Scout leaders who lent their services to the group. A birthday party at the Cor- vallis home of her grandmoth er, Mrs. E. T. Reed, honored Miss Mary Lou Moore on her News From lllahee Macleay Macleay Mr. and Mrs. W. Welch ware hosts to the mem bers of the grange Home Eco nomics club and their families in their garden for the annual club picnic Tuesday night' The evening was spent in formally. Present were Mr. and Mrs. R. Wingard, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keene, Mr. and Mrs. Richard McKee and son, Mr. and Mrs. L H. White, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Mader, Mr. and Mrs. Cor nelius Bateson, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Arnort, Mr.' and Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin, Jr., Mrs. Alpha Michael, Mrs. Harry Martin, Sr., Larry Martin, Marlly Mar tin and the hosts. Central Howell Central Howell Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Alt recently have been Mr. and Mrs. Bud Baker and son Stev en of Shtrwood, Ore., also Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coulson of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Piel derer and Jackie of Elgin, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wahl- iter, David and Caroline of Sil verton. Additional house guests of the Alts were the Ssm Feld mans of Peoria, 111. Mr. Feld- man came west especially to attend the reunion of Co. K, Spanish-American War Veter ans to be held in Salem. Luncheon guests Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Simmons Sr., were Lt. and Mrs. C. K. Alford of Ellens- gathering were Mary Lou's great-grandmother, Mrs. H. D. Hart well; cousins, Phyllis and Kathy Reed of Corvallis; and Edward Aldwell of Sonora, Tex.; four of her brothers and sisters, Patrick and Bobby, and Peggy and Susan, and her mother, Mrs. S. T. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Eugene residents, and their three children, and Mrs. Smith's father, who are vaca tioning for a few days at the old Breitenbush Guard Station, were dinner guests of the S. T. Moores Wednesday night. Mr. Smith is assistant forest super visor in charge of fire control. Guests of the Starr Reed family last week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flak of Port land. Also visiting at the Reed home is a young friend, Tim- my Jacobson of Salem, who will be their guest for a few weeks. Timmy and Douglas Reed are exploring forest trails and visiting lookouts at present with the aid of the for est service packer, who has loaned them his retired lead horse, Blackie, for the purpose. Mrs. J. H. Cook spent Friday and Saturday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Christina Golden of Bend. Mr. Cook, who attended the Prineville ro deo Saturday, joined Mrs. Cook there afterwards for a visit be fore they returned to Detroit together. Recent guests at the S. T. Moore home were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gustafson and children, Phil and Anne. Mr. Gustafson is The Sisters district ranger. The Gustafsons were home- Illahee Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald Neitllng and children, Mike and Rebecca, of Stayton, came over Monday evening to see Mrs. Neitlings grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mor ris and to show them their lit tle week-old great granddaugh ter, "Rebecca Jane." Rebecca Jane is the grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Morris of Sclc and she is the great granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peterson of Turner. Mrs. Clifford Feller and daugh ter, Janie, recently returned from a trip through the middle west Going by motor, they ac companied Mrs. Feller's broth er, Mr. Edwards, as far as Lin coln, Neb., where they visited their sister, Mrs. Pruitt From there they went to Cleveland, Ohio, to see another sister. They visited Mr. Feller's rel atives in Indiana. They stop ped in Chicago twice, and while shopping In the largest depart ment store in Chicago they ran into Mrs. Harlan Judd and children, formerly of Salem. They, too, were in Chicago for the day and to do some shop ping. After leaving Chicago tbey Unionvale Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stoutenburg of Union vale entertained her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hubbard, and two daugh ters, of Willamina, at their home Sunday. - The unionvale Junior Inter mediate class consisting of girls, Misses Claude Pileher, Elise Steingrube, Carol Rutschman, Karlyn Launer, Dianne Laun- er. Betty McFarlane, have re turned to their respective home in Grand Island, Pleas ant dale and Unionvale dis tricts after a week at camp meetings at Jennings Lodge. Mrs. Richard Terry of The Dalles has completed her sum mer school course at Monmouth and accompanied by her two daughters. Sharon and Janice, has been a guest for several days with her mother in law, Mrs. Robert Terry in Union vale. Janice has been ill with an infected ear. Sublimity Sublimity Mrs. Math Schmid who has been in poor health for some time, has been taken to the Santiam Memorial hospital for observation. Math Schmid still remains in a very critical condition at home. Mrs. Emma Doerfler, Mrs. Barbara Gehlen and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Doerfler and daugh ter. Bernice, of Salem, are spending the week at Breiten bush mineral springs. -For the benefit of tourists and vacationers, mass will be offered at the Villa Maria chap el at Breitenbush Mineral springs esch Sunday at 11 a. m. through Labor day. Idanha Idanha Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Davis were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Steidl of Bend last week-end, following a visit from the Steidls at the Davis' Idanha home the previous week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fleming and family have moved from Idanha to Portland. Mr. Flem ing was employed at the Idanha Shingle Mill before it was de stroyed by fire in the late spring. Wednesday, Aug. 9, the new went to Wisconsin to visit Mrs. Feller's relatives and also to pick up a new station wagon, which Mrs. Feller drove home, for a friend in Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ace Johnson have as their guests Mr. John son's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Johnson, of Pueblo, Colo. They plan to stay a month. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Shaw and children, Roy and Bar bara, of Baker, Oregon, recent ly visited at the home of Mrs. Shaw's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Drager. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Barnes son, Thomas, and granddaughter, Miss Letty Wil cutt, motored to Eugene, Ore., recently where they were din ner guests at the William Skaggs home, his daughter, Mrs. Homer Barnett, acting as hostess. Covers were placed for Mr. and ' Mrs. Barnes, Thomas Barnes, Mrs. Stuge Burr, Misses Letty Wilcutt, Susan Barnett, Linda Barnett, Mr. Skaggs and Mrs. Barnett. Debra and Paula Yeaters re turned home Sunday after spending several days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Russell Sr., while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Yeaters, Jr., attended the water carnival Jn Seattle. While there they visited Mrs. Yeaters' sister. Miss Betty Rus sell and her aunt, Mrs. Wilfred Pesola. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crawley have taken over the Hill Top service station, formerly oper ated by Leo Klokstad of Tur ner. The Crawleys have owned the station for some time, but have always leased lt They are now redecorating the interior. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eu banks left last week for Texas, where they will visit relatives. Miss Letty Wilcuss spent the week end with Miss Roberta Busby of Salem. Together they attended the Colorado picnic Sunday at Silver Creek park. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Barnes, Mrs. Jeanette Wilcutt Char lott Wilcutt, Letty, Rosamond and Wendy Wilcutt motored to Lyons, Oregon, Wednesday on a business trip. Mrs. Wilcutt and children of Eugene, Ore., have been spend ing several days at the Barnes' home. They left Thursday. Char. lotte accompanied her mother home. She will return to enter school here. ACORNS FROM THE WITH DEL MILNE ly wedded Dick Woodwards ward bound, from a visit with: . k tk.u .,h,l relatives at Woodburn Mrs. Al Sorseth and sons, Steven and Craig, visited the S. T. Moore family Monday and Tuesday of this week. Al Tyke Sorseth, who was for berg. Wash!, who were on their ,r,v,,t,Uoned h. Detroit honeymoon. Lt. Alford was a close friend of the Simmons' son, Robert and is now sta tioned on Whidby Island. Mail Orders Taken! Make Chocks Payable to Capitol Theatre Specify First or Second Show Enclosa Return Envelope roi UMMMULl4NWaTttl GATE H Of EN 7: SHOW AT DUSK ENDS gATTRDATl la C4r "FAUt WIND TO JAVA" Frrd MarMarray Vara Rahlaa PLl' TRAIL TBEET- RaiKlolpk 8eaU e 1 Tanlfht (FtL) at Doak I il Oar Big 4 Color Ml CartoaaT Caralral tj NOW SHOWING Opea :! 1 CONFESS" Moot ternary Cllft, Anne Baxter Technicolor Co-Hit "ALL ASHORE" MWkry Roency, Peggy Ryan HOLLYWOOD KIDf MATINEE Tomorrow 1:M W 4:H P.M. CARTOONS SERIAL Special MaUnae Faatars: "BONANZA TOWN" Derange Kid, Smilty BanMIU BENSONf BIRTHDAY CAKE Tar Ray Morrow, Boyl Haat Crmlf Hakba, Mike Parker, Jay Van Heat, Jasaaa Mark?, Tarry Bomb, Larry Stahr, Billy Slfoa, Jady Galhrio, Deaglaa Boltea, Nancy Mangar, Mich art Mather, Tarry Barker, Parker Eraaa, Diana Baxter, Shlrky Ban a, Michael Bare, Jady k.klMle, Marnya Block, Rekert Sahkary, Janice Aeker oa, Yroaao LaDmke, differ! raldwrO, RotwrU Zaanralt, Donald Wander!?, AaaaBalle Staodtah, Kalhy Johawan, Sherrte SMplry, Tiia Halaeth, Jint Brandon, Siena Presto. given friends. The evening's activ ities ended with refreshments served at the home of Mrs, Wayne Woodward. ! district, is now district ranger at Drewsy, with headquarters at Burns. Corvallis visitors at theiPvett home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank I journeo. Moore Saturday were Mr. Moore's cousin and wife, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Meacham. Following a mid-afternoon din- j gatherings lie, Uic paiijr cujujfcu iuui (m,u mi., r" n th fi.h h.lrh.rv at M..I ll,Mi Mrl- C- E- Forks. Iwh0 ' visiting from Bakers- Sunday guests of the Moores 'field, Calif. were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pay ette and children, Michael and Lynn, of the Snew Peak Log sine company. Lacomb. The and Moores ad- to the Lakeshore campground In the evening for a picnic dinner. Also present at the two Mr. Moore's Moore, Sr., Time is fast approaching for that August ISth Fashion Luncheon, and after I finally got around to Informing you about it reserva tions hare really been moving out It seems that there are many fuhion-mlnded daughters in this vicinity who are anxious to show Mother the latest In Back to School Fashions. Of course Mom can get look at a great many fashions for herself too. at there will be a wide tarleiy of styles shown. You Business Gals shouldn't miss this affair either, for what la good for the college girl Is ususlly good for the office too. And by the wsy the Faahl-M Show is scheduled at 1:06 so as to give 1 o'clock lynchers time w get down here to see the show. Call the Marion Hotel for your reservations . . . luncheon at 12.15, Fashion show at 1:05. ANNOUKHK NEW NOOKS for the Oil KOON AND LOUNGE OAK ROOM Om Dsiir mat s r. sl i li r. Otm Wm Ban tram 11 :M 4. M. ota aiay rf 4:a p. m. Grand Island Grand Island Mrs. Robert Chrisman and daughter, Bar bara, of Holton, Kan., have been guests of her brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pileher of Grand Island and other members of the Frank Chrisman family at Jef ferson. Robert Chrisman met accidental death while working with an electric cement mixer two years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Worth, lngton and family of Lafayette were Sunday evening guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ra leigh Worthington, In Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Jim Comstock recently moved into the home vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard (Red) Warren, who have gone to Bend to live. MT, ANGEL VISITOR Mt Angel Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Brockhaus have as their guest here their 11-year-old grandson, Matt Shaffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Shaffer (Mary Brockhaus) of Duarte, Calif. He made the trip by plane, and will also visit with relatives in Portland. Aumsville Aumsville The regular meeting of the Women's auxil iary of Gold Star Post number 175 of the American Legion was held last week. j . Tentative plans were made, for a picnic to be held In Sep tember. The women voted to pick beans for one dsy and! donate their earnings to the! unit treasury. 1 After the business meeting refreshments were served to the post and auxiliary by Mrs. Lyle Lyons, Mrs. Boyd Hilton and1 Mrs. Walt Hlnderliter. 1 WHY SUFFER? USE Schaefer'i v . CORN 'REMEDY No relief, No pay. 25c SCHAEFER'S , DRUGSTORE Opea Dally 7:3 AJU.-S VM Sundays t A.M. - 4 'M. 125 N. Commercial Phone 1-517 m 4 1 LUNCHEON SPECIAL I Friday and Saturday CRAB LOUIE With Hot Roll or Bran Muffin jHUefa. CAFETERIA vr t . Mi".' ei, ,'.v; v . ' e RUCir NOKZCN TKfSMfO -'WITH tMAKJ . V, .. o, ' V p. . 176 N. LIBERTY Open Friday Night Til 9 P.M. VlSS- m T " -ess saw V M, , ANOTHER ACTION PACKED ! DESTRUCTION DERBY! AUTO RACING'S NO-RULE-IOQK FUN AND THRILL SHOW 30 SMASH-HAPPY CARS Saturday, Aug. 15 J& 7:30 S HOLLYWOOD BOVL-SALEM ONE MILE NORTH OF SALEM ON 99-E Admission: Adults 1.50 - Kids 50c, Tax IikI. Phono 4-5203