I i hf If THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balem, Oregon Friday. August 14, 195S ALL-AMERICAN DERBY COURSE IN AKRON DURING RACES -v r i - r 1v Z If i All Akron Lends Hand To Honor Derby Champs (Editor's Note: This I brief sammary of the impres (tens nude by the city ( Akroa, Ohio, a Capital Jour aal repreaatative Vie Fryer whea he escorted galem Derby Champloa David Bell to Ak roa to compete la the AH Amerleaa 8oap Box Derby last Sanday. David' Impres aioaa of bia trip and his itay la Akron will be presented la a later story.) '1 II Cpl. Fox Reported Missing Nov., 1950 In Portland Thursday, the father of Cpl. Louis D. Fox, Jr., listed by the Communists as having died in a Red prison camp, told the United Press that his son was reported miss ing In action in November, 1950. The senior Fox, who lives at 2500 NE Couch street. Port land, said that a few days alt er the corporal was captured the young soldier had written his grandmother, Mrs. Iva Vineyard of Dallas, Ore., that he was 10 miles from the Man cburian border. Fox had made his home with his grandmother since the death of his mother when he was 10 years of age. He at tended grade school in Dallas. Chief Accountant at Willamette Named David A. Lewis, formerly with YcTgen and Meyer, cer tified public accountants of Portland, has been named chief accountant at Willamette, according to announcement by President G. Herbert Smith. Lewis received his bachelor's degree from the University of Oregon in 1050 and is a navy veteran. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Lewis are residents of Astoria and he is married to the former Jean Moe of Portland. Feast.of Assumption At Ml. Angel Ayg. 15 Mt. Angel The church holy day, the Feast of the Assump tion, will be observed in St Mary's Catholic church Satur day, Aug. 15. The regular Sunday morning Mass schedule will prevail, with Masses scheduled at 5:30 o'clock, 6:30; 8:00; 9:30 and a High Mass at 10:30 o'clock a.m. With the new ruling permit ting evening Masses, Mt. Angel will have its first evening mass scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 15, for those who can not attend mass in the morning. Phone 4-1451 195 S. Commercial LYLE W. NELSON TO GO EAST WITH NEWBTJBN Eugene UJ9 Lyle M. Nel son, publicity director at the University of Oregon, submit ted his resignation today. Nelson, who has been on the University staff since his grad uation in 1940, will become assistant to President Harry K. Newburn when Newburn takes over as bead of the Ford Foundation's radio and tele vision center at Chicago. Linoleum NATIONAL BRANDS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. High Ph. 45751 By VIC FCTER Akron, Ohio, is a city that should probably be renamed for at least a week out of each year as Soap Box Derby Town, for in that week the town is literally turned over lock, stock and barrel to the Ail- American Soap Box Derby and its sideline features. C Industry, civic groups and the city administration turn themselves over to putting the city In the service of some 150 Derby champions from all over America. For the boys, probably the first Initiation of Akron's pride in being the home of the Ail-American Soap Box Derby is being met at the city limits, depot or airport by a police escort and Derby convertible and given a siren-sounding ride to Derby headquarters at the Mayflower hotel. . . There, and all through Ak ron, they see signs of greeting and welcome for the champs. Restaurant tables, store win dows, taxis and automobiles bear Derby welcome cards, emblems and slogans. Wait ers, bellboys and clerks wear pins emblazoned with the message "Welcome Cham pions." And every boy Is per sonally greeted everywhere with "Hiya, Champ." Not only do city police do everything in their power to help the Derbyists, their par ents and escorts, but the coun ty sheriffs office and state police also vie for opportuni ties to pay homage to the champs. Industry commanders and captains place their names on a waiting list for an opportu nity to act as waiters at the annual Saturday noon lunch eon at Derbytown for the boys. Derbytown itself, nor mally a YMCA camp, is turn ed over completely to Derby usage from Thursday morning through Sunday night and old er YMCA boys are only too' happy to be chosen as coun selors for cabins of Derby boys. Young men, too, Join in the j campaign to make the Derby the biggest event in the young champion's life. The Junior Chamber of Commerce turns out almost en masse to act as ushers for various events and help in other ways. ' Many young employes of. General Motors plan their annual va cations to include Derby week so that they may drive one of the 20-some "Courtesy" cars provided by Chevrolet for the convenience of champions, visiting' newsmen and digni taries. Local industry- particularly Firestone and B. F. Goodrich factories also join in the big event. Goodrich men take over the service pits at Derby Downs and work with the boys to get their bugs into shape for Sunday's big race. Both companies honor visiting newsmen wtih evening dinner parties and demonstrations of some of their products. Fire stone conducts tours of its plan for newsmen. Bus companies provide buses and drivers to transport Derbyists from Derbytown to Derby Downs, to town, to a nearby lake for boating and swimming and wherever els there is a call for the cham pions. They also provide free transportation for parents. sponsors and newsmen to the various places from their hotels. I These are a few dt the ex amples of how Akron turns itself Into "Soap Box Derby Death Claims Theo. Mountain Aumsville Theodora C. Mountain, once principal of the former Aumsville high school, died at a Salem nursing home August 13. He bad suffered a heart attack July II. Mountain was bora Septem ber 25, 1879, at Cherrydale, Kan. August 24, 1901, he was mar ried to Lucena Belle Walker at Independence, Kan., who sur vives him. In 1904 Mountain was grad uated from Baker University at Baldwin, Kan. From that time until his retirement he had Town" in August of each year In homage to the youth of America. All in all, Akron is proud of being the home of the championship finals of Amer ica's greatest amateur sporting event and announces that it plans to turn out in force year after year to honor the cream of America's Soap Box Derby crop. spent his time In the ministry and in teaching. Coming to Oregon in 1924, Mountain, moved to Aumsville in 1930, the year be became principal of the Aumsville high school, a position that be held until he retired m 19!!. Mountain was a member of the Masonic lodge and sine his boyhood had been a member of the Methodist church. Surviving besides the wife are a son, Robert Mountain in Portland; two daughters, Mrs. Thelma Lowe of North Holly wood, and Mrs. Muriel C. Les ley of Fort Lewis, Wash.; a brother, J. . Mountain of Al bany; five grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and sev eral nieces and nephews A son and a daughter preceded him in death. Funeral services will be held at the Weddle Funeral Horn at Stayton Sunday, August 18, at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. Ken neth Abbott of the Stayton Methodist church officiating. Interment will be in the Aums ville cemetery. ' - -.-, , In Great Britain, farmers can buy firecrackers set to ex plode at intervals to scare birds from their fields. k(VA SALE I FftM'C Th biggest shoe sal la . Salem . . . Famous brands . . . . all at xactly t for or prie . . . er rn. th Price oil! end pair FREE! FOR THE BEST 'BACK-TO-SCHOOL' IDEAS SHOP ..... f CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER Open Monday ft Friday Nights Til 8 laTfm OLD mmmm KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY BRAND n fully""5 fir MrjV 1 1 1 ACED 'JJP2 JL PT. Oregon's largest-selling straight bourbon! UA N D 'A IV S Feature... 1288 State St. Phone 3-6489 Buy Locker Beef Now! W recommend th purchase of Fin Eastern Oregon Hereford Bf at this rim because th pric is definitely right and th quality is good. Th U. S. Department of Agriculture recommends your storing feeds for the freexer for th earn reason. We accept and pas on to you the recommendation of the U. S. Department of Agriculture because it it sound judgment to purchase your meat and other foodstuffs at a sea sonally low pric and itora them for us at a later dot when th market might normally be higher. . We offer you this opportunity to buy meats not only at a seasonally low price, but with a large wholesale discount besides. Whether you wish a. quarter or a half of Beef or any number of retail curs, we know we con save you money. Our price, quality considered, is the best in the State of Oregon. The weight it guaranteed to be honest and you will find our service to b courteous and helpful. Any of our retail cuts doubla wrapped for your locker Free! Plan to buy a weeks supply. Shop Randall's Market and save! . ' Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef Roast Arm Cuts Blsd Cuts Bumps Baby Beef LIVER 39' Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef Steak T-Bone Rib Steaks , Fresh Beef Tongues t3 Mew low Prices on Lotlter Beef Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beet may be arranged. .Nothing down a full year to pay. Don't fail to take advantage of these prices. .Convenient credit Half of Whole Front Quarter Hind Quarter ROUND STEAKS . . . lb BONELESS NEW YORK CUT SIRLOIN TIP ROAST OR STEAK BEEF TENDER LOIN FRESH BEEF HEARTS COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE GROUND BEEF GROUND ROUND ..it . LB. 53 LB. Of . .LB. . LB. 22)' SHORT RIBS .fl BEEF CUBES AW mi