Friday, August 14, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sale, OrcffM Pif.Il Portland Climbs Back Into FAN FARE lyWaft tktm First Division on 7-4 Win c. i ! " ' r ' -XV - . , v ef. Je , . -3 KOCO to Carry Legion Games From Yakima Badio Station KOCO an nounced Thursday that it will cany all Salem Legion games in the regional at Yakima when they do not conflict with Salem Senator Western International League games. KOCO will definitely carry the Salem Legion games Sun day and Monday. In the case Salem Senator games conflict a resume will be broadcast after the game. The exact time of the broadcasts will be announced later. NOW! BUY A NEW '53 Ford AND TAKE FACTORY DELIVERY 6 Cyl. MACHINE BUSINESS COUPE F.O.B. CHICAGO Complete With Standard Equipment and Drive Away Service 'H69234 ALL OTHER MODELS PROPORTIONATELY LOW PRICED! SEE US TODAY FOR COMPLETE DETAILS Valley Motor Co. 37S CENTER SALEM Ken Burnett of Salem, new president of the Oregon Bow Hunters inspects the results of his shooting as he sharpens r.p for the Northwest Sectional Archery Tourney, to be held Saturday and Sunday at the local Jabberwalkie range. Fortune1 OJ Five runt la a big fifth Inning were toe saoeh for Oakland te evtreome last night as the Fertland Beavers dawned the Oaks 1-4 before a Faelfle Coast leagae kids' night erewd ef 1111. The wla sieved Fertland back late the tint di vision. , The Beavers, already leading -with Don Eggert's second In i ning homer, started hammering away at Oakland pitcher Al Gettel in the fifth, scoring five times on four hits an an error. Eddie Basinski singled to left, Frankie Austin did the same, and Hank Arft walked to load the bases. Fletcher Robbe's sin gle down the third base line to left field scored Austin and Basinski. Bob Marquis doubled to score Arft and Robbe, and scored himself moments later on an error. Oakland got three in the sixth. With two down, Spider Jorgenson singled to right. Art CutU drew a walk and Sam Chapman homered. Each team scored in the ninth. Basinski tripled and scor PCL Standings ntiiywood Hllk Loo Anteltt Portland Ben Prencleee . fSa DMC6 .... Sacramento Oakland By United Preeil L Pet. OS. art ill a m s , it m in U , n m it , to it .M 3 ,01 II .414 MVe , M 1 .MS . W l .111 II Thlrtder'e Rceultct Secramente 4. Hollywood I. Loe Amelei I. Seattle o a,R onto 4. Her. FrencUeo I. Portland 1. OaX.end I. Oakland ( B OA U1M Jonnen.1 CullU.ll Dtvla.tb Novrln.y eOraheiU NeaLa octul.p elllni.rf (7) hrtliai B a O A I t llutlln.t S 4 4 t 1 aArfl.ll I S S IRobbt.lf 4 1 S 4 t I 4 01XM.4 4 S IRelch.rf 4 1 lteiert.1 4 1 I ORanakLI S I'll Ltnt.p I 1 feOREGONSy Wk AFIELD w SINCE 1915 Totli 11 II 14 11 Totele 14 11 n 14 Oakland 004 001 Ml 4 Htte 110 111 11110 Fortius. Oil 0S0 01 1 Hlla HI 041 11 11 pitcher: IP ab a h an as so Ottltl s it l II I I I Lint I II 4 II 4 1 4 X Late. R Jorianeen, cultu. chap men. HUM. Austin. Arft, Robot, Mar aula. Erfort. 3eelniki I. RBI Btfert, Robot I, Mtrqult 1. Chapman 1. Lint, U.-.h.l' 1R BaKIu lieraul. , R U ar. ed on Royce Lint's outfield fly. quia, Beatneki. mum. hr famv chap Pete Milne matched Buinskis I ' "gjX: ZTSl fft Itllrt, Eaalnakl end Arft: Devil. Ltkt end aearaneii. un oeaiena t. rortiena HBP Bulnikl (Oettell. U tuva, Somen and Beata. T 1:M. A 1111 (PaMI. Seattle 100 IN 030 0-4 14 0 Lot AMtlat MNI 1)0 I II 1 rvaot. laOVTlen 11, Davit III. Dtl Duet 151 and Ortcti; Ueum. That III. ChaoOJtr 411, Ottrovakl (11 and Pantn. The sound of arrowa slicing through the air and chunk ing into targets will herald the beginning of the Northwest Sectional Field Archery Tourney tomorrow afternoon. The meet, sponsored by the Washington Bow Hunters and Oregon Bow Hunters, will put on display some of the Northwest's most skilful quiver artists. Up to 400 are expected to par ticipate in this, the first such competition of its kind In Oregon. The archery course is the 60 acre tract developed by the aaiem jaDDerwaiKies, and will provide 98 Individual tar gets of varying design. Hunting bows of 40 lbs. and over wiu De used by the men shooting in the expert A, expert B and bowmen classes, and broadhead arrows will be used. In other classes, Including those for women and juniors, lighter bows and field arrows will be used. One of the most popular events will be the "Peewee" shoot for kids under 12. Some of the youngsters are very proficient and can be depended upon lor an exciting contest. Registration of archers will begin at 1 a.m. Saturday, and will close at 1 p.m. Shooting will begin soon after. On Sunday the tourney will continue until the top bow men are determined. Spectators are welcome, but they are requested to ask for a guide at sange headquarters to how them around. There will be a food concession at the course to take care of empty stomachs, and a good time should be had by all. The course is located 2 miles south of the city limits of Salem, Just east of BBE. Look for the sign "Archery Range' and go in the direction It points. Tony Bulsman ef the Riverside Boathouse on the Silets stopped by the house last night, and informed us that a few salmon are being taken in the lower river. The blueback angling la still spotty, but an occasional lucky angler brings in nice catch. Plenty of good saltwater fish are being taken at present perch and the like. Tony says the best thing about coast fishing now Is the cooler weather there and we can agree with him. The longer duck season, later shooting time closure, and the Increased bsg limit recently announced for the Pacific flyway is making many gunners happy but the fact remains that the new regulations were not set to please the hunter, but to eliminate to some extent the damage the birds have been doing to agricultural crops along their migratory route. Salem Girls Blanked 10-0 In Tournament Portland The South Salem Merchants were blanked 10-0 by Oswego here last night in the opening of the state Girls Softball tourney. Oswego scored once in the bottom of the first, added five in the second, three in the third, and finished out the scoring with one in the fifth. Carol Peterson was placed on the sidelines of the tournament when she wrenched her knee chasing a foul ball in the sec ond. She was the starting hurl er for the Merchants. Fioribel Gordon singled twice for the losers. Tonight the Salem nine plays Corvallis with the loser drop ping from the tourney. In other games last night The Dalles defeated Corvallis 4-1, Canby blanked Oakridge 3-0, and HiJlsbojo beat Eugene 12-7. Saltn 000 boo 4 I S I 0w.f o ltJO til "it it i Ultra, suitlw 111 an4 Duncan: Wart and tlnojty. FOR BACK-TO-SCHOOL CLOTHES CAPITOL SHOPPING (ENTER Open Monday end Friday Night I MEMO: ' I fe A! Shop n. 3 3n . h in Offense Stressed In Practice for Shiners' Game Portland W) Coaches ef state and city teams continued te stress offensive play Friday in the fifth day ef practice for the annual Oregon Shrine All-Star football game here August it. They agreed it might turn out to be a high scoring con test. Pete Susick of Marshfield, head State coast, said his pass ers, Quincy Powers and Milt Richau, have been throwing accurately and his backs are fast. Three of the speediest are Fred Hall of Prinevllle, a track sprinter, Floyd Bur right of Springfield and Miles Boardman of Bend. Harry Scarff, head City coach, said his team is fast, too, has good passers in Ron Stempel and Bob Clark and "receivers who can catcji them." The teams composed of graduated 19S2 high school stars, have been working out twice daily at separate fields. triple, and icored on an infield out.' Lint was credited with his ISth win. Hollywood goes to Hollywood tonight By SCOTT BAILLIE San Francises UJ0 It took a Sacramento -ookls by the name ef Bad Watkins te stop Hollywood's dash toward the Coast League pennant today but a lot ef good that did the Seattle Rainier, whe blew another chance te nar row the nine-game gap. , Watkins, who recently came up to the Solons from their Stockton farm club in the Cali fornia league, showed he was ready last night by handcuff ing the Twinks with a five hitter, 4-3. Even with the cheerful score greeting them on the board at Wrlalev Field, tne panicaea Rainiers lost their fifth straight by bowing to Los Angeles in 10 innings, S-B. Other Battles In other games, Lefty O Doul's San Diego Padres kiss ed the Seals good-by with a 4-3 trimming. Hollywood pounced on Wat kins tor three runs and five hiU in the first three Innings. In the meaintlme, the Sacs evened the count in the third Inning with a three-run blast aaainst George O'Donneii. Seattle not only muffed its fifth straight contest but blew a 8-2 lead in the process. Five of their runs were scored dur ing a sixth inning assault against Cal MCLlsb ana Aian Ihde. But homers by run men ards and Les Peden kept the Cherubs aloft to the seventh. Then in the 10th, Peden drill' ed a single off Art Del Duca to score Richards, who also had gotten a one-bagger. Singleton's Uth Willie Luna registered vie tory number 13 in going the distance against the Seals, ti mer Singleton dropped out for a pinch-hitter in the seventh after taking his lztn oeieai. Alston's hump-backed single over second base scored the two runs that Luna needed In the seventh." Canadian Gals' Golf Tourney In Semi-Finals London. Ont () Grace Len- czyk of Newington, Conn., the titleholder in 1947 and 1948, met Barbara Romack of Sac ramento, Calif., Friday in the semi-final round of the Cana dian Women's Open golf cham pionship. In the other semi-final, Pat Lesser of Seattle tangled with 19-year-old Marlene Stewart, the last Canadian In the tournament. Oregon City, Molalla Win Tourney Games Portland, UB Warrenton meets the Legion All-Stars and Norgan's Beavers plsy Defend ing Champion Archer Blower tonight in ABC tournament ac tion here. Oregon City, with southpaw Ray Hyde hurling five-hit ball, blanked WUlamette 5-0 and Molalla downed Flrpine 7-0 behind the three-hit pitching of Tom Younts last night. Rtllrwood 101 mo ooo-s i o aacraiunl 001 111 M- 4 I 1 O'DonntlL mntr (il ana Mama WtUlat and Montalvo. Saa. Ditto 100 100 1004 0 1 an rrantKuo No on ooo I 10 o Luna and MathU; stntleton. Mun orltl (II and Tornar. Men's Tourney Gets Underway At Woodburif Woodburn The annual mens championship tourna ment at the Woodburn golf course will get under way this week-end with all first round matches to be completed by the evening of Sunday, August 23 Pairings announced by . Tom DeArmond and Dave Cavett of the tournament committee in clude: Championship flight, How ard Palmer vs. Dale Samuel; Jerry Plank vs. Howard Quig- ley; Dave Cavett vs. Leland Plank; Ed McCloughry vs. Walter Miller; Howard Nelson vs. Ivan DeArmond; John Schmid vs. Dr. James Deagen; Sim Cunningham vs. Ed Co- man; Tom DeArmond vs. O. J. Adkinson. Second flight, Dr. A. Guild vs. Harley Piper; Lee Withers vs. Tony Blgler; Burt Wllleford vs. Olie Lester; H. M. Austin vs. George D. Jones; Bill Mer riott vs. Winton Hunt; Ken Mc Grath vs. Ken Hagg; Vester Seydell vs. R. B. Bonney; Ly man Seely vs. Bob withers. Fourth flight: Jake-Hersh- berger vs. Dr. Glen Schwenke; Ray Miller vs. Dean Bishop rick; Norman Nyhus vs. Mar ion Henning; Don Barrett vs. Lloyd Froom. Winners in the first round of the championship and sec ond flights will continue com petition in their flights and the losers will drop down to make up the first and third flights. The fourth flight will be a sin gle elimination, the losers in the first round dropping out of the tournament. The match will be played over 18 holes. Tony Painter, defending champion, who has won the tournament five times, is not competing this year. Minor League Scores fllr Tht Aitoeltttd Prtjil 1NTKRNATIOVAI MAGUS OUtwt 1-4, aprlntlleld 1-1. llontrtat 4. Rochttttr 1. rrtcuil I, Buffalo l.o Toronto T. Baltlmort 1. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Loulivuia 1, cttarlatton I. Kama Oltr 4. Columbut S, Toledo 1, M. rani 1. Xndlanapolui I. Iflnncapollt S. TEXAS LSAOltS Port Worth 1, Htnaton 0. IHUai I, Ban Antonio 1. Oklahoma Cltr II. Beaumont S. Tulta 0, Shravtport I. WBRTKRN LIAOrt Dot Molnu l-l, Omaha 1-1. ' Lincoln 4-1, Bloul Cllr 1-1 Wichita 1-4. Colorado Sprtnfl .. OtnTtr 4, Pueblo I. FIONIIR LIAflHI Bllllnu 1. Bait Lakt Cllr 1. Great Faiu 2, otdtn I. Bout 1. Pocatallo I. Idaho Falla I. Katie Valley 4. Olson's Manager Pleased With Terms of Contract Saa Francises ej.R Bobo Olson's manager said today he was "very well pleased' with the terms of a world middle' weight title fight between 01 son and Randy Turpin. ' Manager Sid Flaherty said the inclusion of a "no return bout" clause meant a "major victory for us." "I'm very pleased with the deal," Flaherty Hid. "I didn't think English promoter Jack Solomons would give In, -but we finally won out." . It was announced in new York yesterday that Turpin, European middleweight champ, had agreed to a 15-round title fight against Olson Oct. 21. The bout wlU be held in Madi son Sauare Garden. The agreement climaxed two months of wrangling over where the bout should be held and whether there would be a return match. Flaherty want ed the fight in San Francisco and insisted on only one bout. I'm very disappointed that we couldn't stage the fight in San Francisco." he said. "But mv first consideration is to my fighter and now u Bobo wins he's got the title, period. "If we. went to England with the championship we wouldn't come back with It." Flaherty said it was the no- return bout clause that de cided him in favor of the New York date. "We're gambling on the no return bout clauae," Flaherty said. "It's all or nothing." Grand American raps hoot Gets Underway Today Dayton. Ohio (ffV The 84th Grand American trapshoot got under way Friday at nearby Vandalia. The World Series of trap shooting, the Grand American will last nine days and attract about 2,004 of the nation's top marksmen. Only about 180 of them were scheduled to parti cipate In Friday's preliminary events. The main show get under way Monday with entrants from all 48 states, Canada, Cuba, the Canal Zone, Hawaii,. Alaska and Mexico. They -will be shooting for about 8400,000 in prize money. LIGALS LtGALS HOTtCI Of tUTSKTIOll TO 1HMIOTB BATTfOR STREET rtwra tuiav-rtuv AVBNVS TO TBS A1XRT IN BLOCS II. MOB RILL ANNBX ADDRIOK wanes hxrbbt 18 aivsM that tht Common Council of the eltr tf stlta. Ortton. dtenu It twoeuarr ana antcu ont and ntrtbr dtclarta It narnoaa and IntanUon it Improve BAVHOR STRUT, front tht touts. Una of Blettrla An nuo to U alter In Bitot- 11, riot HUM Aonei Addition to tht eltr of aalam. Marlon Countr. Ortton, br brtnilni tald portion of tald ttrttt to tht aataollihad grldt, providing dralntat tone true ttog cement eonorttt aorta, and poring tald portion of tald ttrttt vita o jvt men niphalllt concrete partmtat 10 fait wide, at tht exptnal of th tbutttng and adlaeant proptrtT, except tht ttrttt ond allot In tone tl ana, vhlth expellee wlS to aarantd or tho dtp of Bale. aB tat oo- aordanco with the plant end apttin- aaUtnt tntrtfor wnlen vtro aaoptau np tht Cowmen council Mr If, 1U1. which art nop on file la tho office of the dtp recorder and which or thla reference thtrttt art made a part hereof. Thuo pltnt and tpteifloatioal map bo exam ined bf tnp Intirtitod party. Tht Com mon council hereby dedejee lit purpott and IntanUon to atakt tht abort do tcrlbtd improvement by and thrown tht ttrttt Improvement dtpartnmt. Cnrnart of property uabM for tat oott of making tush Improvement map till written r em an, trance ngalnal tht aamt with tht eltr recorder at any tuna viva- ten dan aim tho final nubllcoiloa of thtl noUco. By order af tno common louncu rfeij I. MM. alVRBD MUMrrr. Cltp Retarder Data of lint publication July 11, Hal. Data of final publication Auiutt 14, 1141. juiy n, Aug. 7-11 tho out Una of Twenty Sinnl sunt to tht wttt Una of Pvrd attwal. hi tho dtp o oeleen. atnnta oerttray. Oragoa. ty artaaing told portion tc cold treat to tho ottabUahad trade, prorat ing dralnago, tone true Una ttmtnt ooa trtto tnrba, ond pavrng tald portloa of paid ttrott with a IVa" aaphalUt ooav ertio pavement 10 fact widt, at tho ta pe nee at the abutting and ndlaotorl property, except tht ttrott and alloy InureecUoni, which expeneo will bo no earned try tht dtp of Saltm. on ta ao etrdanet with tht plant and tpectllca tlona therefor which vtro adopted hp tho Common Council July at. UN, whteh art now ee tue in tht affloo of the dtp recorder and which bp that ytftrtneo thtrttt are made a part hro of. Thtto plant aad epeelfleatlacta mar bo owamrntd by nay In to roe led party. The Common Council hereby utelaruo lie parpoat aad Intention to maka tho above auterlbtd improvement hp ana through tho ttrott tmprovamaal depart ment. Ownaro of pronortp llabw for tht aoat at making ouch Improvement yaap flea written ramonatranco aialnat tho noma with tht dtp recorder nt any time with in ton dan attar tho final paklloatloat of thlt notice. By order or on common oaturan Jury It, 1PM. ALFRED aiTJrrDT. dtp tool dap Data af tint PuellceUoui July u. ua). Data of ttaal ptibllcaUon Anruat 14, laU. July ll, Any. 1-14 College Stars To Pass Against Detroit Lions Chicago, W If you came to a brick wall, would you bash your head against it trying to get to the other side or ciimo over it? The All Star football game Friday night is something of a parallel. The collegians, under head coach Bobby Dodd of Georgia Tech, are expected to try to beat the Detroit Lions, 1952 National Football League Champions, through the art of passing. A crowd of 90.000 will gath er at Soldiers Field, to watch the continuation of the series while uncountable others will hear It on radio or see it on television. The kickoff is scheduled for 8:30 p.m. PST. The collegians hsven't won since 1950 when Eddie Le Baron and Charlie - "Choo Choo" Justice went wild to steer the collegisns to a 17-7 victory over the listless Phil adelphia Eagles. The pros have won 11 times, lost six and tied twice in the series. Friday night the Lions are rated by the shsrpies as a 14- point favorite. The Dalles Slates AAU Swimming Meet The Dalles. UFD The eighth snnual Oregon Open AAU In vitational swimming and div ing meet is scheduled here for Aug. 22-23, with 89 teams from seven state expected to enter. . BOTICX TO CBSDROa Mo. 1UM rroTtCB: Tho Circuit Court of Marlon County. Ortton. hat appointed mt ex ecu. of tho Ketate it anu rajurrb detailed. AU ptraont having da aialnat tald aetata art reouirod up py a- atnt them, with proper voucbtrt, to mt at the cffleo af county citrn. manon County Court Rouat, Sdtm. Ortton. within xix month! from Autual V 1011. THOMAS J. TOB1R. EXleUtOT RTOTT t OOODINO Attorniya tor Bxtcutoy 1M1 TtOB Bldg., Portland. Ortton Aug. 1, It, 11. II. soot. a. low. KOTICB OP nmNTlON TO IMFBOVB LORIDA a VENUE PROM BROrn, AVE, HUB TO TRI WBSTSRLT TSBMIXUS OP LORIDA HOTICB BBRBBT OIVEV. that tht Common Council of tht tltp of solans Oraton. deem! It ntcoMtrp and expedi ent and hereby dMlartt Ita Purpcee and Intention u improvl LORIDA AVIHUS, from tht watt lint of SkopU Annuo to tht weittrly ttrminoi or unaa Avenuo, In the eltv of Salem. Marlon county. Oregon, by bringing laid portion of eald etrtat to thi ttttbllihtd gradt, pro viding drainage, etnatructlng ctmont curba, ond paving oald portion of aald atritt with 0 JVh men aepntmt crtte pavement M feet nidi, ot tht ex peneo of tht tbutung and adjacent prop erty, txetpt tht ttrtit tad allay tntor- eoctlone, which laptnaa will te al lured br tht dtp of Saltm. all ht ac cord acre with tht plana nnd ipecltlca tlont thtrifor which win adopted by tht Common CouncU July 17, 111, which ara now on flit In tht offlco of tho tlty ncordir aad which hy thla nftrtnet thereto art mada a part htrtof. Theee plana ond aptelfloattona mty bo ex amintd by any lntirtttid party. Tht Common Council hireby dtelaral Ita purpott ond intention to maka the anon deecrlbtd Improvtmtnt by ond through the atreet Improvement department. Owner! ot property Uable for tho oott of making inch Improvement mip fUt written rtmonetrlnct ngtlnai ant tame with the city rtetraor at any time wiia- In ten date of tor "tht Hani publication mt thla notice. By Ordtr of tho Common Council July 27. it. ALFRED leOKDT, City Recorder Date of tint publication July 11, Data of final publication Auguet 14, IM1. July 11, Aug. 1-14 IK TBI CIRC'lUT COURT ttr TTeTe ptatr or oRaooR roa m cocye TT Of MARION , rroaaytmtnt Mo. Two - Mt. U.1J1 la tht Matter of the Battle of ALBERT X. TRCCMPSOM. Dloeeetd. NOT1CR Or HEARINO Of CnTJnVJe TIONS TO FiyAL ACCOORT. ROTICB 18 MKREBT OIVZR that cRU THOMPSOM, at the duly appointed. oualUltd ond acUnt Rxecutm ef tho aetata of Albert H. nomnaoa. dineieia. not auir rvnaaroa aao prmtatts fat? otlUamant ond flld la tho Circuit Oovrt ot the county of Marlon, State of Ore gon. FTObtto Department, a Ptaal AO count eg her admtnlatrnUoa ot oald at tote, and that eetunday, the Uth dap ei Reptemoar, u, at the hear ot tan o'clock rn tho forenoon ot told dap, ot me courtroom m aaio court nt tho Marlon County Court Houee ta tht Cltp of Salem. County af Marlon, Slate of Origan, have been duly fixed and ap pointed hy aeM Court at tht time aad place for the hearing af oalectleoo to aald Final Account ana the titnimoal dates at Salem. Marlon County. Ora ton, thte Uth day ef August, uu. ORA THOMPSOH BxtcutrlE of the Batata at - Albert H. Thompeon, TToriaiod. DATS of rim publication: Aaiuol 14, MM. DAT! of lut publlcationi Beptembor 4. 1IM. LAWRINC1 M. BROWlf Attornty for Bxacutrlz 111 Maaonle Building aalem, Orel on. Aug. U-Sl-IS-aunt, 4 NOTim OP INTKNTIOM TO IRIPBOVB OTT Utllt PROM TWINTT-SSO-OND STRICT TO PORD BTRSRT MOTICI HEREBY IB OIVRM that the Common CouncU of the dtp of Btltm, Oregon, deema It neetaaary oad expedt ent, and htrtby dtdarea lit parpeet and intention te improve ROTT .gTrtXTT, Tho roal thing ITS GREEN'S SPORTING SHOP 1201 So. Commercial FOB. EVINRUDE wer used such fine'fueL.. Prco'tQ'lono,vorroOToi CAPITOL LUMBER CO. Easy Credit-Always! PICK rOt1? CREDIT PLAN Tote your oHoece from any on ef our wide efra4wMlvaM wJp' vaweawWwjwfsiVlll vawf4lf pfOMo HA"fw) yooH aurefy ftvd Pvo oory-poyriorw eyf ycmflefnorrl deeignod to frl your petxofbootf end let you own tha U.S. (toyol Hfs ef year anoko rvrrsyf y At Tn Rltie) Ttow wrMt 119. S. ROYALS RECAPPING WHEEL BALANCING Complete Tlrs Service Front Wheel Allfntnent WALTER H. ZOSEL CO. Hlfh ft Chemetteta (Opposite Cltr Rati) Ph. MI4S Li Factory Expert at SIlAVwS -! oxoaeR tneael ateAewJ rSsNW SIIAVEMASnn Tulta as wHaw tvwviRfl isrfssa o l aeePaAwl fjltanmwBmn. tUnwanwrnwaawf1 Kfn1"eEiyf aBBwfvenv BVWynEffrevevevw pjeti veil nt Mere nntpitt, aooew pawntM Centewona amauhwil tt 5 Year Guarantee! $5 Trad Jn on any tJtl alec trie rater. now 27.50 TOMORROW AUGUST 15 . 236 N. Commercial Phone 3-310 PHONE 3-8M2 V i.