Thursday, August IS, 1953 Far 8 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saka, Oro Wedding -At Albany Recently Albany An tvcnt of Tu- dty, July 28, wn the wedding of MUi Diana Mae Hoenselaar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burt HoenieUar and Donald Lee Geister, ton of Mr. end Mri. LuVern Geister. all ot Albany, at St. Mary'a Catholic church. The double-ring morning ser vice wai performed at 9:30 o'clock with the Rev. Phillip Goowney officiating. Given in marriage by her father, the bride choie a waltz- length dress with nylon net yoke and long, pointed sleeves. The fingertip veil wu held in place with a Juliet cap trim' med in teed pearls. The bride carried a white satin prayer book topped with a lavender orchid with white itreamen and white itephanotii. Mis Nancy Hoenaelaar, in ter of the bride, wu maid of honor. She wort a lavender walu-length dren with white accessories. She carried a Co lonial pom-pom bouquet of yellow gladioluses and white stephanotis. Miss Beth G liter, sister of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Glo ria Geister, sister-in-law of the bridegroom, were bridesmaids, wearing dresses similar to that f the maid of boner and also carrying bouquets of yellow gladioluses. Jacqueline Jean Geister wss the flower girl, with Richard Hawkins aa ring bearer. William Geister, brother of the bridegroom, was best man, with Richard Green of Stock ton. Cel.. and Richard Stock' man of Springfield, serving as ushers. Soloist. Miss Nancy Hoen selsar, sang, accompanied by Mrs. Mildred Hawkins at the organ. Mrs. Hswkins also play ed the nuptial music. The bride's mother wore a beige, white and blue print sheer for her daughter's wed ding, with blue bat and white accessories. He: flowers were white roses. A lavender nylon dress wu worn by the mother of the brldegoom, with white accessories and white roses. A reception at the home of the bride's parents followed the ceremony. Mrs. Charlotte Guthrie of Salem and Mrs. Clay Andersen of Albany cut the cake and served. Mrs. Ruth Stockman was in charge ot the guest book. Miss Linda Geis ter, assisted by Karen Hawk ins, served the bridegrooms' cake. Mrs. Hsrlan Hawkins was In charge of the gift table. For a short wedding trip to the California coast the bride wore a blue and brown check suit with white accessories and an orchid corsage. After Au gust 10 the couple will be at home in Corvallis, the bride groom to continue his studies in architecture at Oregon State. Strode and children, Eleanor,! Elza, G lends and Ivan of Sa lem; and sons and families, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Strode end daughter, JeanetU and Barbara of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin L. Strode and children, Donna and Jlmmie of La Grande, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Backer and son. Bill, Jr., of Seattle, and a daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bartlett and son, Andy of Bremerton, Wash.; Mr. Charles Strode and Mrs. Edna Cater nang of Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. Myra Strode of Union. Ore., and Mr. Ben Winter of Salem. Surprise Shower Stayton A surprise shower was given in honor of Mrs. Garner Hunter Thursday eve ning at the apartment home of Mrs. Howard Priddy in Stay ton. Mrs. Robert Corwin, Mrs. E. E. Griffeth and Mrs. Jose phine Smith assisted the hos tess. Gifts were presented in a bassinet which was also a gift The room was decorated with streamers of pink and jlue. Mrs. Richard Tunnell was pre sented the door prize and game awards were given to Mrs. Cor win, Mrs. DeVane, Mrs. Grif feth and the guest of honor, Mrs. Hunter. After the gsmes refreshments were served and nictures taken. Guests were Mrs. Howard Priddy. Miss Wilda Gray, Mrs. Charles Sims, Mrs. Robert Cor win. Miss Sherry Wells, Miss Pat Wells, Mrs. James jjevane of TamDa. Fla.. Mrs. Frank Hunter. Mrs. Richard Martin of Fall Creek, Mrs. Raymond Hughes of New Orleans, La., Mrs. Richard Tunnell, Mrs. E E. Griffeth. Mrs. Violet Prid dy, Janet, Carol, Lynne. David and Dennis Smith and Mrs. Jo sephine Smith. o e o Golden Wedding Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. Ev erett King of Independence,! who lived in Lebanon for 41! years, will observe their 80th ' wedding anniversary at a recep-1 tlon Sunday, August 18, at the Monmouth Christian church. . An invitation is extended to their friends to attend the ob servance between 2:30 and 4:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. King, wed in Illinois in 1903, are the par ents of Mrs. Cecil Hauxwell, Mrs. Blewford Osburn, Mrs. Virgil Stltt and Roland King, all ot Lebanon: Ralph ana kod- ert King, Independence; Mrs. Clifford Skeels, sprtngneia, and Mrs. Verl Skeels, Roseburg. Gubser Safe In Log Mishap Pleasantdale So bruised and bartered that he can hard ly move, but feeling lucky to be alive, 28-year-old Don iiuo ser, log truck driver from Route 1, Dayton, is recover ing in the MeMinnville Gen eral hospital from injuries re ceived when struck by a fall ing log which instanUy killed another driver, Thursday, Au gust 8. Gubser was helping William Ace Robbins, 40. of Carlton load his truck in Elkhorn Can yon when the logs on the truck started to roll. "I'd Just started to heave up on my peavy when I felt the log start to go. I'd warned Robbins to stand back because I didn't know what wss going to hsppen," Gubser said. Gubser dived beneath the truck but was struck from be- Returns From East Mrs. John Wenger (Leona Strode) arrived home Sunday night by plane from a two months visit with her husband, Pvt. John R. Wenger, who is in the medical corps at Camp Pickett, Va. Mrs. Wenger with two friends, Mrs. Carl Judd (Virginia Blevlns) and Mrs. Al Suderman (Shirley Bingen heimer) whose husbands also are stationed at Camp Pickett, drove back in June. Clayton Wenger, a brother of John Wenger, is home on a furlough from the Navy and visiting their father, Oscar Wenger of Pratum: and also a brother, Lawrence Wenger of Salem. Clan Meets The Strode family reunion was last Sunday at the Lewis and Clark State nark in Wash ington. Two brothers and two sisters and their families with their one sister, Mrs. Tom (Mary) Schobel of Aberdeen Wash., and one brother, Doyle Strode of Oakland, Calif., were unable to be there. Mrs. Walter (Anna) Church celebrated her birthday. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Church and sons, Leslie, Eldon and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Church and sons, Roger and Steven ot Byron, Wash.; also a daughter, Mrs. Iris Murphy of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tell Betrothal Lebanon Conrad Sellle of Fessenden, N. D., announces the engagement of Ms daugn- ter. Miss Ruth SeUle, to DonaTd D. Cox. son of Mr., and Mrs. Harl V. Cox of Lebanon. Miss Sellie, a graduate of Min nesota's Concordia college, is residing in Seattle. Mr. Cox is a graduate of Pur due university, Lafayette, Ind., and Is a member of Sigma Al pha Epsilon. He Is an aeronau tical engineer with Boeing Air plane' company of Seattle. A graduate of Lebanon high school, he wu active in school affairs here, serving as editor of the Hi-Lite and secretary of the student body. A late fall wedding is plan ned. Family Reunion Mt Angel Forty-one mem bers of the Joseph Walker f am-' ily met in reunion Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clem Butsch. A no-host picnic sup per wu served in the evening Those present were Mrs Jo seph Walker, Sr., Mr and Mrs Clem Butsch, Mr. and Mrs George Volz, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker, Mr. and Mrs Joseph Walker, Jr., Mr and Mrs. Donald Equall. Woocburn. Mr. and Mrs. William Lulav. Jr., Scio, and their families and Charles Walker. A special guest was Miss Verna Palmer of Min nesota, house guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Volz. DON'T Throw Tear Watch Away We Fix Them When Others Can't THE JEWEL BOX MS SUU SI. in r i vr. hind and pinned by the log whlco is tally crushed Rob bins. "Hi apparently got the full fore of it," Gubser said. "and I was saved by the fact that the other end of the log hung up on the truck." Gubser's Injuries are de scribed u chest bruises and cuts and contusions on the right side of his face. He wu taken to the General hospital by MeMinnville volunteer fire department ambulance. Robbins is survived by his widow and three children of Carlton. i to work in Siberia instead of releasing them through the prisoner exchange, the South Korean ambassador to the United States said here yester day. He also said it would take 11,000,000,000 to rehabilitate his war-torn country to pre war level. OREGON WOOL cur DOWN Portland I) Oregon's 1853 wool clip was- estimated by the Federal Crop Reporting Service at 8,359,000 pounds Wednesday. That is 30 per cent below the 10-year average and about 8 per cent less than the 1852 total. Reds Sending Yanks' To Siberia, Claim Houston, Tex. UJ0 The Com munists are sending more American and Korean soldiers FOR BACK-TO-SCHOOL CLOTHES CAPITOL SHOPPING (ENTER Open Monday and Friday Night fiMSl k ' CHINESE and AMERICAN DINNERS CHINA CITY 355S 8. Commercial Fhone 28898 Insure with FARMERS V Auto Truck -Fire GEORGE 0SK0 INSURANCE AGENCY 1465 N. Capita! St. hone 35641 Between Hood and Shipping Sts. on Hiway Going North M BILL IT'S LEON'S GREAT sSiSSg 1 lsa P CLEAN-UP NOW IN PROGRESS af 234 N. LIBERTY OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 "TTIfitnQ"'' Oust Wfi. orta n - m oo -HOCOUTC OR Vi wi. . , Mf 73 Dolhr 1.00 Men's ARGYLES 3- - Stock up for n tor 9 -i Rao. 59C n--- , 3 tor Si-- school. Fine .".vOf $flO0 SHghtly Irrec M frr I therefore you IUI save H. Siies UB 10 to 12. Reg. 69c and 79c Assorted Costume JEWELRY Buy now tor Xmas. Scat ter pins in gift boxes. Clev- ' er designs in elephants, Dheasants. deer. etc. Clus ters with pearls, dainty, smart. All come in pairs . . . now 2 pairs for $1.00. 00 Rag. 29c ca. Sugar Sack Tea Towels 5 for $1.00 49c leauty Knit COTTON Mattrral Color h tOO Tars' rb. WtiH la roll!.' 3 ' laOO Large Colorful Selection Plastic Drapes $1.00 Slight Defects tWomens Nylons 2 $1.00 . Slight imperfects of ' $1.65 to $1.85 MAW c iw- mm urn ft $2oo flwrc mm jet 'Pieces n A . ONLY 00 59c Value COTTON HALF SLIPS JUST 4 for $1.00 Regular to 7.98 and More BLOUSES Out they go . . . entire remaining stock of sum mer blouses- . . . also many in colors you'll wear thru fall. Crepes, cottons and aheers . . . white, plaids, stripes, pastels. All sites. Sav. 50 and MORE . . . $1100 am si nr aaw . P ,7 fffnut T..I . Come in for a FREE j,verre Cleaner PAHTttS L.T pastel. " I . ... Raton """"I; bra I trust. ' LIMITED QUANTITY Refreshment Set Decorated 80-ox. pitcher with six tumblers. Choice of colors. Reg. $1.49 100 Special Purchase Ironing Board Cover Pad Set and Clothes Pins An ironing board cover and pad set that fits aU stand ard sixe boards. Plus S dosen spring type Imported Swedish clothes pins ... a 81-33 value for Just 81. $1100 pr. 100 1 EXTRA SPECIAL! Not a Dollar Day Item ... But Too Good a Value to Leave Out . . . Reg. 2.00 Genuine Leather 3-Ring Notebook BINDER IHurrr for this mt I. ten.lne leathrr. l-rlnf ttytf. Get I rows for school bow. Reg. to 1.98 IK CERAMICS! l ir, big selections . . S J II It figurines of all types x a I V Vi 1 with smart lace de- I signs. Cigarette I I boxes, vases, novelty 1 If pieces, scores of oth- I ers. Be early, for they I X X are going like "Hot- V X eakes." T 155 No. Commercial fS -vr